2010 handong global university industrial design dgree project


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Proposal of New MP4 UX


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Optimized function

Ways of interaction

Featureweb research

1 Building Domain Knowledge of MP4 through web research

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Physical User Interface

Purposeof use

Usage within context

User behavior

heuristic evaluation

2 Extracting characteristics of MP4 through Heuristic Evaluation

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1 Effective management of various contents

To execute features of contents, finding right method that fits is required.Way of interacting to control various features of MP4 in a limited screen space is needed. Desired information should be easily reached and be found through minimum procedures.

Various functionsLimited size of display

due to mobilityDifferentiation in

ways of interactionBig storage space

2 Moving theatre & stereo

Like with MP3 you can conveniently listen to music whenever and wherever you are with it and also watch videos like you do with PMP but it’s much lighter. We need something that is specialized in both music and video.

MP3’s high degree of portability

enables to freely listen to music

without much load.

MP4 is smaller and lighter than

PMP but still can play videos

without encoding like PMP.

3 Upgrade User Value

It’s a device that has not only esthetic approach in design, in which upgrades user value just by owning one, but also has a distinguishing element such as contribution to society which increases MP4’s value itself.

User Value

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Understanding user’s ways of managing files in video, music, and text mode and suggest optimal file management that fits each content’s (video, music, text) property.

1 Finding file management model that fits each property of contents (video, music, text)

According to property of content, ways of managing files differ. Grasp each contents’ characteristics (by period of file remaining inside the device, saving and deleting according to file size, and categorizing according to type of file ) and evaluate whether ways of managing files that are being offered is suitable.

2 Finding file management model that considers MP4 storage space

Based on the storage space, amount of files that could be added to device may vary. Therefore search and understand for ways of file management that differ by types and amount(file size) of files.

2 Understanding file management of users and their work around.

Observe how users manage files( especially creation of new folders or ways of storing files) within their own MP4. From interviews about file management, find out users’ artifacts and understand their hidden needs on having such one.

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Analyze the kind of wants users have when using music, video, and text contents and their ways in searching those contents. The goal is to find out and suggest right search method that satisfy users’ wants and needs.

1 Figure out what kinds of intention users have while searching and find out their needs.

Find purpose and intention of searching and figure out the search pattern that fits the best.

ex)_1. Finding how people remember where their files are. For instance, do people remember them by hierarchical position of files?

Finding needs Figuring out

the intention of



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Expanding the concept of video watching work domain to before watching, during, and after watching. In this stage of process, finding series of pattern in sequences of user behavior is critical.

1 Find series of pattern (user behavior) that occur in each stage of video watching work domain.

Because user behavior has sequences, common pattern of works can be found.

2 Find series of pattern that occur in each stage of video watching work domain using other medium.

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When transition occur, context changes. In each context, different user behaviors are seen. When these user behaviors create behavior pattern, user’s usage pattern of MP4 in each critical context can be known.

1 Behavioral pattern according to time and place

When a person behaves in certain ways, physical transition occurs. In this transition, user’s behavior pattern is formed. Find how user uses MP4 in such behavior pattern.

2 Posture

In different contexts, different postures are required. Observe postures of users (while using MP4) in each critical context.

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By providing not only standardized contents but also new experience that satisfies user’s sensibility, synergy that is created in between is expected.

1 Attached belonging

Through physical adhesion, form an attachment and continual connection between user and MP4.

2 Emotional value (approach)

Through emotional approach, exceed ordinary mobile device in value and through emotional mutuality establish meaningful relationship between user and MP4. When approaching with emotional value, consider design elements that promote susceptible experience (sense, motion, symbol, gesture, etc) and overall evaluation of the usage of device (emotional response, reliance).

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1. File management

File management that fits each characteristic of contents heuristic

Understanding user’s file management model and work around artifact observation

2. Search

Purpose and intention of searching heuristic

Behavioral pattern according to purpose and intention of searching FGI

3. Expanding video work domain

Find series of pattern in each sequence of video watching heuristic

Find series of pattern in each sequence using other medium desk research

4. Usage pattern based on context

Transition + posture observation

According to transition Usage pattern heuristic

5. Emotional enrichment

Attached belonging

Emotional value (approach) desk research

Research methods classified by framework

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Heuristic EvaluationIssue_Video• Reducing size of file to save storage space• Users are unnotified about the non-playable files added to MP4• Files are unable to move to corresponding contents• File names are unable to deliver enough information of files.

