4a special holiday offers -...

r 1i YOUR OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY DECEMBER 11 1909 1- I + + 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10 000 10000 g c 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 tfO000 10000 < o GcS OO 9 asr +C s t- o o 8 Vft r < t F r 8 r- w m t 00 o 1 J 9 0 hY 4 tp 4A s l p PP ktiss 00 oo 88- PP 10000 10000 10000 10000 ioodo 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 oo 00- oo p o 10000 10COO 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 50000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 S g 4- AA o o ocT 00- oo 22 oo 00 00 00 J t I 00 o 8 o Special Holiday Offers ii i 8 g AiR i x 00 ii 00 00- oo oo Substantial Christmas Gifts 100 o o- oo 88- po U Our Gift to the People is Ten Thousand Dollars II iiRd itii S S oo See Plan of Distribution J 88 fIt Oo o 00 O o- ocT iflffl o oo o Our prices are at least 20 per cent less than the ordinary store is asking We propose to give you 00 jlllll llnll oo Soo I an additional 10 per cent Figure this out then come look us over and we will convince you that 00C- CS 88 00 I n urn 00- pp r 11 tl 1fll yam we Make Good on the proposition as we have always made good on every proposition we make go 0 i 00 C < Aill oo M 1 1 i 00 u o IIII II II g 88- o o o- M o < 1OOOOOO To Be Given Away f 88 o o G 00 NIf Op oo v 00 < k 88 = OUR PLAT T i 8 oo 88- oo Wfft- A A We will have this advertisement calling attention to our large and elegant stock of Furniture in the daily and 00 00 00 00- II offlflt 00- O 00 weekly papers every week from now till Christmas having a circulation of 2500 each week Each advertisement of 06 cam O this series is worth 100 and as this advertisement will appear four times the grand total of 10000 advertisements 38 oo fIt each one of which is redeemable at our store at 100 each which will amount to 10000 if all advertisements are 00 00- o PP- o presented for redemption oS- ob 00 8 o o o- p We propose to redeem these advertisements in the following manner On alj cash purchases of S10 or more we 88- oo o go- oo will accept one advertisement as 100 Cash On all cash purchases of 820 or more we will accept two advertisements p- as ° r o- o 200 Cash and so on based on amount of cash purchase made 00- oo o r tiJ fII O O o O Remember each and every one of the 10000 advertisements published by us in this series and bearing the O C- p I Q 22 n following surrender certificate is worth 100 each o o- o 4- t < No advertisements will be redeemed alter midnight December 31st 1909 88 y ooo oIJ qJ o 28 00 00 o- oo 88 Ocala Fla 1909 14h ber4 o 0 iFd This is to certify that I have this day received from the Ill o J ° <= 0 o oo- OO Ocala Furniture Co One Dollur 100 in value for the sur ¬ o i render of this advertisement w 2 oo c 0 00 o o Ocala Furniture Company oo- oo 80 Signed go r r Address i 00- oo ° ° of u + OO opg OO O December 09 OCALA FloridaO- O 88- oo T o o fit ill ° Mid J J o 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 o c- r 00 oo Q 10000 10000 T 10000 10000 10000 V10000 510000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 0000 10000 10000 10000 10000 5 82 00 O 4 flr O- Orv l H H dB- Kgo 0o < 28 r t I op- o IIj 88 I oIt 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 101 10000 ° 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 c gg 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 0000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 ter WCTJ1RK A s Does It Pay Tract by Charles Scanlon Does it pay to license a traffic which lessens the demand for the helpful things of life which Increases their cost and diminishes the ability tp pay for them Does it pay to license a trafficthat makes men less skillful less steady I less reliable which lessens endurance lessens selfrespect and the respect of others lessens confidence lessens credit lessens the demand for food clothing shelter and tools with which- to work Does It pay to license a traffic which breeds idiots paupers criml ¬ mats lunatics and epileptics and casts them upon society to be supported by decent honest industrious people Does it pay to license a traffic which increases taxes by creating a necessity for jails penitentiaries asy- lums ¬ hospitals almshouses orphan- a CBj reformatories police and crimi ¬ nal courts Does it pay to license a thing which decreases a mans industrial efficiency so that the government reports show that 72 per cent of agriculturists dis- criminate ¬ against him using it and