4 june 10, 2017 districts make yourselves symbol of purity ... · 6/10/2017  · 4 zsaturday zjune...

Saturday June 10, 2017 4 DISTRICTS STATE TIMES NEWS KATHUA: Pankaj Basotra Advocate, General Secretary J&K Pradesh Youth Congress on Friday accused the present government in the state and the central government for their utter failure in tackling the situa- tion in Kashmir. In a statement issued here Pankaj said that the situa- tion in Kashmir is worsening day by day and the junior to high powered leaders of the ruling party at the centre are taking divergent stands. He said that the brave Jawans of our Army are being martyred daily but the leaders of the ruling political parties are politicizing the role of the security forces and the army by speaking on the electronic media to get the credit. He accused the then Parja Parishad (now Bharatiya Janata Party for the present problem in the State who had boycotted the election of the State assembly during 1951. He said that if the then Praja Parishad contested the election during 1951 then National Conference could not get the 72 seats out of 75 unopposed. During 1951 the Praja Parishad provided big opportunity to the then fun- damental pro Pakistan and communal forces by boy- cotting the election even after so many appeals made by the then Sadre-e Riasat Dr. Karan Singh and Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. Pankaj further alleged that the same party has repeated the same mistake by making false, frivolous and commu- nal propaganda against the former Chief Minister of the State Ghulam Nabi Azad in 2008 who was working for all the three regions of the state and now third mistake the alliance with the PDP who has contested the elec- tion against the BJP and to stop the BJP from the power corridor as the whole coun- try knows that the people of Kashmir does not want BJP in power in the State. He further said that some leaders and Ministers of Union Government are claiming that the solution of the Kashmir problem is in the hands of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi but they are unaware about the basic problem of the people of the Kashmir and have no knowledge of past history of the Kashmir. He said that such leaders have been guided by some so called BJP workers in the valley for their petty inter- est but they don't know the real picture and result of the same is the present tur- moil. He urged the people of the state particularly the youth of the Kashmir Valley not to become the scape-goats of the communal, fundamental and pro Pakistan forces and main stream for their future and good education. ‘Govt failed in tackling Kashmir situation’ STATE TIMES NEWS RAJOURI: Senior BJP leader and MLC Vibodh Gupta lauded NIA for deciphering true face of Hurriyat fol- lowing array of raids curbing cores of Pakistan funded money. He asked Kashmiri youths that they must know about the real face of Hurriyat and are liberating them- selves from the clutches of sepa- ratists. Refering towards situation in Valley, Gupta said that peace is very important for development as noth- ing can be carried forward in tense zone. Making an appeal to Kashmiri youth to shun the path of violence and take part in development of State, Vibodh said that maximum people in Kashmir don't want vio- lence and they believe in develop- ment. Vibodh was speaking at function organised after cleanliness drive held by BJP Urban Mandal Rajouri. A large number of people including officials of Municipal Corporation, local residents and many political activists were also present on the occasion. MLC urged the people to create healthy competitions on cleanliness and take the movement forward. He urged people to make Rajouri an Open-Defecation Free (ODF) town. "Every citizen should contribute in maintaining cleanliness and also edu- cate the people about it," he said. Prominent persons present on the occasion were senior BJP leader Kamal Bakshi, Atam Gupta, Kamal Gupta, Ranjeet Tara, Koushal Gupta, Ashwani Kocchar, Raddish Sharma, Vicky Dutta, Raja Rattan Singh, Shivam Bakshi and Babloo Sharma. STATE TIMES NEWS JAMMU: BJP National General Secretary (Org.) Ram Lal on Friday said that due to the unique working system of party, today BJP is boasting of being the largest political outfit of world in terms of primary membership. Ram Lal held series of meetings on the occasion of Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayay Birth Centenary year pro- grammes and celebrations of three years of good gover- nance by Narendra Modi led Central Government in Samba District. He was accompanied by Member Parliament Jugal Kishore Sharma, Minister for Industries and Commerce, Chander Parkash Ganga, Seh- Parbhari Samba Rakesh Mahajan, District Secretary (Org.) Samba Naresh Sharma and District President Samba Jungvir Singh. During his interaction with the Vistaraks, Ram Lal said that the role of Vistaraks attains more sig- nificance in the present sce- nario so that the ideology and the policies of the party are kept in high and positive spirits and asked them to work to extend their reach to the public. During his meet with the booth level and other promi- nent workers of Block Ramgarh at Village Raika Lawana in Vijaypur, he asked them to work for expanding the base of the party to every household and take the policies and the schemes of the Central Government to the needy population. He asked them to make themselves a symbol of puri- ty and service, during his interactions. Jugal said that with the aim of Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas, BJP is committed to the development of all. Chander Parkash Ganga said that the State of Jammu and Kashmir is on path of development under the PM Modi led NDA Government. Modi has given liberal funding for the development of trade and industry in this border Statem he said. Make yourselves symbol of purity, service: BJPleader BJP National General Secretary (Org.) Ram Lal interacting with party workers. MLC Vobodh Gupta taking part in cleanliness drive. NIA raids exposed real face of Hurriyat leaders: Vibodh STATE TIMES NEWS BHADARWAH: To express their gratitude to the govern- ment for appointment of direc- tor, who is from technical back- ground, Department of Agriculture under the banner of Agriculture Employee Coordination Committee (AECC) Doda, here on Friday. The meeting in which tech- nocrats of Agriculture Department and other allied wings participated was held in the premises of Chief Agriculture Office Doda. During meeting, employees congratulated H.K Razdan for his appointment as Director Agriculture Jammu. Alyas Akhter Gattu, Mohd Ashraf Beg, Yogi Raj Rakhwal, M P Singh, Hans Raj, Naseeb Singh, Shakeel Qazi, Waseem Abdullah and Bhushan Kumar were present in the meeting. Technocrats hail Razdan’s appointment as Director Agriculture AECC Doda members posing for a photograph. AJKLTF announces Reasi unit STATE TIMES NEWS REASI: A district working Committee of All Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh Teachers Federation (AJKTF) affiliated with Akhil Bhartiya Rashtriya Shaikshik Mahansang was held under the chair- manship of State Vice President Pardeep Kumar and State Secretary Manjeet Singh at Reasi. Various issues related to teaching community were discussed on the occasion. New District body of the Federation was also declared on the occasion. Narinder Kumar was unanimously elected as newly District President, Jugal Kishore Sharma, Surinder Kumar and Rajinder Kumar-Vice Presidents, Annie Raghuvanshi-Female Vice President, Brahm Dutt Sharma-District Secretary, Bansi Lal Shastri and Daleep Kumar- Joint Secretaries, Rajay Kumar- Cashier, Ashok Kumar Sharma-Organising Secretary, Kashmir Singh-Press Secretary, Ramashwar, Daleep Singh, Manzoor Hussain and Naresh Kumar as Executive Members. Newly elected President, Narinder Kumar assured the executive body that he would work hard to work as per the expectations of the organization and teaching community of Reasi. STATE TIMES NEWS SAMBA: On Kabir Sahib's 619th Avtaran Divas, a grand Satsang was organised at Sant Ashram, Ranjri. Madhu Param Hans Maharaj, the spiritual head of Sahib Bandgi panth, while delivering sermons to his followers at Satwari Chowk, threw light about the message of the saints. After all, what have the saints talked about? To which religion they belonged? What was their aim? Which Super power they have talked about and wherfrom did the line of saints appear? The teachings of Sahib Kabir are of a rare kind. It was he who pro- duced a line of saints & is, as such, described as the first Sant Satguru. So far as the Sant Matt is concerned, he spoke altogether differently from other religious preachers. Regardubg his iden- tity, some call him as Bhagat Kabir while others call him as Sant Kabir. In fact, both these words are not suitable for him. It is just calling an inspector as a clerk. He was a great Sant satguru who had appeared to spread the movement of Bhakti (worship). He was not a saint but a creator of the line of saints. The people had a little infor- mation about him. That is why everyone spoke in his own way. Let's give a thought as to what does sant Matt stand for. Among the saints there have been the Hindus, the Muslims as well as the Christians. Who were these people? To which religions they belonged? They came from different religions but were called as saints. What did the great saints like Palto Sahib, Miran Bai, Baba Farid, Ravi Dassji or Nanak Dev ji preach? Did they talk about the formless (Nirakar). The era of saints began with the appear- ance of Sahib Kabir. Nirakar was very much there prior to him as well. Did he talk of the 5 words which were there earlier as well. These have been there since the Vedic era. We find a mention of the words like 'Satt' Shabad, 'Soham' & the like. Which way is the wave of Bhakti moving? Even the Nirgun worshippers talk about the inner world. They speak about the 5 postures as well. The word 'Aunkar' has been there since the Vedic era. Whole of the world has been lost in Aunkar. But the Sar Nam is a hidden one. Had the Sar Nam (the real Nam) been one among the 5 words the Sidhs, yogis & other worshippers have been reciting, there would have been no need for Sahib Kabir to talk about the Satya Nam that is far ahead of the 5 words. He says that even the Vedas throw no light on Amar lok that is the rarest place. In fact, those whom Sahib Kabir took to the 4th loka & enabled them have the holy vision of Param Purush, came to be called as saints. Afterwards, they also talked about the lokas that lay beyond the 3 lokas. Army holds amity meeting STATE TIMES NEWS RAJOURI: Army organ- ised Amity Meeting at vil- lage Hanjanwali in Rajouri district. The meeting was held to have constructive exchange of views with the villagers which in turn would facilitate cordial rela- tion amongst all sections of society and enhance peace in the area. Such interactions are also a source of feedback from the locals on various pro- grammes and welfare meas- ures being run by different Government