2008 world financial crisis - luis montero - paula cerón - fabián lópez

[THE 2008 WORLD FINANCIAL CRISIS] Paula Cerón Fabián López Luis Montero

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2008 crisis



    Paula Cern

    Fabin Lpez

    Luis Montero

  • What features of the global economy, and especially of the US, exposed the world to the major crisis that started in 2008?


    Federal Fund Rates below the neutral interest rate the fed maintain low rates at

    real value of 1%, which creates huge increase on

    borrowing and low or negative savings

    Financial deregulations which leads to certain freedom and low

    government control in banks and financial institutions whom of

    course are the base of the model under these type of government

    Since the dot com crisis the government took measures to increase

    the investment and create certain tax exemption to capital gains

    mostly but creating fiscal risk and huge government expenditures

    and of course increasing the level of debt.

    Exceed liquidity coming from China, fuel the housing market giving strong

    incentives to buy property of course through mortgage, without any financial

    analysis, because it was given in the base on the price of the land not the

    property per se.





  • What was the chain of events that finally triggered it? B




    US economy started to recover

    Lenders were convinced that a housing turndown was remote


    Prices of



    Housing market



    Fed lowered funds rates 11 times from 6.5% to 1.75%

    Flood of liquidity in the economy

    Subprime borrowers get easy acces to mortgages


    Prices of



    Houses were 70%



    The market reached its maximum peak

    Americans inrease spending trustin in the high value of their homes

    Adjustable rate mortgages increase rates


    Prices of


    increase 10% of all mortgages

    were in foreclosure

    Borrowers stop paying because of the increase of the interest rates

    House market saturated

    Credit crunch


    Financial institutions had huge losses because the houses that they received were devaluated

    Banks become afraid to lend money to anybody , including other banks


    Prices of



    Large banks


    Lehman Brothers was sent to bankrupcy

    Bear Stearns and Merrill Lynch were sold

    Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley became commercial banks

    Houses prices


    CDOs and


    securities issued

    This products attracted hungry high risk investors

    Over optimistic analysis of the future houses prices

    Fed lowered

    interest rates

    to 1.75%

    Wrong undervaluation of the risk of the loans

    Houses prices were rising steadiily

    Less requirements for a mortgage

  • Why did this problem propagate into something so big? C The U.S. unemployment rate increased to 10.1% by October 2009, the highest rate since 1983 and roughly twice the pre-crisis rate. The reduction in their buying power affected all the world

    63 percent of all Americans wealth declined in that period. 77 percent of the richest families had a decrease in total wealth, while only 50 percent of those on the bottom of the pyramid suffered a decrease.

    U.S. consumption accounted for

    more than a third of the growth in global consumption

    between 2000 and 2007

    the net debt of commercial banks

    located in the United States to their

    foreign offices increased by $575


    The failure of Lehman Brothers was a severe shock to US financial markets, because it undermined the prevailing assumption that no systemically-important financial institution would be allowed to fail, even if it was not a bank

    Foreign banks bought collateralized US debt. Many of these subprime mortgage loans were rebounded into CDOs and sold onto financial institutions around the world. For example, many British and European banks had exposure to these mortgage loans. Therefore, when defaults rose, European banks lost a lot of money.

    The banking system is internationally linked. When some banks started to lose money they became reluctant to lend to other.

  • What policies were used to fight it? D

    The president of U.S. subsided

    700,000 millions to the banks to

    provide liquidity to the

    economy. 1 New monetary policy in the USA in which the interest rates and loans were highly control. 2

    Elimination of one size fits all

    rate in the European union. 3 EU and U.S. reduced

    economic help to developing

    countries. 4

  • Why did events happening mostly in the US end up affecting the entire world, including your own country? E

    Higher prices in import goods

    that were use forindustrializa-

    tion and technology

    Lost of confidence

    in the dollar

    The decreased price

    of the oil

    Less exportation

    to the USA

    Due to the fact that Latin America economy is

    aligned to China economy the effect of the crisis

    was manageable. The main affected areas were:

  • How did the global crisis propagate so badly into Europe?? F

    Price of euro went down

    Fall of the European Stock Market

    Freezing credit for the private sector, lost of short

    term liquidity

    Increased of unemployment and increased

    of inflation

    Increased in deficit

    The most affected countries were PIIGS

    (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain)

  • What will be the long-term scars from this crisis? G There will be a recessions the world

    consumption would be slow (i.e. China)

    therefore the future will be developed

    by small consumption as well as small


    Lack of confidence in the market as

    well as in the banks, that would take

    some time to heel and of course

    unemployment rate would decrease

    and the interest rates are going to be

    higher to stimulate saving.

    The pressure and legislation on the

    banks and financial institution would be

    more extensive the system its going to

    be stabilized but might affect the

    profitability as well.

    According to Moody's: in the way the

    crisis is passing the interest rate would

    recover their value to positive values in

    real terms; the excess liquidity would be

    control by the central banks and they will

    benefit on financial integration

  • U.S. Median price of houses sold

    Source: U.S. Department of Commerce

    Graph 1

  • Unemployment rate USA

    Source: World Bank

    Graph 2

  • U.S. real Interest rates

    Source: U.S. Federal Reserve

    Graph 3

  • U.S. properties with foreclosure activity

    Source: U.S. Foreclosure Market Report

    Graph 4

  • U.S. Subprime Lending 2004-2006

    Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Harvard University State of the Nations Housing Report

    Graph 5

  • GDP % of growth

    Source: World Bank

    Graph 6

  • GDP % of growth of U.S. vs. L.A, Ecuador, Colombia and Costa Rica

    Source: World Bank

    Graph 7

  • Target federal funds rates

    Source: Federal Reserve Board

    Graph 8

  • Central Government Debt %GDP

    Source: World Bank

    Graph 9

  • European Stock Market

    Source: World Bank

    Graph 10

  • Euro price (2007 2008)

    Source: World Bank

    Graph 11

    2007 2008

  • UNEMPOYMENT RATE USA vs. European Union

    Source: World Bank

    Graph 12


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    Reye, Gerardo. Moslares, Carlos. La Union Europea en crisis:2008 2009.

    Problemas del Desarrollo. Junio 2010, Vol 41, num. 161.

    Dooley, Michael.. Etl. Las dos crisis de economa internacional.CEMLA.

    National Bureau of economic. Oct-Nov 2009.

    Bumachar, Joao. Goldfajn, Ilan. America Latina durante la crisis: el papel

    de los fundamentos.Revista Monetaria. enero- junio 2013