2009 the western star

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  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    February is a time to spy on

    groundhogs, honor presidents, and

    send valent ines. This year, it is

    also a time to celebrate Mardi

    Gras and t he WSD Pur ple Class

    Reunion. The legacy of t he Purple

    Class continues to benefit the club

    through the contributions of

    musicians, vocalists, Board members, dance

    decorators, amateur call ers, vo lunteers, f inancial donators and angels. The members of the Red Class w

    serve as hosts to t heir mentor s wi th an evening of M ardi Gras fest iv it ies. The Krewe of t he Two Left F

    will sponsor a special segment honoring the Purple Class; and the Klub Knight Krewe, along with

    Krewe of Kazoo, wil l pr esent a Cavalcade of Western Star Characters. A variety of surpri ses might inclu

    video clips from purple days gone by, a new door-prize game, guest singers, specialty dancing, a free raff

    and New Or leans delicacies; and, of course, the appearance of the Mardi Gras King and his court . M ich

    Levy, who impressed us all with his beautiful singing at the Interclub Social, will be calling the class-le

    and Plus tips. This is a rare oppor tunit y for us to demonst rate our appreciat ion to our valued Purple C

    alumni. Be there, be square, and let the good time ro ll !

    Wednesday, February 18, 7:30 pm, EVRC

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    EXHIBITIONIST WSD Red Plus Class member Jamie Kravitz

    Jamie has ventured into various forms of artistic expression, and is still at it. When he was younger (and more flexible) heperformed modern dance with choreographers Rudy Perez and Naomi Goldberg, and was co-artistic director of the New Moves

    Dance Company at the University of Michigan. A lifelong lover of film and video, he has written and produced a number of

    documentary films, including the award-winning "Into the Streets" (2001), and was editor on the acclaimed "Hearts CrackedOpen" (2004), which has been shown around the world in film festivals. Jamie is pleased to present new ventures into painting

    and photographic works.

    Western Star Art Gallery A special club night has been tentatively scheduled for this summer where atttendeeswill have the opportunity to view displays of the artwork of WSD members. Any members who would like to exhitit their

    sketches, paintings, photography, quilts, pottery, crafts, etc. are invited to contact Dan, Elise or Gary to reserve exhibition space

    and arrange a means of display. There is plenty of time for those who have never tried to be creative to produce something.

    ConstructionWorker Steve

    In November, Jamie participated in an

    art party exhibit with some of his

    work colleagues. This was a chance

    for those of us who work in the not-

    always-so-exciting world of enterprise

    and retail web design to show another

    side of our creativity, in the form of

    paintings, photographs, and a few

    installations. WSD members who

    attended the gallery showing were

    delighted by Jamies paintings andphotographs.

    LEFT: Marilynn and Jamie sharefashion tips during Blue Hawaiiclub night, July 2008.

    RIGHT: Jamie with one of hispaintings.

    THE ANGEL IN YOUR CORNER Angel Bear Peter CamardaClass members often not ice An gels w ith a badge from a different club. WSD is fort unate to havegraduates of ot her clubs help to f ill out a square. Peter is originally from New York, but has lived in SFsince 1982. I really appreciate the healthy atmosphere that square dancing provides for get ting toknow people. I have been very impressed by the friendliness and creativity of W estern StarDancersth e club really makes social activit ies a big part of its program. I part icularly en joyed t heGerman Biergarten night . So much care and plann ing w ent int o organ izing the activities.

    I am a Bear, so I am very g lad that all the clubs provide so muchw onderful food as part of the entertainment at their events!

    I graduated Mainstream and Plus w ith Foggy City in 2005, just intime to attend th e July convent ion in Santa Clara: Star th ru th eSilicon Galaxy. It w as a blast. I was so fo rtun ate th at th e firstconvention w as right here in t he Bay Area, and I didn't have to buy aplane t icket.

    I like being an Angel. I was so awkw ard and unsure wh en I firsttook th e classes. I really love being able to help peop le out now , andhaving t he experience to seem as if I really know w hat I am doing. Iam smoot her as a dancer now than I was before! And I also enjoy th e

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    Meeting MinutesThe Board of Directors meeting minutes arepublished In order to keep club membersnformed of the affairs of the club. Oral orwritten comments may be directed to anyboard member. Members are welcome toattend board meetings.Minutes of the Meeting of the Board ofDirectorsNovember 17, 2008 All Members Present

    The meeting was called to order at6:36 PM. Review of the Minut es of October 12,

    The minutes were reviewed and approvedas presented. Review of the Annual Meetinges September 17, 2008 - The minutes werereviewed and approved as presented. WSD T-

    Daryl report ed he needed a few more ordersto meet t he minimum. The Board approvedordering 5 caps for door prizes or for use as gifts.

    The Boarddiscussed different ways of structuring the giftexchange to help that portion of the evening gomore smoothly than in the past . EVRC Holiday

    The Board approved the usual $150 Safewaygift card for the EVRC staff. Club Publicity TheBoard discussed the ARTS Dance EducationGrant Program and ways it could help W SDpublicity. Reports: Treasurer Bob Brundage - TheBoard reviewed the report presented by BobBrundage and approved it. Total assets as ofNovember 17, 2008 are $5,742.37. Classnator Michael Albert Michaelreported the Yellow Class was proceeding wellwith nine new class members. There are 14 total inthe class. Dance Coordinator Clarence Albert-Franks- no report Club Night Coordinator GaryCohn - no report Outreach Coordinator MarkNida no report Adjournment The meetingadjourned at 7:16 PM. The next meeting will be December 15, 2008 at 6:15 PM.

    Minut es of the Meeting of the Board of DirectorsDecember 15, 2008 All Members PresentThe meeting was called to order at 6:25 PM. Review of the Minutes of November 17, 2008 The minutes were reviewed a

    approved as presented. EVRC Holiday Gift Kathy Tuccio reported the $150 Safeway gift card was delivered to for the EVRC staff. Holiy, December 17, 2008 The Board discussed final plans for the annual party. IAGSDC Representative The Board approved LorenzoTaylor to represent W SD as the IAGSCD representat ive and the club representat ive to the local convention committee. MLK PotluckMimi Mueller has generously offered her house for the pot luck on January 19th at 7PM. Bob Brundage has volunteered to help organize theevent. Reports: Treasurer Bob Brundage - The Board reviewed the report presented by Bob Brundage and approved it . Total assets as oDecember 15, 2008 are $4,979.77. Class Coordinator Michael Albert Michael reported the Yellow Class was continuing to proceed we

    with strong Angel participation. There are regularlysquares attending. Dance Coordinator ClarenceAlbert-Franks- Kathy will assist Clarence with bookthe Pride Dance and construct a spreadsheet t o trackthe callers booked for future dances. Michael and/orClarence will contact Randy at Ebenezer Lutheran tconfirm 2009 dance dates. Club Night Coordinator Gary Cohn Gary discussed the January club nighthosted by Michael and Clarence. The theme is MadHatt er and hat s will be encouraged. OutreachCoordinator Mark Nida no report Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 6:48 PM. The next meetinwill be January 12, 2009 at 6:15 PM.Respectfully submitt ed,Kathy Tuccio, Co-Com & Secretary

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    February 7, 20092:00 - 5:00 pm

    Midn igh t Squares Membership App reciation DanceBarry Clasper A2/ C1/ C2/ C3A* 2009 paidmembers FREE/ $8/ $10 Ebenezer Lut heran Church, 678 Port ola Drive, San FranciscoFebruary 7, 20097:00 - 10:00 pm

    Foggy City Dancers Valentine's DanceBarry Clasper Ebenezer Lutheran Church, 678 Porto laDrive, San Francisco

    February 16 Presidents Day NO CLASS EVRC closed

    February 18, 20097:30-9:30 pm

    Mard i Gras Club Night Michael Levy caller EVRC

    February 20-22, 2009PACE Sandie Bryant caller. Friday 7:30 pm A2, Saturday 11 am & 2:30 pm C1 Sunday 11 am C3A2:30 pm C3. Fairmeadow Element ary School, 500 East Meadow , Palo Alt o