agencies. The focus of the interaction was constructive engagement of the youth in the area. Information on various wel- fare schemes being run by the Government, especially by the Army was provided to the locals. Satsang organised on Kabir's Avtaran Divas Madhu Param Hans Maharaj delivering religious sermon. STATE TIMES NEWS RAMBAN: A loaded tanker on its way from Jammu to Srinagar, rolled down from the road near Shabanbas, and caught fire on Friday. Driver and conductor of the tanker were seri- ously injured. Immediately on receipt of the infor- mation the SDM, SDPO, SHO with police team and fire tenders rushed to the spot. After tedious efforts the fire was brought under control. Meanwhile locals protested against Hindustan Construction Company for dumping debris on the NH44 thereby making the road too narrow to pass two vehicles at a time. They threatened of agitation if road is not cleared. Tanker rolls down, catches fire Fumes coming out from the tanker. STATE TIMES NEWS BHADARWAH: Hundreds of tourists are thronging everyday to Padri meadow on interstate Bhadarwah- Chamba Road in Jammu and Kashmir, as when the plains are experiencing scorching heat, visitors are finding solace in cool breeze while playing on snow at this emerging tourist destination of Bhadarwah Valley. Padri meadow, which is just 40 km from Bhadarwah town has late- ly emerged as the darling of visitors because of it's proximity with the snow filled Asha-Pati glacier, mighty Kailash hills and easy access of snow that too in the month of June. Domestic tourists termed it as the most amazing and unbelievable moment in their life, when they for the first time saw and touched snow at Padri meadow that too during a peak summer afternoon. Tourists captured these beautiful moments in their cameras and were spotted dancing and sledging on the snow out of thrill and excitement. A tourist from Pune, Kalyani Digay said that this is like a dream come true as cool breeze is blow- ing and I am touching snow for the first time in my life. I have never seen such a beautiful valley in the lap of mesmerizing snow peaked mountains. It's like a fairy tale and I would love to come here again and again. Another tourist from Bihar, Neeta Kumari said that we came straight from 45 degree tempera- ture and we were being told that it's practically impossible to find snow at this time of the year but to our pleasent surprise, we not only touched the snow but we are playing with it since three hours and for this I can't believe my luck. It's amazing "I want to stay here for ever." The officials of Bhadarwah Development Authority (BDA) state that inflow of backpackers has increased by around 20 per cent during last fortnight due to scorching heat in mainland and also attribute rise in tourist arrivals to various factors including sustained pro- motional campaigns and discount in tariffs offered by BDA and private guest house owners. "This season has started with a positive note, as we have been receiving a min- imum of 50 tourist busses every day, which is really unprecedented and anoth- er positive thing is that we are receiving guests from every nook and corner of India, that clearly shows tourism industry is grow- ing leafs and bounds in Bhadarwah Valley, " said CEO BDA, Bal Krishan. "All the Hotels and guest houses are running packed as I have been reviewing the progress every day. By God's grace things are moving in right direction and efforts of stake holders are have started yielding results," CEO BDA added. STATE TIMES NEWS KATRA: SSP Railways Katra Ranjit Singh Sambyal held a meeting with SDPO Railways Katra, SDPO Railways Udhampur, SHOs/ l/C Police Posts and other officers of GRP Katra in view of forthcoming Shri Amarnath Yatra. The officers were briefed for taking all the preven- tive and security measures at the Railway Stations and tracks to ensure smooth and incident free yatra besides adequate security arrangements, strengthening of checking and deployment of quick action teams. The SSP directed the officers to ensure personal supervision and regular briefings to the jawans. They were also directed to ensure proper access control and proper Anti- Sabotage Check at all the Railway Stations. Two special teams shall be con- stituted with lady offi- cials, which shall be camped at Railway Stations Katra and Udhampur for providing guidance/information to the passengers and pil- grims during Shri Amarnath Yatra, SSP informed. Further all the officers were directed to maintain alertness and vigilance at the track and Railway Stations so as to ensure the safety and security of passengers and property. DISCLAIMER “STATE TIMES” does not take responsibility for the contents of the advertisements (Display/Classified) carried in this newspaper. The paper does not endorse the same. Readers are requested to verify the contents on their own before acting there upon.” Bhadarwah becomes tourists’ favourite destination Shobha Yatra marks 2nd day of Aghar Jitto Mela STATE TIMES NEWS REASI: The second-day of Aghar Jitto Mela witnessed heavy rush of the tourists and devotees from various parts of the State and country here on Friday. As per the prevalent rituals, Shoba Yatra was taken out and the chains and other antique objects of Baba Jitto were brought in Palki from holy place Raja Mandlik to temple in front of main Aghar market. In the Shoba Yatra several devotees took part amid chant- ing of Bhajans and beating of drum. A Yatra was held in the market temple in which several people took part. The sounds of drum