3rd quarter 2015 lesson 8 powerpoint presentation

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  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation


     C R O S

     S - C U L T U R

    A L 

     M I S S I O N S

    Lesson 8 for August 22, 2

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation


    The Romanentur!on"s ser#ant$Matthe% 8&5-1'()

    The *aughter of theCanaan!te %oman

    $Matthe% 15&21-28()

    The Samar!tan+eer

    $Lue 1.&11-1/()

     esus +anne* to esta+!sh a strong m!ss!on ase among the e%sefore reah!ng other u+tures) Ne#erthe+ess, e *!*n"t m!ss an3hane to he+ non-e%s) e e#en tra!ne* fore!gners so the3 ou+*e m!ss!onar!es among the!r eo+e)



    The Samar!tan%oman $ohn :&:-

    The e*e#!+e*9a*arene $Mar

    The 9rees %hosought esus

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation


    T CNTURION"S SR;ANT$Matthe% 8&5-1'< Lue .&1-10(

    “And I tell you this, that many Gentiles will come from all over the world—fromeast and west—and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the feast in the

    Kingdom of Heaven. !"atthew #$%%&

    1) e %as !n*-hearte*) e *!*n"tre=uest an3th!ng for h!mse+f utfor h!s ser#ant $Matthe% 8&5-><Lue .&2-'(

    2) e ha* a goo* re+at!onsh! %!ththe e%!sh +ea*ers) e e#en u!+t as3nagogue $Lue .&'-5(

    ') e ne% that e%!sh tra*!t!on

    *!*n"t a++o% e%s to enter a9ent!+e"s house $Matthe% 8&8()

    :) e ha* a strong fa!th !n esus$Matthe% 8&10()

    hat *o %e no% aout that Roman entur!on?

    hat *!* esus taught aout theentur!on"s fa!th? esus o!nte* out that the entur!on %as a

    rotot3e of the great *a3 %hen eo+e

    from a++ o#er the %or+* %ou+* @o!n the

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation



    $Matthe% 15&21-28< Mar .&2:-2/(

    “Jesus told her, '(irst I

    should feed the children—myown family, the Jews. Itisn)t right to ta*e food fromthe children and throw it to

    the dogs.) !"ar* +$+&

    “She begs for the crumbs that fall from the

    Master’s table. If she may have theprivilege of a dog, she is willing to beregarded as a dog. She has no national orreligious prejudice or pride to inuence hercourse, and she immediately acnowledges !esus as the "edeemer, and as being able to

    do all that she ass of #im.

     $he Saviour is satis%ed. #e has tested herfaith in #im. &y #is dealings with her, #ehas shown that she who has been regardedas an outcast from Israel is no longer an

    alien, but a child in God’s household.')9)) $The 7es!re of Ages, ) :', g) :01(

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation


    T SAMARITAN LR $Lue 1.&11-1/(“Jesus as*ed, '-idn)t I heal tenmen /here are the other nine

    Has no one returned to give glory toGod e0ce1t this foreigner)

    !2u*e %+$%+3%#&

    A*#ers!t!es ma3 rea *o%n!nteru+tura+ arr!ers) Those +eers%ere un!te* !n the!r !++ness< the!rra!a+ *!Berenes *!*n"t matteran3more)

    The3 ut the!r fa!th !n esus rst< e%as the Master that ou+* hea+them)

    The e%s thought the Dfore!gnerE%as +ess %orth3 to e hea+e*, uthe %as the on+3 one %ho sho%e*are!at!on to esus)

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation


    T SAMARITAN OMAN$ohn :&:-:2(

    “4hen they said to the woman, '5ow we believe, not 6ustbecause of what you told us, but because we have heard himourselves. 5ow we *now that he is indeed the 7avior of theworld.) !John 8$8&

     esus stee* outs!*e the

    oun*s of tra*!t!on) 4oththe Samar!tan %oman an*the *!s!+es %eresurr!se*)

    1) The Samar!tan %oman %assurr!se* at esus as!ngher for %ater

    $ohn :&/()2) The *!s!+es %ere

    surr!se* at esus ta+!ngto a %oman a+one $ohn:&2.()

     esus un*erstoo* the *!Berene et%een human tra*!t!onan* *!#!ne omman*ments) e *!*n"t are aout rea!ngu+tura+ tra*!t!ons to reah that fore!gn %oman)

    That %oman eame the rst nat!#e m!ss!onar3 among her

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation


    T 47;IL79A7ARN

    $Mar 5&1-20< Matthe% 8&28-':< Lue 8&2>-'/(“9ut Jesus said, '5o, go home to yourfamily, and tell them everything the2ord has done for you and how mercifulhe has been.) !"ar* :$%;&

    The reg!on of the 9a*arenes %as

    an area at the eastern s!*e of theSea of 9a+!+ee) It %as art of theRoman ro#!ne of u*aea, utthe nat!#es fo++o%e* 9reeustoms $the e#en ra!se* !gs()

    The eonom! +oss from esus"m!ra+e +ose* the *oors of the9a*arenes to the 9ose+ !n thatreg!on)

    Ne#erthe+ess, esus ma*e the e*e#!+e*man a m!ss!onar3 so he ou+* reah %here

     esus an* !s *!s!+es ou+*n"t)

    eo+e are usua++3 more reet!#e to those

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation


    T 9R6S$ohn 12&20-'2(

    “And when I am lifted u1 from theearth, I will draw everyone to myself.

    !John %$

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation


    “$hese men came from the (est to %ndthe Saviour at the close of #is life, as the

    wise men had come from the )ast at thebeginning. *t the time of +hrist’s birth the

     !ewish people were so engrossed with theirown ambitious plans that they new not of

    #is advent. $he magi from a heathen landcame to the manger with their gifts, toworship the Saviour. So these rees,representing the nations, tribes, and

    peoples of the world, came to see !esus. Sothe people of all lands and all ages wouldbe drawn by the Saviour’s cross.'

    )9)) $The 7es!re of Ages, ) >8, g) >21(