4268 lakefall court riverside, ca 92505 toll free (877) 244 0700 creditstrategy

4268 Lakefall Court Riverside, CA 92505 Toll Free (877) 244 0700 www.creditstrategy.com

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4268 Lakefall Court Riverside, CA 92505 Toll Free (877) 244 0700 www.creditstrategy.com. If your company supports Microsoft Office Products …. You already own the most preferred software tools used by credit professionals to manage credit …. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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4268 Lakefall CourtRiverside, CA 92505Toll Free (877) 244 0700


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You already own the most preferred software tools used by credit

professionals to manage credit …

Let Credit Strategy configure your software for maximum credit management effectiveness

If your company supports Microsoft Office Products …

Page 3: 4268 Lakefall Court Riverside, CA 92505 Toll Free (877) 244 0700 creditstrategy

Why Credit Strategy?Why Credit Strategy?

• Customers own the software and avoid annual licensing fees. • Customers can enhance their own software as processes

continue to evolve. • Customers customize their software to work the way they do.• Customers save thousands of dollars over the leading

alternatives.• Microsoft's office products are very reliable.

• Best of all …. There is no software product available that is better for your company than one designed by you.

The concept of customizing and configuring your own software has many advantages over conventional software programs.

Page 4: 4268 Lakefall Court Riverside, CA 92505 Toll Free (877) 244 0700 creditstrategy

Credit StrategyCredit Strategy

• Credit• Collections• Disputes• Correspondence • Organizer• Reports

6 Customized Credit Management


“Improves productivity & profitability”

Increases Collection Call Activity

Increases Receivable Turnover

Increases Dispute Resolution

Increases Cash Flow

Page 5: 4268 Lakefall Court Riverside, CA 92505 Toll Free (877) 244 0700 creditstrategy

The Power of Access The Power of Access

Credit Strategy was developed as a supplement to your accounting software. Credit Strategy combines data from your accounting system with credit data typically not stored on your main system. Combined data is stored in a Microsoft Access or SQL database for quick and easy retrieval.

Credit Strategy is customized to coincide with your credit department processes.

Credit Strategy works with most accounting software such as, Oracle, SAP, J.D. Edwards, Baan, Peoplesoft, etc.

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The work flow is intuitive, and reduces the number of keystrokes and time normally associated with most credit department tasks. You can accomplish more in less time with Credit Strategy.

Credit Strategy is designed to help the credit professional who is expected to do more with less ……

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You can even customize your own ongoing support program.

Credit Strategy offers a variety of ongoing maintenance and support programs. Service providers can maintain your program on-line from anywhere in the world.

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R e p o r ts S y ste m s A d m .

C orporate P rof ileS u bsid iary R oll U p sC red it E valuationF in an cia l S tatem en tsB an k R ef eren cesT rad e R ef eren cesA ltern ative F in an cin gA ttach m en t A rch iv in gC on tact D irectoryU R L C red it L in ksT ickler F iles

C r e d it

C all L ogsA ged O p en Item sT ickler F iles

C o lle c t io ns

D ispu te L og sO w n ersh ip A ssign m entsT ickler F iles

D isp ute s

S tatem en tsD u n n in g L ettersG en eral L etters

C o r r e sp o nd e nc e

P riorit ize C o llection C allsP riorit ize T ickler F iles

O r g a n ize r

M a in M e nu

You are only 2 clicks away from every credit function

From the Main Menu …

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• Log every collection call

• Record line item notes

• Assign reason codes for collection call activity

• Record payment promises and monitor cash flow

• Forecast daily and weekly cash collections

• Prepare adjustments and credit memo requests on-line

• Tickler files for action item follow up

• Track customers turned over for collections

• One button toggling to pre-selected host system screens

• Email or fax invoice copies and statements while on the phone

Credit Strategy’s “Collection Module” is extremely efficient, intuitive and user friendly.

Collection Module

Page 10: 4268 Lakefall Court Riverside, CA 92505 Toll Free (877) 244 0700 creditstrategy

• Log disputes and monitor resolution activity

• Assign ownership and track turnaround time

• Identify disputes by reason code for purpose of improving internal processes

• Tickler files for action item follow up

An effective tool for turning paper problems into cash …

Finally !

Dispute Module

Page 11: 4268 Lakefall Court Riverside, CA 92505 Toll Free (877) 244 0700 creditstrategy

• Maintain parent/child relationships

• Roll up subsidiary activity such as sales, agings, credit limits and pending orders

• Establish corporate credit limit as well as subsidiary credit lines

• Attach credit documentation on-line to customer files for quick retrieval

• Store and archive bank and trade references on-line

• Analyze financial statements through the use of key ratios

• Record pertinent alternative financing data on-line

• On-line credit approval authorizations

• Credit scoring templates

• Ability to identify and measure the risk elements of your A/R portfolio

Effective management tools for monitoring credit risk exposure

Credit Module

Reduce Paper Files

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Manage all your correspondence from

one screen …..

Statements (with or without credits)

Dunning Letters (featuring the “smart”

dunning cycle)

General Correspondence (also a tool for sales & marketing)

Correspondence Module

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Let Credit Strategy provide all your adhoc

reporting needs



Report Module

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Workload OrganizerOrganize and prioritize all your daily

activities from one screen.

Which accounts have the highest

delinquent dollars ?

Who is past due and hasn’t been

contacted ?

Instant reminders on all follow up activity for collection calls, dispute resolution and credit investigation work-ups

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How Does It Work ?Main A/R


IS provides Credit Strategy with required

table & field names from customers accounting


Credit Strategy maps required fields to the credit management

system. Customer works in a live data environment.

IS provides Credit Strategy with network

access and permission to map accounting fields.

It’s as easy as 1..2..3 ..

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What’s The Word On The Street ?

… I have used several of the leading accounting and credit software packages and nothing comes close to Credit Strategy for providing quick and easy solutions for managing collection and reconciliation activity … Jim Padgett (Collection Manager)

… Credit Strategy is tremendously effective and provides a very low cost solution for adding powerful tools for our credit department. Credit Strategy also provides us the ability to further customize and enhance the product through our IS Department …Roger Monaco (CFO)

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Your Credit Management

Systems Solution