Issue_Music• Increase of time for searching and controlling the device due to large amount of files. • Even though playlist is provided, it’s not frequently used due to difficulties of add/delete manual.

1 File management that fits each characteristic of contents

Using data that has been gained through heuristic evaluation on characteristics of each contents and its file

management model, suggest a new file management model that satisfies user’s needs.

Artifact ObservationCommon classification method of users >Ignore title/genre and put in all together> Season/People/Date/Source of Download /Nationality

2 User’s file management and work around identification

Get user's MP4 device, observe how they manage files (folder types, file storage, etc), interview them for the managing method and find out file managing artifact, and identify the needs of reasons of having such artifact model.

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Select and group several Search-related situations and categorize them into 7 types.

Heuristic Evaluation _ Search related Situation categories

Search through partial


Search that reflects emotion

Search through

factors in files

Multi-tasking search

Search related with

currently playing


Search through usage


Search in overall super

ordinate concept

1 Purpose and Intention of Search

Find out Search-related situations through Heuristic and identify corresponding purpose and intention.

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2 Control manual and activity patterns based on the purpose and intention of Search

Let users use various MP4 freely and after certain amount of task is performed, put them in specific situationsand observe how they control the device and also their searching pattern.

Main function_ Based on main function users use most often, the purpose in usage of MP4 is found .Degree of closeness to device_ Needs differ from degree of closeness users have to the device. Amount of files_ According the amount of files users have in MP4, behavior pattern in searching varies.

FGI _ factors of persona selection

• Even though users add music files to MP4 by themselves, they can’t recognize and use them.• Want associated information of the songs. (genre/musician/album)• Weather, mood, and situation affect the selection of songs and through such classification, users want to reach to their desiring music more quickly

• Users want to listen to songs that are related to the song that is being played. • There is need for the frequently played songs to be in place where it’s most approachable.

FGI _ Main Issue

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Identify behavior pattern


Preparation for the usage/ pattern in identifying the video file history

Change of posturePartial repetition / Patterns in making bookmark

How people behave in order to maintain emotional resonance after watching the video/How people share personal feelings about the files they’ve watched

1 Identify a series of pattern seen in sequence when watching mp4 video.

Expanding the concept of video watching work domain to before watching, during, and after watching.Then find series of pattern in user behavior and consequences that occur in between.

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Matrix for observation

2 Transition + Posture

In Transition, figure out user’s behavioral patterns through time+space+posture Matrixand based on this, identify usage patterns in critical situations related with MP4 usage.

Observe locations that would influence user’s postures.Form Scenario that can contain several Contexts, select ones that can cover similar types of Context and figure out user’s behavioral pattern,

• Transition + Posture during mass transportation

• Context in which Transition + Posture change

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1 Attached belonging

Refer to a thesis that extracted the sensitivities users got through their attached belongings. Among those, figure out factors that are applicable to MP4.

Reference to a Thesis

Extract Insight that expands senses gained from attached belonging

1. Influential control on the property of user information (Control the Privacy level)

2. Delicate communication that respects users (Giving Sensitive Communication)Flexible responding to specific functions on the property of user value

3. Appeal for various senses (Touch your Sense)Providing sensible expression method customized for the user’s unique feeling

4. Recollection of emotional experience (Bring out into Nostalgia)Satisfaction consolidation through user awareness extension

5. Delicate options that helps users to effectively expose their individualities (Needs for new expression way)Providing user’s symbolic meaning combination factor.

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Overall ProcessFind out fundamental reasons of problem and needs and develop them to effective Solution direction.

Extracting phenomenon for drawing Insight

Filter much phenomena gained by processing How To and extract one that can draw Insight.

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1 Research methodology

음악의 특성 현상 Problem & Needs Why Insight

선호 하는 파일의관리와 보관

선호하는 파일을 쉽게 찾을 수있도록 mp4에서 playlist를 제공하고 있다.

선곡, 보관, 관리의 이용 효율성이 가장 좋은 것이 playlist인데 user 자신이 필요한 폴더를 직접 만들어서 사용

Playlist기능을 제공하고 있지만 제대로 사용하는 유저가 많지 않다.