    February 21 , 2009Capit al City Squares & Prime 8's Red, Whi te & Row dy, A Post-Presidential Holiday BashEricHenerlau 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. A1/ A2/ C1* 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Dinner 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. MS/ P/ A1* $9 -Aft ernoon $9 - Evening Bell Avenue School, 1900 Bell Avenue, Sacramento

    February 25, 2009

    7:30-9:30 pmDouble Plus Wednesday Harlan Kerr caller $5 EVRC

    February 28, 20097:30 - 10:30 pm

    El Camin o Reelers 3/4 Through WinterVic Ceder P/ A/ MS class level $8/ $10 St. Andrew sMeth odist Chu rch, 4111 A lma St., Palo Al to

    March 13 -15, 2009PACE Vic Ceder caller. Friday 7:30 pm A2, Saturday 11 am & 2:30 pm C2 7:30 pm C4?, Sunday 1am C3A, 2:30 pm C3. Diablo Light Opera Co. 1948 Oak Park Boulevard, Pleasant H ill

    March 18, 20097:30-9:30 pm

    Shamrock Shake Club Nigh t John Kenny caller EVRC

    March 21, 20097:30 - 10:30 pm

    Diablo Dancers Flip th e Flow ersMike Desisto MS/ P/ A $8/ $10 Jewish Communit y Center. 2071Tice Valley Blvd., Walnut Creek

    March 25, 20097:30-9:30 pm

    Double Plus Wednesday Harlan Kerr caller $5 EVRC

    March 28, 2009

    7:30 - 10:30 pm

    Western Star Dancers Anniversary Dance Paul W aters MS/ P/ A* $8/ $10 Ebenezer Luth eranChurch, 678 Port ola Drive San Francisco

    April 9-12, 2009

    IAGSDC 26t h Annual Convent ion An ne Uebelacker, Betsy Got ta, Deborah Carroll -Jones, Ett McAtee,John Marshall, Mike Jacobs, Sandie Bryant , Tim Crawford, Tom Mi ller, Lynett e Bellini , Barry Clasper andDayle Hodge; Mainstream through C4; Washingt on, DC

    For the l atest dance i nf ormat ion, check NorCalDanceCalendar.org Nat i onal & I nt ernati onal event s can be found at

    www.iagsdc.com Cl i ck on Event s

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    We s t e r n St a r Da n c e r s

    5 8 4 Ca s t r o St r e e t # 4 80

    Sa n F r a n c i s c o , CA 9 4 114

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    PPrr ii dd ee ,, HHoo pp ee && GGoo oo ddVV ii bb rr aa tt ii oo nn ss

    PPrriiddee && HHooppee iiss tthhee tthheemmee ooff tthhiiss yyeeaarrss WWeesstteerrnn SSttaarr DDaanncceerrss PPrriiddeeDDaannccee oonn JJuunnee 2277

    tthh.. TThhee pphheennoommeennaall AAnnnnee UUeebbeellaacckkeerr ffrroomm

    VVaannccoouuvveerr wwiillll ggrraaccee tthhee ssttaaggee ooff EEbbeenneezzeerr LLuutthheerraann CChhuurrcchh aass oouurrccaalllleerr.. TThhiiss wwiillll bbee aann eevveenntt ttoo rreemmeemmbbeerr..

    TThhee BBooaarrdd hhaass aacccceepptteedd aann iinnvviittaattiioonn ffrroomm GGoooodd VViibbrraattiioonnss,,looccaall ppuurrvveeyyoorr ooff tthheerraappeeuuttiicc aanndd ffeeeell ggoooodd pprroodduuccttss.. GGoooodd VViibbrraattiioonnssiss ggeeaarriinngg uupp ffoorr SSaann FFrraanncciissccoo PPrriiddee,, aanndd wwee wwoouulldd lloovvee ttoo ccoollllaabboorraatteewwiitthh WWeesstteerrnn SSttaarr DDaanncceerrss!!

    TThhiiss yyeeaarr,, wweerree ggooiinngg wwiitthh aa ccoouunnttrryy wweesstteerrnn tthheemmee aannddhhaavviinngg aa HHoo--DDoowwnn ffllooaatt tthhaatt wwiillll ccrruuiissee uupp MMaarrkkeett SSttrreeeett.. OOuurr

    ffaabbuulloouuss ffllooaatt wwiillll iinncclluuddee DDrr.. CCaarrooll QQuueeeenn,, aalloonngg wwiitthh ssoommee ooff oouurrvveennddoorrss aanndd aa lliivvee ((aammpplliiffiieedd)) ccoouunnttrryy bbaanndd,, ccoommpplleettee wwiitthh hhaayy bbaalleessaanndd tthheemmaattiicc ddccoorr.. II ddoonntt kknnooww iiff yyoouu aallrreeaaddyy hhaavvee ssoommeetthhiinnggppllaannnneedd,, bbuutt wweerree llooookkiinngg ttoo hhaavvee aa vvaarriieettyy ooff LLGGBBTT ssqquuaarree ddaanncceerrssddaannccee oonn aanndd aarroouunndd tthhee ffllooaatt.. TThhiiss wwoouullddnntt rreeqquuiirree aannyy mmoonneeyy ffrroommyyoouu,,jjuusstt ppaarrttiicciippaattiioonn aanndd ggoooodd cchheeeerr.. WWee wwoouulldd ooff ccoouurrssee bbee hhaappppyyttoo ddiissppllaayy yyoouurr bbaannnneerr..

    WWee wwiillll hhaavvee aann oorrggaanniizzaattiioonnaall mmeeeettiinngg oonn TThhuurrssddaayy,, JJuunnee 1188tthh

    aatt 66::3300 ppmm aatt TThhee GGoooodd VViibbrraattiioonnss PPoollkk SSttrreeeett GGaalllleerryy ((11662200 PPoollkkSSttrreeeett ((aatt SSaaccrraammeennttoo SSttrreeeett)).. YYoouu ccaann ccoonnttaacctt KKaatthhyy TTuucccciioo ttoovvoolluunntteeeerr ttoo ddaannccee aanndd wwhheeeell gguuaarrdd.. WWee wwiillll aallssoo hhaavvee ssiiggnn--uupp sshheeeettssaavvaaiillaabbllee aatt EEVVRRCC..

    NNoo mmaatttteerr hhooww yyoouu cceelleebbrraattee iitt,, PPrriiddee 22000099 wwiillll bbee aa ffeeeell ggoooodd


    Clarence Franks and Michael Albert-Franks have had to step down from ourBoard due to unexpected demands on their time in other areas, so we nowhave two vacant Board positions, and will be holding a Special Election to fithem. If you are interested in running or have questions, please contact acurrent member of the Board (Kathy/ Daryl/ Mark N./ Gary/ Bob) or amember of the Election Committee, which now consists of

    Steve Scott ([email protected] or 415-861-1447) andMimi Mueller ([email protected] or 415-648-6062) .

    Some of your quest ions may be answered by consult ing our Club By-Laws, which are posted on our website--click the " View Archive" box in theupper right-hand corner of the home page to go directly to the link. Thedeadline for submitting your name in nomination will be the April 6 Class

    Night; if you do it via phone or email, please do so no later than 6:00 pm

    that evening.

    Our club could not function, and would not exist today, without thehard work that many of us have put in over the years through Boardservice. If you have some ext ra time in your schedule, please do consider

    joining this essential group of Western Star members.

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    Meeting MinutesThe Board of Directors meeting minutes published In order to keep club membinformed of the affairs of the club. Orawritten comments may be directed to any bomember. Members are welcome to attboard meetings.

