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2016-1-RO01-KA102-023670 COLEGIUL NAȚIONAL „GHEORGHE VRĂNCEANU” BACĂU Adresa: str. Lucrețiu Pătrășcanu nr. 30, Bacău Secretariat: (0334) 405941 Fax: (0334) 405942 Facebook: hps://www.facebook.com/SMART-It-248530502228902/ Web: www.europroiecte.eu/23670 E-mail: [email protected]

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Erasmus+ ”SMART IT” 2016-1-RO01-KA102-023670

Student mobility project for initial vocational training, co-funded by the

European Union through the Erasmus + Programme Grant 85.360 Euro

Beneficiary—Colegiul National ”Gheorghe Vranceanu”, Bacau, Romania


"The European Commission financial support for the making this publi-cation does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held respon-sible for any use which may be made of the information contained there-in".

Erasmus+ ”SMART IT” 2016-1-RO01-KA102-023670

Proiect de mobilitati ale elevilor pentru formare profesionala initiala,

co-finanţat de Uniunea Europeană prin Programul Erasmus+ Gant 85.360 Euro

Beneficiar—Colegiul National ”Gheorghe Vranceanu”, Bacau, Romania


„Sprijinul financiar oferit de Comisia Europeana pentru realizarea aces-tei publicatii nu constituie o aprobare a conținutului, care reflectă doar opinia autorilor, iar Comisia nu poate fi trasă la răspundere pentru orice utilizare a informațiilor conținute în aceasta”.

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The project "SMART IT" 2016-1-RO01-KA102-023670 met the needs

of the beneficiary, "Gheorghe Vranceanu National College", Bacau, Ro-

mania, to increase the quality of career guidance and counseling in IT,

for students studying mathematics and computer science. The project

also brought an increase in the European dimension of our college.

The aim of the project was to cooperate with European institutions in

order to support students' career orientering towards an IT career, ac-

cording to their initial training, by increasing the quality of the services

provided by the college, developing students’ professional skills, as well

as increasing the attractiveness of the IT domain altogether.

The project was implemented during September 2016 and August

2017 and was organised in 2 flows, in Cyprus and Germany. Parteners:

2 IT receiving companies, L. Lazarou CTC, Paphos, Cyprus and WBS Trai-

ning A.G., Dresden, Germany and an intermediary company, Rivensco

Consulting LTD, Cyprus, which helped reach all the objectives initially

established in the project.

O1: Developing 5 transnational partnerships so as to enhance the in-

ternational dimension of the organizations and be able to provide ser-

vices that better meet the needs of the Europeans;

O2: Increasing the number of high school students, from math and

computer science classes, who consider IT attractive, so as to guide

them towards an IT career;

O3: Developing the knowledge, abilities and IT professional skills of

34 students in a real work environment for 3 weeks.


Proiectul „SMART IT”. 2016-1-RO01-KA102-023670 a raspuns nevoii

beneficiarului, Colegiul National “Gheorghe Vranceanu”, Bacau, Roma-

nia, de crestere a calitatii orientarii catre o cariera in IT, pentru elevii de

la clasele matematica-informatica precum si nevoii de dezvoltare a di-

mensiunii europene a colegiului.

Scopul proiectului a fost cooperarea inter-institutionala la nivel euro-

pean pentru sprijinirea orientarii elevilor catre o cariera IT, conform pre-

gatirii lor initiale, prin cresterea calitatii serviciilor oferite de colegiu,

dezvoltarea competentelor profesionale ale elevilor si sporirea atractivi-

tatii domeniului IT.

Proiectul a fost implementat in perioada septembrie 2016 – august

2017 si a fost organizat in 2 fluxuri, in Cipru si Germania. Parteneri: 2

companii de primire din domeniul IT, L. Lazarou CTC, Paphos, Cipru si

WBS Training A.G., Dresda, Germania si o companie intermediara,

Rivensco Consulting LTD, Cipru, care au ajutat la atingerea tuturor ob-

iectivelor stabilite initial prin proiect.

O1: Dezvoltatea a 5 parteneriate transnationale pentru creșterea di-

mensiunii internationale a organizatiilor, in vederea oferirii de servicii ce

raspund mai bine nevoilor europenilor;

O2: Cresterea numarului elevilor de liceu, clase matematica-

informatica, care considera domeniul IT atractiv, in vederea orientarii

lor catre o cariera in IT;

O3: Dezvoltarea de catre 34 participanti de cunostințe, abilitati și com-

petente profesionale IT intr-un mediu de lucru real, timp de 3 săptă-


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The target group was formed by students from mathematics and com-

puter science 10-11 grades, who are going to get their "Professional Certi-

fication in computer skills". Students need to be in contact with the Euro-

pean labor market, to develop IT professional skills, acknowledged

through European instruments, such as the Europass Mobility document.

Project team

Prof. Maria Chelba, project manager

Prof. Diana Popa, Mobility coordinator

Prof. Lăcrămioara Mărgineanu, selection and training coordinator

Prof. Doina Leonte evaluation, dissemination and monitoring coordinator

Economist Irina Tomita financial coordinator

The project involved organising 2 selection processes (1 for flows 1&2

and 1 for auto-financing participants), 2 training programmes

(pedagogical, linguistic and cultural), before every mobility and 2 mobili-

ties: flow 1 – 18 participants, in Paphos, Cyprus and Flow 2 – 16 partici-

pants, in Dresden, Germany.

We selected 34 participants through a practical test on the computer,

an interview in English and an application form. Students benefitted from

a training programme at the college level, to prepare them for the mobili-


Proiectul s-a adresat elevilor colegiului de la clasele matematica-

informatica, matematica-informatica intensiv engleza si matematica-

informatica intensiv informatica, care sustin "Atestat de certificare a com-

petentelor profesionale in informatica", din clasele 10-11. Proiectul a ras-

puns nevoii acestora de a intra in contact cu piata muncii europene, de a-si

dezvolta competente profesionale IT, care sa le fie certificate prin instru-

mente europene, ca Europass Mobility.

Echipa de proiect

prof. Maria Chelba, manager proiect

prof. Diana Popa, responsabil mobilitati

prof. Lacramioara Margineanu, responsabil selectie si pregatire

prof. Doina Leonte responsabil evaluare, diseminare si monitorizare

Economist Irina Tomita responsabil financiar

Proiectul a implicat organizarea a 2 procese de selectie (1 pt fluxurile 1

& 2 si 1 pt participanti cu auto-finantare), a 2 stagii de pregatire

(pedagogica, lingvistica si culturala), inainte de fiecare mobilitate realizarea

a 2 mobilitati: flux 1 - 18 participanti, in Paphos, Cipru, flux 2 - 16 partici-

panti in Dresda, Germania.

Au fost selectati 34 de participanti printr-o proba practica pe calculator,

un interviu in limba engleza si un formular de candidatura. Ei au beneficiat

de un program de pregatire la nivelul colegiului, care i-a pregatit pentru

realizarea de mobilitati.

