2013 portfolio - martin price


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A brief look at my work in the past 18 months.


Page 1: 2013 Portfolio - Martin Price


Page 2: 2013 Portfolio - Martin Price

Lisa’s kitchenThis project is the creation of packaging for a business aiming to create healthy frozen meals for students at the University of Gloucestershire.

This is the first packaging project that I have undertaken and was challenging due to legal requirements for food packaging.

I used InDesign to create the packaging as well as Photoshop for image manipulation.

This packaging is currently used in the business plan and will be used in the end product.

Platform: Print

April 2013

Each 1/2 pack serving contains












2gSat Fat




of your guideline daily amount

5 of your 5-a-day!


PieEnjoy a taste of home with this

homemade shepherd’s pie.

Use Before



Lisa’s Kitchen aims to provide you with healthy, frozen and home cooked meals.

Contact us: [email protected], facebook.com/lisashomekitchen, @lisas_kitchen

Prepared in Cheltenham, UK.LISA’S KITCHEN

Shepherd’s PIE (500g)

Here’s some of our other meals in this range:



How to store meFreeze on day of purchase, if partly defrosted do not refreeze.

How to cook meCook in microwave in container for 4 minutes at 800w. Check that product is hot throughout before consumption. Do not reheat.

Produced by: _____________________________

IngredientsBeef and lamb mince, potatoes, carrots, peas, green pepper, sweetcorn, tomatoes, tomato purée.

Your 5-a-dayOur meals are specifically designed for your benefit, in our Shepherd’s Pie we provide enough: carrots, peas, green pepper, sweetcorn and tomatoes to fulfill all 5 of your 5-a-day.

Allergy InfoPrepared in an environment where there may be traces of nuts.

ch ickenTIKKA Meatballs

Page 3: 2013 Portfolio - Martin Price

SU NEWSPAPER REDESIGNSpace is the University of Gloucestershire’s Students’ Union Newspaper. From joining in September 2012, I’ve slowly taken on more responsibility for design and online.

For next year I’ve been able to take a fresh look at the overall aesthetics of Space. I hope to be leaving the newspaper with a better layout that readers can follow with ease.

Space uses InDesign to create the print edition and a custom Students’ Union CMS for online publishing.

Platform: Print

March 2013


Freshers’ Week 2013

Continued on page 7

By Beth Mahoney

On Sunday 16th September, the University opened its doors and welcomed hundreds of new Freshers onto its three main campuses in Cheltenham and Gloucester. Freshers from across the UK and beyond arrived at the campuses’ accompanied by an array of nervous looking relatives all laden with suitcases, bags, boxes, and pretty much everything but the kitchen sink.

A group of friendly student Superstars were on hand at each campus to give directions and answer questions from the “newbies”. Halls Representatives were also walking around the halls blocks to help out with any halls related problems, and to help Freshers unpack, settle in, and get

to know their new flatmates. Once everyone had moved in, bid their relatives good-bye and finished their unpacking, barbecues were held at Park, FCH and Oxstalls campuses in an attempt to welcome the Freshers and kick off their Freshers’ week in true British barbecuing style.

When students had filled up on enough hot dogs and burgers to feed a small army, they headed back to their halls to begin beautifying themselves for the first official night of Freshers – The Move in Parties.

Ad Space

NewsSuper Amazing Headline That Will Get Readers So InterestedThe lead for the front page that makes the reader more interested and they’ll pick this up and read it! Page 5

Super Amazing Headline That Will Get Readers So InterestedThe lead for the front page that makes the reader more interested and they’ll pick this up and read it! Page 5

Uni NewsSuper Amazing Headline That Will Get Readers So InterestedThe lead for the front page that makes the reader more interested and they’ll pick this up and read it! Page 5

Official newspaper of the Universityof Gloucestershire Students’ Union

Volume 14 • Issue 1 | OCTOBER 2013 | www.spacenewspaper.co.ukfacebook.com/UoGSpace @Space_Newspaper

Pick me up! I’m FREE!