Playlist내에서 파일관리의 유연성 부족

Playlist로 곡을 분류하고 확인하는 과정에서 많은 조작의 단계를 요구

Playlist내에서 유연한 파일관리가 가능하도록 해줘야 한다.

FGI’s Fact Problem & Needs Why Insight

날씨, 분위기, 상황에 따른 mood에 따라 검색하는 노래가 달라진다

사람마다 곡을 느끼는 기준이 다르기 때문에mood의 정의가 많이 달라진다.

단순한 가수-제목 보기 형식이 아닌 새로운 display방식으로 정보를 보여줘야한다.

재생되고 있는 아티스트의 다른음악을 찾는다.

현재 재생음악과 연관된 듣고 싶은음악이 있다.

사람은 끊임 없이 무엇인가를 생각하는데, 음악을들으면서는 그 음악에 대한 생각을 하기도 한다.

재생되고 있는 파일과 연계한 검색을제공해줘야 한다.

Mp4에서 자체적으로 제공하는장르ㅡ앨범 등의 분류가 불편해서 잘 쓰지 않는다._>내가 넣은 순서대로 찾는 편이더 편하다.

mp4에서 제공하는 분류방식이 사용자의 mental model과 매치되지않는다.

mp4에서 제공하는 분류방식보다는 직접 폴더 관리를 하는데, 보통은 기준을 혼합해서 관리, 검색하는 경우가 많다.

파일을 보여주는 방식에 사용자가 기억하는 방법과 대응될 수 있도록 한다.

앨범 안으로 들어갔을 때 한 곡만있는 경우가 있다.

효율적이지 못하다.1. 곡을 찾는데 효율적인 분류를 제공하지 못한다.2. 곡을 찾는 단계가 많다. 여러 폴더를 거쳐서 간다. ex) i-pod의 home 키

사용자가 임의로 파일간의 연관성을 줄수 있는 방법을 제시해줘야 한다.다른 성격의 곡을 찾아서 들을 때

에는 여러 단계를 거쳐서 찾아야한다.

Draw Insight based on the property of MP4, heuristic evaluation and the fact from FGI, context and contents found in the thesis.

Filter much phenomena gained by processing How To and extract one that can draw Insight.

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1 Insight Consolidation

user가 기억하는 방법에 의한 서치를 제공받길 원한다.음악에서 가장 critical한 많은 파일에 대한 니즈를 풀어줄 수 있는 방법이지만, 사용의 불편함을해결해 주지 않으면 사용하지 않는다.

곡의 위치기억을 위한 가이드 라인이 필요하다. non touch의 특성상 순차적 접근 밖에 되지 않는데, 이러한 한계를 넘을 수 있어야 한다.

곡의 정보를 전해 줄 수 있는 다른 방법이 필요하다. 재생되고 있는 파일과 연계한 검색을 제공한다.

다양한 search를 위한 조작과 디스플레이 방식을 제공하지 못한다. 동영상에 특성상 자주 느끼게 되는 니즈를 찾아 해결한다.

단순한 가수-제목 보기 형식이 아닌, 새로운 정보를 보여주기 위한 새로운 display방식이 필요하다.조작의 일관성을 주지만, 살짝 다른 조작으로 인해서 조작 부위가 다르거나 다른 display방식을제공한다.

동영상의 이어보기 같은 경우는 전후관계에 관한 것이 중요하다. 좋아하는 곡들을 모은 플레이리스트를 새로운 방식으로 듣기 원한다.

많은 파일을 한꺼번에 볼 수 있는 다양한 방법을 제공해줘야 한다. 최소의 단계와 노력으로 홀드의 활성상태와 해제상태가 가능하게하는 인터페이스(조작방법)

컨텐츠에 따라 사용자가 기억하는 방법이 다르다. 최소한의 물리적 노력으로 서있는 상태에서도 화면을 볼수 있는 외관구조

사람들의 생활에는 pattern이라는 것이 있기 때문에 상황이 반복된다. 그 pattern에 대한 어울리는 곡들이있는데, 상황들이 비슷할 경우 플레이리스트를 이용해 그 상황을 support한다.

파일 크기를 줄여서 더 많은 동영상 파일을 보관할 수 있는 파일관리 시스템

사용자가 선호하는 파일에 대한 접근을 용이하게 한다.사용자의 노력이 헛으로 돌아가는 경우, 한계를 지나게 되면 기기에 대한 회의감을 들게하므로반복되는 일이 없어야 한다.

