547 brand mgmt bowman fall 2004

Goizueta Business School of Emory University Bus547 – Product and Brand Management Fall Semester 2004 Bus547 TuTh 2:30-3:45pm, GBS 331 Douglas Bowman (404-727-5008; h: 404-851- 9605) Bus547P Th 6:30-9:30pm, GBS 331 514 GBS, [email protected] T.A.’s: Dante Bellizzi, Tam’ra Osborne Career Focus The course is designed for both marketing specialists and generalists. The course exposes students to the contemporary challenges faced by a broad variety of firms in developing and launching new products, creating and maintaining brand equity, and managing their product lines. The settings of the cases and exercises used in the course are quite diverse in terms of the sizes of the organizations involved and the types of markets they serve. Hence, the course is relevant to students whose interests are in general management and consulting as well as those who expect to work directly in brand or product management. Product management is typically used to describe a wide range of activities centered around a product or product line. Product management is often the preferred organizational approach in high technology and industrial markets, and in consumer products companies who favor a product category focus. Brand management has traditionally been associated with consumer products and services markets, though there is increasing interest in branding by firms who operate in industrial markets. The brand manager’s key focus is developing and building the brand itself, which may extend across multiple product categories. Course Objectives The principal aim of the course is to develop students' skills in areas related to: developing and introducing new products, and formulating strategies for managing a line of products; formulating strategies for building, leveraging, and defending brands; managing integrated campaigns to influence customer and trade behavior; and working with data of the types that are typically available to brand and product managers. By the end of the course, the objective is that you will have acquired skills that will allow you to manage your products and brands to achieve a

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Goizueta Business School of Emory University

Bus547 – Product and Brand ManagementFall Semester 2004

Bus547 TuTh 2:30-3:45pm, GBS 331 Douglas Bowman (404-727-5008; h: 404-851-9605)Bus547P Th 6:30-9:30pm, GBS 331 514 GBS, [email protected]

T.A.’s: Dante Bellizzi, Tam’ra Osborne

Career FocusThe course is designed for both marketing specialists and generalists. The course exposes students to the contemporary challenges faced by a broad variety of firms in developing and launching new products, creating and maintaining brand equity, and managing their product lines. The settings of the cases and exercises used in the course are quite diverse in terms of the sizes of the organizations involved and the types of markets they serve. Hence, the course is relevant to students whose interests are in general management and consulting as well as those who expect to work directly in brand or product management.

Product management is typically used to describe a wide range of activities centered around a product or product line. Product management is often the preferred organizational approach in high technology and industrial markets, and in consumer products companies who favor a product category focus.

Brand management has traditionally been associated with consumer products and services markets, though there is increasing interest in branding by firms who operate in industrial markets. The brand manager’s key focus is developing and building the brand itself, which may extend across multiple product categories.

Course ObjectivesThe principal aim of the course is to develop students' skills in areas related to:

developing and introducing new products, and formulating strategies for managing a line of products; formulating strategies for building, leveraging, and defending brands; managing integrated campaigns to influence customer and trade behavior; and working with data of the types that are typically available to brand and product managers.

By the end of the course, the objective is that you will have acquired skills that will allow you to manage your products and brands to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, command greater price premiums, and efficiently allocate your marketing resources.

Course DescriptionThe course is centered on two themes:

a) managing products and product lines, andb) creating and maintaining brand equity.

Reading MaterialsCases: Available from Study.net

Readings: Library Reserves (https://ereserves.library.emory.edu/reserves/index.php?skin=bus))

Required text and software license (1 per person): James, Stuart W., Thomas C. Kinnear and Michael Deighan (2004), PharmaSim: A Brand Management Simulation, Version 3, Charlottesville, VA: Interpretive Software Inc. Purchased directly from the vendor at www.interpretive.com/emory_bus547/ for about $40. Last day to register is Sept.30.

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Text: Keller, Kevin Lane (2003), Strategic Brand Management, 2nd Edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall (referred to later as SBM) (1st edition is fine too). Four copies will be available on library reserves for short-term check-out if you do not want to purchase it.