that 79 per cent of manufacturers SS pet cent of tradesmen and 90 per cent of railroad officials do the same thing Does it pay to maintain a national quarantine against criminal and de pendent classes from abroad and li- cense 250000 saloon keepers to man ¬ ufacture such products at home Does it pay to support the families 5> f saloon keepers and bartenders and hay their rent taxes and insurance- and buy luxuries for them in order to get a few pennies In revenue and li teeuse out of the many dollars which they filch from the pockets of indus ¬ tryDoes it pay to employ teachers to teach children the evil effects of alco hoi upon the human system and II canse men to sell a thing which in- flames ¬ the stomach hardens the brain tissue softens and weakens the blood vessels impoverishes theblood over works the heart retards the elimina lion of effete matter dims the eye dulls the hearing diseases the throat lungs kidneys liver nerves and mus- cles ¬ the demand for which is wholly firtitlciiil and when supplied serves no good purpose Does it pay to call ministers to preach the gospel of love charity honesty purity forgiveness and re- demption ¬ and license other men to engage in a traffic which fosters hate engenders strife breeds dishonesty impurity and destruction Does it pay to send missionaries to the heathen to point out the way of salvation and from the same port and often in the same vessel send liquid damnation Doos it pay to build a palace for the brewer hire servants and buy silks for his wife and dress your own wife- in rags make her take in washing to support the family and finally send her to the poorhouse and bury her in the potters field Dbes It pay to levy a tax to support orphans and widows and license the murder of husbands and fathers Does- it pay to license a thing which is al- ways ¬ and everywhere known to be the enemy of everything sacred to God and man Does it pay to maintain on our coast 275 life saving stations at a cost of a little more than a million and a half and out of the same pockets and under the same flag maintain 250000 litedestroying stations at two billions and a half Does it pay to listen to the sophis ¬ tries and falsehoods of passion preju ¬ dice ignorance appetite and greed and close your ears to the voice of conscience reason judgment suffer ¬ ing religion and God Does it pay to do that which will blanche the cheeks with fear and make you dumb with terror when at last you stand In the presence of the Judge of the quick and the dead e A Saloon Becomes a Church Estherwood La October 21The transformation of what was formerly a saloon into a house of olivine wor ¬ ship has been effected by the Catho- lics ¬ of Estherwood The congregation temporarily without a worshiping place rented the building Now an I altar stands where once there was a bar and where there was once heard I the clinking of glasses there will now be chanted words of prayer- S The monster prohibition parade in Chicago is to be followed by a six months campaign to close the 7000 saloons in the city Surely they have great faith Why should we in Flor ¬ ida hesitate to attack the wet terri- tory ¬ in our loved state Dr E E I Folk says that should the Prohis win lit will pave the way for nationwide I prohibition Should they fail it will pay as an educative lesson I I LAKE WEIREIG- HTEEN MILES FROM OCALA I Houses to Rent at Woodman on the Bluff Overlooking the Lake GOODWIN BUNGALOW Furnish ¬ ed modern plumbing running water acetylene gas 10 per week ARGYLE COTTAGEFurnished- running water 5 per week BLAIR VILLA To rent on October 1 for the winter furnished running water modern plumbing acetylene- gas 25 per month David S Woodrow Holder Block Ocala Fla- t 1 Woodmen meet Friday evening 1 CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR NEWS The last month and what many of us think the busiest one of the whole year Let us not wait till the first day of 1910 to begin plans for a better year coming There Is a splendid offer now plac- ed ¬ before Endeavorers and this is the getting of the Christian Endeavor World next year for 1 instead of the usual one and a half dollar price if the order is made out on a 1911 cam ¬ paign offer coupon This reduction is only for new subscriptions and has no premium with it Send to Interlachen- for coupons We need and need badly more copies of our paper taken In Florida- In Kissimmee there is a missionary committee that is more active than some such committees are Among other good things it