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Boarof Directors

    January 12, 2009 All Members Present.Call to Order The meeting was called to order at PM. Review of the Minutes of December 15, 2008minutes were reviewed and approved as presenHoliday Party, December 17, 2008 The annual partya success. Steve Scott did a wonderful job as MastCeremonies. In the process of introducing members aschose their gifts, Steve described their personal historyWSD and the ways in which they are serving the club.Day Pot Luck at Mimis Bob reported on the plans foupcoming pot luck at Mimis. Anniversary Dance JoeTodd have ideas for a theme which they will disclose sYard Sale The Board deferred this discussion to a date. Online Photo Sharing Daryl reported on an oservice called Flicker. For a $25 fee the club could its many photos of events that could be viewed from aon our website. The Board approved the $25 and direDaryl to proceed with Flicker. Treasurer Bob BrundaThe Board reviewed the report presented by Bob Brundand approved it. Total assets as of January 2009$4,824.79. Class Coordinator Michael Albert Nonew to report; class is proceeding on schedule. Pride Da

    Kathy reported difficulty finding a caller at a late datean alternative, the Board discussed doing a GCA bedance modeled after the Inter Club Holiday Party focuon our pride in local gay callers. Kathy will discuss John Kenny and report back. Club Night CoordinatGary Cohn Clarence updated the Board regardingJanuary club night he and Michael are hosting. The this Mad Hatter and Lee Griffiths is scheduled to call. also discussed the February club night Mardi Gras.asked Kathy to book Michael Levy. Outreach Coordin

    Mark Nida Mark is working on getting the Siste

    Perpetual Indulgence to attend a special intro class latthe year. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at PM. The next meeting will be February 9, 2009 at 6:15 PM.

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of DirectorsFebruary 9, 2009--Gary Cohn. Mark Nida, Kathy Tuccio, Daryl Daniel s, Bob Brundage Present

    Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:22 PM. Review of the Minutes of January 12, 2008 The minutes were reviewed and approved aspresented. Pride Dance Kathy reported that Anne Uebelacker has agreed to call the Pride Dance on June 27, 2009. The cost is $350 plus airfare. The Boarddiscussed ways of advertising the dance in order to encourage attendance and it was decided that a save the date announcement be emailed to WSDmembers and other clubs upon receipt of the signed contract. Kathy also reported that Joe and Todd were planning on a Hawaii theme for the Pride Dance. Board discussed that theme and their preference for a theme that related to Pride more directly. It was decided that Kathy would contact Joe to discuss otheme ideas. 2013 Convention Daryl presented a report from Lorenzo Taylor about the SF bid for the 2013 convention. The only other bid came from Phoand according to Lorenzo the San Francisco bid looks very strong. If the bid is accepted the convention committee will form a 501c3 (non-profit organizationwhich can accept tax-deductible donations. In order to do pay the costs of setting up the 501c3, the committee has asked for each of the six bay area clubs tothe organization seed money in the amount of $500 to be repaid from donations collected later. The Board approved the $500 loan to the 2013 convention

    committee pending the acceptance of the SF bid. Membership Renewal Daryl reported that emails were sent to 27 people who have not renewed theirmembership. Pride Parade Float with Good V ibrations Kathy reported meeting with representatives from Good Vibrations who are reaching out to theGLBT square-dancing community to participate in a Pride Parade float. GV will cover all costs associated with the float and want square dancers on and arothe float. A meeting of all volunteers will be called closer to the event to coordinate efforts. The Board talked about developing dates for intro nights and Moffered to mock-up a postcard-sized advertisement of WSD and those intro nights. IAGSCD Dues An invoice from IAGSCD was presented for yearly dueThe Board approved payment. Decorating Committee Requests Daryl reported on requests that Joe and Todd have made. The cost of the 50/50 give-aw(estimated $25) be deducted from the 50/50 collection rather than from the decorating budget. The Board approved the request for the Anniversary Dance use leftover Mardi Gras necklaces for Pride and decide whether or not to have give-aways on a case-by-case basis going forward. Permission to purchase adecorating tableau for $80. The Board decided they needed more information in order to approve the purchase. Kathy offered to draft an email to communwith Joe and Todd on these two issues and the Pride dance theme and send the email to all members of the Board for their approval before sending it to Joe Todd. Treasurer Bob Brundage - The Board reviewed the report presented by Bob Brundage and approved it. Total assets as of February 2009 are $6,614.1The increase in assets is mainly due to memberships received. Dance Coordinator The Board directed Kathy to email the caller for the Anniversary DancePaul Waters, the flyer for the dance. Club Night Coordinator Gary Cohn Gary discussed plans for the February club night Mardi Gras and ShamrockShakes the March club night. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:07 PM. The next meeting will be March 16, 2009 at 6:15 PM.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Kathy Tuccio, Co-Admin & Secretary

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    April 2, 7:30-9:30 pm Foggy City Dancers Convention PrepMS/P/A* $5 Harlan Kerr call

    Sanchez School, 325 Sanchez Street, San FranciscApril 9-12, 2009

    IAGSDC 26th Annual Convention Anne Uebelacker, Betsy Gotta, Deborah Carroll-Jones, EttMcAtee, John Marshall, Mike Jacobs, Sandie Bryant, Tim Crawford, Tom Miller, Lynette BellinBarry Clasper and Dayle Hodge; Mainstream through C4; Washington, DC

    April 13 No ClassApril 15 No Club Night Matt Thomson & Victor Hollinger Birt hday

    April 16 Scott Johnson Birthday

    April 17-19 PACE Linda Kendall caller. Friday 7:30 pm A2, Saturday 11 am & 2:30 pm C1 Sunday

    am C3A, 2:30 pm C3. Diablo Light Opera Company, 1948 Oak Park Boulevard, Pleasant H

    April 20 Yellow Mainstream Class Completion Party 7:30-9:30 pm EVRCApril 24 Mario Torrigino Birthday

    April 27 Free Introduction to Plus Dancing 7:30-9:30 pm EVRCApril 29 Plus Wednesday with Harlan Kerr 7:30-9:30 pm EVRC $5

    May 1-3 PACE Barry Clasper caller. Friday 7:30 pm A2, Saturday 11 am & 2:30 pm C1 Sunday 11 aC3A, 2:30 pm C3. Diablo Light Opera Company, 1948 Oak Park Boulevard, Pleasant H

    May 2 7:30-10:30 pm El Camino Reelers Walk & Dodge into SpringP/A $8/$10 Eric Henerlau caller

    St. Andrews Methodist Church, 4111 Alma Street Palo Alto

    May 4 Plus Class Begins 7:30-9:30 pm EVRCMay 5 Fen Tamanaha Birthday

    May 9 Midnight Squares 2-5 pm May Pole Dance(C2/C3A), 7-10 pm Graduation Dance(A/C1/C2$8/$10 each session Ebenezer Lutheran Church, 678 Portola Drive, San Francis

    May 15-17 Capital City Squares & Prime 8s Stumptown Stomp 2009MS/P/A/C1 See website fordetails Guerneville

    May 16 Kathy Tuccio BirthdayMay 20 Fiesta Club Night 7:30-9:3 0 pm EVRC

    May 25 No ClassMemorial Day Andrew Wicker BirthdayMay 26 Richard Leadbetter Birthday

    May 27 Plus Wednesday with Harlan Kerr 7:30-9:30 pm EVRC $5

    For the latest dance information, check NorCalDanceCalendar.org National & International events can be found atwww.iagsdc.com Click on Events

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    Western Star Dancers584 Castro Street #480

    San Francisco, CA 94114

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    In an unexpected mnage a trios, Western Star Dancers, Foggy City Dancers, and Good Vibrations are joiningforces to ensure a strong gay square dance profile at the 2009 San Francisco LGBTQ Pride celebration. GoodVibrations is providing the float and the live band (Kountry Kunts). WSD and FCD will provide dancers. Foggy CiDancers is also organizing a club banner contingent to march with the float, as well as arranging for the mandatorywheel guards.

