2016 f.primary handbook - carey baptist college · version 1.1 interim document 2016 handbook will...

Version 1.1 Interim Document 2016 Handbook will be sent to parents at the end of this year. Version 2 | 06.2016

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Page 1: 2016 F.Primary Handbook - Carey Baptist College · Version 1.1 Interim Document 2016 Handbook will be sent to parents at the end of this year. Version 2 | 06.2016 ... Kindergarten

Version 1.1Interim Document2016 Handbook will be sent to parents at the end of this year.

Version 2 | 06.2016

Page 2: 2016 F.Primary Handbook - Carey Baptist College · Version 1.1 Interim Document 2016 Handbook will be sent to parents at the end of this year. Version 2 | 06.2016 ... Kindergarten
Page 3: 2016 F.Primary Handbook - Carey Baptist College · Version 1.1 Interim Document 2016 Handbook will be sent to parents at the end of this year. Version 2 | 06.2016 ... Kindergarten

Principal's Welcome

It is an excit ing challenge to be embarking on a second Carey campus at Forrestdale. Whilst this second Campus is a new College, in many ways it will be the culminat ion of years of experience already garnered from the journey travelled at Harrisdale.  

Much of the richness of this experience will be brought to bear in the planning, building and running of Forrestdale. With the cross over of staff and the shared governance structure, as well as the pract icality of a centralised enrolment and accounting team, there will be a wonderful opportunity for Forrestdale to benefit from a wealth of skilled pract it ioners. This said, Forrestdale will develop a community that is unique and varied, just as Harrisdale will cont inue to do.

Our desire is for you and your family to be an integral part of this new community as together we focus on the holist ic needs of the young lives that we will be shaping towards a fulfilling future.


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Execut ive Principal's Welcome

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Carey Baptist College Primary School - a vibrant, compassionate and caring community where staff, parents and children grow and learn together.

Our core College values of honesty, respect, responsibility and service, perseverance, courage, compassion and self-discipline provide the framework for teaching and learning at Carey Primary. With a commitment to excellence in all areas - intellectual, physical, emotional, social and spiritual - it is our aim to help children build strong foundations that will equip them well in the future while encouraging the development of lifelong learning habits. In the following pages you will find information that will assist you in understanding the day-to-day management and operat ion of our school.

Should you require any further information or wish to discuss any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We welcome your enquiries. Carey staff consider it a privilege to journey with you as together we seek to create an environment that encourages, nurtures and challenges your child to become the very best he or she can be!


When we speak of children we must remember that in each case a promise, a future and irreplaceable life is at stake.

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it .

Proverbs 22:6

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Who do I contact? Page 6

General Information:Class sizes & Hours

Page 7

Tuit ion Fees & Associated Costs Page 8

Uniform Information Pages 9 - 10

Pastoral Care & Discipline at Carey Pages 11 - 13

General Information for Parents Page 14 - 15

Kindergarten & Pre-Primary:Gett ing Started

Page 16

Kindergarten Information & Curriculum Pages 17 - 19

Pre-Primary Information & Curriculum Pages 20 - 23

Complaints & Disputes Policy Pages 24 - 36

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School Administrat ion

General Enquiries Primary Office

Specific Class Matters Class Teacher

Appointment with Principal Primary Office

Curriculum, Discipline or Pastoral Care

Class Teacher

Student Attendance School must be not ified before 9:00am if student will be absent.

Email: [email protected]: 0429 796 628

Uniform Shop Opening hours, locat ion and pricelist available on the Forrestdale College website, under the 'Need to Know' sect ionStudent Uniform standards are included in this Parent Handbook on page 9.

Dental Therapy Centre Piara Waters Primary School - 9256 4170

Who do I contact for...

The Forrestdale Primary Office can be contacted on

Email: [email protected]: 6166 2222

The Primary Office is open 8:15am unt il 4:15pm, Monday to Friday, during the school term.

The office opening hours can vary during school holidays. Signs will be displayed in the office together with not ifying families through the College Newsletter.

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2016 Class Sizes

Kindergarten 40 students over two classes

Pre-Primary 26 students in a class

Year 1 ? Year 3 26 students in a class

Year 4 ? Year 6* 28 students in a class

Class sizes may increase by one or two students at the discret ion of the Principal. *when applicable

School Hours Doors open at 8:30am and school lessons conclude at 3:10pm

Kindergarten 8:30am - 3:10pmPlease refer to the Kindergarten Information section of this booklet for specific notes about the staggered start.

Pre-Primary 8:40am - 3:00pm

Years 1 - 4 8:40am - 3:10pm

Early Finish: Carey Primary finishes at 2:45pm each Tuesday for Staff meetings.

Term DatesTerm dates are available via the 'Need to Know' sect ion on the College website and are frequently communicated in our College newsletters and correspondence.

Late Arrivals/Early DeparturesStudents who have not arrived by 8:50am are automatically marked as absent for the morning. You will need to sign them in at the Primary Office prior to bringing them to class. This also applies when children are depart ing from school early.

Complaints and Disputes policyTo view our up-to-date policy please log on to www.carey.wa.edu.au and view the policy located at the bottom of each webpage.