accomplished is a prayermeeting in the county jail near ¬ ly every Sunday afternoon We have other societies in towns where there are prisons that might go and do like ¬ wise in following the Kissimmee ex ¬ ample The convention for northeastern and north central districts which was to have convened this week in Inter ¬ lachen has had to be postponed a dis- appointment ¬ to many but It is all for the best some day Both districts have good officers who intend to ac ¬ complish something in their lengthen- ed ¬ official ea- rPresldentYlnnard writes us that the Tampa Heights Presbyterian so- ciety ¬ did not hold meetings the month- of special revival services in their city but have resumed regular work again Mr WInnards juniors are doing fine- ly ¬ Now that the state press superin ¬ tendent is at home to stay there prob- ably ¬ all winter the press local report- ers ¬ are asked to get busy and send us a budget of news at least once a month from every society Will you do it An active Endeavor friend has en- joyed ¬ a prosperous year in business and in a letter mentioning this suc ¬ cess adds that his zeal in the Endeav- or ¬ and other parts of the church work has not lessened because the temporal wealth has come from God and it is therefore only right to be all the more industrious in religious duties This its a thought that more of us need to I take homethat blessings come from God and he expects us to use them in his service instead of them taking our time and heart away from him as is sometimes true I Orange and Osceola district work- ers are enjoying memories of their J fine convention This district though- one of the smallest in number of so- cieties ¬ and territory it covers is one of the most active in all the state union Here are the subjects for prayer as I given In the Christian Endeavor World for December 1 Pray that the thought of Christs coming to earth may toad to a grow ¬ ing spirit of peace and good will and renewed consecration to his service 2 Pray for those to whom the holi- day ¬ season brings added toil or a re ¬ minder of loss 3 Pray for the meetings on mis ¬ sionary ground to be attended by Dr Clark and Mr Shaw as they return from the Agra convention and for the Christian Endeavorers in those lands 4 Pray for Congress that it may follow Gods guidance in framing Just and wise laws These motives for prayer and the Christian Endeavor calendar in every copy of our paper give unexcelled foundation for universal observance of the quiet hour Grace A Townsend Interlachen Fly Dec 9 1909 NATURES WARNING Ocala People Must Recognize and Heed It Kidney ills com quietly myster- iously ¬ But nature always warns you Notice the kidney secretions- See if the color is unhealthy If there are settlings and sediment I Passages frequent scanty painfu- lIts I time then to use Doans Kidney Pills To ward off Brights disease or dia ¬ betes Doans have done great work in this locality Mrs Scott Hodgkin Howry avenue DeLand Fla says I am very glad- to acknowledge the great benefit I de- rived ¬ from the use of Doans Kidney Pills My kidneys did not do their work properly and the secretions were scanty and otherwise unnatural My back ached constantly and I suffered intensely if I stooped or lifted I felt miserable and some days was hardly able to get around I finally learned- of Doans Kidney Pills and procured a supply It required but the contents- of two boxes to relieve the backache and I have not had a pain or ache since My kidneys are also normal in fact I have been entirely relieved- of kidney trouble For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FosterMilburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the nameDoansandt- ake no other- ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS- Ocala Fla Dec 7th 1909 Sealed proposals will be received at the postoffice until 2 oclock p m December ISth 1909 for furnishing fuel lights water ice miscellaneous I supplies washing towels hauling ashes and sprinkling streets for this I building during the fiscal year ending June 30 1910 or such portion of the year as may be deemed advisable The right to reject any and all bids is re ¬ served by the Treasury Department Geo C Crom Custodian Oysters served in all styles night or- t day at the Brick City Restaurant SUMMERFIELD Summerfield Is getting to be quite a busy place People from all over the United States are arriving here daily and large numbers of there are in ¬ vesting In the productive lands sur ¬ rounding this rapidly growing