2012 / 2013 scsoa high school instructor / assessor re-certification and training

2012 / 2013 SCSOA High School Instructor / Assessor Re-Certification and Training

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2012 / 2013 SCSOA High School Instructor / Assessor Re-Certification and Training. Assessment Training Presented by Tom Ewing Assessment Chairman. Subject. Assessment Form Definitions and point totals. Pre-Game. Teamwork Uniforms Field Inspection Coin Toss - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



2012 / 2013

SCSOA High School

Instructor / Assessor

Re-Certification and Training

Assessment Training

Presented by

Tom Ewing

Assessment Chairman

SubjectAssessment Form Definitions and point totals.Pre-GameTeamworkUniformsField InspectionCoin Toss

Points awarded Referee 0 through 3.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 2.0Cardio FitnessJoggingRunningSprintingSide-Stepping60, 70, 80 Minutes

Points awarded Referee 0 through 10.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 15.0MobilityHow easily or quickly do the referees get to where they are required to be.

Points awarded Referee 0 through 3.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 5.0

PositioningHow far or how close are the referees to the optimum distance throughout the game. (Optimum implies distance to play changing as play moves about the pitch)

Points awarded Referee 0 through 4.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 5.0Back Pedaling Referee OnlyIs the referee following accepted practice on free kicks, goal kicks, and throughout the game as required.

Points awarded 0 through 2.0

Side-Step Assistant Referees OnlyAre the assistant referees side stepping to give the referee optimum visibility to the assistant referees and their flags.

Points awarded 0 through 3.0Game Flow / Risk / Reward How much play and advantage is allowed throughout the game by the Referee and Assistant Referees.

What risks and rewards are acceptable for the level of match.

Points awarded Referee 0 through 10.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 2.0Personnel ControlPlayers Man management of players by referee and assistant referees before during and after the match.

Verbally or through misconduct application.

Points awarded Referee 0 through 5.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 1.0Personnel ControlCoaches How much control is required for the coaches from the referee and assistant referees throughout the match.

Verbally or through misconduct application.

Points awarded Referee 0 through 2.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 3.0Personnel ControlSideline

How much control is required throughout the match to control the sidelines.

Points Awarded Referee 0 through 1.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 3.0Foul RecognitionReferee and Assistant Referees ability torecognize fouls throughout the game.

Excessive force foulsOrdinary foulsTrifling foulsFouls with serious consequences

Points awarded Referee 0 through 10.0 Assistant referees 0 through 2.0Foul MechanicsHow the referee and assistant refereesexhibit prescribed mechanics for fouls.

Arm signals by the refereeFlag signals for the assistant referees

Points awarded Referee 0 through 5.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 1.0Misconduct RecognitionRecognizing when misconduct has occurred and how to process it.

Referees and Assistant Referees abilityto read the game and award the properCard to the player, bench personnel orcoaches.

Points awarded Referee 0 through 9.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 3.0

Misconduct MechanicsReferee and Assistant Referees processfor showing the Card to players, benchpersonnel and coaches.

Referees ability to separate the aboveoffenders and to present the card in a calm non-threatening manner.

Completing documentation and removal of player from the field.

Waiting the appropriate time after givingthe card before re-starting the game.

Points awarded Referee 0 through 5.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 1.0Advantage RecognitionReferee and Assistant Referees abilityto recognize an advantage opportunityby the attacking or defending team.

The patience to allow play to continueand the advantage develop or not.

Points awarded Referee 0 through 3.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 1.0Advantage MechanicsReferees verbal or hand signals signaling a foul has occurred, however the advantage will be applied until it does or does not develop.

Coming back to the spot of the foul and restarting the game with an indirect or direct free kick, and possibly rewarding a card for misconduct as well.

Points awarded Referee 0 through 2.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 1.0Free Kick MechanicsReferee and Assistant Referees positioning relative to the free kick.

Proper hand signals, and flag signals.

Proper wall setting if required.

Communications with ARs to move or stay based on free kick location.

Required whistle for restart of play if necessary.