FeaturesSuper Amazing Headline That Will Get Readers So InterestedThe lead for the front page that makes the reader more interested and they’ll pick this up and read it! Page 5

ReviewsSuper Amazing Headline That Will Get Readers So InterestedThe lead for the front page that makes the reader more interested and they’ll pick this up and read it! Page 5

MusicSuper Amazing Headline That Will Get Readers So InterestedThe lead for the front page that makes the reader more interested and they’ll pick this up and read it! Page 5



Wow, I don’t know about all of you guys but I am shattered. As you are reading this I am still recovering from a very busy Freshers’ week. Having said that, we all had a lot of fun and we hope you did too. I will take this opportunity to welcome every fresher to the University of Gloucestershire and to welcome back all returning students. I hope you are all looking forward to a productive and exciting year.

Since I took over the Education and Welfare Officer role about 4 months ago, your Students’ Union has grown and grown. We have new staff members, a new bar at Park Campus, a new website (www.yourstudentsunion.com) and new T-shirts to top it off.

My term pretty much began when Rob, John and Me went to Exeter for the NUS Students’ Unions 2012 conference. We met a lot of other Student Unions from very different backgrounds and had a great time spit-balling ideas with other like-minded people. When we returned we had a real sense of what we wanted to do for the upcoming year.

Back on campus I’ve been getting to grips with the many sides of my job – education and welfare are both very broad remits, and some

days I look at my diary and can’t believe my job covers such a wide and bizarre range! As well as my usual responsibilities that will carry on throughout the year, I’ve been welcoming international, postgrad and undergrad students to their new life at UoG. I also assisted in training Residential Assistants, who do a wonderful job, and SU Superstars, who were amazing during Freshers’ week.

A lot of my time so far has been spent working individually with students to resolve issues from the 2011/12 year, such as suspected breaches of academic regulations on assessments and appeals and complaints. I have also focused a lot of my time on the UoG and SU run “Don’t Hate” campaign. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out, “Don’t Hate” is a campaign which is designed to get people talking and challenge views on difference and diversity in Uni life and beyond, http://www.donthate.co.uk. Keep an eye out for the upcoming events!

The most exciting project of the year for me is increasing the participation and prestige of the Staff Excellence Awards and the Student Led Teaching Awards. These are award ceremonies held together that let students and

staff alike give back to lecturers, support staff and many more by nominating them for awards. I am very pleased to say that this year’s awards will be held on May 1st at Cheltenham Town Hall to really cement the awards as an important and exciting part of Uni life. (Watch this space!)

So that is my short –ish round up of what I have been up to so far. The SU is a great family that everyone can get involved in.

Have a great year, all the best. Silas

Goss from the Boss

Wow! What a hectic last few months it has been here at Your Students’ Union. It has been awesome meeting so many new students, either arriving this year for the first time or returning from a long summer of sitting on the beach in America, teaching English in Africa or working down their local pub earning as much money as possible!

This years Freshers’ week - although a little different from last year - was definitely one not to forget. With over 1400 students attending our move in parties in Cheltenham and Gloucester, we

brought you bands such as Thrill Collins, Hello Lazarus, Hunter and not to forget XFactor favourites, DUKE. What an amazing night that was! Then throughout Freshers’ week we took you to the newest club in town – Voodoo – where we have the biggest Monday night in town- Glamourpuss. It was a fabulous night: the sight of seeing everyone in bright orange T shirts from Vodka Revolutions up to Voodoo (and all of you behaving) brought huge smiles to myself and the rest of the team here in the SU. Comedians and Hypnotists gave us a chilled-out night or two just to laugh at each other and their great sets, I’m sure you’ll all agree, were enjoyable to one extent or another.

The biggest night of the week, seeing nearly 1000 of you come down to the Town Hall dressed in what can only be said to have impressed us all, was a real winner for me. Myself and the rest of the team have spent days, weeks and months organising this huge event, and thanks to you guys, it went without a glitch! Thrill Collins started us off with a few covers, followed by the ever-growing Clement Marfo & The Frontline….. Wiley popped his head in (wearing his Rolex, of course), causing a heatwave amongst a few of the girls! A cracking night was ended on a high, with The Subways

bringing the night to a great end.

What’s next?We have all been working tirelessly to make sure you get as much as you can out of your time here at the University of Gloucestershire, so make sure you keep checking our website for updates and info on what’s to come. From more comedy nights in town, to day trips to Alton Towers/Thorpe Park (your choice!), to the ever- growing ‘Sindays’ Sunday at Thirteen Degrees, with X factor Favourites DUKE every week in the club! Not to forget the most popular Monday night of the week- Glamourpuss @ Voodoo in Cheltenham and at Fever / Liquid in Gloucester plus Blue ‘n’ Blue on a Wednesday night @ MooMoos…. AND there is more! Don’t forget about our weekly Propaganda clubnight on Thursdays @ Moomoos. All of these tickets are available on our website. Don’t forget to get them early; they are selling out very quickly each week.

