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    Chemical Properties and the Periodic Law - - 34 Chemical Properties - - - - Practical Applications of the Periodic Law - - 35 Solution Pressure of Metals - - - Objections to the Perjodic Classification - - - 39 Electro-potential of Metals - - - Position of Inert Gases of Helium Group - - 42 Basigenic and Acidigenic Properties -

    Power of Mutual Displacement - - CHAPTER I1 Thermal Effect of Combination - -

    ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND VALENCY - - Cathode Rays - - - - - Radioactivity and Isotopes - - - Isotopy of Non-radioactive Elements

    Positive Rays - - - - - Mass-spectrograph - - - - Table of Elements and Isotopes - - Isotopy and Atomic Weights - -

    Atomic Numbers - - - - X-ray Spectra - - - - - New Statement of Periodic Law - -

    The Nuclear Atom - - - - The B o h Theory - - - - Quantum Numbers - - - -

    Electronic ConAfiuration - - - Quantum Groups - - - - Transitional Elements - - - - Types of Atoms - - - - - Electron Distribution in Atoms, Table of

    E~scrkto~Ic THEORY OF VALENCY - - OctetTheory - - - - - Electmvalency and.Covalency - - - Polar Molecules - - - - - Co-ordinate Covalency - - - - Properties Associated with Links -

    Co-ordination C~mpounds - Water of Crystallization - Hydrogen " Bridges " - - Valency Number - - Covalencies Greater than Four Metallic Links - - - Polyvalency - - - Colour in Inorganic Compounds Magnetic Properties of Atoms

    Berthelot's " Law " - - - - . Hydrolysis - - - - - Fajan's Rules - - - - - Gradation of Electro-potential in Periodic Variation in Periods - - - - Variation in Groups - - - Electrical and Chemical Properties Corn Gradation of Electro-potential inPeriodicS Valency and the Periodic Law - -

    Hydrogen Valency - - - - Fluorine Valency - - - - Chlorine Valency - - - - Oxygen Valency - - - -


    OXWES, HYDROXIDES, AND ALLIED COmm Classification of Ojddes - - -

    BasicOxidw - - - - - Acidic Oxides - - - - - Neutral Oxides - - - - - Pe~)xidw - - - - - - Polyoxides and Superoxides - - - Tabular Classification of Oxides - - Mixed Anhydrides and Saline Oxides -

    Hydroxides - - - - - . Ortho-Acids - - - - -

    Pyro- or Anhydro-Acids - -* - Hydrous Oxides - - - - -

    Sulphides - - - - - - Halides - - - - - - '

    s Chlor- and Hal-Anhydrides - - - CHAPTER IV '

    OXIDATION AND REDUCTION - - - . . Oxidation and Reduction, Definitions of - Oxidizing and Reducing Agents - - ,

  • 'd the ~ e r i o d ~ c Law - - 34 of the Periodic Law - - 35 Solution Pressure of Metals - - - - -

    odic Clasaiflcatlon - - - 39 Electro-potential of Metals - - - - - -8 of Hellurn Group - - 42 Basigenic and Acidigenic Properties - - -

    Power of Mutual Displacement - - - - CHAPTER I1 Thermal Effect of Combination - - - - - 91

    V N ~ C Y - - - - - 43 Berthelot's6'Law" - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - Fajan'sRules - - - - - - -

    ctlve Elements - - VariationinPeriods - - - - - - - 96 - - - - _ _ Variation in Groups - - - - - - - - - - - - Electrical and Chemical Properties Compared - - - 99 h t o p - - - - - 48 Gradation of Electro-potential in Periodic System, Diagram of IOO

    ei$hts - - - - Valency and the Periodic Law - - - - - IOI - - - - - - HydrogenValency - - - - - - - 101

    - - - - - FluorineValency - - - - - - - . 102 c L a w - - - - - 55 Chlorine Valency - - - - - - - 102

    OxypnValency - - - - - - - 103 - - - - - - CHAPTER I11 - 6 2 OXIDES, HYDROXIDES, AND ALLIED COMPOUNDS - - - 106

    U o n - - - - - - 6 2 ClassMcatlon of Oiddes - - - - - - - - - - - BasicOxides - - - - - - - - 106

