2nd revision dec 15 bulletin draft - co-cathedral

December 15, 2019 Third Sunday of Advent 712 North School Street - Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 We the people of the Co-Cathedral of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, seek to be an example of the presence of God through our Christian Catholic worship, education, service and stewardship stewardship of all God's gifts. We celebrate our diversity of age, culture, language, and view points as a sign of God’s all powerful and ever-present love in our community of faith. We strive to witness the gospel of Jesus Christ to evangelize and to respond in love, as well as compassion to our community in Honolulu, to be a welcoming place to all who seek the grace, fellowship, and love of God.

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December 15, 2019 Third Sunday of Advent712 North School Street - Honolulu, Hawaii 96817

MISSION:We the people of the Co-Cathedral of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, seek to be an example of thepresence of God through our Christian Catholic worship, education, service and stewardship

stewardship of all God's gifts. We celebrate our diversity of age, culture, language, and view points as a sign of God’s allpowerful and ever-present love in our community of faith. We strive to witness the gospel of Jesus Christ to evangelize and torespond in love, as well as compassion to our community in Honolulu, to be a welcoming place to all who seek the grace,fellowship, and love of God.

We traditionally called the third Sunday of Advent as "Gaudete Sunday," from the first word ofthe entrance antiphon in Latin, Gaudete, which means "Rejoice!". Nine days from now, we will

again celebrate the greatest gift of God to humanity. In Jesus Christ, God has given us thegift of Himself - the Emmanuel, God is with us, who is the very reason for our rejoicing.But how do we find pure joy? What and who is the source of your joy? How to find itmore permanently? Let us open our hearts and allow God to speak to us through the SacredScriptures about this joy.

Isaiah 35:1-6A, 10. The reason for our joy is our faith in the God who comes to saveus. Prophet Isaiah reminds us not to be afraid because, like the Israelites who were exiledin the desert, God always comes to save us to turn our sorrow and mourning into joy andgladness. "Be strong, fear not! Here is your God, he comes with vindication; with divinerecompense, he comes to save you" (Isaiah 35:4). No matter how one's life becomes like a"parched land" due to the enslaving consequences of sin, God comes to vindicate so thatwe can freely walk again with him and sing his glory. This is the source of our joy fromwhich we also anchor our hope.

James 5:7-10. To cultivate joy is to be patient in waiting. The Book of James tells us tobe patient and persevere like a farmer who waits for the fruit of the work of his hands,trusting in God's intervention and providence (cf. James 5:7). Being patient is to bend ourknees and lift our hands in prayer humbly. Someone said that, if you want to pray better,you must pray more. If you do not pray, everything can disappoint you by going wrong. Ifyou do pray, although everything may still go wrong, not in a way that will disappoint you.Praying helps strengthen our patience. It is like a garden if you spend time in tilling andcultivating patience blooms and endures. Take care of your garden.

Matthew 11:2-11. To find joy is to be attentive to and celebrate the beauty around. This is seeing our present existence through the eyes of faith, discerning the workingsof God in our ordinary lives. We heard from the Gospel that while John is in prison, hesent his disciples to Jesus to look for confirmation if he is the Messiah or they have to waitfor another (cf. Matt 11:3). Our Lord Jesus gave them a veiled response referring to theprophecy of Isaiah, "Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind regain their sight,the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have thegood news proclaimed to them" (Matt. 11:4-5). Jesus is instructing them that they shouldpay attention to what's taking place in their midst and be discerning of the workings ofGod. This is profoundly a piece of good advice to keep our focus on what we are preparingthis season else we'll be unknowingly trapped into the noise of our busyness.

I remember doing the house blessing of a young family. I noticed the mother purposely put a device next to the cradle toenable her to hear when her baby cries. She's so aware of the baby's presence in their home, whichever part of the houseshe is at and whatever work she's doing. I can tell that this young mother developed a persona of attentiveness whichintimately bonded her with her child. In the same fashion, I think some of the valuable "devices" that we thoughtfullyplace before us to celebrate the joy of this season of advent are PRAYER, PATIENCE, and DISCERNING EYES. Theyare indispensable dispositions and means to strengthen our joy and attentiveness as we welcome the coming of ourSavior, Jesus Christ.

Fr. Manny Hewe

by Mark ClarkSpecial to the Herald

The story of Mary… live, love,learn and leave a legacy

Understand your assets, tax liabilities and opportunities

Discuss your financial priorities and goals with loved


Seek out valued professional and spiritual advisors

As a young girl, Mary was baptized in her neighborhood

Catholic church and went on to attend the parish school,

sing in the choir, and marry her sweetheart at the altar in

the presence of her beloved church family. Mary also raised

her children faithfully in this parish community, and for

over 60 years contributed every week to the church

offertory and its special causes. As a widow, she continued

to be a very grateful and giving person. Earlier this year,

Mary died and left $1 million in her will to a worthy

nonprofit organization down the street.

