lean management implementation of the 5s

NOVA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMICS MASTERS THESIS LEAN MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 5S METHODOLOGY A case-study applied to the Luxembourgish construction company CDCL Author: Mélanie SCHMITT (33713) Work project carried out under the supervision of: Professor Manuel BAGANHA Nova Inès LACOUR CDCL Charles THEIS - CDCL A Work Project presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Master’s degree in International Management from the Nova School of Business and Economics. May 21, 2020

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A case-study applied to the Luxembourgish construction company CDCL
Author: Mélanie SCHMITT (33713)
Professor Manuel BAGANHA – Nova
Charles THEIS - CDCL
A Work Project presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a
Master’s degree in International Management from the Nova School of Business
and Economics.
This paper studies the implementation of the 5S methodology in CDCL, a
Luxembourgish construction company, through my direct participation in construction sites as
a Lean Assistant Intern. I address the main actions implemented in order to improve the safety,
the work conditions, the productivity and the image of construction sites through the
implementation of standards: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain. The successful
management of change, the implementation of concrete and visible actions and the valorization
of every employees contributed to the success of the 5S in CDCL.
5S Methodology
Change Management
Continuous Improvement
Lean Management
Lean Construction
This work used infrastructure and resources funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
(UID/ECO/00124/2013, UID/ECO/00124/2019 and Social Sciences DataLab, Project 22209),
POR Lisboa (LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007722 and Social Sciences DataLab, Project 22209)
and POR Norte (Social Sciences DataLab, Project 22209).
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ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 3
PART I : LEAN MANAGEMENT, FROMS ITS ORIGINS TO LEAN CONSTRUCTION ................................................. 4
1.1. ORIGINS ................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.2 Toyotism ......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 ZOOM ON LEAN CONSTRUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 8
PART II ZOOM ON THE 5S METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................... 9
2.1 DEFINITION ................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.3 ADVANTAGES OF THE 5S METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 10
2.3.1 Interconnectivity of Lean tools through 5S ..................................................................................... 10
2.3.2 Benefits of 5S ................................................................................................................................ 11
2.4 ILLUSTRATION ........................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 CDCL ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.2 Lean department ........................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.4 My mission .................................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Principles ...................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.2 Steps applied to the implementation of 5S in construction sites ...................................................... 14
3.2.3 Realizations ................................................................................................................................... 16
3.4 RESULTS .................................................................................................................................................. 19
3.4.2 Survey Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 20
3.4.4 Limitations of the results ............................................................................................................... 24
3.4.5 Factors of success .......................................................................................................................... 24
CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................................. 25
The Taylorism, implemented at the beginning of the 20th Century, has progressively
been challenged since the 50’s by a new method created by Toyota, the Lean Management.
This new methodology’s aim is to improve the competitivity in the industry sector through the
reduction of waste, a goal of zero defects and the implementation of “Just in Time”.
In the last decades, the construction sector became highly competitive, global leaders
entered the market, proposing broken prices. With the increasing competition, it became
imperative for national companies to find new ways to improve the quality of their work,
optimize their cost, improve the time delivery, and assure the safety of employees. It is in this
context that the Compagnie de Construction Luxembourgeoise (CDCL), the second biggest
Luxembourgish construction company, implemented in 2018 the Lean methodology, as a way
to face the increasing competition. The company hired me as an intern in order to deploy the
Lean methodology in the company, and particularly the 5S tool in construction sites.
Due to its nature of production, construction sites face unique problems: low safety, low
productivity, small construction sites in perpetual evolution, low quality. I will develop in this
thesis how the 5S tool can resolve these issues through the implementation of sustain standards.
I will first study the origin of Lean Management until its deployment to the construction sector
before doing, in a second part, a zoom on the 5S tool.
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Part I: Lean Management
1.1. Origins
1.1.1. Taylorism and Fordism
To understand the origins of the Lean Management, it is important to briefly explain the
production context of the automobile industry in the 20th century.
