5s implementation presentation

Presentation on “5S Implementation ‘A Strategy for Performance Excellence’ Date:-2 nd Dec.2014

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Page 1: 5S Implementation Presentation

Presentation on

“5S Implementation“‘A Strategy for Performance


Date:-2nd Dec.2014

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Objective of Presentation:-

1. To improve the organisation and working standards of the

work environment.

2. To create a work environment that supports safe working practices, right first time quality and efficient, productive working

1. To learn Definition & understanding of 5S.

2. To understand benefits of 5S.

3. Auditing System.

Purpose of 5S Implementation:-

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Define 5S .

5S Terminology.

5S Benefits: Cost, Quality, Productivity etc.

The Concept of RED-TAG area.

Explain Each ‘S’ in detail for better understanding of 5S Concept.

Best practices to implement 5S ( Examples).

Color code standards .

5S checklist for audit.

Topics covered :-

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Define 5S :-“An organizational methodology originating in Japan that, when implemented, reduces the waste of resources and space while increasing operational efficiency.”

“ The 5S elements, translated into English, are Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain and are applied in some companies' efforts to achieve "lean manufacturing.”

5S is also the foundation for Continual Improvement (CI) and Lean implementation

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5S Terminology :- 1. Sorting :- “ Separating the needed from the not-needed.”

2. Simplifying :- “A place for everything and everything in its place, clean and ready to use.”

3. Systematic Cleaning :- “Cleaning for inspection.”

4. Standardizing :- “ Developing common methods for consistency.”

5. Sustaining :- “ Holding the gains and improving.”

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The Benefits of the 5s System :-Increases in Productivity : -

1. Reduces lead times thereby improving product delivery times 2. Reduces equipment downtime, maintenance and cycle time 3. Improves daily and shift startup times and reduces changeover time 4. Reduces the amount of time wasted 5. Searching for tools and equipment

Increases in Quality : -

1. Improves quality by reducing the amount of errors/defects.2. Implements standardization thereby achieving output consistency .3. The pleasantries of the simplified work environment increases employee moral. Reduction in cost :-

1. Provides cost-savings by reducing inventory, storage fees and space requirements 2. Improves safety thereby reducing the cost of worker injuries 3. Reduces the amount of scrap thereby reducing production cost

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The Concept of Red Tag & its area :-“ The red tag system is simply a communication tool used to identify items that a person has flagged for removal from a work area. While the tagging is most frequently done during kaizen events, it can be done at any time.”Red Tags:-1. Red tags come in a wide range of

shapes and sizes, but the most commercially available red tags

will have a wire or elastic loop on them to attach to the item.

2. The information you need on the red tat, at a minimum, includes the

name of the tagger, the reason it was tagged, and the date it will be removed.

3. More information may also be required, especially if the item is to be moved

to a red tag area. The additional information helps to catalog or sort the equipment.

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Red Tag Area:-

1. The red tag area is simply a storage location for red tagged items that is segregated from the production areas.

2. It must be kept neat and orderly so the equipment available in it can be quickly surveyed by anyone in need.

3. When a red tag area is well maintained, improvement teams will be more likely to  make use of the red tag area, as they will have a better chance of finding something they need

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The Red Tag Technique involves the following steps:-

1. Establish the rules for distinguishing between what is needed and what is not.

2. Identify needed and unneeded items and attach Red Tags to all potentially unneeded items.3. Write the specific reason for Red Tagging and sign and date each tag.

4. Remove Red Tag items and temporarily store them in an identified holding area.5. Sort through the Red Tag items; dispose of those which are truly superfluous. Other items can be eliminated at an agreed interval when it is clear that they have no use. 6. Ensure that all stakeholders agree.

Consider ways to improve the workplace so that unnecessary items do not accumulate.

The Red Tag Technique:-

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Explain Each ‘S’ in detail for better understanding of 5S concept:-Sort:- Definitio

n :- "Sorting" means to sort through everything in each work area. Keep only what is necessary. Materials, tools, equipment and supplies that are not frequently used should be moved to a separate, common storage area. Items that are not used should be discarded or recycled. Don't keep things around just because they might be used, someday.

1. Removes waste.2. Safer work area.3. Gains space.4. Easier to visualize the process.

Why we do?

1. Start in one area, then sort through everything.2. Discuss removal of items with all persons involved.3. Use decontamination/ environmental/safety


How to do?

4. Items that cannot be removed immediately should be red tagged

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Set in Order:-

Explain Each ‘S’ in detail for better understanding of 5S concept:-

Definition :-

The key principle in "5S Set In Order" is: a place for everything and everything in its place, with everything properly identified , labeled & ready for use. Arrange workplace for safety and


1. Identify key equipment and supplies2. Determine location for each item3. Outline locations and zones4. Develop shadow boards, label items5. Document layout, equipment, suppliesWhy we

do? 1. Visually shows what is required or is out of place.2. More efficient to find items/ documents (silhouettes/ labels).3. Saves time, not having to search for items.4. Shorter travel distances.1. Keep things used together -kept together.2. Use labels, tape, floor markings, signs, shadow outlines.3. Sharable items keep at central location (eliminate excess)

How to do?

