3-year academic assessment plan cover sheet · 2018. 8. 4. · emba 712 seminar in financial...

EMBA Assessment Data Collections Created February 27, 2015 3-Year Academic Assessment Plan Cover Sheet Assessment plans are due February 16, 2015 Program Information: Program Assessed Executive MBA Department EMBA College Lee Business School Department Chair Nikkole McCartin, Program Director Assessment Coordinator Nikkole McCartin, Program Director Date Submitted 2/27/15 Contact Person for This Plan Name Nikkole McCartin Phone 5/2628 Email [email protected] Please address the following items: What are the student learning outcomes? Please provide a numbered list. Plans must include a curriculum map showing which courses will address which learning outcomes. Examples can be found here: http://provost.unlv.edu/Assessment/map.html Which learning outcomes will be assessed in each cycle year (i.e., assessment timeline)? How will the learning outcomes be assessed? (Programs must use at least one direct assessment of student learning.) Undergraduate programs should assess at least one University Undergraduate Learning Outcome (UULO) each year, which may or may not overlap with a program learning outcome. Graduate programs should assess at least one outcome related to one of the following graduate level requirements each year: o student engagement in research, scholarship, creative expression and/or appropriate high- level professional practice. o activities requiring originality, critical analysis and expertise. o the development of extensive knowledge in the field under study. What is your plan for sharing the assessment results and acting on them (i.e., closing the loop)? Please contact the Office of Academic Assessment if you have questions or need assistance. 2015 EMBA DATA COLLECTION PLAN FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES

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Page 1: 3-Year Academic Assessment Plan Cover Sheet · 2018. 8. 4. · EMBA 712 Seminar in Financial Management 1 2 2 3 EMBA 713 Principles of Marketing Strategy 3 3 3 2 EMBA 714 Management

EMBA Assessment Data Collections Created February 27, 2015

3-Year Academic Assessment Plan Cover Sheet Assessment plans are due February 16, 2015

Program Information:

Program Assessed Executive MBA



College Lee Business School

Department Chair

Nikkole McCartin, Program Director

Assessment Coordinator Nikkole McCartin, Program Director

Date Submitted 2/27/15

Contact Person for This Plan

Name Nikkole McCartin

Phone 5/2628

Email [email protected]

Please address the following items:

What are the student learning outcomes? Please provide a numbered list.

Plans must include a curriculum map showing which courses will address which learning outcomes. Examples can be found here: http://provost.unlv.edu/Assessment/map.html

Which learning outcomes will be assessed in each cycle year (i.e., assessment timeline)?

How will the learning outcomes be assessed? (Programs must use at least one direct assessment of student learning.)

Undergraduate programs should assess at least one University Undergraduate Learning Outcome (UULO) each year, which may or may not overlap with a program learning outcome.

Graduate programs should assess at least one outcome related to one of the following graduate level requirements each year:

o student engagement in research, scholarship, creative expression and/or appropriate high-level professional practice.

o activities requiring originality, critical analysis and expertise. o the development of extensive knowledge in the field under study.

What is your plan for sharing the assessment results and acting on them (i.e., closing the loop)? Please contact the Office of Academic Assessment if you have questions or need assistance.


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The Executive MBA (EMBA) Program aims to achieve five business oriented learning outcomes

for students who graduate from the program. More specifically, the program strives to produce

graduates who have the abilities to evaluate legal and ethical aspects of business decisions;

effectively communicate their ideas in a business setting; work effectively with others toward

team goals; and apply relevant business concepts and decision making frameworks to real

situations that occur in a domestic or global arena. These skills are taught and emphasized to

varying degrees in each course throughout the program – see curriculum map in Appendix I. For

assessment purposes, this document identifies which student products will be used to evaluate

student performance in the five learning outcomes.

I. EMBA Program Learning Outcomes

Outcome 1: Recognize and evaluate ethical, legal and regulatory dimensions of business


Outcome 2: Communicate effectively business ideas and analyses in writing

Outcome 3: Communicate effectively business ideas and analyses in oral presentations

Outcome 4: Apply business concepts to managerial decision-making in a domestic or global


Outcome 5: Work effectively in a team setting

Learning Outcome 1 Students will be able to recognize and evaluate ethical, legal, and regulatory dimensions of

business decisions.

Assessment Method for Outcome 1 To assess progress toward Learning Outcome #1, an essay question will be embedded in the

Ethics mid-term and final exam in the class EMBA 702, Laws, Regulations and Ethics.

