21 st century technology in use in the ottoson middle school technology and engineering program

iPads , 3d Printing and Underwater Robots 21 st Century Technology in Use in the Ottoson Middle School Technology and Engineering Program

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21 st Century Technology in Use in the Ottoson Middle School Technology and Engineering Program. iPads , 3d Printing and Underwater Robots. Rationale for iPads i n Technology and Engineering Classroom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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iPads , 3d Printing and Underwater Robots

21st Century Technology in Use in the

Ottoson Middle School Technology and Engineering


Page 2: 21 st  Century Technology in Use in the  Ottoson  Middle School  Technology and Engineering  Program

Rationale for iPads in Technology and Engineering Classroom

1. An iPad is vital for presenting student work and communicating the solution /progress via photography ,video etc.

2. Students can better utilize the steps of the Design Process ( an MCAS topic) when they have access to 21st evaluation tools, such as digital imaging, to help them research, analyze and modify engineering and structural work.

3. Engineering teachers can spend a significant amount of class time demonstrating hands on techniques . With the ability to film ourselves, students can then access and view the saved video lessons as needed .

4. Multimodality presentations via video clips and apps enable us to provide differentiated learning opportunities for gifted, Special Education, ELL and other at risk learners ( MCAS subgroups).

5. There are literally hundreds of apps for iPad directly tied to standards based STEM/ Engineering curriculum. Access to these apps allow us to challenge all students, beyond what our current curriculum offers.

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Some Applications of iPads:• Students will be able to research key concepts

• Create digital work portfolios

• Review for the MCAS using Jog Nog

• Access all aspects of the curriculum including teacher tutorials filmed in class by access to website.

• Utilize Engineering related Apps to solidify understanding of key concepts

• Apply communication technology standards

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iPads and Straw TowersTechnology in ActionA classroom example

In Grade 6 all students create straw towers after they complete the rocketry unit. They do so to learn about structures and the forces that act upon them. Recently in class, while the glue on one section of their towers dried, students were able to use the app Simple Physics to copy elements of their towers into real world simulations. They could then see how their structural ideas would react in real life situations.

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Why go 3D? What is its Educational Value?

*The printers are an excellent way to not only demonstrate but integrate key standards based concepts surrounding Communication Technology, Manufacturing Technology and Materials.

*They will be used to seamlessly update current Design Challenges (ie. Rockets, Dragsters and Whirlybirds)

*They bring the technology of the 21st century into perfect unison with long established engineering models, systems and scientific principles.

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Where are we now?

• 3D printers have recently arrived

• Installation and software set up has been initiated

• Initial printing has begun for calibration, prototype manufacturing and curriculum use

• Work on curriculum integration has begun

• Investigations of iPad design to printer reality

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Introduction to 3d PrintingWhat it is and what it is for.A Classroom Example

Students quickly noticed the new 3d Printers and wanted to know more. Several classes were able to receive a brief lesson on several aspects of the new technology. Primarily, they were introduced to the new concept that the printers are in fact really ROBOTS!Additionally students, already familiar with the concepts of coordinate planes that had x and y axis's, were surprised that printers use these and a z axis as well!

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Ottoson Engineering and Robotics Club

WHO?• Twenty students grades 6, 7 and 8• Meets at least once a week for one hour but can meet up to three times a week• Requires a strong commitment and team like attitude

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What do they do?

• Created land based rovers in the fall• Visit from engineers at iRobot• Seaperch underwater Robotics/ROV’s

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Seaperch Under Water Robotics- A Summary

• SeaPerch is an underwater robotics program that equips teachers and students to build an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) in an in-school or out-of-school setting.

• Students build the ROV from a kit , following a curriculum that teaches basic engineering and science concepts with a marine engineering theme.

• The SeaPerch Program provides students with the opportunity to learn about robotics, engineering, science, and mathematics (STEM) while building an underwater ROV .

• The Ottoson Program was funded for this year by a grant from the Office of Naval Research.

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What we have done

• Cut PVC piping• Drilled holes in piping• Completed the body of the ROV• Attached payload netting• Spliced and Stripped wiring• Waterproofed motors• Taught how to solder• Soldered Motors to control cable• Potted motors

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The Outcome for this Year

Students are meeting extra session in the month of May. They will attach propellers and motors and then solder the circuits of the control box. After that they will have a completed Seaperch. We plan to launch them in a near by pond or body of water in June.

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Future of Seaperch at Ottoson Middle

Possibilities and Ideas Generated by Club Members• Compete Next Year• Dive/Fishing Camera to explore under Spy Pond• Add to existing Perches• Expand Club access• Additional Projects in Engineering• Field Trips