General Informat ion

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Tuit ion Fees and Associated Costs

School Tuit ion FeesAll school fee information is held on the Fees Schedule for Carey Forrestdale. This document is available from the Accounts Office and online, via the Forrestdale Enrolment sect ion of our College website.

If you have any queries regarding your tuit ion account, please contact Accounts on: Phone: (08) 9394 9144 or email: [email protected] or drop by to the Accounts Office located on the Harrisdale campus.

Stat ionery

Text and stat ionery requirements for the College may be purchased through Campion educat ion. The Resource List will be sent out in Term 4 to Forrestdale families. This enables the orders to be placed before the start of the new year.

Excursions and Incursions These are part of the curriculum and may be organised by staff throughout the year. Costs are included in the school fees.


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UniformPolicyWearing a uniform is not meant to establish uniformity or deny individuality, but to encourage students to ident ify with their College and develop a sense of belonging. It is our hope that our students will wear their uniform with a sense of pride and accomplishment as they ident ify with Carey - a place of growth and learning that will play a significant role in their lives both now and in the future.

To this end, we encourage students to become self-disciplined in wearing their uniform appropriately and to be aware that the integrity of their College is reflected to the wider community through their behaviour and their appearance. The College uniform has been carefully and creat ively designed to be a uniform that students are proud to wear.

We have endeavoured to be flexible in determining the most appropriate way for students to wear the uniform, taking into considerat ion the age of students and the type of play they engage in but without compromising our standard of and commitment to excellence in all areas.

With younger children, parents play an important role in encouraging that the correct uniform is worn to school. As children grow, becoming more independent, it is of course desirable that they learn to take responsibility and ownership for correct ly and appropriately wearing their uniform.

ManagementStudents are required to wear the College uniform as designated overleaf. It is expected that children become familiar with the uniform and wear it appropriately.

If children are inappropriately dressed a note will be sent home to parents indicat ing the inconsistency.

If children are incorrect ly dressed for a College funct ion or excursion parents will be not ified on the day and may be requested to bring the correct uniform to the College or the children may be excluded from involvement in the planned act ivity.


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Forrestdale UniformKindergarten Uniform RequirementsSummer: Both boys and girls wear the Carey teal sport shorts with either orange or teal polo shirt (depending on class allocat ion), Carey sport socks and joggers (predominant ly white).

MONDAY AND THURSDAY GROUPS: Kindy 1: Teal polo shirtTUESDAY AND FRIDAY GROUPS: Kindy 2: Orange polo shirt

Winter: Both boys and girls wear the Carey fleece tracksuit .

Pre-Primary to Year 2 Uniform RequirementsPre-Primary to Year 2 students are required to wear the Forrestdale College sports uniform. Please label each item of clothing to avoid confusion.

On warm days Pre-Primary children can part icipate in water play act ivit ies. Please keep extra clothes packed in their bag just in case. Water play provides great opportunit ies to develop Maths and Science concepts. Aprons are provided for any messy act ivit ies.

Year 3 to Year 4 Uniform RequirementsStudents wear the formal Carey Forrestdale uniform every day unless it is a sports day, in which they wear the sports uniform.

All Primary School: Uniform Requirements

- Hair: Hair must be neat ly t ied up at all t imes if it is at collar length or longer. Students are required to use black scrunchies or "O" rings to t ie hair back. Black hairclips are to be used to keep hair out of the eyes. Decorat ive hairclips or hair bands are not to be worn.

- Jewellery: Earrings - plain studs or sleepers may be worn. A watch may be worn. NO OTHER JEWELLERY IS TO BE WORN.

- Hat: Carey has a 'No Hat, No Play' policy. If your child does not have a hat, they will not be permit ted to play outdoors. Please ensure they have their broad-brimmed Carey hat each day. Sunscreen is available during Terms 1 and 4. Parents apply before entering.

- Nail Polish: Nail polish is not to be worn.- Shoes: Joggers are to be worn with the sport uniform. - Please label each item of clothing to avoid confusion.

The Uniform Shop is located at the Harrisdale campus, via Entrance 1 off Wright Road.View the 'Need to Know' sect ion on the College website for opening hours.


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Pastoral Care & Discipline

"The interact ion between the teacher and the learner is at the heart of schooling. The quality of this relat ionship is the single most important

factor in learning." (Education Department of South Australia)

Staff at Carey are committed to building posit ive and meaningful relat ionships with students to opt imise each child's learning potent ial. The College upholds eight core values and these form the framework of a whole school approach to Pastoral Care which encompasses our code of discipline.

Appropriate behaviour is expected, taught and affirmed. Boundaries and expectat ions for behaviour are clearly defined and explained to students. Consistent consequences are enforced. Where appropriate students are involved in determining boundaries and consequences, thereby encouraging them to take responsibility for their act ions.

Emphasis is given to the prevent ion of problems before they arise and to teaching students appropriate ways to behave through specific social skills programmes. Students are encouraged to become self-monitoring in their behaviour.

Clearly defined boundaries are set and appropriate consequences consistent ly applied. Where boundaries are exceeded students will be held accountable for their act ions. Teachers will assist students to understand why the behaviour is unacceptable, the impact of the behaviour on others and alternat ive ways to behave. Students will be supported by all members of staff in their efforts to change inappropriate behaviour.