Your Students’ Union is here for you, and we are all here to support, advise, guide, whatever you need us to do to make sure your time here at the University of Gloucestershire is the best its can possibly be.

Remember,Your Union, Your Ideas, Your Say.

Rob Tidey (SU President)[email protected]

News Editors: Hannah Boulton & Megan Tolley | OCTOBER 2013 | www.spacenewspaper.co.uk

A Month with MillerSilas [email protected] - 01242 714781

MediaUpdateJohnny Robinson (PTO)[email protected] amongst a few of the girls! A cracking night was ended on a high, with The Subways bringing the night to a great end.

We have all been working tirelessly to make sure you get as much as you can out of your time here at the University of Gloucestershire, so make sure you keep checking our website for updates and info on what’s to come. From more comedy nights in town, to day trips to Alton Towers/Thorpe Park (your choice!), to the ever- growing ‘Sindays’ Sunday at Thirteen Degrees, with X factor Favourites DUKE every week in the club!

Not to forget the most popular Monday night of the week- Glamourpuss @ Voodoo in Cheltenham and at Fever / Liquid in Gloucester plus Blue ‘n’ Blue on a Wednesday night @ MooMoos…. AND there is more! Don’t forget about our weekly Propaganda clubnight on Thursdays @ Moomoos. All of these tickets are available on our website. Don’t forget to get them early; they are selling out very quickly each week.AND there is more! Don’t forget about our weekly Propaganda clubnight on Thursdays @ Moomoos. All of these tickets are available on our website. Don’t forget to get them early; they are selling out very quickly each week.

WelfareCatch-UpJenny Stanley (PTO)[email protected] amongst a few of the girls! A cracking night was ended on a high, with The Subways bringing the night to a great end.

We have all been working tirelessly to make sure you get as much as you can out of your time here at the University of Gloucestershire, so make sure you keep checking our website for updates and info on what’s to come. From more comedy nights in town, to day trips to Alton Towers/Thorpe Park (your choice!), to the ever- growing ‘Sindays’ Sunday at Thirteen Degrees, with X factor Favourites DUKE every week in the club!

Not to forget the most popular Monday night of the week- Glamourpuss @ Voodoo in Cheltenham and at Fever / Liquid in Gloucester plus Blue ‘n’ Blue on a Wednesday night @ MooMoos…. AND there is more! Don’t forget about our weekly Propaganda clubnight on Thursdays @ Moomoos. All of these tickets are available on our website. Don’t forget to get them early; they are selling out very quickly each week.AND there is more! Don’t forget about our weekly Propaganda clubnight on Thursdays @ Moomoos. All of these tickets are available on our website. Don’t forget to get them early; they are selling out very quickly each week. University of Gloucestershire, so make sure you keep checking our website for updates and info on what’s to come. From more comedy nights in town, to day trips to Alton Towers/Thorpe

SU Update: Read about what your elected officers are up to...

SPACE created by students for studentsofficial newspaper of the university of gloucestershire students’ unionVolume 13 • Issue 1 | OCTOBER 2012 | www.yourstudentsunion.com



By Beth Mahoney

On Sunday 16th September, the University opened its doors and welcomed hundreds of new Freshers onto its three main campuses in Cheltenham and Gloucester. Freshers from across the UK and beyond arrived at the campuses’ accompanied by an array of nervous looking relatives all laden with suitcases, bags, boxes, and pretty much everything but the kitchen sink.

A group of friendly student Superstars were on hand at each campus to give directions and answer questions from the “newbies”. Halls Representatives were also walking around the halls blocks to help out with any halls related problems, and to help Freshers unpack, settle in, and get to know their new flatmates. Once everyone had moved in, bid their relatives good-bye and finished their unpacking, barbecues were held at Park, FCH and Oxstalls campuses in

Freshers’ Week 2012

The Avengers Film Review P10On a Budget?...what’s a student to do...? P7 Music reviews P12

an attempt to welcome the Freshers and kick off their Freshers’ week in true British barbecuing style.

