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More Abstract Expressionists

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More  Abstract  Expressionists  

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Franz  Kline  (1910-­‐1962)  

Born  in  Willkes  Barre  PA  

Heavily  industrialized  coal  mining  district  

Fritz  Goro,  Franz  Kline,  1954  Life.com  

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Franz  Kline  (1910-­‐1962)  

1930s  painKng  “American  Scene”  pictures  

Franz  Kline,  Palmerton  Pennsylvania,  1941  Smithsonian  American  Art  Museum  

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Franz  Kline  (1910-­‐1962)  

Arrived  at  abstracKon  by  using  an  enlarger  to  project  drawings  on  the  wall  

Franz  Kline,  The  Chair,  1950  Walker  Art  Center  

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Franz  Kline,  Chief,  1950  Museum  of  Modern  Art  

Franz  Kline,  New  York,  New  York,  1950  Albright  Knox  Gallery  

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Franz  Kline  (1910-­‐1962)  

Influenced  by  Japanese  calligraphy  

Franz  Kline,  Un9tled  II,  1952  Museum  of  Modern  Art  

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Franz  Kline  (1910-­‐1962)  

Large  scale  

Fritz  Goro,  Franz  Kline  in  his  studio  with  his  black  and  white  painKngs,  1954  Life.com  

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Franz  Kline,  Pain9ng  Number  2,  1954  Museum  of  Modern  Art  

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Franz  Kline,  Delaware  Gap,  1958  Hirshhorn  Museum  

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Franz  Kline,  Un9tled,  1957    Hirshhorn  Museum  

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Robert  Motherwell  (1915-­‐1991)  

Studied  philosophy  and  art  history  

Robert  Motherwell  in  his  14th  Street  Studio,  1943  Image  source:    h[p://www.flickr.com/photos/51035595873@N01/168675291  

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Robert  Motherwell  (1915-­‐1991)  

1949  began  series  of  “Elegies  to  the  Spanish  Republic”  in  response  to  the  Spanish  Civil  War  

Robert  Motherwell,  Elegy  to  the  Spanish  Republic,  1953  Albright  Knox  Museum  

“For  those  of  my  generaKon  (I  was  26  in  1936),  this  war  was  an  event  which  emoKonally  engaged  each  of  us.    It  was  a  test  of  all  humanisKc  values,  whether  Spain  was  to  enter  the  twenKeth  century  or  to  be  supressed.”  Robert  Motherwell  

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Robert  Motherwell  (1915-­‐1991)  

Scale  and  color  scheme  recall  Picasso’s  Guernica  

Pablo  Picasso,  Guernica,  1936  

Robert  Motherwell,  Elegy  to  the  Spanish  Republic,  1957-­‐61  In  the  Museum  of  Modern  Art  

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Robert  Motherwell  (1915-­‐1991)  

Universal  language:  

Black  and  white  =  “being  and  non-­‐being,  life  and  death"  

Robert  Motherwell,  Elegy  to  the  Spanish  Republic,  1957-­‐61  Museum  of  Modern  Art  

“I  discovered  Black  as  one  of  my  subjects  -­‐  and  with  black,  the  contrasKng  white,  a  sense  of  life  and  death”  Robert  Motherwell  

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Robert  Motherwell  (1915-­‐1991)  

Robert  Motherwell,  Elegy  to  the  Spanish  Republic,  108,  1965-­‐67  Museum  of  Modern  Art  

“I  take  an  elegy  to  be  a  funeral  lamentaKon  or  funeral  song  for  something  one  cared  about  .  .  .  But  the  pictures  are  also  general  metaphors  of  the  contrast  between  life  and  death,  and  their  interrelaKon.”  Robert  Motherwell  

“I  think  of  my  pictures  as  dramas;  the  shape  of  the  pictures  are  the  performers”  Mark  Rothko  

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Robert  Motherwell  (1915-­‐1991)  

Robert  Motherwell,  Elegy  to  the  Spanish  Republic,  70,  1961  Metropolitan  Museum  

“The  ‘Elegies’  correspond  to  something  deep  in  my  character  .  .  .  I  seem  to  have  found  in  them  a  certain  archetypal  form,  in  the  Jungian  sense.    A  lot  of  people  who  know  nothing  about  modern  art  have  been  touched  by  the  ‘Elegies,’  as  one  can  be  touched  by  Stonehenge  or  any  other  symbolic  manifestaKon  of  the  depths  of  the  human  spirit,  without  being  an  art  criKc.    Robert  Motherwell  

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Clyfford  S@ll  (1904-­‐1980)  Born  in  North  Dakota;  spent  most  of  his  career  in  Washington  State  

Image  source:    h[p://www.rogue.ph/blogs/entry/sKll_amazing/  

“These  are  not  painKngs  in  the  usual  sense.    They  are  life  and  death  merging  in  a  fearful  union”  Clyfford  SKll  

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Clyfford  S@ll  (1904-­‐1980)  Large  scale  painKngs  evoke  geological  phenomenon  

Lava  flows,  the  beginning  or  end  of  Kme  

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Clyfford  SKll,  Un9tled,  1958  Art  InsKtute  of  Chicago  

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Clyfford  SKll  1948-­‐C,  1948  Hirshhorn  Museum  

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Clyfford  SKll  1950-­‐A  No.  2,  1950  Hirshhorn  Museum  

