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  • 8/3/2019 424 Final


    Enhancement of Available TransferCapacity


    Congestion ManagementIn

    Deregulated Power SystemGuided by :

    Prof. S. K. JoshiM.S.U. Baroda

    Presented byB.P.Pandya , BE(E) IV

    Roll No. : 424

  • 8/3/2019 424 Final


    Project Theme

    Deregulated Electricity Market Open Access

    Congestion Management

    Available Transfer Capacity

    To propose a new set of AC sensitivity referred as ACPower Transfer Congestion Distribution Factor (ACPTCDF)

    for 6 bus system.

    Calculate ATC of transmission line

    Enhancement of ATC using facts devices forcongestion management

  • 8/3/2019 424 Final


    Significance of Topic

    Conversion of Vertically integrated utilities to Open Accessmarket system

    [ May 2003,Indian Electricity Act]

    To promote competition through open access among utilities

    ATC must be calculated [ ATC posted on OASIS] Because of Open Access, Congestion is prime problem for

    power system

    Congestion can be managed by Facts devices. Fact devicescan enhance ATC.

    So we develop a set of congestion distribution factors in termsof real as well as reactive power

    Most sensitive congested line is identified by sensitiveanalysis and ATC calculation

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    Regulation means thatthe Government has set

    down laws and rules thatput limits on and definehow a particular industryor company can operate.

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    Deregulation inpower industry is arestructuring of the

    rules andeconomicincentives thatgovernment set upto control and drive

    electric powerindustry.

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    Advantages of Deregulation

    The need for regulation changed former verticallyintegrated utility is disaggregated into separatecompanies devoted to each function.

    Privatization Cost is expected to drop

    Customer focus will improve

    Encourages innovation

    Power production and retail sales will be competitive,monopoly franchise business

  • 8/3/2019 424 Final


    Benefits & Issues involved in Deregulation

    Benefits Issues

    Improved generation Network Congestion

    Planning Efficiency Optimal bidding for Genco

    Cheaper electricity due tocompetition and innovation

    Transmission pricing

    Improved Economy Ancillary Services

    ManagementNew jobs for powerengineers

    Risk Analysis

  • 8/3/2019 424 Final


    Network Congestion

    When the producers and consumers of the electricenergy desire to produce and consume in total thatwould cause the transmission system to operate at orbeyond one or more transfer limit, the system is said to

    be congested.

    Congestion is a consequence of network constraintscharacterizing a finite network capacity that prevent thesimultaneous delivery of power from an associated set ofpower transactions.

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    Thermal limit :- The maximum amount of electrical energythat transmit on transmission line without


    Voltage limit :- System voltage and change in voltage must

    be maintained with the range of acceptable


    Stability limit :- Transmission system capable of survivingdisturbances through the

    transient and dynamic period

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    Graph showing congestion

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    Objective of Congestion Management

    Minimized interference of the transmission network in themarket for electric energy

    Secure operation of the power system

    Improvement of market efficiency Manage power flow with existing Transmission line

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    Available Transfer Capacity (ATC)

    ATCis a measure of the Transfer Capability Remaining inthe transmission network for further commercial activity*over and above already committed uses

    (* while ensuring system security)

    Mathematically,ATC = TTC TRM (ETC+CBM)

    [In accordance with the recent FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) Order 888(Promoting Utility Competition Through Open Access, Non discriminatory Transmission service

    by Public Utility)& 889(OASIS , Open Access Same time Information system) ,ATC must be calculated for electric utility]


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    ETC is the existing transfer commitments

    TTC is the maximum amount of power which can betransferred over the network while satisfying all securityconstraints.

    TRM is the margin required for uncertainties in the systemconditions.

    CBM is the margin reserved by load serving entities forgeneration reliability requirements.