When students had filled up on enough hot dogs and burgers to feed a small army, they headed back to their halls to begin beautifying themselves for the first official night of Freshers – The Move in Parties.

Students studying in Cheltenham were treated to a Move Continued on page 7


2012-13 Layout

NEWS3 - 4

VIEWS6 - 7

REVIEWS10 - 11

MUSIC12 -13

SPORTS15 - 16

SPACEOctober 2012V.13 Issue 1

OCT 2012



Co-News EditorsHannah Boulton & Megan [email protected]

Wow, I don’t know about all of you guys but I am shattered. As you are reading this I am still recovering from a very busy Freshers’ week. Having said that, we all had a lot of fun and we hope you did too. I will take this opportunity to welcome every fresher to the University of Gloucestershire and to welcome back all returning students. I hope you are all looking forward to a productive and exciting year.

Since I took over the Education and Welfare Officer role about 4 months ago, your Students’ Union has grown and grown. We have new staff members, a new bar at Park Campus, a new website (www.yourstudentsunion.com) and new T-shirts to top it off.

My term pretty much began when Rob, John and Me went to Exeter for the NUS Students’ Unions 2012 conference. We met a lot of other Student Unions from very different backgrounds and had a great time spit-balling ideas with other like-minded people. When we returned we had a real sense of what we wanted to do for the upcoming year.

Back on campus I’ve been getting to grips with the many sides of my job – education and welfare are

A Month With Millerboth very broad remits, and some days I look at my diary and can’t believe my job covers such a wide and bizarre range! As well as my usual responsibilities that will carry on throughout the year, I’ve been welcoming international, postgrad and undergrad students to their new life at UoG. I also assisted in training Residential Assistants, who do a wonderful job, and SU Superstars, who were amazing during Freshers’ week.

A lot of my time so far has been spent working individually with students to resolve issues from the 2011/12 year, such as suspected breaches of academic regulations on assessments and appeals and complaints. I have also focused a lot of my time on the UoG and SU run “Don’t Hate” campaign. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out, “Don’t Hate” is a campaign which is designed to get people talking and challenge views on difference and diversity in Uni life and beyond, http://www.donthate.co.uk. Keep an eye out for the upcoming events!

The most exciting project of the year for me is increasing the participation and prestige of the Staff Excellence Awards and the

Student Led Teaching Awards. These are award ceremonies held together that let students and staff alike give back to lecturers, support staff and many more by nominating them for awards. I am very pleased to say that this year’s awards will be held on May 1st at Cheltenham Town Hall to really cement the awards as an important and exciting part of Uni life. (Watch this space!)

So that is my short –ish round up of what I have been up to so far. The SU is a great family that everyone can get involved in.

[email protected]. Have a great year, all the best. Silas

Goss from the Boss

Your Education & Welfare Officer (Silas Miller)

Wow! What a hectic last few months it has been here at Your Students’ Union. It has been awesome meeting so many new students, either arriving this year for the first time or returning from a long summer of sitting on the

beach in America, teaching English in Africa or working down their local pub earning as much money as possible!

This years Freshers’ week - although a little different from last

year - was definitely one not to forget. With over 1400 students attending our move in parties in Cheltenham and Gloucester, we brought you bands such as Thrill Collins, Hello Lazarus, Hunter and not to forget XFactor favourites, DUKE. What an amazing night that was! Then throughout Freshers’ week we took you to the newest club in town – Voodoo – where we have the biggest Monday night in town- Glamourpuss. It was a fabulous night: the sight of seeing everyone in bright orange T shirts from Vodka Revolutions up to Voodoo (and all of you behaving) brought huge smiles to myself and the rest of the team here in the SU. Comedians and Hypnotists gave us a chilled-out night or two just to laugh at each other

and their great sets, I’m sure you’ll all agree, were enjoyable to one extent or another.

The biggest night of the week, seeing nearly 1000 of you come down to the Town Hall dressed in what can only be said to have impressed us all, was a real winner for me. Myself and the rest of the team have spent days, weeks and months organising this huge event, and thanks to you guys, it went without a glitch! Thrill Collins started us off with a few covers, followed by the ever-growing Clement Marfo & The Frontline….. Wiley popped his head in (wearing his Rolex, of course), causing a heatwave amongst a few of the girls! A cracking night was ended on a high, with The Subways bringing the night to a great end.

What’s next?