Why them, one might ask? The explanation is simple. She

was asked somewhere, sometime, somehow, by somebody

to consider including them in her estate plan. In turn, she

came to understand the need and responded in kind to the


This Mary’s story is fictional, but at the same time, all too

familiar. Here’s a word of advice to our pastoral leaders,

this is not complicated. In fact, it’s scriptural: “Ask and you

shall receive.” (Luke 9:11) This story is also about doing

something when we are asked. So, consider yourself asked

— that is, to think about including your Catholic parish,

school or service organization the next time you update

your will or living trust. If your estate plan is still on the

drawing board, here are some important steps to help you to

plan wisely:

Prepare your Catholic advance healthcare directive

And, don’t put off what you can do now

Speaking of which, you may want to check out the IRA

charitable rollover provision that allows donors age 70ó or

older to donate up to $100,000 per year as a qualified

charitable deduction. This type of donation is a real win-

win because it counts toward the required minimum

distribution from your IRA. And since it is a direct transfer

to the designated charity there is no taxable income to


When it comes to charitable giving, a simple bequest in

one’s will is often the largest donation a church, or

nonprofit, will ever receive. Just remember Mary.

On behalf of all Catholic entities, mahalo nui loa for

your generous stewardship of time, talent and treasure. For

more information on these and other charitable giving

opportunities, please contact the diocesan office of

Stewardship and Development at 203-6723, or email

[email protected].

Stewardship Notes…

"Each day is an opportunity to show God our gratitude for

all the blessings He has given us. As for me, I consider

doing my job as Facilities Manager an opportunity to

serve God and the parishioners of Co-Cathedral of St.

Theresa. It feels great to make the place of worship

beautiful and safe.

I pray that God will continue to bless me with good health

and strength to help me be a good steward with the time

and talent He has bestowed upon me."

by Anthony Navor

Facilities Manager

A Stewardship Prayer for Advent

Dear God,

Help us to be good stewards of these Advent

days. In this precious time of hope-filled waiting,

help us to seek you more intentionally and more


Teach us to look for you in the faces of the needy

we will be invited to help and the lonely ones we

may be called to accompany in new and

unexpected ways.

Help us to be still now and then, even in the midst

of our busyness, and see you in the beauty of

Your creation - in the shimmer of sunlight on

snow or the crystal blue of the desert sky.

Each morning, may we wake, knowing you love

us and rejoice that you have given us another day

in which to share our lives and our blessings.

Each night, before we close our eyes, may we

remember to thank you for the gifts and graces of

the day. Make us mindful of your presence, Lord,

as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of your


In his Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

Timely communication. If possible, to disseminate parish events information ahead of time andplanned out calendar for ministries and parish events.Leverage the use of technology such as email, Parish website, and social media to disseminate and/ordeliver information as well as provide feedback.Keep parish website updated.

69% of the total respondents indicated that they pick up our Parish bulletin every week. A total of 56%

responded with either no changes, none, n/a, or no answer provided. Top 3 indicated changes that ourrespondents would like to see include the following:

For question number 4, which asked to provide the top 3 things to improve about our parishcommunication, the overwhelming response was to improve the sound system. And a total of 43%

responded with either no response, none, and/or no changes provided. Brief, simple, and easy to understand,and pertinent information was the other thing that was consistently identified by the respondents.

91% responded No they would not consider writing an article, a story, and/or news, video clips to any ofthe parish communication platform and 9% responded with Yes and provided their contact information.

A total of 40% responded with either no changes, none, n/a, or no answer to question 6 which asked toshare any additional feedback/comments. Two of the responses that were relevant to the intent of the surveyincluded the feedback to have articles relating to other ministries and to have ministries/organizations talkabout their services/programs.

The top three points mentioned above will be addressed and implemented gradually. However, we will alsotry to implement the other recommendations to improve the communication of the parish.

On the other hand, the church sound system issue is in the works. The company that the parish contractedto do the comprehensive analysis of the acoustic environment of the parish has already completed thefindings and has already provided recommendations. The next phase is to discuss and decide what type of solution to implement to minimize the reverberation of the sound.

We thank all those who participated the survey.

We had 183 total responses. The top 3 preferences for receiving information about parish news

and activities were Parish Bulletin, Parish Website, and weekly email from the Pastor.


