5 keys of a successful modern web design

5 keys of a Successful Modern Web Design

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Post on 14-Feb-2017




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Page 1: 5 keys of a Successful Modern Web Design

5 keys of a Successful Modern Web Design

Page 2: 5 keys of a Successful Modern Web Design

Website designing & development process has turned more customers centric to make sure more website traffic & revenue generation.

Every year new technology and website designing concepts discovered.

Most of the designers are unable to decide the major features & elements for creating the websites.

There is the list of features you need not forget for website designing

Page 3: 5 keys of a Successful Modern Web Design

1.User-Friendly design

Always think like a customer before finalizing your website design.

Put yourself in customers shoes then think what you feel about your website design.

Whether it’s serving your purpose and communicating the same, you think?

Is it easy to use and simple to understand? Generaly people think of creating complex

and different websites that are not at all appropriate and logical.

If the users are unable to use the website, then it’s of no use.

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Effective web designing is judged by the users, not by the website owners. Always keep your website design simple and sweet to make it more users friendly.

When designing always make sure it reflects what users want.

Use easy navigation system and try to build modern, flat look & feel.

Your content must not contradict with your images and layout but complement each other

Use clear and impressive fonts

Page 5: 5 keys of a Successful Modern Web Design

2. Responsive Web Designing

It’s a technique that makes website mobile & browser compatible.

Website adapts itself according to the device screen like water change it shapes according to the utensil.

It does not prevent only unnecessary dragging & scrolling but also cost effective.

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If you don’t use responsive website designing then, you must have to build two separate websites one for desktop and another one for mobile devices.

It doesn’t end here you have to spend on both the websites digital branding and promotion that you can save using responsive website design.

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3. SEO friendly design

SEO plays very important in popularity of the website and diverting more traffic to it. SEO defines the business growth, and SEO process directly depends on website structure, elements and UI.

Development and marketing are two aces of business strategies, so they must be aligned. They must have to think in the same direction for optimal results.

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The development team has to take care of SEO principles for designing websites.

Use HTML text format for most important content it helps search engines correctly index your site during the crawling process. It makes your content and images visible to search engines.

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Use Crawlable link structure, search engines need to see content to list pages in their massive keyword-based indexes, they also need to see links find the content in the first place. It makes all the pages visible to search engines.

Avoid using flash and splash images and menus- they are good in looking but quite hard for search engines to read.

Use Alt tags for images to make search engines read them The Website optimization for mobile & tablet search. Use proper keywords and follow search engine guidelines to

use them. Use accurate & concise title tags Avoid using too many H1 tags on the same page, it’s not

good for SEO Always use relevant & descriptive post titles

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4. Quality Content

Content is the cornerstone of website designing & SEO process.  It connects every element of the design & building process. If you need better results focus on quality content.

Always use crystal clear content format and make it so simple to understand.

Make sure it says what you need it to say.

Use content that make sense, search engines results are content driven

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Content should be in accordance to your clients interest and mostly about your products and services

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Use blogging and keep adding new content to your website. It does attract not only the new audience but also links.

Use the different forms of content like, video ads, downloadable docs and interesting info graphics.

Use images & graphics to break up your content. It makes it interesting but not overwhelming to the readers.

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5. Attractive Look & Feel

The websites are online shops that present brands online. Why’s it important to keep websites so impressive & professional? The first impression is the last impression!

The impressive websites always attract client’s attention and make them purchase.

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Whereas the dull and messy websites increase your bounce rate and customers never like to visit them again.

So what is the purpose of having such websites that create the negative brand in the market?

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Creating a brand is not at all an easy stuff. It may take you years of dedication and diligence to create a better brand and goodwill in the market, but just a moment to ruin it.