and tra- ditional Karks (ballads) amused the audience. The devotees also took holy shower in water stream which is considered very pious The people also took keen interest in stalls which were set up by the district administra- tion in which several schemes and department programmes were displayed for the benefits of the public. The children were seen play- ing games and enjoying other recreation activities. DC accorded warm adieu STATE TIMES NEWS RAMBAN: Mohammad Aijaz, Deputy Commissioner Ramban, who has been trans- ferred as Deputy Commissioner Shopian was accorded warm farewell by the officers of the district adminis- tration. The officers recalled that Mohammad Aijaz during his tenure of almost one year as Deputy Commissioner initiat- ed a number of steps aimed at development of the district. Speaking on the occasion, the district officers lauded outgo- ing DC for his contribution towards welfare and develop- ment of the district. Ajay Nanda kick-starts blacktopping of Kanda-Ransoo Road STATE TIMES NEWS REASI: Minister of State for Finance and Planning Ajay Nanda on Friday started blacktopping of 4 km Kanda- Ransoo Road in Pouni area. The blacktopping work would be completed with an estimated cost of Rs. 1.86 crore by Public Works Department. The minister said this road is major connectivity for revered Shiv Khori Shrine and during blacktopping work of the road, the vehicles would be diverted through Teryath route. He said that all possible measures are under way to increase tourists' influx to the Holy Shrine by providing enroute facilities to the tourists to make their pil- grimage comfortable. He said since the launch of live telecast of Holy Aarti, the Shrine has gained much pop- ularity countrywide and world too. The minister said the area has vast potential to attract the tourists and efforts are being made to develop this destination with enhanced facilities. SSP briefs officers on ensuing Amarnath Yatra SSP Railways Katra Ranjit Sambyal chairing a meeting. STATE TIMES NEWS UDHAMPUR: District Information Centre Udhampur on Friday organised a colourful cul- tural programme in Sudh Mahadev Mela which was the main attraction during the second day of three-day Mela. Various artists partici- pated in the cultural pro- gramme that highlighted the important welfare schemes being run by the government besides pre- senting rich Dogra culture. Thousands of people vis- ited the Mela on second day of the event and had dip in the holy Paap Naashini spring and paid obeisance to Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva. Besides, many temporary sweet shops and other eat- able corners, stalls of vari- ous useful items were set up by the local vendors. District administration Udhampur also installed awareness stalls of differ- ent departments on the occasion. District Youth Services and Sports organised many activities in which students from different educational institutions participated. Among others, SDM Chenani Davinder Sharma,Tehsildar Pardeep Singh, SDPO Chenani C.D Singh, Naib Tehsildar , SHO and ZEO attended the Mela. Thousands throng Sudh Mahadev Mela on 2nd day STATE TIMES NEWS KATHUA: The celebration of three years of BJP Government as MODI fest is nothing but a bundle of lies as party is trying to make people believe through propaganda using all available means that plethora of its white lies are true. This was stated by Dr Manohar Lal Sharma, for- mer Minister during a public meeting held here at Village Dashanu in Panchayat Dinga Amb-B of Block Dinga Amb of Kandi area of Billawar con- stituency. Recalling BJP's slogans including Ache Din, Ek Sar Ke Badle Das Sar, Dr Manmohan Singh's Love Letters To Pakistan, Baap Beta and Baap Beti Ki Sarkar, Na Khayunga Na Khane Doonga, Sau Din Main Kala Dhan Layunga, etc, Manohar raised serious concern over the betrayal of BJP and his leaders towards people of country for his commitments and promises made during elec- tions. Manohar pin pointed plunge in GDP from 7.1 per cent to 6.1 per cent post demonetisation. He said that similarly eight major core sectors are continu- ously sinking, service sector is in bad position and no growth in employment generation has pulled India out from the cate- gory of the fastest growing economy of the world. He also showed deep anguish over the present condition of Indian farmers who are being forced to commit suicides due to burden of loans by virtue of wrong policies of Government. He slammed BJP for taking the issue lightly as more than twenty five formers are suicide per day in country which is shameful for whole nation. Dr Sharma said that the unemployed youths of State as well as country are in the state of suffocation under present dis- pensation and they are feeling completely betrayed and cheat- ed by BJP Government both in centre and State. Dr Sharma remarked that both the Central and the State Governments miserably failed to create new employment opportunities for the unem- ployed youth who are feeling cheated and brewing with anger and resentment. Dr Sharma warned the BJP Government not to test the patience of people of country. He said that the peo- ple are watching their every mis- deed and will respond at right time. The prominent people who were present in the meeting were former MLC and District President Subash Gupta, Capt. Tara Chand, Capt. Tharu Ram, Kuldeep Gupta, Rtd. Head Master Chimal Singh, Surinder Singh and Jagdish Dogra. MODI fest bundle of lies: Manohar Senior Congress leader Manohar Lal Sharma addressing a public meeting.