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    Pre- Contingency Situation



    N.E.S. Delaware

    Flow 900

    Flow 50

    Rating 210



    Flow gate direction

  • 8/3/2019 424 Final


    Post contingency situation


    Flow 0

    Flow 212

    Rating 210


    50 + 0.18 * 900

    Flow gate direction



  • 8/3/2019 424 Final


    Transfer Capacity on 28/4/2010

    Present Status: Transfer Capacity state

    1. Congestion charges applicable NO

    2. Total transfer capacity(TTC) of NR 4250 MW

    3. Available transfer capacity(ATC) of NR 3750 MW

    4. IR Schedule 2749 MW

    5. IR Actual 2930 MW

    6. TTC Violation -1320 MW

    7. ATC Violation -820 MW


    Transfer capacitystate

    1) Normal- NoViolation- colorGreen

    2) Alert- ATCViolation- colorYellow

    3) Emergency- TTCViolation- colorRed

  • 8/3/2019 424 Final


  • 8/3/2019 424 Final


    Role of ISO

    ATC is a measure of how much additional electricpower could be transferred.

    Each ISO is responsible for monitoring its own regionaltransmission system and calculating ATC for potentially

    congested paths.

    ATC values would be placed on a website known asOpen Access Same-time Information System (OASIS)operated by ISO.

    Anyone wishing to do transaction, would access OASISweb pages and use ATC information available there todetermine if system could accommodate the transaction.

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    Methods ofATC


    Using PTCDFand LODF

    Optimal powerflow method


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    AC Load flow based Approach

    A.C. based approach utilized two sets of sensitivityfactors terms as Real Power Transmission CongestionFactor (PTCDF) & Reactive Power TransmissionCongestion Factor (QTCDF)

    Most sensitive transmission line can be found & managethis line with use of FACTS device.

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    Real Power Transfer Congestion DistributionFactor ( PTCDF)

    For ATC determination the MW flow must be allocated toeach line or group of lines in proportion to MW beingtransmitted by each transaction.

    A transaction is a specific amount of power that isinjected in to the system at one bus by a generator &removed at the another bus by load.

    PTCDF is defined as the change in real power flow (Pij)

    in a transmission linek, connected between bus i & j,due to unit change in the power injection(Pn) at bus-n.

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    QTCDF is defined as the change in reactive power flow

    (Qij) in a transmission linek, connected between bus i& j, due to unit change in the reactive powerinjection(Qn) at bus-n

    It is also called sensitivity because it relates the amountof one change transaction amount to another change line flow.

    1 52 34 76

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    ATC Calculation using PTCDF

    Recognizing new flow on line from bus i to bus j (line k)due to transaction at bus n.

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    Line Outage Distribution Factor (LODF)

    ATC is also limited by the effects of contingencies. The line flows could be used to calculate the effect of

    each line outage, then PTCDF applied to find transferlimit.

    LODFs & PTCDFs can be combined to calculate thefirst contingency incremental transfer capability, which isthe maximum increase in transaction amount from onebus to another bus.

    LODF can be defined as the measure of redistributionbecause of line outage.

    1 2 3 4 5 6

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    ATC using PTCDF & LODF

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  • 8/3/2019 424 Final


    Congestion Management by FACTS devices

    For efficient utilization of the existing network withpenetration of additional power FACTS devices areused.

    Effective FACTS based power flow control can beapplied to relieve transmission congestion & Improve thetransfer capability of the network with high penetration ofpower. While voltage security & voltage stabilityconstraint are satisfied & transmission net work can beeffectively utilized.

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    Principle of Control The inserted series voltage can be regulated to change

    the impedance (X) of Transmission line hence powerflow of the line can be controlled.

    FACTS is power Electronics based system that providedynamic control of the power transfer parameters

    transmission voltage, line impedance & phase angle,active and reactive power when storage becomes viablestorage then they can supply & absorbed active poweras well

    Consider unity power factor load, real power transferredis given by

    Similarly Reactive power transferred is given by

  • 8/3/2019 424 Final


    FACTS Technology and their potential

    Definition[3] of FACTS by IEEE as:

    Alternating current transmission system incorporatingpower Electronics based & other static controller toenhance controllability and increase power transfercapability

    FACTS controller [14] :- It is power electronic-basedsystem and other static equipment that provide control of

    one or more AC transmission parameters.

    For ATC enhancement the FACTS devices are placedat weak-bus.

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    FACTS Devices

    1. Shunt controller :Adjusting the system voltage by means of shunt

    reactive elements is known as shunt compensation.

