2000 the western star

TheilIe$emSta Volume 1 January/February 2000 lssue 1 The Newsletter of Western Star Dancers,584 Castro St-, Suite 480, San Francisco CA 941 1+2588. E-Mail: fe- lixl @ix.netcom.com A Contemporary AmericanSquare DanceClub primarily serving the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Community. Subscriptions to The Westem Starare free to WSD Members, $18 to others. Ads are complementary to members: commercial advertisers may contactus for pricing information. On behalfof the Board of Directors, I wish you all a Happy New Year! To the non-purists Happy Millennium. As we begina new year we also begina new cen- tury - the 21". What changes will we see?The 20ft Century brought many dazzling changes: the airplane, television, movies, VCRs, CDs, comput- ers,the internet, rockets, people on the moon,sat- ellites that reached otherplanets. At the beginning of the 20h century communications took daysand now we havealmostinstantaneous communica- tions. The world is no longer as big and as sepa- rated. What affects one place affects the globe. In the 20s Century we saw many wars:World War l, World War 2, the Korean War, Vietnam, the Cold War, the Gulf War. Let us hopethat this new century bringspeace to all the areas ofthe world where there is conflict. And what will this new centurybring square danc- ing, particularlyGLBT square dancing? Hope- fully, biggerand better things - morepeople, more fun, and more dancing. Speaking of dancing, all events will be held at Temple United Methodist Church, llll Junipero Serra Blvd. (at 196Avenue). Also we must raise the prices of our dances. With the increased cost of callers and of the space we rvill raisethe price of admission to $10. Western Star members will get in for $9. With that said,on Saturday, March 4th, 2000, rvehaveVic Ceder to do our l8thAnni- versary Dance. Saundra Bryant was scheduled but therewere scheduling conflicts. On Saturday, June 24r2000, the "Promenade with Pride" preCLBT paradedancewill feature DeborahParnell from fabulous Rancho Cucamonga. On Saturday, September 23, 2000, the "Leather and Lace" Dancewill feature Grant Ito from VancouverBC. Grant will be calling for us at our booth at the Folsom StreetFair. So plan on dancing there as uell. The schedule will proba- bly be the same as last year's. The Purpleclass is doing well. Some of them are rather good at it too. Please come down and help angel. They may learn something from you too. January 22,2000, bringsthe Purple Class Wel- come Pot Luck. Due to scheduling, we will be holdingthis year's at the Veranda Room of Fa- bian's Condo Complex. The Veranda Room has its own bell, but the address to use is 601 Caro- lina Street (corner of I9h Street). Since Potrero Hill is amaze of streets (streets stop and then continue2 blocks later) a map has beenincluded on the flyer with the Muni routes. Again the Board will supply the ham and a cake and we ask the members to bring something to share. For NervYear's make this resolution: to come anddance. Remember, "Don't Stop, Don't Slow Down!" Yellowrocks, Felix

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Page 1: 2000 The Western Star

TheilIe$emStaTVolume 1 January/February 2000 lssue 1

The Newsletter of Western Star Dancers, 584 Castro St-,Suite 480, San Francisco CA 941 1+2588. E-Mail: fe-lixl @ix.netcom.comA Contemporary American Square Dance Club primarilyserving the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Community.Subscriptions to The Westem Starare free to WSDMembers, $18 to others. Ads are complementary tomembers: commercial advertisers may contact us forpricing information.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I wish you alla Happy New Year! To the non-purists HappyMillennium.

As we begin a new year we also begin a new cen-tury - the 21". What changes will we see? The20ft Century brought many dazzling changes: theairplane, television, movies, VCRs, CDs, comput-ers, the internet, rockets, people on the moon, sat-ellites that reached other planets. At the beginningof the 20h century communications took days andnow we have almost instantaneous communica-tions. The world is no longer as big and as sepa-rated. What affects one place affects the globe.In the 20s Century we saw many wars: WorldWar l, World War 2, the Korean War, Vietnam,the Cold War, the Gulf War. Let us hope that thisnew century brings peace to all the areas oftheworld where there is conflict.

And what will this new century bring square danc-ing, particularly GLBT square dancing? Hope-fully, bigger and better things - more people, morefun, and more dancing.

Speaking of dancing, all events will be held atTemple United Methodist Church, ll l l JuniperoSerra Blvd. (at 196 Avenue). Also we must raisethe prices of our dances. With the increased costof callers and of the space we rvill raise the priceof admission to $10. Western Star members willget in for $9. With that said, on Saturday, March4th, 2000, rve have Vic Ceder to do our l8th Anni-versary Dance. Saundra Bryant was scheduled but

there were scheduling conflicts.

On Saturday, June 24r2000, the "Promenadewith Pride" preCLBT parade dance will featureDeborah Parnell from fabulous RanchoCucamonga.

On Saturday, September 23, 2000, the "Leatherand Lace" Dance will feature Grant Ito fromVancouver BC. Grant will be calling for us atour booth at the Folsom Street Fair. So plan ondancing there as uell. The schedule will proba-bly be the same as last year's.

The Purple class is doing well. Some of themare rather good at it too. Please come down andhelp angel. They may learn something from youtoo.

January 22,2000, brings the Purple Class Wel-come Pot Luck. Due to scheduling, we will beholding this year's at the Veranda Room of Fa-bian's Condo Complex. The Veranda Room hasits own bell, but the address to use is 601 Caro-lina Street (corner of I9h Street). Since PotreroHill is amaze of streets (streets stop and thencontinue 2 blocks later) a map has been includedon the flyer with the Muni routes. Again theBoard will supply the ham and a cake and weask the members to bring something to share.

For Nerv Year's make this resolution: to comeand dance. Remember, "Don't Stop, Don't SlowDown!"Yellowrocks,Felix

Page 2: 2000 The Western Star

Fel ix F

Fabian ABob LGino GCar los M

Steve SKathy HMar ie M

Who's DoingWhat

Admin is t ra tor &IAGSDC RepDance Coord inatorTreasurerSecretaryBoard MemberBlue Class ArchangelDangle DivaWSD Newslet ter Edi torWSD Newslet ter Edi tor

Vests will be made by a woman in the Los Angelesarea. We will give her the measurements and shewill send us the backs. We will do the patch andthe rainbow and rhinestones and then send themback to her to complete. We hope to bring the vestsin under $50. We will start measuring them onIanuary 22.

Vernie Gallardo, Gino's mother, was presentedwith a Blue Western Star Badge that proclaimedher Club Mom. She helped us out at the CastroStreet Fair rvhen we needed the help.

Board Meet ing Highl ights

Novernber lSth Meeting:

The treasurer reported $716.17 in checking and$1097.06 in savings. We need to rvrite a checkfor EVRC for rent. At the Leather- the 50/50money was to go to Squares Across the Border(our sister club) for the Make Magic Conventionwe raised $76 but voted to increase it to $100.We have put in requests to the Petersen trust formoneys we laid out and we stillhave not re-ceived the check. We need this check to reim-burse our members rvho laid out the funds forthe Street Fairs.

The Purple class is doing rvell and all are enjoy-ing themselves. The Meet and Greet the Purpleclass is scheduled for November 20 all is inreadiness for the event. Carlos has scheduledDecember 12 and 19 for workshops at Live OakSchool at 12 Noon. The Purple Class WelcomePot Luck rvill be held January 22,2000 at Fa-bian's Condo Party Room.

The Holiday Party is scheduled for December I5at EVRC. Thanks to Midnight Squares rvhogave up their night. We will also have a GeneralMembership Meeting that night to discuss thenew vests and bring them up to date on all

Decernber l6th Meeting:

We have $593.24 in checking and $1097.06 in sav-ings. We made another rent payment to EVRC.

The Purple class is still doing well. We had 2 classmembers go to the workshop on Sunday and wehave another this weekend. We still need angels.The Purple Class Welcome Pot Luck is on trackand a flyer will go out in the next newsletter.

The Holiday Party rvent well. All the people whocame had a great time. The Purple class reallybrought some White Elephant gifts.

l8h Aruriversary dance will have a change in call-ers. We will be having Vic Ceder to call instead ofSaundra Bryant. This was okay with MidnightSquares whom is sharing the transportation costs.

Renervalswill go out inthe new year.

Page 3: 2000 The Western Star

Purple ClassPot Luck Dinner

We rvill be holding the Purple Class Pot Luck Din-ner on Saturday, January 22 starting at 7:00pm.Due to scheduling, rve rr.ll be holding this year's atthe Veranda Room of Fabian's Condo Comolex.The Veranda Room has its oun bell, but the addressto use is 60 I Carolina Street (corner of I 9h Street).Since Potrero Hill is amaze of streets (streets stopand then continue 2 blocks later) a map has beenincluded on tlre fly'er u,ith the Muni routes. TheBoard rvill supply the ham and a cake. The mem-bers are asked to bring some side dishes &/or des-serts to sharc. Conre spend somc time sith ourne\\'est potential membcrs. Renrember nc\\' mem-bership is cr i t ical to the cont inucd l i fc of the clubl

New Club Vests

As I 'ou al l knou'b1'nou,, the nrcmbcrship votcd tochangc thc club vcsrs to something lightcr. TheVests u'il l bc madc b1 a u'oman in thc Los Angclcsarea. We u'il l givc her thc nteasurcnlcnts and sheu'ill send us thc backs. We u'il l do the patch and therainbotv and rhinestones and then send them back tohcr to complcte. We hopc to bring the vests in under$50. We n'il l start mcasuring for them on Januar),22 and on Mondar,s of class until the ned of Febru-ary. We ask that 1,ou bring a check or money for adeposit of $25 fir 1'our vest. We u'il l have a numberof opportunities for you to be measured for vourvcst.Remember it is YOUR responsibilitv to come to oneof the scheduled fittings. The woman isonly making them once, so if 1'ou nrissit 1,ou sill bc out of luck.

Crack the Crab

As you start marking you new calendar & planning1,our budget, be sure to include coming to this year'snational convention. "Crack the Crab" u.ill be heldin Baltinrore, MD overthe 4th of July u'eekend. If-vou have not registered 1'et, do so no\\'. If you needa registration form there are alu'avs some on the in-

formation table. If 1,ou have registered, do not for-get to book vou hotel nou'.

The National convention is certainll,something notto be misscd so plan & budget nos !

What's Your Thoughts ??