Each member of the staff and student community has the right to feel comfortable and safe at school.

Students are therefore expected to be responsible and cooperat ive in their behaviour, reflect ing self-respect and respect of others at all t imes.

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Pastoral Care and DisciplineCarey Baptist College is a community where all members (children, parents and staff) are welcomed and valued. It is a College that is committed to delivering an excellent standard of educat ion as well as providing a safe, secure and caring environment where children can develop their skills and gifts and realise their worth and potent ial.

Restorat ive just ice is a strategy used in assist ing children to be aware of the consequences of their act ions and to be responsible for their behaviour. It provides a way for School Communit ies to be more responsive to harmful behaviour through:

- Resolut ion - taking responsibility to address the issue and prevent re-occurrence; - Restorat ion - the harm to relat ionships is repaired;- Reconciliat ion - emotional healing is achieved.

Carey upholds 8 Core ValuesChildren are strategically taught these values and encouraged to demonstrate them in all aspects of school life.

Honesty Service Responsibility Self-disciplineRespect Compassion Perseverance Courage

In addit ion to teaching and demonstrat ing our Core College Values, Carey is also committed to the National Framework for Values Educat ion, a Federal Government init iat ive that was distributed to all Australian schools in February 2005. The National Framework for Values Educat ion encompasses five key areas which are incorporated into policies and pract ice at Carey:

Values Educat ion:

- Bullying and Harassment Policy- Child Protect ion Policy- Development of a Safe Working and Learning Environment- Social Services and Counseling- Working with Parents

If you would like to view the Behaviour Management and Bullying policies please contact us.


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The Carey values are aligned with the guiding principles in the National Framework for Values Educat ion, (revised 2011) as below:

The vision is underpinned by the following guiding principles that represent fundamental beliefs about safe, support ive and respectful school communit ies. These guiding principles emphasise the importance of student safety and well-being as a pre-requisite for effect ive learning in all school sett ings.

Australian schools:

- Affirm the rights of all members of the school community to feel safe at school.- Acknowledge that being safe and supported at school is essent ial for student

wellbeing and effect ive learning.- Accept responsibility for developing and sustaining safe and support ive learning

and teaching communit ies that also fulfill the school's child protect ion responsibilit ies.

- Encourage the act ive part icipat ion of all school community members in developing and maintaining a safe school community where diversity is valued.

- Act ively support young people to develop understanding and skills to keep themselves and others safe.

- Commit to developing a safe school community through a whole-school and evidence-based approach.

Pastoral Care and Discipline


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General Informat ionContact with HomeIn an effort to keep lines of communicat ion open the following methods will be employed:

- You can view our fortnight ly school newsletters via the 'Need to Know' sect ion on the Carey website.

- Our class parent rep will regularly correspond with parents through email. These communicat ions will consist of reminders for special events, minutes from Parents in Partnership meetings and invitat ions to social occasions. For privacy reasons, all group emails with be sent privately.

- Staff will t ry to speak with you at the beginning and end of each day, however, if you have concerns about your child's well being or progress that you wish to discuss, please make an appointment. We appreciate information about your child's needs, health or situat ions at home that may impact on their learning.

- If you are unable to drop off or pick up your child regularly, email contact is encouraged. Your teacher will give you their email address at the start of the year.

Please let the Primary Office know immediately if your personal informat ion, contact informat ion or child's medical needs change.

ToysUnless children are requested to bring a specific toy for a learning act ivity, please leave all toys at home. They can cause negative peer pressure and inappropriate play. No responsibility can be taken for lost or broken toys.

Primary is a war-toy free zone and violent role-play games are discouraged.

BirthdaysWe enjoy making children feel special as they celebrate their birthdays. You are most welcome to send a cake to share on your child's birthday. The most manageable method is to send a cupcake for each child. Some parents prefer to make chocolate crackles as they are egg, nut and milk free. Lollipops are not allowed at school.

We ask parents of children with allergies to provide a safe treat food that can be brought out at celebrat ion t imes.

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Using Your Skills and Talents We are very interested in benefit ing from your skills and interests. For example: Do you love sewing, building things, cutt ing or past ing? Can you explain in simple terms how a light switch works or set up a pulley system? Do you have access to resources that would enhance the learning programme or our primary environment? Do you know people we could meet or places we could visit? If so, please let us know!

Health and SafetyIt is common for primary children to contract minor ailments part icularly if they have spent limited t ime in a group sett ing. Although it may be inconvenient, please do not send children to school if they are sick. Remember the impact on other families! If your child is ill, or absent, a signed note should be given to the teacher or absentees not ified by email when your child returns. The following illnesses require exclusion from school: Chicken Pox, Head Lice, Cold Sores, Vomitt ing, Diarrhea, Influenza, School Sores, Impetigo, Scarlet Fever, Ringworm, Measles, Mumps, Hand Foot and Mouth Disease.

PRIOR TO STARTING THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR:The Primary Office MUST receive a new Emergency Act ion Plan for your child before the school year begins. You can collect this form from your child's doctor or from the Primary Office.

Parents in Partnership (PiP)Parents are welcome to be part of the 'Parents in Partnership' at Carey. This dynamic group of mums and dads are committed to building community in the Primary School as well as the health and well-being of the students. Primary PiP annually coordinates fundraising, assists in communicat ions and many other endeavours. Please contact your class parent representat ive if you would like to become involved.

