2010 04 29 fc sustainability embedding thought piece

Sustainable Development and Corporate Transformation Thought Piece page 1

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How do you embed sustainability in businesses? A presentation on linking the best behavioral change methods to sustainability to bring about the required transformation in mindsets, attitudes and actions.


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Sustainable Development and Corporate TransformationThought Piece

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Complex challenges Do we know what needs to be done?

• We may have less than a generation to solve the world’s most pressing problems, such as:

o climate change/clean energyo bottom of the pyramid


• Need to master complexity

• Need for increased collaboration and development

o unsustainable consumption and resource depletion etc

• Corporations have an huge role to play

• Current leadership approaches do not seem sufficient to mobilize people and action effectively across large scale, complex and diverse realities

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collaboration and effective delivery

• Need a new paradigm of sustainability thinking and behaviour

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The change challengeWill we do it?

Paradox - there is an urgent need for change but the rate of organisational change isusually slow and littered with failed attempts…. WHY?

The deck is stacked against change

• generative complexity – unfolding situations• social complexity – multi-stakeholders• dynamic complexity – cause and effect far apart

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Piecemeal approach • poor leadership and articulation of the Reason why• dictate of new Rules in the absence of Consciousness

Focus on process over person or froth over

substance • Need an integral approach driven by inspired leadership

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Complex challenges An integrated approach

Translating sustainability

into strategy and long term value Driving results

Developing the leader as awhole person

and transformingthe culture of

the organisation

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long term value Driving resultsin large, complex


Grow business and societal


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Leadership beyond the norm

Leadership that is:

• sensitive and responsive to global and local realities

• comfortable in diverse cultures

• builds multi-stakeholder relationships relationships

• uses insights to inspire and innovate and set strategic direction

• manages inner complexity as well as global market complexity

• breaks silos, joins up and aligns the organisation to new ways

• drives lasting change to a new culture for the organisation

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‘Integral model’ of change – Ken Wilber


• Observable behaviours• Leadership skills• Competencies

• Attitudes• Beliefs • Values• Motivation


Cultures majorly based on consciousness:

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Exterior• Observable behaviours

• Governance• Commitments• Policies and standards• Management systems• Procedures, tools

• Culture• Values, business

principles • Assumptions• Norms



-Disillusioned-Loose accountability

Cultures majorly based on reason and rules:


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Paradox : What comes first, the chicken or the egg? Where to start when you need to do it all?



It is an interactive process whereby a small minority of Innovators begin to set the new norm:

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Typical population under going change

Innovators and Early adopters mobilise the early ma jority

Step 1:Connect and

Step 2:Early engagement –Change agents

Step 3:Intense engagement and creation of Early majority

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Connect and Empower –Change initiators

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Integral model of change



• see the need for a new paradigm

• articulate the reason• set the new rules • drive implementation - often

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vip.vyas1 • drive implementation - often ahead of wide spread understanding and deeper consciousness

• Create a network of Early Adopters� identify� enlist, equip� instill with a new


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Integral model of change


Early Adopters

• become change agents• engage the early majority

Early majority • apply the new thoughts and

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vip.vyas1 • apply the new thoughts and actions

• become a critical mass of people sharing a new consciousness

• reach the tipping point for lasting change

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A new way to embed lasting change

Paradox: rules are necessary but they cannot cover everything in a dynamic world

Step 1:

Develop wide spread


Step 2:

Equip people to innovate and deal with new

realitiescover everything in a dynamic world

What happens when circumstances go beyond even new rules?

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Step 3:

Harvest and disseminatethe emerging

best practice

Step 4:

Generate an effective ,

system wide new rule

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Essential conditions for developing consciousness

Out of comfort zone ‘Deep Impact’ learning environment

• Experience of a new country/culture

• Working in multicultural teams

• Solving real business problems

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• Tight time frames

• Working at the interface of public/private sector

• Leading edge technology and practical business skills

• U-process, assessments, stakeholder analysis and engagement

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Essential approach to effective solutions - The U process approach

Sensing: participants visit other sitesand organisations and develop freshinsights into those organisations –and begin to question some of theirown assumptions

Presencing: participants integrate allof their ‘sensing’ and together reach a

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of their ‘sensing’ and together reach ashared sense of the possible wayforward and their own, deep personalcommitment to this

Realising: together, participantscreate plans for prototyping andaction which represent new,innovative thinking.Developed by Joseph Jaworski & Otto Sharmer

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Embedding sustainable developmentAn effective solution

Strategy and Portfolio Targets, systems and tools

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Stakeholder panels

Reporting and assurancePolicies, Standards and Governance

People skills and behaviours

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Embedding sustainable developmentDetailed solution

• Scenarios• New products• New services

Strategy and Portfolio

Targets, systems and tools

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• Existing operations: i.e. ESHIA, SD in VAR Process, Carbon cost guidelines, SD in Bus Proposals• New projects: i.e. KPIs & targets, SD major site reviews, SD at retail sites, Scorecards

• HSE Policy – standards around environment, biodiversity, health, security ,diversity etc.• External Review Panel• SD Committee• Internal assurance

