3.28.12 classwork wednesday

Max Roxana Joey Mitzy Joshua Johnny David Alan G Ryan Brianna Ramon Cameron Cincere Andres Adolfo Nyashia Emma Jose Brian Matthew Christopher Carlos Alan R Natalie Ricardo Massire Christian Elizabeth Angel Gia Linder Sualee Wednesday March 28, 2012 Explain what "The early bird catches the worm" means to you.

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  • 1.Explain what "The early bird catches the worm" means toyou.CarlosWednesday March 28, 2012 Ryan Linder RamonChristopherAndres CincereJose Cameron AdolfoAngel DavidAlan RAlan GBrianEmma Brianna MaxGia MatthewNatalieJoshuaJoey Elizabeth Ricardo RoxanaMitzy Nyashia SualeeJohnnyMassire Christian

2. Morning Writing 2.13.12MorningReadingJuneBugs On March 28, 1881, the Barnum and Bailey Circus was formed to create the "Greatest Show on Earth." How do you feel about people using wild animals for entertainment? Explain. Write neatly, skipping a line, and use looseleaf (lined) paper. Hand in once you are finished. The work will be graded. 3. Reading Hurricanes (p. 465)GenreInformationalNonfiction Presentsfacts about realpeople, things,places, or events.Read to Find OutHow does a tropical storm become a category 5hurricane? 4. Reading Hurricanes (p. 465)equator: an imaginary line around Earthhalfway between the North Pole and theSouth Polecoastal: characterized by being near oralong the coastinland: away from the coast or bordertropical: relating to or found in a warmregion near the equator 5. Reading Hurricanes (p. 465) Signal Words Descriptive Facts strong winds, heavyrains, storm surges, Hurricanes bringflooding, sometimestornadoes Atmosphere gathersheat through contact Firstwith ocean waters above 80 F.Evaporating moisture from warm waters Nextenters atmosphere,begins to power infant hurricanes. 6. Reading Hurricanes (p. 465) Reading Homework1. Use the Vocabulary Words (including todays words) in a sentence.2. Use your notebook. 7. Math Add and Subtract Fractions and Mixed Numbers with Like Denominators (p. 252) like denominators denominators that are the sameHow to Add (or Subtract) Fractions withLike Denominators: Step 1 Add (or subtract) the numerators. Use the like denominators. Step 2 Simplify. 8. Math Add and Subtract Fractions and Mixed Numbers with Like Denominators (p. 252)How to Add (or Subtract) MixedNumbers with Like Denominators:Step 1Add (or subtract) thenumerators. Use the likedenominators.Step 2Add (or subtract) the wholenumbers. 9. Math Add and Subtract Fractions and Mixed Numbers with Like Denominators (p. 252) Practice Add or subtract. Write your answer in simplest form. Exercise 5 26 on page 254 Spiral Review Exercise 53 56 on page 255 10. Math Add and Subtract Fractions and Mixed Numbers with Like Denominators (p. 252) Math Homework Practice Book,page 53subtraction problems 11. Spelling Extreme Weather 12. Spelling Extreme Weather1. rancher 11. pasture2. searcher12. creature3. pressure13. lecture4. future14. gesture5. butcher 15. nature6. measure 16. fracture7. pleasure17. moisture8. mixture 18. stretcher9. treasure19. legislature10. feature20. azure 13. Spelling Word Meanings stretcherlegislature gesture butcherpasture lecture fracture searchercreature ranchernaturepressure featuremoisturetreasure mixturemeasure azure pleasure future 14. Spelling Word Meanings Spelling HomeworkWord Map handout 15. Language Arts Mechanics and Usage Contractions: Pronoun and Verb (p. 356)RulesA contraction is a shortenedform of two words.Subject pronouns can be combinedwith some verbs to form contractions.Use an apostrophe () to show that aletter or letters have been left out ofa contraction. They are = theyre it is = its 16. Language Arts Mechanics and Usage Contractions: Pronoun and Verb (p. 356)1. All members share the books they are reading.theyre2. It is always fun to discuss mysteries.its3. Jarod said he is reading a new adventure novel. hes4. She is almost finished reading her book. shes5. You are welcome to come and talk about books. youre hes its shes Imtheyre wereyoure youre 17. Language Arts Mechanics and Usage Contractions: Pronoun and Verb (p. 356)Class WorkExercise 6 20 on page 357Writing Activity A Book ReviewCompare two books you have read.Organize your report so that the similaritiesand differences between the two books areclear.APPLY GRAMMAR: Underline pronounverbcontractions. Circle possessive pronouns. 