Points awarded Referee 0 through 2.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 1.0PK MechanicsReferee points to PK spotAR moves down to the touchlineReferee insures that players are properly positioned for the PKGoalkeeper performs within the rules.Kicker performs within the rules

Points awarded Referee 0 through 2.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 2.0Throw-Ins RecognitionReferee insures the thrower performs within the rulesAR insures the thrower performs within the rules

Points awarded Referee 0 through 1.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 5.0Throw-Ins MechanicsReferee blows whistle retakes the throwwith the defending team

AR performs required flag mechanicson rule violation

AR provides direction with flag

Points awarded Referee 0 through 1.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 5.0Off Side RecognitionReferee performs look at the AR ateach change of direction of ball

Assistant Referees recognize player/players in an off side position

Points awarded Referee 0 through 3.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 15.0

Off Side MechanicsReferee looks to each AR as ball changes directionRecognizing off sides has occurred the referee blows whistle and puts hand up for indirect free kick re-startAR signals off-side by stopping and extending Flag vertically and lowers it to show placement.

Points awarded Referee 0 through 9.0Assistant Referees 0 through 9.0Kick Off MechanicsReferee insures all players are in their proper positions for the kick offARs are with the second to last defenderReferee does required wind up clock signal and blows the whistle

Points awarded Referee 0 through 1.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 1.0Corner Kick MechanicsReferee gives the corner kick signalAR moves to behind the corner flagTrail Referee moves to the half line or with second to last defenderReferees insure the ball placement

Points awarded Referee 0 through 3.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 3.0Goal Kick MechanicsReferee points to goal kick areaReferee moves to the appropriate spot on the field via back pedaling insuring placement and no time wastingAR gives goal kick flag signalAR moves to the 6 yard line for placementAR moves to the 18 yard line

Points awarded Referee 0 through 2.0 Assistant Referee 0 through 1.0Substitution OpportunitiesReferee recognizes request for substitution within allowable rulesAssistant Referees signal with their flags that a substitution has been requested

Points awarded Referee 0 through 2.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 3.0Substitution MechanicsReferee allows substitution/sReferee and ARs insure players have left the field and players have enteredAssistant referees lower flags and play begins

Points awarded Referee 0 through 3.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 3.0

Goal mechanicsReferee recognizes that a goal may have been scoredReferee insures goal scoring by observing AR signaling with their flag vertically and sprinting back to the half line.Referee blows whistle to stop play and gives the clock stopping goal scored signal by pointing to the half line

Points awarded Referee 0 through 2.0Assistant Referees 0 through 3.0Time Keeping AccuracyThe Referee keeps the official time unless the timekeeper or stadium clock is the official clockThe Referee keeps time to insure the validity of the timekeeper or stadium clock Assistant Referees back up the referee with their clocks as well

Points awarded Referee 0 through 3.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 3.0Time Keeping MechanicsThe Referee starts the clock with the kick off wind up signal and whistle to start the matchThe Referee insures accuracy by performing the stop/start clock signal for all stoppages and startsThe Referee may consult the Assistant Referees if something happens to his/her clock during the match

Points awarded Referee 0 through 3.0 Assistant Referees 0 through 1.0

Game failing Events (Negative Points)Any Referee or Assistant Referee rule violation or event that negatively affects the overall match

Point deducted 0 through 10.0Total ScoreTotal score is determined by the positive points and negative points accrued during the assessment

Max Points = 100 for each Referee 100 for Team Work

Relative weighting is 50% for the Referee20% for each Assistant Referee10% for the Team Work

Relative ImportanceThe percentage applied to each referees scores during the assessment

In increments of percentages of 100%less than or more than according tothe assessors relative importancefor each criteria during the match.Calculations are built in and will notexceed the total for each referee of100% overall.Modified Total Team ScoreThe totals of all four referees scores plus team work scores and the percentages applied for each referee team total

Max points = 100Game Level QualificationIn the opinion of the Assessor as to what level game and assignment should be given for the outcome of the assessment.