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Materials for Group ExercisesRequired text and software (1 per group):

Option 1: The two cases we’re using are available from Study.net ($15 each)Option 2: Buy or borrow a copy of version 1 in book + CD-Rom form (it must have the CD-Rom)

Lilien, Gary L. and Arvind Rangaswamy (1999), New Product and Brand Management, Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

(referred to later as MktgEng; they from a full-length text titled Marketing Engineering)

GradingGrading Element Length Due Date WeightGroup Write-ups (best 4)

Segmentation exercise (MktgEng)Speaker critique (done individually)Report card / Master brand exerciseConjoint analysis (MktgEng)Burberry case write-upMarket response exerciseSyndicated data exercise

Group PharmaSimSituation AnalysisReport

ParticipationExam (short answer)

n/a2 pages2 pages

n/a2 pages


2 pages6 pages

-90 minutes

Thurs. Sept.23Thurs. Sept.23Thurs. Sept.30Thurs. Oct.21Thurs. Nov.4

Thurs. Nov.11Thurs. Nov.11

Thurs. Oct.29Tues. Nov.30

-Tues. Dec.10




All written work is due at the beginning of class on its due date. Please mind the due dates – extensions will be granted only for the most creative of excuses.

Optional “P” Grade Alternative:You may skip the final exam and receive a grade of “P” for the course if you satisfy all of the following criteria:

Group write-ups: Average 3.5 out of 5 or better on your four best group write-ups. PharmaSim: Passing grade on the Situation Analysis plus a grade of 10 out of 15 or better on your group

Report and not be flagged by your group as a “free rider”. Participation: 1-2 “very good” participation classes plus 1-2 with any participation. End of course attendance: Attend the last two classes (PharmaSim wrap-up and course wrap-up).

I will email those who do not qualify for this option (and hence must take the exam in an effort to pass the course) on Friday, Dec. 3.

Be Sure to Schedule Time for PharmaSim Before Your Calendar Fills UpThis exercise requires 15+ hours of group work. Past students have highly recommended working in a breakout room at GBS using a group member’s laptop or at the home of any group member who has a printer. We begin Thursday, October 28 with the final report due Tuesday, November 30.

Decisions 1-2: 4 hours; Decisions 3-10: up to 1 hour per decision (complete by Thurs. Nov.18);Final report (up to 6 pages + Exhibits and due Tues. Nov.30: 4-5 hours)

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Group Write-ups (Best 4)

Guidelines: Where a page limit is indicated, all reports are up to two 8.5x11” pages plus any number of exhibits (all exhibits must be referred to and interpreted in the text). You pick the font and margin, so major penalties for exceeding the page limit. No covers or binding please – just staple the pages in the top corner. Include a title page with your names and staple it in the top corner.

You pick the groups. Yes, you may change groups throughout the semester. Grading standards are invariant to group size. Yes, you can do these individually.

Segmentation Exercise (Thurs. Sept.23)Conglomerate Inc’s New PDA Case (purchase for $15 from Study.net; select the “course” MktgEng – Cluster Analysis). Answer the questions after the case.

Speaker Summary and Critique – Must be done individually (2 pages + exhibits).Synthesize and critique comments made by a speaker who spoke to the other section of the course (i.e., Derek Schiller, Sept.16 8-9pm). This is not available for speakers scheduled for the section you regularly attend nor for any outside speakers (e.g., Deans speakers, clubs, etc.). The primary reason for allowing this as an exercise is to encourage you to hear as many of the speakers scheduled for this class as possible. This can only be done individually (not in a group).

Brand Report Card / Master Brand Exercise (2 pages + exhibits) (Thurs. Sept.30)Visit the virgin.com website to view the portfolio of products under the Virgin brand. Apply the principals from the “Strategies for Leveraging Master Brands” reading. Is Virgin a master brand? Characterize the extensions based on this brand? Apply the principals from the “Brand Report Card” reading. How does the Virgin brand measure up?