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Students acquired skills in three specific IT domains: "Web-design with Gimp and Adobe Dreamweaver", Tutorials with Windows Live Movie Maker, Camtasia Studio si Photoshop” and "Java Script”. The beneficia-ries developed their professional competences by having 90 hours of practical training, in real working conditions, at 2 receiving IT compa-nies and they received the Europass Mobility document. The content of the internships was in line with the high demand on the IT business market and can open doors to many jobs. The internships contributed to developing students’ life skills and key competences, which will help them with their school activities and them joining the labour market. The results of this project were multi-plied by organising demonstrative workshops for students from mathe-matics and computer science classes. The college cooperated with two intermediary organizations: one from Cyprus and one from Germany, with experience in European pro-jects, which ensured the placement of participants in 2 internship com-panies, which met the vocational training needs of the students. PROJECT RESULTS: the project website, http://europroiecte.eu/23670/, 34 electronic portfolios, 4 web sites created by the participants: 2 for institutions in Bacau, 2 web sites for 2 projects of our college, making the college website and Eminenta Pro Vran-ceanu School Association website dynamic. We also created 1 "Gallery with 8 tutorials", 2 Optional courses improved with teaching materials ("Graphics Processing & Video" and "Programming & Web Design") and an E-Brochure with all the results and the lessons learned in Romanian and English.

Elevii au dobandit competente in 3 domenii IT: “Web Design cu Gimp si Adobe Dreamweaver”, “Tutoriale cu Windows Live Movie Maker, Camtasia Studio si Photoshop” si “Java Script”. Beneficiarii si-au dezvoltat competen-tele profesionale prin stagii de practica de 90 de ore, in conditii de lucru reale, in 2 firme de primire IT si au primit documentul Europass Mobility. Continutul stagiilor a fost în acord cu cererea mare din mediul de afaceri IT si poate deschide drumuri catre multe meserii. Stagiile de practica au contribuit si la dezvoltarea de abilitati de viata si competente cheie ce vor ajuta atat in activitatea scolara cat si in incadrarea participantilor pe piata muncii. Rezultatele proiectului au fost multiplicate prin oganizarea de ateliere de lucru demonstrative pt elevi de la clasele ma-tematica-informatica. Colegiul a cooperat cu două organizatii intermediare: una din Cipru si una din Germania, cu experienta in proiecte europene, ce vor asigura pla-sarea participantilor in doua companii de stagiu, ceea ce a raspuns nevoii de pregatire vocationala a elevilor. PRODUSE FINALE: site-ul proiectului, http://europroiecte.eu/23670/, 34 portofolii electronice, 4 site-uri web realizate de participanti : 2 pentru ins-titutii din Bacau, 2 site-uri pentru proiecte ale colegiului; dinamizarea site-ului colegiului si al Asociatiei Eminenta Pro Vranceanu. De asemenea, s-au creat: 1 “Galerie cu 8 tutoriale IT”, 2 Cursuri optionale imbunatatite cu ma-terial didactic (“Prelucrare grafica & video”, “Programare & web design”) si 1 E-Brosura cu rezultate si lectii invatate in romana si engleza.

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The project had a positive impact on the participants, who gained expe-

rience and openness towards intercultural communication, by working in a

multicultural and multilingual context. In the long run we expect them to

improve their performance in school and extra/curricular activities, to be

more efficient and more competitive on the labor market, being trained

and motivated to choose to follow IT careers in Romania or abroad.

The project had a positive impact on all European partners by increasing

the quality of the projects they implement and promoting their institutions

at the European level. At our college level, the project enhanced the quality

of students’ initial training, enlarged the school curricular offer and made

the connection between our school and the European labor market, as well

as contributed to an increase in the prestige of our school.

The project had a positive impact locally through multiplying activities: IT

workshops, Round tables, debates and the "Human Library". The sustenabi-

lity of the project will be achieved by the activities held at our «IT Club on-

Web Design», where the participants will be trainers for their colleagues.

Proiectul a avut un impact pozitiv asupra participantilor, care au dobandit

experienta si deschidere catre comunicarea interculturala prin lucrul intr-un

context si o echipa multiculturala, plurilingvistica. Pe termen lung preconizam

ca acestia isi vor îmbunătăţi prestatia în activitatile scolare si extra/curriculare

derulate, vor fi mai eficienti si competitivi pe piata muncii fiind mai pregatiti si

mai motovati sa-si aleaga o carieră IT in tara sau in strainatate.

Proiectul a avut un impact pozitiv asupra tuturor partenerilor europeni

prin cresterea calitatii proiectelor europene pe care le implementeaza si pro-

movarea instituriilor la nivel european. La nivelul colegiului, proiectul a contri-

buit la cresterea calitatii formarii initiale a elevilor, imbunatatirea ofertei curri-

culare, conectarea colegiului la piata muncii europene si cresterea prestigiului


Proiectul a avut impact pozitiv pe plan local prin activitati de multiplicare:

Ateliere IT, Mese rotunde, dezbateri si “Biblioteca umana”. Sustenabilitatea

proiectului se va realiza prin in cadrul « Clubului IT Web Design» in cadrul ca-

ruia participantii vor fi formatori pentru colegi.

Participants during their practical training at the receiving compa- Participanti in timpul stagiilor de pregatire practica la companiile de

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14/05/2017-03/06/2017 Paphos, Cyprus &

FLOW II 17/06/2017 – 09/07/2017 Dresden, Germany


BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATION: Colegiul National ”Gheorghe Vranceanu”, Bacau, Romania, PIC no. 949237733, registered office: 30 Lucretiu Patrascanu Street, PC 600204, Bacau, Romania, Contact: tel. +40334405 941, +40751236022, e-mail: [email protected], www.cnvranceanu.ro

Legal Representative: Andrei Gabriel, headmaster

Project coordinator, contact person: Chelba Maria, teacher of computer



14/05/2017-03/06/2017 Paphos, Cipru &

FLUX II 17/06/2017 – 09/07/2017 Drezda, Germania


ORGANIZATIE BENEFICIARA: Colegiul National ”Gheorghe Vranceanu”, Bacau, Romania, PIC no. 949237733, sediu legal: Strada Lucretiu Patrascanu nr. 30, PC 600204, Bacau, Romania, Contact: tel: +40334405 941, +40751236022, e-mail: [email protected], www.cnvranceanu.ro

Reprezentant legal: Andrei Gabriel, headmaster

Coordonator proiect, persoana de contact: Chelba Maria, profesor de in-


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Flux I

ORGANIZATIE INTERMEDIARA: Rivensco Consulting LTD, Paphos, Cipru

Nr. PIC 948923162, sediu legal:IB Georgiou Gemistou 2047 Nicosia Cipru, Tel. +35726941483, [email protected], www.rivensonline.info