    AcidicOxides - - - - - - - NeutralOxides - - - - - - -

    Atom, Table of - - Peroxides - - - - - - - - WCY - - - - - 6 9 PolyoxidesandSuperoxides- - - - - - IIO - - - - - - Tabular Classification of Oxides - - - - I I 1-1 12 ency- - - - - Mixed Anhydrides and Saline Oxides - - - - 112 - - - - - - - - I13 - - - - - - , Ortho-Acids - - - - - .. - - 116

    thLinks - - - - 7 6 Pyro- or Anhydro-Acids - -' - - - - 116 HydrousOxides- - - - - - - - 1 1 9 , Sulphides - - - - - - - -

    - - - - - - Hall&~ - - - - - - - - - tZ2 - - - - - - Chlor- and Hal-Anhydrides - - - - -

    than Four - - - - CHAPTER IV OXIDATION AND R B D U ~ I O N - - - - - - 127

    Compounds - - - - - 88 Oxidation and Reduction, ~e&tions of - - - - 128 of.Atoms - - - - - 89. ' O d h h g and Reducing Agenta - - - -

  • OxidationofChlorine- - - - - - - I34 OxidationofManganese - - - - - - I34 Oxidation of Chromium - - - - - - I37 Reactions of Hydrogen Peroxide - - - - - I37 StabilityofCupricHalides - - - - - - 138

    Modes of Application - - - - - - - 139 Oxidation in the Dry Way - - - - - - 139 Oxidationin'theWetWay - - - - - - 140 Reduction of Nitric Acid by Metals - - - - 142 Reduction in the Dry Way - - - - - - I47 Reduction in Solution - - - - - - - I47 Self-oxidation and Reduction - - - - - 148 Autoxidation - - - - - - - - I49

    CHAPTER V G R O W P I - - - - - - - - - - 1 5 1

    The Alkali Metals - - - - - - - 152 Oxides (MvpO) and Hydrosn'ider (M-OH) - - - - 154

    Sub-oxides and Sub-salts, Peroxides - - - - 155 Halides - - - - - - - - - 157 ComplexHalides - - - - - - - 158 Polyhalides - - - - - - - - 158 Sulphtes - - - - - - - - 1 6 1 Alums - - - - - - - - - 162 Carbonates, Nitrates, Phosphates, and Sulphides - - 163 summary - - - - - - - 164 Ammonium - - - - - - - - 165

    Copper, Silver, and Gold - - - - - 166 - - Oxide~M~OandSal t s ; - - - - - - '168

    Halides- - - - - - - 168 Complexcyanides - - - - - - - 169 Oxysalb - - - - - - - - 170

    Cup& and Auric Oxides andsalts - - - - - 171

    GROUP I1 - - - - - - Beryllium and Magnesium - -

    Beryllium and Magnesium Oxides - hy l l ium and Magnesium Chlorides - Beryllium and Magnesium Carbonaten Beryllium Sulphate - - - - Magnesium Sulphate, - - -

    Sub-group I1 Aaalcium, Stro Calcium, Strontium, and Barium Calcium, Strontium, and Barium Calcium, Strontium, and Barium Polpulphides - - - - - Calcium, Strontium, and Barium Chlorides Calcium, Strontium, and Barium Sulphater, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, Other Salts

    Sub-group I1 B-Zinc, Cadmium, and Zinc, Cadmium and Mercury-Physical Zinc and Cadmium - - - -

    Zinc and Cadmium Monoxides - - Zinc and Cadmium Peroxide - - CadmousCompounds - - - Zinc and Cadmium Sulphides - - Zinc and Cadmium Halides - - Zinc and Cadmium Carbonates - - Zinc and Cadmium Sulphates - - Mercurous Compounds - - Mercurous Oxide - - - Mercurous Sulphide - - - Mercurous Halides - - - - Mercurous Sulphte - - - Mercurous Nitrate - - - - - Mercurous Carbonate - - - Mercuric Comvounds - - -