Conjoint Analysis Exercise (Thurs. Oct.21)Forte Hotel Design Case (purchase for $15 from Study.net; select the “course” MktgEng – Conjoint Analysis). Answer the questions after the case.

Burberry Case Write-up (2 pages + exhibits) (Thurs. Nov.4)Write a report to senior management recommending a brand plan for the next five years (2004-09). Be sure to address issues related to the sustainability of the brand’s current positioning, and establishing a foundation for growth, and how you will grow the brand.

Market Response Modeling Exercise (Thurs. Nov.11)To be distributed.

Syndicated Data Exercise (Thurs. Nov.11)To be distributed.

Note: Do not feel compelled to do all the exercises; one can simply do four of their choice.

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Group PharmaSim Simulation

Instructions to be distributed.

Schedule highlights: Sept.30: Last day to register to access the software.Oct.1-28: Familiarize yourself with the software. Periods 1-

2 can be “played” unlimited times.Thurs. Oct.29: Begin team “play”. Hand-in PharmaSim Situation Analysis report.

Software re-set to Period 0.Thurs. Nov.18: All decisions (1-10) must be completed.Tues. Nov.30: Final report due (6 pages + exhibits)

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Bus547 Class ScheduleWeek of Tuesday Thursday

1 Sept. 6Introduction to Product & Brand MgmtRead: Ch.1-2 (SBM)

Traditional Brand ManagementRead: “P&G” (reserves)Case: Procter & Gamble

2 Sept. 13Market Assessment; STPRead: Ch.3 (SBM); “Chap 6: Brand Positioning” (reserves)

STP; DemographicsRead: “Beginners Guide to Demographics” (reserves); “Defining Moments” (reserves)Case: XM Satellite Radio8-9pm, room 130: Derek Schiller, Atlanta Braves

3 Sept. 20

Linking Consumer Insights to Brand PlanningRead: Ch.12 (SBM)Case: Black & Decker Corp.Background: Ch.4 (SBM)

Building Brand Equity; Marketing of ExperiencesRead: “Hot Starbucks to Go” (reserves); “The Power of Design” (reserves); “How to Lead the Customer Experience” (reserves); “How Global Brand Compete” (reserves)Background: Ch.5,11 (SBM)Hand-in: Segmentation exercise

4 Sept. 27Brand Leveraging ICase: StainmasterBackground: Ch.7 (SBM)

Brand Leveraging IIRead: “Strategies for Leveraging Master Brands” (reserves); “The Brand Report Card” (reserves)Case: The Virgin GroupHand-in: Brand report card / master brand exercise

5 Oct. 4

Retailing; Private Label BrandsRead: “How Should National Brands Think About Private Labels? (reserves)Case: Wal-Mart Neighborhood Markets caseCase: H-E-B Own BrandsBackground: Note on the Retailing Industry (study.net)

Building a Product/Brand - ChannelsRead: “Science of Shopping” (reserves); “The Old Pillars of New Retailing” (reserves)Case: Eddie Bauer, Inc.

6 Oct. 11 Break (no class)

New ProductsRead: “Chap 9: New Products” (reserves); “Product by Design” (reserves)Background: sawtoothsoftware.com

7 Oct. 18

Market Response Models IRead: “What Educated Citizens Should Know About Statistics and Probability” (reserves)Background: infores.com; nielsen.com

Market Response Models II

Hand-in: Conjoint analysis exercise

8 Oct. 25

Building a Product/Brand – Price & PromotionRead: “Chap 10: Pricing Decisions”; “Market Makers”; “Chap. 12: Promotions” (reserves)Case: Coca-Cola’s New Vending Machine

PharmaSim: Brand Mgmt SimulationRead: “Marketing Planning” (reserves); The entire PharmaSim manual.Hand-in before you start the simulation: PharmaSim Situation Analysis