Collect ion of ChildrenPlease make every effort to be punctual. Children can become distressed when their parents or caregivers are late to collect them.

Please note that children may be escorted to the Primary Office if a parent or caregiver is late and the teacher has dut ies after school that require them to leave the classroom.

Custody ArrangementsIt is the responsibility of parents with child custody issues to make the Principal aware of the necessary details and provide documentat ion so that it may be placed in the student 's file. 15

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Kindergarten and Pre-Primary: Gett ing StartedWhat to Bring?

It would be appreciated if parents could bring consumables and the Resource List items in to class on your child's first day. These do not need to be labelled with your child's name as they are class sets.

- One piece of fruit or vegetable to eat at recess t ime. - A named Carey hat for outdoor t ime. - A named spare set of underpants and clothing including socks to be kept in school

bag. Please remember to check these for suitability for season and your child's growth throughout the year. Spare clothes do not need to be uniform.

- A drink bott le (named) with water in it . No cordial or juice please.

Useful BoxYou can assist your child's learning by saving us your junk (well, some of it anyway!) We would appreciate the following items but please ensure they are thoroughly clean:

Ice cream containers Margarine containers Plast ic soft drink bott les Plast ic milk/fruit containers Shoeboxes/matchboxes Cardboard cylinders Cottonreels/overlocker spools Pegs Puzzles, dolls, dress-up Old magazines (please censor) Lge cardboard boxes Paper plates or cups Coloured paper patty pans Newsprint BalloonsToy vehicles Tricycles Gumnuts Shells/pebbles Wool and string Cardboard egg cartons Buttons / beads Easter egg wrappers Foil wrapping paper Used greet ing cards Shredded paper Wax crayon/candle ends Cottonwool balls Popst icks Rice/pasta (uncooked) Unwanted sand toys Plain butchers paper Beer bott le tops Velcro off-cuts Foam trays Material Cereal packets etc. Off-cuts of wood, dowel Pantyhose Wood shavings/sawdust Confett i (hole punches) Unheaded matchst icks Plast ic stringMilk/fruit juice lids A4 Paper boxes & lids Blunt tapestry needles

Anything else? If you have access to other items that you think may be useful, please ask us. It may be just what we are looking for. We have good imaginat ions!


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Kindergarten Informat ionTerms 1: Staggered StartStart ing a new job or adventure can often be a daunting prospect. Start ing Kindergarten is no except ion, as for many children this can be their first t ime away from Mum and Dad. To foster a gent le, relaxed and reassuring atmosphere we have provided your child with a gradual transit ion to full-t ime Kindergarten attendance.

The Kindergarten will be opened each morning at 8:30am for community t ime. This is an opportunity for parents to look at their child's work and photos around the classroom. It also enables parents and Kindergarten staff to communicate information relevant to that day (e.g. your child will be picked up during the day for an appointment). Teachers use the t ime before the Kindergarten opens for preparat ion of learning experiences and materials.

Weeks 1 and 2: (Further details will be forwarded)Children will at tend on their designated days, either 8:45am-11:00am or 12:45pm-3:00pm. Parents may stay with their children if needed.NOTE: Week 1 is an odd week, so Wednesday Kindy takes place.Weeks 3 and 4: From the third week unt il the end of the fourth week your child will at tend two or three half days from 8:30am unt il 1:00pm on their designated days. This includes lunch. Week 5 to 10: From the fifth week of Term 1 your child will start at tending full days ie. From 8:30am-3:10pm on their designated days.

Terms 2, 3 and 4Children attend from 8:30am-3:10pm on their designated days.

Child Collect ion ArrangementsChildren need to be collected ON TIME at close of school day.

Your child will NOT be allowed to leave with an adult or sibling other than the parent or carer nominated at the beginning of the year, unless parents have not ified the College in writ ing.

A Student Release Form will be sent out to Kindy families for you to list people who may collect your child. We have this policy in place to protect you and your child and feel that any inconvenience caused is worthwhile to ensure your child's safety. Please do not place your friends or family members in the embarrassing situat ion of being refused access to your child.

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Kindergarten Informat ionWays Parents Can Help - Sett ling InWe want your child to sett le into Kindergarten happily. Come in and sit on the mat with your child and do a puzzle with them or look at a book. When it is t ime to go, please leave promptly with a confident 'goodbye'. Your confidence in your child's ability to cope is important. Most children sett le quickly once their parents go, but be assured, if there are problems we will let you know. After Week 5, you may like to put your name on our Parent Helper Roster.

Parents RosterParents are invaluable to the Kindergarten programme. With your support we are able to offer a greater variety of learning experiences/act ivit ies. Parents are welcome to volunteer whenever possible. A roster will be displayed on the not ice board each term.

A parent helper assists the Kindy staff with children's act ivit ies, cleaning up act ivit ies and generally joining in the fun. Being on roster provides an excellent opportunity for you to see your child interact ing with others as well as giving you a chance to part icipate in their learning. If you are unable to take part in the parent roster, grandparents, aunts, uncles or close family friends are welcome to come in your place. Children enjoy having family members visit them at Kindergarten. It is an important part of the transit ion from home to school.