We have all been working tirelessly to make sure you get as much as you can out of your time here at the University of Gloucestershire, so make sure you keep checking our website for updates and info


Would you like to run the SU?The Students’ Union is run by a Board of Trustees consisting of the three full time officers and external trustees as well as appointed students.

We are now looking for three exceptional students to sit on this board. Although this roll is unpaid, you will gain an enormous amount of experience and it will make your CV really stand out from the crowd.

To find our more details and to apply please go to www.yourstudentsunion.com/trustees by Tuesday October 9th.

on what’s to come. From more comedy nights in town, to day trips to Alton Towers/Thorpe Park (your choice!), to the ever- growing ‘Sindays’ Sunday at Thirteen Degrees, with X factor Favourites DUKE every week in the club! Not to forget the most popular Monday night of the week- Glamourpuss @ Voodoo in Cheltenham and at Fever / Liquid in Gloucester plus Blue ‘n’ Blue on a Wednesday night @ MooMoos…. AND there is more! Don’t forget about our weekly Propaganda clubnight on Thursdays @ Moomoos. All of these tickets are available on our website. Don’t forget to get them early; they are selling out very quickly each week.

Your Students’ Union is here for you, and we are all here to support, advise, guide, whatever you need us to do to make sure your time here at the University of Gloucestershire is the best its can possibly be.

Remember,Your Union, Your Ideas, Your Say.

Your President (Rob Tidey)

2012-13 Layout

Page 4: 2013 Portfolio - Martin Price

PhotographyThese photos were taken for academic projects. 1, 2 & 4 for a photography project. 3 for a magazine layout during my AS levels. Photos 1 & 4 have been edited in Photoshop.

1. This photo is an experiment of exposure, it depicts a chinese lantern being let off into the night sky, there is another photo layered on top of a sparkler trail to give drama to an otherwise tranquil experience.

4. This photo shows the amazing colours produced by a mix of artificial lighting and natural light at the Eden Project, Cornwall. During post production I increased the vibrance as well as using several layer and brush effects to bring out the contrast of some areas of the room. Overall the photo realises a scientific and futuristic vision.

Platform: Photography

February - October 2011

1 2



Page 5: 2013 Portfolio - Martin Price

PhotographySome photos were taken for academic projects, however some for enjoyment and experience. Photo 5 was for experience in a fast moving environment. Photos 6 and 7 were for projects and photo 8 a photo taken for enjoyment. Photos 5, 7 and 8 are edited with Photoshop.

5. Taken during a dress rehearsal of a local production, this photo captures the character as well as the amazing costume that was made - it captures the character whilst the lighting adds personality to him. The editing was used to emphasise the blue light connoting his dual personality.

7. This photo makes use of the editing tools of Photoshop by creating a new spin of architecture at the Eden Project. Often the focus is on the biomes, however this newer educational building is so different and more architectually different to the surrounding quarry. Adjustments to the colour were made as well as the blur tool.

Platform: Photography

February - October 2011





Page 6: 2013 Portfolio - Martin Price

maitlands city brandingAs part of a project college, I had the chance to experience branding and a time pressured project of a local estate agent.

The brief was to create the branding for a new subbrand called ‘Maitlands City’ aiming at first time buyers by providing a metro café service in the city centre of Plymouth.

I had to create a letterhead as well as the logo. I decided that placing a lamp post within the logo would fall in line with the high street trend of looking traditional whilst embracing 21st century branding.

The letterhead is in line with the logo as well as adding social media contact links for their target market to get up-to-date information conveniently.

Programs used to create these include: Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign.

Platform: Branding/Print

April 2012

5-11 Millbay Road, Plymouth, PL1 3LF

01752 112233

Maitlands is a registered company (3874234).

What is Maitlands City?Maitlands City is the place to go to in Plymouth to look for your next townhouse or flat. Drop in for a chat, or take a seat, and search for what you want with friendly advice available.

@maitlands94 maitlands.biz facebook/facebookurl

Page 7: 2013 Portfolio - Martin Price

“i”Design replicationAs part of a college project, I placed my own article into a copy of the i newspaper trying to emulate the style.

Using InDesign, I feel as if I really got to grips with the typefaces (substituting where needs be). Comparing the original page to my version there is barely any difference in the design.

