2017 passive immunity to control bovine coronavirus diarrhea in a dairy herd in argentina

Please cite this article in press as: Bok M, et al. Passive immunity to control Bovine coronavirus diarrhea in a dairy herd in Argentina. Rev Argent Microbiol. 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ram.2017.03.007 ARTICLE IN PRESS +Model RAM-202; No. of Pages 8 Rev Argent Microbiol. 2017;xxx(xx):xxx---xxx www.elsevier.es/ram R E V I S T A A R G E N T I N A D E MICROBIOLOGÍA ORIGINAL ARTICLE Passive immunity to control Bovine coronavirus diarrhea in a dairy herd in Argentina Marina Bok a , Martín Alassia b , Flavia Frank c , Celina G. Vega a , Andrés Wigdorovitz a , Viviana Parre˜ no a,a Instituto de Virología, CICVyA, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), Los Reseros y Nicolás Repetto S/N, Castelar, 1712 Buenos Aires, Argentina b Departamento de Producción Lechera, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Kreder 2805, 3080 Esperanza, Santa Fe, Argentina c AproAgro S.A., Juan V.B. Mitri 55, S2322EGA, Sunchales, Santa Fe, Argentina Received 8 November 2016; accepted 27 March 2017 KEYWORDS Coronavirus; Neonatal calf diarrhea; Passive immunity Abstract Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) is a viral enteric pathogen associated with calf diarrhea worldwide being, in Argentina, mostly detected in dairy husbandry systems. The aim of the present work was to study if maternal IgG1 antibodies (Abs) to BCoV acquired by colostrum intake modulate the development of BCoV infection in calves reared in a dairy farm in Argentina. Thirty Holstein calves were monitored during their first 60 days of age. Animals were classi- fied into two groups depending on their initial BCoV IgG1 Ab titers. The ‘‘failure of passive transfer’’ (FPT) group had significantly lower IgG1 Abs to BCoV than the ‘‘acceptable passive transfer’’ (APT) group of calves (log10 1.98 vs. 3.38 respectively) (p < 0.0001). These differences were also observed when the total protein levels in both groups were compared (p = 0.0081). Moreover, 71% (5/7) of calves from the FPT group showed IgG1 seroconversion to BCoV compared to 29.4% (5/17) of animals from the APT group. Regarding viral circulation, BCoV was detected in 10% (3/30) of all calves and BCoV IgG1 Ab seroconversion was detected in 42% of the total animals showing that almost half of the calves were infected with BCoV. In conclusion, calves with high titers of specific BCoV IgG1 (1024) were mostly protected against viral infection, while animals with low titers of IgG1 (<1024) were mostly infected with BCoV. IgG1 Abs from colostrum origin are critical for prevention of BCoV infection. © 2017 Asociaci´ on Argentina de Microbiolog´ ıa. Published by Elsevier Espa˜ na, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by- nc-nd/4.0/). Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (V. Parre˜ no). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ram.2017.03.007 0325-7541/© 2017 Asociaci´ on Argentina de Microbiolog´ ıa. Published by Elsevier Espa˜ na, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

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Page 1: 2017 Passive immunity to control  Bovine coronavirus  diarrhea in a dairy herd in Argentina

ARTICLE IN PRESS+ModelRAM-202; No. of Pages 8

Rev Argent Microbiol. 2017;xxx(xx):xxx---xxx





Passive immunity to control Bovine coronavirusdiarrhea in a dairy herd in Argentina

Marina Boka, Martín Alassiab, Flavia Frankc, Celina G. Vegaa, Andrés Wigdorovitza,Viviana Parrenoa,∗

a Instituto de Virología, CICVyA, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), Los Reseros y Nicolás Repetto S/N,Castelar, 1712 Buenos Aires, Argentinab Departamento de Producción Lechera, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Kreder 2805,3080 Esperanza, Santa Fe, Argentinac AproAgro S.A., Juan V.B. Mitri 55, S2322EGA, Sunchales, Santa Fe, Argentina