Reprezentant legal, persoana de contact, coordonator de proiect, mentor

al grupului: Michalis Papatherapontos

Profesor de limba greaca si mentor suport: Demetra Panaretou


Nr. PIC. 947167074, sediu legal: L. Lazarou CTC, Alexandrou Papagou 99,

00357, Cipru, tel. +357 26939389, e-mail [email protected],


Reprezentant legal: Lazaros Lazarou, manager

Tutore de practica: Lazaros Lazarou, IT expert trainer si programator calcula-


COLABORATOR: Paphos Camera Comertului si a Industriei, Cipru

7 Athinon Ave. & Al.Papagou Corner, Tel. +35726818173, +35726944602, [email protected], www.pcci.org.cy

Reprezentant legal si persoana de contact: Makis Tsiatsios, presedinte

Flux II


Nr. PIC 949166535, Sediul legal: Hugo-Junkers-Ring 5, 01109 Dresda, Germa-

nia tel. +49351888 6366, e-mail [email protected], www-


Reprezentant legal: Stefanie Heinitz

Coordonator de proiect: Laura Byfut

Tutori de practica: Peter Haubold, Rubaya Hossain, IT expert trainers si pro-

gramatori calculatoare

Mentori: Laura Byfut si Natalie Simon

Flow I

INTERMEDIARY ORGANISATION: Rivensco Consulting LTD, Paphos, Cyprus

PIC no. 948923162, registered office IB Georgiou Gemistou 2047 Nicosia Cyprus, Tel. +35726941483, [email protected], www-.rivensonline.info

Legal representative, contact person, project coordinator, mentor of the

group: Michalis Papatherapontos

Teacher of Greek and support mentor: Demetra Panaretou


PIC no. 947167074, registered office: L. Lazarou CTC, Alexandrou Papagou

99, 00357, Cyprus, tel. +357 26939389, e-mail [email protected],


Legal Representative: Lazaros Lazarou, manager

Practice tutor: Lazaros Lazarou, IT expert trainer and computer


COLLABORATOR: Paphos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Cyprus

7 Athinon Ave. & Al.Papagou Corner, Tel. +35726818173, +35726944602, [email protected], www.pcci.org.cy

Legal Representative and contact person: Makis Tsiatsios, president

Flow II


PIC No. 949166535, registered office: Hugo-Junkers-Ring 5, 01109 Dresden,

Germany tel. +49351888 6366, e-mail [email protected],


Legal Representative: Stefanie Heinitz

Project coordinator: Laura Byfut

Practice tutors: Peter Haubold, Rubaya Hossain, IT expert trainers and com-

puter programmers

Mentors: Laura Byfut and Natalie Simon

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Number of participants: 18 students (flow I) and 16 students (flow II)

ACCOMPANYING TEACHERS FLOWS I & II Chelba Maria, teacher of computer

science and Popa Diana, teacher of English

Monitor flow II (30.06.17 – 08.07.17): Mărgineanu Lăcrămioara-Genoveva,

teacher of computer science, member of the project team.


1. Băişanu Nicoleta-Eliana

2. Berbece Vladimir

3. Comoraşu Ana -Maria

4. Custură Ştefan-Octavian

5. Dumitru Alexandru

6. Rățoi Răzvan-Radu

7. Secure Răzvan

8. Smeu Ştefan

9. Ungureanu Mihai

10. Abiței Tudor-Andrei

11. Apetrei Diana-Cristiana

12. Benchea Daria-Cezara

13. Budeanu Ilinca

14. Buiciuc Ana-Maria

15. Drăgan Silvia-Daniela

16. Florea Emma-Maria

17. Huțu Tudor

18. Porcaru Elena-Alina


1) Botezatu Bianca-Florina

2) Bratu Bogdan-Constantin

3) Bucur David

4) Ceobanu Ilaria

5) Crețu Andrei

6) Dobraniş Andrada-Madalina

7) Ghiroagă Andreea-Mădălina

8) Iacobeanu Denisa-Ştefania

9) Petre-Antica Eduard-Dominic

10) Pleşca Armand-Andrei

11) Prichineț Alexandru-Ştefan

12) Şuştac George

13) Toderiță Mihai-Cătălin

14) Țuțuianu Veronica-Daniela

15) Zavorodnic Andrei-Lucian

16) Gunea Andreea


Numar de participanti: 18 elevi (flux I) si 16 elevi (flux II)

PROFESORI INSOTITORI FLUXURI I & II Chelba Maria, profesor de informa-

tica si Popa Diana, profesor de limba engleza

Monitor flux II (30.06.17 – 08.07.17): Mărgineanu Lăcrămioara-Genoveva,

profesor de informatica, membru al echipei de proiect.


1. Băişanu Nicoleta-Eliana

2. Berbece Vladimir

3. Comoraşu Ana -Maria

4. Custură Ştefan-Octavian

5. Dumitru Alexandru

6. Rățoi Răzvan-Radu

7. Secure Răzvan

8. Smeu Ştefan

9. Ungureanu Mihai

10. Abiței Tudor-Andrei

11. Apetrei Diana-Cristiana

12. Benchea Daria-Cezara

13. Budeanu Ilinca

14. Buiciuc Ana-Maria

15. Drăgan Silvia-Daniela

16. Florea Emma-Maria

17. Huțu Tudor

18. Porcaru Elena-Alina


1) Botezatu Bianca-Florina

2) Bratu Bogdan-Constantin

3) Bucur David

4) Ceobanu Ilaria

5) Crețu Andrei

6) Dobraniş Andrada-Madalina

7) Ghiroagă Andreea-Mădălina

8) Iacobeanu Denisa-Ştefania

9) Petre-Antica Eduard-Dominic

10) Pleşca Armand-Andrei

11) Prichineț Alexandru-Ştefan

12) Şuştac George

13) Toderiță Mihai-Cătălin

14) Țuțuianu Veronica-Daniela

15) Zavorodnic Andrei-Lucian

16) Gunea Andreea

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FLOW I: 14/05/2017 – 03/06/2017

18 students from Colegiul National ”Gheorghe Vranceanu”, Bacau, Roma-

nia and 2 accompanying teachers were hosted by L. Lazarou CTC Paphos, Cy-

prus, for a 3 week work placement in IT, in the context of the Erasmus+ Pro-

ject ”SMART IT” 2016-1-RO01-KA102-023670. The students and accompany-

ing teachers benefitted from a rich cultural and social programme organized

by Rivensco Consulting LTD, intermediary organisation.

The students were divided into 2 groups according to 2 Learning

Agreements, ”Web Design with Gimp and Adobe Dreamweaver” and

”Tutorials with Windows Live Movie Maker, Camtasia Studio and Photoshop”

and were assigned a tutor, Lazaros Lazarou, IT expert trainer and computer


Learning activities were conducted in accordance with the Learning

Agreements and the work programme was 6 hours a day, focussing on

developing professional competences, so as to complement the theoretical

knowledge gained in school.

Tutorials Learning Agreement

Using Photoshop, Camtasia Studio and Movie Maker for making and

testing digital graphics/audio-video products (sound, filming, recording),

using adequate algorithms and technologies to create virtual tours, photo

galleries, video-montages and tutorials in a team.

Web Design Learning Agreement

Analysing, designing and creating graphic elements for a website in a

team, using HTML, CSS, Dreamweaver and Gimp for making and verifying a

web product.

