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izedLiving Magazine

March - April 2014

Rock On!

Dr. Ben Lerner Co-Founder of Maximized Living






By following the 5 Essentials of Maximized Living, people are taking an aggressive stance against disease or recovering from even advanced stages of illness. Years ago, I had an elderly woman carried in to my office by her family. It turns out this poor woman had been sent home to Hospice to die, and she hadn’t moved in over a decade.

I knew that—if we were going to win against all odds—she had to get moving. We came up with a strategy to pop her up on a stationary bike at home and, if necessary, her family could even physically help her legs move the pedals, just to get her going.

A couple of weeks later—weeks we weren’t even sure we’d have when we started—the family came in very excited. They said, “She’s doing five now!”

I responded, “Great, five minutes is awesome!”

To which they said, “No— five rotations.”

The miracle was that, by continuing to eat the Maximized Metabolix way and follow these Essentials, she was eventually riding around her neighborhood on a real bike. She got young again. It’s really never too late. While aging still affects one out of one, you can look into the issue of Advanced Glycation End-products (or AGEs) to slow down the process.

What are AGEs? They’re the result of blood glucose going up and reacting with protein to form a glucose-protein molecule.

This is yet another reason sugar is not your friend! The higher your blood sugar is, the more AGEs you make. The end-products created by any of these carbs, or AGEs, have a hand in aging by making your body’s cells stiffer and less responsive. AGEs affect your entire body and are connected to kidney disease, atherosclerosis, dementia, cancer, erectile dysfunction, eye disease and other conditions.

The good news, once again, is that you can reduce AGEs by reducing or avoiding sugar and what converts to sugar in your diet.

Our Advanced Plan (no grains or sugar) and Core Plan (moderate carb intake) are quantum leaps toward anti-aging and serve as the focal point of our new Maximized Metabolix program.

In view of the complex, individual nature of health and fitness problems, this magazine and the ideas, programs, procedures, and suggestions in it are not intended to replace the advice of trained medical professionals. All matters regarding one’s health require medical supervision. A physician should be consulted prior to adopting any program or programs described in this magazine, or any of the Maximized Living® resources. The contents of this magazine are based upon the opinions of the authors. The authors and publisher disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this magazine.

This magazine is not intended to make recommendations related to getting on or off prescription or over-the-counter medication. If you face any current health concerns, or are currently taking medication, it is always recommended to seek the advice of your physician before starting a new health care program. Only your medical doctor can prescribe drugs or tell you to get off of drugs. Our role is to make you aware of the hazards of poor lifestyle decisions while helping you to create optimum function and healing in your body. In time, you must begin to judge for yourself whether your medications are keeping you alive, merely palliating symptoms of an unhealthy body, or actually causing some of the ailments you suffer from. With the guidance of your prescribing physician, you need to make your own best decisions on medication. As you heal, work with your medical doctors to help you reduce or eliminate the drugs you’re on.

The information in this magazine is intended to be educational and should not replace consultation with a competent health care professional. This magazine is intended to be used as an adjunct to responsible health care supervised by a healthcare professional. The authors and Maximized Living® are not liable for any misuse of the material contained in this magazine.

Contact us: Maximized Living1170 Celebration Blvd., Suite 100BCelebration, FL 34747P: (321) 939-3060


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1. My husband and I just finished 30 days of the Advanced Plan. He lost 21 pounds and kept it off, but I lost 10 and then gained one back. We’re eating the same meals at the same times, what could be causing our different results?

Dr.Greg- First things first: Congratulations on dropping nine pounds! Now, there are three areas to look at that could be influencing your weight loss result: First, you may need to evaluate your protein intake. Excess protein converts to sugar and gets stored as fat. Second, you may be taking in too many calories for your average amount of daily activity. And three, have you started working out with our MaxT3 program yet? Because it will boost the good hormones that help your body burn fat so you can lose weight. You've made great progress so far. Don't give up!

2. What are the best supplements for a beginner to start with?

GL- The best supplement to take is the one your body needs. However, without testing, a high-quality, food-grade multivitamin is usually a good way to go.

We frequently receive questions just like this one, which is exactly why we’ve begun incorporating the new Maximized Metabolix program.