As we are all aware the club is dwindeling.However, any club is only as active as its mem-bers. We need & WANT to hear from yOU!Why aren't you participating? What wouldmake you want to participate again?

Please contact any boardletter editors and voiceyour opinion or write anote and we'l l publish i t .Nothing can changewithout input.

member or the news-

Page 4: 2000 The Western Star

7th - 9th


"Slide Thru Silicon Valley-fromStetson to Jetson with SandraBryant & Andy FinchEl Camino Reelers -

Palo Alto, Ca

"Swing Thru Arizonia" withVic Cedar & Anne UebelackerDesert \/alley Squares -

Phoenix, AZ

l4 th - l6rh


18th - 20th "Star Thru Hol lyrvood: I t 's a Wrap" withAnne Uebelacker, Mike DeSisto & Mike KelloggTinseltown Squares -

Los Angeles, CA


30th - 2nd "Pass the Sea 2000" withDeborah

NelsonFinest City Squares

San Diego, Ca

Ron Masker,Parnell, P. Carnathan & R.


Page 5: 2000 The Western Star

% Sran

Purple GlassWelcome Dinner

Ianaur>r 22, 1999

VeranCa R oorn601 Carolina Street

(at 19th Street)7=OOPM

This is o pot luck event. The Boord will beproviding o horn ond o coke. Mermb ers are

osked to bring o dish f or shqring.(Mop on bock)

Page 6: 2000 The Western Star

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Page 7: 2000 The Western Star


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18th AnniversaryDance

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Page 8: 2000 The Western Star

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:rancisco State




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I Francisco Golf Club

From Sacrarnento and East Bay:

Take 80 West over Bay Bridge to l0I to MissionDuboce Sfeet Exit. Talie Duboce to Market Street. FollowMarketStreet up the hill and on the dou"nhill side it beconres Portola. At Junipcro Sena Blvd., make a left onto Junipero SenaBlvd. And follou'it to Hollou,ay Street. At Hollou,ay, make a left and the right onto Bc'verlv Skeet. Follou'Beverlel'to Tenple Unitcd Methodist Church. Parking lot is on lell.

From North Ba1':

Take l0l South over the Golderr Gate Bridge, talie the exit to Califomia Route I (19.h Street) and follow 19fr Sreetpast Stonesto\\n and San Francisco State. Get into the lefi lane and go straight to Beverly Street (one block pastJunipcro Sena. Turn left onto Beverll' % block and the parking lot is on the nght.

From South Ba1':

Take 280 North to the Goldcn Gate Bridge - Calilonria Route I - l9n Street exit (on teft) The frst traflic light is l9hStreet. You can get to Tenrple t\\'o \r'ays froni here. ( I ) Malie a right on l9t and tunr left at Beverly' Street. Go %block and parking lot is on i-our right. (2) Go fonvard at the light and tuni right at Garfield to Beverly (l block) andmake a right Go 2 blocks ard parking lot is on t'our lcft (This one nray be easier due to the MTINI Car stop atBeverll ' . )

From San Francisco:

By car:

Take Market or l9h Street and follow above Directions.


Take the M-Oceanview (Outbound) to Beverly Strcet. Beverll' Street is the stop after San Francisco State. Go upBeverly to the Church. You can ask the driver to let vou off at Junipero Serra Blvd., uhich is the Beverll Street Stop.

Page 9: 2000 The Western Star

January 2000Wester Star Dancers' Planner

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{,Matin Luthcr King


I8 t9 20 2T 22WELCOME






25 26



27Board Meeting

28 29






Page 10: 2000 The Western Star

February 2000Wester Star Dancers' Planner

I 2

Groudlrog Day








8 9 l 0 I I

Lineln.' Birthday

I3 f , 1I A


Valcntinck Day


I5 16 t7 I8 I9

20 2I

Praidcnt's Day


22 23 24Eoard Meeting





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Page 11: 2000 The Western Star

The\[Ie$em$aTVolume 17 MAR/APR 2OOO lssue 2

The Newsletter of Western Star Dancers, 584 Castro St.,Suite 480, San Francisco CA 941 '142588. E-Mail : fe-l ixl @ix.netcom.comA Contemporary American Square Dance Club primari lyserving the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Community.Subscriptions lo The Western Sfar are free to WSDMembers, $18 to others. Ads are complementary tomembers; commercial advertisers may contact us forpricing information.

Yes, this wi l l be Western Star 's 18th Anniver-sary! And we wi l l celebrate i t on Match 4, 2000.The Board of Directors hopes that you wi l l comeand celebrate with us & cal ler Vic Ceder at7:30pm at Temple United Methodist Church (seef iyer for al l other detai ls). We wi l l have ful l Basic(class level) , Mainstream, Plus and an AdvancedStar Tip. Remember this year for the f i rst t imewe have had to raise pr ices for a dance to $10 fornon-WSD members and $9.00 for WSD mem-bers. Come and meet the new class memberswho wi l l be attending their f i rst dance. We askthat you br ing a l i t t le food to share.

The Board of Directors would l ike to thank al l thepeople who came and made the new class feelwelcome at the Welcome Pot Luck for the PurpleClass. There was plenty of food, fun and fr iend-sh ip . Thank you a l l . The Board wou ld l i ke to pub-l ic ly thank Fabian Alvarado for lhe use of theParty Room.

I would part icular ly thank the Purple Class fortheir f ine representat ion of Western Star at MostHoly Redeemer Church. We were asked to givea learn to Square Dance to their Renew 2000group. Since i t was on the same day as FoggyCity 's Valent ine Dance we asked only those peo-ple who could not dance at the Valent ine Danceand that was lhe class. They did wel l in helpingpeople learn the basics of square dancing. Theyalso did wel l in the demonstratron square that wedid for them. We wi l l be asked back to do an-other in September or October closer to our newclass start date.A reminder to al l our members, please send back

your membership renewals by March 30,2000. We have to have a count due toIAGSDC rules. They require a count as of thatdate. Reminders wi l l be sent out by March 1Oth.

We have included a "Grack the Crab" Balt imoreConvention Registration Form. lf you registerbefore May 7 the fee is $160 after that date i twi l l be $175. So register ear ly. l f you have al-ready registered for the Convention it is time tostart making plans & reservations for airfare &the hotel .

Also remember that we have a new vest andwe must get ypur order by March 30, 2000.{See more specif ic information inside this news-let ter.)

We hope everybody wi l l have a happy St. Patr ick 's Day.

To our Christ ian members we wish for you aHappy Easter.

To our Jewish members we wish you a HappyPassover.

Don't Stop! Don't Slow Down!

Yel lowrocks,

Fe l i x

Page 12: 2000 The Western Star

Who's Doing What

Fel ix F Admin is t ra tor -&IAGSDC Rep

Fabian A Dance Coord inatorBob L TreasurerGino G SecretaryCar los M Board MemberFabian A. Purp le C lass ArchangelSteve S Dangle DivaKathy H WSD Newslet ter Edi torMar ie M WSD Newslet ter Edi tor

Board Meet ing Highl ights

The December 1999 and January 2000Board meetings basical ly talked about thesarne things. In one case we talked aboutthe event and at the next the results oftheevent.

As of January we had a total of $2,001.51 inour accounts. The purple class is doing welland should graduate on t ime. The WelcornePotluck, in December, was discussed as towhat we needed to get for the potluck. Weneed napkins, tablecloths, the harn and thecake. We hoped that many people wouldcome. In January, we discussed the successof the potluck.

In December we discussed the success of theholiday party and how the new class reallygot into the spir i t of i t .

We then discussed the vests. We wouldstart taking measurements lor the vests atthe Potluck and then every Mondav thereaf-ter.

We then discussed who would be responsiblefor what at the l8h Anniversary Dance . Wedon't have to worry about the caller since he ismaking arrangements for himself. We then dis-cussed asking the members for food at thedance to feed those who come. The board willget the cake as it always does.

In January we discussed Most Holy Re-deemer's asking for our help in a Learn toSquare Dance. We noted that i t was on thesame day as Foggy City's Valentine Dance andif we did it we would have to do it with theclass only as not to take anybody away fromthe dance. It was agreed to do it with thec lass.

The February meeting wil l be at Geno's, theMarch meeting wil l at Felix and Bob's, and theApri l meeting wil l be at Carlos'.

Mainstream Class

The current Purple Class wil l begin Main-stream on Monday, March 6, 2000. If youhave not been angeling the class so far, thiswil l be a wonder opportunity to "brush up" be-fore Convention, as well as, i f you are planningto take the Plus class in the fal l . I t wil l alsogive those who have been angeling a break.

Page 13: 2000 The Western Star

New Club Vests

As you all know by now, the mernbership votedto change t l ie club vests to sornething l ighter.The Vests wil l be rnade by a woman in the LosAngeles area. We wil l give her the measure-ments and she wil l send us the backs. We lvi l ldo the patch and the rainbor.v ancl rhinestonesand then send thenr back to her to conrpleteWe hope to bring the vests in under $50. Wehave had a nurnber of opportLrnit ies fbr you tobe measured for yoLrr vest. J'hose of you whohave not been measured and sti l l want to ordera vest must do so by Nlarch 30th. I f you cannot make an event to be r-neasured, then youmust send your own measurentents and a de-posit of $ 25.00 to the club address bel 'ore thedeadline. The measurernents needed are.l) From the bottorn of your col lar down yourback to length yoLr wish your vest.2) Frorn shoulder seant to shoulder searn3) Around your chest.Remenrber the r.vornan is only nraking therlonce, so i f you miss i t you wi l l be out o f luck! ! !

Cracl< t l re CrabConvention

This year's National Convention "Crack theCrab" wil l be in Balt ir lore, MD. Over the 4thof July weekend. l f you have not registeredyet , DO SO NOW! I f you need a regis t rat ionform it is r ight here in the nervsletter for you.How rnuch more convenient can it get!?l

If you have registered, do not forget to bookyour hotel and air reservations. The sooner thebetter.


"Crack thc Crab," this vcar's Intcrnational Convcn-tion u'il l bc hcld in Baltirnorc MD ovcr the 4th ofJuly rvcckcnd. This is a n'ondcrful cvent at w'hich tomcct danccrs from all ovcr thc country and oftcnsomc fronr othcr countrics. You will ccrtainly nrakcncrv friotds u'horn 1'ou u'il l trcasurc for I'cars toconrc. For thosc tlrat havc attcndcd prcvious con-vcntions vor,r u'il l not only ulcct ncw fricnds, but gcta chancc to scc nrany fr-icnds rnadc at carlicr con-vcnt ions. Thc Convcnt iorrthc opportunity to dluccdiffcrcnt callcrs.

