40th annual convention 2012

ANNUAL CONVENTION REPORT The 2012 Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan Annual Convention was held on November 2, 2012 at the Sheraton Cavalier in Saskatoon. This convention marked the 40 th year of the Union. We are fortunate to have a number of articles, letters, and documents that record the creation of HSAS. We highlighted a number of these documents in our Annual Convention booklet, which was given to all members. The following is a summary of the 40 th Annual Convention. The day started off with delegates, members, executive council, and staff listening to Stephen Hammond, a Victoria based lawyer who focuses his efforts on human rights. During his presentation, he handed out voting devices to every member of the audience – he then asked questions about our perception of human rights in Canada. Topics varied from discrimination based on gender (maternity leaves) to sexual orientation.

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   The  2012  Health  Sciences  Association  of  Saskatchewan  Annual  Convention  was  held  on  November  2,  2012  at  the  Sheraton  Cavalier  in  Saskatoon.    This  convention  marked  the  40th  year  of  the  Union.    We  are  fortunate  to  have  a  number  of  articles,  letters,  and  documents  that  record  the  creation  of  HSAS.    We  highlighted  a  number  of  these  documents  in  our  Annual  Convention  booklet,  which  was  given  to  all  members.        The  following  is  a  summary  of  the  40th  Annual  Convention.      

     The  day  started  off  with  delegates,  members,  executive  council,  and  staff  listening  to  Stephen  Hammond,  a  Victoria-­‐based  lawyer  who  focuses  his  efforts  on  human  rights.    During  his  presentation,  he  handed  out  voting  devices  to  every  member  of  the  audience  –  he  then  asked  questions  about  our  perception  of  human  rights  in  Canada.    Topics  varied  from  discrimination  based  on  gender  (maternity  leaves)  to  sexual  orientation.                


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                                               We  then  held  our  40th  Annual  General  Meeting.    Presentations  were  made  by  the  President,  by  the  Executive  Director,  and  by  the  Chair  of  the  Finance  committee.    The  audited  financial  statements  were  presented  to  the  membership  and  were  accepted.    In  the  Annual  Convention  booklet,  the  chair  of  each  committee  prepared  a  report  regarding  activities  during  the  year  for  members  to  read.      

 After  a  break  for  lunch,  our  next  guest  speaker  took  the  stage.    Dr.  Brian  Goldman,  an  emergency  physician  at  Toronto’s  Mount  Sinai  Hospital,  and  also  CBC  Radio  One  host  of  “White  Coat,  Black  Art”,  and  “House  Doctor”  spoke  to  the  audience  about  alternatives  in  medicine,  such  as  the  role  that  Advanced  Physical  Therapists  play  in  the  health  system  and  the  role  that  Paramedics  can  play  in  emergency  rooms.  He  also  spoke  to  the  mental  health  of  health  workers.                


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     Finally,  our  last  guest  speaker  was  Toni  Villiers.    Toni  facilitated  our  Bargaining  Conference  held  in  September  2012.    She  presented  a  summary  of  the  results  of  the  Bargaining  Conference  to  the  audience.    The  meeting  was  adjourned  after  Toni’s  speech.                                  On  the  evening  of  November  1,  a  special  banquet  was  held  to  celebrate  our  40th  year.    At  the  banquet,  the  Roberta  Ekberg  Award  was  awarded  to  the  late  Warren  Chykowski.    The  award  was  presented  to  Warren’s  husband,  Bernie  McLean,  by  Roberta  Ekberg  and  Karen  Wasylenko.    The  following  is  a  part  of  the  speech  that  President  Karen  Wasylenko  read  at  the  banquet:    

The  purpose  of  the  Roberta  Ekberg  award  is  to  recognize  outstanding,  long  standing  commitment  and  contribution  to  furthering  and  promoting  the  vision,  wellbeing  and  interests  of  Health  Sciences  Association  of  Saskatchewan.  One  yearly  award  of  $500.00  is  given  to  the  selected  nominee.    The  recipient  for  this  year’s  Roberta  Ekberg  award  is  the  late  Warren  Chykowski,  and  will  be  presented  to  his  partner,  Bernie  McLean.  

At  the  time  of  his  passing,  Warren  was  a  Respiratory  Therapist,  employed  at  the  Royal  University  Hospital,  in  Saskatoon.    In  2001,  Warren  was  elected  to  the  Executive  Council  of  HSAS.  He  served  as  Treasurer  for  two  years.    Following  that,  he  was  elected  for  a  seven  year  term  to  the  Board  of  Governors.  In  addition,  Warren  served  on  other  committees  serving  as  Chair  of  the  Essential  Services  Committee  during  the  job  action  of  2007.    At  the  time  of  his  passing,  Warren  was  Chair  of  the  Annual  Convention  Committee  for  the  HSAS  40th  Anniversary  and  Convention  of  this  year.    In  December  of  2011,  Warren  was  elected  to  serve  as  Chair  of  the  Negotiations  committee.  He  also  served  on  the  Executive  Committee  over  the  years,  and  was  the  HSAS  union  representative  for  the  SHEPP  Partners  Committee.    

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 In  addition  to  the  Roberta  Ekberg  Award,  an  announcement  was  made  regarding  the  newly  established  Warren  Chykowski  Award.  This  award  was  created  to  encourage  Respiratory  Therapy  students  to  stay  in  or  relocate  to  Saskatchewan,  and  become  a  member  of  HSAS  to  follow  in  Warren’s  footsteps.        We  also  had  the  privilege  of  hearing  from  one  of  the  founding  members  of  HSAS  –  Ron  Walsh.  Ron  spoke  of  the  challenges  they  faced  in  organizing  this  union,  and  how  he  has  enjoyed  watching  it  grow  over  the  past  40  years.      

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       Thank  you  to  all  members  who  came  as  delegates,  and  also  to  those  who  came  as  members  to  take  in  the  day’s  events!