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Page 1: 4 June 10, 2017 DISTRICTS Make yourselves symbol of purity ... · 6/10/2017  · 4 zSaturday zJune 10, 2017 DISTRICTS STATE TIMES NEWS KATHUA: Pankaj Basotra Advocate, General Secretary

Saturday June 10, 20174 DISTRICTS

STATE TIMES NEWSKATHUA: Pankaj BasotraAdvocate, General SecretaryJ&K Pradesh YouthCongress on Friday accusedthe present government inthe state and the centralgovernment for their utterfailure in tackling the situa-tion in Kashmir.

In a statement issued herePankaj said that the situa-tion in Kashmir is worseningday by day and the junior tohigh powered leaders of theruling party at the centre aretaking divergent stands.

He said that the braveJawans of our Army arebeing martyred daily but theleaders of the ruling politicalparties are politicizing therole of the security forcesand the army by speaking onthe electronic media to getthe credit.

He accused the then ParjaParishad (now BharatiyaJanata Party for the presentproblem in the State whohad boycotted the election ofthe State assembly during1951.

He said that if the thenPraja Parishad contested theelection during 1951 thenNational Conference couldnot get the 72 seats out of 75unopposed. During 1951 the

Praja Parishad provided bigopportunity to the then fun-damental pro Pakistan andcommunal forces by boy-cotting the election evenafter so many appeals madeby the then Sadre-e RiasatDr. Karan Singh and Pt.Jawaharlal Nehru.

Pankaj further alleged thatthe same party has repeatedthe same mistake by makingfalse, frivolous and commu-nal propaganda against theformer Chief Minister of theState Ghulam Nabi Azad in2008 who was working forall the three regions of thestate and now third mistakethe alliance with the PDPwho has contested the elec-tion against the BJP and tostop the BJP from the powercorridor as the whole coun-try knows that the people ofKashmir does not want BJPin power in the State.

He further said that someleaders and Ministers ofUnion Government areclaiming that the solution ofthe Kashmir problem is inthe hands of the PrimeMinister Narendra Modi butthey are unaware about thebasic problem of the peopleof the Kashmir and have noknowledge of past history ofthe Kashmir.

He said that such leadershave been guided by some socalled BJP workers in thevalley for their petty inter-est but they don't know thereal picture and result ofthe same is the present tur-moil.

He urged the people of thestate particularly the youthof the Kashmir Valley not tobecome the scape-goats ofthe communal, fundamentaland pro Pakistan forces andmain stream for their futureand good education.

‘Govt failed in tacklingKashmir situation’

STATE TIMES NEWSRAJOURI: Senior BJP leader andMLC Vibodh Gupta lauded NIA fordeciphering true face of Hurriyat fol-lowing array of raids curbing cores ofPakistan funded money.

He asked Kashmiri youths thatthey must know about the real face ofHurriyat and are liberating them-selves from the clutches of sepa-ratists.

Refering towards situation inValley, Gupta said that peace is veryimportant for development as noth-ing can be carried forward in tensezone.

Making an appeal to Kashmiriyouth to shun the path of violenceand take part in development ofState, Vibodh said that maximumpeople in Kashmir don't want vio-lence and they believe in develop-

ment. Vibodh was speaking at function

organised after cleanliness drive heldby BJP Urban Mandal Rajouri.

A large number of people includingofficials of Municipal Corporation,local residents and many politicalactivists were also present on theoccasion.

MLC urged the people to createhealthy competitions on cleanlinessand take the movement forward.

He urged people to make Rajouri anOpen-Defecation Free (ODF) town.

"Every citizen should contribute inmaintaining cleanliness and also edu-cate the people about it," he said.

Prominent persons present on theoccasion were senior BJP leaderKamal Bakshi, Atam Gupta, KamalGupta, Ranjeet Tara, Koushal Gupta,Ashwani Kocchar, Raddish Sharma,Vicky Dutta, Raja Rattan Singh,Shivam Bakshi and Babloo Sharma.

STATE TIMES NEWSJAMMU: BJP NationalGeneral Secretary (Org.)Ram Lal on Friday said thatdue to the unique workingsystem of party, today BJPis boasting of being thelargest political outfit ofworld in terms of primarymembership.

Ram Lal held series ofmeetings on the occasion ofPt. Deen Dayal UpadhayayBirth Centenary year pro-grammes and celebrationsof three years of good gover-nance by Narendra Modi ledCentral Government inSamba District.

He was accompanied byMember Parliament JugalKishore Sharma, Ministerfor Industries andCommerce, ChanderParkash Ganga, Seh-Parbhari Samba Rakesh

Mahajan, District Secretary(Org.) Samba NareshSharma and DistrictPresident Samba JungvirSingh.

During his interactionwith the Vistaraks, Ram Lalsaid that the role ofVistaraks attains more sig-nificance in the present sce-

nario so that the ideologyand the policies of the partyare kept in high and positivespirits and asked them towork to extend their reachto the public.

During his meet with thebooth level and other promi-nent workers of BlockRamgarh at Village Raika

Lawana in Vijaypur, heasked them to work forexpanding the base of theparty to every householdand take the policies and theschemes of the CentralGovernment to the needypopulation.

He asked them to makethemselves a symbol of puri-ty and service, during hisinteractions.

Jugal said that with theaim of Sabka Sath, SabkaVikas, BJP is committed tothe development of all.

Chander Parkash Gangasaid that the State ofJammu and Kashmir is onpath of development underthe PM Modi led NDAGovernment.

Modi has given liberalfunding for the developmentof trade and industry in thisborder Statem he said.

Make yourselves symbol of purity, service: BJP leader

BJP National General Secretary (Org.) Ram Lal interacting with party workers.

MLC Vobodh Gupta taking part in cleanliness drive.