9 Nov. 1

Product Line PlanningRead: “Extend Profits Not Product Lines” (reserves); “Customer-Centered Brand Management” (reserves)Case: Brita Products CompanyBackground: Ch.13 (SBM)

Building a Product/Brand – CommunicationsRead: “ Nightmare on Madison Avenue” (reserves)Case: BurberryBackground: Ch.6 (SBM); “Chap 11: Advertising Decisions” (reserves)Hand-in: Burberry case write-up

10 Nov. 8

Metrics for Brand ManagersRead: Ch.8-10 (SBM); “How Do Brands Create Value?” (reserves); Habitat for Humanity International (study.net)Background: Revenue Premium as a ..”

PharmaSim: Brand Mgmt Simulation(no in-class meeting)Hand-in: Market response exerciseHand-in: Syndicated data exercise

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11 Nov. 15PharmaSim: Brand Mgmt Simulation(no in-class meeting)

Challenges Facing Product & Brand MgrsPanel of speakers.Due: Last day to complete PharmaSim decisions

12 Nov. 22PharmaSim: Brand Mgmt Simulation(no in-class meeting)

Thanksgiving (no class)

13 Nov. 29PharmaSim: Brand Mgmt SimulationWrap-upHand-in: PharmaSim report

The Future of Product Management, Branding and Brand ManagementRead: “The Claritin Effect” (reserves); “Corporate Graffiti (reserves)

14 Dec. 6 Exam (short answer); 90 minutes

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Class Preparation Guide

Week 11.1 – Introduction to Product & Brand Management

Read: Ch.1 – Brands and Brand Management (SBM);Ch.2 – Customer-based Brand Equity (SBM)

1.2 – Traditional Brand ManagementRead: Fortune (2004), “P&G: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks,” May 31, pp.166-

180 (reserves).

Case: Procter & Gamble (A)1. Why is P&G so successful in the LDL category?2. How is the LDL market segmented? What is the logic underlying the positioning of

P&G’s existing brands?3. How do consumers buy and use LDLs?4. What should P&G do with H-80?Internet: pg.com

Week 22.1 – Market Assessment; STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning)

Read: Ch.3 – Brand Positioning and Values (SBM)“Chap 6: Brand Positioning” (reserves)

Background: “Tutorial for Cluster Analysis” (study.net)“Direct Market Segmentation Using Customer Needs” (study.net)

2.2 – STP; DemographicsRead: Miller, Berna (1995), “A Beginner’s Guide to Demographics,” American

Demographics, October, 54-61 (reserves).Schewe, Charles D., Geoffrey E. Meredith and Stephanie M. Noble (2000),

“Defining Moments: Segmenting by Cohorts,” Marketing Management, 9(3), 48-53 (reserves).

Case: XM Satellite Radio1. What is the value proposition of XM to different customer segments? Who should be the

primary target for XM?2. What aspects need to be considered in pricing the radio receiver and subscription fee?

What is the optimal price for monthly subscription? Assume a five-year lifetime for a customer. How would your answer change if the lifetime was longer or shorter?

3. How should the price of the service change over time? Should you price high initially and then decrease it over time? Should you price low initially and then increase it over time?

4. What aspects need to be considered in allowing advertising to run on XM’s service? How does the fact that the firm could also earn money on advertising affect the optimal subscription price?

5. What are the implications of the expected launch pans for XM’s rival Sirius?

Speaker: 8-9pm, room 130, Derek Schiller, VP Sales & Marketing, Atlanta Braves

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Week 33.1 – Linking Consumer Insights to Brand Planning

Read: Ch.12 – Introducing and Naming Products and Brand Extensions (SBM)

Case: Black&Decker Corp. (A): Power Tools Division1. Why is Makita outselling B&D 8 to 1 in an account that gives them equal shelf space?2. Why are B&D's shares of the two professional segments (industrial and tradesmen) so

different? Wouldn't you expect them to be similar?3. Joe Galli's goal is "to develop and gain corporate support for a viable program to

challenge Makita for leadership in the tradesmen segment" (p. 1). This goal translates into a "minimal objective of doubling B&D's Professional-Tradesmen segment share from 10% to nearly 20% within three years, with major share 'take-away' from Makita" (p. 12). How realistic is this?