Developing IndependenceIt is our aim to encourage the children toward independence whilst fostering inter-dependence on others. To assist in this process please allow them to take responsibility for putt ing their fruit in the bowl, putt ing bag away etc. We expect the children to be able to use the toilet themselves.

Laundry RosterEach week we have aprons and towels to be laundered, so throughout the year you will be asked to take one or two turns at washing them. Each week a name will be selected from a box. The lucky family gets to be our laundry helper that week. The children love this and we hope you do too! It would be appreciated if you could return the washing the following Monday and Tuesday.


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Kindergarten: CurriculumHow do children learn at Kindergarten? The Kindergarten programme is guided by the principles and outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework. We employ a thematic approach, covering all developmental learning areas (Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Social, Personal, Creat ive, Cognit ive and Linguist ic). An integrated programme that uses play, discovery and hands-on experience makes learning more meaningful to young children. The children part icipate in whole-class 'mat sessions' and small-group structured act ivit ies designed to develop specific skills or concepts.

A great deal of valuable learning also occurs in the 'learning centres' of the classroom, for example: the book corner, dramatic play corner, block corner, puzzles and manipulat ives area, writ ing centre, easel paint ing, collage and play dough tables, listening post and ipads. Play is very important for success in literacy and numeracy development.

For more information, please follow the link on the website to the ELC Philosophy.

Outdoor PlayOutdoor play provides an opportunity for children to develop their physical skills, promote being physically act ive and use their imaginat ion and problem solving skills in different environments. Obstacle courses are planned and arranged to develop fundamental movement skills (e.g. balancing, climbing, jumping, throwing and catching). With an emphasis on part icipat ion, all children are encouraged to be involved in a wide range of physical act ivit ies. Sunscreen is available in Terms 1 and 4. Parents apply before entering.

Information TechnologyIt is our aim to assist students to develop the skills that will enable them to use information technology across the curriculum. Students are able to access different technologies in the classroom.


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Pre-Primary: CurriculumReading and Writ ing Typically children around the age of five are at the 'role play' stage of development. They start to not ice environmental print ing (eg. signs, symbols), realise print has meaning and display reading-like behaviours but make up the words as they go along. They may retell familiar stories from memory believing that they are reading. They begin to understand that speech can be writ ten down and often use scribble, numbers and letters to represent writ ing. Any attempts your child makes should be accepted and encouraged. The form of writ ing used at Carey is NSW Foundation Cursive. A copy of the correct let ter formations are shown below. Many children are able to produce letters that look right but are formed incorrect ly. The more they pract ice them incorrect ly the more ingrained the problem becomes. Please encourage your child to always use correct formations and correct pencil hold. The start ing point is represented by a dot and the direct ion to write is shown by an arrow.


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Pre-Primary: CurriculumReading and Writ ing cont.

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Pre-Primary: CurriculumPhysical Educat ion Physical Educat ion provides an opportunity for children to not only develop their physical skills but also to increase their confidence and sense of self worth. All children are encouraged to be involved in a wide range of sport ing and physical act ivit ies, with an emphasis on part icipat ion.

Fundamental movement skills and game skills are covered in the programme. Pre-Primary children will be involved in the Athlet ics Carnival.

Specialist Teacher Programme Pre-Primary children take part in the specialist Physical Educat ion, Music and Arts programme once a week.

Library Pre-Primary children attend the library each week. At the start of the year children are issued with a waterproof Carey library bag. The cost, which is minimal, is itemized on each family's term account. Children are unable to borrow books without their library bag.

Information and Technology It is our aim to assist students to develop the skills that will enable them to use information technology across the curriculum. Students are able to use various technological devices in the classroom.


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Pre-Primary: CurriculumMathematics Children are taught mathematics in the following areas: Space (leading to geometry); Measurement, using arbitrary units (leading to standard measurement); Number; Chance & Data and Working Mathematically. At Pre-Primary children learn to:

- Count using one-to-one correspondence. - Read, write and say as many small whole numbers as possible, using them to say

how many things there are. - Make comparisons of 'more/ less', 'longer/shorter', 'heavier/ lighter',

'before/now/after' and 'the same'. - Make non-numerical est imations of size. - Make, cont inue or copy patterns. - Make collect ions of a given size and describe order.- Begin to sequence objects and events. - Talk about the way they use numbers, shapes and t ime. - Understand and use appropriate language to describe posit ions. - Label 2D geometric shapes. - Classify items and talk about likenesses and differences.

Monitoring and Report ing on Children's Progress Please show an interest in your child's work. It is very significant to him/her. Bear in mind, many learning experiences do not produce tangible end products. A lot of work is kept at Pre-Primary in your child's file which includes checklists of specific skills and concepts, regular work samples and anecdotal records. Parent/teacher interviews are conducted late in Term 1. You will receive a writ ten report twice per annum and will have the opportunity to view your child's work throughout the year. You will also receive a thumb drive of photos recording highlights of your child's Pre-Primary experiences. In addit ion, the class newsletter documents learning that is taking place throughout the year.

Feedback will be given on your child's progress on request. If an area of concern is ident ified you will be contacted to discuss strategies to address it .