town The following is a partial list of the arrivals during the last couple of weeks- C A Bangert Mansfield Ohio El- mer ¬ P Kline Reading Pa B F Kessler Mt Carme Pa L W Ev ¬ erett Jeddo Pa Wm Finct Lyn brook L L J P Joyce Ashland Pa R C Paul Harrisburg Pa Fred Cweifel Bethlehem Pa Ed W Don ¬ aldson Richmond Va M A Burke Son Boston Mass Mrs Sibley Mich Mrs Geo W Wellbourne Summit Ill James Saunders New- Castle Del Hy Martell Plymouth Mass J E Ward Lakeland Fiat C Nelson Brooklyn N Y A Blair Baggs Wyo Nels Sjoberg Chicago Ill Swan Sjoberg Chicago Ill Da ¬ vis A Jones Flushing N Y Lee Lightfoot Eau Clair WIs Jonathan Bickel Reading Pa Emil Orna Eau Clair Wis J W Tillson Weirside Neb Mr and Mrs Gunther Chicago Ill Mr and Mrs Fish Mt Kisco N Y Mrs M Gorham Mt Kisco N Y M V Reed and wife Pittsburg Pa Walter Maiden and sons E H Miller Ada Ohio Jos Werner Danesville 111 J I Allford Popular Camp Va P H Marshall Colebrook N H S Arthur Sherburn Shelbjville Ill The Florida National Land Co is installing an experiment station here for the benfit and edification of visi ¬ tors and residents Nathan Mayo is experimenting with lettuce and celery Heres success to the venture Messrs Gough and Montgomery of Baltimore Md are moving into their new residence west of town Good luck to you boys- L B Branch southwest of town has disposed of his property to R C Paul of Harrisburg Pa T M Shaw will manage the Nat- ional ¬ Hotel now being erected It will be ready for business by Christmas- The Carney Invesment Co are busy shipping oranges The crop Is esti ¬ mated at 50000 boxes All come through Summerfield- E R Eledr of Elwin IlL purchas- ed ¬ a tract of more than 500 acres of land on Lake Weir A very valuabje purchase John E Scroggle moved to Sum ¬ merfield on the Mayonia farm Revival services at the Methodist church conducted by Rev C R Philips resulted in the registration of nine new members Christmas will be celebrated at the Methodist church by a delightful pro ¬ gram A D Mitchell is kept busy driving over the country showing the lands of the Florida National Land Com- pany ¬ to prospective buyers Jacob Schiveley John Fink and Philip Leffel all of Lima Ohio are busy improving their land bought of the Florida National Land Co P H Nugent Is busy shipping veg ¬ etables This community owes a great deal- to the Florida National Land Com ¬ pany This company is sending large numbers of people here from all sec ¬ tions of the country These people are buying lands here both from this company and individual owners Let us all join in helping to get them well located Some of our northern friends visit ¬ ing here had quite a delightful time Wednesday evening shaking hands with a magnificent 12foot alligator captured by J S Barrett about one mile from town Mr Downs Is the humorist of the town We are thinking organizing a stock company to put on a vaude- ville ¬ making him chief commedlan A WOMANS APPEAL- To all knowing sufferers of rheuma- tism ¬ whether muscular or of the joints sclataica lumbagos backache pains in the kidneys or neuralgia pains to write to her for a home treat ¬ ment yvhich has repeatedly cured ail of thes tortures She feels it her duty- to send it to all sufferers FREE You cure yourself at home as thousands- will testify no change of climate be- ing ¬ 1 necessary This simple discovery banishes uric acid from the blood loosens the stiffened joints purifies the blood and brightens the eyes giv ¬ ing elasticity and tone to the whole system If the above interests you to proof address Mrs M Summers Br R South Bend Ind 23 NOTICE- Of Final Settlement and Discharge Notice Is hereby given that on the 19th day of January A D 1910 the undersigned administratrix de bonis non of the estate of Mary Conyers deceased will present my final account end vouchers to the Honorable Joseph Bell judge of probate In and for Ma ¬ rion county Florida at his office In Ocala and will make my final settle- ment ¬ and will apply for final discharge as administratrix Joanna Lewis As Administratrix de bonis non ot the estate of Mary Conyers de ¬ ceased Dated Citra Fla July 16th 1909 NOTICE- Of Final Settlement and Discharge Notice is hereby given that on the 9th day of February A D 1910 the undersigned will present her counts and vouchers to the Hon Joseph Bell judge of probate In and for Marion county at his office In Ocala and will make her final settlement and apply- for final discharge Ocala Fla 21st day of July 1909 ANNIE M PERRY Administratrix Estate of S H Perry