Communications Team of Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa

Misa de GalloMass: December 16-24, 2019 at 5:00 AM.

Mass Intentions:

Please drop-off your envelope to the Parish Office during business hours.

Envelopes can be found on the tables in the church and at the Parish Office.

*Limit: 2 intentions per day

Mahalo for your generosity!

Parish Savings with the Diocese, as of November 30, 2019 $ 912.87

Outstanding Parish Loan with the Diocese, as of November 31, 2019 $ 456,168.74

Interest on Parish Loan, for the month of November 2019 $ 1,937.15

Please consider the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa in your planned gifts (bequests in awill, charitable gift annuities, trusts, insurance and gifts of appreciated stocks). Theseimportant gifts will ensure that our lives will touch the lives that come after us to buildthe faith for generations to come. Mahalo for your generosity.

Offering for December 2 - 8, 2019


Great Gatsby

Students preparing for final examsStudents graduating this winterCollege students returning home for the holidaysThose spending holidays away from home

3 Minutes a Day: The Young Adult Ministry invites you to join us in offering 3 minutes each

day this Advent (Dec. 1-24) to pray for:

YOUNG ADULT MINISTRYAll young adults (ages 18-30's) are invited to our Catechesis Night thisWednesday, December 18, at 7:15 pm in the Pastoral Center. Ourtopic will be "The Good News: God Has Sent His Son". For moreinformation about this and other activities for young adults, please e-mailAshley at [email protected].

Young parentsAnyone struggling with loneliness oranxietyPeace in the worldYour personal intentions


The last Wednesday of December (which is our regular day of distribution) isChristmas day. The food bag distribution will be moved to the following day,Thursday, December 26 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm at the church lanai. MAHALO!

Conception (Bernie) GoraPrincipal

Lauren SayaphethVice Principal

Roxanne CasielloExecutive Administrative Assistant

Stephanie Lou OndayogAdmissions Clerk - Office Assistant

Carolyn ButedTeacher - Middle School Counselor

Francine Caetano-FontanillaTeacher - Health / Dean of Discipline

Magdalena CollinsPreschool Director - Teacher

Serena Vasconcellos-DequitoPreschool Teachers Aide

Magdalena HerndonTeacher - Grade K

Lynette SetoKindergarten Teachers Aide

Marvin MacadangdangTeacher - Grade 1

Tiana Kalahiki-BartolomeTeacher - Grade 2

Michele HonoldTeacher - Elem - English

Denise AlcalaTeacher - Grade 4

Alyssa ManiponTeacher - Grade 5

Jonathan "Mika Kane" KahalewaiTeacher - M/S Math

Faith LeasiolagiTeacher - M/S Language Arts

Frances Dr. WongTeacher - M/S English

Marylee MafuaTeacher - M/S Science

Sibel MestanovaTeacher - M/S Social Studies

Sister Ana Fua Dela CruzTeacher - Religion

Laura GabrielTeacher - Physical Education

Lamont BankstonTeacher - Technology

Keith FebreroTeacher - Music

Lenie MacadangdangLibrarian

Romeo John CabarrubiasCustodian

Telea (Andy) SeumanutafaCustodian

We thank everyone who took an angel ornamentwith a wish from a homeless person, from anunderprivileged family or a sick elderly person in Dec.1, 2019. Today, Sunday, Dec. 15, 2019 is the

deadline for bringing the unwrapped gifts. Pleasegive your gifts to one of the ushers before mass.Catholic Charities is going to pick up the gifts onnext week. Thank you for your generosity, may Godbless you and keep you this Advent. For furtherinformation, please call the Parish Office @ 521-1700or Julie @ 351-6212.


Website: www.sts-hi.org

Office Phone: (808) 536-4703


St.TheresaSchool@Beavers808 Sttheresaschool808

We will be sorting and bagging the food donations on Monday, December 23,at 6:00 – 7:30 pm in the Parish Hall. We need your help. Please make thisyour Advent sacrifice as you give your time and talent to help us prepare thefood bags for our needy brothers and sister most of whom are elderly. Pleasecall the Social Ministry office at (808) 745-0561 or the parish office at 521-1700 if you plan to come.


We thank everyone who brought non-perishable food itemsduring our Hunger Awareness Weekend. We will continueto receive your food donations until next weekend. ThisChristmas season, let us keep our brothers and sisters whoare in need in our thoughts and in our prayers.