3. What is your professional opinion on “cheat days”? Are they helpful or harmful?

GL- We try not to call them “cheat days” because that implies they’re some sort of sin. Instead, we call them “vacation days.” You can enjoy a vacation, but cheaters always lose. Personally, I think these “vacation days” help keep us sane because trying to achieve perfection can often be more detrimental than acknowledging that we’re human.

4. I eat really well all the time; why do I need supplementation?

GL- Two reasons. First, our food isn’t what it used to be. Even though you may eat organic all the time and you're sure to use only the cleanest cookware, it just isn't enough. Our soil is so depleted that the food it produces is severely lacking in nutrient content. You can eat and eat and eat, and still never overcome that deficit.

Second, you need supplementation because you’re not aiming for average, you’re aiming for greatness. That’s the point of Maximized Living: Make the most out of your life every single minute of every single day. That’s why we’ve worked to ensure that all of our doctors are nutritional experts.


SOURCEEach issue, we will look to Maximized Living co-founder Dr. Greg Loman to answer some of the burning questions we receive from our readers. If you want to ask Dr. Loman a question, you can email him at [email protected].

Learn more about nutrition and metabolism in our new book. Check the back cover for a great launch special!

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izedLiving Magazine

March - April 2014

Since starting with Maximized Living in March 2012, Arnie DeWitt feels like he’s getting younger. “If someone would’ve told me a few years ago that I would look like this at 59, I probably would’ve laughed at them.”

My name is Arnie DeWitt. I’m 59 years old, and I live in Chippewa Falls, Wisc. I enjoy the outdoors, and I spent about 30 years of my life working in information technology.

About 10 years ago, I started experiencing some joint pain and stiffness. I was starting to think that my active lifestyle was really coming to an end.

Two years ago I was going downhill fast with the subluxation in my neck causing significant pain. My outlook on life at that point was quite depressing. I could no longer envision how I would ever build our retirement home. The highlight of my day was having a drink in the evening to numb the pain. When I mentioned how I was digressing physically people I knew kept telling me it was normal for a person my age. I couldn’t accept that, and I’m glad I didn’t.

But fortunately, about 18 months ago I met Dr. Drew Kaminksi—my Maximized Living doctor—at one of his presentations. He really got me to understand how important my spine and nerve system were in helping my body function and heal.

I started adjustments with him. Within a matter of days, I got into the nutrition book, got onto the Advanced Plan, and I lost 27 pounds.

But what really amazed me—when things really clicked—was how I lost body fat in my belly area.

There was a point in my life where I was probably running five or six miles a day and couldn’t get rid of that belly fat. And literally in five weeks, it was gone. You almost feel it just melting off. I was really skeptical about MaxT3 at first. Boy, was I wrong. That stuff is awesome.

The Maximized Living lifestyle is really working for me. I eat more now. I weigh less. I exercise less, and I’m in the best shape of my life. And still, the biggest change for me is how I feel on the inside.

I’m getting older—I can’t stop time—but I really do feel like I’m getting younger. If someone would’ve told me a few years ago that I would look like this at 59, I probably would’ve laughed at them. Maximized Living is really helping me learn how to live smarter. Now I really don’t know how else to live. This really seems like the only way now.


• I have not experienced any sickness since I started the Maximized Living lifestyle in March 2012.

• When I do run I do not get winded as quickly as I did before.

• I no longer need allergy medication for seasonal allergies. Since March 2012, I have not taken any medication.

• My LDL (bad cholesterol) is down and my HDL (good cholesterol) is up, so my heart health risk has improved.

• Last but not least, I was able to upgrade my life insurance death benefit and add long-term care coverage at no additional cost due to the results of the medical tests required by the provider. Per the provider, I had the highest rating possible for a person my age.

Changed Lives

“The journey is more important than reaching the destination. I’ve always aimed high when it came to goals which challenged me to step out of my comfort zone. Many times the outcomes along the way to achieving the goal were more beneficial than reaching the goal itself.” – Arnie DeWitt

* This is the testimonial from a real Maximized Living patient. If you would like to contribute your story to this series, please contact us at: [email protected]. Results may vary. Consult your physician before beginning any new health or fitness program.

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• 12 minutes a day.

• 36 hours of fat burn.

• A lifetime of energy.

Harnessing the cutting-edge science behind high-intensity interval training (HIIT) Max T3 consists of easy-to-follow surge workouts that offer more payoff than the grueling hour-long slog on a treadmill.