    CupricSalts - - - - - - - - 172 Mercuric oxide - - - - Auric Oxide and its Derivatives - - - - - 173 Mercuric Sulphide - - - - Sulphidea - - - - - - - - I74 Mercuric Halides - - - - Copper and Silver Sub- and Peroxides - - - 175 Mercuric Cyanide - - - - Argenticsalm- - - - - - - - 175 Mercuric Sulphate and Nitrate - - Co-ordination Compounds of Cop* - - - - 176 Mercuric Compounds, Ammoniad

  • em - - - - 130 - - - - - 131 CHAPTER VI GROUPII - - - - - - - - - 1 7 6

    _ _ _ - - Beryllium and Magnesium - - - - - - - - -

    Berylliumsulphate - - - - - - MagnesiumSulphate, - - - - - - 183

    Sub-group I1 A--Calcium, Strontium, and Barium - 183 yMetals - - - - I42 Calcium, Strontium, and Barium Oxides and Hydroxides - 184

    Calcium, Strontium, and Barium Peroxidee - - - 186 - - - - - Calcium, Strontium, and Barium Sulphidea - - - 186 Polysulphides - - - - - - - - 187 Calcium, Strontium, and Barium Chlorides - - - 188 Calcium, Strontium, and Barium Sulphates - - - 189

    CHAPTER V Calcium, Strontium, Barium, Other Salia - - - - - - - - 1 5 1 Sub-group I1 B-Zinc, Cadmium, and Mercury - 192 - - - - - - 1 5 2 Zinc, Cadmium and Mercury-Physical Properties - - 192

    Zinc and Cadmium - - - - - - Zincand Cadmium Monoxides - - - - - - - - - - Zinc and Cadmium Peroxides - - - - CadmousCompounds - , - - - - Zincand Cadmium Sulphides - - - -

    , Phosphates, and Sulphides - - 163 - - - - - - 1 6 4 - - - - - - - 1 6 5

    MercurousHalides - - - - - - - 198 - - - - - - - 1 6 9 Mercurous Sulphate - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 7 0

    Mercurous Carbonate - - - - - MercuricCompounds - - - - - Mercutic Oxide - r - - - -

    itaDariy0tive.e - - - - - 173 MercuricSulphide - - - - - - - ZOO MercuricHalides - - - - - - - 201

    and Peroxidea - - Mercuriccyanide - - - - - - - . 202 - - - - . Mercuric Sulphate and Nitrate - - - - - 202 Mercui-ic Compounds,,Ammoacal - - - - 203


    CHAPTER VII CHAPTER VIII GROUP 111 - - - - - - - - - 205 GROUP IV - - - - - -

    Rare-earth Metals - - - - - - - 205 . LanthanideContraction - - - - -

    Sub-group IV B, Physical Properties of - - Hydn'des MH4 - - - - - - .

    Sub-grnup 111 B-Physical Properties - - - Other Hydrides - - - - - Boron - - - - - - - - - 210 Halides M X 4 - - - - - -

    Boron Hydrides - - - - - - Boron Hydrides, Constitution.of - - - MetallicBorides - - - - - - Boron Halides - - - - - Halides M X , - - - - - - Boron Oxides - - - - - - - - 218 Om.des MO, and their Denenuatives - - BoricAcid - - - - - - - Borax - - - - - - - - - 220 Ortho-Acids M(OH), - - - - Boron Trisulphide - - - - - - - 221 Meta-Acids MqOH), - - - - Borohydrates - - - - - ' - - Silicic Acid - - - - - - Hypoborates - - - - - - - Silicates, Structure of - - -

    Aluminium, Gollium, and Indium - - - , - - 223 Oxides MO and their D


    vatives - - -. Aluminium, Gallium, and Indium Halides - - - 224 Lower Chlorides of Gallium and Indium - - - 226 Carbon Monoxide - - - - -,

    Stannous Oxide and Salts - - . Oxides and Hydroxides - - - - - - 226 Lead Monoxide - - - - -. . Sulphates - - - - - - - - 228

    Othersalts - - - - - - - Lead Sulphate and Nitrate - - - Lead Carbonate - - - - Thallium - - - - - - - - - 229 Sub- and Peroxides - - - -