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Page 1: 4A Special Holiday Offers - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.eduufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03345/00160.pdf · tp4A s PP l p 00 ktiss o o 88-PP ... oo See Plan of Distribution SJ

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00o8o Special Holiday Offers ii


8 g AiR ix


ii 0000-ooo o Substantial Christmas Gifts 100o o-oo


poU Our Gift to the People is Ten Thousand Dollars II iiRd

itii S Soo See Plan of Distribution J88 fIt Ooo00 O o-

ocTiflffl oo oo Our prices are at least 20 per cent less than the ordinary store is asking We propose to give you00 jlllll llnll o oSoo

I an additional 10 per cent Figure this out then come look us over and we will convince you that 00C-


8800 I n urn 00-pp

r11 tl 1fll

yam we Make Good on the proposition as we have always made good on every proposition we make go0i 00 C<Aill o oM 1

1 i 00 u oIIII II II g88-oo



o< 1OOOOOO To Be Given Away f


o G 00 NIfOp oo v


k 88 = OUR PLAT Ti 8o o



Wfft-A A We will have this advertisement calling attention to our large and elegant stock of Furniture in the daily and 00

0000 00-


00-O0 0 weekly papers every week from now till Christmas having a circulation of 2500 each week Each advertisement of 06 cam

O this series is worth 100 and as this advertisement will appear four times the grand total of 10000 advertisements38oo

fIteach one of which is redeemable at our store at 100 each which will amount to 10000 if all advertisements are 0 0


oPP-opresented for redemption oS-ob

00 8 ooo-


We propose to redeem these advertisements in the following manner On alj cash purchases of S10 or more we 88-oo

ogo-o o will accept one advertisement as 100 Cash On all cash purchases of 820 or more we will accept two advertisements p-

as° r



200 Cash and so on based on amount of cash purchase made 00-


o r tiJ fII

O OoO Remember each and every one of the 10000 advertisements published by us in this series and bearing the O C-p I Q 22n following surrender certificate is worth 100 each o o-



t< No advertisements will be redeemed alter midnight December 31st 1909 88 y

ooooIJ qJ o 2800 00 o-oo88 Ocala Fla 1909 14h ber4 o 0 iFdThis is to certify that I have this day received from the Ill o J °

<= 0ooo-


Ocala Furniture Co One Dollur 100 in value for the sur ¬ o irender of this advertisement w 2oo c 0 00o o Ocala Furniture Company oo-

oo80 Signed go r r

Address i 00-


° °of u+ OOopg OOO

December 09 OCALA FloridaO-



To o fit ill ° MidJ J o10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 o c-r 00oo

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WCTJ1RKAs Does It Pay

Tract by Charles ScanlonDoes it pay to license a traffic

which lessens the demand for thehelpful things of life which Increasestheir cost and diminishes the abilitytp pay for them

Does it pay to license a trafficthatmakes men less skillful less steady


less reliable which lessens endurancelessens selfrespect and the respectof others lessens confidence lessenscredit lessens the demand for foodclothing shelter and tools with which-to work

Does It pay to license a trafficwhich breeds idiots paupers criml ¬

mats lunatics and epileptics and caststhem upon society to be supported bydecent honest industrious people