' l 'his not

to y,our ski l ls as a danccr,grcat dcel of tirn. Forhavcn't bccn bcforc, y'ou

glvcs youto nranyonly addsbut i s atlrosc u'horvill rrrakc

mrlly nc\v fricnds frorn around thc country that youu'il l trcasurc for a long tinrc to conrc. For thosc u4rohavc bccn y,ou knorv thc Convcntion is a goldcn op-portunitv to soc old fiicnds and rnakc nov oncs. If

1'ou havc not rcgistcrcd 1'ct, do so now'I'hc NetiorralConvcnt ion is ccrtainly somcthiug not to bo nr isscdso platt & buclgct norv! l

What's Your Thoughts ??

As we are al l aware the club is dwindeling.However, any club is only as active as i ts mem-bers. We need & WANT to hear t iorn YOUIWhy aren't you part icipating? What wouldrnake you want to part icipate again?

Please contact arry board rnelrrber or t lre news-le t ter ed i tors and vo ice your opin ion or wr i te anote and we'l l publish i t . Nothing can changewi thout input .


Page 14: 2000 The Western Star


IAESDCTtunh,@tbWarning: i t a in ' t easy!l f you answer a l l quest ions correct ly , le t the edi tor know. (Seethe"How to Reach Us"sect ion in the credi ts) .Answers appear at the bot tom of the page.

1. The f i rs t ad for gay square dancing appeared in a Miamigay magazine in December of what year?a. 1976b. 1977c. 1978d. 1979

Z The f i rs t organized gay square dances were held in Miamiat what locat ion?a. the basement of a churchb. a communi ty centerc. a gay bard. a home

3. At which gay rodeo in 1982 d id square dancers f rom sev-era l gay and lesbian c lubs dance together for the f i rs t t ime:a. Phoenixb. Albuquerquec. Renod. Denver

4. Stumptown Stomp is a f ly- in for which c lub:a. Capi ta l Ci ty Squaresb. Magic Ci ty Diamondsc. El Camino Reelersd. Cot ton Pick in 'Squares

5. Which convent ion changed dates due to problems wi ththe or ig inal fac i l i ty :a. CrossTrai ls in the Desertb. Cast A Shadow in the 5unc. Track 2 Chicagod . Whee l and Dea l ' 97

6 . The f i r s t f l y - i nwas he ld i n t 982 i nwh ichc i t y :a . M iam ib. San Franciscoc. Por t landd. Denver

Z Wh ich conven t i on co inc ided w i th a l ea the r conven t i onheld at t l re same host hote l ia . Peel the Appleb. Remake the Circ lec. Track 2 Chicagod. Stars,Thars,and Cable Cars

1 6 Wr r . r rpn 1999

8. SquareUp Magazine 's f i rs t issue was publ ished in:a. 1993b. 1994c. 1995d. 1996

9. The IAGSDC was or ig inal ly named:a. The Nat ional Associat ion of Lesbian and Gay Square

Dance Clubsb. The Nat ional Associat ion of Gay Square Dance Clubsc. The Internat ional Associat ion of Lesbian and Gay Square

Dance Clubsd. The Associat ion of Gay Square Dance Clubs

10. In 1993, a gay and lesbian square dance tour took p lacein which country?a. Englandb. Japanc. Russiad. Sweden

1'1. The LGCWSD (Lesbian and Gay CountryWestern SquareDance) E-mail l ist was created in February of what year?a.


b. 1992c. 1993d. 1994

'12. The f i rs t MoonshineTip was held at which c lub 's f ly- in in

19917a. Desert Valley Squaresb. TheWi lde Bunchc. DenverRainbeausd. F inest Ci ty Squares

13. The f i rs t Gay Cal lers Associat ion (GCA) Cal ler s School wasconducted at which convent ion?a . A l l Jo in Handsb. Promenade Along the Rockiesc. CrossTrails in the Desertd. Peel the Apple

1 4. The Bradleys ' t rademark appearance at our annual con-vent ion inc ludes:a. the theme song from Petticoat Junctionb. a l l fami ly members ident ica l ly dressedc. a proc lamat ion f rom Mama Jod. a demonstrat ion of l ine dancing

15. The Henzel recru i t ing program or ig inated in which c i ty?a. Los Angelesb. San Diegoc. 5an Franciscod. Chicago

p S l l q t t i p t t i p Z t l r I L i l 0 t l e 6 t q 8 : ) . L : p - 9 t q 9 t e t t ) € i ) Z : e - l s j a M s u v

Page 15: 2000 The Western Star


Promenade With PrideDance(rif/o rrl/Ph

DEBORAH PARNELLut S@ /r.tr*24t/4at78O Pll

dt'/rrn(t/" AroiJ"A l/M e/rrrrr"/"//// /t -a"rn Se,t tn /3/nA. kf Oilt 4rrer4,r,rp)

Adnla.l,aon $tO(WSD Members $9)

Alternating Mainstream and Plus with Advance Star Tip

Plenty of Parking and can be reached by Muni M Line or 28 Bus

Page 16: 2000 The Western Star



Western Star 's lSth Anniversary Dancewith Vic Cedar

30th - 2nd "Pass the Sea 2000" with Ron Masker,Deborah Parnel l , P. Cirrnathan & R. NelsonFinest City Squares - San Diego, Ca



7th - 9th "Pace Spectacular" lv i th R. French, B. Rubright,CJ Srnith & A. Uebelacker - Cloverdale, CACall. Narrcy (4 1 5 -47 9 -7 076);e-mail : Nshelton@prodigy. net

l4th - l6th "stumgrtorvn Stomp" with T. Crawford, S. ff il\Iinl<in & V. Weese - Capital City WSquares - Gureneville, CA ffi

Call:George(916)929-8697;[email protected] *lW

lTth- l9th 27th Western Cal ler lab ConventionCall (800)33t-2s71 or (507)288 -stzr

28th - lst "Baju Cruise 2000" Gay Square DanceCruise from Los Angeles to Ensenada, Mexicorvith D. Gal l ina & A. Shore

Cal l Bonnie (800)873-6033;e-mai l :dkei th99@hotmai l .com


StlF 7th "Peel Off [n Palm Sprinss" {Men Onlv}With N. Martel lacci & M. McMullen

Cathedral City CACal l Gary (510) 531-1459; e-mai l : g ld@pacbel l .net

Page 17: 2000 The Western Star


corfiot| inaites you to its

18th AnniversaryDance

(rrifh crl/t/,

VIG CEDER(,*t S@ lldroh+t/n dt 7:30 Pl4


Trrrr{t/" AM l/M e/rrrrr"/"//// /t -rVt"'n Su,"ta BluA, ftf pilo Arrer4rrp)

Ad*niaUon $tOA r te r n a t i n s e,, i .1 Hl?::il":li :H T i,ni$,? A d va n c e s ta r r i pprentv or parkins and;::ff,ffii}:Tt[ili M Line or 28 Bus

Page 18: 2000 The Western Star


.h-:-, l P l g d

? : Ft . \ N , 9

' c

. Slonestown


, Ctr7


i l

< iq r

9 it i i





r Francisco Golf Club


From Sacraniento and East Bay:

Take 80 West over Bay Bridge to l0I to Mission{Duboce Street Exit. Take Duboce to Market Street. FollowMarketSteet up the hjll and on the dourrhill side it becornes Portola At Junipero Sena Blvd., make a left onto Junipero SerraBlvd. And follou'it to Hollou,ay Sreet. At Hollos'a1', make a left and the right onto Eleverll' Street. Follow Beverleyto Temple United Methodist Church. Parkrng lot is on lefl.

From North Bal,:

Take l0l South over the Golden Gate Bridge, take the exit to California Route I (19.6 Street) and follow l9n Steetpast Stonestoun and San Francisco State. Get into 0re left lane and go straight to Beverly Street (one block pastJunipero Sena. Tum left onto Beverly % block and t}re parking lot is on the right.

From South Bay:

Take 280 North to the Golden Gate Bridge - Califonria Route I - l9s Street exit (on left) The frst tafllc light is l9hStrect. You can get to Ternple (wo \\'avs fronr here, ( l) Malie a right on I9h and tunr left at Beverly Street. Go %block and parking lot is on 1'our right. (2) Go fonvard at the light and tunr right at Garfreld to Beverly ( I block) andmake a ris.ht Go 2 blocks ald parkiug lot is ou 1'our lt-'ft. (This one nrav be easier due to the MTINI Car stop atBeve rl1'. )

From San Francisco:

By car:

Take Market or 196 Street and follou, above Directions.


Take the M-Oceanview (Outbound) to Beverly Street. Beverly Street is the stop after San Francisco State. Go upBeverly to the Church. You can ask the driver to let 1'ou offat Juripcro Serm Blvd., uhich is the Beverly Street Stop.