    Harlan Kerr and Rich Reel have agreed to call on the Good Vibrations Pride float. WSD, FCD and GoodVibrations are planning on a rehearsal so that dancers can practice with the live band on Thursday June 4, 2009, PM at Sanchez School. Space on the float is limited, so the callers have choreographed special routines for dancs a small space. FCD has generously donated their club night rental of Sanchez School for the rehearsal.

    Everyone willing to be part of the float in the parade is invited to a party at the Good Vibrations Gallery, 162Polk Street (at Sacramento), 6:30 pm on Thursday June 18th.

    Recruitment of new members at square dance clubs has been on the decline, not just in the GLBTcommunity, but in the larger world of square dancing. Foggy City Dancers, as you may or may not know, did nothold a class cycle this past fall and winter due to lack of interest. The new Board of Directors of Foggy City Dancewants to remedy that, and we would like to invite all of you to participate in a great recruitment opportunity.

    We will have a booth at the San Francisco Pride festival this year on Saturday and Sunday, 27-28 June,2009, and we have extended the invitation to staff the booth to all of our fellow clubs in the San Francisco Bay Arewho will be joining us.

    We envision having a big-screen TV and DVD playing of gay square dancing events, decorations, as well ahaving a PA for impromptu live dancing (if we have enough for asquare at each half-hour). Also, we would seek volunteers to staffthe booth to talk to people about square dancing, and to takeinformation from people, which would be shared among all the clubparticipating. We know this sounds ambitious, but people are lookfor inexpensive entertainment options during tough economic timeand raising the profile and visibility of the gay square dancing clubscan be a great way to fulfill a community need.

    Please volunteer to help make this celebration is filled withlots of Pride and tons of Hope. You may sign up to work the booth

    join the banner contingent, or be a wheel guard atfoggycity.org/volunteer.We Lost Our Dance SpaceIn response to the ongoing budget crisis, the city decided to start charging for u

    of the recreation centers in the city. Their rates are out of the clubs budget, so w

    are seeking other options. Forest Hill Christian Church (250 Laguna Honda) is o

    locale at present, but their space had been previously rented to another group f

    few weeks. Class locations throughout the summer will be announced on our

    website, or you can contact a member for the board for the latest information.

    Suggestions, ideas, and comments are welcome. If you know of a good

    cheap place to dance, we want to know.

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    MEDALLIONIZEDWestern Star was mentioned duringthe convention medallion ceremonieswhen former WSD board member BobLesley was presented with the ten-year award. Bob no longer dances,and he now resides in Manassas, VA.Kathy and Marie (photo far right) were onhand to congratulate their long-timefriend.

    SOCIAL CLIMBERSWhile in Washington, itwas a distinct honor for

    Andrew and Gary tomeet the First Lady.Photos do not do her

    justice. In person, shedoes not look so muchlike Lorenzo.

    FIRST CAME THE AIR GUITARBrandon and Kathy paid homage toSonny & Cher by singing I Got You,

    Babeinto an air mic.

    THE SILVER FOX AND THESILVER VIXENMatt was delighted by Freemansfabulousness at the Stumptown Stomp,and he appreciated the opportunity topick up some fashion tips.

    MAKE MINE MILLERIt was confusing enoughwhen we had two SteveScotts, two Ed Conleysand two Richard Tucks.Now there are two SteveMillers. Maybe we cantrade ours in for theoun er model.

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    Meeting MinutesThe Board of Directors meeting minutes are published In order to keep club members informed of the affairs of the club. Orawritten comments may be directed to any board member. Members are welcome to attend board meetings.

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors

    February 9, 2009

    All members present . The meeting was called to order at 6:19 PM.

    The minutes of February 9, 2008 were reviewed and approved as

    presented. Anniversary Dance The Board discussed final det ails

    of the dance scheduled for March 28, 2009 with Paul Waters

    calling. Todd and J oe are decorat ing with the theme of Squares

    in Space. Pride Dance Daryl showed an example of a flyer forthe June 27, 2009 Pride dance. The theme is Pride and Hope.

    Pride Parade Float Kat hy announced that H arlan and Rich have

    agreed to call on the Good Vibrations Pride float and that

    everyone willing to be part of the float in the parade is invited to a

    party at the Good Vibrations Gallery on P olk St reet 6:30 Thursday

    J une 18th . 2013 Convention Daryl stat ed the club uniform for

    convention pictures was a white WSD shirt or any WSD t-shirt

    and black pant s. Board members Kathy, Bob and Gary will be

    attending, as will many other WSD members. Membership

    Renewal Daryl reported that two more people have renewed

    their membership as a result of the 27 emails that were sent to

    people who have not renewed their membership. The Board

    authorized Daryl to print and distribute the club directory withoutthe names of those that didnt renew. Club Printing Daryl

    reported that printing flyers on his printer was cheaper than Office

    Max. He present ed 4 questions he had about t he printing he was

    doing on behalf of WSD. The Board discussed the questions and

    made the following decisions: One page of pictures of events in the

    newslett er instead of one page of pictures for each event. Daryl

    should pare down the amount of WSD newsletters he sends to

    other clubs. We dont receive any other clubs newslett er but it

    does make for good advert ising. 15 event flyers to each Bay Area

    club are enough.

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of DirectorsApril 20, 2009

    All members present. Also present was Russ King. The meet ing

    was called to order at 6:15 PM. The minutes of March 16, 2009

    were reviewed and approved as presented. Anniversary Dance

    Daryl gave kudos in regards to the Anniversary dance held on

    March 28, 2009 with Paul Wat ers calling. The decorat ions that

    Todd and J oe did to the theme of Squares in Space were

    wonderful and everyone seemed to have a great time. Pride Dance

    . The Board discussed decorat ions for the Pride dance. The

    theme is Pride and H ope and the Board decided to ask J oe and

    Todd if they could provide simple decorations for that theme with

    a budget of $125. Kat hy will contact t hem. Pride Parade Float

    Kat hy announced that WSD, FCD and Good Vibrat ions areplanning on a rehearsal so th at dancers can practice with t he live

    band on Thursday J une 4, 2009, 7 PM at Sanchez School. FCD

    has generously donated their club night rental of Sanchez School

    for the rehearsal. Membership Renewal Daryl reported he had

    completed and distributed the club directory with 80 members

    listed. Special Election of Officers Russ King decided to self-

    nominate for a posit ion on the Board and designat ed Mimi Mueller

    to t ake his place on the nominating committ ee. J ohn Dobson

    agreed to be a candidate. The ballots have gone out and will be

    collected at class on April 20 and 27 as well as by mail. New board

    members will be announced after the ballots have been counted

    during class night on April 27.

    New Business: Traveling Angel The Board discussed t he idea o

    supporting the efforts to organize trips to other clubs events.

    Brandon has agreed to t ake the lead with help from others. Yel

    Class Completion / Intro to Plus The Board discussed final plan

    for the current class completion which takes place tonight and

    free Plus Intro night next Monday April 27. Storage Space ThBoard discussed the possibility of renting storage space to store

    memorabilia. Banner Bob reported t hat he was not able to br

    back the club banner from the convention in Washington DC as

    was not available when he went to pick it up . He th inks Matt

    Thompson may have it. Kat hy and Gary remarked how dismal

    our banner looked next t o the oth er club banners and there was

    some discussion about asking member Dani Lawler about maki

    a new one.

    Reports: Treasurer Bob Brundage - The Board reviewed the

    report presented by Bob Brundage and approved it. Total asse

    as of April 2009 are $6,544.88. The decrease in assets is mainly

    to expenses for the Anniversary dance, printing, and airfare for

    Pride dance caller. Club Night Coordinator Gary Cohn reporton plans for the May 20th Fiesta Club night and the J une Art Cl

    night sponsored by Paul Gonyea. Outreach Coordinator Mark

    Nida ta lked about t he possibility of using on-line media such as

    Twitt er and F acebook for club outreach.

    Adjournment The meet ing adjourned at 7:05 PM. The next

    meeting will be May 18, 2009 at 6:15 PM.