NIA raids exposed real face of Hurriyat leaders: Vibodh

STATE TIMES NEWSBHADARWAH: To expresstheir gratitude to the govern-ment for appointment of direc-tor, who is from technical back-ground, Department ofAgriculture under the bannerof Agriculture EmployeeCoordination Committee(AECC) Doda, here on Friday.

The meeting in which tech-nocrats of AgricultureDepartment and other allied

wings participated was held inthe premises of ChiefAgriculture Office Doda.

During meeting, employeescongratulated H.K Razdan forhis appointment as DirectorAgriculture Jammu.

Alyas Akhter Gattu, MohdAshraf Beg, Yogi Raj Rakhwal,M P Singh, Hans Raj, NaseebSingh, Shakeel Qazi, WaseemAbdullah and Bhushan Kumarwere present in the meeting.

Technocrats hail Razdan’s appointmentas Director Agriculture

AECC Doda members posing for a photograph.

AJKLTF announces Reasi unit STATE TIMES NEWS

REASI: A district working Committee of All Jammu, Kashmir andLadakh Teachers Federation (AJKTF) affiliated with AkhilBhartiya Rashtriya Shaikshik Mahansang was held under the chair-manship of State Vice President Pardeep Kumar and StateSecretary Manjeet Singh at Reasi.

Various issues related to teaching community were discussed on theoccasion. New District body of the Federation was also declared onthe occasion. Narinder Kumar was unanimously elected as newlyDistrict President, Jugal Kishore Sharma, Surinder Kumar andRajinder Kumar-Vice Presidents, Annie Raghuvanshi-Female VicePresident, Brahm Dutt Sharma-District Secretary, Bansi LalShastri and Daleep Kumar- Joint Secretaries, Rajay Kumar-Cashier, Ashok Kumar Sharma-Organising Secretary, KashmirSingh-Press Secretary, Ramashwar, Daleep Singh, ManzoorHussain and Naresh Kumar as Executive Members.

Newly elected President, Narinder Kumar assured the executivebody that he would work hard to work as per the expectations of theorganization and teaching community of Reasi.

STATE TIMES NEWS SAMBA: On Kabir Sahib's619th Avtaran Divas, a grandSatsang was organised at SantAshram, Ranjri. Madhu ParamHans Maharaj, the spiritualhead of Sahib Bandgi panth,while delivering sermons to hisfollowers at Satwari Chowk,threw light about the messageof the saints. After all, whathave the saints talked about? Towhich religion they belonged?What was their aim? WhichSuper power they have talkedabout and wherfrom did theline of saints appear? Theteachings of Sahib Kabir are ofa rare kind. It was he who pro-duced a line of saints & is, assuch, described as the first SantSatguru.

So far as the Sant Matt isconcerned, he spoke altogetherdifferently from other religiouspreachers. Regardubg his iden-tity, some call him as BhagatKabir while others call him as

Sant Kabir. In fact, both thesewords are not suitable for him.It is just calling an inspector asa clerk. He was a great Santsatguru who had appeared tospread the movement of Bhakti(worship). He was not a saintbut a creator of the line ofsaints.

The people had a little infor-mation about him. That is whyeveryone spoke in his own way.Let's give a thought as to whatdoes sant Matt stand for.Among the saints there have

been the Hindus, the Muslimsas well as the Christians. Whowere these people? To whichreligions they belonged? Theycame from different religionsbut were called as saints. Whatdid the great saints like PaltoSahib, Miran Bai, Baba Farid,Ravi Dassji or Nanak Dev jipreach? Did they talk about theformless (Nirakar). The era ofsaints began with the appear-ance of Sahib Kabir. Nirakarwas very much there prior tohim as well. Did he talk of the 5words which were there earlieras well. These have been theresince the Vedic era. We find a

mention of the words like 'Satt'Shabad, 'Soham' & the like.Which way is the wave ofBhakti moving? Even theNirgun worshippers talk aboutthe inner world. They speakabout the 5 postures as well.The word 'Aunkar' has beenthere since the Vedic era. Wholeof the world has been lost inAunkar. But the Sar Nam is ahidden one.

Had the Sar Nam (the realNam) been one among the 5words the Sidhs, yogis & otherworshippers have been reciting,there would have been no needfor Sahib Kabir to talk aboutthe Satya Nam that is farahead of the 5 words. He saysthat even the Vedas throw nolight on Amar lok that is therarest place.

In fact, those whom SahibKabir took to the 4th loka &enabled them have the holyvision of Param Purush, cameto be called as saints.Afterwards, they also talkedabout the lokas that lay beyondthe 3 lokas.

Army holdsamity meeting STATE TIMES NEWS

RAJOURI: Army organ-ised Amity Meeting at vil-lage Hanjanwali in Rajouridistrict. The meeting washeld to have constructiveexchange of views with thevillagers which in turnwould facilitate cordial rela-tion amongst all sections ofsociety and enhance peacein the area. Such interactions are also

a source of feedback fromthe locals on various pro-grammes and welfare meas-ures being run by differentGovernment agencies. Thefocus of the interaction wasconstructive engagement ofthe youth in the area.Information on various wel-fare schemes being run bythe Government, especiallyby the Army was providedto the locals.