    Thallous Compounds - - - - - Surphides - - . - - - - Thallous Hydroxide - - - - - - - 231 Carbon Disulphide and Derivatives - ThallousSulphide - - - - - - - 231 Carbon Oxysulphide - - - Thallous Halides - - - - - - - 231 Stannous and Stannic Sulphides - ThallicCompounds- - - - - - sub-group IV A-Titanium, Zirconium, Thallic Hydroxide - - - - - . - and Thorium - - - - ThallicChloride - - - - - - ThdicSulphate - - - - - - Hydroxi* derivedfrom MO, - -

    Sub-group 111 A-Scandium, Yttrium, Lanthanum; Halides MX4 - - - - - the Rare-earth Metals - - - - - ow&,- - - - - -

    Rare-earth Metals, Occurrence and Separation - - 235 Derivatives of h e r Oxides - - - Rare-earth Metals, Classification of - - - - 237 . Rare-earth Metals, Compounds of - - - - CeriumCompounds - - - - - -

  • xvi CONTENTS

    CHAPTER M Paee G ~ o u p V - - - - - - - - - - 274

    Sub-group V B - Nitrogen, Phosphorns, Arsenic, Antimony,andBisrnuth - - - - - 27.5 Sub-group V B-Summary - - - - - 7-77

    Nitrogen - - - - - - - - - 278 Nitrogen,Active - - - - - - - 7-79

    Hydnr(& - - - - - - - - - 279 h o n i a - - - - - - - - 280 Hydrazine - - - - - - - - 2 8 0 Hydrawic Acid or Azoimide - - - - - z8z

    Nitrogen Compounds, Classification of - - - 284 N X a T y p e - - - - - - - - - 285

    Hydroxylarnine - - - - - - - 285 HyponitrousAcid - - - - - - - z8g NitrousAcid - - - - - - - - 291 NitrogenTrihalidee- - - - - - - 294 Nitroxyl- and Nitrosyl-fluorides - - - - - 295

    Nitrogen, Oxides of - - - - - - - 296 NitrosylChloride - - - - - - - 297

    N X , T v p e - - - - - - - - - 298 Ammonium Compounds - - - - - - 298 NitricAcid - - - - - - - - 302 NitroxylChloride - - - - - - - 302 Nitrogen Trioxyfluoride - - ' - - - - 307. NitricAnhydride - - - - - - - 303 NitrogenTrioxide - - - - - - - 303

    Phosphorus- - - - - - - - - 303 Phosphorus, Allotrop~of - - - - - - 304

    Hydride~ - - - - Phosphine - - - Phosphonium Iodide - Liquid Hydrogen Phosphide

    Oxygen Denenvatives of Phosphwus Phosphorus Suboxide - Phosphorus Di-iodide -


    Derivatives of Tvpo PR, Phosphorus, Valency, and Oxy-ions Fluorophosphoric Acids - - Hypophosphorous Acid - - Phosphorous Anhydride - - Phosphorous Acid - - Pyrophosphorous Acid - - Mmphosphorous Acid - - Phosphorus Tridoride - -

    Phosphorus Derivatives of Type PR, - - - - Phosphoric Acids - - - - - - - Phosphorus Pentadoride - - - - - Phosphorue Oxydorides - - - - - Phosphorosophosphoric Oxide - - - - Hypophosphoric Acid - - - - - Phosphorus Sulphides - - - - - Thiophosphoryl Chloride - - - - -

    hraenic, Antimony, and Bismuth - - - Hydridea of Arsenic and Antimony - - - Oxygen Compounds of k n i c , Antimony, and Biamu