The article focuses on an issue close to me - rail transport. It involves an interview with a Plymouth MP and rail lobbyist. The article was published in Plymouth’s local newpsaper: The Herald as part of a special supplement of which I was editor, published on the 8th May 2012.

In my editor role, I managed two college classes to put together the 12-page supplement deciding on layout and location of articles. The article was ready for publishing well before the print deadline, this has further helped me cope with time management as well as learning the workflow of publications.

Platform: Print Journalism

May 2012


By Nigel Morris

£500m blackhole asforces fail tofind savings

South West wants change as Great Western franchise is up for renewal




Mobiles ‘donot damageyour health’


By Chris Stevenson

By Martin Price

Feeble excuses just don’t work, Slasher. In fact, they never didDavidBlanchflower

£1 Split

Police forces face a £500m black hole as they struggle to cope with Government demands to cut their budgets, the spending watchdog warns today. The 43 forces in England and Wales need to save £1.5bn by 2014-15 between them through efficiency savings as a result of the four-year austerity drive. But they have still only identified savings of £1bn, ac-cording to the National Audit Office (NAO), with 26 forces facing a cash shortfall within three years. it said some forces had only planned for three years instead of four, while planning by others “simply did not yield sufficient savings”. Ministers insist the savings can be made with-out affecting frontline policing. But Labour claims the squeeze will lead to 12,000 police officers losing their jobs. Margaret Hodge, the chair of the Committee of Public Accounts committee, said she was “deeply concerned” by the finding. The NAO said the Home Office had improved its financial manage-ment, but warned it was having problems finding savings within the department. It has to save £1.1bn a year by 2014-15, but is still uncer-tain how one-third of that sum can be found, the NAO said.

There is still “no convincing evidence” that mobile phones can adversely affect human health, ac-cording to a major new report released today. The comprehensive review of sci-entific studies, by the Health Protec-tion Agency’s Independent Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation (Agnir), states that despite the “sub-stantial” amount of recent research the only established risk is using a mobile phone while driving. Having combed through hundreds of studies, the group found that while there had been a number of reports about the risk of cancer, none of these findings had been replicated.Professor Anthony Swerdlow, chair-man of the of the advisory group and an epidemiologist at the Institute of Cancer Research, said: “We now have much firmer information than we had on several areas, for instance symptoms, cognitive effects and brain tumours.” He added that you “can’t prove negatives” in science but that there was accumalating reassurance” about a lack of adverse health effects.”John Walsh, page 16


£WishlistMay 2012Early morning trains to Plymouth

2014Better phone signal & Wi-Fi on trains

2019More frequent trains, commitment to elec-trify the rail & New local mainline trains

2024New High Speed Trains

I went on to argue that I am now convinced that as a result of this reckless Budget the UK will suffer a double-dip recession”. It isn’t as if our part-time Chancellor Slash-er Osbourne wasn’t told. But he ignored the warnings by Robert Skidelsky, Paul Krugman, Martin Wolf, Ed Balls and others and even accused us of being “deficit deniers”. Keynes turned out to be right. The Shadow Chancellor has been vindicated. Take care of growth and the deficit will take care of itself. Sadly reducing the

took office that the Eurozone was a potentional basket case. Feeble excuses don’t wash any more. Growth in the UK has been -0.2 per cent over the last six quarters. It is time to give big incentives for firms to invest and hire plus im-plement an enormous programme of infrastructure spending. The coalition still has no plan for growth and now is the time for the competents to take over. At the very least it is time for a new Chancellor who has some clue about economics.

That was a big surprise. Not! Yesterday’s figures came as no surprise to many of

us who have warned these many months that a double-dip reces-sion was coming. For example, I warned on 24 June 2010 that George Osborne’s austerity budget “Kills recovery at birth”.

deficit doesn’t fix growth. Firms can save money by firing all their sales staff but then they shouldn’t be surprised when sales fall.It seems that the coalition govern-ment were “growth deniers” and assumed that slashing public spending would lead to a resur-gence in the private sector. There was never an empirical support for such a proposition.Blaming Europe doesn’t wash as the main driver down has been the construction and even the OBR warned when the coalition