The Taylorism is a working method implemented in the industry in the beginning of the
20th century. It consists in a scientific organization of the work in order to have the best
productivity possible. There are two main dimensions. The first is a vertical dimension: strict
distinction between conception working tasks done by the white collars and execution tasks
done by the blue collars. The second dimension is horizontal: the production process is
decomposed in easy tasks given to a specialized blue collar. Engineers time scientifically each
movement done for each task, study the best tools to realize each movement and define an
optimal time.
develops and applies the principles of the Taylorism in the
automobile industry in the USA, it is the creation of the
Fordism. The main objective is to increase productivity and
production thanks to the division of work (horizontally and
vertically) and standardization. Workers are more
productive, but the work becomes alienating and disempowering. Very quickly, all the
automobile industry, and the industry in general applies these productivity principles.
Figure 1: Taylorism applied in a factory. Retrieved from henryford.fr
Figure 2: Taylorism applied in a factory retrieved from henryford.fr
1.1.2 Toyotism
In 1950, Toyota was a small and local company of automobiles production in Japan. At
that time, the global competition was steep, and the company could not invest to face companies
such as Ford and General Motors. Automobile companies produced in mass and in assembly
line work, allowing them to have large economies of scale. Smaller and local companies, such
as Toyota, had to find new ways to cope with the increasing global competition by reducing
drastically their cost and by improving their efficiency.
Toyota designed a new form of work organization, called Lean, and implemented it in
1970. The company changed completely the production logic of the first part of the 20th
century. The Toyotas’ worker is polyvalent, more responsible, and the organization is focused
on the increasing differentiated needs of consumers. The objective of the company is to answer
to the market with more flexibility, producing just in time, avoid overproduction and improve
quality. 20 years after its implementation, Toyota became the global leader of automobiles.
Toyota developed two main pillars; a production system, named “Toyota Production
System” and a management system, named “The Toyota Way”. Toyota Production System (TPS)
TPS goal is to provide reliable products, durable and in high
quality, it is based on two concepts: jidoka and just in time:
• Just in Time. “Just-in-time depends on getting exactly the
right goods to exactly the right place at the right time” [Toyota Forklifts]. In other words,
cars are produced on customer demand allowing to reduce wastes.
• Jidoka, or Autonomation in English. The visual environment is built in order to immediately
detect abnormalities. Anyone can stop the production process when an abnormality arises
allowing to have a zero defects goal.
Figure 2: Toyota Production System. Retrieved from lean.org
Figure 3: Toyota Production System
Figure 4: Toyota Production System Retrieved from lean.org
Figure 5: Toyota Production System
P a g e 6 | 25 Toyota Way
Toyota Way is a system of management illustrating the values
of the company. It also has two pillars [Toyota Forklifts]:
• The continuous improvement: While the TPS’ aim is to show
the weaknesses of the process, the continuous improvement’s
aim is to suggest ways to address these weaknesses. It has three values. The firs one is
Challenge, meaning that Toyota employees must maintain a long-term vision and always
challenge the existing situation. The second value is Kaizen, there is always room for
improvement, everyone in Toyota can take a subject and get the collaboration of other
employees to resolve a problem. The last value is Genchi Genbulsu, employees must always
go to the source and find the origin of the problem in order to resolve it.
• The respect for people: It has two main values, the first one is respect in order to create a
mutual trust among employees, the second is teamwork and favorizes the collective success,
it stimulates personal and professional growth.
1.2 Lean Management: Popularization and development
Noticing the success of Toyota, companies in the automobile sector started to implement
the strategy and faced the same successful results. In 1990, the term “Lean” appears for the first
time [T.Jones, J. P.,1991], the world realized principles of the strategy created by Toyota could
be spread among activities and countries. Little by little, the lean strategy was spread among
every sector in every continent.
There are five principles of the lean thinking:
• Identify value: The company defines what the customer is willing to pay for in order to offer
to the customer what he is expecting and needs, and not what the company can produce.
