2.4 road note 31

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  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31


    Road Note 31/ Catalogue Method A Guide to the Structural Design of Bitumen Surfaced Roads in Tro

    tropical Countries.

    ORN !" is based principall# on research conducted in countries $orld b# the O%erseas Centre& Transport Research 'aborator# (TR')& *the O%erseas De%elopment Administration (ODA).

    Road Note !" $as ,rst published in 1962and re%ised in 1966& 1977

    No$ O%erseas Road Note (ORN) !"& "!& th/dition.

    th edition of the Road Note !" has dra$n on the e0perienc

    collaborating organi1ations in o%er !2 Tropical and Sub-tropical Countr

    th edition e0tends the designs of pre%ious editions to cater for tramillion equivalent tandard a!le and ta3es account of the %ariabproperties and construction control& the uncertaint# in tra4c forecastsclimate and high a0le loads and the o%erall statistical %aria

    performance. 6le0ible 7a%ement Design 8ethods9 7repared b# Ra:esh+had3a& acem


  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31


    "eign #roce

    3 Main $tep to be follo$ed in designing a ne$ road pa%em

    These are9

    (i) estimating the amount of tra4c and the cumulati%ee>ui%alent standard a0les that $ill use the road o%er design life?

    (ii) assessingthe strength of the subgrade soil o%er $hich the


    (iii) selectingthe most economical combination of pa%ement la#er thic3nesses that $ill pro%ide satisfactor# ser%ice o%life of the pa%ement using structural catalogues. (It is usuato assume that an appropriate level of maintenance is also

    6le0ible 7a%ement Design 8ethods9 7repared b# Ra:esh+had3a& acem


  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31


    #avement %a&er

    6le0ible 7a%em

    ent Design 8ethods97repared b# Ra:esh +had3a& acem


  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31



    This is the uppermost la#er of the pa%ement and $ill norof a bituminous surface dressing or a la#er of premi0e

    material. @here premi0ed materials are laid in t$o la#e3no$n as the $earing course and the base course (or bin


    This is the main load-spreading la#er of the pa%emnormall# consist of crushed stone or gra%el& or of gdecomposed roc3& sands and sand-cla#s stabilised $ith or bitumen.

    6le0ible 7a%ement Design 8ethods9 7repared b# Ra:esh+had3a& acem


  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31



    This is the secondar# load-spreading la#er underl#ing the roa

    t $ill normall# consist of a material of lo$er >ualit# than tharoad base such as unprocessed natural gra%el& gra%el-sansand-cla#.

    This la#er also ser%es as a separating la#er pre%enting conthe roadbase b# the subgrade material and& under $et condan important role to pla# in protecting the subgrade fromconstruction tra4c.

    6le0ible 7a%ement Design 8ethods9 7repared b# Ra:esh+had3a& acem


  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31


    Capping layer (selected or improved subgrade):

    @here %er# $ea3 soils are encountered& a capping la#er necessar#.

    This ma# consist of better >ualit# subgrade material imelse$here or e0isting subgrade material impro%ed b# mchemical stabilisation.


    This is the upper la#er of the natural soil $hich ma# belocal material or ma# be soil e0ca%ated else$here and plac

    n either case it is compacted during construction to

    strength. 6le0ible 7a%ement Design 8ethods9 7repared b# Ra:esh+had3a& acem;

  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31



    The deterioration of pa%ed roads caused b# trafrom both the magnitude of the indi%idual $heel

    the number of times these loads are applied.

    6or pa%ement design purposes it is necessar# t

    not onl# the total number of %ehicles that $ill usbut also the $heel loads (or& for con%enience& the aof these %ehicles.

    The loads im osed b ri%ate cars do not 6le0ible 7a%ement Design 8ethods9 7repared b# Ra:esh +had3a&


  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31


    6or the purposes of structural design& cars and s%ehicles can be ignored and onl# the total num

    a0le loading of the hea%# %ehiclesthat $ill use theits design life need to be considered.

    n this conte0t& hea%# %ehicles are de,ned as thosunladen $eight of !222 3g or more.