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Explain Each ‘S’ in detail for better understanding of 5S concept:-Shine:-

Definition :-

Why we do?

How to do?

“To keep your area clean on a continuing basis.”

1. A clean workplace is indicative of a quality product and process.2. Dust and dirt cause product contamination & potential health hazards.3. A clean workplace helps to identify abnormal conditions.

Use a plant layout as a visual to identify individual responsibilities for Cleaning-eliminates “no man’s land.”

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Explain Each ‘S’ in detail for better understanding of 5S concept:-Standardization:- Definitio

n :-

Why we do?

How to do?

“To maintain the workplace at a level which uncovers and makes problems obvious.To constantly improve our plant by continuous assessment & actions.”

To build 5S’s into our every day process to maintain “neat” and “clean”.

1. Build into everyday routines and checklists.2. Develop schedules and checklists.

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Explain Each ‘S’ in detail for better understanding of 5S concept:-Sustain:-

Definition :-

Why we do?

How to do?

On-going training and maintaining the established 5S standards.

To maintain our discipline, we need to practice and repeat until it becomes a way of life.

To sustain sorting, storage and shining activities every day.

1. Good habits are hard to break.2. Commitment and discipline toward housekeeping is essential in taking the first step in being World Class.

1. “Red Tag ” Technique2. Before & After photographs3. Improve Area by Area, each one totally4. Clear Responsibilities5. Daily Cross Department Tours6. Schedule ALL Critical Customers to Visit7. Regular Assessment.

5S Focusing Tools:-

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Best practices to Implement 5S ( Example):-

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Color code Standards for 5S Implementation :-

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Checklist for 5S Implementation :-

5S Workplace OrganizationLevels of Achievement

Level 5: Continuously


Needed items are routinely reworked/ replaced as needed to improve work area performance

Needed items can be retrieved within 30 seconds and require a minimum number of steps

Problem sources are documented with solutions defined and implemented

Methods for housekeeping, labeling, inspections, and work place design are continually improved and shared externally as applicable

Root causes have been eliminated and improvement actions focus on developing preventive methods

Level 4: Focus on


Needed items are routinely assessed against business needs to assure functionality and fit

Needed items have been minimized in number/ size and are properly arranged for retrieval and use

Daily inspection occurs to assess area readiness, potential problems are identified and fixed

Agreements for labeling, housekeeping, inspections, and work place design are consistently followed and demonstrate area performance improvement

Sources and frequency of problems are documented as part of routine work, root causes are identified, and corrective action plans are developed

Level 3: Make it Visual

A list of needed items for the work area has been documented

Needed items have dedicated locations and are properly labeled with required quantities

Visual controls for equipment, files and supplies have been established for the work area

Work area agreements for needed item labeling and visual controls are posted and followed by work team

Work team is routinely checking area to maintain 5S agreements and posting results

Level 2: Focus on


Needed and not needed items have been sorted and not needed have been removed from work area

Needed items have been safely stored and organized according to frequency of use

Key work area items to be checked are indentified and documented

Work area agreements are identified and documented for needed item organization and work area controls

5S level has been determined and posted on the communication board

Level 1: Just


Needed and not needed items are mixed throughout the work area

Items are placed randomly throughout the work place

Key work area items to be checked during a sweep are not identified

No work area agreements exist

There is no measurement of 5S performance

Sorting Simplifying Sweeping Standardizing Sustaining

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Road-Map for 5S Implementation Project :-Action to be required for 5S Implementation at any Organization:- Identify 5S Champion or Leader to Lead 5S Implementation Project. Formed a Cross-Functional Team for 5S Implementation Project . Imparted Training to Team member for Effective execution of 5S Implementation

Methodology. Define the work area 5S boundaries Assign work group members to their 5S areas Install a 5S communication board Determine 5S targets, activities, and schedule Review/finalize plans with work group and site leadership. Take work area photos before 5S Implementation Project Start. Evaluate current 5S Level of Achievement. Define Red-Tag Area . Identify needed & not needed Equipment or Item & apply Red-Tag on it Shift Red Tag Equipment or Item to Red-Tag area. Implemented place for Everything & Everything in its place.( If required develop

SOP) Mark Gang-Way & Work area as floor marking according to color code & labeling

on Equipments or Items. Implemented 3ed S-Shine & Develop Checklist . Formed 5S Audit Team & Audit Schedule. Started monthly 5S Implementation Project meeting & Appraisal for the best

Area. Formed & Implemented 5S reward & recognition Policy.

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Question & Answer Session :-

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Prepared By:- Pranav B. Gujjar