Using the assessment tool found in Appendix IIa, a sample of student responses will be

evaluated to determine if students exhibit the following competencies:

1. Applied all three ethical approaches (utilitarianism, rights and duties, and fairness and

justice) to a business issue

2. Framed a legal issue

3. Identified and explained the relevant law(s)

4. Evaluated the risks of the particular issue

5. Prescribed proactive business strategies aimed at preventing future legal problems

On the assessment tool, evaluators will be asked to assign a numerical values of one, two or

three to each of the above referenced competencies where (1) equals “Fails to Meet

Expectations,” (2) equals “Meets Expectations,” and (3) equals “Exceeds Expectations.”

Mean scores and a distribution of responses will be computed for each of the five

competencies. The target level of performance for Outcome #1 is a mean rating of 2.00,

which corresponds with the “Meets Expectations” performance level.

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Learning Outcome 2 Students will be able to effectively communicate business ideas and analyses in writing.

Assessment Method for Outcome 2 The instrument used to assess progress toward Learning Outcome #2 will either be an

Entrepreneurial Audit or Business Plan completed by students in EMBA 714 - Management

of Entrepreneurial Organizations. The Entrepreneurial Audit requires that students submit a

business audit that analyzes the operations of an established company from an

entrepreneurial perspective and apply business concepts and issues discussed and learned

during the course and throughout the entire program. Using the assessment tool found in

Appendix IIb, a sample of student assignments will be evaluated to determine if students

exhibit the following competencies:

1. Content: Uses data to support analyses and argument

2. Organization: Structures paper, organizes ideas and makes arguments flow

3. Style: Writing style and use of language supports communication

4. Grammar & Mechanics: Uses the language properly

5. Citation & Documentation: Acknowledges prior work and sources appropriately

6. Professionalism: Tenor and tone are appropriate for business communication

7. Format: Appearance, page numbering, and headings aid the reader

8. Revision: Proofreading and revisions are evident

On the assessment tool, evaluators will be asked to assign a numerical values of one, two or

three to each of the above referenced competencies where (1) equals “Fails to Meet

Expectations,” (2) equals “Meets Expectations,” and (3) equals “Exceeds Expectations.”

Mean scores and a distribution of responses will be computed for each of the eight

competencies. The target level of performance for Outcome #2 is a mean rating of 2.00,

which corresponds with the “Meets Expectations” performance level.

Learning Outcome 3 Students will be able to effectively communicate business ideas and analyses in oral


Assessment Method for Outcome 3 Evaluation of the EMBA Program’s progress toward Learning Outcome #3 will consist of

evaluations completed by qualified outside observers, who consent to witness and review

final group presentations during the course EMBA 715 - Strategy Formulations. Evaluators

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will use the assessment tool found in Appendix IIc and will be instructed to rate performance

on each of the following competencies:

Presentation Content:

1. Cohesive/well organized 2. Comprehensive/addressed major issues 3. Depth of understanding demonstrated 4. Logic of conclusions/recommendations 5. Overall, presentation was convincing

Presentation Style:

1. Innovative 2. Effective use of time 3. Quality of Power Point and/or overall visual appeal 4. Flow 5. Quality of Q&A session

On the assessment tool, evaluators will be asked to assign a numerical values of one, two or

three to each of the above referenced competencies where (1) equals “Fails to Meet

Expectations,” (2) equals “Meets Expectations,” and (3) equals “Exceeds Expectations.”

Mean scores and a distribution of responses will be computed for each of the ten

competencies. The target level of performance for Outcome #3 is a mean rating of 2.00,

which corresponds with the “Meets Expectations” performance level.

Learning Outcome 4

Students will be able to apply business concepts to managerial decision-making in a domestic

or global setting.

Assessment Method for Outcome 4 To gauge progress toward Learning Outcome #4, the business audit collected in EMBA 714

– Entrepreneurial Organizations will be evaluated. The assignment requires that students

submit either a business plan or a business audit that analyzes the operations of an

established company from an entrepreneurial perspective and apply business concepts and

issues discussed and learned during the course and throughout the entire program. Evaluators

will use the assessment tool found in Appendix IId and will be instructed to rate performance

on each of the following competencies:

These final projects will be evaluated against the following criteria:

1. Opportunities: Identifies global or domestic business opportunities

2. Competition: Evaluates the global or domestic competitive situation

3. Environment: Assesses economic, social, cultural, political & legal issues

4. Finance: Examines financial and business risks

5. Marketing: Discusses marketing, pricing, and promotional strategies

6. HR: Examines human resources issues for global or domestic activities

7. Systems: Evaluates issues concerning business information systems

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On the assessment tool, evaluators will be asked to assign a numerical values of one, two or

three to each of the above referenced competencies where (1) equals “Fails to Meet

Expectations,” (2) equals “Meets Expectations,” and (3) equals “Exceeds Expectations.”