Received 8 November 2016; accepted 27 March 2017

KEYWORDSCoronavirus;Neonatal calfdiarrhea;Passive immunity

Abstract Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) is a viral enteric pathogen associated with calf diarrheaworldwide being, in Argentina, mostly detected in dairy husbandry systems. The aim of thepresent work was to study if maternal IgG1 antibodies (Abs) to BCoV acquired by colostrumintake modulate the development of BCoV infection in calves reared in a dairy farm in Argentina.Thirty Holstein calves were monitored during their first 60 days of age. Animals were classi-fied into two groups depending on their initial BCoV IgG1 Ab titers. The ‘‘failure of passivetransfer’’ (FPT) group had significantly lower IgG1 Abs to BCoV than the ‘‘acceptablepassive transfer’’ (APT) group of calves (log10 1.98 vs. 3.38 respectively) (p < 0.0001). Thesedifferences were also observed when the total protein levels in both groups were compared(p = 0.0081). Moreover, 71% (5/7) of calves from the FPT group showed IgG1 seroconversion toBCoV compared to 29.4% (5/17) of animals from the APT group. Regarding viral circulation,BCoV was detected in 10% (3/30) of all calves and BCoV IgG1 Ab seroconversion was detectedin 42% of the total animals showing that almost half of the calves were infected with BCoV. Inconclusion, calves with high titers of specific BCoV IgG1 (≥1024) were mostly protected againstviral infection, while animals with low titers of IgG1 (<1024) were mostly infected with BCoV.IgG1 Abs from colostrum origin are critical for prevention of BCoV infection.

© 2017 Asociacion Argentina de Microbiologıa. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. This is an

he CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-

open access article under tnc-nd/4.0/).

Please cite this article in press as: Bok M, et al. Passive immunity to control Bovine coronavirus diarrhea in a dairy herdin Argentina. Rev Argent Microbiol. 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ram.2017.03.007

∗ Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (V. Parreno).

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ram.2017.03.0070325-7541/© 2017 Asociacion Argentina de Microbiologıa. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CCBY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Page 2: 2017 Passive immunity to control  Bovine coronavirus  diarrhea in a dairy herd in Argentina

ARTICLE IN PRESS+ModelRAM-202; No. of Pages 8

2 M. Bok et al.

PALABRAS CLAVECoronavirus;Diarrea neonataldel ternero;Inmunidad pasiva

Inmunidad pasiva en el control de la diarrea por coronavirus bovino en un rodeolechero de Argentina

Resumen El coronavirus bovino (Bovine coronavirus, BCoV) es un enteropatógeno viral aso-ciado a la diarrea neonatal del ternero. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar si losanticuerpos IgG1 anti-BCoV adquiridos pasivamente mediante el calostro modulan la infecciónpor BCoV en terneros de un rodeo lechero de Argentina. Se monitorearon 30 terneros razaHolstein durante los primeros 60 días de vida. Estos animales fueron clasificados en dos grupossegún sus niveles de IgG1 anti-BCoV maternales: grupo con transferencia de inmunidad pasivaaceptable (APT) y grupo con fallas en la transferencia pasiva (FPT). Este último grupo tenía untítulo de IgG1 significativamente menor comparado con el primer grupo (log10 1,98 vs. 3,38,respectivamente; p < 0,0001). La misma diferencia se observó cuando se compararon los nivelesde proteínas séricas totales (p = 0,0081). Además, el 71% (5/7) de los terneros del grupo FPTmostró seroconversión de IgG1, mientras que el 29,4% (5/17) de los terneros del grupo APT lamostró. Con respecto a la circulación viral, se detectó BCoV en el 10% (3/30) de los ternerosasí como también seroconversión de IgG1 en el 42% del total de los animales, lo que evidenciaque aproximadamente la mitad de los terneros se infectaron con BCoV. Este estudio mostró quelos terneros con altos títulos de IgG1 específica (≥ 1.024) estuvieron mayormente protegidoscontra la infección con BCoV, mientras que los animales con títulos bajos de IgG1 (< 1.024)estuvieron predispuestos a la infección. Esto confirma que los anticuerpos IgG1 calostrales soncríticos para la prevención de la infección por este agente viral.© 2017 Asociacion Argentina de Microbiologıa. Publicado por Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. Este es unartıculo Open Access bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-ND (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).










ovine coronavirus (BCoV) is a major viral pathogen associ-ted with neonatal calf diarrhea (NCD)30, winter dysenteryn adult cattle35, and respiratory tract disorders in cattle ofll ages9,15. In addition, it causes important economic losseso the beef and dairy industry worldwide5,38.