상황/감정에 의한 곡선택을 빠르게 하고 싶은 니즈가 있다. 파일을 보여주는 방식에 사용자가 기억하는 방법과 대응될 수 있는 인터페이스를 제공한다.

플레이 리스트는 파일을 구별하는것이 목적인데, 상위 단계부터 구별이 되지 않는다. 파일의 재생여부와 재생되었던 시간 에 대한 feedback 을 제공

시간을 절약할 때 쓰는 Skip 범위 조절의 유연성이 떨어진다.-> 컨텐츠별로 자주 사용하는 기능들의 범위 조절 유연성이 떨어진다.

재생했던 컨텐츠들에 관련한 행동들(ost찾기, 명대사 인용…)을 위한 노력을 한다.

사용자의 니즈는 수시로 변하기 때문에 그 니즈에 맞게 플레이 리스트도 여러 개가 필요하다. 재생했던 컨텐츠를 전부 혹은 부분을 보관하려 한다.

영상파일을 재생할때와 검색할때 내부환경의 변화로 인해 사용자가 물리적인 힘이 더해져야 하거나natural mapping 에 혼란이 오지 않도록 한다

사용자는 환경에서 제공되는 물건들을 이용하여 자신의 신체에 최적화 될 수 있는 환경을 스스로 만든다.

음악에서 가장 critical한 많은 파일에 대한 니즈를 풀어줄 수 있는 방법이지만, 사용의 불편함을 해결해 주지 않으면 사용하지 않는다.

작은 화면의 단점을 커버하고 동영상에 집중 할 수 있도록 해준다.

non touch의 특성상 순차적 접근 밖에 되지 않는데, 이러한 한계를 넘을 수 있어야 한다.

Filter much phenomena gained by processing How To and extract one that can draw Insight.

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2 Sorting Insight

Filter much phenomena gained by processing How To and extract one that can draw Insight.

Sorting out for Design Direction

Problem & Needs Insight

파일의 개수가 맋아지면서 파일을 보여주는 페이지의 길이가 늘어나서 원하는파일의 위치를 찾기까지 맋은 시간이 걸린다. (FGI_search)

맋은 파일을 한꺼번에 볼 수 있는 다양한 방법을 제공해줘야 한다.곡의 위치기억을 위한 가이드 라인이 필요하다.

분명하지 않은 파일명과 불필요한 정보가 들어있는 파일명은 파일선별에 어려움을 준다. (FGI_search)

곡의 정보를 전해 줄 수 있는 다른 방법이 필요하다.

자싞이 파일을 넣었던 순서, 파일명의 모음순서대로 파일의 위치를 기억하기때문에 파일의 개수가 늘어날 경우에는 파일의 정확한 위치를 기억하기가 어렵다. (FGI_search)

곡의 위치기억을 위한 가이드 라인이 필요하다.

Propose a layout that lightens the load of user in remembering the exact location of files

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2 Sorting Insight

Filter much phenomena gained by processing How To and extract one that can draw Insight.

Suggest a search method that reflects emotion of users and how they sort through files

Problem & Needs Insight

음악의 검색 방식이 장르/아티스트/앨범으로맊 되어 있어서 사용자는 분위기, 날씨, 상황에 따라 곡 선택을 다르게 하기 위해 mood를 반영한 폴더를 따로맊든다. (FGI_ search & Heurisitic_search)

상황/감정에 의한 곡선택을 빠르게 하고 싶은 니즈가 있다.

곡을 찾기 위해 mp4에서 제공하는 장르/아티스트/앨범 검색을 하지 않고 곡 전체가 나와있는 리스트에 들어가서 파일의 제목을 확인한다. (FGI_search)

단순한 가수-제목 보기 형식이 아닌, 새로운 정보를 보여주기 위한 새로운display방식이 필요하다.

재생되고 있는 곡과 비슷한 곡, 현재 듣고 있는 음악가의 다른 곡을 듣고 싶다. 현재 재생되고 있는 음악과 관련한 다른 음악을 연계하여 검색하고 싶다. (Heuristic_search)

재생되고 있는 파일과 연계한 검색을 제공한다.