4. Would you support the "build share" strategy? How would recommend pursuing it? Evaluate the DeWalt and sub-branding options. Be specific about what you advocate, keeping in mind that you have three constituencies to convince: tradesmen, retailers, and Nolan Archibald.

Internet: blackanddecker.com/

Background: Ch.4 – Choosing Brand Elements to Build Brand Equity (SBM)

3.2 – Building Brand Equity; Marketing of ExperiencesRead: Fortune (2004), “Hot Starbucks to Go,” January 26, pp.60-74 (reserves).

BusinessWeek (2004), “The Power of Design,” May 17, pp.86-94 (reserves).Haeckel, Stephan H., Lewis P. Carbone and Leonard L. Berry (2003), “How

to Lead the Customer Experience,” Marketing Management, January/February, 18-23 (reserves).

Holt, Douglas B., John A. Quelch and Earl L. Taylor (2004), “How Global Brands Compete,” Harvard Business Review, September, 68-75 (reserves).

Background: Ch.5 – Designing Marketing Programs to Build Brand Equity (SBM)Ch.11 – Designing and Implementing Branding Strategies (SBM)

Hand-in: Segmentation exercise

Week 44.1 – Brand Leveraging I

Case: DuPont Stainmaster1. What were the critical elements for success in the Stainmaster marketing program?2. How did DuPont benefit from the Stainmaster introduction?3. Did fiber competitors benefit from Stainmaster?4. Did carpet mills benefit from Stainmaster?5. Did carpet retailers benefit from Stainmaster?6. What changes would you have made in the implementation of the original program?7. What are the important decisions facing DuPont on Stainmaster in 1988?Internet: dupont.com/stainmaster/

Background: Ch.7 – Leveraging Secondary Brand Knowledge to Build Brand Equity (SBM)

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4.2 – Brand Leveraging IIRead: Farquhar, Peter H., Julia Han, Paul M. Herr, and Yuji Ijiri (1992), ‘Strategies for Leveraging

Master Brands,’ Marketing Research, 4 (September), 32-43 (reserves).Keller, Kevin Lane (2000), “The Brand Report Card,” Harvard Business Review, January-

February, 147-157 (reserves).

Case: The Virgin GroupUse the case as background. Visit the virgin.com web site and answer the following questions:1. Is Virgin a master brand?2. Characterize the extensions based on this brand?3. Apply the principals from the “Brand Report Card” reading. How does the Virgin brand

measure up?Internet: virgin.com

Hand-in: Brand Report Card / Master Brand Exercise

Week 55.1 – Retailing; Private Label Brands

Case: Wal-Mart Neighborhood Markets1. Estimate the value created for customers by Wal-Mart in 2001. How much is that on a

per customer basis? (See Exhibit 2)2. Consider Wal-Mart’s growth possibilities in Springfield. By consideration of Exhibit 7,

or otherwise, what would be the implications to competition if Wal-Mart were to continue to grow at 17% per year?

3. Come to class with a plausible story of how Wal-Mart can achieve the projections in Table A.

4. What should Scott do about Neighborhood Markets? (See issues in the last two paragraphs of the case)

5. Other retailers have been dominant (Sears, Marks and Spencer) but later fallen back to earth. What factors could cause Wal-Mart to have slow or declining growth over the next 10 years?

Internet: walmart.com

Read: Hoch, Stephen J. (1996), “How Should National Brands Think About Private Labels?,” Sloan Management Review, 37(2), 89-102.

Case: H-E-B Own Brands1. What is your recommendation on Glacia?2. How should Own Brands respond to competitive price promotions? When should they

follow? What about national promotions?3. What is the role of H-E-B and Hill Country Fare as Own Brand labels? How should these

be positioned with respect to other brands in the category?4. What is the role of Own Brands in H-E-B’s overall corporate strategy? Why is it

important? Should it be scaled up? Or dialed down? If so, in what products or in what product categories?