BCoV is comprised of a single stranded, non-segmentedositive sense genomic RNA, 32 kb long, which asso-iates to the nucleoprotein (N) forming a nucleocapsidaving helical symmetry24. It belongs to the Betacoro-avirus genus cluster within the Coronavirinae sub-amily, Coronaviridae family, and the order Nidoviraleshttp://ictvonline.org/virusTaxonomy.asp). BCoV has sev-ral structural proteins which have different functions inhe viral cycle. Among them, the S protein is responsible forhe interaction between the virus and the cellular receptor,lso eliciting neutralizing antibodies (Abs).

BCoV is an enteric/respiratory virus that replicatesn enterocytes from the gastrointestinal tract as wells in the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract5. Althought causes severe hemorrhagic diarrhea which is sometimesatal in young animals, the spiral colon is the hot spot foriral replication in the gastrointestinal epithelium leadingo osmotic diarrhea17. Moreover, BCoV is shed both throughespiratory and enteric secretions in high amounts (1 billionirus particles per ml of feces) for up to 14 days23. Conse-uently, BCoV infection is transmitted by fecal-oral or respi-

Please cite this article in press as: Bok M, et al. Passive immunin Argentina. Rev Argent Microbiol. 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10

atory route and generally occurs by horizontal transmissionrom the mother to the offspring or between calves14,18.

The incidence of BCoV varies between 15% and 70%n naturally occurring outbreaks worldwide25,27,31. In the



outhern hemisphere, Al Mawly et al.1 detected a BCoVrevalence of 14% during 2011 calving season in dairy farmsn New Zealand. Additionally, Stipp et al.26 and Lorenzetti37

eported 15.6% and 33.3% of BCoV PCR-detection rates iniarrheic calves from dairy and beef farms in Brazil in 2009nd 2013 respectively. In Argentina, the BCoV detection ratey ELISA was 1.71% in calves with diarrhea, correspondingo 5.95% of the herds analyzed from 1994 to 2010. Addition-lly, those Argentina-specific strains were distantly relatedo the Mebus reference strain in a phylogenetic analysis6,30.

As previously suggested, BCoV outbreaks may occur inalves from beef and dairy herds28,37. However, in a previ-us study conducted in Argentina, BCoV infection was mostlyssociated with diarrhea in dairy husbandry systems6. Thisifference may be due to the close interaction betweenalves in dairy farms, since these animals were reared underntensive management systems and fed milk replacers lack-ng Abs, in stark contrast with beef cattle farms, whereerds were reared under extensive management systemsnd calves were fed directly from the dams’ milk until theyeached 6 months of age4.

Regarding the prevalence of BCoV, serological surveysndicate that approximately 90% of the worldwide cattleopulation has Abs against BCoV8. However, Ohlson et al.31

bserved that BCoV Ab-positive herds remained persistentlyigh (75---100%) in Swedish Southern regions compared withorthern regions where the percentage of positive herdsere lower (38---80%). In Argentina, 100% of the adult cattle

ity to control Bovine coronavirus diarrhea in a dairy herd.1016/j.ram.2017.03.007

opulation is estimated to be seropositive for Abs to CoVBDr. Parreno, personal communication).

Colostrum intake is the natural and most useful methodo control BCoV calf diarrhea12. Because BCoV-associated

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Passive immunity to bovine coronavirus in Argentina

diarrhea is an early age disease, the continuous presence ofneutralizing Abs in the intestinal lumen, mostly IgG1 Abs,seems to be essential for prevention of BCoV diarrhea9.Protective levels of BCoV Abs in calves could be achievedby vaccination of the pregnant cows during the last threemonths of pregnancy. Three commercial vaccines are avail-able in Argentina, all of them containing the inactivatedBCoV Mebus strain, which confers cross-protection withlocal circulating strains6. However, Ab transfer from thecolostrum to the calf bloodstream may fail due to deficien-cies in the quality and quantity of colostrum produced by thedam, failure of colostrum intake by the calf, or the newbornphysical condition29.

There are few studies reporting the transference ofpassive maternal Abs from the dams to their calves viacolostrum intake under field conditions, and its role in theprotection against BCoV infection21. Thus, the aim of thepresent study was to determine if IgG1 passive maternal Absto BCoV acquired by colostrum intake modulate the develop-ment of BCoV natural infection and disease in calves rearedin a dairy farm in Argentina.