한 앨범을 듣거나 한 장르맊 듣기 보다는 다양한 곡을 듣기 위해 파일 전체리스트에서 파일을 찾기 때문에 찾는 시간이 오래 걸린다. (Heuristic_search)

상황/감정에 의한 곡선택을 빠르게 하고 싶은 니즈가 있다.

음악을 듣다가 새로운 곡이 떠오르면 바로 전체 리스트에 들어가서 파일을 검색한 뒤 파일을 재생하기 때문에 원하는 곡을 듣기 위해서는 맋은 맋은 시간이소요된다. (Heuristic_search)

user가 기억하는 방법에 의한 서치를 제공받길 원한다.

동영상 리스트에서 아직 보지 않은 영상을 찾기 위해 하나씩 재생하며 앆 보았던 파일을 확인해야 하는 번거로움이 있다.(Heuristic_search)

파일의 재생여부와 재생되었던 시간 에 대한 feedback 을 제공

Sorting out for Design Direction

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2 Sorting Insight

Filter much phenomena gained by processing How To and extract one that can draw Insight.

Establish a link that connects the past and current memory in order to support the memory of previous condition which alters based on the contents.

Problem & Needs Insight

영상을 이어서 볼 때, 정확히 마지막으로 본 부분보다 더 이전부분을 확인해서 기억하고자 한다. (Heuristic _ usage pattern)

동영상의 이어보기 같은 경우는 전후관계에 관한 것이 중요하다.

재생되는 컨텐츠에 따라 이어주기 하는 시작지점이 달라져야 한다. (Heuristic _ search)

컨텐츠에 따라 사용자가 기억하는 방법이 다르다.

동영상은 화면에 대한 기억과 재생시간에 대한 기억을 통해 파일을 찾기 때문에 원하는 영상을 찾기 위해서는 일일이 파일을 재생하여 확인하게 된다. (Heuristic_ Search)

컨텐츠에 따라 사용자가 기억하는 방법이 다르다.

Sorting out for Design Direction

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Problem & Needs

•As numbers of files increase, page gets longer and it takes longer time to reach to a desiring file. (FGI_search)•Because people remember the location of files as an order they have added to device, it gets harder for them to remember the exact location as more files are added to the device. (FGI_search)

•Files that have unclear names or unnecessary information give difficulties to users when sorting out files. (FGI_search)

1 Proposing layout that lightens the load of user in remembering the exact location of files

Suggest a layout that can shorten time being used in selecting desiring file out of all the files

As number of files increase, the longer it takes to search through files.

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Problem & Needs

•Because music are classified only as genre, artist, and album, users create new folders that reflect music that they want to listen to according to different mood. (FGI_ search & Heurisitic_search)•To search music, users rarely use ‘Genre’, ‘Artist’, and ‘Album’ folders. Instead, they go to ‘All Songs’ folder and go through all the titles of music. (FGI_search)

2 Suggest a search method that reflects emotion of users and how they sort through files

Suggest a way of searching and classifying files that reflects users’ need of attaching personal meaning to files.

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Problem & Needs

•Want to listen to music that’s similar in style or artist to music being played currently. (Heuristic_search)•To listen to diverse music instead of just one album or genre, users have to go over all the files from the main playlist which takes quite a lot of amount of time. (Heuristic_search)•When user want to listen to certain music while listening to another music, they have to go to the main playlist and search for the music. The process they have to go through is time-consuming. (Heuristic_search)•Because through video list users can’t distinguish between ‘newly added videos’ and ‘already played videos’, they have to check all other files or have to rely solely on their memory. (Heuristic_search) •When user want to continue watching the video they have stopped before, they have to adjust the play bar and check the screen in order to remember the last scene. (Heuristic_search)

2 Suggest a search method that reflects emotion of users and how they sort through files

Suggest a way of searching and classifying files that reflects users’ need of attaching personal meaning to files.

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Problem & Needs

•Because people find video files by relying on their memory of the last scene or the run time, they have to go over all the files to find desiring file. (Heuristic_ Search)

3 Establish a link that connects the past and current memory

Reduce black memory by effectively associating user’s memory with the previous condition.

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4 Propose an effective file management of music through playlist

Suggest a new playlist that can make up the limitations past playlist has and keep and manage many music.