Satsang organised on Kabir's Avtaran Divas

Madhu Param Hans Maharaj delivering religious sermon.

STATE TIMES NEWSRAMBAN: A loaded tanker on its way from Jammu toSrinagar, rolleddown from theroad nearShabanbas, andcaught fire onFriday. Driver andconductor of thetanker were seri-ously injured.

Immediately onreceipt of the infor-mation the SDM,SDPO, SHO withpolice team andfire tenders rushed to the spot. After tedious efforts the firewas brought under control.

Meanwhile locals protested against HindustanConstruction Company for dumping debris on the NH44thereby making the road too narrow to pass two vehicles at atime. They threatened of agitation if road is not cleared.

Tanker rolls down, catches fire

Fumes coming out from the tanker.

STATE TIMES NEWS BHADARWAH: Hundredsof tourists are throngingeveryday to Padri meadowon interstate Bhadarwah-Chamba Road in Jammuand Kashmir, as when theplains are experiencingscorching heat, visitorsare finding solace in coolbreeze while playing onsnow at this emergingtourist destination ofBhadarwah Valley.

Padri meadow, which isjust 40 km fromBhadarwah town has late-ly emerged as the darlingof visitors because of it'sproximity with the snowfilled Asha-Pati glacier,

mighty Kailash hills andeasy access of snow thattoo in the month of June.

Domestic touriststermed it as the mostamazing and unbelievablemoment in their life, whenthey for the first time sawand touched snow at Padrimeadow that too during apeak summer afternoon.Tourists captured thesebeautiful moments in theircameras and were spotteddancing and sledging onthe snow out of thrill andexcitement.

A tourist from Pune,Kalyani Digay said thatthis is like a dream cometrue as cool breeze is blow-

ing and I am touchingsnow for the first time inmy life. I have never seensuch a beautiful valley inthe lap of mesmerizingsnow peaked mountains.It's like a fairy tale and Iwould love to come hereagain and again.

Another tourist fromBihar, Neeta Kumari saidthat we came straightfrom 45 degree tempera-ture and we were beingtold that it's practicallyimpossible to find snow atthis time of the year but toour pleasent surprise, wenot only touched the snowbut we are playing with itsince three hours and for

this I can't believe myluck. It's amazing "I wantto stay here for ever."

The officials ofBhadarwah DevelopmentAuthority (BDA) statethat inflow of backpackershas increased by around20 per cent during lastfortnight due to scorchingheat in mainland and alsoattribute rise in touristarrivals to various factorsincluding sustained pro-motional campaigns anddiscount in tariffs offeredby BDA and private guesthouse owners.

"This season has startedwith a positive note, as wehave been receiving a min-

imum of 50 tourist bussesevery day, which is reallyunprecedented and anoth-er positive thing is that weare receiving guests fromevery nook and corner ofIndia, that clearly showstourism industry is grow-ing leafs and bounds inBhadarwah Valley, " saidCEO BDA, Bal Krishan.

"All the Hotels andguest houses are runningpacked as I have beenreviewing the progressevery day. By God's gracethings are moving in rightdirection and efforts ofstake holders are havestarted yielding results,"CEO BDA added.

STATE TIMES NEWSKATRA: SSP RailwaysKatra Ranjit SinghSambyal held a meetingwith SDPO RailwaysKatra, SDPO RailwaysUdhampur, SHOs/ l/CPolice Posts and otherofficers of GRP Katra inview of forthcoming ShriAmarnath Yatra.

The officers were briefedfor taking all the preven-

tive and security measuresat the Railway Stationsand tracks to ensuresmooth and incident freeyatra besides adequatesecurity arrangements,strengthening of checkingand deployment of quickaction teams.

The SSP directed theofficers to ensure personalsupervision and regularbriefings to the jawans.

They were also directedto ensure proper accesscontrol and proper Anti-Sabotage Check at all theRailway Stations. Two

special teams shall be con-stituted with lady offi-cials, which shall becamped at RailwayStations Katra andUdhampur for providingguidance/information tothe passengers and pil-grims during ShriAmarnath Yatra, SSPinformed.

Further all the officerswere directed to maintainalertness and vigilance atthe track and RailwayStations so as to ensurethe safety and security ofpassengers and property.


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Bhadarwah becomes tourists’ favourite destination

Shobha Yatramarks 2nd day ofAghar Jitto MelaSTATE TIMES NEWS

REASI: The second-day ofAghar Jitto Mela witnessedheavy rush of the tourists anddevotees from various parts ofthe State and country here onFriday.

As per the prevalent rituals,Shoba Yatra was taken out andthe chains and other antiqueobjects of Baba Jitto werebrought in Palki from holyplace Raja Mandlik to templein front of main Aghar market.

In the Shoba Yatra severaldevotees took part amid chant-ing of Bhajans and beating ofdrum. A Yatra was held in themarket temple in which severalpeople took part.

The sounds of drum and tra-ditional Karks (ballads)amused the audience.

The devotees also took holyshower in water stream whichis considered very pious

The people also took keeninterest in stalls which were setup by the district administra-tion in which several schemesand department programmeswere displayed for the benefitsof the public.