Materials and methods

Experimental design

Thirty Holstein calves reared under an educative, inten-sive dairy management system were monitored during theirfirst 60 days of age. Calves were reared tied to individualstakes with no contact of one calf with the other. Calveswere initially acquired from different farms with varyinglevels of sanitary status. Thus, vaccination and colostrumadministration differed depending on the standard operat-ing procedure of each farm. The age of the calves at thebeginning of the study (upon arrival to the herd) ranged fromone to ten days. All calves were fed with two liters of milkreplacer twice a day and progressive amounts of calf starter(AproAgro S.A., Argentina). Neither preventive antibioticsnor anti-parasitic drugs were administered to the calves. Inorder to evaluate colostrum intake, total serum protein lev-els for each calf were measured by refractometry at thebeginning of the study (0 days). Additionally, serum sampleswere collected from each calf every seven days to measureIgG1 Ab titers to BCoV by ELISA. Animals were classified intotwo groups depending on their initial BCoV IgG1 Ab titers.Calves with BCoV IgG1 Ab titer ≤ 256 (n = 7) were assignedto the failure of passive transfer (FPT) group and animalswith BCoV IgG1 Ab titers ≥ 1024 (n = 17) were assigned tothe acceptable passive transfer (APT) group.

In order to evaluate the presence of neonatal diarrheain calves with varying titers of colostrum-derived Abs, andto understand the BCoV infection dynamics under field con-ditions, feces were collected daily from each calf and adiarrhea score was recorded (0 = normal, 1 = pasty, 2 = semiliquid, 3 = liquid, 4 = hemorrhagic; a fecal score of 2 or higherwas considered diarrhea). Additionally, we analyzed sev-

Please cite this article in press as: Bok M, et al. Passive immunin Argentina. Rev Argent Microbiol. 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10

eral parameters associated with the clinical infection of thecalves. Those parameters were diarrhea onset (days afterthe beginning of the experiment), age of calves at diar-rhea onset, diarrhea duration (in days) and diarrhea severity



measured as the average of the area under the curve ofecal scores of each calve during the period analyzed).

Furthermore, mortality and BCoV infection in calves withifferent levels of passive immunity was recorded.

Finally, all calves’ weight was registered at 21 days ofge and at the end of the study, at 60 days of age.

gG1 to BCoV Ab ELISA

gG1 Ab titers to BCoV were measured using a double sand-ich ELISA. Briefly, 96-well Maxisorp NUNC plates (Thermocientific

®, USA) were coated with 100 �l of guinea pig

yperimmune serum to BCoV (1:5000 dilution in carbon-te/bicarbonate buffer, pH 9.6) and incubated overnightON) at 4 ◦C. Plates were then washed and blocked with0% non-fat milk solution diluted in PBS-0.05% Tween0. After incubation during 1 hour at 37 ◦C, BCoV Mebustrain-infected (107 FFU/ml) and mock-infected HRT-18upernatants were added as positive and negative antigens,espectively. Serial 4-fold dilutions of the serum samplesere tested in duplicate followed by incubation with anRP-conjugated commercial Ab to bovine IgG1 (Bethyl Lab-ratories, Inc., USA). The reaction was developed usingydrogen peroxide and ABTS as substrate/chromogen sys-em (Sigma Aldrich, USA) and read at a wavelength of 405 nmMultiskan Ex, Labsystems Inc.). The titer of each sampleas expressed as the reciprocal of the highest serum dilu-

ion with a corrected optical density (OD405C; OD405 valuesn the BCoV-coated wells minus OD405 values in the HRT-18-oated wells) greater than the cut-off value of the assay.he cut-off value was established as the average of OD405C

alues of four blank wells (PBS-0.05% Tween 20) plus threetandard deviations (SD).

CoV detection

ecal samples from calves were collected daily and stored at20 ◦C until viral detection. The presence of BCoV antigensn the calves’ feces was detected by an indirect antigen-apture ELISA that uses monoclonal Abs directed to theiral proteins HE, N, and S as previously described36. Virushedding was confirmed by a CCIF assay which detectsluorescent Focus forming Units of BCoV in HRT-18 cellonolayers inoculated with the fecal samples, and devel-

ped using a fluorescent-labeled anti-BCoV hyperimmuneerum.

ifferential diagnosis

alves’ fecal samples were also tested for Group A RotavirusRVA), which is the most common causative agent of neona-al gastroenteritis. The diagnosis was performed using anndirect antigen-capture ELISA as previously reported2,3,11,16.o bacterial or parasite diagnosis was performed.

tatistical analysis

ity to control Bovine coronavirus diarrhea in a dairy herd.1016/j.ram.2017.03.007

b titers to BCoV determined by ELISA were log10-ransformed prior to the statistical analysis. Negativeamples at a dilution of 1:4 were assigned an arbitrary

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ARTICLEAM-202; No. of Pages 8

b titer of 2 for the calculation of geometric mean titersGMTs). Statistical significance was assessed at p < 0.05 forll comparisons. Statistical analyses were conducted usingnfostat

®statistical software22.

