2012 redevelopment memo-ringwood avenue; south …685baf4d-c434-4dfb-94f4... · 2012 redevelopment...

1 2012 The Borough of Wanaque 2012 REDEVELOPMENT MEMO- RINGWOOD AVENUE; SOUTH OF DOTY RD. In January 2008 the Wanaque Planning Board determined that certain properties along Ringwood Avenue, South of Doty Road, is an area in need of redevelopment. Because of the poor economy the Borough Council did NOT designate the area in need of redevelopment. Due to the April 10, 2012 fire in the area, the Borough Council has decided to revisit this issue. The Council does not want to rely solely on the prior work of the Board and the study related thereto to declare the area in need of redevelopment. Accordingly, the Borough Council asked the Planning Board to revisit this issue and “refresh” the 2008 determination that the properties identified in this memo and part of the 2008 determination are in need of redevelopment.

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The Borough of Wanaque


RINGWOOD AVENUE; SOUTH OF DOTY RD. In January 2008 the Wanaque Planning Board determined that

certain properties along Ringwood Avenue, South of Doty Road, is an

area in need of redevelopment. Because of the poor economy the Borough Council did NOT designate the area in need of

redevelopment. Due to the April 10, 2012 fire in the area, the

Borough Council has decided to revisit this issue. The Council does

not want to rely solely on the prior work of the Board and the study

related thereto to declare the area in need of redevelopment.

Accordingly, the Borough Council asked the Planning Board to revisit

this issue and “refresh” the 2008 determination that the properties

identified in this memo and part of the 2008 determination are in

need of redevelopment.


The 2012 Redevelopment Memo: Ringwood Avenue-South of Doty Road

TO: Dan Mahler, Mayor, The Borough of Wanaque

Tom Carroll, Administrator, The Borough of Wanaque

The Borough of Wanaque Council

FROM: Robert Benecke

May 18, 2012

This memo will: 1-summarize the status of the redevelopment efforts along Ringwood

Avenue, South of Doty Road; and, 2-provide an update on the property conditions in the

proposed redevelopment area, as included in the May 14, 2012 Borough Council Resolution

requesting the Planning Board re-investigate this area as an area in need of redevelopment,

pursuant to the New jersey Local Redevelopment and Housing Law.1

On January 17, 2008 the Borough of Wanaque Planning Board adopted a Resolution

determining that thirty-one (31) properties located along Ringwood Avenue, South of Doty

Road, are in need of redevelopment, and, therefore, the Borough Council may designate

(declare) the delineated area in need of redevelopment; specifically ten (10) properties identified

below. The redevelopment area map is included herein as Exhibit A. (The area in need of

redevelopment is referred to as an “ANR”.) The 2008 Planning Board Resolution is attached as

Exhibit B. Due to poor economic conditions the Council did not designate the properties as an

1 The background on Redevelopment in New Jersey is found at:

NJSA 40A:12A-2. Findings, determinations, declarations a. There exist, have existed and persist in various communities of this State conditions of deterioration in housing,

commercial and industrial installations, public services and facilities and other physical components and supports of

community life, and improper, or lack of proper, development which result from forces which are amenable to

correction and amelioration by concerted effort of responsible public bodies, and without this public effort are not

likely to be corrected or ameliorated by private effort.

b. From time to time the Legislature has, by various enactments, empowered and assisted local governments in their

efforts to arrest and reverse these conditions and to promote the advancement of community interests through

programs of redevelopment, rehabilitation and incentives to the expansion and improvement of commercial,

industrial, residential and civic facilities.

c. As a result of those efforts, there has grown a varied and complex body of laws, all directed by diverse means to

the principal goal of promoting the physical development that will be most conducive to the social and economic

improvement of the State and its several municipalities.

d. It is the intent of this act to codify, simplify and concentrate prior enactments relative to local redevelopment and

housing, to the end that the legal mechanisms for such improvement may be more efficiently employed.


ANR. In the interim the properties immediately to the north of Doty Road along Ringwood

Avenue have been successfully redeveloped.2

On April 10, 2012 a fire destroyed two properties along Ringwood Avenue located in the

ANR being re-visited here. This has created a desire by the Borough administration to ensure

that reconstruction efforts be uniform among the properties and take into account the principles

included in the Master Plan Reexamination. The following Chart depicts the properties being

considered by the Planning Board and Council as an ANR, pursuant to the May 14, 2012

Borough Council Resolution..

