2.2. properties of real numbers

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Post on 14-Jan-2016




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  • Quiz 1


    Grade 4 paper, write last name first, recit section, date today



    Determine the following:

    1. 0,1,2 C 2. 2Z 3Z 3. Q Q

    Using Venn Diagram, show: A B

    A B C

    A B

  • 2.2

    Properties of Real



  • Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, you should be able


    define subtraction and division operations

    enumerate the axioms

    illustrate the closure property for real numbers

    identify the identity and inverse elements for addition and subtraction

    explain the density property


  • Fundamental Operations

    1. Addition

    denoted by +

    result is called sum

    Example: 2 + 3 = 5


  • Recall

    2 + 7 = _____

    (-3) + (-5) = _____

    8 + (-4) = _____

    4 + (-8) = _____


  • Fundamental Operations

    2. Multiplication

    denoted by x or

    result is called product

    Example: 2 x 3 = 6


  • Recall

    2 x 8 = _____

    (-3) x 6 = _____

    3 x (-6) = _____

    (-4) x (-5) = _____

    Give the rules for multiplying signed numbers.


  • 8

    Closure A set is closed (under an operation) if and only if the operation on two elements of the set produces another element of the set.

    If an element outside the set is produced,

    then the set is not closed under the operation.

    Closure Property:

    When you combine any two elements of the set, the result is also included in the set.

  • Example

    If you add two real numbers, you

    will get another real number.


    Since this process is always true, it

    is said that the the set of real numbers is

    closed under the operation of


  • Is the set of real numbers closed

    under multiplication?

    If you multiply two real numbers,

    you will get another real number. Since this

    process is always true, it is said that the the

    set of real numbers is closed under the

    operation of multiplication.


  • Time to think

    Consider the set P of prime numbers.

    1) Is P closed under addition? No

    2) Is P closed under multiplication? No

    Consider the set C of composite positive numbers.

    1) Is C closed under addition? No

    2) Is C closed under multiplication? Yes


  • Properties of Real Numbers

    1. Commutative property a. Addition: For all real numbers a,

    a + b = b + a we can add numbers in any order

    a. Multiplication: For all real a, b a x b = b x a

    we can multiply numbers in any order


  • 2. Associative property a) Addition: For all real numbers a, b, c,

    a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c We can group numbers in a sum in any

    way we want and still get the same answer.

    a) Multiplication: For all real numbers a, b, c

    (a x b) x c = a x (b x c) We can group numbers in a product in

    any way we want and still get the same answer.


  • 3. Distributive property of multiplication over addition

    For all real numbers a, b, c

    a(b + c) = ab + ac (left-hand distributive law)


    (a + b)c = ac + bc (right-hand distributive law)


  • 4. Existence of an Identity a) Addition: There exists a real number 0

    such that for every real a, a + 0 = a Zero added to any number is the

    number itself.

    0 is called the additive identity b) Multiplication: There exists a real

    number 1 such that for every real a,

    a x 1 = a Any number multiplied by 1 gives the

    number itself.

    1 is called the multiplicative identity.


  • 5. Existence of an Inverse a) Additive Inverse (Opposite)

    For every real number a there exists a real number, denoted (-a), such that

    a + (-a) = 0

    a) Multiplicative Inverse (Reciprocal)

    For every real number a except 0 there exists a real number, denoted by 1/a, such that

    a x (1/a) = 1 16

  • Definition of Subtraction

    a b = a + ( b)

    subtracting b from a means adding the negative of b to a.

    Thus, 5 3 = 5 + (-3) = 2


  • Time to Think

    Consider the set W of whole numbers.

    Is W closed under subtraction? No

    Is subtraction commutative on R? No

    Is subtraction associative on R? No


  • Definition of Division

    If b is a nonzero real number,

    a/b = a x (1/b)

    Dividing a by b means multiplying a by the reciprocal of b.

    Thus, 15/5 = 15 x (1/5) = 3


  • Time to Think

    Consider the set Z of integers. Is Z

    closed under division? No

    Is division commutative in R? No

    Is division associative in R? No


  • 6. Density property

    We can always find another real number

    that lies between any two real numbers.





    Commutative a + b = b + a ab = ba

    Associative (a+b)+c = a+(b+c) (ab)c = a(bc)

    Identity a + 0 = 0 + a = a a x 1 = 1 x a = a

    Inverse a + (-a) = (-a) + a = 0 a x (1/a ) = (1/a) x a = 1
