21/05/10 1 help me. 21/05/10 2 lifelong learning programme comenius right to the earth citizenship...

21/05/10 1 HELP ME

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Page 1: 21/05/10 1 HELP ME. 21/05/10 2 Lifelong Learning Programme Comenius Right to the earth Citizenship Natural resources for a Sustainable Development

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Lifelong Learning Programme


Right to the earth CitizenshipNatural resources for a Sustainable Development

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To understand the To understand the human conditionhuman condition

" The poverty is the worst form of violence" Mahatma Gandhi, leader Indian pacifist

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The Map of the Hunger in the world: the percentage of the underfeeded - FAO source

Why has the Progress accented the distance between the poor and the rich instead of approaching them?

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A World without bordersA World without borders

More and more connected, more and

more informed..

..new forms of


are born and

the possibility

that the poor

men also can

enjoy them.

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The world economy has brought comfort to

million people but..

..for others it has

meant cultural

isolation, separation

from their own

history and local

culture and new

forms of work

exploitation, above

all juvenile

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The Relationship The Relationship with the Naturewith the Nature

The Biodiversity

contributes in decisive

way to the life of the

planet through million of

genes that serve to

compose the living

structure, thousand of

plants and animals that

populate the earth and

innumerable organisms

that constitute the natural


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Biodiversity is the insurance on the life of our Planet

..the gravity of the environmental crisis and the enormous catastrophes produced by the irrational and uncontrolled development of the human civilization....

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...are modifying in irreversible way the natural equilibriums that are at the base of the life on our Planet...

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Giving Energy to the Planet has a priceGiving Energy to the Planet has a priceTo win the challenge of the Climate: to break the dependence from the Carbon

The Map of the Energetic sources

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The car of the

human society,

like the car of the

nature, needs

energy to work,

that is for the

production of

goods, of

services, heating,

illumination, etc..

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The energy, easily

available and always

consumed in large

measure, doesn’t bring

comfort to our way of

living; it also involves

an alteration of the

environment on

planetary scale.

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We draw the energy of

our life need

exclusively from the

fossil fuels, that furnish

energy through the

process of combustion,

with the formation of

carbonic anhydride that

is responsible of the

slow heating for

greenhouse effect….

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provoking the so

called “Acid


and the rising up

of numerous

illnesses and the

destruction of

whole ecosystems..

The processes of combustion produce

oxides of carbon, nitrogen oxides, oxides of

sulphur, hydrocarbons...

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Alterations to the sea environment are provoked by the oil-tankers

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The alternative is the Green Economy: the ecological economy based on a new model of development that opposes the “black” economic model based on fossil fuels.

La Green La Green EconomyEconomy

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The President of the United States Barack Obama has proposed for first a series of public and private economic measures to give a clean impulse to the development of the green economy.

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Energy from Energy from the Sunthe Sun

From the Sun derives the form of the most diffused energy on our planet, available anywhere, in a free way and in a superior quantity to the requirement of the whole humanity.

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The Sun makes all this.

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Characteristics of the Solar energyCharacteristics of the Solar energy

Solar Radiation Solar Radiation Spectrum and Spectrum and intensity of the intensity of the singol componentssingol components

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...the photovoltaic

energy that allows to

transform the"light"

of the Sun in Electric

Energy is the most

innovative and

promising one.

Among the different

technologies set for the

exploitation of the

solar energy

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It concerns of a source with negligible environmental impact:

For every produced kWh 250 grams of Combustible Oil are saved

You avoids the production of 0,75 Kg of carbonic anhydride for kWh

With an economic and environmental advantage

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The Potentialities of the Photovoltaic, from a recent Map elaborated by the European Community..........

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The main element : the The main element : the Photovoltaic CellPhotovoltaic Cell

Cell in single monocrystal silicon

Cell in polycrystal silicon

Cell in amorphous silicon

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section of a cell in Silicon.

The running :the photon penetrates inside the crystalline structure, it breaks the bonds that hold back the charges and releases them ….it happens the miracle….

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From the cell to the Photovoltaic generatorFrom the cell to the Photovoltaic generator

Cells in setsCells in sets

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A simplified scheme of the Photovoltaic installation in a house.

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Examples of Photovoltaic GeneratorsExamples of Photovoltaic Generators