Internet: heb.com

Background: “Note on the Retailing Industry” (study.net)

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5.2 – Building a Product/Brand: ChannelsRead: Malcolm, Gladwell (1996), “The Science of Shopping,” The NewYorker, November 4, 66-75

(reserves).Berry, Leonard L. (2001), “The Old Pillars of New Retailing,” Harvard

Business Review, April, 131-137 (reserves).

Case: Eddie Bauer, Inc.1. Exhibit 3 shows a “supersegment analysis” of the apparel market. Eddie Bauer positions

itself mostly to the “Durable Quality Classics” segment. (What apparel brands target the other segments in the table?) Based on the buying behavior and sales data described in the case, how would you distinguish between Eddie Bauer customers who buy (a) in the store, (b) by catalog, and (c) in both the store and by catalog?

2. The policy of synergy meant that Eddie Bauer would merchandise the stores to support the catalog and vice versa. What are some examples of merchandising decisions that have been made (a) by the store to support the catalog, and (b) by the catalog to support the stores? Quantify the economic value of this cross support. What additional steps could each do to better reinforce the other?

3. How do you suppose “One Brand, One Vision, One Customer” differs from synergy?4. Suppose, contrary to current policy, each channel (stores, catalog, I-media) were given a

large degree of autonomy. For each channel, assume you are in charge of merchandising: What would you change, and what results (sales, profitability) would you expect?

5. What should Eddie Bauer do? What should Julie Rodway do?Internet: eddiebauer.com

Week 66.1 – Break (no class)

6.2 – New ProductsRead: “Chap 9: New Products” (reserves)

Lipke, David J. (2001), “Product by Design,” American Demographics, February, 38-41 (reserves).

Background: Wind, Jerry, Paul E. Green, Douglas Shifflet and Marsha Scarbrough (1989), “Courtyard by Marriott: Designing a Hotel Facility with Consumer-Based Marketing Models,” Interfaces, 19(1), 25-47 (reserves).

Read the overview of conjoint analysis from Sawtooth Software, a major vendor of conjoint analysis software


“Tutorial for Conjoint Analysis” (study.net)“Product Design with Conjoint Analysis” (study.net)

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Week 77.1 – Market Response Models I

Read: Utts, Jessica (2003), “What Educated Citizens Should Know About Statistics and Probability,” The American Statistician, 57(2), 74-79 (reserves).

Background: Skim over the products and services offered to consumer packaged goods managers by IRI (infores.com) and ACNielsen (nielsen.com).

7.2 – Market Response Models II

Hand-in: Conjoint analysis exercise

Week 88.1 – Building a Product/Brand – Price & Promotion

Read: “Chap.10: Pricing Decisions” (reserves)“Market Makers,” The Economist, March 14, 1998, pp. 67-68 (reserves).“Chap.12: Promotions” (reserves)

Case: Coca-Cola’s New Vending Machine: Pricing to Capture Value or Not?1. Is selling Coke through interactive vending machines a good or bad idea?2. What is Coke? What does Coke mean to the average consumer?3. Where, how, and for whom does the technology create / destroy value? For example,

loyal Coke customers, switchers amongst cola products, loyal Pepsi customers, etc.4. Are there any pricing related issues that can adversely affect the firm?5. What did Coca-Cola do right? What did it do wrong? How would you have done it?6. What is price discrimination and when does it work?7. How does the Internet affect the ability of firms to price discriminate across consumers?8. What do you think of Ivester’s comments?Internet: www.ko.com

Background: Anderson, Eric and Duncan Simester (2003), “Mind Your Pricing Cues,” Harvard Business Review, 89(9).

Dolan, Robert (1995), “How Do You Know When the Price is Right?” Harvard Business Review, September/October.

Holden, Reed K. and Thomas T. Nagle (1998), “Kamikaze Pricing,” Marketing Management, Summer, 30-39.

