3d poker chip

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Tutorial for creating a 3D poker chip using Photoshop


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Draw a Classy 3D Poker Chip in PhotoshopPosted by Federico Sportelli in Photoshop Tutorials on March 18th, 2009

In this tutorial we are going to illustrate a 3D Poker Chip in Adobe Photoshop starting from scratch. New Photoshop usersshould consider running through our Pen Tool guide first!

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Note: If you’re new to Photoshop consider trying out School of Photoshop or some of our other Photoshop Tutorials

Step 1: Draw a circleCreate a new 600x500px document. Using the Ellipse Shape tool (U) draw a circle. Set the shape color to a brightorange (mine is #ff660a).

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Guides are a useful tool provided by Photoshop. To create a guide go to View > New Guide …

Step 2: Draw a second circleWith the same process draw a concentric circle in a new layer and set its color to white.

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Step 3: Create the dashed ringCreate a new layer. Grab the Rectangle Path tool and create e rectangle path. Select it using the Path Selectiontool, copy (Ctrl + C) and paste(Ctrl + V), now drag the rectangle center to the circle one and rotate the path of 30° (Ctrl + T), repeat this until youobtain a twelve-pointed star, then fillthe path (Right Mouse > Fill Path …) (set the fill color to white).

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Now we have to create the outer ring. The method is the same explained previously, using the Rounded RectangleShape tool (set the radius to 8px) draw the desiredshape

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Copy and past it, then rotate the path of 60° and repeat this until you obtain the desired result.

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Step 5: Place the typeTo beautify your poker chip put a simple text inside the white circle, I chose to add the word “POKER” but if you live in Las

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Vegas and own a casino you cancustomize it :-). So choose a font type and using the Text tool add your preferred text. Then using the Free Transformtool rotate it of 60°. I also added two3px straight line to obtain a better result.

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Finally we completed the top of the chip! Now using the Path Selection tool select the great circle path and makeselection (Right Click > Make Selection …),then copy the entire image (Edit > Copy Merged), open a new 600x500px document and paste it.

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Set the Vertical Scale to 62% (Ctrl + T) and apply the following layer styles:

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Step 8: Add the third dimensionIn a new layer using the Ellipse Path tool draw an ellipse. This will be the side of our chip, grab the Pen tool and givethe path the correct shape.Now select the path with the Path Selection tool and create a vector mask (Right Click > Create Vector Mask), in thisway only what you draw inside the path isvisible. Use the Paint Buket tool to set the correct foreground color, then grab the Rectangle tool and draw the threewhite shapes as shown below.

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Step 9: Create the displacementCreate a new layer and using the Ellipse Path tool draw two ellipses over the dashed ring and set their fill opacity to0%.

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Create a new layer, grab the Brush tool, select a rough one, set the opacity to 20% and start painting over the image

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when you have obtained a good result set the layer blending mode to Linear Burn and the layer opacity to 12%.

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Step 11: Add the border lightThis is the final touch. In a new layer draw an ellipse path, then warp it (Edit > Transform Path > Warp) using the arcmode and set bend to -43.

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Finally apply these layer styles:

ConclusionThis is the end of our tutorial. Feel free to change the color of the chip as shown below.