Page 19: 2000 The Western Star

The { 7th Annual Gonvention of thelnternational Association of Gay Square Dance Glubs

Baltimore, Maryland o June 30 - July 3, 2OOOAt the Hyatt Regency Baltimore and the Sheraton Inner Harbor hotels

Charles Center TravelI{00-999-TRAV (8728) or 410-962-10l I

Registration Fee Schedule:July 6, 1998 - July 4, 1999.........July 5, 1999 - May 7, 2000.........After May 7,2000 and at the door........................$175Non-Dancers registration........... .............$80

Crncellation Refund PolicyBefore October 31, 1999.... ... $30 admin. feeNov. I ,1999 - lvlarch 31, 2000... $40 admin- feeAfter March 31, 2000... ................No rcfind


Staff Callers:

Saundra BryantMike DeSistoPete DivenTodd FelleryBetsy GottaDayle Hodge

Mike JacobsKris JensenLinda KendailBen RubrightAnne UebelackerPaul Waters

First Name


MI Last

City State/Pnovince

ZlPlPostal Code Country

Home Phone Work Phone

E-Mail Address

Primary Club Affiliation

Dance Program (Circle One) Mainstream PlusBanquet Preference (Circle One) Chicken

C2 C3A C3B C4 Non-Dancet

Fish Vegetarian

A2 C l


Other SpecialNeeds

Please complete the payment form on the reverse

Crack the Crab . PO Box 23774. Baltimore, MD 21203-5774.410-833-2326 (Kirk)ht.tp : / /wvtvr. iagrsdc .org/ crackthecrab

Page 20: 2000 The Western Star

CTC Sales Form


Date: I I



CTC ReEistration:Attach Registration Form if registering for CTC 2000

Fun Badee Tour

CTC Logo T-Shirt - Black - S -M-L - )(L - )O(L - )OO(L $17.00

CTC Loeo T-Shkt -White - S -M-L - )(L - )O(L -)OO[ $17 00

4e of July - BAY IADI'- Harbor Cruise $75.00


Payment: Cash_ Check/Money Order Credit Card

Please make checks payable to Crack the Crab.lf Credit Card Billing Name or Address is different from information on reverse please indicate Name and BillingAddress:




Day Telephone t______J - L______-) - (

Type of Card:

Card Number:

Visa MasterCard

Expiration Date. GvffwrY)Card Holders Signature:


Form Reviewed By

Amount Cash/Check Received: $

Credit Card Information Reviewed: YES - NO

Page 21: 2000 The Western Star

March 2000Wester Star Dancer.s' ltlontrcr

t 2 i 1 t

6 T a 9 l O l r l l

l 3 t a t J 1 6 t 7 t s t 9

! 0 l t l t B 2 a ) \ b

t 7 8 t 9


, r a t 6 1 3

t 6 t 7 t e 1 9 t o I 1 l

Happy BirthdayRuss K lng

Happy Bir thdayCarlos Mosca

-irruiPlfi\f w w I

K\ - -


Happy BirthdayOonald



1 8rhAnniversaryDance - Vic



r \ s l r W c r h t u s r h y


St . l )a t r i ck 's I )ay


ffiffiSpt urg l ) !Frrs


' , J

Board Meet ing




Happy BirthdayRon Hirsch and

Ed Mah


Happy Bir thdayJim Pel lman

Page 22: 2000 The Western Star

April 2000I,Ve.sler Slur l)qncers' Plctnner

I W t

t 9 l 0 l t t ! t , t t ) t

b t l r a l 9 l 0 l l


Happy Bir thdayEd Conley

I 9

Happy Bir thdayPal ly White

) ^

M r y l m

s M l w l l s

r t t a J 6

1 A t t 0 I u t ]

t t t t t 6 I t l a 1 9 l 0

) t 2 ) ' l a t J 1 6 1 7

a l 9 J 0 l l

April Fools Day


e1Happy Bir thday

Creig Smith

f \ .kT

I )d ) hg l r l

S . r \1 i l l l s -sc t a l l c , t ( l I

h ' r r r

TJHappy Bir thday

Mark Jol los


Ag#ilWHappy Bir thdayMichael Healy



Mains t ream


Happy Eir thdayMario Torr igrno

l 6I ' a L r r S r u r d a y

Happy Bir thdayMark Scot t

J ohnson

)+w"r:,- ':- --r: r r 1 1 r -'fr &.'' [ ] '

Board Meet ing

2t( i (uJ | l ( ldy

Page 23: 2000 The Western Star

The\[Ie$emStaTVolume 17 MAY/JUNE 2OOO lssue 3

The Newsletter of Western Star Dancers, PMB 480, 584Casko St., San Francisco CA 941 142594. E-Mail: fe-l ixl @ix.netcom.comA Contemporary American Square Dance Club primarilyserving the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Community.Subscriptions lo The Westem Slar are free to WSDMembers, $18 to others. Ads are complementary tomembers; commercial advertisers may contact us forpricing information.

Happy Gay Pride! Yes we are moving intothat time of the year. Which means that thisyear is almost half over. Where does the timego? Gee, when I was younger, I don't re-member time going this fast.

We have two important events scheduled inthe month of June. The first is the graduationof the Purple '99 Class on June 5. This eventwill be held at the Eureka Valley RecreationCenter at 7 .30 PM. It will be held either inour regular room or upstairs if they are work-ing on the floors. As of now, the floors arescheduled to be worked on the first twoweeks of June. However, WSD wil lbe darkfor the rest ofJune due to the floor sanding.We will meet again on July l0 when the Pur-ple Plus Class begins.Our second event in June is The Promenade

Wtlt Pride '00 Dance our annual Pride DayDance held on Saturday, June 24, 2000 atTemple United Methodist Church, I I l1 Juni-pero Serra Boulevard at 7'.30 PM. O'rr callerfor this dance in none other than DeborahParnell (Barbie! Barbie! the first runner up inthe 1999 Honky Tonk Queen Contest).(Deborah is changing her name to DeborahCarrollbut for the next year it will be Debo-rah (Parnell) Carroll). Yes Barbie herself will

be here. It should be a lot of fun and wehope that you wil l join us.

The vests have been orderedand will be here by the begin-nine of June.

We do have one item with which we needyour help. The Eureka Valley RecreationCenter may be closing for a year for updat-ing and earthquake retrofitting. We need tosee if any of you know of a place we canmove if we need to for our Red '00 Class.Ifit does not happen this year, then nextyear. So look around and see if there is aplace where we can do this. Thanks.

Don't forget that the 2000 ConventionCrack the Crab is coming up. We have in-cluded an application for the convention andhope that you willjoin the many of us whoare going.

Lastly, I would like to thank all of you thatexpressed your well wishes to me when Ihad my heart attack. The expressions ofwarmth and concern made my day andhelped me recover. The expressions fromoutside our San Francisco Community sur-prised me but they too helped. The expres-sions from Foggy City and others alsohelped me. Although I won't be able todance for a while I will be around to takecare ofbusiness and get us ready for ournew class. Again thank you, you all helpedme recover. I can truly say that SquareDancing is friendship set to music.

Yellowrocks. Felix

Page 24: 2000 The Western Star

Fe l i x F

Fab ian ABob LGino GCar los MFab ian A.Steve SKathy HMar ie M

Admin is t ra tor &IAGSDC RepDance Coord inatorTreasurerSecretaryBoard MemberPurp le Class ArchangelDangle DivaWSD Newsletter EditorWSD Newsletter Editor

Pride Parade Contingent

There wi l l again be a Square DancingCont ingent in the Pr ide Parade th isyear coord inated by Chr is Phelan, amember of Western Star & Foggy City.l f you would l ike par t ic ipate p leasecontact Chris at er [email protected] cont ingent number and whereto me wi l l be announced at the Pr ideDance.

Remember:the more the merrier ! !

Recipe for Chocolate ChipPeanut Butter Cookies

By popular demand, here is the recipe for theChocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies that Alanbrings when it is his turn to supply goodies onMonday Nights.

Set oven at 350 degrees.

Cream together:112 cup butter or margarine112 cup peanut butter

Beat in112 cup white sugar112 cup brown sugar

Stir in1 egg1/2 teaspoon vanil la1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon baking powder1 cup flour (preferably pastry)chocolate chips (your choice)

Arrange by teaspoonfuls on cookie sheet. Pressflat with a floured spoon or mark with a flouredfork. Bake untilfirm (about 10 minytes).

Mainstream Class

The current Purple Class will graduateMainstream on Monday, June 5,2000 justin time to be ready to enjoy the Convention.Please come and celebrate with them!

Dark Nights

As happens each year, the Rec Center willbe redoing their floors the beginning of JuneTherefore, Western Star will be dark onMonday, June l2th, l9th & 26th We willalso be dark for the holiday, July 3rd.

So we hope to see you raring to go againon Monday, July f0th!!! That day wil lbegin our Plus Class.

Page 25: 2000 The Western Star


IAEIDC CoMnruto feature on IAGSDC trivia would be completewithout a section on conventions.With sixteenbehind us, and many more a l ready p lanned,

each convention has facts, f igures, events, andfacil it ies that are all oart of the flavor of that

year's gathering.Of course,the numbers and statistics can't

capture the spirit of any convention; however,they canprompt us to recallsome of the memories and experiencesthat we may have had.

Beyond that, it 's interesting to observe some of the statisti-caltrends. Of the 16 IAGSDC conventions, 12 have been held

in theWest .Eight have been held dur ing or near the U.S.

Fourth of July holiday.Three cit ies - Seattle, San Francisco,

and Portland - have been brave enough to host two con-

vent ions.(Vancouver wi l l jo in the l is t in 2001).

The first Fun BadgeTour was held at San Francisco's Stor

Thru the Golden Gatein 1986.Searchinq for wavs to keep the

attendees entertained,TomTripp and Eddie Smith came up

wi th the idea to"h i re a couple of buses for a couple of hours

and cart convention attendees around San Francisco to

dance at various tourist spots."Thirteen years later, the event

is as popular as ever.The first Golden Boot Award was oresented to Art Smith in

1983 at Puddletown Square's graduation ceremony.Art was

so moved by the spirit of the event that he decided his

Golden Boot Award should be passed on to future genera-

tions.With concurrence from Puddletown Souares and the

IAGSDC,ATt made the first convention award at Denver's

Promenade Along the Rockies.

The first HonkyTonk Queen contest was held at the first

convention, A ll Join Hands, in Seattle 1 984. The contest was

created as a response to"HonkyTonk Queen,"a singing call

done by two of the featured callers, Elmer Sheffield and Paul



AllJoin Hands

Promenade Along the Rockies

Star Thru he GoHen Gate

Explode the Rose

Cross Trails in the Desed

Peel the Apple

Norfistar Pmmnade

Cast a Shadow in the Sun

Diamonds in fte Desert

Remake the Circle

Stars and Squarcs Forever

Track 2 Chicago

Slars, Thars, and Cable Cars

Wheel and Deal '97

Weave he Rose

Lights, Camera, Linear Action!


April6t, 1984

May 25-27, 1985

August 22-25, 1986

July 3-5-1987

May 19-22, 1988

June 30Juty 3, 1989

April 12{5, 1990

May 23-26, '1991

Juty 3-5, 1992

July 24, 1993

July 1.3, 1994

May 26-29, 1995

July 3S, 1996

Ju ty 11 -13 ,1997

July 2-5, 1998

July 1-5, 1999


Seattle, Whshington

Denver, Cobrado

San Fnancisco, Califomia

Portland, Oregon

Phoenix, Arizona

New York, New York

Vancouver, Bdtish Columb'n

Miami, Florlja

Ahuqueque, New Mexico

Seattle, Washington

Washington, D.C.