And there’s no gimmicky payment system. One price. One workout. And plenty of time to kick your feet up afterward.

Your 12-Minute Fitness and Weight-Loss Solution.

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izedLiving Magazine

March - April 2014

Wobble Cushion Exercise This exercise is vital to the health of your spinal

joints. Since spinal discs don’t have their own blood supply, the spinal joints require motion

for circulation. This process is what enables oxygen and hydrating nutrient-filled fluids to flood into the disc and keep it healthy. A lack of motion will prevent this circulation process from occurring.

Research states that, “A daily regimen of 5 to 7 minutes full-range-of-motion exercises are absolutely essential for daily metabolic interchange, nutrition intake and elimination of waste products in order to maintain healthy, well-hydrated spinal discs, ligaments and tendons.” (The Aging Lumbar Spine, Bernini P.M.D. et al. Saunders, 1982.)

While physical activity can create a pumping force, world-renowned researcher

and orthopedic surgeon Vert Mooney, M.D. states that loading and unloading the spine

is the best way to create a pumping force that produces fluid exchange. And that's exactly what

this exercise does.

The key for this exercise is to move through a full range of motion in every plane of motion (side-to-side, front-to-

back, and rotational).

If you don’t extend to your full range of motion, the wobble cushion exercises aren’t nearly as effective.

Cervical Traction Exercise Upper cervical subluxations can be some of the most difficult to address—

especially considering today’s life style of texting, computer use and tablet toting.

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The cervical traction exercise assists in counteracting the effects associated with the most common subluxation pattern, forward head posture. It also improves the spine’s circulatory process by intermittently loading and unloading the spinal joints. When this exercise is performed correctly, you should feel a stretch from the base of your skull down to the base of your neck.

Common mistakes made when performing this exercise include using too much force (or traction), and standing too far from the wall (which creates an angled pull).

Head Weighting This is one of the most important parts of the home care protocol because of the very nature of the exercise.

All the other prescribed exercises are either active or passive. Active exercises require you to consciously flex or extend a muscle. Passive exercises are positions you assume that allow a muscle to stretch slowly, for an extended period of time.

Head weights fit into a different category; they are reactive. This means that you are unconsciously contracting the muscles to hold the head weight. I believe, from my 17-plus years in practice, that this type of exercise is the most effective for spinal repositioning.

What makes head weighting so vital is that it helps combat forward head posture. If I had to choose one exercise to do every single day, I would choose head weighting.

The best thing about head weighting is that, once your doctor has fitted you correctly, it’s hard to do it incorrectly. The only thing you have to remember is look straight out to the horizon.

Progressive Rolls The average person sleeps eight hours a day, which translates to 2,920 hours a year. During sleep, all systems of your body slow down except for your nerve system (it actually speeds up). Since the loss of your normal cervical and lumbar curves impairs your nerve system, the best time to ensure these curves are in their proper positions is during sleep.

In addition, since spinal subluxations tend to develop over the years, spinal ligaments tend to adapt to this abnormal position. To change this, we have to adapt these ligaments to this new, correct, desired position. Ligaments respond best to a slow, sustained stretch. In most cases, the longer the stretch the better. What could be better than stretching

the spinal curves back into the normal position while you sleep for eight hours? The correct approach to these sleep aids is to slowly increase the time each night, until you are successfully making it 2 to 4 hours on the rolls.

Lumbar/Pelvic Wedges Lumbar/pelvic wedges have been used in chiropractic treatment for decades. The wedges have a powerful passive effect in reducing pelvic and lumbar subluxation patterns. The wedges are specifically prescribed based upon your spine.

The correct way to use spinal wedges is to allow the wedges to reposition your spine for a 20-minute time period.

Spinal Isometrics and Stretches Spinal home care exercises, like the neck flexion exercise and alar exercise, help correct specific subluxations found during your exam.

Unlike general physical activity, these exercises are targeted to deal with type 1 muscles, not type 2. Type 1 muscles are slow-twitch muscles, which are very resistant to fatigue and very difficult to change. They are your postural muscles, and changing them requires constant feedback. In order for these exercises to be effective, they are normally prescribed at least twice a day, for 90 to 180 days

Here is the problem, missing only one day of these exercises can set you back significantly in achieving your desired outcome. Some studies suggest that you can set back your spinal corrective progress by as much as 30 percent by missing one day of home care. Miss two days and you lose as much as 60 percent. And if you miss three days, then you’re basically starting over.