{Intentionally Left Blank}

2 See Page 20 of the Wanaque Master Plan Reexamination, dated March 18, 2010; prepared by Kenneth Albert,


Property ID (Block/Lot) Address Owner of Record

Block 436:

Lot 2 2 Brook Street De Leo, Dominick and Theresa

4 Brook Street Saturday’s Realty, LLC

4.01 5 & 16 Brook Street Saturday’s Realty

4.02 14 Brook Street Saturday’s Realty

Block 437:

Lots, 1 & 1.01 1089 Ringwood Ave. Bellas Investment, LLC

3 1095 Ringwood Ave. Kabakci Abibe

5 1097 Ringwood Ave. Fox, Eugene and Lisa

6 1101 Ringwood Ave. Zazzali, Michael and Daniel

9,10 (merged parcels) 1109 Ringwood Ave. American Legion


On January 15, 2008 the final Redevelopment Investigation Report was filed by Robert

Benecke, Economic Development Consultant, Fred Suljic, P.P, and Henry Coleman, PhD. The

draft (initial) report was dated November 9, 2007. This report is on file in the office of the

Borough Clerk. At the time of the original determination by the Planning Board, these properties

were located in the state designated Town Center. Since that time the Borough has relied on the

Highlands Council planning process to continue endorsement of the Town Center. The area

subject to this memo is located in the center of the Haskell Commercial district.

To be clear: these properties, with the exception of Block 436, Lot 4, which is now being

used as a storage yard (including a large truck trailer that is a semi-permanent structure), were

determined to be in need of redevelopment by the Wanaque Planning Board, in January 2008.

The Council desires for the property owners listed above to be re-engaged (officially notified) as

to the need for a coordinated reconstruction (redevelopment) of the area, and further that those

properties not directly impacted by the April 2012 fire be redeveloped consistent with the

reconstruction efforts of the neighboring properties.3

A word is in order as to the “to be included” property; Block 436, Lot 4. It now has a

semi-permanent structure located on it. The property is generally unsafe and substandard, with

dilapidated structures located thereon. However, because the property can be improved by a

cleanup, and through the removal of the structure (trailer), that upon such clean up and trailer

removal, the property should no longer be considered as satisfying the statutory criteria NJSA

40A: 12A-5 (a) and (d).

The following is the property location map and recent photographs of the properties in

question. It is recommended that the Planning Board members and Borough Council visit the site

to have a firsthand look at the property conditions.

3 The property located at Block 437, Lot 1 has been previously designated as an ANR. It was included in the Haskell

Town Center Redevelopment Plan (SBD).



The following are photographs showing the current property conditions along Ringwood


Block 437, Lot 1.01

Block 437, Lot 1


The properties impacted by fire. Block 437, Lot 3. This is where the fire occurred.


Block 437, Lot 4

Block 436, Lot 4


In late 2006 and 2007 evidence was gathered as to the condition of the potential

redevelopment area through several site visits to the properties including in October 2006, and

July 10 and September 10, 2007. The investigation included taking photographs of the exteriors

of the properties, reviewing tax assessment and property maintenance records and informally

speaking to property owners; as included in the aforementioned January 2008 report. At that time

the zoning ordinances and Wanaque Town Center Plan and the State of New Jersey endorsement

of the Town Center Plan were also researched.

The properties being included in the 2012 ANR (designation) are in “worse condition”

than in 2007/2008. This is in large part due to the April 2012 fire, together with the special

conditions found at Block 436, Lot 4.

Accordingly, using the 2008 determination as the foundation of this memo; the properties

identified in the May 14, 2012 Borough Council Resolution satisfy the statutory criteria of NJSA

40A: 12A-5 (a), (d), (e), and (h).4 The investigation of these properties is a statutory requirement

found at NJSA 40A:12A-6. The map presented herein (and the “larger version” posted on the

bulletin board at the municipal building) is made pursuant to NJSA 40A:12A-6 b. (3).

This memo is addressed to the Borough Mayor and Council to provide the background

necessary to move the ANR designation forward. Upon receipt and review by the Borough

Administrator it may be presented to the Planning Board and affected property owners and be

used to help determine if this area as in need of redevelopment; of course, this determination

may be made only upon agreement of the Planning Board and Borough Mayor and Council.

Benecke Econom ics

4 See Exhibit C for a review of the statutory criteria.