Does it pay to license a trafficwhich increases taxes by creating anecessity for jails penitentiaries asy-lums


hospitals almshouses orphan-a CBj reformatories police and crimi ¬

nal courtsDoes it pay to license a thing which

decreases a mans industrial efficiencyso that the government reports showthat 72 per cent of agriculturists dis-


against him using it andthat 79 per cent of manufacturers SS

pet cent of tradesmen and 90 percent of railroad officials do the samething

Does it pay to maintain a nationalquarantine against criminal and de

pendent classes from abroad and li-

cense 250000 saloon keepers to man ¬

ufacture such products at homeDoes it pay to support the families

5> f saloon keepers and bartenders andhay their rent taxes and insurance-and buy luxuries for them in order toget a few pennies In revenue and liteeuse out of the many dollars whichthey filch from the pockets of indus ¬

tryDoesit pay to employ teachers to

teach children the evil effects of alcohoi upon the human system and IIcanse men to sell a thing which in-


the stomach hardens the braintissue softens and weakens the bloodvessels impoverishes theblood overworks the heart retards the eliminalion of effete matter dims the eyedulls the hearing diseases the throatlungs kidneys liver nerves and mus-cles


the demand for which is whollyfirtitlciiil and when supplied serves nogood purpose

Does it pay to call ministers topreach the gospel of love charityhonesty purity forgiveness and re-


and license other men toengage in a traffic which fosters hateengenders strife breeds dishonestyimpurity and destruction

Does it pay to send missionaries tothe heathen to point out the way ofsalvation and from the same port andoften in the same vessel send liquiddamnation

Doos it pay to build a palace for the

brewer hire servants and buy silksfor his wife and dress your own wife-in rags make her take in washing tosupport the family and finally sendher to the poorhouse and bury her inthe potters field

Dbes It pay to levy a tax to supportorphans and widows and license themurder of husbands and fathers Does-it pay to license a thing which is al-


and everywhere known to be theenemy of everything sacred to Godand man

Does it pay to maintain on ourcoast 275 life saving stations at a costof a little more than a million and ahalf and out of the same pockets andunder the same flag maintain 250000litedestroying stations at two billionsand a half

Does it pay to listen to the sophis ¬

tries and falsehoods of passion preju ¬

dice ignorance appetite and greedand close your ears to the voice ofconscience reason judgment suffer¬

ing religion and GodDoes it pay to do that which will

blanche the cheeks with fear andmake you dumb with terror when atlast you stand In the presence of theJudge of the quick and the dead


A Saloon Becomes a ChurchEstherwood La October 21The

transformation of what was formerlya saloon into a house of olivine wor¬

ship has been effected by the Catho-lics


of Estherwood The congregationtemporarily without a worshipingplace rented the building Now an

I altar stands where once there was abar and where there was once heard


the clinking of glasses there will nowbe chanted words of prayer-


The monster prohibition parade inChicago is to be followed by a sixmonths campaign to close the 7000saloons in the city Surely they havegreat faith Why should we in Flor ¬

ida hesitate to attack the wet terri-tory


in our loved state Dr E EI Folk says that should the Prohis winlit will pave the way for nationwideI prohibition Should they fail it willpay as an educative lesson




Houses to Rent at Woodman on theBluff Overlooking the Lake


ed modern plumbing running wateracetylene gas 10 per week

ARGYLE COTTAGEFurnished-running water 5 per week

BLAIR VILLA To rent on October1 for the winter furnished runningwater modern plumbing acetylene-gas 25 per month

David S WoodrowHolder Block Ocala Fla-



Woodmen meet Friday evening



The last month and what many ofus think the busiest one of the wholeyear Let us not wait till the first dayof 1910 to begin plans for a betteryear coming

There Is a splendid offer now plac-


before Endeavorers and this is thegetting of the Christian EndeavorWorld next year for 1 instead of theusual one and a half dollar price ifthe order is made out on a 1911 cam ¬

paign offer coupon This reduction isonly for new subscriptions and has nopremium with it Send to Interlachen-for coupons We need and need badlymore copies of our paper taken InFlorida-

In Kissimmee there is a missionarycommittee that is more active thansome such committees are Amongother good things it accomplished is aprayermeeting in the county jail near ¬

ly every Sunday afternoon We haveother societies in towns where thereare prisons that might go and do like ¬

wise in following the Kissimmee ex¬

ampleThe convention for northeastern and

north central districts which was tohave convened this week in Inter ¬

lachen has had to be postponed a dis-appointment


to many but It is all forthe best some day Both districtshave good officers who intend to ac ¬

complish something in their lengthen-ed


official ea-rPresldentYlnnard writes us that

the Tampa Heights Presbyterian so-ciety


did not hold meetings the month-of special revival services in their citybut have resumed regular work againMr WInnards juniors are doing fine-ly