Figure 3: The Toyota Way. Retrieved from blog.operaepartners.fr
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• Map the value stream: The customer’s value is used as a reference point. By mapping the
complete life cycle of a product, it allows to define activities that contribute to the customer
values, and those which do not bring values. The activity which do not bring values and are
unnecessary to the production, are considered as wastes, and are eliminated. Wastes, or
mudas in Japanese are grouped in seven categories: Defects, Overproduction, Waiting,
Transportation, Inventory, Motion and Over Processing.
• Create flow: Once the waste is eliminated, each step of the process is analyzed in order to
ensure that the process runs smoothly and to find new ways to maximize efficiency.
• Establish pull: By establishing customer true needs, the company will follow a ‘just in time’
strategy and will produce exactly according to the customer needs. The goal is to limit
inventory, considered as one of the biggest waste, saving resources, time, space, and cost.
• Seek perfection. The company constantly analyze area of improvements in order to
continuously improve the process.
1.3 The Lean Management Tools Box
Besides tools already mentioned, such as Jidoka, Just In time, Kaizen, many other tools are
used in the Lean methodology in order to apply lean principles (refer to Appendix A for a larger
• Kanban. It is a Japanese word for “Signal Card”. Kanban it is a visual production system,
used to eliminate waste from inventory. It relies on signal cards which indicate when goods
need to be replenished; the idea is to buy material only when needed.
• 5S. Developed in the Part II, it is a tool to improve the organization of a work area and
includes five fundamental guidelines: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain.
• Visual Management. Visual communication technique in order to transmit messages faster
and more efficiently. It converts information into visible and understandable format.
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• Takt Time. It is the pace at which a product needs to be produced to meet customer demand.
• Poka-yoke. It can be considered as a mistake-proofing tool, it is a dispositive or
mechanisms implemented in order to avoid mistakes in the production process.
• PDCA or Deming circle. Acronyms for Plan - Do - Check - Act, it is method used in order
to improve the organization performance.
• Ishikawa diagrams. The diagram shows the root causes of a problem, please see Appendix
A for an explanation of the diagram.
1.4 Zoom on Lean construction
The term Lean Construction was first used in 1993 and its goal is defined as: “meet
customer demands more effectively and dramatically improve built environment process as
well as product.” [Charter and Operating Procedure, 2012]. Lean construction concerns all
activities in the company: the construction sites, warehouse, offices, and also concerns all
phases from the design conception to the final product. Lean construction started to be
implemented in Europe in the last decade, after the financial crisis in 2008. Global leaders
offered broken prices, and it became primordial for companies to improve their productivity in
order to maintain their margins.
The construction industry faces unique problems: low safety, low productivity, and
small construction sites in perpetual evolution. All this led to a high competitive environment,
with construction sites dirty, dangerous and not organized. One new tool has been created in
Lean Construction: the Last Planner System, which allows to coordinate all types of
construction sites and improve the control over deadlines. It has four main pillars: the
participatory and collaborative planning, the research of root causes of problems, and frequent
meetings. Each actor participates to the planning, in order to have a concreate and feasible
planning, the meetings allow to adapt the planning, and the research causes allow to learn from
each other to avoid mistakes in planning in the future.
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Part II Zoom on the 5S Methodology
2.1 Definition
The 5S methodology was first implemented by Toyota as part of their TPS and
introduced as a way to improve the quality environment in the company. The methodology
consists in five fundamental elements, each in Japanese and in English, starting with a ‘S’:
Seiri/Sort, Seiton/Set in order, Seiso/Shine, Seiketsu/Standardize, Shitsuke/Sustain.
5S is a tool allowing to build a functional work environment with easy, precise, and
effective rules. Its first role is to build a work environment clean and in order, to diminish the
work accidents, remove mudas, and improve productivity. It is a highly flexible tool which need
to be adapted in function of the specificities of the industry.
2.2 Zoom on each 5S
• Seiri (=Sort). Seiri is about having an effective utilization of a workplace, by keeping only
the materials needed at the good place and at the good moment. It improves productivity
and safety, by throwing away all the useless, the useful is more accessible, making it easier
and safer to find. It also saves space by eliminating from the workplace all the unnecessary.