Chicago, lllinois

San Fnancisco, Califomia

Las Vegas, Nevada

Portland, Oregon

Los Angeles, Calitomia


Madison Hotel

Executive Tower Inn

Shenton Palace

Hilton Hotel

Sheraton Scottsdale Resort

Sheraton Cenlre Holel

Hotel Vancouver

Fountainbleau Hotel

Ahuqueque Convention Genter

University of Washington

Omni Sheraton

Hyatt Towers

Hyatl Regency Embarcadero

Sands Expo & Conv. Center

Doubletree Hotels

Westin Bonaventure











1 149




1 066


1 1 1 0

l 4 w r N r E R 1 9 9 9 All at tendance f igures are unoff ic ial and are from the I 0-Year Medal l ion database

Page 26: 2000 The Western Star



*Butof" Cokwlhttt,?rck- from HnRlnru Krnq (who has attended every convention)

Best convention: AllJoin Hands

Best HTQ contest: New York, Peel the Apple

Eest Convention forlaying backand meeting people:Arizona in the giant hot tub

Best entrance by a new club: NewYork when the entire clubminus two showed up in Denver

Best meal: Vancouverwith the appearance of the queen

Best Fun badge tour: San Francisco - StarThru the Golden

Gate - and real badges too!

Best hotel: San Francisco - in the Sheraton Palace (1 986) -

wooden dance floors!

Best Grand March: Remake the Circle - Seattle l l

Longest board meeting: Denver: several hours in the day

and then for three more hours in the evening!!!

Best swimming pool: Miami and the tropical garden pool


All Join Hands

Promenade Along the Rockies

Star Thru he Golden Gab

Explode the Rose

Coss Tralls ln the Desed

Peel the Apple

Nortstar Prcmenade

Cast a Shadow in the Sun

Dhmonds ln he De.se.t

Remake he Circle

Shrs and Squarcs Forcvet

Track 2 Chicago

Shrs, Thars, and Cable Cars

Wheel and Deal '97

Weave the Rose

Lights, Camera, Linear Action!

n0 lour.

no tour

Coit Towe( Fbherman's Whar{, Pahce o{ rhe Legirn olHonor, Fort Point, Twh Peaks, Cfttt House, Castro Theatre

Council Crest, Mount Tabor, Cathedral Park, PittockMansion, Pioneer Courthouse Square

Scottsdale, Ptroenirq fuizofla State University, Squaw Peak

Linmln Center Phza, Cathednl of St. John the Dline, CilyHall, Battery Park, Gnnd Central Station

Stanley Park, Madr,lihn Phdetarium, Regent College,Queen Elizabeth Par( Robson Square

Cultural Phza, Miami Beach, Deco Dstricl, Bay Fronl,Coconut Grove

Sandia Tnm, Coonado State Monumenl, Tquex PatK OHTown, Civh Plaza

The Locks at Commodore Park, Space Needle, WestlakePark (downtown), Volunteer Park (Capitol Hill)

lwo Jima Memorial, Pentagon, Lircoln Memorial, CanadhnEmbassy (on Canadian soil)

State ol lllinob Building Phza, Federal Phza, MontroseHarbour Area, Adler Phnetarium, Buckingham Fountain

Ferry Buihing, Golden Gate Bridge, Palace of Legion ofHonor, Golden Gate Patk, Castro Street

Universily ol Nevada, Liberace Museum, Ethel M ChocolateFactory, The Fremont Experience

Fod Vancower, Pittock Mansion, Intemational Rose TestGardens, Pbneer Square, Rose Quarter

Santa Monim Beach, UCLA, Hollywood Boulevard, WamerBrothem Sludros, Dorothy Chandler Pavilion

No award presented

The South Florida Mustangs

Dave'Happy" New Year

Scott Carey

Ken Pollock

Freeman Slamper

Kad Jaeckel

Harlan Ken

Keith Snowdon

Anna Damiani, Stan Boyden,Bill St. John

Lub Tones, Bill Eyler

Anne Uebelacker

Carol Roberts

Kns Jensen

Ric Gonzalez, Mike Staples

Paul Waters

Stella North0alhs

no contest

no @ntest

Sybil Presley

Pam Oemonium

Tammy Whynotte

Layona Davenpon

DominQue Foulainbleu

Carnina Putanta


Donna Matrix

Lois Carmen Denominalor


Virginia Hamm

The Christmas Belles


Fun Badge Tour Locations Golden Boot Recipient Honky Tonk Queen

W T N T E R 1 9 9 9 1 5

Page 27: 2000 The Western Star


PLOS CLfrSSStarting Mond ay July 10

7:30 to.9:30 PM

Eureka Valley Recreation Center100 Collingwood, San Francisco

Soft Soled Shoes Only

Ron Hirsch, TeacherClass fee $45

Page 28: 2000 The Western Star



sth - 7th "Peel Off in Palm Springs" {Men ONLY}with N. Martellacci & M. McMullenCathedral City, CACall Gary(5 I 0)53 I - I 459,e-mail: gld@pacbell ner

Spring Break Dance with Rob FrenchEl Camino Reelers : '

26th -28th Golden state Round up - T. crawford, B. Harrison,T. Miller & D. Towry - Oakland, CANorthern California Square Dance Association






8th Anniversary Dance with Michael Keltogg -Diablo Dancers - 925-945-7949

Western Star's Mainstream Graduation

t\,.,^$" 'f:'.'u,\@. '

Foggy City's Mainstream GraduationEbenezer Lutheran Church 7-10 with Harlen Kerr

"Promenade with Pride '00 with Deborah ParnellTemple United Methodist Church, San Francisco- Western Star Dancers

30th -July Sth"Crack the Crab" National Square Dance ConventionBaltimore, MD {see enclosed registration for-}.

Page 29: 2000 The Western Star


presentsPromenade With Pride

Dance,uif/o ,r'/1r/,

DEBORAH PARNELLo"t S@ fu,r,t4pa+l/n dt 7:J0 Pl//

l"rrr(t/" AM M e/t rrr")"//// /unVze'n Sa,aa Blrrd, (dJ tgth nue/u,@)

,aM$rc(WSD Members 99)

Alternating Mainstream and Plus with Advance Star Tip

Plenty of Parking and can be reached by Muni M Line or 28 Bus


Page 30: 2000 The Western Star

l i . N N !'u $"-#'-*

Stonestown' Shopping




t i ,. 'n





#Ar Francisco Golf Club

- - L - a

Fronr Sacranrr'ttto iurd East Ba1'.

'l'ake tiO \\'csl ovcr I3av Bridgc to l0l to Mrssion/Duboce Slreet Exit. Talic Duboce to Market Street. FollowMarket

Strect up thc hill and on thc dorurhill srdc it bccorncs Portola At Junipero Serra Blvd., make a left onto Junipero SerraBlvd And tbl lou i t to I Iol lou,al Strect At I lol lorvat,, makc' a lcft and the r ight onto Bcverly Street. Fol low Bevcrleyto Tcnrplc Unrtcd Jr4ctlrodist Church. I)arking Iot is on lcl1.

Fror r t Nur t l r l J l r r .

Take I 0 I Sou0r ovcr thc Goldcrr Gate Bridge, talle the exi( to Califomia Route I ( I Qft Street) and follow 19fr Streetpast Stonestosn and San Francrsco Statc. Get into the lefi lane and go straight to Beverly Street (one block pasJunip.-ro Sc"rra. Tunr lcll onto Bevcrlv % block and the p:rking lot is on the right.

Fronr South Ra1':

Takc 280 Nortlr to tlc Goldcn Gatc Bridgr- -Calilbnria Route I - l9s Street exit (on lefl). The first traflc light is l9hStrect. You can gct to Tenrple t\\'o \\'ays lronr here. ( I ) Malic a right on l9m and turn left at Beverly Street. Go %block and parking lot is on your right. (2) Go lbnlard at tire light and tuni right at Garfield to Beverly ( I block) andtnakc a risht Go 2 blocks iurd pukurg lot is on t'our left. (Tlus one uray be easier due to the MUM Car stop atB e v c r l y ' )

From San Fraucisco:

By 'car :

Take Market or l9s Strect and follorv above Directious.


Takc the M-Oceanvicrv (Outbound) to Beverly Street. Beverly Strect is the stop after San Francisco State. Go upBevcrlv to thc Church You can ask the drivcr to lr't you olf at Junipcro Serra Blvd., uhich is the Beverly Street Stop

Page 31: 2000 The Western Star

The {7th Annual Gonvention of thelnternational Association of Gay Squarc Dance Glubs

Baltimore, Maryland r June 30 - July 31 2OOOAt the Hyatt Regency Baltimore and the Sheraton Inner Harbor hotels

Charles Center Travelr{00-999-TRAv (8728) or 410-962-10r I

Registretion Fee Schedule:July 6, 1998 - July 4, 1999.........July 5, 1999 - May 7,2000.........After May 7,2000 and at the door........................$175Non-Dancers registation............. ..........$80

Crncellation Refund PolicyBefore October 31, 1999... .... $30 admin feeNov. l, 1999 - March 31, 2000... $40 admin- feeAfter March 31, 2000... ................No refimd


Staff Callers:

Saundra BryantMike DeSistoPete DiveoTodd FelleryBetsy GottaDayle Hodge

Mike JacobsKris JettsenLindaKendallBen RubrightAnne UebelackerPaul Waters

First Name


MI Last

City State/hovince

ZlPlPostal Code Country

Home Phone Work Phone

E-Mail Address

Primary Club Affiliation

Dance Program (Circle One) Mainstream Plus

Banquet Preference (Circle One) Chicken

C2 C3A C3B C4 Non-Dancsr

Fish Vegetarian

A2 Cl


Other Special Needs

Please complete the payment form on the reyerse

Crack the Crab . PO Box 29774. Battimore, MD 2120g-5774. 41O-Agin-ZgZ6 (Kirk)http: / /wttrrr . iagsdc .org/crackthecrab

Page 32: 2000 The Western Star

CTC Sales Form


Date: I I

ITEMCTC Reeistration

Attach Registration Form if registering for CTC 2000

Fun Badee Tour

CTC Loso T-Shft -Black - S -M-L- )(L- )O(L->OO(L $17.00

CTC Loeo T-Shirt - White- S -M-L - )(L - )O(L -)OO0 $17.00

4e of July - BAY UIDI'- Harbor Cruise s75.00


AMOUNT$He€o //2-



Pavment: Cash Check/Ivloney Order Credit Card

Please make checks payable to Cra* rte Crab.If Credit Card Billing Name or Address is different from information on reverse please indicate Name and BillingAddress:




Day Telephone. -

Type of Card. _Visa MasterCard

Card Number:

Expiration Date: (Nffvfl"Y)

Card Holders Signature:


FormReviewed By.