Group effects on the IgG1 Ab titers to BCoV were ana-yzed by a general linear mixed statistical model (GLMM).he model included two main fixed factors: group (APT andPT, as between subjects’ factor) and time (with six lev-ls, as within subjects’ factor). Animals were included inhe model as a random factor. The Akaike Information Cri-erion (AIC) was used for choosing the best-fitting model as

minimal adequate one. Thus, the model with the lowestIC value was selected. The GLMM analysis was conductedy using the glmer function (lme4 package, R Developmentore Team, 2014). The analysis was performed with R 3.0.3R Development Core Team, 2014). Statistical significanceas assessed at p < 0.05 for all comparisons.


Please cite this article in press as: Bok M, et al. Passive immunin Argentina. Rev Argent Microbiol. 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10

hirty Holstein calves reared under an educative intensiveairy management system were monitored for BCoV infec-ion during their first 60 days of age. Six out of thirty (6/30;


Table 1 IgG1 antibody titers to BCoV

Group Calf Serum totalproteins(g/dl)

0 days 7 days 14 days 21 day

APT 66 7.0 1024 16 256 102471 7.8 4096 1024 1024 102474 8.4 4096 4096 4096 409683 6.8 1024 256 1024 1024610 7.5 1024 4096 16 4096614 6.2 1024 1024 1024 256

72 8.4 4096 4096 1024 102485 7.2 4096 256 1024 1024615 7.8 1024 256 1024 256

65 7.5 1024 1024 1024 256

80 8.6 4096 4096 4096 16

81 6.6 4096 1024 1024 64

84 6.5 1024 1024 256 64

87 7.8 4096 4096 4096 4096611 7.0 1024 4096 1024 1024612 6.0 4096 4096 1024 1024613 7.5 4096 4096 4096 1024

FPT 77 5.9 256 256 256 256

68 6.8 256 256 64 256

76 7.6 64 64 256 65 5378 5.4 16 16 256 102479 6.4 256 256 256 256

82 5.9 16 256 1024 409675 6.4 256 16 256 256

APT Log10 average 3.38A 3.15A 2.99A 3.01A

FPT Log10 average 1.9C 1.9C 2.41B 2.68B

BCoV IgG1 Ab titers in serum of each calf measured every seven days. ASC: seroconversion; BCoV detection is shown in days of experiment. Mletters differed significantly (repeated measurements over time ANOVA

PRESSM. Bok et al.

0%) calves died because of additional causes other thanCoV diarrhea.

In order to evaluate colostrum intake, total serum proteinevels for each calf were measured at the beginning of thetudy. The mean (±SD) value of total serum proteins in seraas 7.1 ± 0.9 g/dl. When the kinetics of the IgG1 Ab levels

o BCoV was evaluated by ELISA for each individual calf, webserved that the IgG1 Ab titers to BCoV in the calves’ serarepresenting colostrum intake) were highly heterogeneousn arrival to the farm (IgG1 Ab titers for each calf are shownn Table 1).

Calves’ passive immunity to BCoV was also analyzed inrder to understand BCoV pathogenesis. Animals were classi-ed into the FPT (titers ≤ 256) and APT (titers ≥ 1024) groupsepending on their initial BCoV IgG1 ELISA Ab titers (Fig. 1).he IgG1 Abs to BCoV significantly differed between groupsepending on the time (GLMM Group-Time F(5,120) = 12.17,

< 0.0001). The FPT group had significantly lower IgG1 Abiters to BCoV than the APT calves for up to seven daysfter the beginning of the experiment. These significant

ity to control Bovine coronavirus diarrhea in a dairy herd.1016/j.ram.2017.03.007

ifferences were also observed when measuring total pro-ein levels by refractometry (Kruskal---Wallis rank sum test,