    2. Series Controller :

    Adjusting the system voltage by means of series reactiveelements is known as shunt compensation.

    3. Combined shunt-series controller (Unified Power FlowController) :-

    It provides independent series reactive compensation for

    each line bus also transfer real power among the line viad.c. power link (Inter line power flow controller).

    Used in multiple line

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    We look at static considerations here for the placement of FACTSdevices in the power system. The objectives for device placementmay be one of the following:

    1. Reduction in the real power loss of a particular line

    2. Reduction in the total system real power loss 3. Reduction in the total system reactive power loss

    4. Maximum relief of congestion in the system

    For the first three objectives, methods based on the sensitivityapproach may be used. If the objective of FACTS device placement

    is to provide maximum relief of congestion, the devices may beplaced in the most congested lines .

    For ATC enhancement the FACTS devices are placed at weak-bus.

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    Weak Bus Identification

    The basic equations used in N-R Load flow are given below

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    To obtain real and reactive power sensitivity, the basic load flow equations becomes


    Hence, the real and reactive power sensitivities of the ith

    P P

    P V

    VQ P Q




    bus are obtained as









    PJ V


    QJ V



  • 8/3/2019 424 Final




    Eq.4 represents the real and reactive power sensitivities of the i-th bus.


    , min change in V for variation

    in Q-sta

    thi i

    i i

    Q Qalso indicatethe ree of weakness for i bus as being

    V V

    high becomes low indicating imum

    tus of the bus. Thus, being higher,

    the degree of weakness of the i-th bus becomes lesser





  • 8/3/2019 424 Final





    Run Base case Load flow

    Form full jacobian except for the SlackBus

    Consider Transaction

    Identify seller and buyer busesi & j

    Compute Line flows

    Compute the JacobianInverse

    Compute ACPTCDF & LODFusing same transaction

    Are alltransaction over

    Go to newtransaction

    Inject Reactive power withFACTS devices

    Calculate AvailabilityTransfer capability & print



    Flow chart

  • 8/3/2019 424 Final


    Results for 6 bus system

    (2) Results of basic load flow :

    (3) (a) Line flows file : line_flow.txt

    From to --- Line flows ---- ------- Line loss--

    MW MVar MVA MW MVar

    1 2 -18.37627 292.961 293.537 28.955 53.869

    1 5 5.30588 95.595 95.742 3.185 1.840

    2 1 47.33095 -239.092 243.732 28.955 53.869

    2 4 7.66905 -116.081 116.334 6.499 9.378

    3 5 0.73076 -36.339 36.346 0.472 -3.1673 6 35.26924 10.639 36.839 0.561 -2.782

    4 2 -1.17022 125.459 125.464 6.499 9.378

    4 5 34.07616 -51.782 61.988 1.456 -1.199

    4 6 67.09406 -3.723 67.197 1.802 -0.302

    5 1 -2.12073 -93.755 93.779 3.185 1.840

    5 3 -0.25888 33.172 33.173 0.472 -3.1675 4 -32.62039 50.583 60.189 1.456 -1.199

    6 3 -34.70777 -13.421 37.212 0.561 -2.782

    6 4 -65.29223 3.421 65.382 1.802 -0.302

    Total Loss 42.930 57.637

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    (b) Load flow result :

    Load flow bus status (Loadflowbusstatus.txt)

    Bus Voltage Angle ------Load------ ---Generation--- Injected

    No. Mag. Degree MW Mvar MW Mvar Mvar

    1 1.1000 0.0000 70.000 10.000 56.899 398.564 0.0002 0.9000 7.7121 45.000 10.000 100.000 -345.175 0.000

    3 1.0000 2.5717 50.000 10.000 86.000 -15.715 0.000

    4 1.0000 4.4050 30.000 10.000 130.000 79.937 0.000

    5 1.0273 1.7730 35.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    6 0.9761 1.2120 100.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    Total 330.000 60.000 372.899 117.611 0.000

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    Real Power Transmission Congestion Distribution factors (PTCDF) are asunder:

    line no from to Real Power Distribution factor


    1 1 2 0.1904

    2 1 5 -0.0037

    3 2 4 0.3031

    4 3 5 0.0815

    5 3 6 -0.1026

    6 4 5 -0.1509

    7 4 6 -0.4593________________________________________________

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    Weak bus Results are as under :