There is a good part, though. Once you get past the initial corrective phase, maintaining your new spinal position is far easier. In most cases, your need for these exercises can be scaled back to 3 to 5 times a week.

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izedLiving Magazine

March - April 2014

It’s tasty, and it fills you up. It’s loaded with vitamins and minerals, and it contains zero artificial flavors, colors or additives. It’s 100% natural. And it helps you build and maintain new lean muscle while burning away old fat.

Any way you mix it, Maximized Living’s Perfect Protein is the best snack for your buck at any age.

ML Perfect Protein is made with 100% concentrate (non-processed) whey that comes from cows that are grass-fed year-round in pastures free of pesticides and herbicides, with no hormones, antibiotics, or grain.

Great Tasting and Great For You!

Talk to Your Maximized Living Doctor About Perfect Protein TODAY!* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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The Original Multivitamin

What Vitmain D3 should do for you:

• Build bones• Strengthen teeth• May improve muscle strength• Reduce risk of fracture• Improve T-cell response to bacteria and viruses• Improve pancreas function• Improve heart function • Improve blood health• Improve cellular function• Improve brain health• Improve breast health• Improve colon function• Improve intestinal health• Improve kidney and stomach function• Boost lung health• Increase uterine function• Support healthy skin• Boost prostate health• Improve memory• Improve concentration• Improve cell proliferation and differentiation

What it shouldn't do:

• Increase risk of toxicity due to synthetic ingredients (it doesn’t contain any)

• Provide vitamin D your body can’t use (D3 is naturally available from food and the sun’s rays)

• Disrupt your digestion (the probiotics enhance nutrient absorption without upsetting your stomach)

With Maximized Living's Vitamin D3 Complex, you can enjoy all the potential benefits without worrying about any of the side effects.

Talk to Your Maximized Living Doctor About Vitamin D3 Complex TODAY!* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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izedLiving Magazine

March - April 2014

You’ve seen the word “metabolism” often enough. But what exactly does it mean?

In fitness circles, “metabolism” is often used interchangeably with “metabolic rate” to refer to the number of calories you burn in maintaining body functions and fueling your activities. But there’s more to metabolism than just calorie burning.

Metabolism also encompasses the chemical and physical reactions occurring in every one of your body’s tissues—from using proteins for muscle-building (anabolism) to breaking down food into the proteins, fats and carbs that your body uses to fuel itself (catabolism).

You need both processes to develop strength and stamina, and to build resistance to aging and disease. Simply stated, metabolism is all of the reactions that occur within our bodies to maintain life. These biochemical processes allow us to grow, reproduce, repair damage, and respond to our environment.

HOW YOUR METABOLISM WORKSThe soup and salad that you had for lunch and the process in which your body transforms your food (fuel) into energy (glucose) is a perfect example. Because every cell in your body needs energy, every single cell in your body is affected by metabolism.

Your heart, lungs, digestive system, muscles, and brain all use glucose. The more work they have to do, the faster your metabolism.

Another glimpse of the metabolic activity that goes on inside you every day would include the thousands of reactions that occur at any given moment. • For example, one day you may be under stress

because your boss has a big project that is due, so your body pumps out the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine which make your heart beat faster.

• You need to remember all the information from the presentation the other day so you utilize vitamin B3 to fire up your memory and concentration.

• You answer the phone and your boss asks you to hurry up, so this makes you angry which increases inflammation.

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• At 3 p.m. you are so hungry but limited on time, so you eat a hot dog and a cup of coffee from the cafeteria and get heartburn. This gives your body a surge of quick energy from the increase in cortisol, but the heartburn, poor food choices and elevated cortisol all lead to more inflammation.

• Next, insulin is released from the pancreas to store the glucose from your foods into your cells as reserves of energy for that 10 p.m. push to finish. (This is a high metabolic rate day because your body requires a lot of energy to function.)

• The next day you’ve earned some time off, so you decide to relax with a good book. (This is a low metabolic rate day.)

These actions and reactions make up your metabolism. And the overall metabolic rate that you have is an average of all these activities.