Policies, standards and Governance

• Stakeholder panels

Reporting and Assurance

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Embedding Sustainable DevelopmentPeople Skills and Behaviours

Objective Activity Medium Agent



SD e-PortalNewsletters/e-lettersCompany ReportResource library

SD e-learning

Key messagesLatest updatesBest practice examples

Corporate CentreBusinessesFunctions

Self directed

Awareness & understanding


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SD networksCross-postingsCompetencesCareer planning

BusinessesHR PlannersSD Advisors SD practitioners

Beyond training

SD e-learningSD workshopsSD master classesLeadership assessment& developmentTraining & coaching

SD presentation packsSD case studiesSD best practice guidesSD modules and eventsSD e-learning tools

Active learning Experienced peopleFunctional leadershipCompetency profiling

Self directed SD advisorsSubject expertsProgramme managersSD change agents


Mastery & advocacy

Working Knowledge

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Sample sustainable development roadmap

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SD Learning Basic awareness & understanding


• Clear, simple, consistent

• In the language of the company

• Combination of

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� moral/values case based on company values

� business case based on real company examples

• Championed by top leadership

• Continuously updated and repeated

• Using all media

• Corporate SD e-Portal hub

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SD Learning approach


• Business relevant

• Tailored to priority audiences

• Based on ‘self-discovered’ and ‘accelerated learning’ techniques highly engaging, learning’ techniques highly engaging, experiential, mixed media

• Short, cost-effective and flexible

• Delivers personal reflection and action-planning

• Built around 'train-the-trainer’ concept

• Integrated throughout the talent pipeline

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Co-created with the Businesses

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SD Learning

Training and leadership development

• E-learning

• All-comers SD primer workshops for individuals and networks

� Specialist SD workshops� Specialist SD workshops

� Line managers

� Project engineers

• External affairs, HSE, SD, Finance managers

• Country Chair on-boarding – SD and engagement

• Master classes for senior leadership

• SD modules

Integrated throughout leadership talent pipeline

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SD Learning – mastery and advocacy

Beyond training

• Networks

• Active learning

• Placing/cross-posting experienced people

• Use of champions

• Competency profiling

• Assessment and development

• Career planning

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Beyond Leadership programme - ‘U’ process in actiona new pedagogy for deep impact learning

Field workPreparation Business Projects

Closing Conference


Phase 1 (2 months) Phase 3 (1 year)Phase 2 (4 months)

• Field projects: Brazil, India, Mexico of real stakeholder importance

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• Business projects: in new product development, new market entry etc of real business importance

• Mentored throughout in teams

• Coaching pairs

• Growing alumni of like-minded leaders sharing new approach

Done in association with LEAD International

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‘U’ process integrated throughout

Driving individual team accountabilityWorking across cultures

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Planning projects and co-ordinating action

Deep dive: prototyping ideas

Visioning presencing

Understanding stakeholder perspectives

Dialogue: advocacy and inquiry

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Leadership consciousness, competencies behaviours consolidated in business practice

Giving and receiving assessment

Driving action and performance in real business projects

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Giving and receiving assessment

Building a personal leadership brand

Creating critical mass of Change Agents

Tipping point reached where new culture becomes the norm

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• World needs new sustainability paradigm of thinking and behaviour• Complex challenges need integral solutions• Requires Leadership beyond the norm – values based, masters of complexity - to

drive• Integral approach to change – Wilber model• Innovators and early adopters:o articulate the reason and set the new rules – hard wiringo articulate the reason and set the new rules – hard wiring

� governance, policies & standards, systems & processes, reporting, KPIs, targets, verification & assurance etc

o engage the early majority to instil consciousness – soft wiring by targetingo high leverage change agents with deep impact learning program based on ‘U’

� Grow critical mass of transformed individuals to achieve tipping point in � Cultural transformation to set lasting change around new paradigm

• Be systematic, allow innovation to flourish, consolidate best practice as new rules

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Sustainable development – corporate transformation• Gain top level commitment and mandate for change

� engage top leaders individually, then collectively� relate to individual and company priorities - show how change proposition will add value

• Be systematic� set-up governance structure with company-wide representation� manage change as any other project - objectives, roles, responsibilities, timeframe, KPIs, reviews

etc• Set common language in simple words with clear definitions resonant with company culture and

values� be rigorous in the consistent use of terms – include values case and business case� be rigorous in the consistent use of terms – include values case and business case

• Communicate widely - raise basic awareness & understanding, prepare the way for the change to follow

• Address ‘hard wiring’ and ‘soft wiring’ at the same time using the integral approach� develop reason, rules and consciousness

• Work through existing systems and processes as far as possible – bolt-on, infuse align • Grow a network of Innovators and Early adopters to influence the Early majority • Allow a ‘thousand flowers to bloom’ - encourage challenge to old ways of doing things, be

supportive of experimentation• Recognise, reward and communicate emerging best practice – consolidate into new standards• Continuously maintain and refresh communications• Celebrate success• Enjoy the ride – how you travel is as important as the journey

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Sustainable developmentcorporate transformation

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corporate transformation

Mark Wade

[email protected]+44(0)1580 714968+44(0)7957579550