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Clyfford  S@ll  (1904-­‐1980)  SKll’s  work  is  omen  likened  to  the  romanKc  vision  of  the  Hudson  River  School  

Their  pictures  expressed  awe  before  the  sublime  landscape  of  the  American  west  

Albert  Bierstadt,  Among  the  Sierra  Nevada  Mountains,  California,  1868  NaKonal  Museum  of  American  Art  

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Clyfford  S@ll  (1904-­‐1980)  

Clyfford  SKll  1960  Hirshhorn  Museum  

“The  tradiKon  to  which  SKll's  work  is  related  is  heroic  landscape  .  .  .  But  to  read  it  directly  as  landscape  violates  its  meaning.  The  cliffs  and  ravines  of  color,  the  jagged  rims  of  blue  or  vermilion  breaking  through  a  matrix  of  dense  enveloping  black,  are  no  metaphors  of  the  Grand  Canyon  or  the  Rockies  .  .  .  They  are  meant  to  convey  a  sense  of  pantheisKc  energy,  of  intense  mood  and  vigorously  arKculated  feeling—to  subsKtute,  in  fact,  for  nature  it  self.”  Robert  Hughes,  “The  Tempest  in  the  Paint  Pot,”  Time  Magazine,  Nov  26,  1979  h[p://www.Kme.com/Kme/magazine/arKcle/0,9171,946425-­‐2,00.html  

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David  Smith  (1906-­‐1965)  Born  and  raised  in  the  midwest  

Worked  as  a  welder  in  an  Indiana  car  factory  

Irving  Penn,  David  Smith,  Bolton  Landing,  Lake  George,  New  York,  1964  NaKonal  Gallery  of  Art  Image  source:    h[p://oseculoprodigioso.blogspot.com/2006/01/penn-­‐irving-­‐fotografia.html  

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David  Smith  (1906-­‐1965)  Early  work  influenced  by  Miro,  Calder,  Picasso,  and  Julio  Gonazalez  

David  Smith,  Home  of  the  Welder,  1945  Tate  Gallery  

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David  Smith  (1906-­‐1965)  Spectre  series  visualized  evil  as  a  primordial  bird  of  prey  wreaking  havoc  and  destrucKon  

David  Smith,  Study  for  Spectre  Riding  a  Headless  Horse,  1951-­‐52  Hirshorn  

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David  Smith,  Jurassic  Bird,  1945  David  Smith,  False  Peace  Spectre,  1945  

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David  Smith,  Jurassic  Bird.  1945  h[p://www.davidsmithestate.org/bio_files/jurassic_bird.html  

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David  Smith  (1906-­‐1965)  1945  moved  to  Bolton  Landing  with  Dorothy  Dehner  

Dan  Budnick,  David  Smith  at  Bolton  Landing,  1962  Image  source:    h[p://www.davidsmithestate.org/index.html  

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David  Smith  (1906-­‐1965)  Hudson  River  Landscape  is  first  experiment  with  “automaKsm”  

David  Smith,  Hudson  River  Landscape,  1951  Whitney  Museum  

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David  Smith,  Hudson  River  Landscape,  1951  Whitney  Museum  

“Smith  said  that  it  was  inspired  by  a  train  journey  from  Albany  to  Poughkeepsie.  It  was  a  route  he  must  have  travelled  hundreds  of  Kmes,  as  it  leads  from  his  home  and  studio  at  Bolton  Landing  along  the  220  miles  south  to  New  York  City.  “Is  Hudson  River  Landscape  the  Hudson  River,”  he  wrote,  “or  is  it  the  travel,  the  vision;  or  does  it  ma[er?  The  sculpture  exists  on  its  own,  it  is  an  enKty…  I  want  you  to  travel,  by  percepKon,  the  path  I  travelled  in  creaKng  it.””  h[p://www.aworldtowin.net/reviews/DavidSmith.html  

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David  Smith  (1906-­‐1965)  Tanktotem  and  SenKnel  series  –  primiKve  personages  

David  Smith,  Tanktotem  III,  1953  

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David  Smith  (1906-­‐1965)  Smith’s  totemic  figures  are  like  personages,  asserKng  their  presence  in  the  void  

Photograph  of  sculptures  at  Bolton  Landing  Image  source:    h[p://www.davidsmithestate.org/bio_files/sculpture_group1955.html  

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David  Smith  (1906-­‐1965)  

“It  was  the  soar  of  the  human  figure  that  held  him,  the  uncompromising  thrust  it  makes,  the  fight  it  carries  on  with  the  force  of  gravity”  Clement  Greenberg  

Photograph  of  sculptures  at  Bolton  Landing  Image  source:    h[p://www.davidsmithestate.org/bio_files/sculpture_group1955.html  

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David  Smith  (1906-­‐1965)  The  Cubi  series  consists  of  28  monumental  stainless  steel  sculptures  that  Smith  worked  on  from  1961  unKl  his  death  in  a  car  accident  in  1965      

David  Smith,  Cubi  XVII,  1963  Dallas  Museum  

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David  Smith  (1906-­‐1965)  Like  the  Tanktotems  and  Sen9nels,  they  suggest  human  personages  

But  they  have  become  more  geometric,  architectural,  and  heroic      

David  Smith,  Cubi  XIX,  1964  Tate  Gallery