FLUX I: 14/05/2017 – 03/06/2017

18 elevi de la Colegiul National ”Gheorghe Vranceanu”, Bacau, Romania

si 2 profesori insotitori au fost gazduiti de catre L. Lazarou CTC Paphos,

Cipru, pentru realizarea unui plasament de 3 saptamani in domeniul IT, in

contextul Proiectului Erasmus+ ”SMART IT” 2016-1-RO01-KA102-023670.

Elevii si profesorii insotitori au beneficiat,de asemenea, de un bogat pro-

gram cultural si social organizat de Rivensco Consulting LTD., organizatie


Elevii au foat impartiti in 2 grupuri , in conformitate cu 2 Acorduri de

Formare, ”Web Design cu Gimp si Adobe Dreamweaver” si ”Tutoriale cu

Windows Live Movie Maker, Camtasia Studio si Photoshop” si li s-a desem-

nat un tutore, Lazaros Lazarou, IT expert trainer si programator.

Activitatile de invatare au fost sustinute in conformitate cu Acordurile de

Formare si programul de lucru a fost de 6 ore pe zi, fiind bazat pe dezvol-

tarea de competente profesionale, pentru completarea cunostintelor teore-

tice pe care le-au acumulat in scoala.

Acord de Formare Tutoriale

Folosirea programelor Photoshop, Camtasia si Windows Live Movie

Maker pentru a realiza si testa grafice digitale/produse audio-video (sunete,

filme, inregistrari), folosind algoritmi si tehnologii adecvate pentru a crea

tururi vizuale, galerii foto, mintaje video si tutoriale in grupe.

Acord de Formare Web Design

Analizare, proiectare si creare de elemente grafice pentru un website in

grupe, folosind HTML, CSS, Dreamweaver si Gimp pentru realizarea si verifi-

carea unui produs web.

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MOBILITY ACTIVITIES FLOW II: 17/06/2017 - 09/07/2017

16 students from Colegiul National ”Gheorghe Vranceanu”, Bacau, Ro-

mania and 2 accompanying teachers were hosted by WBS Training A.G,

Dresden, Germany, for a 3-week work placement in IT in the context of the

Erasmus+ Project ”SMART IT” 2016-1-RO01-KA102-023670. The students

and accompanying teachers benefitted from a rich cultural and social pro-

gramme organized by WBS Training A.G.

The students completed a practice internship on the topic “Java Script”,

of 15 work days, 6 hours per day, learning how to work with JavaScript to

develop websites. Peter Haubold and Rubaya Hossain, expert trainers and

computer programmers offered them practical training, mentoring and sup-

port, as stipulated in their Learning Agreement.


16 elevi ai Colegiului National ”Gheorghe Vranceanu”, Bacau, Romania si

2 profesori insotitori au fost gazduiti de catre WBS Training A.G, Dresden,

Germania, pentru a lucre timp de 3 saptamani in domeniul IT, in contextul

Proiectului Erasmus+ ”SMART IT” 2016-1-RO01-KA102-023670. Elevii si

profesorii insotitori au beneficiat de un bogat program cultural si social or-

ganizat de catre WBS Training A.G.

Elevii au finalizat un stagiu de practica pe tema "Java Script", de 15 zile

lucrătoare, 6 ore pe zi, învățând cum să utilizeze Programul Java Script

pentru dezvoltarea de site-uri web. Peter Haubold și Rubaya Hossain, train-

er experti și programatori de calculatoare le-au oferit formare practică, în-

drumare și sprijin conform Acordurilor lor de formare.

Participants and accompanying teach-

ers at their guided tour of the receiv-

ing company WBS Training A.G. Dres-

den, Germany

Participanti si profesori insotitori in

cadrul turului ghidat al firmei de

primire WBS Training A.G. Dresda,

Participanti timpul programului de

pregatire practica la firma de

primire WBS Training A.G. Dresda,


Participants during their practical

training at the receiving company

WBS Training A.G. Dresden, Germa-


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Java Script Learning Agreement

Java Script Syntax: server-side and client-side: PHP and Pearl, HTML and

Java Script, stative and dynamic output, date and time features: building a

maintenance webpage, embed a calculator, a clock and a tic-tac toe game, a

moving mouse cursor, a contact and login form, an upload form in the

webpage, checking data entry, creating a Query library, JQuery animations,

JQuery effects, modifying the HTML and CSS code using JQuery, creating a

responsive menu and a photo gallery using Java Script and JQuery.

Students’ learning outcomes were listed in the Europass Mobility, issued

by the beneficiary organization, Colegiul National “Gheorghe Vranceanu”

and validated by WBS Tranining A.G.


Flow I

Participants benefitted from the following cultural and social activities,

organized and carried out with the help of Rivensco Consulting LTD:

2 Study visits at Pahos Chamber of Commerce, where they took part in 2

round table events: “Active Citizenship and Entrepreneurship in IT” and“IT

Business Ideas”.

Greek Course: 30 hours, level A1, teacher Demetra Panaretou;

Social & Cultural Programme, mentor Michalis Papatherapontos:

Paphos Marina

Paphos Castle

The Tombs of the Kings

St. Peter’s Column, Paphos

Paphos Archaeological Park

Acord de Formare Java Script

Sintaxa Java Script: partea de server si de client: PHP si Pearl, HTML si

Java Script, output static si dinamic, caracteristici ale datei si timpului: con-

struirea unei pagini web mantenanta, incorporarea unui calculator, a

unui ceas și a unui joc de X si 0, a unui cursor în mișcare a mouse-ului,

a unui formular de contact si de conectare, a unui formular de incar-

care in pagina web, verificarea introducerii datelor, crearea unei bibli-

oteci JQuery, Animații JQuery, efecte JQuery, modificarea codului

HTML și CSS utilizand JQuery, crearea unui meniu responsiv si a unei

galerii de imagini utilizand JavaScript și JQuery.

Rezultatele invatarii elevilor au fost inregistrate in documentul Europass

Mobility, eliberat de organizatia beneficiara, Colegiul Național "Gheorghe

Vranceanu" și validat de WBS Tranining A.G.


Flux I

Participantii au beneficiat de urmatoarele activitati culturale si sociale,

organizate si realizate cu sprijinul Rivensco Consulting LTD:

2 vizite de studiu la Camera Comertului Pahos cu organizarea a 2 mese ro-

tunde cu temele “Cetatenie Activa si antreprenoriat in IT” si “Idei de Afaceri

in IT”.

Curs de limba greaca: 30 de ore, nivel A1, prof. Demetra Panaretou

Program Social & Cultural, mentor Michalis Papatherapontos:

Marina Paphos

Castelul din Paphos

Mormintele Regilor

Coloana lui Sf. Petru din Paphos

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Aphrodite’s Birth Place, Petra tou Romiou

"Stone of the Greek"

Aphrodite Aqua Park

Cypriot Glass Dance

Glass Boat Trip

Limassol Marina

Kourio Amphitheater, Limassol

Larnaca Harbour

Church of Saint Lazarus

The Mosque of Umm Haram

The Kamares Aqueduct

The Salt Lake

Flow II

Participants benefitted from the following cultural and social activities,

organized and carried out with the help of WBS Training A.G.

