25 terrific technology teaching tools for extension educators-10-16-extra slide

25 Terrific Technology Tools for Extension Educators Dr. Barbara O’Neill Rutgers Cooperative Extension [email protected]

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25 Terrific Technology Tools for Extension Educators

Dr. Barbara O’Neill Rutgers Cooperative Extension

[email protected]

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What is Your Favorite Technology Tool?

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My Old Fave: Three Monitors

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My New Fave: Movie Maker

• Create videos from photos, Canva images, scanned PowerPoint slides, clip art, etc. – Example:


• Create videos from live video footage to insert into slides, social media, etc. – Example:


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It’s not about the tech device, it’s

about the learner experience

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Technology is Just a Tool! “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important”

Bill Gates http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_technology.html

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1. eXtension • Live and archived webinars

• Moodle courses (campuses)

• Archived FAQs

• Ask an Expert (AaE)

• Online communities (CoPs and LNs)

• Military Families Learning Network

• Innovative projects…and more

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2. Animated Videos • Use platforms such as http://goanimate.com/ and

http://www.creazaeducation.com/ and http://www.moovly.com/ and http://digitalfilms.com/ and http://www.dvolver.com/moviemaker/index.html – Article: 5 Best Sites to Make Animated Video Trouble-Free:


• Personal Finance Animated Videos (O’Neill):


• Co-Signing a Loan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yte4MBtoAqg

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3. Google+ Hangouts • Free video chatting: video + voice

• Can involve up to 10 people

• Great way for students to collaborate on studying, group projects, club activities, etc.

• Can be archived for later viewing

• Sample Hangouts (combined with Twitter chats):


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4a. PowerPoint Games: Jeopardy!

See http://rci.rutgers.edu/~boneill/review/index.html and http://www.slideshare.net/BarbaraONeill/jeopardy-game-young-adults-moneycolor-changesyellow for sample games See http://www.slideshare.net/BarbaraONeill/rutgers-hybrid-online-confpower-point-gamesanimated-videosoneill0114 for PowerPoint tutorial

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4b. PowerPoint Games: Millionaire

Sample Game: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=bnlwbC5vcmd8bW9uZXktbWF0dGVyc3xneDoyZGI2OTE0OGFjNjY5MTVh

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5. Slideshare.net • Use to share documents (Word, PowerPoint,

PDFs, etc.) • Gives them a digital link to use for websites,

social media, e-mail, etc. • Sample:


• Also a great place to search for slides and other content

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6. Twitter • 140 characters to make a

point, share a link, share a photo, etc.

• Use # for information searches

• Use @ to direct message someone

• Can track impact using Klout: http://klout.com/

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Klout Score Progression • Klout is a measure of a person’s “influence” on twitter

• Based on an algorithm with factors such as number of followers and number of retweets

• Go to www.klout.com and log in with Twitter or Facebook

– 2011: 11.22 to 19.68

– 2012: 20.3 to 29.3

– 2013: 32.6 to 39.6

– 2014: 29.76 to 38.84

– 2015: 23.8 to 30.7

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7. Twitter Chats • Students create a unique chat hashtag and

designate a date/time, topic, and questions OR • View a regularly scheduled personal finance

Twitter chat – List of personal finance Twitter chats:


• Use http://www.tchat.io/ or http://twubs.com/ to tweet

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8. TweetReach and HashTracking Reports

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9. Storify • Use to create a “story” from a Twitter chat by

piecing together participants’ tweets

Samples: • https://storify.com/moneytalk1/cooperative-extension-money-smart-


• https://storify.com/moneytalk1/rutgers-cooperative-extension-twitter-chat

• https://storify.com/RutgersNJAES/extension-america-saves-chat-exaschat

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10. Webinar Delivery Platforms

• Adobe Connect

• Zoom

• Eluminate Live

• Go to Meeting/Webinar

• Maestro

• Others?

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11. Online Quizzes Rutgers Cooperative Extension Assessment Tools:

• Financial Fitness Quiz

• Identity Theft Risk Assessment Quiz

• Investment Risk Tolerance Quiz

• Personal Health and Finance Quiz

• Personal Resiliency Resources Assessment Quiz

• Wise Credit Management Quiz

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12. Microsoft Excel Templates • Asset Allocation Spreadsheet • Asset Allocation Spreadsheet With Pie Chart • Net Worth Calculation Spreadsheet • Spending Plan Worksheet

Source: http://njaes.rutgers.edu/money/

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13. Future Me Web Site • Schedule an e-mail to yourself at a future date

• Can make it public, but anonymous

• Message starts with “Dear Future Me”

• Can use to have students send themselves “reminders” – Action steps

– Financial goals

– Assignments and due dates

• Good accountability tool for those who use e-mail


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14. IGNITE Presentations • 5 minute PowerPoint presentations

• 20 slides advance automatically every 15 seconds

• Students or teacher can create a presentation using a template with automated slides

• Template master: http://www.ignitephoenix.com/tips/

• Sample IGNITE Presentation: The Politics of Personal Finance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7lN1Dz972s

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15. Pinterest • Create new boards or view existing boards • https://help.pinterest.com/en/articles/all-about-boards

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16. Facebook • Set up a class/program Facebook page

• Provides ongoing contact with and among students

• Example: Annie’s Project NJ: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Annies-Project-NJ/147083285347913

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17. Canva https://www.canva.com/

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18. Piktochart (Infographics)

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19. Periscope • Live video streaming app for IOS and Android

• Using it is called “scoping”

• Acquired by Twitter in 2015; launched in March 2015

• Video can be public or just for followers

• Send “hearts” to presenter by tapping screen

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20. Puzzle-Maker http://www.puzzle-maker.com/

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21. PollEverywhere • Live audience participation:


• Like “clickers” without the clickers

• Different pricing plans (free for 25 responses): https://www.polleverywhere.com/plans

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22. Online Survey Platforms

• Create surveys and get a link

• Pull summarized reports

• Great for research studies and follow-up evaluation forms

• Tricky to use “skip logic” on complicated questions; test out your survey before sharing the link

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23. Scheduling and Registration Programs

• Doodle polls: http://doodle.com/

• Sign Up Genius: http://www.signupgenius.com/how

• Eventbrite: www.eventbrite.com

• Others?

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24. Your Ideas: Small Group Discussion

What is Your Favorite

Technology Tool?

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25. Your Ideas: Large Group Debriefing

What is Your Favorite

Technology Tool?

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The Role of Technology

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The Role of Technology The technology that you use is not impressive but the experience that you can create with it is.

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Comments? Questions? Additional Resources?

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Contact Information

[email protected] @moneytalk1 on Twitter