The children were seen play-ing games and enjoying otherrecreation activities.

DC accordedwarm adieu

STATE TIMES NEWSRAMBAN: Mohammad Aijaz,Deputy CommissionerRamban, who has been trans-ferred as DeputyCommissioner Shopian wasaccorded warm farewell by theofficers of the district adminis-tration. The officers recalledthat Mohammad Aijaz duringhis tenure of almost one year asDeputy Commissioner initiat-ed a number of steps aimed atdevelopment of the district.

Speaking on the occasion, thedistrict officers lauded outgo-ing DC for his contributiontowards welfare and develop-ment of the district.

Ajay Nanda kick-startsblacktopping of


REASI: Minister of State forFinance and Planning AjayNanda on Friday startedblacktopping of 4 km Kanda-Ransoo Road in Pouni area.

The blacktopping workwould be completed with anestimated cost of Rs. 1.86crore by Public WorksDepartment.

The minister said this roadis major connectivity forrevered Shiv Khori Shrineand during blacktoppingwork of the road, the vehicleswould be diverted throughTeryath route.

He said that all possiblemeasures are under way toincrease tourists' influx to theHoly Shrine by providingenroute facilities to thetourists to make their pil-grimage comfortable. Hesaid since the launch of livetelecast of Holy Aarti, theShrine has gained much pop-ularity countrywide andworld too. The minister saidthe area has vast potential toattract the tourists andefforts are being made todevelop this destination withenhanced facilities.

SSP briefs officers on ensuing Amarnath Yatra

SSP Railways Katra Ranjit Sambyal chairing a meeting.

STATE TIMES NEWSUDHAMPUR: DistrictInformation CentreUdhampur on Fridayorganised a colourful cul-tural programme in SudhMahadev Mela which wasthe main attraction duringthe second day of three-dayMela.

Various artists partici-pated in the cultural pro-gramme that highlightedthe important welfareschemes being run by thegovernment besides pre-senting rich Dogra culture.

Thousands of people vis-ited the Mela on secondday of the event and haddip in the holy PaapNaashini spring and paidobeisance to Goddess

Parvati and Lord Shiva.Besides, many temporary

sweet shops and other eat-able corners, stalls of vari-ous useful items were setup by the local vendors.District administrationUdhampur also installedawareness stalls of differ-ent departments on theoccasion.

District Youth Servicesand Sports organised manyactivities in which studentsfrom different educationalinstitutions participated.

Among others, SDMChenani DavinderSharma,Tehsildar PardeepSingh, SDPO Chenani C.DSingh, Naib Tehsildar ,SHO and ZEO attendedthe Mela.

Thousands throng SudhMahadev Mela on 2nd day

STATE TIMES NEWSKATHUA: The celebration ofthree years of BJP Governmentas MODI fest is nothing but abundle of lies as party is tryingto make people believe throughpropaganda using all availablemeans that plethora of its whitelies are true. This was stated byDr Manohar Lal Sharma, for-mer Minister during a publicmeeting held here at VillageDashanu in Panchayat DingaAmb-B of Block Dinga Amb ofKandi area of Billawar con-stituency.

Recalling BJP's slogansincluding Ache Din, Ek Sar KeBadle Das Sar, Dr ManmohanSingh's Love Letters ToPakistan, Baap Beta and BaapBeti Ki Sarkar, Na KhayungaNa Khane Doonga, Sau DinMain Kala Dhan Layunga, etc,Manohar raised serious concernover the betrayal of BJP and

his leaders towards people ofcountry for his commitmentsand promises made during elec-tions.

Manohar pin pointed plungein GDP from 7.1 per cent to 6.1per cent post demonetisation.He said that similarly eightmajor core sectors are continu-ously sinking, service sector is inbad position and no growth inemployment generation haspulled India out from the cate-gory of the fastest growingeconomy of the world.

He also showed deep anguishover the present condition ofIndian farmers who are beingforced to commit suicides due toburden of loans by virtue ofwrong policies of Government.He slammed BJP for takingthe issue lightly as more thantwenty five formers are suicideper day in country which isshameful for whole nation.

Dr Sharma said that theunemployed youths of State aswell as country are in the stateof suffocation under present dis-pensation and they are feelingcompletely betrayed and cheat-ed by BJP Government both incentre and State.

Dr Sharma remarked thatboth the Central and the StateGovernments miserably failedto create new employmentopportunities for the unem-ployed youth who are feelingcheated and brewing with anger

and resentment. Dr Sharmawarned the BJP Governmentnot to test the patience of peopleof country. He said that the peo-ple are watching their every mis-deed and will respond at righttime.

The prominent people whowere present in the meetingwere former MLC and DistrictPresident Subash Gupta, Capt.Tara Chand, Capt. Tharu Ram,Kuldeep Gupta, Rtd. HeadMaster Chimal Singh, SurinderSingh and Jagdish Dogra.

MODI fest bundle of lies: Manohar

Senior Congress leader Manohar Lal Sharma addressing a public meeting.