Now that the state press superin ¬

tendent is at home to stay there prob-ably


all winter the press local report-ers


are asked to get busy and send usa budget of news at least once a monthfrom every society Will you do it

An active Endeavor friend has en-joyed


a prosperous year in businessand in a letter mentioning this suc ¬

cess adds that his zeal in the Endeav-or


and other parts of the church workhas not lessened because the temporalwealth has come from God and it istherefore only right to be all the moreindustrious in religious duties This

its a thought that more of us need toI take homethat blessings come fromGod and he expects us to use them inhis service instead of them taking ourtime and heart away from him as issometimes true

I Orange and Osceola district work-ers are enjoying memories of their

Jfine convention This district though-one of the smallest in number of so-


and territory it covers is oneof the most active in all the stateunion

Here are the subjects for prayer asI

given In the Christian Endeavor Worldfor December

1 Pray that the thought of Christscoming to earth may toad to a grow ¬

ing spirit of peace and good will andrenewed consecration to his service

2 Pray for those to whom the holi-day


season brings added toil or a re¬

minder of loss3 Pray for the meetings on mis ¬

sionary ground to be attended by DrClark and Mr Shaw as they returnfrom the Agra convention and for theChristian Endeavorers in those lands

4 Pray for Congress that it mayfollow Gods guidance in framing Justand wise laws

These motives for prayer and theChristian Endeavor calendar in everycopy of our paper give unexcelledfoundation for universal observance ofthe quiet hour Grace A Townsend

Interlachen Fly Dec 9 1909


Ocala People Must Recognize andHeed It

Kidney ills com quietly myster-iously


But nature always warns youNotice the kidney secretions-See if the color is unhealthyIf there are settlings and sediment I

Passages frequent scanty painfu-lIts


time then to use Doans KidneyPills

To ward off Brights disease or dia ¬

betesDoans have done great work in this

localityMrs Scott Hodgkin Howry avenue

DeLand Fla says I am very glad-to acknowledge the great benefit I de-rived


from the use of Doans KidneyPills My kidneys did not do theirwork properly and the secretions werescanty and otherwise unnatural Myback ached constantly and I sufferedintensely if I stooped or lifted I feltmiserable and some days was hardlyable to get around I finally learned-of Doans Kidney Pills and procured asupply It required but the contents-of two boxes to relieve the backacheand I have not had a pain or achesince My kidneys are also normalin fact I have been entirely relieved-of kidney trouble

For sale by all dealers Price 50cents FosterMilburn Co BuffaloNew York sole agents for the UnitedStates

Remember the nameDoansandt-ake no other-


Ocala Fla Dec 7th 1909Sealed proposals will be received at

the postoffice until 2 oclock p mDecember ISth 1909 for furnishingfuel lights water ice miscellaneous I

supplies washing towels haulingashes and sprinkling streets for this

I building during the fiscal year endingJune 30 1910 or such portion of theyear as may be deemed advisable Theright to reject any and all bids is re ¬

served by the Treasury DepartmentGeo C Crom Custodian

Oysters served in all styles night or-

t day at the Brick City Restaurant


Summerfield Is getting to be quite abusy place People from all over theUnited States are arriving here dailyand large numbers of there are in ¬

vesting In the productive lands sur¬

rounding this rapidly growing townThe following is a partial list of the

arrivals during the last couple ofweeks-

C A Bangert Mansfield Ohio El-mer


P Kline Reading Pa B FKessler Mt Carme Pa L W Ev ¬

erett Jeddo Pa Wm Finct Lynbrook L L J P Joyce Ashland PaR C Paul Harrisburg Pa FredCweifel Bethlehem Pa Ed W Don ¬

aldson Richmond Va M A BurkeSon Boston Mass Mrs Sibley

Mich Mrs Geo W WellbourneSummit Ill James Saunders New-Castle Del Hy Martell PlymouthMass J E Ward Lakeland FiatC Nelson Brooklyn N Y A BlairBaggs Wyo Nels Sjoberg ChicagoIll Swan Sjoberg Chicago Ill Da¬