If every cell in our body is affected by metabolism, which influences chronic inflammation, then longevity and the prevention of diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer is about reducing inflammation and optimizing our metabolism.

HOW DOES LIFESTYLE AFFECT METABOLISM?Your lifestyle (which includes what you eat, how you exercise, and how you manage your stress) has a massive impact on your metabolism.

Optimal nutrition delivers the proper amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats to your body for energy production. In contrast, consuming too many processed foods that may add pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, hormones, refined sugar and trans fats to your body will affect your body as a stress.

This triggers your fight-or-flight response and releases the hormone cortisol. Chronically elevated cortisol levels lead to reduced thyroid activity, which causes a slowdown in metabolism. To make matters worse, the increased toxic load carried in by the processed foods forces the body to clear the toxins. Your thyroid slows down your metabolic rate even more to allow more time for you cells to remove the unwanted products.

Thus, it is important to know how to fuel your body with the right metabolic-balancing foods and therapeutic nutrients to improve your energy, weight and ultimately your life!

Other lifestyle factors that affect your metabolism include sleep, physical activity and stress (including emotional, physical, environmental and hormonal).

Any stress is perceived as a threat and initiates your flight-or-fight stress response, releasing the stress hormones epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol. Chronically high levels of these hormones reduce your metabolism, and your body shuts down the systems (i.e. digestion, muscle building and repair) upon which healthy metabolism depends. This leads to the storage of fat, and it begins to rob the stores of bone and muscle tissue.

In addition, excess stress leads to metabolism-busting activities like overeating, drinking, bailing out on your workouts and a reduction of metabolism-boosting activities like sleep, exercise and good nutrition.

This eventually causes chronic inflammation, which leads to chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and potentially even cancer.

OPTIMIZE METABOLISM TO REDUCE RISKMastering your metabolism requires a complex interplay of many factors.

Proper evidence-based nutritional testing is required to analyze the current state of your metabolism and its influencing factors. Then, an integrative plan is needed to bring your metabolism to its full potential.

The good news is that Maximized Living has researched the latest strategies in laboratory testing with the Customized Metabolix Assessment (CMA) that will help define your current metabolism, giving you and your health care provider a strategy to shift your biochemical processes processes and boost your overall health and vitality.

Dr. Joel Villeneuve, B.Sc., N.D. Naturopathic DoctorDirector, North American Metabolic & Nutrition Certification Program










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izedLiving Magazine

March - April 2014

Good fats are crucial to your health. In fact, 20-30 percent of your daily calories should be from fat—primarily polyunsaturated and monounsaturated

fats, such as fish, nuts and certain vegetable oils. Various studies suggest that good fats—especially omega-3 fatty acids—may lower depression, lower cholesterol, lower triglycerides, eliminate joint pain, improve your skin, promote weight loss, stabilize mood and more.

Actually, more than 2,000 scientific studies have demonstrated a wide range of problems associated with omega-3 deficiencies, including dyslexia, depression, violence, weight gain, allergies, eczema, memory problems, diabetes and numerous inflammatory diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

In light of such overwhelming benefit, the apparent solution would be to buy up as many store brand omega-3 supplements as you can afford. But—as is typically the case when it comes to your health—it’s not quite that simple.

KNOW YOUR OMEGASThe two most important fats you need are omega-6 and omega-3. Your body doesn’t manufacture them, so you need to acquire them from external sources such as food or supplements.

Digging deeper, these essential fatty acids are made up of still smaller fatty acids known as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), linoleic acid (LA), arachidonic acid (AA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

Each of these acids works together in very specific ways requiring very specific ratios of each. And that’s the problem. You may be deficient in omega-3 or your omega-6 levels may be through the roof, but pounding down a bottle of generic omega-3s won’t restore the proper proportion your body craves.

BALANCE IS THE KEYMost research suggests you need about twice the amount of omega-6 as omega-3—a 2-1 ratio.

While many food sources are heavy in omega-6s, it’s imperative that you opt for clean sources of fat. Dairy products and beef from grass-fed (and finished) cows, for instance, provide a great balance of omega-6s and omega-3s. Flax seeds and fish, meanwhile, provide a significant amount of high-quality omega-3s.