Social & Cultural Programme, mentor Laura Byfut & Natalie Simon:

Dresda welcome tour, Dresden Frauenkirche

German Museum of Hygiene

Museum of Technology and Industry

Military Museum

Ethnological Museum

Old & New Vault Swinger Museum

Dresden Palace

Dresden Botanical Garden

Study visit at the Transparent Manufactory of Volkswagen

Hiking trip to Saxon Switzerland - National Park

Locul nasterii Afroditei, Petra tou Romiou

"Stone of the Greek"

Aphrodite Aqua Park

Dans cu pahare cipriot

Excursie cu barca de sticla

Marina Limassol

Amfiteatrul Kourio, Limassol

Larnaca Harbour

Biserica Sfantului Lazar

Moecheea lui Umm Haram

Apedictul Kamares

Lacul Sarat

Flux II

Participantii au beneficiat de urmatoarele activitati culturale si sociale,

organizate si realizate cu sprijinul WBS Training A.G.

Program Social & Cultural, mentor Laura Byfut & Natalie Simon:

Tur de prezentare a orasului Drezda, Drezda Frauenkirche

Muzeul German al Igienei

Muzeul Tehnologiei si al Industirei

Muzeul Militar

Muzeu Etnologic

Vechiul și Noul Seif Muzeul Swinger

Palatul din Drezda

Gradina Botanica din Drezda

Vizită de studiu la FabricaTransparentă Volkswagen

Excursie cu drumeții în Elveția Saxonă - Parcul Național

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IT Competences (TUTORIALS): text and image processing in Photoshop, pro-

cessing audio and video files in Live Movie Maker and Camtasia Studio, cre-

ating virtual tours and video montages in Live Movie Maker, creating video

tutorials in Camtasia Studio.

IT Competences (WEB DESIGN): designing and creating graphic elements for

a website in a team, using Gimp for web graphic processing, HTML, CSS and

Adobe Dreamweaver for designing a website, formatting pages, adding text,

images, links, tables, layers, multimedia files, CSS stylesheets, libraries, tem-

plates and forms etc.

IT Competences (JAVA SCRIPT): use of functions, events, predefined Java

Script objects for data processing, use of specific structured data and pro-

cessing functions in Java Script, identifying appropriate programming tech-

niques to solve problems with Java Script and applying them creatively in web

pages, making web pages dynamic using Java Script.


Competente IT (TUTORIALE): procesarea textelor și a imaginilor in Pho-

toshop, prelucrarea fisierelor audio si video în Live Movie Maker și Camtasia

Studio, crearea de tuturi virtuale și montaje video în Live Movie Maker,

crearea de tutoriale video in Camtasia Studio.

Competente IT (WEB DESIGN): proiectarea si crearea elementelor grafice

pentru un site web in echipa, folosind Gimp pentru procesarea grafica web,

HTML, CSS si Adobe Dreamweaver pentru proiectarea unui website, forma-

tarea paginilor, adaugarea de text, imagini, link-uri, tabele, stiluri, biblioteci,

șabloane si formulare etc.

Competente IT (JAVA SCRIPT): utilizarea de functii, evenimente, obiecte Java

Script predefinite pentru prelucrarea datelor, utilizarea unor date structurate

specifice și functii de procesare in Java Script, identificarea tehnicilor de pro-

gramare adecvate pentru rezolvarea problemelor cu Java Script si aplicarea

lor creativa in paginile web, dinamizarea paginilor web folosind Java Script.

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Language skills: communicating effectively in English, using specialized IT vo-

cabulary, level B2+, using specialized software in English, basic communica-

tion skills in Greek or German, level A1.

Other skills: ability to organize tasks and prioritize, time management, identi-

fy problems and find relevant solutions to them, communicating with other

team members, clients and the practice tutor, teamwork skills, cultural

awareness and expression, social and civic competences.

Participants achieved acquisitions on a personal level as well, such as: in-

creased self-confidence and self-esteem, increased capacity for adapting and

doing activities in a new environment and increased capacity to critically ana-

lyze a situation. They have become more tolerant in relation to other people

and situations and they have become more confident in their chances of find-

ing a job in the future.

Students doing their practical

work with trainer Mr. Lazaros

Lazarou (Flow 1)

Students and accompanying teachers

at their guided tour of The Mosque of

Umm Haram, Larnaca (Flow 1)

Competente lingvistice: comunicarea eficientă în limba engleză, folosind vo-

cabular IT specializat, nivel B2 +, folosind software specializat în limba eng-

leză, abilități de comunicare de bază în limba greacă sau germană, nivelul A1.

Alte abilități: abilitatea de a organiza sarcini si a prioritiza, gestionarea tim-

pului, identificarea problemelor si găsirea de solutii relevante pentru acestea,

comunicarea cu membrii echipei, cu clientii si cu tutorele de practica, abilitati

de lucru în echipa, constiinta si expresie culturala, competente sociale si civ-


Participanții au dobandit si achizitii la nivel personal, cum ar fi: cresterea

increderii si a stimei de sine, cresterea capacitatii de adaptare si realizare a

activitatilor intr-un mediu nou, cresterea capacitatii de a analiza critic o situ-

atie. Ei au devenit mai toleranti fața de alte persoane ai situatii si au devenit

mai încrezatori in sansele lor de a-si gasi un loc de munca în viitor.

Elevi la stagiul de practica impreuna

cu tutorele de practica, Dl. Lazaros

Lazarou (Flux 1)

Elevii si profesorii insotitori in turul

ghidat la Moscheea lui Umm Haram,

Larnaca (Flux 1)

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Students and accompanying teachers

on a Glass Boat Trip (Flow 1)

Students and accompanying teachers

at the certificate-award ceremony with

mentor Demetra Panaretou (Flow 1)

Students in front of the Semperoper

Dresden (Flow 2)

Some students with practice tutor Mr.

Peter Haubold (Flow 2)

Students at their guided tour through

the old town of Dresden (Flow 2)

Students and accompanying teachers

on their final day with Project coordi-

nator Laura Byfut (Flow 2)

Elevii si profesorii insotitori in excursie

cu Barca de sticla (Flux 1)

Elevii si profesorii insotitori la decernarea

certificatelor de participare impreuna cu

mentorul Demetra Panaretou (Flux 1)

Elevii in turul ghidat prin centrul vechi

al orasului Drezda (Flux 2)

Elevii si profesorii insotitori in ultima zi

de mobilitate impreuna cu Laura Byfut,

coordonatorul de proiect (Flux 2)

Elevii in fata Semperoper Drezda

(Flux 2)

Cativa elevi cu tutorele de practica

DL. Peter Haubold (Flux 2)

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Follow-up activity—sharing experiences during the “Human Library”

Students in front of the Semperoper

Dresden (Flow 2)

Some students with practice tutor Mr.

