2016-2017 mentorship program details

Quality Matters Mentorship Program for Faculty

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Post on 17-Feb-2017




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Quality Matters Mentorship Program for Faculty

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Program Overview

A holistic and personalized approach to professional development in online/blended learning and teaching

Multiple opportunities for feedback and evaluation while developing and teaching a new course

Faculty get to know one another better across disciplines

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Program Goals Mentor faculty will

work with faculty Course Developers to meet personalized course design goals

Each course is reviewed with the Quality Matters rubric

Download the rubric and more: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7bwhoit985wcgt0/AACYABAPMR_OTwbPL0xVp-Cea?dl=0

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Course Developers

Can be from any department Can be any type of course – new,

existing, online, traditional, hybrid Mentors can choose to work with

faculty across multiple departments Stay in regular communication with

mentors throughout the academic year

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What You Get From the Program Support!

Your Guide and Center for Teaching and Learning are here to help

New course modules and more effective materials! Whether it’s an existing course or something brand new,

you will have something you know is quality A stipend!

For participating, developing your course to meet your goals, and going through QM review, you receive $1000

A chance to be a Mentor next year! With a course that “passes” the Quality Matters rubric,

you’ll be certified to serve as a Mentor

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BlackBoard Online Course There is an online course for the PNW Qm

Mentorship Program available in your MyBlackBoard tab

Discussions and resources abound, including downloads for the QM Rubric and much more!

Use this tool to learn, share, and collaborate

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Program Timeline Note: Your timeline may vary depending on

individual goals and needs Fall 2016: CTL hosts monthly workshops on

different topics (recommended but not required for Course Developers) Meet with Mentor periodically during the semester Guides provide informal QM evaluation

Upcoming workshops: November 2: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning November 7-10 National Distance Learning Week –

TECH 298, 12pm – 1:30pm, http://centers.pnw.edu/teaching/calendar/

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Program Timeline (cont’d) Spring 2017: Continue your work!

You may be teaching the course you developed – great! We will help

Keep meeting with mentors Keep an eye on upcoming workshops available Reach out if you need help meeting your goals

By End of Spring 2017: Mentors will evaluate all courses and make determinations and recommendations with the full QM rubric

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The Quality Matters Process Mentors provide

continual feedback on all areas of course Objectives Assessments Interaction Course Navigation Accessibility

Formal review by end of spring semester (can be earlier if you’re ready) is performed a collaborative effort, never punitive

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The Rubric as a Guide to Course Development Get to know the QM rubric and ask

questions if you have any You can use the rubric as a checklist to

keep your course in top shape Many items involve simple fixes, such

as: adding the instructor’s availability times organizing course content into modules or

units for easier navigation making grading more transparent

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ObjectivesAlignment is key – all course objectives

should align to lessons, activities, and assessments What do you absolutely need students to get

from your course? How do they get there? How do they know what

your expectations are for getting there? Objectives should use “action verbs” – if you

can see someone doing it, it’s a good verb! Avoid the use of words like “learn” and

“understand” in course objectives

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Use ABCD: Audience Behavior Condition Degree

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to write at least five measurable, student-centered learning objectives using appropriate action verbs”

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Thinking skill

Action verbs

Student products

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Tips for Course Development Ask yourself some

questions: What do you want your

course to look like? Where do you want

students to click and what do you want them to do?

Consider using plain old pen and paper to draw an outline of what your ideal course looks like, and work from there

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Resources CTL Workshop Library:


Designing Exemplary BlackBoard Courses from NIU: http://www.jasonrhode.com/bbecpworkshop13

Dr. Curt Bonk’s YouTube feed with wonderful videos about teaching online: https://www.youtube.com/user/TravelinEdMan

Course design resources: http://centers.pnw.edu/teaching/coursedesign/