5s implementation plan upload

'5-S' Road To do Who ? When? What ? Where? Team Leader Team Members P-D-C-A Jul-07 Aug-07 Sep-07 Oct-07 Nov-07 Plan S0 S1 S2 S2 S0 Plan S0 S1 S2 S2 S0 Actual [Motivate people for 5- S Gemba-1 : [Sort out what is needed and Actua l [Do systematic arrangement for all [Ensure spic & span cleanliness with Gemba-2 : S4 = Seiketsu [Create a highly standardised workplace] S5 = Shitsuke [Self - discipline at workplace]

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Post on 12-Nov-2015




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plan for implementing 5S


Gemba '5-S' Road mapTo doWho ?When?RemarksWhy ?MOPWhat ?Where?Team LeaderTeam MembersP-D-C-AJul-07Aug-07Sep-07Oct-07Nov-07Dec-07Jan-08Feb-08Mar-08S0 = Enablers [Motivate people for 5-S implementation]Gemba-1:PlanS0S0S1S2S2S3S4S4S51 ] Demonstrate PQI by doing Kaizens 2 ] Remove 3 D's at GembaZero defectSHES1 = Seiri [Sort out what is needed and what is not]1 ] Develop criteria for need/want to release 50% placeZero inventory/More spaceEFSHEActualS0S2 = Seiton [Do systematic arrangement for all needed items]1 ] PEEP: Place for everything & everything in its placeZero waitingPQCDS3 = Seiso [Ensure spic & span cleanliness with inspection]Gemba-2:PlanS0S0S1S2S2S3S4S4S51 ] CLIA: Deploy Clean-Inspect-Lubricate-Adjust 2 ] CPCPZero accidentsPQCDS4 = Seiketsu [Create a highly standardised workplace]1 ] SOPs Developed & Displayed 2 ] Establish SDCAZero breakdownPQCDS0ActualS5 = Shitsuke [Self - discipline at workplace]1 ] Through continuous education, training, display of results & PDCA improvement cyclesZero setupPQCDEFSHE


S0 (Enablers)ACTION PLAN FOR "S0" EnablersMotivating people for 5S implementation (Jul - Aug 07)RequisitesWhoFreqStatusRemarkOfficial informationOnce5-S Billboards / CameraXParticipation of allN/AEffective trainingWeeklyXPQCDEFSHE objectivesQtr1-30-300 principleQtrRoadmapOnce5-S as a part of Kaizen roadmapProgress reviewQtrPublishing & widely communicating about the progressMonthlyActive involvement of the teamsRegular meetingsFortnightDeveloping suggestion schemesWeekly

Sachin:let us assign names

S1 (Seiri)ACTION PLAN FOR "S1" SeiriSorting out what is required & dipose unwanted (Aug - Sep 07)RequisitesWhoStatusRemarkWork AreaClassification in work areasXXXXAudit / Visual Inspection of wants / wastesXXXXScrap DisposalXXXXListing Wants in an Area after eliminating wasteXXXX

Sachin:let us assign namesClassification in work areas

S1 Waste Iden. check list(S1) Waste Identification ChecklistGembaWork AreaTMProcess / Equipment / Item in areaUsageConditionRepairableUsage outside areaBetter Substitute avlWasteRemarkFreq.RareNeverGoodWorstYesNoYesNoYesNo

Sachin:If no usage / worst / not repairableSachin:if yes transfer to that areaSachin:Over production / inventorySachin:Transport / Delay in deliverySachin:Expertise / ProcessSachin:scope for improvement

S2 (Seiton) ACTION PLAN FOR "S2" SeitonSystematic Arrangement of wanted (Oct - Nov 07)RequisitesWhoStatusRemarkOrganising wants in an area in terms of usage / value / importance to process / life cycleXXXXIdentifying amenities / infrastructure / tools required for correct organisation (P tags)XXXXOrganising in compliance with PEEP & Identifying missing / abnormal item or structureXXXX

Sachin:let us assign namesOrganising wants in an area in terms of usage / value / importance to process / life cycle

S2 Sys. Arr. Check list(S2) Systematic arrangement checklistGembaWork AreaTMProcess / Equipment / Item in areaUsageValueQty (Nos)Critical to processTotalPref. NoScores can be 1/ 3/ 5 for low / Med / High categories repectively & Pref. no will be in descending order of total score0Item with pref. no "1" should always be the easiest accesible and further on0In case of consumables qty. to be re-ordered when inventory level for High / Med or Low value items reaches 25 % / 50 % levels0Arrangement to comply PEEP concept so that any missing / misplaced item can be identified by visual inspection0List down amenities / tools / structure for correct arrangement. When identified can be purchased or can be picked up from scrap00000000

S3 (Seiso)ACTION PLAN FOR "S3" SeisoThorough Cleaning (Nov - Dec 07)RequisitesWhoStatusRemarkExternal / Internal man power arrangement for through cleaningXXXXThorough cleaning done & scrap disposed safelyXXXXAll Items / Process / Equipments easly identifiable / accesible / safeXXXX

Sachin:let us assign names

S4 (Seiketsu)ACTION PLAN FOR "S4" SeiketsuStandardisation (Jan - Feb 08)RequisitesWhoStatusRemarkDaily Inspection / Reporting abnormalitiesXXXXAction for deviation / 5S awareness session or trainingXXXX

Sachin:let us assign names

S5 (Shitsuke)ACTION PLAN FOR "S5" ShitsukeSustain & Self discipline (Mar 08)RequisitesWhoStatusRemarkMonthly / Qtrly. "5S" audit by Internal / External accesorXXXXAction for deviation / findings / document learningsXXXX5S awareness session / training for continual improvement / VisitsXXXXGains in terms of value, life cycle, availability to be publishedXXXX

Sachin:let us assign names

Audit sheet0 = Very Bad 1 = Bad 2 = Avg 3 = Good 4 = Very Good1SCheck ItemDescriptionScore01234SEIRIMaterials / partsDoes the inventory or in-process inventory include unneeded mtrl / partsMachines / EquipmentAre there any unused machines or other equipmentPapers / Plastic MtrlIs there any paper / plastic scrap around0Visual ControlIs the waste identifiedSub Total000002SCheck ItemDescriptionScore01234SEITONLocation IndicatorsAre shelves and other storage areas marked with addressesItem IndicatorsDo the shelves have signboards showing which items go whereQty. IndicatorsAre Max / Min Inventory levels indicated0Walkway DemarcationStorage areas / Process Area / Units markedSub Total000003SCheck ItemDescriptionScore01234SEISOFloor / Work stationAre floors / work station shiny to spot any wasteM/c & EquipmentsAre they Dust free, running healthy with allowed noise / vibrationCleaning StewardsIs there a dedicated staff / do they do it voluntarily0Sub Total000004SCheck ItemDescriptionScore01234SEIKTSUImprovement IdeaIs any action plan in place for its deploymentStandard procedureIs the 5S implementation plan documented / published / communicatedFuture scopeAny continual improvement idea / process / recognition0First 3SIs Seiri / Seiton / Seiso maintainedSub Total000005SCheck ItemDescriptionScore01234SHITSUKEEquipments / ProcessAre they easily gettable / managableStock levelsIs the inventory control adhered toTrainingIs Training / 5S awareness in progress0SupportIs top management active support available5-S BillboardsAre they updatedSub Total00000Grand Total0SEIRI0SEITON0SEISO0SEIKTSU0SHITSUKE0

Audit sheet

Audit Result

Sachin:confirmed from images taken