Problem & Needs

•Users don’t really use the playlist that is given. ( Heuristic-Property of contents)•There’s lack of flexibility in managing files within the playlist. ( Heuristic-Property of contents)•Process of classifying music into the playlist requires a lot of steps. ( Heuristic-Property of contents)•It is difficult to distinguish between playlists due to their similar names. (2nd FGI – Search)•People have anticipation in music that’s about to come after the currently playing song. (2nd FGI – Search)•When random music with very different style is played as the next song, it gets on users’ nerves. (2nd FGI – Search)•When music is played in a normal play mode, users rarely get to listen to music that’s at the end of the list. (2nd FGI – Search)

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Problem & Needs

•It is difficult to find the exact spot that user want to go using a play bar while they’re listening to a lecture. (Heuristic_Search) •Because it’s not a touch device, in order to control buttons users have to keep pushing the button.(Heuristic_ Setting )•Users who use MP4 with an education purpose often have to repeat sections but it is hard to control accurately. (Observation_ 학습)

•When user press the button to search for music for a long time, songs pass by too fast and user have to go back again to find the song. (FGI_ Search)

1 Controller that has a flexible control range

Allow users to control simple range of value

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Problem & Needs

•When MP4 is on a hold, it’s hard to control basic options (volume, brightness of screen). (Heuristic & Observation_ Usage pattern )

•User want to listen to their favorite music but every time they have to go through the same steps all over again, (FGI_Search) •Video files are big and once user have watched them, they no longer want to keep them. However there is no delete option, so those unwanted files still remain in MP4. (Heuristic_File management) •User have set time for the music to be played to sleep but MP4 went off before user have gone to sleep. To reset the time ,user have to go over the same process again and when once they have done that they no longer feel sleepy. (Heuristic_context)•It took long time to add files to MP4, but some of the files can’t be played. (Heuristic_file management)

2 IA that enables the approach to frequent works with minimal steps

By shortening depths of work between user and MP4, allow user to execute works with least amount of process.

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Problem & Needs

•Because user have to hold MP4 while they’re standing, arm hurts as usage of MP4 gets longer. ( observation _ Usage pattern )•When using MP4 while sitting, user have to use book or other methods as a prop or else they have to hold MP4 all the way. (FGI _ search )

•User are worried that MP4 might fall off when they are exercising. So although it’s inconvienient, they hold the MP4 while they are exercising. ( Heuristic _ Usage pattern )

1 Aids that minimize physical discomfort that is caused due to long hours of MP4 usage

With new way of placing MP4, solve the physical burden of user in using MP4.

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Problem & Needs

•When user was listening to a lecture, user couldn’t find a memo. (Heuristic, FGI)•Some of users do not watch movie in MP4 player because of its small display. (FGI)

•Sometimes subtitle blocks the visual screen. (Heuristic)-> Only need basic function. Don’t need other visual factors that interrupts the act of watching movie

2 Use of screen space that satisfies user regardless of its small size

Minimize the inconvenience in watching movie in small display and make it into a enjoyable experience

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Problem & Needs

•User want to keep record to support their emotion in the movie. (Heuristic_expanding work domain) •User need to editing and saving the movie part to save their emotion.

•User want to memorize the OST and words to use after. (Needs_Heuristic)•User want to save the intense screen. (Needs_FGI Interview)•User want to collect highlight in movie. (Needs_FGI Interview)

Add the emotional factor and private ownership to user keep the emotion.

1 Enrichment emotional satisfaction to maximize creative participated factor

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Problem & Needs

•Changing the viewing In movie occurs transform of right and left button role. (Observation)•Same button performs in different viewing. It is confused. (Heuristic, Observation)

•Take place mode error because limited button perform various role . (Observation)•User memorizes the interaction with the direction. (FGI, Observation)

2 Natural matching between controller and screen

Graphic User Interface and layout have the consistency because contents have the different specificity.

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Problem & Needs

• Control in pocket makes a lot of mistake. (1st FGI – Search) • when user exercises, take place many mistake because user does not look the display. (Heuristic – Usage pattern)

• User fidgets with his MP4player in his pocket. (Observation – Usage pattern)

2 Synesthetic user satisfaction

Provide synesthetic stimulus to emotional and satisfaction.