Peter Haubold (Flow 2)

Students and accompanying teachers

on their final day with Project coordi-

Elevii in turul ghidat prin centrul vechi

al orasului Drezda (Flux 2)

Elevii si profesorii insotitori in ultima zi

de mobilitate impreuna cu Laura Byfut,

Elevii in fata Semperoper Drezda

(Flux 2)

Cativa elevi cu tutorele de practica

DL. Peter Haubold (Flux 2)

Activitate de follow-up—impartasirea de experiente in cadrul “Bibliotecii Umane”

Students in virtual tour through the

old town of Dresden

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Through the internships, the participants improved their professional

skills, linguistic abilities and communicated very well with regard to their as-

signed tasks. Also, they integrated well in the receiving companies and col-

laborated efficiently with their working team.

The knowledge and skills acquired by the participants through the differ-

ent activities of the project enlarged their vision of Cypriot and German life,

as well as of the IT domain. The European Mobilities resulted in a great op-

portunity for the participants to complete their Curriculum Vitae and to facil-

itate their job search in the future.

The participants gained new theoretical knowledge and practical skills on

specific topics as well as improved their English language proficiency during

their stay. The students directly experienced the social and cultural life of

Cyprus and Germany, getting suggestions for their education and career pro-


Concluding, the participants got to know the advantages and opportuni-

ties of international exchanges within the member-countries of the European

Community and they experienced an improvement of their technical, linguis-

tic, intercultural and social competences.


In timpul stagiului participantii si-au imbunatati abilitatile profesionale,

abilitatile lingvistice, au inteles si au comunicat foarte bine in ceea ce

priveste sarcinile atribuite. De asemenea, s-au integrat bine in cadrul com-

paniilor de primire si au colaborat eficient cu echipa de lucru.

Cunostintele si abilitatile dobandite de participanti prin diferitele activi-

tati ale proiectului si-au largit viziunea asupra vietii cipriote si germane, pre-

cum si asupra domeniului IT. Aceste Mobilitati Europene au avut ca rezultat

o mare oportunitate pentru participanți de a-si completa propriul Curricu-

lum Vitae si pentru a facilita cautarea de locuri de munca in viitor.

Participantii au dobandit noi cunostinte teoretice si abilitati practice pe

tematici specifice si totodata si-au imbunatatit competențele in limba eng-

leza in timpul mobilitatii. Elevii au experimentat in mod direct viata sociala

si culturala a Ciprului si Germaniei, primind sugestii pentru propriul parcurs

ulterior in educatie si cariera.

In concluzie, participantii au cunoscut avantajele si oportunitatile schim-

burilor internationale din țarile membre ale Comunitații Europene si si si-au

imbunatatit competentele tehnice, lingvistice, interculturale si sociale.

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My participation in the mobility paved the way for IT and the European

labor market, giving me a clear and explicit idea of them. By participating in

the project, I had the chance to overcome my fears of leaving my personal

comfort zone and I also greatly improved my social skills. I will always remem-

ber the 3 weeks I lived with my colleagues in Dresden, the mornings we went

to the internship company together and the wonderful tourist attractions we

visited. (Bianca Botezatu, participant Flow II, Germany).

The mobility helped me to perceive the IT domain as being more inter-

esting and to improve my skills in this field, as well as to understand the way

the European labor market works. This mobility has changed me from the

point of view of teamwork, now being a more capable person to work with

other members and to understand them. (Nicoleta Baisanu, participant Flux I,


I will always remember the pleasant atmosphere inside the house where I

stayed with my colleagues, all the interesting activities we carried out and my

tutor who has increased my passion for IT and influenced my decisions about

the future . My interest in the IT domain has increased as a result of mobility,

and I also look forward to looking for a job in this field in Europe in the future.

(Dragan Silvia, mobility participant flow I)

This mobility developed my ability to communicate with people around

me and to adapt to a group. From this mobility I learned things I did not know

about Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, and this

information can help me in the future. One thing that I would never forget is

the experience of working within a foreign company, along with other project

participants. (Dumitru Alexandru, mobility flow participant I)


Participarea la mobilitate mi-a deschis calea catre domeniul IT si piata

muncii europene, oferindu-mi o imagine clara si explicita asupra acestora. Par-

ticipând la proiect, am avut şansa de a-mi depăşi temerile legate de părăsirea

zonei de confort personal şi, de asemenea, mi-am imbunatatit semnficativ abili-

tatile de socializare. Imi voi aminti mereu cu drag de cele 3 saptamani in care

am locuit impreuna cu colegii mei in Drezda, de diminetile in care plecam im-

preuna la firma de practica si de minunatele obiective turistice pe care le-am

vizitat. (Bianca Botezatu, participant Flux II, Germania).

Mobilitatea m-a ajutat să percep domeniul IT ca fiind mult mai interesant și

să îmi perfecționez abilitățile în acest domeniu, precum și să înțeleg modul de

funcționare ale pieții de muncă europene. Această mobilitate m-a schimbat din

punct de vedere al muncii în echipă, acum fiind o persoană mult mai capabilă de

a lucra alături de alți membri și de a mă înțelege cu aceștia. (Nicoleta Baisanu,

participant Flux I, Cipru)

Îmi voi aminti mereu de atmosfera plăcută din interiorul casei in care am

stat cu colegii mei de mobiliatate, toate activitățile interesante pe care le-am

desfășurat și de tutorele meu care mi-a sporit pasiunea pentru IT și mi-a influ-

ențat deciziile legate de viitor. Interesul meu pentru sfera IT a crescut in urma

mobilității. De asemenea, intentionez, pe viitor, sa-mi caut un loc de munca in

acest domeniu in Europa. (Dragan Silvia, participant mobilitate flux I)

Aceasta mobilitate mi-a dezvoltat capacitatea de a comunica cu persoanele

din jurul meu si de a ma adapta la un grup. Am invatat lucruri pe care nu le

stiam despre programele Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop si Adobe Illus-

trator, informatiile acestea putand sa ma ajute in viitor. Un lucru de care imi voi

aminti cu drag este experienta de a lucra la o companie straina, alaturi de alti

participanti ai proiectului. (Dumintru Alexandru, participant mobilitate flux I)

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My participation in the mobility made me more adaptable to new environments and developed my teamwork skills. I was able to see what it is like to work in the IT. domain (Smeu Stefan, mobility participant flow I) The mobility helped me improve my IT skills through the practice hours and teamwork and my daily tasks. I have an increased My self-esteem and I learned how to handle things on my own, as I was away from home for a long time. Now I perceive IT as a growing field that can provide many job opportunities. (Razvan Secure, mobility participant flow I) Erasmus+ “Smart IT” Project gave me the chance to work in a compa-ny and made me realize that I’m interested in IT. Through teamwork, hard work and stimulated creativity, I learned that this is my future. The mobili-ty showed me that there is a far greater range of opportunities on the IT labor market, especially at the European level. I will always remember with pleasure the group of friends with whom I shared all the beautiful experiences in this project. (Petre-Antica Eduard-Dominic, mobility partici-pant flow II) The fact that I was in a group during the mobility helped me to improve my relationship with those around me. This project emabled me to develop my IT skills (Html, Css, JavaScript, Php etc.), my English communication skills as well as my individual and team work skills. The fact that every morning I woke up to work for 6 hours on my computer made me understand better what it is like to have a job in IT. (Cretu An-drei, mobility participant flow II) The biggest impact of this Erasmus experience was that I came out of my comfort zone because I am a rather introverted person and I do not take part in such activities. My participation in the mobility made me realize what it is looking for but also has developed IT in Europe. (Benchea Daria-Cezara, mobility participant flow I)