It’s only 8 months to go until the Great Western franchise is renewed, four companies are trying for the contract. Many councils in the Deep South West are optimistic about the upcoming changes. The franchise, currently operated by FirstGroup opted to end their contract three years early in 2011, escaping £826m in government payments. Companies that are in the running for the franchise include: FirstGroup, Arriva, Stagecoach & National Express. If successful they will take on thirteen branch lines with some of the fastest growing passenger numbers in the UK. One of the cities pushing the government for a better deal is Plymouth; their city council has

outlined a list of wishes for the new franchise. The city is a unique case in the South West as it currently has no motorway, airport or high speed links - the fastest train to Plymouth from London is just over 3 hours long. It is claimed that rail investment will bring £94m a year in economic benefits to Plymouth. Business is virtually impossible

for most journeys in the region as there is no Wi-Fi connectivity and limited mobile phone signal. It is hopeful that by 2014 these services will be available on the Great West-ern mainline. Politicians are asking the govern-ment to consider the travelling cul-ture of major cities – Alison Seabeck, Plymouth Moor View MP envisages a metro system for South Devon: “Travelling is not only about getting on a train and getting directly from A to B, but you can do hops between transport links, it is important that the franchise understands that and enables that.” i understands that 48% of every rail ticket is spent improving the track and that Plymouth does not physically see improvements from that money. Seabeck has assured i

that work is spent on the mainline and that extensive work has been underway within the Reading area, speeding up times in and out of London.The new franchisee will be an-nounced by the Transport Secretary in December later this year, they will then start in April 2013.

Train leaving Plymouth

Railway Station for


For every £1 spent on the railway:48p: Maintainence17p: Other17p: Staff11p: Leasing trains4p: Fuel and energy3p: Profit Source: ATOC

Original Page

Page 8: 2013 Portfolio - Martin Price

Marketing Assistant City College PlymouthPlacement July 2010

Steward Port Eliot FestivalVolunteer 2010

Customer Assistant Marks & SpencerJuly - October 2011

Sales Assistant Comet (Temporary)December 2011

Nightclub Promoter PropagandaSeptember 2012 - Present

Barman Compass GroupDecember 2012 - PresentCheltenham Racecourse& Millenium Stadium

Barman The Bullers Arms (Temporary)December 2012 - January 2013

GCSEs Saltash.net Community School2009 - 2010

English - B Media - AMaths - C Science - CFood - A Add. Science - CDrama - C Business - CRE - C iMedia - PASS

AS Levels Saltash.net Community School2010 - 2011

Media Studies - A

BTEC City College Plymouth2011 - 2012

Media - Distinction, Distinction

Creative Media (BA Hons) University of Gloucestershire2012 - 2013

Module Results: ‘Web Design’: 1st, ‘Anima-tion’: 2:1, ‘From Mic to Mix’: 2:2.

Marketing Officer Plymouth College of ArtPlacement July 2011

Crew Member McDonald’sJuly - September 2012

2010 2011 2012 2013

Designer & Online Editor Students’ Union NewspaperSeptember 2012 - Present

Page 9: 2013 Portfolio - Martin Price


As part of a college project, I placed my own article into a copy of the i newspaper trying to emulate the style.

Using InDesign, I feel as if I really got to grips with the typefaces (substituting where needs be). Comparing the original page to my version there is barely any difference in the design.

The article focuses on an issue close to me - rail transport. It involves an interview with a Plymouth MP and rail lobbyist. The article was published in Plymouth’s local newpsaper: The Herald as part of a special supplement of which I was editor, published on the 8th May 2012.

Platform: Web

April 2012

cough syrup

As part of a college project, I placed my own article into a copy of the i newspaper trying to emulate the style.

Using InDesign, I feel as if I really got to grips with the typefaces (substituting where needs be). Comparing the original page to my version there is barely any difference in the design.

The article focuses on an issue close to me - rail transport. It involves an interview with a Plymouth MP and rail lobbyist. The article was published in Plymouth’s local newpsaper: The Herald as part of a special supplement of which I was editor, published on the 8th May 2012.

Platform: Moving Image

May 2012

“Good Design”

As part of a college project, I placed my own article into a copy of the i newspaper trying to emulate the style.

Using InDesign, I feel as if I really got to grips with the typefaces (substituting where needs be). Comparing the original page to my version there is barely any difference in the design.

The article focuses on an issue close to me - rail transport. It involves an interview with a Plymouth MP and rail lobbyist. The article was published in Plymouth’s local newpsaper: The Herald as part of a special supplement of which I was editor, published on the 8th May 2012.

Platform: WEB

December 2012