    Oxidet X,O, and Derivatives - - - - - Arsenious Oxide - - - - - - Arsenious Acid - - - - - - Arsenious Chloride - - - - - - - Arsenious Oxychloride - - - - - Antimonious Oxide - - - - - - Antimonious Chloride - - - - - Bismuthous Oxide - - - - - - -

    a Biernuthous Halide- - - - - - ' - - 7 S d p h i d 6 ~ X ~ S ~ - - - - - - - -

    o#+sXsol - - - - - - - AraenicTetmxide - - - - - - Antimony Tetroxide - - - - - - BismuthTetroxide - - - - - - -

    oXlXIdes XS06 - - - - Arsenic Pentoxide - - -

    3 Arsenic Acids - - - - ;j Arsenates and Phosphates compared

    Antimony Pentoxide - - Bismuth Pentoxide - - -

    Arsenic and Antimony Pentahalides Pentesulphider - - - -

    . (~170)


    Sub-group V A-Vanadium, Columbium, and T h - a m - - - - - - - Oxides XOp and Denerrwed Aci& - -. - - 340 Vanadium Oxides and Other Compounds - - - 340 Vanadium Compounds Summarized - - - - 342 Vanadates and Phosphates Compared - - - - 342 Other Sulphur Oqaci& - - - -

    Columbium and Tantalum - - - - - Hyposulphurous Acid - - - - Columbium and Tantalum Oxides and Related Com- Sulphoxylic Acid - - - - -

    Sulphur Monoxide - - - - - pounds - - - - - - - Columbic and Tantalic Acids - - - - - 344 Sulphur Sesquioxide - - - -

    Thiosulphuric Acid and Salts - - , - Columbium and Tantalum Pentahdides - - - 345 Thionic Acids - - - - -

    Fluorine Derivatives of Columbic and TanMic Acids 345 Dithionic Acid - - - - - Columbium and Tantalum Disulphides - - Trithionic Acid - - - - -

    Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen - - - Tetrathionic Acid - - - - - AmtoBacteria- - - - - - - Pentathionic Acid - - - - - NitrifyingBacteria - - - - - - Wackenroder's Solution - - - - CyanarnideProcess - - - - - - Thionic Acids, Constitution of - - - Atmospheric Nitric Acid Process - - - Thionic Acids, Reactions of - - - Synthesis and Oxidation of Ammonia - - - - 353 Sulphonic and Sulphinic Acids, Sulphoxides,

    and Sulphonium Bases - - - - Liquid Ammonia as a Solvent - - - -

    Appendix to Sub-group VI %Hydrogen and the Peracids - - - - -

    CHAPTER X Hydrogen Peroxide - - - - - GROW VI - - - - - - - - The Peracids - - - - - -

    Sub-group VI B-Oxygen, Sulphur, Seledum, and Tellurium - - - - - - -

    Sub-group VI &Physical Properties of Elements - - 360 Reactions of Persulphates - - - - ,

    Allotropy of Tellurium - - - - - Hydrides of Sulphur, Selenium, and Tellu*ium - - - 367 sub-group VI A--Chromium, Molybd Halides of Sulphur, Selenium, and Tellurium - - - 368 aten, and Uranium. - - - - Oxides of Sulphur, Selenium, and Tellurium - - - 370 Halides - - - - - - - . Oxides X0,andDeriuedAciL - - - -

    Chlorochromic Acid - - - - - Oxides of Sub-group V I A - - -' -

    Complex Oxides of Sub-group VI A - -


    ChronunrtSaltr- - - - - - - - 4 1 0 ChromicSalts - - - - - - - - 411

    Chromic Sulphate and the ~hrornieul~huric Aads - 411 ChromicChloride - - - - - - - 413 Chromicsulphide - - - - - - Action of HXO, on HX Acids - - Acids of the Type HOXO, - - -

    UranoucSalts - - - - - - - Perchloric Acid - - - - Acidr MO, and Salts - - - - - - Perchloric Anhydride - - -

    Chromic, Molybdic, Tungstic, and Uranic Adds - - 415 Periodic Acid, Forms of - - - CondensedAcids - - - - - - - 416 ' Relative Strengths of Halogen Oxyacids - Di-, Tri-, and Tetra-Chromates - - - - 416 Other Iodine Denenvatives - - - Complex Mol~bdates and Tungstates - - - - 416 Uranatea - - - - - - - Iodine Trichloride - - - - UranylSalts - - - - - - - Iodoso- and Iodoxy-Benzene - - Iodonium Bases - - - -

