5. general questionnaire mcvpod edu


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1. Why have you decided to stand for AIESEC Romania? What will be your contribution to the MC team and what do you expect to learn from the experience? I decided to stand for AIESEC Romania because I believe that this is a logical step in my AIESEC development. Halfway through my term as President I knew that this will not be my last experience in AIESEC and I was thinking about a MC experience. Because I’m more drawn to internationalism, I first pictured myself as being part of a MC abroad. This perspective changed after talking with some of the LCPs from other countries and from Romania. That was the moment I decided to run for AIESEC in Romania. Moreover, at RockME, the current MCP of Romania talked about the idea of having in the MC Presidents that worked with the changes that stand in front of the organization in the upcoming period. This will be an important advantage for all of us next year, making MCs’ transition more efficient and enabling the next MC to have a shorter storming period and immediately enter the performing part. My contribution to the MC team will be my creativity, flexibility, innovation and passion that I demonstrated in the last 3 years of my AIESEC Experience. Talking about the things that I will gain out of this, my expectations are to have the most qualitative TMP experience. This consists in working with other 9 individuals for a period of one year in a professional environment, making this experience an important step that I should take before entering the corporate world. 2. Create a proposal for AIESEC Romania 2012-2013 strategy that should cover the next points (a,b and c): a. Make a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threads) of AIESEC in Romania. The points above have to be evident in the plan you create and the correlation between them too.

Strengths - functional NSTs that have supported the strategies implemented by the MC

- MCP in Steering Team

- creating a LCPs team, involvement of the LCPs team

- aligned recruitment campaigns in all the LCs

- qualitative national PBoXes (Grow, MoneySense)

- new partnerships realized at RYLF

- MC EVS accreditation and some LCs EVS accreditation

- 2 new LCs

- lot of candidates for this MCC (potential candidates for MC abroad, if not selected)

- AIESEC Romania is well positioned in the international network

- high visibility in the external environment (through Dinu Patriciu awards enhanced) - good reintegration process (members are taking more than one program)

- quality on ICX reception

- Engagement and LifeLong connection theoretically

Weaknesses - problems regarding retention in EB teams across the country - low number of GIPs (both incoming and outgoing) - poor understanding of the changes in structure in some LCs - low GN collaboration - few LCs applying for Grants - there was no focus in preparing AIESEC Romania’s members (lack of area preparation in conferences) - unhealthy internal processes (difference between planned and achieved objectives) - MCVP TM without EB experience before, elected too late (LCVPs without direction for a while) - Incoming GCDPs that are not sustainable (this affects the quality of the internships provided) - no stable regional coaches - no investment plan for AIESEC Romania - PBoXes on OGX - expansions and IGs management - LCs with year plans that are not realistic - low external market orientation

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defined before AI

- MoSes on new programs implemented before IC

- Alumni involvement and support for the MC - MC present in the LCs for LC visits and preparation -MC accommodation at low cost - AIESEC Ireland

- visibility of the organization

Opportunities - AIESEC Romania members in MCs abroad

- the partnership with Trilulilu

- Exchange accreditation (that should be expended in all the LCs) - EuroCo organized in Romania

- many Grants providers

- no jobs for students (students choose to work abroad with AIESEC’s internships)

- partnership with School of Values and RBS in implementing external projects - one person who applies in AIESEC International -ICX and OGX partnerships - the Alumni network - EU funds for Social Enterprises

Threats - financial crisis

- no LC organizing RYLF yet

- our competitors for internships abroad (Erasmus, Work and travel etc.) - Educational system will change drastically (this will affect projects for high schools)

- elect EBs with different structure in every LC (accountability issues, problems in aligning promo campaigns) - initiatives that come from AI may be different from the initiatives we've been unfolding lately

b. The 3 main priorities for your area(s) based on the general SWOT analysis. What strategies would you propose for each one and what results would you like to see in each of those priorities at the end of your term.

Priorities Strategies Main results

NGO to Social Enterprise

Prepare the organization: Structure implementation (or at least a change management plan implemented based on the principles of the new structure) External Orientation. Implement professional market analysis tools; identify concrete benefits for the markets, promote those benefits -> attract stakeholders Quality standards for the processes implemented Fast prototyping implemented in order to generate projects that meet the needs of the market Investment plan based on the development of the members and the development of the organization. Stabilize the cash flow Legal Procedures: Consultancy from a law firm Acquiring a social mark Establish the paid structures Create a strategy of social projects Financial plan based on reinvestment Legal procedures for cost deduction

LCs have a functional structure based on the principles Increase in the quality of the ELD programs Increase in the ELD customers AIESEC gets the Social Enterprise status Increase in the ownership of our members New products

AIESEC Romania

Growth Networks implemented with Regional Centers and Regional Planning Meeting

Functional GNs

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Regional Development

SOL campaign Cooperation on partnerships Sharing contacts (Local spreadsheets for international contacts etc) Human resource in local events, promotion and selection LCs capitalizing on the EVS accreditation of the country or of the other LCs Cooperation on common initiatives Sharing good case practices on exchange EB education LC Visit strategy

Implementation of Regional Planning Meetings Increase realizations on EVS

Increase Relevance for the External Market

Approaching specific segments of the market Market Research Identify benefits for each market Increase the number of event based projects ELD accreditation (Ministry of Work, Ministry of Education downscaled to University and City Halls) Nationally Aligned brands for ELD programs Working with Board of Advisors at local level

Market analysis campaign Segments of the market are approached individually Increase the number of stakeholders involved

c. The external opportunities you can capitalize from your position to get the vision you propose in point (b). The external opportunities that I can capitalize on are:

Multinational corporations Small number of Jobs offered to students Student NGOs (for International Programs

consumers and externalization). HR companies

International conferences Alumni Board of Advisors Ministry of Work Ministry of Education

3. What is the role of MC? What should be the role of MC? What actions can you take as an MC

team to fill the gap?

