3.14.12 classwork wednesday

Max Roxana Joey Mitzy Joshua Johnny David Alan G Ryan Brianna Ramon Cameron Cincere Andres Adolfo Nyashia Emma Jose Brian Matthew Christopher Carlos Alan R Natalie Ricardo Massire Christian Elizabeth Angel Gia Linder Sualee Wednesday March 14, 2012 Write a paragraph that starts "It was a very windy day..."

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  • 1. Write a paragraph that starts "It was avery windy day..." CarlosJoey WednesdayAdolfoMarch 14, 2012Ramon Ryan Linder CameronAndresJose David AngelGiaNatalie CincereEmma Alan G Joshua Brianna Elizabeth JohnnySualee Alan RChristopher ChristianBrian Ricardo Matthew MaxRoxanaMitzyMassireNyashia

2. Morning WritingAfter waiting allwinter, what is yourfavorite thing to doonce spring arrives?Explain. Write neatly, skipping a line, and use loose leaf (lined) paper. Hand in once you are finished. The work will be graded. 3. Daily WarmUp #4Louisa May Alcott 2.13.12MorningReadingJuneBugsTake a handout from the binin the front of the classroom.Use your SMART Clickers toanswer the questions.Return the handout (withyour name written on it) andthe clicker once you arefinished. 4. Reading Democracy (p. 449)Compelled means "forced or driven toaction."Presidential means "relating to a president."Disrespectful means "rude or failure to showrespect." 5. Reading Democracy (p. 449)To do something unenthusiastically means"to do it without a strong interest oreagerness."Succeed means "to follow after and take theplace of."Preoccupied means "absorbed in thought orextremely concerned with." 6. Reading Party Animals (p. 450)GeneralizationWhen you makegeneralizations, you makebroad statements basedon information from thetext and your ownknowledge. 7. Reading Party Animals (p. 450)Prefixes and SuffixesPrefixes are word parts added to thebeginning of a root or base word.Suffixes are word parts added to the end ofa root or base word.disrespectful prefixbase wordsuffixdis means not ful means full ofrespect 8. Reading Party Animals (p. 450)Prefixes and SuffixesPrefixes are word parts added to thebeginning of a root or base word.suffix ly makes it an adverbSuffixes are word parts added to the end ofa root or base word. unenthusiasticallyprefix base wordun means not enthusiastic 9. Reading Party Animals (p. 450)Reading Homework Practice book,page 127 10. Math Mixed Numbers (p. 226)Rename a mixednumber to an improperfraction:Step 1Multiply the whole number bythe denominator.Step 2Add the numerator. 11. Math Mixed Numbers (p. 226)Rename an improperfraction to a mixednumber:Step 1Divide the numerator by thedenominator.Step 2Place the REMAINDER in thenumerator. 12. Math Mixed Numbers (p. 226)Try ItWrite each improper fraction as a mixednumber, in simplest form.Exercise 1 6 on page 227 13. Math Mixed Numbers (p. 226) Math Homework Practice book,page 51Exercise 1 12 ONLY! 14. Language Arts Quiz 15. Religion Quiz 16. Spelling Getting Out the Vote1. contest11. minute2. content12. compact3. protest13. conduct4. combat 14. contract5. permits15. refuse6. rebel16. conflict7. present17. research8. insert 18. excuse9. desert 19. entrance10. subject 20. extract 17. Spelling Getting Out the Vote 18. Spelling Word SortsHomographsHomographs are words that are spelled thesame way but have different meanings. Sometimes words that are homographs will be accented, or stressed, on different syllables. The part of speech and the meaning of the word depends onsecond syllable which syllable is accented. Your friends will not desert you. desert first syllable desert The desert is dry. 19. Spelling Word Sorts Spelling Homework ABC order, five timeseach 20. Homework Summary Wednesday, March 14, 2012Reading1. Practice book, page 127Math1. Practice book, page 51, exercise 112 ONLY!Spelling1. ABC order, five times each 21. 9 22. Attachments imgres 948869