Would you like to be an instrument of  joy this Christmas?As a way to remember our brothers and sisters who areneeding to feel the joys of the season, ministers from theCo-Cathedral of St. Theresa will serve Christmas Dinner @the Kaka'ako Next Step Shelter on Saturday, December 21

We thank you for your charity and continued support.Let us continue to be good stewards of God’s blessings.

at 6:00 pm. We will share love, joy and cheers of the Christmas season to thosewho have no family or loved ones to share the Christmas season. We will bedoing a potluck of ham, mixed green salad, dinner rolls, baked pasta, fruits anddesserts. We welcome anyone who would like to join us in the noble endeavor.If you cannot join us on this day, please consider financial contribution or givea dish or fruits or dessert to help us make this event a more meaningful one forthose who are in need. If you are interested to help, please call the SocialMinistry office at (808) 745-0561 for more information.

We appreciate your continued support to our community. This season isespecially crucial for all of us to find time to share love and care to those whomay be lost, hurting, or alone.


"For it is in giving that we receive." —St Francis of Assisi

Fr. Manuel HewePastor

Fr. Dominic NguyenVHM Chaplain

Sr. Mercedita Estrella, SPCDir. of Religious Education & Pastoral


Deacon Raffy MendozaBusiness & Office Manager

Bernie GoraDirector of Music

Faith and Alofa LeasiolagiInterim Dir. of Youth Ministry

Pinky MendozaSocial Ministry Director, Marriage & Family

Ministry Coordinator

Teresa JacobsOffice Secretary

Anthony NavorFacilities and Maintenance Manager

Angelica DabuCommunications Coordinator

Francis LeasiolagiDeacon

Anthony NguyenVHM Deacon

Fr. Moses AkebuleIn Residence









NM 24:2-7, 15-17A, MT 21:23-27





DEC. 16, 2019

DEC. 22, 2019

DEC. 21, 2019

DEC. 20, 2019

DEC. 19, 2019

DEC. 18, 2019

DEC. 17, 2019

5:00 AM - Misa de Gallo (Bishop Larry)

5:30 PM - VHM Mass

GN 49:2, 8-10, MT 1:1-17

5:00 AM - Misa de Gallo

5:30 PM - VHM Mass

Infant Baptism - contact our office at least one month beforeAnointing of the Sick / Sick Calls - please notify the Parish Office forvisits / Communion calls / Holy Communion for the sick & the homeboundMatrimony - Contact our office ten months in advanceBlessings (house, vehicle, religious items)FuneralsVocation to the Priesthood or Religious or Diaconate SchoolFacilities Scheduling - use of the Parish & School facilities must bescheduled through the Parish Office


SACRAMENTS, RITES & APPOINTMENTSContact our parish office for more information or for

scheduling an appointment:

"How lovely is Your

dwelling place, O

Lord God of Hosts."

Psalm 84:1Phone: (808) 521-1700

Fax: (808) 599-3629

Email:_cocathedraloffice@ rcchawaii.org


PARISHREGISTRATIONIf you are interested in

registering in our Parish or

would like more information

please contact the Parish office

or visit our website for more


Holy Rosary - Before daily

Mass & 6:15 am Sun. Mass

Religious Education - Sundays

9:15 am-10:15 am

Youth Night - Fridays 6:30 pm

Legion of Mary - Tuesdays6:00 pm

Young Adult Night - Ages 18-34, Wednesdays 7:15 pm

Mother of Perpetual Help -Wednesdays 6:00 pm

Lectio Divina - 2nd Wednesdays7:00 pm



Website: www.cocathedral.org

"Remember that NOTHING IS SMALL in the eyes of God.Do all that you do with love." —Saint Therese of Lisiuex

JER 23:5-8, MT 1:18-25

5:00 AM - Misa de Gallo

6:00 PM - OLPH Novena

6:15 PM - Eucharistic Adoration

and Confession

JGS 13:2-7, 24-25A, LK 1:5-25

5:00 AM - Misa de Gallo

5:30 PM - VHM Mass

IS 7:10-14, LK 1:26-38

5:00 AM - Misa de Gallo

8:00 AM - Daily Mass

6:30 PM - Youth Ministry

SG 2:8-14 or ZEP 3:14-18A, LK 1:39-45

5:00 AM - Misa de Gallo

8:00 AM - Daily Mass

1:00 PM - Wedding

5:00 PM - Vigil Mass

7:00 PM - VHM Mass

Fourth Sunday of AdventIS 7:10-14, ROM 1:1-7, MT 1:18-24

5:00 AM - Misa de Gallo

8:00 AM - Mass

10:30 AM - Mass

11:45 AM - Baptism

3:30 PM - VHM Mass

6:00 PM - Mass