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Problem & Needs

•User visit website everyday to check if new movies have come up. (Heuristic _ Usage pattern )•User look for reviews and choose a movie to watch. (FGI _ Search )•User often read synopsis of a movie before watching it. (Heuristic_ Setting )•User check director or actors ‘s name of the movie. (Observation_ 학습)

•User check if the movie has got any awards. (FGI_ Search)

3 Adopting a service that provides information about the video files within MP4

Before watching the video, people search for information about the video they are about to watch to see if it’s worth watching. Therefore providing information about the video automatically will save users time.

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빈번히 일어나는 work에최소한의 단계로 접근을가능하게 하는 IA를 제앆

Proposing layout that lightens the

load of user in remembering

the exact location of files

Suggest a search method

that reflectsEmotion of users and how they sort

through files

Establish a link that connects the past and

current memory

Propose an effective file management

of music through playlist

영상에 대한 감성적 맊족을강화하기 위해

사용자의 창의적 참여요소제앆

Reflected directionExtract directions that can solve problems and satisfy user’s needs when it Is combined with the generated ideas and reflect them on the concept device.

01 02

03 04

05 06

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Concept 01

Quick & ShowConcept 02

Gather, Together

Concept 03


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이런 식으로 이미지로 주목 끌고 간단한 멘트

_일단 형식맊 보여주기 위한 것. 완성도 낮음

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User-customizing expanded structureProvide search function that allows user to reach to contents in need with minimum process (shallow depth)

common IA structure of MP4 (tree structure) customizing expanded structure

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Vol. button

USB Jack Cap

Back button

1 Exterior

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Power button



1 Exterior

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2 Color Variation

Cute + luxury

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2 Color Variation

Cute + luxury

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2 Color Variation

Cute + luxury

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2 Color Variation

Cute + luxury

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3 Feature

Stick ItRegardless of hierarchical level, any contents can be made into shortcut icons on home screen due to its customizing expanded structure


Comeback HomeWherever you are, contents that you have made as shortcut icons can be reached instantly through home menu


Catch meBecause you can search through files along with folders at the same time, faster approach to contents is possible


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Short cut contents in home screen

Stick ItRegardless of hierarchical level, any contents can be made into shortcut icons on home screen due to its customizing expanded structure


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음악을 듣거나

Comeback HomeWherever you are, contents that you have made as shortcut icons can be reached instantly through home menu 02

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폴더와 파일에 동시에 접근 가능



03 Catch meBecause you can search through files along with folders at the same time, faster approach to contents is possible

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Share contents with nearby friends

Through sharing contents with people at close quarters, You can enjoy same contents with your friends in convenience with your own device

Share contents with random people through broadcasting

You can easily have your own broadcast through broadcasting function within device


Share Broadcast

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Back & Home button

USB Jack Cover

Power button

Vol. button


1 Exterior

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2 Color Variation

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2 Color Variation

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2 Color Variation

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Gather Speed

Gather Strength

Gather Friends

By grouping contents with same property, easier and faster access to contents is possible

Through broadcasting, express yourself and form social network with others

3 Feature

No need to cluster to enjoy contents with your friends. Just enjoy them with your own device in convenience.




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Users can instantly reach to contents and options they use most often.


Current location

Play content

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Vol. key


USB Jack cap

Earphone jack

Touch Panel


Power button

1 Exterior

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Lightens up when youuse Touch-panel

In each screen, functions in this soft key changes (one-to-one correspondence with the screen)

Navigation Key

1 Exterior

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1 Exterior

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1 Exterior

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1 Exterior

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3 Feature

Matching OptionSoft key that controls options and correspond with the controller

01 4 GestureCollect frequently used functions and give gesture (this gesture is used as a shortcut when changing mode)


Beat the rhythmSwift and emotional way of searching through music using beat 03

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Change of contents using gesture

01 4 GestureCollect frequently used functions and give gesture

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Give gesture while listening to musicto play different content

01 4 GestureCollect frequently used functions and give gesture

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Natural match with the soft key in touch panel and options on the screen

02 Matching OptionSoft key that controls options and correspond with the controller

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Wherever you are, there is a natural mapping between soft key on touch panel and options on the screen

02 Matching OptionSoft key that controls options and correspond with the controller

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Touch beat search

03 Beat the rhythmSwift and emotional way of searching through music using beat

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Tap with rhythm on touch panel tosearch for music

03 Beat the rhythmSwift and emotional way of searching through music using beat

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Thank you