Amount Cash/Check Received: $

Credit Card tnformation Reviewed: YES - NO

Page 33: 2000 The Western Star

WESTER,N STAR, DANCER,S@ cr4affieo /p.oo lo drferrd

Purpfe'gg GraduationJune Sth

7:3o Pmat

Eureka Valley Rec CenterIOO Collingrvood

Join us for cake and punch as werf aswelcoming them into itt" square DanceCommunity

Page 34: 2000 The Western Star

May 2000Wester Slar Dancers' Planner


I t r


May Day


Cnco de Mrv'








\ _-a-_rna&:ffffiwffitHffi"

Mothe/s Day








,\nilcd litrces l)ay


25Board Meeting



Mmorial Day(Obsfled)


t 2 t

. t 3 9 t 0

I r z I l r . r 1 1 6 r ?

1 3 1 9 l 0 2 t a z z t 2 .

v : r : :

S M ' W T F S

1 6 l ? 1 3 r : : t t l 2 2

Page 35: 2000 The Western Star

June 2000Ll/'e st er Sl a r Da n ce rs' It lann er

Mry 2@

S M T W T f S

r 2 \ . 5 6

9 l o l t t 2 1 1

l r te 19 20

z l 22 2 l 2 . 2 t 26 21

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Page 36: 2000 The Western Star

Thelile$emStaTVolume 17 JULY/AUGUST 2OOO lssue 4

The Newsletter of Western Star Dancers, PMB 480, 584Castro St.. San Francisco CA 941 14-2594. E-Mail: fe-lixl @ix.netcom.comA Contemporary American Square Dance Club primarilyserving the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Community.Subscriptions to Th6 Westem Sfarare free to WSDMembers, $18 to others. Ads are complementary tomembers; commercial advertisers may contact us forpricing information.

Summertime! And the livin' a'int easy. Wehave many things that seem to need to betaken care of during the summer. Elections,Plus Class, Preparing for the Folsom and Cas-tro Street Fairs, and ultimately our new Fallclass (Red '00) .

We get back form convention and we startour Plus class. This year Ron Hirsch hasagreed to teach the class. We need angelsagain to help out and frll our squares so comeon down on Mondays and help out. Thenumber of angels we received for the PurpleClass really helped.

Our second item is elections. We are lookingfor a few good people to run for office.There are seven spots on the board that needto be filled. If you are interested please con-tact the board.

Our big event in June is The l.eather andI.ace '00 Dance our annual Pre-Folsom StreetFair Dance held on Saturday, September 23,2000 at Temple United Methodist Church,I I I I Junipero Serra Boulevard at 7:30 PM.Our caller for this dance is Grant Ito. Grant isan up and coming caller in the GCA and has alot of energy. The dance should be a lot offun and we hope that you willjoin us.

Speaking of the Folsom Street Fair, we again

will have a booth at the fair. We will also bedancing in front of the booth so please comeout and spend an hour with us dancing andhelping to d out flyers and sign people up.We have requested some time on the Coun-try Western Stage for demonstrations.Grant lto will be calling for us live at postedtimes. Other times we may have impromptudancing to tapes of Deborah Parnell Carrolland Mike DeSisto.

The following week is the Castro Street Fairand we will have a booth there. Again danc-ing and handing out flyers and signing peo-ple up for Red '00 will be going on so pleasetry to spend an hour with us. Dancing tolive callers and tapes.

T he vests had a setback by the death oftheperson making them. We have found a newperson to make the vests and he will be hereto measure you. The vests run from XS to5XL and then measured up the back forlength. If you have ordered on please behere on July 3l for a fitting at Eureka Valleyduring Plus class.

Again we ask help on this item. The EurekaValley Recreation Center will be closing fora year for updating and earthquake retrofit-ting. We need to see if any of you know ofa place we can move if we need to for ourRed '00 Class. So look around and ;ee ifthere is a place where we can do this.Thanks.

Yellowrocks. Felix

Page 37: 2000 The Western Star

Fel ix F

Fabian ABob LGeno GCar los MFabian A.Geno GSteve SKathy HMar ie M

Admin is t ra tor &IAGSDC RepDance CoordinatorTreasurerSecretaryBoard MemberPurple Class ArchangelRed Class ArchangelDangle DivaWSD Newsletter EditorWSD Newsletter Editor

Mainstream Class

Ron Hirsch and Carlos Mosca

Volunteers areneeded

On September 24At the Folsom

Street Fair

OnAt the

AndOctober 1Gastro Street

FairPurple '99

(L to R Back Row) Creig Smith, Alan Turpin,Danny Halford,Tom Ophardt,Kip Mackay

(Front Row) Arnold Chao. Mark Jolles. NotPictured Phil Carberry

Page 38: 2000 The Western Star


BeginsMondayJuly 10at the

Eureaka Val-fey Rec Cel.l-


Ron Hirsch,Teacher


MondayJuly 31during

Plus class

Sizes XS (extrasmall) to 5XL

(5 ExtraLarge)then adjusted for


Page 39: 2000 The Western Star


25th - 27th "Peel Off in Palm Springs" {Men ONLY}with Grant ltoCall Gary(5 l0)53 l-1459;e-mail: gld@pacbell net


l6 th


Harvest Dance 2000 with Deborah(Parnell) Carroll, Foggy City DancersMost Holy Redeemer Parish Hall, checkFoggy City's website for changes

Fal l Dance with Dick HenschelDiabf o Dancers 925-9 45-7 9 49

23rd "Leather and Lace" with Granf I toTemple United l \ Iethodist Church, San Francisco- Wesr'ei'n Sta. Dancrr's (fiver inciucicd)

23rd - 24 Gabriola Get-Away II {Women Only}Gabriola Island Canada Infonnation - Elf 605-255-2110

24th Folsom Street Fair with Grant I toPlease join us as we staffour booth and dance

29th - october I Gay Advanced and Challenge weekend walk outto a Wave with Anne Uebelacker, Todd Fellegey,Ben Rubright, Vic Ceder DoubleTree Hotal CostaMesa CA For info call 714-963-5271or 714-949-3524

October I Castro Street FairPlease join us as we staff our booth and dance

Page 40: 2000 The Western Star



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Alternating Mainstream and Plus with Advance Star TipPfenty of Parking and can be reached by Muni M Line or28 Bus

Page 41: 2000 The Western Star

July 2000Wesler Star Dancers' Planner

ra t9 20 2 t t2 2 t z .

2 t 26 21 lA ? t 'O


l l

20 21 22 2 t 2 . 2 t :a

21 2a 29 \O t l








Indcpcndence Dey

5 6 1




9 IOPlus Begins

I ]

HappyBirthday Anna


I 2 l 3 I4 I5


HaPpyBirthday Joe




HappyEirthday Ron


I 8 t9 20 2t 22

23 24Plus

25 26 27Board Meeting

28 29

30 31VesC



Pdd.d .Ytuivd td W.d.m Ser Oenr

Page 42: 2000 The Western Star

August 2000Wester Star l)ancers' l ' lanner

tu 2@0



2 t a 5 6 1 A

9 l 0 u t 2 l ] t a l ,

1 6 l ? l a l t 2 0 2 l 2 2

2t z . 2 t 26 21 2a Z9

HappyBirthday Don


HappyBir thday

Harold Little

Hapy BirthdayDavid Kinkaid

. , I

Board Meet ing


. i l .iL-s-lL-,Jr

Gtiwils\6 mh::.- 4H


HappyBirthday Becky

Campbel l


;.iL,iperuh.d-\'-T-rrLItt ;'E


Birthday GenoGallardo -Felix




HappyBirthday Tom


HappyBirthday Steve



S M T W T f S

l 2

! . J 6 1 5 9

r 0 i l 1 2 I t r . l t t 6

t r t s 1 9 2 0 2 t 2 2 z t

:4 2 ) a4 11 l t 29 '0


Michaels, JohnConley, Danny


Page 43: 2000 The Western Star

Theffi$emStalVolume 17 SEPT/OCT 2OOO lssue 5

The Newsletter of Western Star Dancers. PMB 480. 584Castro St,, San Francisco CA94114-2594.E-Mail: felixl @ix.netcom.comA Contemporary American Square Dance Club primarilyserving the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Community.Subscriptions lo The Westem Star are free to WSDMembers, $18 to others. Ads are complementary tomembers; commercial advertisers may conlact us forpricing information.

Summer is ended and fall is upon us. If welived in the east or Midwest or in other partsof California, we could look forward to thechanging colors of the leaves from green tobrowns, yellows and reds.

I am only sorry for one thing and that is thepassing of our Secretary and friend, GenoGallardo Those who knew him wil l missGeno's energy and easygoin{ personali ty. Wewil l miss him on the Board because he addedso much Some of you know that we madehis mother the "Club Monr" and at the funeralshe asked if she would have to give her badgeback and we said no and the she would al-ways be the Club Mom. I would l ike to thankall of the members of Western Star who at-tended either the viewin-e or the funeral. Thefamily knew how much we cared for him. Wehave heard from the family, and more tragedyhas struck, Geno's mother's sister had diedand his brother was in a car accident that willleave him on disabil i ty for the rest of his l i fe.

Reminders first! Elections are proceeding andallbal lots must be returned by September 20at 8PM. Either mail them or bring them tothe center by that date. Also September 20,2000 will be a General Membership meetingwhere we will give a State of the Club andelections results announced.

As to the fall schedule, we have 4 big thingsscheduled. On Saturday, September 23,2000, We have scheduled Grant Ito to callfor our annual Leather and Lace Dance atTemple United Methodist Church. This yearwe have succeeded in getting it listed as anofficial event of Leather Week! lt will ap-pear in allthe listings of events. (Next yearwe will try for our Pride Dance.)

On Sunday, September 24,2000, we wil lbe hosting a booth at the Folsom Street Fairadvertising our new Red Class. We needvolunteers to staffthe booth and dance.Grant will be calling at the booth. Timeshave not been worked out but will be an-nounced at the dance the niqht before andprrsted at the bootir.

On Sunday, October 1, 2000, we wil l behosting a booth at the Castro Street Fair forour new Red Class. Again we need volun-teers for staffing and dancing. Ron Maskerwil lbe call ing. Times wil l be posted at thebooth.