= 0.0081) which is the preferred method used to measureolostrum Abs transfer under field conditions. As expected,

s 28 days 35 days SC BCoVdetection


1024 1024 Yes 9, 10, 11 days 1024 1024 No No 4096 1024 No No 1024 256 No No 1024 1024 Yes No

256 256 No No 256 1024 No No 1024 64 No No

256 1024 No No256 256 No No1024 4096 Yes No4096 1024 Yes No64 64 No No

1024 1024 No No Dead 15, 16 days 1024 64 No No 1024 256 No No

1024 1024 No No256 1024 Yes No

6 16 384 4096 Yes 6, 7 days 4096 4096 Yes No

256 256 No No 1024 4096 Yes No

256 1024 Yes No

2.86A 2.66B 23.5% (5/17)A

3.01A 3.18A 71.4% (5/7)A

PT: acceptable passive transfer; FPT: failure of passive transfer;eans in the same column with different superscript upper case

Test, p < 0.05).

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Passive immunity to bovine coronavirus in Argentina 5





10 000

100 000

0 7 14 21 28 35

FPT group (n=7) APT group (n=17)

SC: 71%A



1 an


y tit

er to




Figure 1 BCoV IgG1 Ab profiles from calves with acceptablepassive transfer (APT) compared with calves with failure of pas-sive transfer (FPT) during the first 35 days of life. Letters showsstatistically significant differences in IgG1 Ab titers to BCoVafter colostrum intake (p < 0.0001). SC: seroconversion shows

Table 2 Clinical parameters and BCoV infection

Number of calves 30Diarrhea onset (day of experiment) 3.1Age of calves at diarrhea onset 7.5Diarrhea duration (days) 18Diarrhea severity 33.5Mortality 20% (6/30)*

Passive IgG1 to BCoV (GMT) 846.2BCoV infection (SC and shedding) 42% (10/24)

Average of clinical parameters from the calves under study.* Three calves died because of external factors such as labour

dystocia, septicemia or unknown reason. SC: seroconversion;






pcIrunclear. Total protein level ≥ 5.2 g/dl (corresponding with

the percentage of animals infected with BCoV in the FPT group.

the higher the initial level of IgG1 Abs in the calves’ sera,the longest it took for them to decrease to a susceptiblelevel. When BCoV IgG1 Ab titers decreased to 16 or 64, BCoVinfection was evidenced by either virus detection in feces,or by a minimum 16-fold increase of anti-BCoV IgG1 ELISAAb titers for around two weeks (defined as seroconversionfor the purpose of this study) (Table 1, Fig. 2). Moreover,71% (5/7) of calves from the FPT group showed BCoV IgG1seroconversion between 14 and 21 days of the experimentwhile only 29.4% (5/17) of the animals from the APT grouppresented sequential seroconversion during the same period(Fisher’s exact test, p = 0.085) (Fig. 1 and Table 1). How-ever, the moments of seroconversion in the different groupsof calves are not necessarily correlated with the days ofage because, as we mentioned before, the calves’ age wasbetween 1 and 10 days at the beginning of the experience.The APT group average age at day 0 of the experience was2.8 days while the FPT group average age was 5.4 days (datanot shown).

Considering the presence of neonatal diarrhea in calveswith varying titers of colostrum Abs, it was observed thatall calves were affected by one, two or even three eventsof severe diarrhea with an average duration of 18 days(Table 2); BCoV shedding of short time duration (2---3 days)was detected in 10% (3/30) of calves (Tables 1 and 2) andthe highest BCoV infectious titer was 105 FFU/ml of stool.Although viral shedding was detected at a low rate in thecalves’ stool, BCoV IgG1 seroconversion was observed in 42%of animals, suggesting that almost half of the calves wereexposed to BCoV (Table 1).

Calves shedding BCoV in stools were further analyzed.Calf #66 had a first 14 day-diarrhea episode in which BCoVwas detected from 9 to 11 days of the study (9, 10 and 11days of age). This calf had additional diarrhea episodes thatwere not associated with BCoV infection. Calf #76 had diar-rhea since the experiment started (ten days of life for this

Please cite this article in press as: Bok M, et al. Passive immunin Argentina. Rev Argent Microbiol. 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10

calf) and during 15 days, in which BCoV was detected at6 and 7 days of the experiment (15 and 16 days of age).Then, this calf had other diarrhea episodes without etiologic


GMT: geometric mean titer.

iagnosis. Finally, calf #611 had 16 days of severe diarrheaeginning at day two of the study (six days of life), whileCoV was detected at 15 and 16 days of the experiment (20nd 21 days of age). In these three cases the presence ofCoV was associated with severe diarrhea (fecal score ≥ 3).wo out of three calves showed BCoV IgG1 seroconversiont the same time of viral detection (Fig. 2). The third BCoV-ositive calf died with severe diarrhea.