Mean scores and a distribution of responses will be computed for each of the seven

competencies. The target level of performance for Outcome #4 is a mean rating of 2.00,

which corresponds with the “Meets Expectations” performance level.

Learning Outcome 5 Students will be able to work effectively in a team setting.

Assessment Method for Outcome 5 To gauge progress toward Learning Outcome #5, a questionnaire found in Appendix III will

be used to gather EMBA student perceptions about aspects of team and individual behavior

they experienced while working on the final project for EMBA 715 – Strategy Formulations.

The questionnaire will be sent to all students after completing the final project.

To facilitate assessment and interpretation of results, numerical values of 1 – 5 will be

assigned to ratings that students ascribe to the responses given in the survey. (1) represents

strongly disagree; (5) represents strongly agree. The target level of performance for

Outcome #5 is a mean rating of 3.00, which corresponds to the “Average” performance level.

II. Panel of Independent Assessors

The EMBA Assessment will utilize multiple independent assessors to evaluate learning

Outcomes #1, #2 and #5. Copies of each assignment, with the corresponding assessment

tools, will be provided to qualified parties for review with an appropriate deadline to return

the completed documents.

The EMBA Director will assemble panels of three to four professionals and business

executives to evaluate student work. These executives will have an MBA or other master’s

level degree, and will have ideally graduated from the UNLV Executive MBA program, and

as such, will be well qualified to evaluate the students’ work.

III. Collection and Analysis

Data for each of the learning objectives will be collected in the summer and fall of each odd

year beginning in 2015. Analysis of the data will be completed by January 31st of the

following year the data was collected. In the subsequent spring semester of the even year,

the analysis will be shared with the EMBA Curriculum Advisory Committee in order to

“close the loop” and make appropriate changes that will be in effect by the following odd

year’s data collection.

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Appendix I

Curriculum Map

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The Executive MBA Program has five Student learning Outcomes (SLO):

Outcome 1: Recognize and evaluate ethical, legal and regulatory dimensions of business


Outcome 2: Communicate effectively business ideas and analyses in writing

Outcome 3: Communicate effectively business ideas and analyses in oral presentations

Outcome 4: Work effectively in a team setting

Outcome 5: Apply business concepts to managerial decision-making in a domestic or global


For the specific course you teach, please indicate whether you put a minor emphasis (1),

moderate emphasis (2) or significant emphasis (3) for each of the learning outcomes on the

following chart. If your course does not cover one of the SLOs, leave it blank.

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2015 Executive MBA Curriculum Map



1 = Minor Emphasis 2 = Moderate Emphasis 3 = Significant Emphasis

EMBA 701 Teamwork and Management Effectiveness 1 3 2 3 3

EMBA 702 Laws, Regulation & Ethics 3 2 2 2 3

EMBA 703

Microeconomic Analysis for Business Decision Making 1 3

EMBA 704

Technology Innovation: Theory and Practice 2 2 3

EMBA 705 Applied Statistics 2 3 1 3

EMBA 707 Financial Accounting for Managers

2 2 2 3

EMBA 708

Global & Macroeconomic Environments 3 3 3 3

EMBA 709 Organizational Behavior 1 1 3

EMBA 710 Business Finance 2 1 1 1 3

EMBA 711 Managerial Accounting 1 3

EMBA 712 Seminar in Financial Management 1 2 2 3

EMBA 713 Principles of Marketing Strategy

3 3 3 2

EMBA 714

Management of Entrepreneurial Organizations

1 2 2 3 3

EMBA 715 Strategic Formulation 2 3 3 3 3

EMBA 716 International Business 2 2 2 1 3

EMBA 717 Negotiation & Conflict Resolution

1 2 2 2 3

EMBA 719

Executive Assessment & Development 1 2 3 2 2

EMBA 720 International Seminar 2 2 3

EMBA 722 Service Operations 1 2 2 2 3

EMBA 723 Applied Strategic Marketing 1 2 2 2 3

Updated February 26, 2015

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Appendix II a-d

Assessment Tools

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EMBA Assessment Data Collections Created February 27, 2015

EMBA Assessment Tool – Appendix IIa

Evaluator: Date:

Course 702 – Law Regulations & Ethical Issues Semester:


Learning Outcome 1: Recognize and evaluate ethical, legal and regulatory dimensions of business decisions


Fails to Meet


Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Student is able to apply all three ethical approaches - utilitarianism,

rights and duties, and fairness and justice – to a business issue

(Use Essay #1 to evaluate this competency)

Essay #2 - Student framed the legal issue

(Use Essay #2 to evaluate this competency)

Essay #2 – Student identified and explained the relevant law(s)

(Use Essay #2 to evaluate this competency)

Essay #2 – Student evaluated the risks associated with the issue

(Use Essay #2 to evaluate this competency)

Essay #2 – Student prescribed proactive business strategies aimed at

preventing future legal problems

(Use Essay #2 to evaluate this competency)

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EMBA Assessment Tool – Appendix IIb

Evaluator: Date:

Course 714 – Management of Entrepreneurial Organizations Semester:


Learning Outcome 2: Communicate effectively business ideas and analyses in writing


Fails to Meet






Content: Uses data to support analyses and argument

Organization: Structures paper, organizes ideas, and makes arguments flow

Style: Writing style and use of language supports communication

Grammar & Mechanics: Uses the language properly

Citation & Documentation: Acknowledges prior work and sources appropriately

Professionalism: Tenor and tone are appropriate for business communication

Format: Appearance, page numbering, and headings aid the reader

Revision: Proofreading and revisions are evident

EMBA Assessment Tool – Appendix IIc

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Evaluator: Date:

Course 715 – Strategy Formulations Semester:


Learning Outcome 3: Communicates effectively business ideas and analysis in oral presentations


Fails to Meet






Presentation Content:

Cohesive/well organized

Comprehensive/addressed major Issues

Depth of understanding demonstrated

Logic of conclusions/recommendations

Overall, presentation was convincing

Learning Outcome 3 CONTINUED: Communication effectively business ideas and analysis in oral presentations

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Fails to Meet






Presentation Style:


Effective use of time

Quality of Power Point and/or overall visual appeal


Quality of Q&A session

EMBA Assessment Tool – Appendix IId

Evaluator: Date:

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Course 714 – Entrepreneurial Organizations Semester:


Learning Outcome 5: Apply business concepts to managerial decision making in a domestic or global setting


Fails to Meet






Opportunities: Identifies global or domestic business opportunities

Competition: Evaluates the global or domestic competitive situation

Environment: Assesses economic, social, cultural, political & legal issues

Finance: Examines financial and business risks

Marketing: Discusses marketing, pricing and promotional strategies

HR: Examines human resources issues for global or domestic activities

Systems: Evaluates issues concerning business information systems

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Office of Academic Assessment

10/2014 15

Appendix III

Team Work Survey

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Office of Academic Assessment

10/2014 16

Executive MBA Teamwork Survey

Please rate the following 12 statements on a scale of 1-5 (1 represents strongly disagree; 5

represents strongly agree).

(A) Statements A1 - A4 concern your team’s behavior on the final project assigned for this course.

During its work on the project assigned for this course, my team…

A1 set clear, high, and challenging performance expectations of

each other

1 2 3 4 5

A2 creatively structured the roles and responsibilities of each

team member

1 2 3 4 5

A3 practiced participative leadership 1 2 3 4 5

A4 regularly communicated a wide variety of topics related to the

team’s work

1 2 3 4 5

(B) Statements B1 - B5 concern your team’s ability to work in harmony toward a common goal.

If all members of my team were combined to form one person, then during the course of

my team’s work on the project assigned for this course, I would say that the team…

B1 acted in a highly professional (reliable, honest, respectful,

work-focused, etc.) manner towards each other

1 2 3 4 5

B2 anticipated potential team conflicts and agreed beforehand to

methods of mutual resolution of conflicts

1 2 3 4 5

B3 made impressive contributions to team efforts 1 2 3 4 5

B4 sought diverse and dissenting viewpoints 1 2 3 4 5

B5 sought opportunities to make everyone’s job easier 1 2 3 4 5

(C) Statements C1 – C3 concern each of your teammates’ ability to fulfill their individual responsibility for the project.

When thinking about everyone’s contribution to the project our team completed for this

course, I would say students in the team…

C1 produced beyond what the team expected 1 2 3 4 5

C2 maximized their personal effort 1 2 3 4 5

C3 Worked inter-dependently with and assisted others in their

duties when possible

1 2 3 4 5

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Office of Academic Assessment

10/2014 17