And our last itern, Ron Masker will beteaching the Red Class. The Red Class 2000will be starting on November 6, 2000 andintro nights wil l be on October 16, 23, and30. ifyou have any people that you knowwho would be interested please bring them.Spread the word around! We would love abig class. Also try to mark some time onyour calendar to help angel at our new class.



Page 44: 2000 The Western Star

Fe l i x F

Fab ian ABob LGeno GCar los MFab ian A .

??Steve SKathy HMar ie M

Who's Doing What

Admin is t ra tor &IAGSDC RepDance Coord inatorTreasu rerSecretaryBoard MemberPurp le Class ArchangelRed Class ArchangelDangle DivaWSD Newslet ter Edi torWSD Newslet ter Edi tor


fiendship is Square

,cing's greatest re',

What's Your Thoughts ??

As we are a l l aware the c lub is dwin-d l ing. However , any c lub is on ly asact ive as i ts members. We need &WANT to hear f rom YOU! Why aren ' tyou par t ic ipat ing? What would makeyou want to par t ic ipate again?

Please contact any board member orthe newslet ter ed i tors and vo ice yourop in ion or wr i te a note and we ' l l pub-l ish i t . Noth ing can change wi thouti nput .

General Membership Meet ing

September 20 ,2OO0 w i l l be the nex tGenera l Membersh ip . The meet ingwi l l be a t the Eureka Va l ley Rec Cen-te r on Co l l ingswood. l t w i l l s ta r t a t7 :30pm.

As th is i s e lec t ion n igh t , i t i s yourperfect opportuni ty to let the newBoard members know what YOU wantto see go ing on the c lub dur ing theupcoming year .

Everyone Can Help -Red Class Start ing

One of the easiest ways EVERYONE canhelp the c lub grow is gett ing new people tojo in a c lass . You can do th is by inv i t ingpeople you know who might be interested.You can do advert is ing by leaving f lyers inplaces you go anyway - grocery stores,laundromats , shops , e tc . . . . And you canass is t w i th the s t ree t fa i rs & guer i l lasquares used by the c lub to he lp v isua l l yadver t i se the new c lass .Ron Masker wi l l be teaching our newclass. The Red Class 2000 intro nightswi l l be on October L6,23, and 30. Classwi l l be start ing on November 6, 2000.Help spread the word around! We wouldlove b ig c lass .


Red Class Archangel & AngelsNeeded

Geno was going to be the Archangel forthe Red Class. A l though we are surehe wi l l be there in sp i r i t , we need tof ind an Archangel to be there in per-son. So i f you are wi l l ing and ab le tovo lunteer to be the Archangel for th isupcoming c lass PLEASE contact aBoard Member and vo lunteer . l t doesnot require a lot of work, but i t doesrequi re dedicat ion to be at the c lassevery Monday night.

l f you can ' t promise every Mondaynight , be sure to mark some t ime onyour ca lendar to he lp angel our newclass as often as you can.

Page 45: 2000 The Western Star

lntro to Square Dancing for the Leather Community

September 16,2000

7:30 PM

Live Oaks School117 Diamond Street

In conjunction with the Defenders/San Francisco we are doing our third an-nual Intro to Square Dancing for the Leather Community. lf you know someLeather Folk or are a member of one of the Leather Groups, e.g. , Golden GateGuards, Knights of Malta, California Eagles, Phoenix MC Club to name a fewinvite them to come on September 16th. Please remind them that at conven-tion the Leather Tip is the largest specialty t ip. We also need you to help an-gel that night. Please come down and help us that night and bring yourfriends.


t 955 r 2000Secretqry

FriendSqoqrc Dqncel

Page 46: 2000 The Western Star

Angels: We need you to dust offthat HALO and come dance!Where is your HALO? Find i t , Put i ton, and come DANCE!! Come meetnew friends and help the next generationof square dancers learn to dance. lf i thas been a long time here are reminders:What are angels? They are the wonder-ful people who volunteer their t ime to en-sure that a class has the best possiblelearning experience.Angels provide the new class memberswith their f irst real look at the club (sinceclass members don't generally see theinstructor as a club member unti l aftergraduation). How angels behave andtreat the new dancers, and other angelswill affect class members' decisionswhether or not to join our club. Angelsare also role models. No matter what theinstructor and club try to communicate tothe students concerning etiqLrette, atti-tudes, or sty l ing, c lass members inevi ta-bly take their cues from what they seethe angels doing. So i t is important thatangels be extra careful to provide goodrole models Smile, be enthusiast ic, andenjoy the dancing. Be friendly & courte-ous and have FUN.

Volunteers areNeeded

On September 24At the Folsom Street Fair

AndOn October 1

At the Castro Street Fair

Elect ions

Al l members o f Western Star Danc-ers shou ld have a l ready rece ived inthe mai l your ba l lo t fo r e lec t ion o fthe Board . Remember a l l ba l lo tsmust be returned by 8:00pm Sep-tember 2O,2OOO in order to becounted .Please contact Kathy or Marie i fyou did NOT receive a bal lot .

Can Anyone Help??

YES! Anyone can help! As you wi l lnot ice f rom the ba l lo ts we do nothave as many candidates as we haveBoard pos i t ions. l t is too la te to beadded to the ba l lo t , but i t is NEVERtoo la te to vo lunteer .

l f you can ' t do a whole Board pos i -t ion contact any Board member andvolunteer to do a par t , a pro ject , atask e tc . . .

l f everyone does SOMETHING thec lub wi l l rea l ly be great .


Page 47: 2000 The Western Star


9th "Harvest Dance 2000" with Deborah (Parnel l ) Carrol l- Foggy City Dancers - Holy Redeerner Church Hall effi

16th Fall Dance with Dick Henschel ff i- Diablo Dancers 925-945-1949


l6th Intro To Square Dancing for the Leather CommunityWestern Star Dancers - Live Oaks School 7:30 PM

23rd o'Leather and Lace" with Grant Ito- Western Star Dancers (flyer included)

24th Folsom Street Fair with Grant l to- Please join us as we staff our booth and dance


l3 - 15

Castro Street Fair- Please join us as we staff our booth and dance

"Zoom to the Beach" - N{. Dee, T. Miller,f ) . Resnberger & D. Wil l iams- Shoreline Squares, Long Beach, CA


"19th Anniversary Dance " WITH Joe Kula- Capital City Squares - (916) 929-8697

"Anniversary Dance" with Mike DeSisto- Foggy City Dancers - (415) 905-4546



Page 48: 2000 The Western Star




Holiday Dance with Anne Uebelacker- Diablo Dancers (925) 945-7949

M/S Graduat ion Dance withAndy Shore

- Foggy City Dancers (415) 905-4546


"Pass the Sea"-Finest City Squares - San Diego, CA (619) 286-8920

Saturday Dance- Capital City Squares (916) 929-8697

l-l l-l l-l


April 12-15,2001Make Magic!

lSth Annual IAGSDC

5 - /



Page 49: 2000 The Western Star

Dear member,

First the flyer advertising our dance had the wrong date in it. The correct date isSeptember 23 as it is on the calendar. Please substitute the attached flyer of theblue one. Remember the map on the back is correct .

Second, remember to vote. Votes are due by BPM September 20 at the Generalmembership meet ing.

Third, September 20 is the General membership Meet ing. Please try to make i t .

Fourth, we need volunteers for staffing the booth at the Folsom Street Fair andthe Castro Street Fair. Please let us know what block of t ime you can help usout. Remember, we wil l be dancing at the fair and we need dancers. Thetentat ive t ime wi l l be 12,2,3 ' .3O and 4:30. Thanks for the help. Signup sheetswill be available Mondays and at the General Membership Meeting.

Fi f th, our new Red class wi l l begin on November 6. Intro Nights wi l l be onOctober 16,23, and 30. Please come down and help us out on those nights andif you know people who would l ike to dance please direct them to us.

Sixth, we would l ike to have Gueri l la Squares on October 14 and 21 from 12noon to 2 PM. We need at least 10 people. These dances have been veryhelpful in f i i i ing our class. We will have sign up sheets at lMonday Ciass and theGeneral Membership Meet ing.

Seventh. October 2 is Graduation day for our Plus Class. Please come downand celebrate with us and them. We will be having cake and punch.

Hope to see you at one of the functions that we have.

Board of Directors.

Page 50: 2000 The Western Star


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(WS\ Arrrr/,",u Sl)

Alternating Mainstream and Plus with Advance Star TipPf enty of Parking and can be reached by Muni M Line or 28 Bus

Note. DateCorrection

An official eventof Leather Week

An official eventof Leather Week

Page 51: 2000 The Western Star

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r Francisco Golf Club


From Sacrameuto and East Bay:

Take 80 West over Bay Bridge to l0l to Mission/Duboce Sueet Exit. Take Duboce to Market Steet. FollowMarketStrect up the hill and on the dounhill side it becomes Portola. At Junipero Serra Blvd., make a left onto Junipero SerraBlvd. And follos'it to Hollou'ay Street. At Hollos,ay, nrake a left and the right onto Beverly Street. Follou'Beverleyto Temple Unitcd Methodist Church. Parking lot is on left.

From North Ba1':

Talie l0l South over the Golden Gate Bridge, tal<e the exit to California Route I (19.6 Street) and follow 19fr Streetpast Stonesto\\n and San Francisco State. Get into the lell lane and go straight to Beverly Street (one block pastJunipero Sena. Turn left onto Bevcrly % block and rhe parking lot is on the right.

From South Bay:

Take 280 North to the Golden GAte Bridge - California Route I - I 96 Street exit (on teft). Thb frst tiaflic light is l9bStreet. You can gct to Tenrple two ways fronr here. ( I ) Make a right on l9h and turn left at Beverly Street. Go %block and parkirrg lol is on your right. (2) Go foru,ard at the light and tunr right at Garfield to Beverly (l block) andmake a right Go 2 blocks and parkhg lot is on 1,our left. (This one nray be easier due to the MUM Car stop atBeverll ' .)

From San Francisco:

By car:

Take Market or l9h Strect and follow above Directions.


Take the M-Oceanvierv (Outbound) to Beverly Street. Beverly Street is the stop after San Francisco State. Go upBeverly to thc Church. You can ask thc driver to let 1'ou off at Junipero Sena Blvd., uhich is the Beverly Street Stop.