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Complaints & Disputes Policy

Rationale   A characterist ic of Carey Baptist College is a strong commitment to respond posit ively to complaints. In part icular, the partnership between parents and The College is a strong and reliable feature of Carey. Parents and other school community members must be confident that staff will listen and respond to their needs and concerns.

We have an ?Open Door? policy at Carey Baptist College, where parents are valued and involved with the school, as well as encouraged to voice their concerns. It is better to have a direct complaint to a member of staff than to have parents sharing their dissat isfact ion with others.

This policy sets out the process for students, parents, members of the community and College staff to have enquiries, concerns and complaints addressed by the staff, the management team and/or the Chairperson of Council.

Resolut ion of complaints will be addressed at classroom, Management and College Council levels. Complaints of various kinds may also be lodged outside the College with agencies such as the Equal Opportunity Commission, the Western Australian Police Service and the Crime and Corrupt ion Commission.

Principles Underlying the Policy The following principles apply to the management of all complaints:

- The process is accessible to all aggrieved part ies and is underpinned by a commitment to cooperate on the part of Carey Baptist College staff. Procedural fairness is afforded to all part ies.

- The subject of the complaint is informed of the substance of the complaint.- Vexat ious, trivial or previously finalised issues are not pursued. - Warranted invest igat ion will be pursued with or without the act ive

involvement of the complainant. - Confident iality is maintained, to the extent that it is consistent with legislat ive

requirements and the other principles out lined in this sect ion.- Complaints are monitored and their management evaluated so as to reduce

the occurrence of systemic and recurring problems. It is the responsibility of the Execut ive Team Member (ETM) to ensure that this evaluat ion occurs, although in certain instances this review and evaluat ion process can be delegated. Evaluat ion of the management process of a complaint should occur


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within a (1) month of f inal resolution and any recommendation(s) considered for inclusion in policy revision.

- In all matters, the educational well being of students is the f irst priority. - All persons in The College community including students, parents,

administrators, teachers and support staff , have a right to be treated with

respect and courtesy. - Complainants are able to make enquiries, raise concerns or lodge complaints

about the provision of educat ion or the conduct of Carey Baptist College staff and have these dealt with efficient ly, fairly and promptly.

- Information about the process for making enquiries, raising concerns or complaints is to be available to parents, students and members of the local community.

Procedures Who May Complain Students, parents, members of the community and Carey Baptist College staff are ent it led to have their complaints addressed by Teachers, Management, or the College

Council.         What May Be Complained About A complaint is an expression of dissat isfact ion with a real or perceived problem.

A complaint may be made about: (a) The provision of educat ion; (b) Failure to meet expectat ions; (c) Perceived unfairness or impoliteness; or (d) The conduct of any Carey Baptist College employee.

How The Complaint Will Be Handled Complaints will be handled promptly, within five (5) business days, confident ially and in accordance with procedural fairness and the principles of natural just ice e.g. the right to be heard and the right of response; and the decision maker should not be biased or seen to be biased.

Persons who are the subject of a complaint, who make a complaint or provide information in the course of an invest igat ion into a complaint shall not be subject to prejudice, int imidat ion, and harassment or be subject to any detriment because of their involvement.

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The outcome of formal disciplinary processes commenced against an employee as a consequence of a complaint being received is confident ial between the employee and the employee?s line manager/s at the t ime. Complainants will not be informed of the outcome in such matters due to confident iality requirements.

Appropriate confident iality is to be observed in any discussion of complaints. This means that at the College, these matters must remain confident ial between the employee and his/her line manager and any other part ies who have a legit imate interest in the process. Such part ies may include support persons, professional associat ions, College Chairperson and more senior line managers.

Lodging a Complaint A person may complain verbally or in writ ing to a Teacher, Assistant Principal, Principal, Business Manager or in writ ing to the Chairperson of Council.

A person lodging a complaint may choose to have a friend present.

A person making a writ ten complaint must provide his or her name, address and details of the complaint.

Where the complaint involves possible criminal implicat ions and child protect ion issues the matter will be referred to the appropriate invest igat ing body (Police, Child

Protect ion Agencies).

Withdrawal of a Complaint A person who has made a complaint may withdraw the complaint at any t ime. A writ ten complaint should preferably be withdrawn in writ ing. However, a signed and dated notat ion on the complaint by an employee advising that it has been withdrawn by the complainant will suffice. A verbal complaint may be withdrawn verbally and a notat ion made to that effect.

The staff member who received the complaint is to give not ice in writ ing to any part ies affected by the complaint that it has been withdrawn. Complaints that warrant invest igat ion must be pursued even though the complaint has been withdrawn.

Management of Complaints When a Teacher, Assistant Principal, or an Execut ive Team Member receives a complaint, that officer will implement strategies to resolve the complaint, if appropriate to do so.

An Execut ive Team Member may provide advice to the complainant on possible strategies to resolve the matter.

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Employees who are the subject of a complaint are to be informed of the substance of the complaint within three (3) business days. Complaints against employees should be sufficient ly detailed so as to enable the employee to respond to the allegat ions against them. A detailed descript ion of the incident/s, the alleged t ime and place when the incident/s allegedly occurred and the names of any possible witnesses to the incident/s should be provided, wherever possible.

Documenting/recording the substance and process of resolving these complaints must occur.