    6le0ible 7a%ement Design 8ethods9 7repared b# Ra:esh+had3a& acem


  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31


    "eign %i(e

    6or most road pro:ects an economic anal#sis period of bet;2 #ears from the date of opening is appropriate.

    Design life does not mean that at the end of the period the pbe completel# $orn out and in need of reconstruction? itto$ards the end of the period the pa%ement $ill need to be so that it can continue to carr# tra4c satisfactoril# for a furth

    Condition sur%e#s of bituminous pa%ements should be carronce a #earas part of the inspection procedures for mainten

    6le0ible 7a%ement Design 8ethods9 7repared b# Ra:esh +had3a&acem


  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31


    )timating 'rafc *lo+

    n order to determine the total tra4c o%er the design life of,rst step is to estimate baseline tra4c Eo$s.

    The estimate should be the (Annual) A%erage Dail# currentl# using the route.

    The ADT is de,ned as the total annual tra4c summdirections and di%ided b# !=.

    t is usuall# obtained b# recording actual tra4c Eo$s o

    period from $hich the ADT is then estimated.

    6or long pro:ects& large di5erences in tra4c along the roadnecessar# to estimate the Eo$ at se%eral locations.

    t should be noted that for structural design purposes the tin one direction is re>uired and for this reason care is al$

    $hen interpreting ADT ,gures.;

  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31


    ,!le %oading - ,!le )quivalenc&

    The damage that %ehicles do to a road depends %er# stroa0le loads of the %ehicles.

    6or pa%ement design purposes the damaging po$er of a0leto a FstandardF a0le of ."= tonnes using e>ui%alence factorsbeen deri%ed from empirical studies.

    n order to determine the cumulati%e a0le load dampa%ement $ill sustain during its design life& it is necessar#the total number of hea%# %ehicles that $ill use the roaperiod in terms of the cumulati%e number of e>ui%alent sta(esa).

    6le0ible 7a%ement Design 8ethods9 7repared b# Ra:esh+had3a& acem


  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31


    A0le load sur%e#s must be carried out to determinload distribution of a sample of the hea%# %ehicle


    Data collected from these sur%e#s are used to camean number of e>ui%alent standard a0les for a t#pin each class.

    These %alues are then used in con:unction $ith tra4to determine the predicted cumulati%e e>ui%alena0les that the road $ill carr# o%er its design life.

    6le0ible 7a%ement Design 8ethods9 7repared b# Ra:esh+had3a& acem


  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31


    "etermination o( Cumulative)quivalent $tandard ,!le


  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31


    6le0ible 7a%ement Design 8ethods9 7repared b# Ra:esh+had3a& acem


  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31


    6le0ible 7a%ement Design 8ethods9 7repared b# Ra:esh +had3a& acem;

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  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31


    Numerical )!ample

    In a certain section of single lane road, it is inconstruct the road pavement. The trac survthat the road caters present ADT of !" cvannual growth rate of trac is $%. The pavemedesigned for ' years period and epected c

    period is " years from the last date of trac c$.* percentile +- value of the su&grade soil i

    &e *%. Design the pavement section as per -oa/uideline.

    6le0ible 7a%ement Design 8ethods9 7repared b# Ra:esh +had3a&acem;

  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31



    Cumulati%e no. of std. a0les at the end of design period

    N . .

    Here,7 "!; c%pd

    r H 2.2

    0 ; #ears

    n "2 #earsNo$&

    N .

    . 076 ! 106 ea

    6le0ible 7a%ement Design 8ethods9 7repared b# Ra:esh

    +had3a& acem;

  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31


    According to Road Note ! "uideline,

    6or& N . 076 ! 106 ea 'rafc Cla . '3


    6or& CR . $u4grade $trength Cla . $3


  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31


    No+ (rom the "eignChart 1

    Granular Sub base ;;mm Granular Road Base

    ;22 mm Surface Course Surface Dressing (SD)


  • 7/25/2019 2.4 Road Note 31