vis A Jones Flushing N Y LeeLightfoot Eau Clair WIs JonathanBickel Reading Pa Emil Orna EauClair Wis J W Tillson WeirsideNeb Mr and Mrs Gunther ChicagoIll Mr and Mrs Fish Mt Kisco NY Mrs M Gorham Mt Kisco N YM V Reed and wife Pittsburg PaWalter Maiden and sons E H MillerAda Ohio Jos Werner Danesville111 J I Allford Popular Camp VaP H Marshall Colebrook N H SArthur Sherburn Shelbjville Ill

The Florida National Land Co isinstalling an experiment station herefor the benfit and edification of visi ¬

tors and residentsNathan Mayo is experimenting with

lettuce and celery Heres success tothe venture

Messrs Gough and Montgomery ofBaltimore Md are moving into theirnew residence west of town Goodluck to you boys-

L B Branch southwest of townhas disposed of his property to R CPaul of Harrisburg Pa

T M Shaw will manage the Nat-ional


Hotel now being erected It willbe ready for business by Christmas-

The Carney Invesment Co are busyshipping oranges The crop Is esti ¬

mated at 50000 boxes All comethrough Summerfield-

E R Eledr of Elwin IlL purchas-ed


a tract of more than 500 acres ofland on Lake Weir A very valuabjepurchase

John E Scroggle moved to Sum ¬

merfield on the Mayonia farmRevival services at the Methodist

church conducted by Rev C RPhilips resulted in the registration ofnine new members

Christmas will be celebrated at theMethodist church by a delightful pro ¬

gramA D Mitchell is kept busy driving

over the country showing the landsof the Florida National Land Com-pany


to prospective buyersJacob Schiveley John Fink and

Philip Leffel all of Lima Ohio arebusy improving their land bought ofthe Florida National Land Co

P H Nugent Is busy shipping veg¬

etablesThis community owes a great deal-

to the Florida National Land Com ¬

pany This company is sending largenumbers of people here from all sec ¬

tions of the country These people arebuying lands here both from thiscompany and individual owners Letus all join in helping to get them welllocated

Some of our northern friends visit ¬

ing here had quite a delightful timeWednesday evening shaking handswith a magnificent 12foot alligatorcaptured by J S Barrett about onemile from town

Mr Downs Is the humorist of thetown We are thinking organizinga stock company to put on a vaude-ville


making him chief commedlan

A WOMANS APPEAL-To all knowing sufferers of rheuma-tism


whether muscular or of thejoints sclataica lumbagos backachepains in the kidneys or neuralgiapains to write to her for a home treat¬

ment yvhich has repeatedly cured ailof thes tortures She feels it her duty-to send it to all sufferers FREE Youcure yourself at home as thousands-will testify no change of climate be-

ing¬ 1

necessary This simple discoverybanishes uric acid from the bloodloosens the stiffened joints purifiesthe blood and brightens the eyes giv¬

ing elasticity and tone to the wholesystem If the above interests youto proof address Mrs M SummersBr R South Bend Ind 23

NOTICE-Of Final Settlement and Discharge

Notice Is hereby given that on the19th day of January A D 1910 theundersigned administratrix de bonisnon of the estate of Mary Conyersdeceased will present my final accountend vouchers to the Honorable JosephBell judge of probate In and for Ma¬

rion county Florida at his office InOcala and will make my final settle-ment


and will apply for final dischargeas administratrix Joanna Lewis

As Administratrix de bonis non otthe estate of Mary Conyers de¬

ceasedDated Citra Fla July 16th 1909


Of Final Settlement and DischargeNotice is hereby given that on the

9th day of February A D 1910 theundersigned will present her countsand vouchers to the Hon Joseph Belljudge of probate In and for Marioncounty at his office In Ocala and willmake her final settlement and apply-for final discharge

Ocala Fla 21st day of July 1909ANNIE M PERRY

Administratrix Estate of S H Perry