If a verbal complaint is complex or very serious the complainant may be required to restate the complaint in writ ing or sign a writ ten summary prepared by an Execut ive Team Member.

All writ ten complaints lodged with an Execut ive Team Member will be acknowledged in writ ing within five (5) business days and shall include what act ion is being taken to remedy or resolve the nature of the complaint. Thereafter the complainant will be informed of subsequent act ions should this not breach any other policy, law or endanger the welfare of others. A writ ten report will be provided to the complainant signed by the Execut ive Team Member.

An Execut ive Team Member can reject a complaint that in their opinion is vexat ious, trivial or without substance, or does not warrant further act ion within the provisions of

this policy. Details of theses complaints should be recorded in case there is a pattern

of complaints that warrant considerat ion at a later date.

Responsibilit ies for Management of ComplaintsClassroom Teachers

- Maintaining confident iality in dealing with each matter;- Maintain records of meetings and agreed outcomes;- Resolving parent concerns and complaints where possible:- Communicat ing outcomes of parent concerns and complaints to a member of

the Management Team where appropriate; and- Referring parent enquiries, concerns and complaints to a member of the

Management Team where appropriate.

College Execut ive Management (Principals, Assistant Principals, Business Manager, Chairperson of Council)

- Maintaining confident iality and impart iality in dealing with each matter;

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- Ensuring, wherever appropriate, that concerns and complaints are resolved at the school level;

- Developing and implementing a process for registering, responding to and managing parent enquiries, concerns and complaints;

- Ensuring that the process for managing complaints includes recording and monitoring of complaints and their outcomes to enable improvements to be ident ified and implemented;

- Ensuring that enquiries, concerns and complaint procedures are communicated clearly to parents and community members;

- Ensuring that school policies and procedures are modified, where necessary, to address areas of concern;

- Ensuring that complainants and respondents are aware that they can have a friend or adviser present during any discussion; and

- Referring the complaint, where appropriate, to the Chairperson of the College Council for further resolut ion or management.

The College Council

- Providing advice and support to the Execut ive Team;- Providing advice and support to Teachers;- Providing advice and support to parents; - Maintaining records;- Referring the matter for external arbitrat ion in consultat ion with the

Execut ive Team Member; and- Maintain confident iality and impart iality in dealing with each matter; and- Ensure a fair process has been followed.

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Guidelines For The Management Of ComplaintsVerbal Complaints

- Maintain confident iality at all t imes.- Take the matter seriously. Be non-judgmental. Listen attent ively and

courteously. Determine whether the matter is an enquiry, a concern, a request or a complaint. Complainants should be provided the opportunity to have a friend or adviser present during any discussion.

- Repeat your understanding of the problem, acknowledging the complainant?s feelings to clarify the problem. It is important to focus on the problem rather than finding fault or blame.

- Respond to all issues raised by the complainant.- Agree on act ion and t imelines.- Record the complaint, the act ion and the outcome.- Review the situat ion and confirm with the student/parent/staff member that

the matter is resolved.

Writ ten Complaints

- Maintain confident iality at all t imes.- Assess the seriousness of the complaint.- Acknowledge the enquiry, concern or complaint with a prompt writ ten reply,

even if a resolut ion is not available at this stage. As soon as possible, clarify your understanding of the problem, ident ify act ion and t imelines in writ ing and include a name and contact number. Respond to all issues raised.

- Take act ion within agreed or appropriate t imelines.- Record the complaint, the act ion and the outcome.- Review the situat ion and confirm with the student/parent/staff member that

the matter has been resolved.

Guidelines For Mediat ion And Conciliat ionThe primary focus of mediat ion is to reach a fair and workable agreement between the part ies in conflict . It should be a voluntary process with part ies agreeing to mediat ion and taking responsibility for making decisions through the process.

Pre-Mediat ionThe process of pre-mediat ion involves:

- The mediator meeting with each party individually and listening to their perspect ive on the situat ion.


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- Checking the person?s ?emotional readiness? to part icipate in mediat ion.- Discussing and finalising the agenda for the mediat ion: What are the primary

concerns and what requests do they wish to make of the other party? How best might they phrase these concerns and requests to ensure the best possible outcome?

- Anticipat ing what the other party might raise and how the individual will respond.

- Discussing the ground rules for successful mediat ion.- Seeking commitment to the mediat ion process.

If part ies are in agreement, then mediat ion proceeds. Only two people are generally involved in mediat ion. Therefore, with three part ies, either two or three mediators will be required.

Mediat ion

- Brief meetings are held with each party immediately prior to join meeting to confirm the part ies? readiness to proceed and that agenda is st ill appropriate.

- Mediator introduces the process to the part ies.- Ground rules developed and/or reinforced.- Each party presents a statement or request from the agenda in turn and

clarifies as necessary.- Part ies develop opt ions to address/resolve the point being discussed (only

move onto next point when some agreement or understanding is demonstrated).

- A writ ten document is developed stat ing the outcome of mediat ion, agreement reached between the part ies and recommendations for further act ion.

- A review period is agreed.

If appropriate, the line manager can be invited in at the end of the mediat ion meeting to be advised of the outcome, discuss their role in monitoring the agreement and to clarify any outstanding organisat ional issues.