• Seiton (Set in order). The second element of the 5S can be summarized as the following:
“A place for everything and everything in its place”. The concept is to have one place for
every single item and have a neat and orderly storage of material. The most used tools must
be the most accessible. It maximizes effectiveness and safety. The second element of the
5S has various advantages. By maximizing the ease of location, it is time saving in the
research of materials. It also improves the structuration and the ergonomics of the working
space. By having frequently used materials close to the work area, it allows to reduce inutile
movements or motion, this later being one of the seven mudas. Finally, it allows workers to
verify easily that they have all the material they need to successfully perform their task.
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• Seiso (Shine). The third S consists to clean the working space: eliminate the wastes, the dirt,
in order to have a clean working environment. Workers must clean the working area at the
end of each task or at the end of the day. Seiso has various advantages, mainly the
improvement of safety as a dirty working area can cause work accidents. Seiso allows to
improve equipment quality and efficiency, as dirty equipment can lead to equipment failure
and waste of time. Workers can notice easier anything out of the ordinary such as oil leaks.
• Seiketsu (Standardize). Seiketsu emphasizes the importance of maintaining a workplace by
repeating the three third S Seiri – Seiton – Seiso. In order to maintain habit, rules must be
defined, and visual management is a very valuable tool. Standardization allows to have a
low maintenance and overhead cost and increase process efficiency [Ahuja, J. S., 2015].
• Shitsuke (sustain). This step is essential in order to perform the methodology on a
systematic basis. In order to do so, it is important to continually sensitize and implicate the
personnel, encourage initiatives, train everyone in the company. Standard audits are usually
developed and implemented during this step in order to encourage self-discipline.
2.3 Advantages of the 5S Methodology
2.3.1 Interconnectivity of Lean tools through 5S
As mentioned previously, Lean methodology has various tools, such as 5S, Kanban,
Visual Management, Value Stream Mapping, Poka-yoke etc.… 5S methodology allows to
interconnect each tool in order to have a highly efficient working environment. Visual
workplace and visual inventory (Kanban) can be done only in an organized environment, where
each item has its own place. Parallelly, visual workplace and visual inventory strengthen the
implementation of the 5S methodology. 5S allows also to identify easily flaws in the process,
strengthening the implementation of the Poka-yoke tool. A lack of 5S, meaning a dirty and
disorganized working environment would make other tools ineffective, and it is in that way that
5S can be considered as the foundation of lean methodology.
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2.3.2 Benefits of 5S
5S allows to obtain visible results fast for everyone and provide continuous
improvements. It has many advantages.
• Productivity. 5S can be considered as the easiest and most effective tool of Lean to improve
productivity. An optimized workplace where every material can be found easily faster work
without losing time in non-value-added tasks.
• Work conditions. Having a clean and organized working environment improves work
conditions, reduce work accidents, and relationally improve moral of workers. It allows
them to reduce the waste of time and increase energy, they can focus only on the essential.
• Mudas. As mentioned previously, the reduction of the seven mudas is one of the main
principles of lean management. 5S methodology allows to reduce each of them; inventory
with the first S, defects with the second S, and motion with the third S. By improving the
general process, 5S also reduce overproduction,waiting, transportation and over processing.
• Quality. 5S also allows to identify easily flaws and therefore improve quality of production.
2.4 Illustration
The area is full of useless materials
(1st S), not organized (2nd S), and
dirty (3rd S). The time in searching
the material is high, and accidents
can happen (stumble, or boxes).
The area is Lean. It is sorted (1st S), with
storage units (2nd S), and it clean (3rd S).
The area is defined (4th S). The time in
searching the material is lower, it is safer,
and there is more place to circulate.
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Part III The implementation of the 5S in the
construction company CDCL
CDCL was created in 1979 after the fusion
of three Luxembourgish companies. The company
is the second Luxembourgish biggest construction
company in the country, with an annual turnover
between €80M and €100M. CDCL accompanies
projects in every phase: from feasibility, to studies, development, construction and after sales
service. The company has in mean fifteen new contracts per year, and in numerous domains of
constructions, such as structural work, all trades, offices, commercial and residential buildings,
engineering structures and roads, renovation, and industrial works. In March 2020, the company
had 463 employees, whose 337 were production employees. Besides its permanent employees,
CDCL employs 100 temporary workers per year.