Calves’ fecal samples were also tested for RVA as anotherommon causing agent of neonatal gastroenteritis. RVAhedding was detected in 50% (15/30) of the calves, betweenhree to ten days of age. No bacterial or parasite diagnosisas performed; however, taking into consideration that nei-

her antibiotics nor anti-parasitic drugs were administeredo the calves, diarrhea caused by either of these groups ofgents may not be discarded.

As a final important parameter, all the calves’ weight wasegistered. Even though all the calves presented severe diar-hea at some point during the study, once the clinical signsf gastroenteritis disappeared, all animals gained weighteaching an average of 90 kg by the end of the experiment.ll calves duplicated their weight during the study period60 days) with no significant differences between the groups.


n order to better understand BCoV infection and preven-ion in calves reared under artificial management systems,0 calves were followed up during their first 60 days of life atn educative dairy farm. Both, the immunologic status of thealves at birth and the colostrum quality of the dams are theost important factors influencing prevention of neonatal

alf diarrhea34. The outcome of BCoV infection was clearlyffected by passively acquired Abs from colostrum. IgG1 sub-ype is the main IgG Ab isotype actively concentrated duringolostrogenesis19, and was the isotype analyzed in this study.

Refractometry is the commonly used method for totalrotein measurement to evaluate colostrum intake inalves’ serum. However, the exact titer of BCoV-specificgG1 transferred to calves from maternal colostrumequired to prevent BCoV diarrhea in the field remains

ity to control Bovine coronavirus diarrhea in a dairy herd.1016/j.ram.2017.03.007

gG ≥ 1000 mg/dl) in serum from a healthy calf is consid-red to be an optimal level of protein transfer39. In thistudy, we observed a mean protein level of 7.1 g/dl which

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1 11


al s










al s










al s









21 31 41 51




BCoV lgG1 Ab

Fecal score


BCoV lgG1 Ab

Fecal score


BCoV lgG1 Ab

Fecal score













































1 11 21 31 41 51 Days

1 11 21 31 41 51 Days

Figure 2 Diarrhea and Ab responses in calves shedding BCoV. Each chart shows ELISA virus shedding, fecal score and IgG1 Ab titerst




o BCoV over time. Horizontal bars: BCoV shedding.

s optimal; however, the FPT group had a significantly lowerevel of total protein in serum than the APT group at day 0f the experiment (Kruskal---Wallis non-parametric rank sumest, p = 0.0081). This correlates with the higher detectionf BCoV IgG1 Ab seroconversion in the FPT group comparedith the APT animals.

This study also aimed to further define BCoV pathogen-sis, and to better understand BCoV-specific Ab kinetics. Inrgentina, we previously reported a significantly higher ratef BCoV diarrhea in dairy herds compared to beef herds6. Weetected viral shedding in a small number of animals butigh viral circulation manifested through BCoV seroconver-ion. Low viral detection could be due to a lower sensitivity

Please cite this article in press as: Bok M, et al. Passive immunin Argentina. Rev Argent Microbiol. 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10

f ELISA compared with the RT-PCR assay to detect BCoV ineces7. However, another country from the southern hemi-phere shows a low detection rate using RT-PCR1. BCoVhedding was detected at high titers during only two or three


ays differing with other experiments in which BCoV shed-ing was long lasting23,32. This supports the idea of a lowerensitivity of the ELISA assay for BCoV detection used. More-ver, we showed that calves with high BCoV IgG1 Ab titersere often protected against infection, while animals with

ow BCoV IgG1 Ab titers showed significantly higher BCoVnfection rates (p < 0.0001). On the one hand, BCoV infectionynamics was drastically affected by these Ab titers since1% of FPT animals showed BCoV IgG1 seroconversion dur-ng the experiment. The significant difference in Ab titers athe beginning of the study was also associated with a signif-cant difference in total protein levels. Furthermore, whengG1 titers decreased over time and reached non-protective

ity to control Bovine coronavirus diarrhea in a dairy herd.1016/j.ram.2017.03.007

evels (BCoV IgG1 Ab titers of 16 or 64), calves seroconvertedonfirming BCoV infection, even when the antigen was notetected in the feces by the methodology used. On thether hand, 70.6% of animals from the APT group maintained