8.2 – PharmaSim: Brand Management SimulationRead: “Chap 2: Marketing Planning” (reserves)

The ENTIRE PharmaSim manual BEFORE coming to class.

Hand-in before you start the simulation: PharmaSim Situation Analysis.

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Week 99.1 – Product Line Planning

Read: Quelch, John A. and David Kenny (1994), “Extend Profits Not Product Lines,” Harvard Business Review, 72(5) September-October, 153-160 (reserves).

Rust, Roland T., Valarie A. Zeithaml and Katherine N. Lemon (2004), “Customer-Centered Brand Management,” Harvard Business Review, 110-120 (reserves).

Case: The Brita Products Company1. To what do you attribute Brita’s success?2. What marketing assets has Clorox acquired in these years of vigorous growth, and what

is the best use to which the assets can be deployed?3. What are the prospects for filter sales? What are the prospects for the faucet-mounted

system? Which would you favor?4. How will you defend against the new competitor?Internet: www.brita.com

Background: Ch.13 – Managing Brands Over Time (SBM)

9.2 – Building a Product/Brand – CommunicationsRead: Fortune (2004), “Nightmare on Madison Avenue,” June 28, pp.93,94,96,101,102,104


Case: Burberry1. What is Burberry’s current brand positioning? How sustainable is the brand’s current

positioning? Does it provide a platform for future growth?2. How do you recommend they grow the brand? Provide a specific recommendation plan.

Background: Ch.6 – Integrating Marketing Communications to Build Brand Equity (SBM)Chap.11: Advertising Decisions (reserves)

Hand-in: Burberry case write-up

Week 1010.1 – Metrics for Brand Managers

Read: Ch.8 – Developing Brand Equity Measurement and Management Systems (SBM)Ch.9 – Measuring Sources of Brand Equity (SBM)Ch.10 – Measuring Outcomes of Brand Equity (SBM)Keller, Kevin Lane and Donald R. Lehmann (2003), “How Do Brands Create Value?”

Marketing Management, May/June, 26-31.Case: Habitat for Humanity International: Brand Valuation

There is no need to come to class with a full case analysis. Instead, focus only on trying to answer the following two questions: 3. Compare the description of Interbrand’s brand valuation methodology from a) Chapter

10 of SBM, b) the Interbrand.com website, and c) the case. What differences do you notice, if any?

4. Can you really value a non-profit brand? What other methods besides those discussed in the case could you use?

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Background: Ailawadi, Kusum L., Donald R. Lehmann and Scott A. Neslin (2003), “Revenue Premium as an Outcome Measure of Brand Equity,” Journal of Marketing, 67(4), 1-17.

Srivastava, Rajendra K., Tasadduq A. Shervani and Liam Fahey (1998), “Market-based Assets and Shareholder Value: A Framework for Analysis,” Journal of Marketing, 62(1), 2-18.

10.2 – PharmaSim: Brand Management Simulation (no in-class meeting)

Hand-in: Market response exerciseHand-in: Syndicated data exercise

Week 1111.1 – PharmaSim: Brand Management Simulation (no in-class meeting)

11.2 – Challenges Facing Product & Brand Managers

Note: You must have completed all your PharmaSim decisions by today.

Week 1212.1 – PharmaSim: Brand Management Simulation (no in-class meeting)

12.2 – Thanksgiving Break (no class)

Week 1313.1 – PharmaSim: Brand Management Simulation Summary

Hand-in: PharmaSim Report

13.2 – The Future of Product Management, Branding and Brand ManagementReading: Hall, Stephen S. (2001), “Prescription for Profit,” The New York Times Magazine, March 11,

pp. 40-45 (reserves)Robertson, Thomas S. (1995), “Corporate Graffiti,” Business Strategy Review, 6(1), 27-44


Background: Ch.14 – Managing Brands over Geographical Boundaries and Market Segments (SBM)Ch.15 – Closing Observations (SBM)