Participarea la mobilitate m-a facut sa ma adaptez mai usor la medii noi, mi-a dezovaltat abilitatea de a lucra in echipa. Am putut vedea concret cum e sa muncesti in domeniul IT. (Smeu Stefan, participant mobilitate flux I) Mobilitatea m-a ajutat sa imi imbunatatesc cunostintele din domeniul IT prin orele de practica si lucrul in echipa, prin taskurile zilnice. Mi-a crescut increderea in sine si am invatat sa ma descurc singur avand in vedere ca am fost plecat departe de casa pentru mult timp. Acum percep domeniul IT ca un domeniu in continua dezvoltare care poate asigura multe locuri de mun-ca. (Razvan Secure, participant mobilitate flux I) Proiectul Erasmus+ “Smart IT” mi-a oferit șansa de a lucra la o firmă și a realiza că interesele mele sunt pentru domeniul IT. Prin lucrul în echipă, munca depusă și creativitatea stimulată, am aflat că acesta este domeniul meu de viitor. Mobilitatea mi-a arătat faptul că există o gamă mult mai largă în ceea ce privește piața muncii a domeniului IT, mai ales pe plan european. Îmi voi aminti mereu cu plăcere de grupul de prieteni cu care am împărtășit toate experiențele frumoase din acest proiect. (Petre-Antica Eduard-Dominic, participant mobilitate flux II) Faptul ca m-am aflat intr-un colectiv pe toata durata mobilitatii m-a facut sa-mi imbunatatesc felul in care relationez cu cei din jurul meu. Acest proiect m-a ajutat in dezvoltarea competentelor mele in domeniul IT (Html, Css, Ja-vaScript, Php etc.), a competentelor de comunicare in limba engleza si a abil-itatilor de lucru individual si in echipa. Faptul ca in fiecare dimineata ma trezeam ca sa merg sa lucrez timp de 6 ore in fata calculatorului m-a facut sa inteleg mai bine cum este sa ai o slujba in domeniul IT. (Cretu Andrei, partici-pant mobilitate flux II) Cel mai mare impact al acestei experiente Erasmus a fost faptul ca am iesit din zona mea de confort, deoarece sunt o persoana destul de introver-tita si nu iau parte la activitati de acest fel. Participarea la mobilitate m-a facut sa realizez cat este de cautat, dar si dezvoltat domeniul IT in Europa. (Benchea Daria-Cezara, participant mobilitate flux I)

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Having a 3-week Erasmus”+ experience at WBS Training A.G. in Dresden is a thing I’ll remember all my life. Besides the beautiful setting (their center is in a leafy area) and facilities (modern labs, offices and lounges), the people were warm and friendly with us. I learned a lot of things from my tutors. TI developed my digital skills related to Java Script and I’m still in touch with them. (David Bucur, participant Flow II) I think the most important aspect of this mobility is the fact that I be-came closer to my colleagues, whom I now consider to be a family. I will always remember our wonderful tutors and all the things I learned. (Comorasu Ana Maria, mobility participant flow I) The IT field has always attracted me, but this project brought me one step closer to the digital world and I taught me how to use video and pho-to editing programs. Our tutor, Lazaros Lazaros, was the one who taught us everything there is to know about tutorials, and who also talked about the European labor market. He is the one who helped me "become ma-ture" in this area. (Buiciuc Ana Maria, mobility participant flow I) Project activities helped me organize my time better and try new things, work better in ateam and come up with new ideas more often. (Toderiţa Mihai-Catalin participant mobility flow II)

Due to the mobility I have become much more open and sociable, forming a close relationship with other participants both at work and dur-ing our free time. The visits to the various tourist attractions in Dresden, our tutors and mentors who showed great patience as well as the chal-lenges and non-formal and activities organized by accompanying teachers helped us a lot in developing our skills. (Bratu Bogdan mobility participant flow II)

Experiența de 3 săptămâni "Erasmus" la WBS Training AG din Dresda este

un lucru pe care mi-l voi aminti toată viața. Pe lângă decorul frumos (centrul lor

este într-o zonă verde) și facilități (laboratoare moderne, birouri și saloane),

oamenii au fost calzi și prietenoși cu noi. Am învățat multe lucruri de la forma-

torii mei. Mi-am dezvoltat abilități legate de folosirea programului Java Script și

inca sunt în contact cu ei. (David Bucur, participant flux II)

Cred ca cel mai important aspect al acestei mobilitati este faptul ca m-am

apropiat mult de colegii mei, pe care acum ii consider a fi ca o familie. Imi voi

aminti cu drag de tutorii nostri minunati si de toate lucrurile pe care le-am

invatat. (Comorasu Ana Maria, participant mobilitate flux I)

Domeniul IT m-a atras dintotdeauna, dar acest proiect m-a apropiat mai

mult de lumea digitala si am invatat cum sa folosesc programe de editare video

si photo. Tutorele nostru, Lazarou Lazaros a fost cel care ne-a invatat tot ce tine

de tutoriale, ne-a vorbit si despre piata muncii europene. El este cel care m-a

ajutat "sa ma maturizez" in privinta acestui domeniu. (Buiciuc Ana Maria, par-

ticipant mobilitate flux I)

Activitatile de proiect m-au ajutat sa imi organizez timpul mai bine si sa

incerc lucruri noi, sa lucrez in echipa mai bine si sa contribui cu idei noi mai des.

(Toderiță Mihai-Cătălin participant mobilitate flux II)

Datorita mobilitatii am devenit mult mai deschis si sociabil, formând o

strânsă legătură cu ceilalti participanti atat la locul de munca cat si in timpul

liber. Vizitele la diferitele obiective turistice din Drezda, tutorii si mentorii care

au dat dovada de multa răbdare si ne-au ajutat enorm in dezvoltarea abilităților

noastre, precum si provocările si activitatile non-formale organizate de profeso-

rii insotitori. (Bratu Bogdan participant mobilitate flux II)

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"Smart IT" Project gave me the opportunity to work with professional peo-

ple with a wealth of experience in implementing European IT projects. We also

visited new places full of history. I really liked Dresden, also called "Florence up-

on Elba", a very beautiful city, which although destroyed at the end of World

War II, reborn from ruins. This city has given me a lot of energy and the convic-

tion that any obstacle can be overcome. It is important to aim high and trust

your dream. (Maria Chelba, project coordinator and accompanying teacher)

I think the internships organized during the mobilities contributed to tai-

loring the IT curriculum to the labor market by creating useful applications for

real life and dividing students into groups for project work, which allowed them

to express their creativity and share their experience with other colleagues. In-

formatics / ICT is a universal "language" and Romanian students can successfully

meet the challenges of the European IT field. Mobility gave me the opportunity

to live beautiful moments, and I will gladly remember the Swinger Museum, the

architecture of Dresden buildings, the sharing of experiences with the partici-

pants and the "Möbel und Interieur by Vivere" collection. (Teacher Lacramioara Margineanu, monitor flow II)

Our Erasmus+ experience was great, both the exploration of Dresden and

Paphos and students’ work placement itself. The receiving companies’ staff were

really nice and helpful. They made us feel very welcome by providing us with lots

of information and guidance and helping us with paperwork throughout our

three week stay. The highlight of our stay was students’ work experience with

their tutors, being assigned challenging tasks and having a taste of what the IT

labour market is like.