18. Language Arts Mechanics and Usage Contractions: Pronoun and Verb (p. 356) 6. It is easy to come up with ideas for the book group.its 7. All the students said they are willing to help write a book log. theyre 8. I am making a system to rate the books. Im 9. You are invited to use the log.youre 10. We are excited about discovering books in thiswere way. hes its shes Imtheyre were youre 19. Language Arts Mechanics and Usage Contractions: Pronoun and Verb (p. 356)its 11. __________ fun to be part of the book group. 12. The members love __________ ideas. 13. Jason said that ___________ report was excellent. 14. _____________ going to enjoy this book. 15. I especially liked ____________ illustrations. hes its shes Imtheyre were youre 20. Language Arts Mechanics and Usage Contractions: Pronoun and Verb (p. 356)C. Write each sentence by choosing the correct a pluraland a possessive, or two conjunctions.16. Wendell and Tara shared (their, theyre) opinions abouta book.17. We all like to read about space travel (and, but)astronomy.18. The (members, members) reading included fiction.19. The (childrens, children) favorite author is IsaacAsimov.20. Reading takes time, but (its, its) worth it! 21. Language Arts Mixed Review (p. 358)Review the RulesSubject pronouns and verbs must agree.Add s to most verbs when you use pronouns he, she, and it. Donot add s to a verb when you use the pronouns I, we, you, andthey.Combine two sentences that have pronouns to formcompound subjects and objects.A possessive pronoun shows who or what owns something.An apostrophe takes the place of the letter or letters that havebeen left out of contraction.Possessive pronouns never have an apostrophe. 22. Language Arts Mixed Review (p. 358)A. Write each sentence. Use the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Draw two lines under any compound subject pronoun.1. She and I (study, studies) the structure of bridges.2. The teacher (want, wants) us to build a span acrosstwo objects.3. We (work, works) in small groups.4. We (uses, use) many different materials to make abridge.5. Brian (use, uses) sticks as he builds. 23. Language Arts Mixed Review (p. 358)A. Write each sentence. Use the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Draw two lines under any compound subject pronoun.6. Julie (give, gives) him advice.7. He and she (want, wants) to build a bridge together.8. You and I (get, gets) ideas from library books.9. I (find, finds) pictures of old bridges.10. That group always (review, reviews) the material. 24. Language Arts Mixed Review (p. 358)B. Write each sentence. Choose the correct possessive pronoun or contraction from the pair in parenthesis..11. That group has many ideas for (theyre, their) design.12. Jamal and Madison want to use (your, youre) idea.13. (Its, Its) difficult to build a long span.14. I saw (your, youre) ideas in the notebook.15. Some group members use glue to fasten (theyre, theirbridge. 25. Language Arts Mixed Review (p. 358)Language ArtsHomework1. Exercise 21 22 (page 359)2. Writing Activity (page 359)3. Write questions in yournotebook. 26. Homework Summary Wednesday, March 28, 2012Reading1. Use Vocabulary Words in a sentence.Math1. Practice book, page 53 (subtraction only!)Spelling1. Word Map handout.Language Arts1. Exercise 2125 (page 359)2. Writing Activity A Photo Essay (page 359)3. Use your notebook 27. 7* 28. Attachments imgres 948869