    Minutes of the Emergency Meeting of the Board of Directors Ma


    All members present except J ohn Dobson (excused). Also

    at tending were Rick Collins, Steve Scott , Tomas Todd. The

    meeting was called t o order at 6:42 pm. Site Issues:

    EVRC - Steve Scott gave a short history of WSDs previous ren

    history at EVRC and agreed to write a letter t o Bevan Dufty

    citing that history and requesting a waiver or reduction of the r

    we have been quoted; this letter will be reviewed by the entire

    Board prior to being sent . Steve also pointed out the need t o

    establish ownership of our equipment lockers; Daryl volunteere

    at tach identification and cont act information on the front of ea

    of them.

    Forest Hill Church Kat hy requested formal rat ificat ion of the

    decision t o book FHC for five Monday nights between May 4 an

    J une 8 (excluding Memorial Day Weekend), at a rat e of $75 per

    night. The action was unanimously approved.

    Other Options Rick Collins has done preliminary research int oseveral possible locat ions we could consider in t he fut ure,

    depending upon how negotiations with EVRC proceed and how

    our members feel about t he FHC locat ion. However, most are

    more expensive than FHC and/or have a smaller dance area.

    Financial Impact Bob indicated that we are currently in good

    financial shape.

    The meeting was adjourned at 7:23 pm. The next meeting will

    held on May 18, 2009 at 6:15 pm.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Kathy Tuccio, Co-Admin & Secretary

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    Events Birthdays

    June 27Scott CareyJuly 7Freeman StamperJuly 7Daryl DanielsJuly 10John DobsonJuly 11--Anna DamianiJuly 20Tony AttardJuly 20Jan Marks

    July 23Lorenzo Taylor

    June 12-14 PACE Todd Fellegy caller. Friday 7:30 pm A2, Saturday 11 am & 2:30pm C1 Sunday 11 am C3A, 2:30 pm C3. Diablo Light Opera Company, 1948 Oak

    Park Boulevard, Pleasant Hill

    June 13, 7:30-10:30 pm Diablo Dancers 17th

    Anniversary DanceRich Reelcaller. MS/P/A $8/$10 Jewish Community Center, 2071 Tice Valley Boulevard,Walnut Creek

    June 27, 7:30-10:30 pm Pride & HopePride Dance AnneUebelackler caller. MS/P/A* $8/$10 Ebenezer Lutheran Church,678 Portola Drive, San Francisco

    July 10-12 PACE Rob French & CJ Smith callers. Friday 7:30 pm A2, Saturday 11am & 2:30 pm C2, 7 pm C4?, Sunday 11 am C3A, 2:30 pm C3. Diablo Light Opera

    Company, 1948 Oak Park Boulevard, Pleasant Hill

    August 1, 7:30-10:30 pm El Camino Reelers Star Across SummerJet Robertscaller. P/A $8/$10 St. Andrews Methodist Church, 4111 Alma Street, Palo Alto

    Club Night & PlusWednesdays

    are cancelled untilfurther notice

    For the latest dance information, check NorCalDanceCalendar.org National &International events can be found at www.iagsdc.com Click on Events

    Class Locations will vary during the summer.Check our website for the latest information:


  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    You dont know the waterfront untilyouve danced it!(Someone remarkedthat the Waterfront was too familiar.)We plan on leaving them pleasantlysurprised. Heres the itinerary for OnThe Waterfront Circulate SF 2009:

    1. On the Cove We start atMcCovey Cove, at China Basin,with beautiful sweeping views ofthe Bay and the ball park. Thereis free parking nearby where wecan leave the cars behind.Afterwards we walk to the nextstop.

    2. At the Ball Park Well dance thenext tip under the palms at thefront entrance to the Ball Park

    3. By the Marina A short walktakes us to the Marina and ahuge sculpture resembling alighthouse by the artist Suvero,which we can dance underneath.

    4. Under the Bay Bridge After ashort MUNI ride ($2), well dancein the shadow of the Bay Bridgenear the sculpture of a jumbobow and arrow. This is also thelocation of our picnic lunch

    5. On the Pier We walk out onto

    Pier 14, out over the water, anddance with water all around us.6. At the Ferry Building We finish

    by dancing on the Embarcaderoin a really wonderful space with agreat view of the historic FerryBuilding.

    People can then visit the new SF HistoricStreetcar Museum nearby, and take theN Judah back to the ball park and theircars.

    Pot luck picnic lunch is at Rincon Park bythe Bay Bridge. Drop off the food atMcCovey Cove, our starting point, and I

    will arrange for it to be delivered to us avoid shlepping lots of things along theEmbarcadero.

    The waterfront is loaded with historicmarkers, smaller pieces of art, andinteresting things. Im sponsoring a

    scavenger hunt contest with prizes forhighest number of correctly found itemPeople can work on the contest as themove from location to location. First pris a wonderful Bergino handmade SanFrancisco city map baseball and JosepSchmidt chocolates.

    Waterfront costumes from any timeperiod encouraged: sailors,longshoremen, baseball players, piraterogues, ladies-of-the-night, andwaterfront denizens.

    I think our members will absolutely lovthis years Circulate SF! (By Paul G)

    WSD Faces New ChallengesPlanning for the Green Mainstr eam Class of 2010 is a formidable challen ge. Not only is recruit ment a key concern , but also, for the first tim

    many, many, many years the Board of Directors needs to deter mine a budget in addition to finding an affordable space for our r egular use.

    During the twenty-some years at EVRC, for the most part , budget was nt a big issue because there was no rent al fee. Certain ly, over the las

    several years there ha s been no need to make a budget because the club has a significant nest egg that we have been adding to w hen possi

    John Dobson, Rick Collins, and Steve Scott have been spearhead ing the sear ch for affordable dance space. Unless we get a

    sweetheart deal from the city, it seems we will rent space in a church (Noe Valley Ministry and Forest Hill Christian Church are among those

    being considered) or make arrangements w ith a school in the Castro area.

    The Board has set as priorities staying near the Castro or near public transit/ parking and maintaining our curr ent Monday cla

    schedule, or, if necessary, shifting to a Thursday schedule. The Boards penultimate priority is retaining Rich Reel as our caller/ instructorhe is available only Monday or Thursday.

    Wherever we decide to pitch our tent, so to speak , the club will have to find ways to enhance income and limit expenses to co

    the rent al. Club member ship fees will surely be up for discussion at th e September Annu al Membersh ip Meeting. The board has broached

    subject of raising class fees. However, the best way to minimize the need for fee increases is to maximize enrollment for the Fall Class. It'

    too early to start recruiting your friends--word-of-mouth has always been our most effective form of advertising, and it' s more import ant n

    than ever before!

    It behooves us to ree stablis h Club Nights, accor ding to Co-Administ rator Daryl Daniels. Gary Cohn, Dan Smith, Tomas Todd

    G, and others produced Club Nights that are not only social, festive and fun, but also make a little money for the club.

    When faced with a budget problem, th ere are two extremes: The Schwarzenegger Effect which cuts expenses ruthless ly or the

    Approach which is spend lik e there is no limit, damn the expense. The Board will try to find a happy medium that will cover the new expe

    while maintaining our healthy reserves.

    Suggestions and constru ctive comments from club members are welcome. Ideas concerning a dance space, fund raising, budg

    or recruiting would be especially appreciated.

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    Backstage with EloiseTosca had just leaped from the parapets of the Castel SantAngelo and the opera had ended; but the visit to the Opera

    House had not yet concluded. Eloise was about to lead a tourthrough the backstage labyrinth of the building.

    RIGHT: Eloise in the pit at the Opera House among theilluminated music stands.

    Gary enjoyed the chance to pop into the prompters box and also to go up into the giantchandelier and realize what Eloise has to go through just to change a light bulb when on the

    job at the Opera House.

    For Russ, it was a different sort of experience. Being so high above the audience and stage,not to mention looking down into the chandelier was of interest, but also a bit intimidatingbecause of my vertigo--my hands were covered with dust from clinging to the railings when

    we walked across that narrow bridge about half a mile above the stage.