    Theoretical Considerations - - CHAPTER XI Basigenic Properties af Iodine - -

    HYDROGEN - - - - - - - - - 4 2 0 Other Halogen Oxides - , - - - AtomicHydrogen - - - - - - Fluorine Oxides - - - - Chlorine Hexoxide - - - - Triatomic Hydrogen - - - - - , - Ortho- and Para-hydrogen - - - - - - 421 Chlorine Tetroxide - - - - Deuterium (Heavy Hydrogen) - - - - Manganese - - - - -

    Manganese, Oxides of - - - Manganous Oxide and Salts - -

    GROUPVII - - - - - - - - Mangano-Manganic Oxide - - Sub-group VII B-The Halogen Elements: Fluorine,

    Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine - - - - 424 Manganese Dioxide and Related Corn Halogens, Preparation of - - - - - Manganese Trioxide and Manganates Gmp VII, Summary of - - - - - Manganese Heptoxide and Pennangann Halogen Hydracids, Preparation and Properties of - - 430 Masurium and Rhenium - - - Halogen Oxides and Oxyacids - - - - Rhenium, Oxides of - - - -

    Acids of the Type HOX - - - - - Rhenium Dioxide and Related Co Rhenium Pentachloride - -

    Anhydrides of the Type &0 - - - - Rhenium Trioxide and Rela Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Monoxides - - - 437 Rhenium Heptoxide and Re

    DioxidesXOI - - - - - - - ChlorineDioxide - - - - - -' CHAPTER XI1

    GROUP VIII - - - - - - Physical Properties of Group VIII Metals -

    ChlorousAcid- - - - - - - BromousAcid- - - . - - - - - 438 Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel, Summary of

  • xxii CONTENTS paw

    Oxides MO and their Salts - - - - - - 469 Ferrous Oxide and Salts - - - - - - 469 Cobaltous Oxide and Salts - - - - - 469 Nickelous Oxide and Salts - - - - - 470

    0*M,OP - " - - - - - - 470 Oxides M,O, and their Salts - - - - - - 471

    Ferric Oxide, Hydroxide, and Salts - - - - 47 1 Cobaltic Oxide, Hydroxide, and Salts - - - - 472 NickelicOxide - - - - - - - 473

    Owide~MO~ - - - - - - - - 473 TheTypeMOa - - - - - - - - 474

    The Platinum Metals: Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palla- dium, Osmium, Iridium, Platinum - - - 474

    Oxides MO and their Dmenvatives - - - - - 475 Compounds of Platinum Metals, Summary of - - - 476 Osides M,OI and their Derivatives - - - - - 477 OJcides MO, and their Derivatives - - - - - 477 Oxides MOB and their Derivatives - - - - - 477 Oxides MO, and their Derivatives - - - - - 478

    Complex Cyanides and Ammines - - - - 479 Complex Cyanides, Table of - - - - - 480 Complex Cyanides, Constitution of - - . - - 481 Ferrocyanides- - - - - - - - 482 Tetramethyl Ferrocyanide, Constitution of - - - 484 Nitroprussides- - - - - - - - 484

    - - - - - - - - 485 Ammoniates - - - - - - - - 487 Ammines of the Eighth Group, and of Chromium - 487 Modem Views of Werner's Theories - - - - 497 Co-ordination Compounds, Table of - - - - 499 ChelateCompounds- - - - - - - 499

    Me&llicCarbonyLr - - - - - - - 501 Nitrosylcarbonyls - - - - - - - 503 Carbonyls, Constitution of - - - - - 503


    GROUP &Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Radon 505



    The Problem of the Origin and Destlnp Elements - - - - - -

    Evidence of Spectra of Stars and Nebula - - Radioactivity - - - - - -

    Chemistry of Radium - - - - Atomic Dhintegration - - - - Disintegration Products - - - -

    Soddy's Lau and Isotopes - - - - Separation of Isotopes - - - - Protoactinium - - - - - -

    Nuclear Transformations - - - - The Neutron - - - - - - Induced Radioactivity - - - - The Positron - - - - - -

    Summa~y and Conclusion - - - . I N D E X - . - - - - , .