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3 Frame Analysis Nura Abdul-Razak 13Q Click on the pictures to watch the short films

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3 Frame AnalysisNura Abdul-Razak 13Q

Click on the pictures to watch the short films

Love Feud The sounds used is a song over of Aerosmith-I don’t want to miss a thing, suggests that they are falling in love.

The props used in this shot is their own clothing, which suggests what they do at their free time.

The mes-en-scene in this shot is of two teenagers kissing in the woods which emphasise they are together in love, as this relates to the title of the film, which makes it hooked in to their target audiences .

This shot represents that these two teenagers are falling in love, and that there is consequence when falling in love This is a mid-

shot of the two couple together kissing, as it don’t faze them about what their parents think, as this is what you do a young age

Unwind The sound used during this short film, is a heart monitor over her voice over

The props used is a mask for her to breath through, to suggest she id going through surgery.

The mes-en-scene in this shot is on the women's eyes as this suggests what fear she is in, also the camera shot too to emphasises it more, the lighting is of the hospital lighting which is bright to know what the doctors are doing.

This shot represents of the women having her operation, but however she is going to die after it ,this also represents what fear she is in.

The camera shot is a close up of her eyes, they do this because it emphasises her eyes, as you can tell she is terrified, which is very good towards the audience.

You are you (Teenage bullying)The camera shot high angle or over head shot which suggests what she's doing in the shot, as she's getting bullied by a group of girls ,she is cutting herself with a knife, laying on the floor/

This represents the young teenager is getting bullied, and cannot take it no more so she slices her arm.

The props used during this shot to make it effective is a knife to emphasise she is going through pain, this makes it effective as fake blood is used, also her facial expressions

The sound used is a fast dramatic beat to emphasise she is killing herself, because she gets bullied, which makes to dramatic

The mes-en-scene used in this shot, is normal lighting to represent that is she is cutting herself in her house, as this is her setting, with using props, as a knife to emphasise this.