    LEFT: Gary, Russ and Davidapose before wigs and make-upkits in a dressing room.

    BELOW: As usual, Steve fell flat

    on his back as soon as heencountered a mattress.

    It was particularly interesting, reports Russ,

    to see the huge white X dead-center in the

    black mattress that Tosca lands on when she

    takes her leap off the parapet. Given that the

    lighting for that scene isn't particularly bright,

    it makes sense to mark it that way.

    Daredevil Steve was proud of his aim. I alsolanded on the X of the mattress (minus the

    Tosca death leap)!

    Davida enjoyed the chance to sing a La la laon the Opera House stage, and will add that to

    her theatrical resume.

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    Meeting MinutesThe Board of Directors meeting minutes are published In order to keep club members informed of the affairs of the club. Oral or wrcomments may be directed to any board member. Members are welcome to attend board meetings.

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of DirectorsMay 18, 2009

    The meeting was called to order at 6:25pm. Minutes of April 20and May 4 (Emergency meeting), 2009 were reviewed andapproved as presented. PRIDE FLOAT Plans continue aspreviously agreed, with a practice session scheduled forThursday June 4 at the Sanchez School and a party at GoodVibrations Gallery on Thursday June 18. No new action.PRIDE BOOTH Kathy presented Steve Huggins' proposal fora shared square dance booth at this year's San Francisco Pride

    Festival on June 27 and June 28. It was unanimously agreedhat Western Star will participate in the booth and share in the

    booth fee. Daryl will look into the possibility of reimbursementhrough the Petersen Fund. PARTY AT LORENZO'S Kathy

    presented Lorenzo Taylor's proposal to host a post-Paradeparty at his condominium complex. In light of our participationn the Pride Booth and other logistical difficulties, it was decidedo decline the proposal, but inquire about rescheduling at aater date, such as the Folsom Street Fair. SITE UPDATE Neither Karla nor Bevan Dufty has gotten back to Kathy withupdated information about the final decision for the Mondaynight closing time at EVRC, or the possibility of awaiver/reduction of fees for use of the Auditorium. Kathy willmake fresh inquiries. We can continue on Monday nights atForest Hill through June 8, and resume Mondays beginningJuly 20. Some Thursdays are available a t Forest Hill in the

    nterim, and other possibilities, including an outdoor class onJune 22, were also discussed. Final action was deferred untilwe have received updated information from EVRC. POSITIONASSIGNMENTS New Board Member John Dobson agreed toake on the job of Class Coordinator' Russ King will continue

    with his new position as Secretary. PRIDE DANCE Kathyconfirmed that the Board will coordinate decorations and the50/50 raffle. She will meet with Todd and Joe to pick up theusable materials, including the gay flag, banners, and theSquare Dance Guy, who will get a new disco shirt courtesy ofDaryl. Tomas will also be providing decorations. The possibilityof delaying the decorating to allow for an afternoon dance atEbenezer, to be hosted by Midnight Squares, was also

    discussed. Because this might cut significantly into eveningattendance as well as increase the difficulty of decorating, theidea was dropped by general consensus. FUTURE DANCES It was decided to drop our June Club Night because of theongoing uncertainty about our venues. Kathy announced thatshe has a verbal agreement with Paul Waters to host nextyear's Pride Dance, on the same terms as this year'sAnniversary Dance. There was a brief discussion ofdecorations for future dances, and a general consensus thatTodd and Joe do the Leather/Lace and Anniversary Dances on

    their usual terms; this will need to be formally confirmed at theJune Board meeting. The possibility that the Board do the PrideDance again next year was kept open. PROVISIONS FORBOARD DECISIONS OUT OF SESSION Procedures forvetting and voting via email on time-sensitive issues betweenBoard meetings were discussed and agreed to. Kathy willidentify such emails in bold lettering and give a specific cut-offdate and time for responses. A simple majority will be sufficientto decide an issue. FUTURE PLANNING The importance ofnurturing potential new Board talent within the club wasdiscussed, with no specific action taken. TREASURER Bob'sreport was presented and accepted. He stressed the need forincreased fiscal conservatism at this time, in case our venueexpenses continue to rise. CLASS COORDINATOR JohnDobson has agreed to take over the position. CLUB NIGHTCOORDINATOR Gary reported on progress for the joint

    WSD/FCD Fiesta night on Thursday May 21. Issues of soundequipment are being resolved, and it appears that enoughpeople will attend to at least break even. Harlan Kerr will be thecaller, due to the unavailability of Rich Reel on the rescheduleddate. OUTREACH COORDINATOR Mark would like toconsolidate our emailings on the Yahoo list, but will find a wayto accommodate our anti-Yahoo members, who wouldotherwise need to be contacted non-electronically. Themeeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm. The next meeting will beheld on Monday June 22, location TBD.

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of DirectorsJune 22, 2009

    The meeting was called to order at 6:15pm. Minutes of M18, 2009 were reviewed and approved as presented. PRFLOAT Float is #90 in Parade; assembly time is 9:45amPRIDE BOOTH Daryl has prepared postcard-sized cardbasic WSD contact/class info for distribution at booth; Johtake cards on Saturday, Russ on Sunday. SITE UPDATEWe have booked Noe Valley Ministry for July 6 and 13, anForest Hill from July 20 to August 31. We need to move oustorage lockers from EVRC on Friday June 26; Kathy willcoordinate. CIRCULATE SF Some logistical considerat

    were raised about where to eat and how to get food to thepicnic area for "On the Waterfront." These issues will bediscussed with Paul. A possible second event in the fall waapproved in principle. LEATHER & LACE DANCE ToddJoe were given approval to proceed with theme anddecorations. FUND RAISING/COST-CUTTING DeferreJuly meeting. TREASURER Bob's report was presentedaccepted. The balance as of June 22, 2009 is $5,050.60.Income in the last month has been from collected class feedonations from class nights, the joint club night (FCD) andPeterson Fund. Expenses in the last month included seedmoney for the 2013 convention ($500) our share of the Pribooth ($95.72); printing and postage ($212.58) class nightrentals through August 31st ($578) and booth rental for thCastro Street Fair ($506.25). CLUB NIGHT COORDINAT(Gary) Club nights continue on hiatus. OUTREACH

    COORDINATOR Mark communicated via email that Ricdo a demo tip at Sundance Saloon on September 20, andhe has additional marketing plans for the Green Class, sucthe SF Weekly online calendar. DANCE COORDINATORPride Dance decorating will begin at 4:00 pm on Saturday27; Kathy will pick up materials from Todd and Joe earlier week. Additional items will be retrieved from the locker onFriday. Kathy has ordered a cake and will donate sandwicCO-ADMINISTRATOR -- Daryl announced that he will notfor re-election to the Board this fall. The meeting was adjoat 7:00 pm. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday Julyat the home of Russ King, beginning at 6:30pm.

    Western Star Dancers, Inc. is a non-profit, member-run voluntary organization. The Board is basically a group of members whove decided totake their turn helping us all enjoy square dancing for another year, and it wouldnt happen without them. The Board doesnt do everything, but ithas responsibility for making sure it gets all done, everything from setting up before class to hiring our callers, scheduling events, booking thedance spaces, you name it.

    The Board takes care of the day-to-day business of the club. The Administrator, Secretary, and Treasurer responsibilities are defined inthe Bylaws, but other jobs are assigned by interest and willingness. The Board consists of at least five and up to seven members; any Clubmember is eligible to run. Years of experience is not a requirement; in fact, we like to mix experience with fresh perspectives, and we encouragenewer members who have a little extra time and enthusiasm to consider throwing their hats in the ringthat includes everyone, whether gay,straight, man, woman, whateveras you may have noticed, were a very eclectic group. Board members are also responsible for setting up andtaking down equipment. Someone from the Board needs to be at class starts to set up, and someone needs to put everything away at the end.