    Load Bus dq/dv


    5 0.02540466 0.0423613


    Minimum dQ/dV is 0.0254 for bus no 5

    Hence bus 5 is weak bus

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    Reactive power injection from (1 to 50 Mvar) at weak bus for congestion management

    Shunt: 1 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.02679 -> ATC : 31.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 2 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.02705 -> ATC : 33.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 3 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.02732 -> ATC : 36.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 4 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.02758 -> ATC : 38.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 5 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.02785 -> ATC : 39.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 6 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.02811 -> ATC : 35.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 7 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.02837 -> ATC : 32.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 8 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.02864 -> ATC : 29.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 9 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.02890 -> ATC : 26.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 10 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.02916 -> ATC : 23.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 11 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.02943 -> ATC : 20.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 12 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.02969 -> ATC : 16.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 13 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.02995 -> ATC : 13.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 14 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03022 -> ATC : 10.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 15 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03048 -> ATC : 6.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 16 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03074 -> ATC : 3.000 (MW)Shunt: 17 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03101 -> ATC : 3.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 18 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03127 -> ATC : 5.000 (MW)

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    Shunt: 19 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03153 -> ATC : 8.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 20 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03179 -> ATC : 11.000 (MW)Shunt: 21 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03205 -> ATC : 15.000 (MW)Shunt: 22 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03232 -> ATC : 18.000 (MW)Shunt: 23 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03258 -> ATC : 22.000(MW)Shunt: 24 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03284 -> ATC : 25.000 (MW)Shunt: 25 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03310 -> ATC : 27.000 (MW)Shunt: 26 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03336 -> ATC : 31.000 (MW)Shunt: 27 -> voltage(Kv) : 1.03362 -> ATC : 32.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 28 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03388 -> ATC : 34.000 (MW)Shunt: 29 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03414 -> ATC : 37.000 (MW)Shunt: 30 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03440 -> ATC : 37.000 (MW)Shunt: 31 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03466 -> ATC : 39.000(MW)Shunt: 32 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03492 -> ATC : 37.000 (MW)Shunt: 33 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03518 -> ATC : 36.000 (MW)Shunt: 34 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03544 -> ATC : 36.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 35 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03570 -> ATC : 33.000 (MW)Shunt: 36 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03596 -> ATC : 32.000 (MW)Shunt: 37 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03622 -> ATC : 28.000(MW)Shunt: 38 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03648 -> ATC : 26.000 (MW)Shunt: 39 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03674 -> ATC : 20.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 40 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03700 -> ATC : 14.000 (MW)

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    Shunt: 41 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03726 -> ATC : 10.000 (MW)Shunt: 42 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03752 -> ATC : 4.000 (MW)Shunt: 43 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03777 -> ATC : 2.000 (MW)Shunt: 44 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03803 -> ATC : 9.000 (MW)Shunt: 45 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03829 -> ATC : 16.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 46 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03855 -> ATC : 25.000 (MW)

    Shunt: 47 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03881 -> ATC : 34.00 (MW)

    Shunt: 48 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03906 -> ATC : 29.00 (MW)Shunt: 49 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03932 -> ATC : 21.00 (MW)

    Shunt: 50 -> Voltage(Kv) : 1.03958 -> ATC : 12.00 (MW)


    Final ATC : 39.0000 (MW) at shunt :5.00 (Mvar) at bus no 5



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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7-0.4




    0.4Plot for distribution factor at given Line

    Line No.


    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500





    X: 5

    Y: 39

    Shunt MVar


  • 8/3/2019 424 Final


    Conclusion & Future Scope

    It conclude that ATC calculation is very important &mandatory for Open Access in power system inDeregulated Electrical Market .

    In future with the help of some optimization techniqueslike genetic algorithm, Particle Swam Optimization, wecan optimized reactive power injection at weak bus.

  • 8/3/2019 424 Final


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    Reference Websites




    www.powergridindia.com www.nldc.in



    www.spp.org Atc_april2010_powergrid

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    Thank You