The main role of the MC is to create and deliver the direction for the country. The MC does this by downscaling information from AI to the Local Committees, information used in planning, updating and tracking. After the plan is created with the help of the EBs, the MC must ensure the support of that plan, by offering services towards the country, both general and functional ones, reacting to the new information and to the local realities. The MC, individually, works with the strategic teams, either RoST or various NSTs on areas. The MC is responsible for the national education cycle, delivering it or ensuring that it is being delivered by externals. Last, but not the least, the MC is responsible for representing the country and the LCs, outside the organization or in the international network. In what concerns the gap between what is and what should be the role of the MC, I can say that this two are not that different. This year we were led by a team who managed to meet the country’s expectations in what concerns their Job Description. Ever since the beginning, I noticed the trend to shape Romania as a united AIESEC country, where LCs work together, relying on the support from the MC.

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The only thing that I will do differently this year will be having more trust in the Presidents and their Vice Presidents, transmitting the correct information at the right time. 4. What strategies does AIESEC Romania need to follow to increase performance for the ELD programs? Please specify at least 3 strategies for Domestic Programs (TMP&TLP) and 3 strategies for the International Programs (GIP&GCDP).

Domestic Programs TMP&TLP

Develop engagement programs and activities By passing on the information starting with the engagement phase, involving our potential TMP and TLP consumers in projects, activities or events, we will insure that the people who will access the Domestic Programs will be better prepared and more passionate to do their designated tasks at a higher quality. Personalized induction on programs Based on their own career plan, a member accessing TMP or TLP must receive the specific preparation needed to develop his skills for the program he accesses, and also, for his future plans. By doing this we ensure the pipeline for the experiences that the organization provides. Leadership Development Programs Because we’re switching to a program based experience, we need to create a dynamic leadership development program, taking into consideration the fast prototyping and accountability system. The main focus is provide education for the EBs, and a low cost solution is to work with the national partners to deliver this in national conferences and to push the LCs to open to the local corporate and alumni environment. Moving forward, the EB must be capable to deliver a certain competency building program for the people in the TLP, considering the needs, the local reality and the social and geographic factors.

International Programs GIP&GCDP

Partnerships and targeted recruitments The vision of the organization is to Engage and develop every young person in the world. The most accessible international program for first year students is the GCDP. This is why we must capitalize on it and create Country to Country Partnerships in which we promote concrete opportunities, with a specific timeframe and job description. On the other hand, the GIP program is more qualitative and professional, and it is a bit harder to create a stabile partnership for it. Internships like the TTs for Tata Consultancy promoted in this year’s RYLF are that kind of internships that we must capitalize on. Moreover, we, as an MC must create an aligned brand for GIPs that all the country will promote to our stakeholders. Another strategy is creating GIP preferential partnerships with the MCs in which our GIP customers are the first to be presented to their TN Takers.

GIP market expansion A thing that might help is to scan the platform for new pools on GIP. There are a lot of TNs that promote new areas that Romania, as an AIESEC country, does not capitalize upon, and this is a focus area that the MC must encourage LCs to have. With the ETs introduced as GIP we must approach private language schools that can use internationals in their work. The TT pool is now growing into something more than a IT pool, and this is a trend that the MC must offer a concrete push this year. GCDP conversion to GIP and qualitative delivery For every young student who wants to access the GIP program, the VPs must recommend a GCDP program before. If every GIP consumer becomes a GCDP consumer as well, AIESEC Romania will have a growth in their realizations.Moreover,

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if a GCDP consumer qualifies to a GIP program as well, they must be strongly encouraged to take it. One way to do this is by offering them a discount in their internship fee, and simple solutions like this always do the trick. The support from the MC must come ona national campaign that rewards the top performing LCs that manage to achieve high results from Re-Raising strategies. Talking about the experiences that we provide our trainees, we must ensure that all the LCs in the country can rise to a certain standard of quality, making our projects and our reception activities the business card for Romania in the upcoming period. This way it will be easier for a person to apply for an internship offered by Romania, or to come again in our country.

5. What are the competitive advantages that AIESEC Romania has in the international network? What can we do to maintain and/or increase them? AIESEC Romania’s competitive advantages in the international network are: - We are a country which is piloting AIESEC2015. The changes we made in the structure and the processes are a proof of that. I believe we can increase this advantage by stabilizing our processes and ensuring a qualitative transition framework for the country. - The quality of the GCDP experiences that we provide to our trainees. Our reception activities and our qualitative projects are the ones that contribute to the image that Romania has in the network. The support of the MC is to create a set of recommended activities for our trainees and to track the minimum criteria of implementation. - The GCDP and GIP customers are qualitative. Being good English speakers and having a vast AIESEC XP, they become ambassadors for our country. Moreover, our leaders are more into accessing the GIP program after their EB experience or other Middle Management experiences.We should continue to have a good selection process and to capitalize on the international programs offered to our members. - Qualitative Romanian leaders. Romania was everywhere this year, and this is a trend that needs to be continued. Having Romanians in the MCs or being MCPs of other countries, or even in AI’s Steering Teamis an important asset to the image of Romania in the world, and this is one of the things that we need to maintain, by inspiring our members to continue their AIESEC experience at the MC level, inside or outside the country. A strategy to achieve this is promoting opportunities like CEED or international conferences, or creating new ones like Spend a week in the MC flat. Other things that Romania is known for are Alumni Management, our qualitative TM processes, the strong partnerships that we deliver for, and the list could go on.