3.1.2 Lean department
The economic crisis in 2008 highly impacted the construction sector in Luxembourg.
Foreign firms entered the market proposing broken prices. Local companies had to find new
ways to cope with the increasing competition in order to maintain their margins. In the same
way than Toyota in the 50th, the company CDCL decided to implement the Lean methodology
in 2018 as a way to cope with the global competition. It created a new department, the
“Operational Excellence”, which goal was to implement Lean tools, such as LPS, Kaizens, Takt
Time and 5S, please see Appendix B for the simplified Organigram of CDCL and Lean
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3.1.3 Implementation of 5S
The Lean department identified various problematics in construction sites, which
directly impact the productivity and increase the probability of working accidents,
unfortunately frequent in the construction world.
- The stockage areas: they are not organized, and the access of useful materials is unsafe.
- Finished zones by teams: when a zone is done, workers leave it dirty and leave some
materials which could be used somewhere else.
- Working areas: they are not organized and are dirty making the circulation unsafe.
- Sort fields: they are not enough bins, or / and they are not identified making difficult the
waste sorting. Moreover, the area is dirty, and the access can be difficult and unsafe.
- Circulation and access: the access to the construction site and the circulation inside can be
unsafe and not identified.
- Innovation: there is a lack of storage unit to store properly the materials in the construction
sites, moreover innovation is not encouraged to improve the work conditions.
They are all linked to three first 5S: lack of sorting, lack of cleaning, lack of
organization. The company realized that 5S could find solutions to each of these problematics,
and therefore improve productivity, reduce cost, and decrease the number of accidents. It is in
that sense, that the department decided in the beginning of 2019 to implement it some
construction sites. In 2020, the implementation of the methodology is still in process.
3.1.4 My mission
It is in this context of continuously improvement, that the company hired me as a Lean
Assistant intern. My main mission is to deploy 5S methodology in construction sites. I
accompany in total six sites, refer to Appendix C for a detail of each site, and I visit in mean
two construction sites a week, please see Appendix D for the frequency of visits for each site.
Moreover, each month I write a monthly report summarizing the advancement state of each
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sites. Apart from my direct implication in sites, I participate and develop 5S projects to
standardize and sustain the methodology. These 5S missions represented half of my work from
January to March. The other half is divided among various Lean, Quality and Security missions,
refer to Appendix E for a detail of my missions.
3.1.5 Challenges
There are two main challenges to the implementation of the 5S in CDCL. First, unlike
industries where workstations are identical and not evolving, construction sites are all different
and are in perpetual evolution. 5S must find solutions which can be adapted to every phases of
the construction work and be easily transferable to one site to another. Second, 5S works only
if workers, who are directly impacted by it, are motivated to its implementation. 5S incites
workers, who have decades of experiences, to change radically their habits. An effective change
management strategy must be applied so that workers are sensitized to change their habits in
order to work in a safe and organized environment in every phases of the construction site.
3.2 5S Methodology applied to CDCL
3.2.1 Principles
The 5S team defined five principles which should be applied to every construction sites.
3.2.2 Steps applied to the implementation of 5S in construction sites
The 5S team, follows the same steps to every construction site in order to apply the
principles, implement and sustain the 5S methodology:
Reduction of visits
Figure 6: The five principles of 5S in construction sites, done by the author of the thesis
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First Step - Presentation to the Team: When the 5S team has a new construction site where it
implements the 5S, the first step is to meet the supervisor team and the workers. During the
meeting, a presentation of 5S is done through a PPT presentation, where definition, benefits,
goals, and examples of outputs in other construction sites are presented.
Second Step - Identification of main problematics applied to the site: After the presentation, a
visit of the construction site is done, main problematics are identified.
Third Step - Determination of priorities: From the problematics observed, the 5S team defines
the priorities, in accordance with the supervisor team. The idea of defining priorities is to not
force workers to change radically their habits from one day to another, but rather change habits
step by steps, starting with the main problematics of the construction site.