(Diana Popa, accompanying teacher & mobility coordinator)

Proiectul “Smart IT” mi-a dat ocazia sa lucrez cu oameni profesionisti, cu

o bogata experienta in implementarea de proiecte europene in domeniul IT.

Totodata, am vizitat locuri noi, pline de istorie. Mi-a placut foarte mult Dresda,

numita si " Florenta de pe Elba", un oras foarte frumos, care desi a fost distrus

la finalul celui de-al doilea razboi mondial, a renascut din ruine. Acest oras mi-a

daruit multa energie si convingerea ca orice obstacol poate fi depasit. Im-

portant este sa tintesti sus si sa ai incredere in visul tau. (Maria Chelba, coordo-

nator proiect si profesor insotitor)

Consider ca stagiile de practica organizate in cadrul mobilitatilor au con-

tribuit la adaptarea programei IT la piata muncii prin crearea de aplicatii utile in

viata reala si impartirea in grupe de elevi pentru realizarea unor proiecte, care

le-au permis participantilor sa-si exprime creativitatea si sa isi impartaseasca

experienta cu ceilalti colegi. Informatica/TIC, e un "limbaj" universal iar elevii

romani pot face fata cu succes cerintelor si provocarilor din domeniul IT euro-

pean. Mobilitatea mi-a dat ocazia sa traiesc momente frumoase, si-mi voi

aminti cu placere Muzeul Swinger, arhitectura cladirilor orasului Dresda, im-

partasirea experientelor traite cu participantii si colectia "Möbel und Interieur

by Vivere". (Prof. Lacramioara Margineanu, monitor flux II)

Experiența noastră Erasmus+ a fost extraordinara, atât explorarea

oraşelor Dresda si Paphos, cât și plasamentul elevilor în companie. Personalul

companiilor de primire a fost foarte amabil și de ajutor. Ne-au făcut să ne

simțim foarte bineveniți, oferindu-ne informații și sprijin și ajutându-ne cu doc-

umentele pe durata şederii noastre de trei săptămâni. Cel mai interesant as-

pect al mobilitatii a fost experiența de lucru a elevilor cu tutorii lor, faptul că li s

-au atribuit sarcini provocatoare și au putut ”gusta” din piaţa muncii IT.

(Diana Popa, responsabil mobilitate si profesor insotitor )

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Within the pedagogical training of the participants we recommend the introduction of activities to create group cohesion, training on risk man-agement for fire prevention and the collection of a bearing fund. The duration of the training programme at school should be at least 3 months before the mobility so as not to overload the daily schedule of the future participants. In order to access participants' reports generated by the Mobility Tool, it is recommended to have different IPs for their transmission, to avoid technical errors. In order to complete the final project report in the Mobility Tool, it is recommended to use a word document from which to copy the fields to avoid loss of Information, due to the plarform only saves the data periodi-cally. For mobilitytravel, it is recommended that the participant should have identity card / passport and color copy thereof, European health card, health insurance, for civil liability and accidents. Besides these documents, it is important that the accompanying teacher should have a stamped and signed list with the full details of accompanying teachers and participants, including their birth dates, as well as English student passes. These documents useful for museum admission and other tourist attractions as well as in case of losing identity documents, and can help to obtain a provisional passport.

It is very important to sign a collaboration agreement with financial clauses with the intermediary company before making any kind of pay-ments before the mobility, including the purchase of airplane tickets.


In cadrul pregatirii pedagogice a participantilor recomandam introduc-erea de activitati de creare a coeziunii grupului, instruire privind managementul riscului pentru prevenirea incendiilor, colectarea unui fond de rulment. Perioada programului de pregatire realizat in scoala ar trebui sa fie de minim 3 luni inaintea mobilitatii, pentru a nu se incarca prea mult programul zilnic al viitorilor participanti. Pentru accesarea rapoartelor participantilor generate de Mobility Tool, este nevoie de IP-uri diferite pentru transmiterea acestora, pentru a preveni probleme tehnice. Pentru completarea raportului final d proiect in Mobility Tool este reco-mandat sa se foloseasca un document word din care sa se copieze campurile, pentru a se Evita pierderea de informatii, deoarece plarforma nu salveaza date-le decat periodic. Pentru deplasarea in mobilitate, este recomandat ca participantul sa aiba asupra lui: carte de identitate/pasaport si copie color a acestora, card de sana-tate European, asigurare de sanatate, de raspundere civila si de accidente. Pe langa aceste documente, este important ca profesorul insotitor sa aiba o lista stampilata si semnata cu datele complete ale participantilor si profesorilor in-sotitori, inclusiv datele lor de nastere, precum si legitimatii de elev in limba eng-leza. Acestea sunt de folos la intrarile la muzee si la alte obiective culturale dar si in cazul pierderii documentului de identitate, putand ajuta la obtinerea unui pasaport provizoriu. Este foarte important sa se incheie un contract de colaborare cu clause financiare cu compania intermediara inainte de realizarea oricarui tip de chel-tuiala premergatoare mobilitatii, inclusiv achizitionarea de bilete de avion.

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PROJECT SUMMARY ..................................................................................... 4

MOBILITY ACTIVITIES .................................................................................. 12

LEARNING OUTCOMES ............................................................................... 26

CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................ 35

PARTICIPANTS’ TESTIMONIALS ................................................................... 37

LEARNT LESSONS & GOOD PRACTICES ....................................................... 45

Authors :

Chelba Maria, professor

Popa Diana, professor

Mărgineanu Lăcrămioara, professor

Botezatu Bianca,student

Şuştac George, student

Comoraşu Ana-Maria, student


REZUMATUL PROIECTULUI ........................................................................... 5

ACTIVITĂȚI DE MOBILITATE ........................................................................ 13

REZULTATELE INVATARII ............................................................................ 28

CONCLUZII .................................................................................................. 36

MĂRTURII PARTICIPANȚI ............................................................................ 38

LECTII INVATATE SI BUNE PRACTICI ........................................................... 46


Chelba Maria, profesor

Popa Diana, profesor

Mărgineanu Lăcrămioara, profesor

Botezatu Bianca, elevă

Şuştac George, elev

Comoraşu Ana-Maria, elevă