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We chose this country because:

Kelsey – I have a close friend that lives in Germany and I have learned so much from her. I also took German for 5 years in school.

Hailey- My family is of German descent and I also have had family members that have traveled to this country.


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• The area of Germany was first named by Julius Caesar. This happened around 56 B.C. From this time forward Germany continue to fall under many different rulers.

• The Franks in 9 A.D., Charlemagne in 843 A.D., and in 919 A.D. Henry the Fowler.

• By the Middle Ages Germany became even more war ridden with the “Thirty Year’s War” which ended helped to end the reign of the Holy Roman Empire.

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History Cont.

• After the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815) Germany was once again reorganized. From this a German Empire was created in 1871 under the leadership of Prussia’s chancellor.

• Germany once again come ran into trouble when they began the expansion of their country and the French and British reaction to this.

• When WWI began Germany sided with Austria, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire. While fighting this war the German Revolution happened within their own country.

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History Cont.

• By the time Hitler came to power Germany was embittered by the reparations they had to pay in WWI.

• Germany began to take over land and imprison people they felt were inferior and threats to the German People.

• After the end of WWII Germany was spilt into two states (East and West).

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• Germany has the largest European national economy and is ranked as 4th by their GDP.

• As of Sept. 2008 only 7.7% of Germans were unemployed and 11% lived under the line of poverty.

• Main Industries: Iron, steel, coal, vehicles, textiles, and chemicals.

• Some of the most recognizable brands from Germany are: Audi, Adidas, BMW, and Nivea.

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•Guten Tag•Guten Abend•Danke•Bitte•Auf Wiedersehen

to•Good Day (Hello)•Good Evening•Thanks•Welcome•Good Bye

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Oktoberfest is a 16-day festival held each year in Munich, Germany, running from late September to early October. It is one of the most famous events in Germany and the world's largest fair, with some six million people attending every year, and is an important part of Bavarian culture.

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•The original "Oktoberfest" occurred in Munich, on October 18, 1810: For the commemoration of Prince Ludwig’s marriage

•Bierleichen- (German for "beer corpses").

Oktoberfest Activities:• beer garden• rides•Musical preformances•Games•Dances•Cultural and historical setups

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O Tannenbaum, O TannenbaumWie treu sind deine BlätterO Tannenbaum, O TannenbaumWie treu sind deine BlätterDu grünst nicht nur zur SommerzeitNein auch im Winter wenn es schneitO Tannenbaum, O TannenbaumWie treu sind deine Blätter

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German Clarinet- has slightly different fingering system. Has a more robust and throaty sound.

German Trombone- has a narrow bore size and larger bell. Has a mellow sounds.

Vienna Horn- smaller then normal horns. Has a more mellow sound.

Vienna Oboe-

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German Music goes back to the 12th century to a Hildegard of Bingen. He work hymns and other Christen music.

Chorale- Very vibrate and energetic◦ Composers- Martin Luther

German Opera-◦ Composers- Carl Maria von Weber and Richard Wagner

Oom-pa-◦ Played by brass bands

Bavaria-◦ Folk Music