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Passive immunity to bovine coronavirus in Argentina

elevated IgG1 Ab titers over time and only five calves even-tually seroconverted. Moreover, calves with maternal BCoVIgG1 Ab titers of 4096 or higher seemed to be protectedagainst BCoV infection over the course of this study, sug-gesting that specific IgG1 Abs from colostrum are criticalfor the prevention of BCoV infection20. Although there wasa tendency to observe more BCoV IgG1 seroconversion incalves from the FPT group compared with calves from theAPT group, this difference was not significant (Fisher’s ExactTest, p = 0.085). This could be due to a low number of exper-imental units in the FPT group.

Weight gain was evaluated in all calves at the end of thestudy (60 days of age), compared to baseline measurementsobtained at the beginning of the study. No significant weightdifferences between groups were observed. Even though wedo not have a negative control group --- animals with no signsof diarrhea --- it has been reported that average daily weightgain does not correlate with the occurrence of NCD33. How-ever, other studies demonstrated the influence of NCD onweight gain in beef calves10. In addition, it has also beenestablished that when BCoV is present in diarrhea outbreaks,it causes more aggressive clinical signs compared to othergastrointestinal viruses, which can compromise the animalsurvival5. Indeed, one of the animals shedding BCoV died dueto the severity of the diarrhea during the course of this study.

Vaccination is the most effective strategy used to preventNCD. However, vaccination success can be affected by sev-eral factors including deficiencies in herd management andvarying vaccine quality29. As was mentioned previously, wehave no information either about the vaccination of damsagainst neonatal diarrhea or about the quality of commer-cial CoVB vaccines. Therefore, Abs transferred to calvesthrough colostrum intake might be due to previous expo-sure to BCoV or to an active immunization of the dam withthis agent. The lack of a good passive immune transferencein addition to a diet based on milk replacer might only havecontributed to the occurrence of diarrhea in 100% of thestudied animals. All calves suffered a severe and long last-ing diarrhea (17 to 19 days). The etiology of diarrhea couldbe diverse since other infection agents were not discarded,and neither antibiotic nor anti-parasitic drugs were used aspreventive strategies. BCoV infection was evidenced by anti-gen shedding or seroconversion in 42% of the calves, whileRVA infection was evidenced by shedding in 50% of calves.Thus, RVA is a major agent associated with NCD, as has beenreported elsewhere1,2,13.

The present study highlights the critical role of maternalcolostrum-derived Abs in the development of BCoV infec-tion. The systematic immunization of cows with a vaccineof proved efficacy, the monitoring of colostrum quality, andthe efficient passive transfer to the calf are key factors toconsider when attempting to control BCoV-related diarrhea.The results displayed in this study point to useful end-pointsto measure when evaluating the potency and efficacy of aBCoV vaccine under field conditions.

Ethical disclosures

Please cite this article in press as: Bok M, et al. Passive immunin Argentina. Rev Argent Microbiol. 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10

Protection of human and animal subjects. The authorsdeclare that no experiments were performed on humans oranimals for this study.


onfidentiality of data. The authors declare that no patientata appear in this article.

ight to privacy and informed consent. The authorseclare that no patient data appear in this article.

onflict of interest

he authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


e are very grateful for the technical assistance ofr. Osvaldo Zábal, for the input from the professors at theilk Production Department of Litoral National University inrgentina, Dr. Federico Guzman Coraita, Dr. Mario Cabellier,r. Julieta Bianchini, Dr. Carolina Repetto, Dr. Pilar Busta-ante, Dr. Alberto Cabrera, Leonela Riera, Paula Patricelli,orina Pautasso, and their students. We are also grateful tor. Linda Saif for her assistance in setting up the diagnosticssay, to Dr. Karin Bok for English edition and to Dr. Karinaodara for statistical support. This study was supported by

unds from FONARSEC N◦ 003 INTABIO AF, MinCyT, Argentina.B and Dr. VP are members of CONICET.


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