    Board members generally attend one meeting of about one hour per month on whatever day and time works best for everyone. Special eventsrequire extra effort, usually by Board members.Primarily, Board members are the front line in promoting Western Star Dancers. No doubt, we all have our own motives, but Im sure

    they all center on the idea that Western Star Dancers is a dynamic group and we want to spread the word and keep gay square dancing vibrant,exciting, and active.

    From time to time, the Board needs to make decisions regarding scheduling, fees, callers, problems on the floor, etc., so again, regularattendance is important. While youre on the Board, you should be here frequently enough to form your own independent opinion about whateverissues come up for discussion. Nuts and bolts issues will come up toowhen theres a Club activity, the Board needs to figure out who will be incharge, how much help will be needed, who might be interested in volunteering, etc, etc. Its not glamorous, but its what keeps us in business.Probably nobody really wants to be on the board when they are first asked. It seems like a lot of responsibility and work. However, we have asmooth running organization, and for the most part can repeat and build upon past performances, with some added flourishes if the fancy strikesus. Fresh ideas are always welcome.

    This year, the Election Committee consists of former WSD Board Member and Administrator Steve Scott and volunteers. They will beglad to answer whatever additional questions you might have. You can nominate yourself or a friend, but please dont nominate anyone elsewithout first getting their consent. Nominations must be received by August 15, 2009.

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    The Western Star wil l no longer publish a dance calendar.For the latest dance information, check NorCalDanceCalendar.org National & International events can

    found at www.iagsdc.com Click on Events

    Check our website for the latest information:www.westernstardancers.org

    September Birthdays16 Jeff Kavinta17 Michael Albert25 Elise Everett30 Rick Collins30 Tim Wicker

    August Birthdays1 Tomas Todd6 John Conley

    8 Josef Prochnow27 Felix Fornino29 Ammon Corl29 Steve Scott

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    Western Star Dancers584 Castro Street # 480

    San Francisco, CA 94114

    Leather & Lace 2 0 09

    Kilt s & Cr inol ineSeptember 26, 2009

    7 :3 0 -1 0 :3 0 P ME benezer L uther an Chur ch

    678 P ortola Dr ive

    V ic Ceder call er

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    T h i s i s i t . . . .This is the last regularly published edition of The Western Star. Except for occasional special editions, the function of thenewsletter will be transferred to our website (www.westernstardancers.org). We have found that nearly all club members havnternet access, and more and more people are using the internet as their source of information. The primary reason, howevs financial. When the club did not have the expense of paying rent, the cost of the newsletter was easily absorbed. Now,however, we are forced to look at cutbacks, and this is a budgetary item that can be trimmed.

    As Editor, it has been a fun ride. Ive worked with journalism since high school, but this was the first time I could doexactly what I wanted in color, and I know Western Star Dancers is better because of it. Thank you to Steve Scott for enablin

    me to begin this enterprise. Dan Smith has interviewed many past and present club members to produce what seems anunprecedented collection of articles celebrating the variety of experiences of our members; shedding light on some remarkabachievements by people you wouldnt read about in the mainstream press. I really appreciate Dans work, and am pleased thhe will continue online. Watch for a fascinating interview with John Dobson appearing soon on the website. Brenda Line hasbeen such a treasure. Her wit has brightened our pages. And thanks to you all for your support and kind words. It has been pleasure.

    Daryl Daniels, Editor

    WSD Healthy, Strong, Facing ChallengesW e s t e r n S t a r D a n c e r s i s d oin g w e ll in s p it e o f t h e t u r m o il t h a t e n s u e d w h e n w e l os t o u r s p a c e a t E V R C

    T h e c o ff er s a r e s t ill co m f o r t a b le , b u t t h e c lu b is e n t e r in g a n e r a w h e r e b u d g e t s a n d f u n d r a i s i n g h a v e

    b e co m e m u c h m o r e im p o r t a n t . B y o ve r w h e lm in g a p p r o va l , c lu b m e m b e r s h i p d e cl in e d r a i s i n g

    m e m b e r s h i p o r c la s s f e e, a n d i n s t e a d o p t e d f or v o lu n t a r y d e t o n a t i on s b y c lu b m e m b e r s a t c l a s s n i g h t s , w e ll a s c lu b n ig h t s . R a t h e r t h a n s e t t in g a s p e c if ic a m o u n t , s u g g e s t e d d o n a t io n s w ill b e $ 3 -$ 5 p e r n ig h

    S t u d e n t s a r e e x e m p t , b u t u p o n c om p le t i on o f M a i n s t r e a m c l a s s , m e m b e r s h ip is g r a n t e d a n d t h e

    e x e m p t i on e x p i r e s . S e v e r a l p e o p le w e r e t h a n k e d f or t h e i r h a r d w o r k : R i c h R e e l, T o n y A t t a r d , B o b

    B r u n d a g e , G a r y C oh n , J o h n D o b s o n , R u s s K i n g , M a r k N i d a , K a t h y T u c cio , L o r e n z o T a y lo r , D a n S m it h

    T o m a s T o d d , M i m i M u e lle r , J o e Ca s s e r l y , T o d d Yo u n g , M a r i ly n F o w l er , S t e v e S c o t t , R i c k C o ll in s , M i ch

    A lb e r t , Cla r e n c e Alb e r t -F r a n k s , a ll t h e p e op l e w h o b r o u g h t t a s t y m u n c h i es , a n d e v er y o n e w h o ca m e a n

    d a n c e d a n d s u p p o r t e d t h e c lu b .

    T h e p r i or i t y is s u e a t t h e m o m e n t is r e c r u i t in g f o r t h e Gr e e n M a i n s t r e a m C la s s . O u r m a i n

    r e c r u i t in g e v e n t is S u n d a y , O ct o b er 4 , t h e C a s t r o S t r e e t F a ir . O u r b o ot h w

    b e a t t h e c or n e r o f H a r t f or d a n d 1 8 t h S t r e e t . S w i n g b y , d a n c e a c ou p l e t i p s

    s t i r u p i n t e r e s t . T h e fir s t f r e e in t o n i g h t w ill b e O ct o b e r 5 a t M a g n e t i n t h

    C a s t r o . T h e s e c on d f r e e n i g h t w i ll b e O ct o b e r 1 2 a t F o r e s t H i ll C h r i s t i a n

    C h u r c h . T h e G r e e n M a i n s t r e a m C la s s o f 2 0 1 0 w ill b e g i n on O c t ob e r 1 9 .

    R i c h R e e l w i ll b e t h e I n s t r u c t o r / C a ll er .

    Annual Membership Meeting at Forest Hill Christian Churc

    September 21, 2009

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    Willie at the ThrottleThe thrilling Circulate San Francisco concluded in front of the Street Car Museum whereseveral dancers poured in to view the collection. The docent provided an explanation ofthe workings of a vintage car, and some of the dancers at actually figured out how to ringthe bell.


    RIGHT:James andDavid learn

    how tohandletheirknobs.

    Fond FarewellIn a year that saw many changes,Steve and Fabian are pictured at righton the very last evening that Western

    Star danced at Eureka ValleyRecreation Center. They are smilingknowing that Forest Hill will providethem with a large parking lot.

    Another big change will be noticed asThe Western Starconcludes hard-copypublication. For 52 months, BrendaLine and friends have covered theshenanigans of WSD jet setters as theymade a travesty of the social scene.

    But, not to worry. Watch for some ofyour favorite Western Star newsletterfeatures on the website, including thepremiere of Brenda Line on the Air.Also, as Toms steps down after hisYellow Year tenure as recipient of TheOrder of the Two Left Feet, we waitwith antici ation to learn of whom he

    Special thanks to Brenda Lines staff whohelped in the production of this column overthe past years: Gary, Daniel, Toms; andproofreaders Russ and SteveS; and of course,editor Daryl.