One of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet is that it is more in line with those recommendations than most other diets. It provides a better balance of essential fatty acids than the standard North American diet.

On average, North Americans eat far worse than you might think.

Due to our heavy use of vegetable oils, as well as our excessive consumption of meat, eggs and dairy, the average American consumes up to 25 times more omega-6s than omega-3s. (Remember, the proper ratio is 2-1!)

It’s no wonder we have such rampant disease and poor health.

To make matters worse for us, most of the omega-6 fat we consume is processed—refined and heated—making them not just useless, but often harmful. The only modernized country that can boast a somewhat healthy balance of omegas in their diet is the Japanese, but that boast is reserved for the traditional fishing and farming areas. The Westernized parts of the nation are just as unhealthy as we are. In those rural areas, the average omega ratio approaches 4-1.

Generic Omega-3 SupplementationVS.Balanced Omega Supplementation



izedLiving Magazine

March - April 2014

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As mentioned above, many Americans try to achieve better balance by loading up on generic, store-brand omega-3 supplements. But, again, this does not take into account the complexity of how various fatty acids interact. It can even expose the user to the rare risk of omega-3 toxicity.

Ideally, one should be tested as to their current levels of various essential fatty acids. One such test, called the omega-3 index, measures red blood cell EPA and DHA as a percentage of total red blood cell fatty acids. Values greater than 8 percent are associated with decreases in cardiovascular disease risk. Another test measures an individual’s tissue concentration of EPA and DHA. Unfortunately, these kinds of tests are relatively new and not commonly ordered by doctors.

THE VERDICTThe most practical approach to getting the proper amounts of essential fatty acids is to significantly cut back on certain foods containing omega-6, particularly processed fats and oils, and increase your intake of foods with healthy omega-3 content.

Even here, however, one has to consider others issues, such as mercury levels in fish and decreasing worldwide stocks of healthier fish. Also, while food sources like flax seed oil provide omega-3, the underlying fatty acid is different.

Unlike fish, which provides omega-3 in the form of highly needed EPA and DHA, flax seed omega-3 is in the form of ALA. The body can convert ALA to EPA and DHA, but the process is not always very efficient.

For almost everyone, a supplement containing the proper ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 will prove helpful. Not only will this lower the risk of getting too much omega-3 alone, it can also provide healthy, unprocessed omega-6. Again, the key is balance.

Of course, not all supplements are created equal. The amount of EPA and DHA—a crucial yet often overlooked detail—can vary among fish oil supplements. And the type of omega-6 matters, too.

Higher quality supplements will often contain other ingredients such as astaxanthin, which carries important anti-inflammatory properties. As always, organic, whole-food-based supplements will ensure greater cellular absorption as well as help you avoid additional toxins.

Don't Believe the Lie

Your knee pain, aching back and trouble sleeping have nothing to do with your age. They’re due to your lifestyle—especially your diet.

It seems weird to think of food as the cause behind your daily aches, but eating is one of the few things we all do every day. Over time, the effects begin to add up.

If you're regularly sneaking midnight sweets, then your joints are surely feeling the resulting inflammation. Luckily, when our diets get us into trouble, food can also help us out.

Cantaloupe, turmeric and Indian gooseberry, for instance, all share powerful anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve that daily pain.

Q: But isn’t the sugary stuff more readily available than these three natural remedies?

A: Not if you follow the Maximized Living Nutrition Plans and take Daily Defense.

We've specially formulated Daily Defense—using cantaloupe, turmeric and Indian gooseberry—to act as an all-natural pain reliever that keeps you feeling comfortable and limber at any age.

Forget what you’ve been told about getting older. Start rethinking the process of aging and you’ll be surprised at just how much better you can feel.

Talk to your

doctor about

the benefits of

Daily Defense

today.* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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izedLiving Magazine

March - April 2014

Any time. Any place.

I’M READY.• High pressure? No stress.• Heavy lifting? No sweat.• Hectic schedule? No worries.Max Fit was specially formulated using the one-of-a-kind Maximized Delivery System. Made from whole-food ingredients—plus the stress-relieving, anti-aging herb ashwagandha—Max Fit is a unique supplement that supports everything from healthy weight management to increased energy levels.

Supplement your workout with Max Fit. Talk to your Maximized Living doctor for details.* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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izedLiving Magazine

March - April 2014