Procedure Involving A Grievance/Complaint With A Staff Member Other Than The Execut ive Team Member or Delegate (See Figure 1)

- When a grievance arises and involves a staff member, the member should, in the first instance, endeavour to discuss the issue with the staff member.

- If the matter is not resolved, an appointment should then be made to meet the Execut ive Team Member who will endeavour to resolve the grievance with

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those direct ly concerned as quickly as possible.- The Execut ive Team Member will confirm the outcome of that meeting and any

subsequent meetings in writ ing to the staff members involved within a period agreed by the part ies.

- If the matter st ill cannot be resolved then a writ ten submission should be made to the Chairperson of the College Council, who will convene a meeting with the Execut ive Team Member and staff involved (and nominated representat ives) within five (5) working days.

- The Chairperson of the College Council will confirm in writ ing the outcome of that meeting and any subsequent meetings to the principal and staff involved within an agreed period between the part ies.

- If no resolut ion is found an independent arbitrator will be required to resolve the matter.

Figure 1

Grievance/complaint with staff member

Seek discussion with staff member concerned

If not resolved seek mediat ion with the ETM

Write to Council Chair who will convene meeting with both part ies and the ETM

If no resolut ion appoint independent arbitrator

Harassment And Student Bullying

Where harassment or student bullying is involved, the grievance procedures as out lined in The College?s Harassment and Bullying Policy are to be followed.


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Appendix 1

Useful Information For TeachersPosit ive Outcomes From Handling Complaints WellQuality management of a complaint goes beyond simply complying with policy. When we handle a complaint well, we give expression to the Carey core values of Learning, Excellence, Respect, Honesty and Responsibility.

A complaint is a sign that something is wrong even if we think the complainant is mistaken. Although we need to dist inguish misunderstandings from valid complaints, both indicate real problems that must be solved.

We should not be afraid of complaints. Complaints are a valuable source of feedback on the service we provide. The fact that a complaint has been made suggests that the complainant trusts us to respond in a posit ive way.

How well we handle complaints can be crit ical to the image of our College and our relat ionship with the community.

A badly handled complaint can result in a dissat isfied parent, weakened relat ionships between staff or informal publicity.

When we handle a complaint well we not only sat isfy the complainant, we improve our relat ionship with the complainant and increase confidence in our College. Handling a complaint properly shows that we listen, we learn from our mistakes, we are committed to cont inuous improvement and we care.

Further, processes for handling complaints should provide feedback to The College or management team to support improvement in our policy and operat ions

Principles For Handling Complaints

Act PromptlyFind out as quickly as possible both the nature of the complaint and the outcome the complainant is expect ing. Determine the appropriate person to handle the complaint to ensure there is no conflict of interest or percept ion of bias.


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Listen carefully, discuss the issues calmly and maintain confident iality

- Treat complainants with respect and courtesy.- Approach the complaint with an open mind, taking the person seriously and

lett ing them have their say.- We should welcome complaints and assure complainants that they will be

dealt with properly.- Record all relevant details.- Maintain confident iality to protect complainants, their children and the staff


Appendix 2

Useful Information For ParentsTalking To Your School

Introduct ionThe relat ionship between the home and the school plays a very important part in a child?s educat ion.

We cannot overest imate the crit ical role parents play in successful learning. Parents contribute much to their child?s development and are among the most important influences on the way in which the child approaches learning.

Teachers are responsible for the more formal aspects of children?s learning and successful teaching builds on the home experiences of the child. This is most effect ive where there is an act ive partnership with parents.

Two-way communicat ion is a crit ical factor in the partnership between parents and the school. Where a partnership exists, it is easier for parents to feel confident about the teaching and learning taking place in the classroom and to solve problems.

You are welcome to talk to your child?s teacher whenever you need to. However, you should make an appointment to talk with the teacher to avoid disrupt ing the learning program.

What can you do if you have a problem?

- Seeking information as early as possible can solve many problems. If you have any quest ions or concerns about your child?s progress, the homework set or the assessment procedures, contact the class teacher.


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- You can have a friend or adviser present during any discussion.- You may prefer to take the matter to a more senior member of staff, for example

the Assistant Principals or the Principal.- Parents have the opportunity for greater involvement in The College through

the Parents in Partnership Program. This provides the opportunity for parents to express opinions on policy issues in The College.

When you have a problem

- Try to ident ify the problem clearly before coming to The College. If there is more than one problem list them to ensure that the extent of the problem is clear to The College.

- Decide whether the problem is a concern, an enquiry or a complaint. This will help in finding a solut ion.

- Make an appointment to talk with the teacher. If your concern is about the conduct of a staff member, you may prefer to discuss the matter with a College administrator.

- Try to stay calm. Even if you don?t feel it , being calm will help to get your concerns across more clearly than if you are upset or angry. It may help to take someone with you.


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If the complaint/grievance is between the Assistant Principal and Principal or the complaint involves the Principal, the matter is to be placed in the hands of the Council Chairperson.

At t imes there may be a decision to refer a matter to the Equal Opportunity Commission, the Western Australian Police Service, Child Protect ion Agencies and the Crime and Corrupt ion Commission. In such instances the Principal will be part of the decision-making and act ion taken with expedience.


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