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    Yellow Plus Class CompletionWestern Star Dancers are please to announce that Andrew WickerRichard Leadbetter, Mark Nida, Tim Wicker, John Dobson, JanMarks, Elise Everett, and Kathy Tuccio have complete the course oinstruction under the able leadership of Rich Reel.

    Cir c u la t e S a n F r a n c is c oO n t h e W a t e r f r on t

    Caller Vic Ceder enjoysDancers displaying their Kilts & Crinoline

    Leather and Lace Dance 2009

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    Meeting MinutesThe Board of Directors meeting minutes are published In order to keep club members informed of the affairs of the club. Oral or writtencomments may be directed to any board member. Members are welcome to attend board meetings.

    M i n u t e s o f t h e M e e t i n g o f t h e B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s J u l y 1 4 , 2 0 0 9

    M e m b e r s P r e s e n t : K a t h y T u c c io , D a r y l D a n i e ls , B ob B r u n d a g e , G a r y C oh n , M a r k N i d a , J o h n D o b s on , R u s s K i n g . A ls o p r e s e n t :

    R ick Co l l ins , S t eve Sco t t

    T h e m e e t i n g w a s c a l le d t o o r d e r a t 7 : 0 2 p m . T h e m i n u t e s of J u n e 2 2 , 2 0 0 9 w e r e r e vi e w e d a n d a p p r o ve d a s p r e s e n t e d . P R I D E

    B O O T H K a t h y h a s w r i t t e n a t h a n k -y o u n ot e t o P a u l B r o w n a n d F o g g y C i t y Da n c e r s , w h i c h t h e e n t i r e B o a r d w il l s i g n . S I T E

    U P D A T E W e h a v e m o v e d on e o f ou r s t o r a g e l o ck e r s , a n d t h e c o n t e n t s o f b ot h lo ck e r s , fr o m E V R C t o B o b s g a r a g e . W e w i ll

    r e s e a r c h S t . F r a n c i s L u t h e r a n C h u r c h a n d o t h e r p os s i b le v en u e s i n t h e Ca s t r o a r e a . C IR C U L A T E S F T h e f ly e r fo r Au g u s t 1 5

    n o w a v a i la b l e . . L E A T H E R & L A CE D A N C E J o e a n d T o d d a r e h a n d li n g d e c or a t i o n s a n d 5 0 / 5 0 B U D G E T F O R GR E E N YE A R

    B o b , K a t h y a n d p o s s i b ly G a r y w i ll r e s e a r c h s e t t i n g u p a f o r m a l b u d g e t . K a t h y w i ll a l s o ex p lo r e w o r k i n g w i t h F C D on a 5 0 1 c

    U m b r e l la A c co u n t . I N T R O N I G H T S A T M A GN E T , E T C J o h n D o b s on h a s s e c u r e d M a g n e t f or a n I n t r o N i g h t o n M o n d a y Oc t ob

    5 . T h e r e w i l l b e a n a d d it i on a l In t r o a t t h e r e g u l a r C la s s s i t e on O c t ob e r 1 2 . F I N A L I ZI N G OU R S U M M E R S C H E D U L E A u g u s t

    w a s c o n f ir m e d a s P l u s Gr a d N i t e . T R E A S U R E R R E P O R T w a s p r e s e n t e d a n d a c ce p t e d . T h e b a l a n c e a s o f J u l y 1 4 , 2 0 0 9 i s

    $ 5 1 7 7 . 5 2 . I n c om e h a s b e e n f r om c ol le c t e d m e m b e r s h i p r e n e w a l s , d o n a t i on s , d r i n k s , a n d t h e P r i d e D a n c e (a d m i s s i on a n d 5 0 / 5 0 ).

    E x p e n s e s i n c lu d e d c h u r c h r e n t a l a n d c a l le r f e e fo r t h e P r i d e Da n c e a n d p r i n t in g c o s t s f o r t h e W S D P r i d e B o ot h m a t e r i a l s . P r i d e

    D a n c e e x p e n s e s w e r e c ov e r e d b y d on a t i o n s c o ll e ct e d . M a r k i s s e t t i n g u p a W S D T w i t t e r a c c ou n t . M a r k u r g e d t h a t w e g e t a d v a n

    c om m i t m e n t s t o in s u r e e n o u g h d a n c e r s f o r t h e d em o t i p a t S u n d a n c e S a lo on o n S e p t e m b e r 2 0 . K a t h y i s n e g ot i a t in g w i t h A n n e

    U e b e l a ck e r r e g a r d i n g a r e f u n d o n t r a v e l e x p e n s e s o r s u b s t i t u t e c a l li n g g i g f or u s , d u e t o A n n e s w i t h d r a w a l f r om t h e P r i d e D a n c

    A d j ou r n m e n t T h e m e e t i n g w a s a d j o u r n e d a t 8 : 5 5 pm . T h e n e x t m e e t i n g w i ll be h e ld on M o n d a y A u g u s t 1 0 , a t F o r e s t H i ll

    C h u r c h , b e g in n i n g a t 6 :1 5 p m .

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors August 10, 2009Members Present: Kathy Tuccio, Bob Brundage, Gary Cohn, Mark Nida, John Dobson, Russ King. Members absent: Daryl Daniels. Also presenRick CollinsThe meeting was called to order at 6:25pm. The minutes of July 14, 2009 were reviewed and approved as presented. John researched St. Francis Luthera

    Church and other venues in the Castro area; nothing is presently available that fits our needs. The Board approved booking Forest Hill for the month ofSeptember. CIRCULATE SF Kathy will transport food brought by members from the meeting place to the picnic area. LEATHER & LACE DANCE Thetheme is Kilts & Crinoline. Kathy is working with Midnight Squares to determine details of sharing the cost of hall rental and sharing Vic Cedar. BUDGET FOGREEN YEAR Bob computed our approximate yearly expenses to formulate a draft budget. It is based on our dancing one night a week, the three danceand various other yearly expenses. The total is $9460. INTRO NIGHTS AT MAGNET, ETC John Dobson will contact Magnet to get keys, finalize details foour Oct. 5 Intro Night. EXPANDING OUR WEBSITE Joe will work with new members of the Website team, Gary and Daryl, to bring them up to speed.FINALIZING OUR SEPTEMBER SCHEDULE The General Meeting will be held on September 21. Monday nights in September are devoted to full PlusDancing, including review as needed. Kathy will book a caller for September 28, 2009 as Rich Reel will be on vacation. BOARD ELECTION: No newcandidates have come forward yet. The Board decided to postpone the election until after the General Meeting, in order to generate more interest. The termthe existing Board do not expire until the end of November, so nominations can stay open until well into October. EAGLE BENEFIT (Sept 6) Members areencouraged to participate. LABOR DAY PICNIC (Sept 7) Daryl is handling this, and will keep us posted. TREASURER Bobs report was presented andaccepted. The balance as of August 9, 2009 is $5011.39. Income has been from collected membership renewals, donations, and drinks. Expenses includenon-profit filing with the State of California, and printing costs for flyers and newsletters. We are still doing a demo tip at Sundance Saloon, but the date maybe September 20. Kathy continues negotiating with Anne Uebelacker regarding a refund on travel expenses or a substitute-calling gig for us, due to Anneswithdrawal from the Pride Dance. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday September 21, prior to the GeneralMeeting, at Forest Hill Church.

    Respectfully submitted, Russ King. Secr

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star









    Happy BirthdayRonda Swerer October M ichael Stokes October Paul Van Houten October Mark Ni da October J im Dewsnap October

    Bob Br undage November Mari e M ohr November

    J . Er nest DuBois November Davida Ashton November Susan Gr ieger November Paul Gonyea November

    Dani Lawler December L inda Tur ner December Fabian Alvar ado DecemberRandy Lar oche December Ri ch Reel DecemberGar y Cohn December Steve M i l ler December

    Cr aig Olson December Todd Young December Nick Car lson December

  • 8/14/2019 2009 The Western Star


    Western Star Dancers584 Castro Street #480San Francisco, CA 94114