, ob -b Go




Page 52: 2000 The Western Star

September 2000Wester Star Dancers' Planner

l ,

r l l . r t

2 0 2 t 7 7 ? 3 ? . 2 1 : 6

r ? t . r 6

3 9 t 0 i l r ? ) l t .

l t 1 6 l ? 1 3 1 9 i o ? 1

I 2

J 4

Labor Day



6 7 8 9

IO ] IPlus Class


HappyBirthday Dan


13 ] J t5 I 6Learn To

Square Dancefor ihe LeatherCommunity -7:30 PM LiveOaks School



Micheal Stokes

t8Plus Class

19 20General

MembershipMeeting and

Elections End -7:30 PM

2I 22

Wffitr,r ' rll

Aulum begins

Leather andLace Dance

Grant lto


Folsom StreetFair

25Plus Class

26 27 28

Board Meeting


HappyBirthday Rod



R6h H6hmah

Pnded .Yctusivctu f6. W.slm Sar anccrs

Page 53: 2000 The Western Star

October 2000L{/ester Slar Dancers' ftlanner

Castro StreetFair


HappyEirthday Alan


HappyBirthday Serge


I 6Intro Night forRed Class -

7 :30PM-

a t: )Intro Night forRed Class -7:19IY-


Eirthday PhillipStove and

Kaori Fujitani


, ; j ,

a.rL'J)4nwNil\ * \ y IlA^:__--4.f

u l sEl:t ,tE


HappyBirthday Pat


26Board Meeting

Se lm

S M T W T f S

t 2

! a t 6 9

21 2 t a6 21 2a 29 t0


s M r w l F s

f 2 t a

1 2 B I a t J r a t ? t a

)9 20 2 t 22 7 l 2a 2 t

26 21 2A 29 rO


J4t^DaylightS avings--setback I hour


Birthday KipMackey

Page 54: 2000 The Western Star

The1l[Ie$em$aTVolume 17 NOV/DEC 2000 lssue 6

The Newsletter of Westem Star Dancers, PMB 480, 584Casko St., San Francisco CA 941 1+2594.E-Mail: felixl @ix.netcom.comA Contemporary American Square Dance Club primarilyserving the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Community.Subscriptions to The Westem Slarare free to WSDMembers, $18 to others. Ads are comptementary tomembers; commercial advertisers may contact us forpricing information.

sEdtssns EEEEFex$sr

Once again it is the holiday season. On behalf ofthe Board of Directors of Western Star I rvish youHappy Thanksgiving, Happy Chanukah, HappyWinter Solstice, Merry Christmas, Happy Krvan-zaz, and a very Happy Nerv Year!

This January l" will mark the official beginning ofthe nerv millennium and the start of the 21"'Cen-tury. One thing we must bring into this nerv mil-Iennium and century is our love for square danc-ing. We must be participants in the events of theyear from our dances and those ofthe other clubsin the Bay Area to the annual convention beingheld next year in Vancouver, BC ,Canada. Wemust be vigilant in our pursuit of what we love orelse it too will fall by the wayside like many otherthings (the pet rock comes to mind). So let uskeep the love that we have for Square Dancing byparticipation and finding new people to share ourenjoyrnent and to replace those that have gone be-fore us to prepare a place for us in that Big SquareDance in the sky.

First I must apologize to all the people who hadbirthdays in September and October. It seemsrvhen I put the dates on the calendar I reversed themonths so the birthdays in September were actu-ally in October and Octobers in September.

Class. The Open houses have been very suc-cessful and we hope to have a big class whichmeans we will need many angels. Please come

' dou,n and help these students as you werehelped.

We also invite you to attend our Annual Holi-day Party and White Elephant Gift Exchangeon Wednesday, December 20 at the Eureka Val-ley Rec. Center (100 Collingwood) at 7:30 PM.All u'e ask is you bring a plate of goodics and apresent. All gifts should be under $10 ands o m e t h i n g y o uwish on your worsttackier the gift the

It is rvith great pleas-nounce the callers

w o u l d n ' tenemy. Thebetter.

ure that I an-and dates for

nextvear. OnMarch 3,2001 forour l9t 'Anni-versary Dance we have Todd Fellegy. Todd isfrom Connecticut and in addition to doing adance for us will be doing one for MidnightSquares. For our Promenade with Pride Danceon June 23, 2001 we will have the fabulous BilliVanilli aka Bill Eyler from New Mexico. Forour Leather and Lace Dance on September 29,2001 we have Darren Gallina from downtownI-nmpoc, Califomia. Darren will also be callingfor us the next day at the Folsom Street Fair.

We hope that you will join us for the holidayparry, our dances and for other events. We arein the process of planning our 20ft AnniversaryParty for 2002. Suggestions are welcome! Ourplans have not been finalized and it will probablyinclude a full weekend of dancing from Fridaynight to Sunday afternoon. We are in the proc-ess of negotiating with callers for that weekend.It u'ill be the first weekend in March 2002.Please save that weekend.

I would take this opportunity to invite each of you yellowrocksto come down on Mondays and angel our new Red Felix

Page 55: 2000 The Western Star

Fel ix F

Alan TBob LAlv in BHaro ld LAlv in BSteve SKathy HMar ie M

Admin is t ra tor &IAGSDC RepDance Coord inatorTreasurerSecretaryBoard MemberRed Class ArchangelDangle DivaWSD Newsletter EditorWSD Newslet ter Edi tor

Annual Hol iday Party

The Annual Hol iday Par ty and Whi teElephant Gi f t Exchange th is year wi l l beon Wednesday, December 2O at theEureka Val ley Rec. Center beginn ingat 7 :30 PM.

We ask you bring a plate of goodies toshare. As wi th most o f ouract iv i t ies , th i s o ne has as l igh t tw is t f rom usua l ho l i -day par t ies . Everyoneshould br ing a g i f t w i th ava lue o f under $10. Thetwis t is when you p ick a g i f tanyone whose turn comes af-ter yours can "s tea l " yourgif t so the tackier the gif t the

Anyone who has attended this funct ionbefore knows i t is NOT to be missed.So p lan to be there for the fun! !

As you get your new calenders and plan outyour vacation time for next year do NOT for-get to make plans to attend this fantastic event.

Unlike many of the other conventions, this oneis close enough you can even drive to it if youhave the time.

And what a great & easy thing for people togive you for the Holidays, money toward yourvacation to Canada! {A few hints never hurt. }

If you need more details you can pick them upany Monday night class when you come to an-gel, at our Holiday Party or call a board mem-ber.

Whatever you do -


What's Your Thoughts ??

As we are a l l aware the c lub is dwin-d l ing. However , any c lub is on ly asact ive as i ts members. We need &WANT to hear from YOU! Why aren'tyou par t ic ipat ing? What would makeyou want to part ic ipate again?

Please contact any board member orthe newsletter editors and voice youropin ion or wr i te a note and we' l l pub-l ish i t . Noth ing can change wi thoutinput .

is the18th Annunl IAGSDC Convention

and wil l be heldApri l 12-15, 2001

inVancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Page 56: 2000 The Western Star

Angels: We need you to dust offthat HALO and come dance!(part 2):

Angels are not teachers. This is perhapsthe most common misconception that causesproblems. Angels' primary teaching functionis to teach by example -- to be in the rightplace at the right time. One important thingyou can do is to establish hand-holds afterevery move. This not only helps the studentsmaintain their orientation in the squares, i t isa very good habit to develop. It is alwaystempting to explain something your square isnot gett ing, and the students wil l often askyou to do this -- but you must resist. I t di-verts the students' attention from theteacher, and one of the nrost importantthings to learn in beginner class is to l isten tothe caller.

Sometimes iou can clarify a simple point iorstudents between t ips; this is f ine, but notwhile the caller is at the microphone.

Another diff icult point is just how much"help" you should give in gett ing dancersinto the right place. Dancers, after all, mustlearn to do the moves on their own. To gen-t ly guide someone through a maneuver i fthey have a momentary lapse of memorymight be okay, and sometimes one can helpby indicating nonverbally where a personshould go, but we accomplish l i t t le by push-ing or pull ing a dancer through an actionwhen he or she doesn't know what was sup-posed to have been done. It is better to let asquare break down rather than to use toomuch force getting people into the rightplace. Broken down squares are an indica-t ion to the instructor that the dancers arehaving problems.

Be careful not to embarrass any dancer. Doencourage students; let them know that allbeginners make mistakes and that things getbetter with practice. Also, angels do some-times make mistakes, too, and it is good toadmit to them cheerfully; it makes the stu-dents less tense about their own mistakes.

Club styl ing is always a third major sourceof contention. It is important that beginnerslearn the calls without the f lourishes we l ikeso much. The teacher wil l introduce our clubstyl ing at appropriate t imes after the calls aremastered. Angels must use only the styl ingwhich has been taught to the class. This isnot always easy. How many of us even re-member how to do a do-sa-do without aHighland f l ing? But i t real ly is very impcr-tant. Students are going to want you toteach them "how it 's done" belore they havemastered the call , but you should resist thetemptation.

And some random addit ional advice:. Square up with everyone. Seek out

the weaker students and ask them todance. Make sure that students arenot sit t ing out.

. End conversations promptly whenthe teacher begins. I f you are notdancing, keep your conversations faraway from the dance area.

. Lend a hand cheerfully if you areasked to help with sound equipmentor refreshments.

. Keep an eye out for security prob-lems or danqerous situations l ikespi l ls . .

o Remember your name badge.

Page 57: 2000 The Western Star




" l9th Anniversary Dance 'o WITH Joe Kula- Capital City Squares -

"Anniversary Dance" - rv i th l \ { ike DeSisto- Foggy City Dancers



2 I lo l iday Dance with Anne Uebelacker- Diablo Dancers

N{iS Graduat ion Dance lv i th Andv Shore- FogLry City Dancers



"Pass the Sea"- Finest City Squares - San Diego, CA

WSD Red Class Welcome Pot Luck- Live Oaks School - 7:30PM


Page 58: 2000 The Western Star

November 2000Wester Star Dancers' Planner

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Red ClassBegins

I 3Red Class -





15 116

Red Class -Basic





Red Class -Basic

Page 59: 2000 The Western Star

December 2000Wester Star Dancers' Planner



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I 9 20Holiday Party -EVRC 7:30 PM

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Board Meeting




24 25 26





28 29 30

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gNfl Ya.1s EveHAPPY