Fourth Step - Weekly audit on sites: The 5S team visits the constructions site once a week. It is
the main point of the process. It allows to identify the areas of improvement and define with
the teams on site the rules and tasks to apply. It allows also to accompany the teams and
implement a continuous improvement plan. The audit uses the following standard:
Problematics Items audited Example of questions
The stockage
Is the zone visually identified?
Finished zones
by teams
Is the area clean and organized?
Is the circulation free of material and
Cleanliness of bins and accessibility
Visual Identification
Is the accessibility free of material and clean?
Is the zone visually identifiable?
Circulation and
Access to the construction site safe
Is the circulation free of material and
Did the teams create new storage units?
Table 1: Standard of Audit
Table 2: Standard of Audit
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Each visit is subject to a written report, please see appendix F for an example of report,
which consist of a grading for each items audited, the action plan for the following week, the
respect of tasks from the previous week and a summary of each problematics with photos.
The action plan consists of tasks to do before the following visit, generally for the team
leaders. I give in mean between two and three tasks per visit. Then I verify the application of
the tasks the following visit. The graph besides show the number of tasks I gave from January
to March and their percentage of realization.
Fifth Step - Reduction of visits: Once main problematics have been resolved, and that workers
become more autonomous in the application of the 5S principles, visits are reduced.
3.2.3 Realizations
3.2.1 Project within the scope of the four first S
Weekly audits allow to observe common problematics in construction sites, and
therefore develop action plans. Below a list of actions developed by the 5S team:
Number of tasks given from January to Ma during
sites visits, and their realization
Taks given Tasks realized % of tasks realization
Graph 1: Number of Tasks and their realization
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Project Description Benefits Sought S Photos State My role
feedback of
1) Improvement of
change according
visit in every
invest in closed
team leaders.
1) Storage
optimization (time
+ reduction of
project is to build
some with the open
replaced and create
working area
1) Productivity
3.3.2 Project within the scope of the fifth S
Additionally, to the projects listed above to implement in construction sites, other
actions are implementing by the 5S Team in order to improve the sustainability (5th) of the 5S
methodology. As explained in Part II, Shitsuke is essential in order to sustain 5S methodology
in a company, and is implemented by sensitize and implicate the personnel, encourage
initiatives, train everyone in the company. Below a list of Shitsuke actions done by the 5S team:
• Creation of a quarter gazette of innovation. I wanted to encourage more initiatives, implicate
employees, valorize them, and spread the good ideas. Therefore, I created a gazette which
lists and congratulates every 5S innovation in the past quarter, it is written in French and
Portuguese, please see Appendix G. I wrote the first one in March 2020, and it was
distributed with the pay slips of April to 300 employees.
• Annual celebration. The first ceremony was realized in March 2020 in order to invite all the
personnel who participated in the implementation of the 5S in the year 2019. This
celebration’s goal is to implicate employees and valorize them.
• Creation of a 5S label. A label is added on the hard hat of workers who participate in 5S, in
order to create a visual community, valorize and implicate employees
• Implementation of audits and reports (cf. Part III 3.3). The regular audits encourage self-
discipline and train employees. I participated in the improvement of the written report in
order to have one more in adequation with our visits.
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3.4 Results
STOCKAGE AREAS: In 5S sites, stockage areas are
defined, the useless materials are evacuated, the material
grouped by type or task, the accessibility is better and safer,
the zone is delimitated, and posters identified the stock.
The photo alongside
clean and free of materials
CIRCULATION: Circulation is identified
the accessibility is easy and safe, and the zone is
visually identified.
Figure 8: Before and after 5S in a stockage area
Figure 9: Before and After 5S in a finished zone
Figure 7: Before and After 5S in a finished zone
Figure 10 : Circulation axis in a 5 site
Figure 8: Circulation axis in a 5 sites
Figure 11: Sorting field in a 5S site
Figure 9:Sorting field in a 5S site
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3.4.2 Survey Analysis
Although visual results can be noticed, the methodology has been implemented only a
year ago, and there is a lack of qualitative data to quantify the results. It is in that sense that I
realized a survey in order to measure the working conditions and the advantages of 5S perceived
by the personnel directly impacted by its implementation. There are 29 participants: 6 in
supervisory teams and 23 team leaders and workers. I adapted questions according to the role
of participants, to have questions more focused on working conditions for workers, and
questions more focus on productivity for managers. In appendixes H, one can find the list of all
participants’ answers, as well as the mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation for
each question. For each question, participants could answer either Totally Agree (=4), Agree
(=3), Disagree (=2) or Totally Disagree (=1).
The graph below shows the mean answers from workers and team leaders. They are
satisfied with all the criteria asked, they agree that work conditions have improved, they are
more involved in the company, 5S storage allow them to save time, they work in a more
organized environment, and mostly the work environment is safer and cleaner.
Graph 2: Radar Chart, Answers to the survey done by the author of the thesis
You feel more involved in the company
You work in a more secure environment
You work in a cleaner environment
You work in more organized environment
5S storage allow you to save time
Since 5S implementation : (1=Totally Disagree; 2=Disagree; 3=Agree; 4=Totally agree
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The graph besides shows the answers from the supervisory team. They agree that 5S
improve the productivity of the site, it reduces the loss of equipment, it improves the implication
of employees, it help to better organize stockage, and mostly it reduces the risk of accidents and
improve the image of the site.
Graph 3: Radar Chart, Answers to the survey done by the author of the thesis
The last part of the survey was common to workers and supervisory team. They all
agree that there is an improvement in management of work areas, sorting areas, and mostly in
stockage areas and circulation axis.
Graph 4: Bar Chart, Answers to the survey done by the author of the thesis
Reduce the loss of equipment
Organize better your stockage
Improve the implication of employees
Since its implementation, 5S enabled you to: (1=Totally Disagree; 2=Disagree; 3=Agree; 4=Totally agree )
3,40 3,28 3,14 3,36
Stockage Areas Working Areas Sorting Fields Circulation Axis
Have you noticed improvements in: (1=Totally Disagree; 2=Disagree; 3=Agree; 4=Totally agree )
Managers Team Leaders and Workers Mean
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The general mean for any questions is 3.2/4 (3.4 for responsible and 3.2 for workers).
The coefficient of variation is 0.07, meaning that there is a very low variation among answers.
Therefore, on can say that the perception of 5S is positive and very homogeneous. Moreover,
the mean answers for every question is between 3.0 and 3.8 with a coefficient of variation
between 0 and 0.16. We can conclude that employees directly impacted by the implementation
of 5S, managers as workers, are satisfied with it and noticed improvements in a wide area of
subject, particularly subjects concerning the image of the site, the safety and the stock
management. Written feedbacks from participants also illustrate the positive opinion of
participants, as showed by the below verbatims traduced in English:
The direct impact of the three first S are confirmed: better organization, better safety
and better cleanliness perceived. However, Shitsuke actions are relatively new or not yet
diffused (for example, the first Gazette was distributed after the gazette), we can therefore
expect soon an improvement of area directly impacted by these actions, such as the involvement
of employees.
Notations and feedbacks are very promising for generalizing the methodology to all
construction sites of CDCL.
by the author of the thesis
P a g e 23 | 25
3.4.3 Benefits of 5S
As stated below, one year after the 5S implementation in CDCL, visible results can already
be observed and employees in construction sites noticed real changes. There is a clear visual
distinction between sites where the 5S is applied and where it is not. The 5S site is clean,
organized, and safe. The benefits resulting are summarized as follow:
- Better work conditions:
o Safer environment of work: The improvement of the tidying in the stockage areas, the
working areas, and the circulation axis allow to circulate easily and without any disruptive
elements. Therefore, it reduces the risk of accidents caused by tripping.
o Improvement of the Moral: the storage units created to improve the accessibility of
materials and the new rules of cleanliness improve the working environment conditions,
and relationally improve moral of workers.
o Valorization of workers: Through the implementation of Shitsuke actions, workers feel
more implicated and valorized in the company.
- Improvement of productivity and cost reduction:
o Reduction of materials lost and improvement of its quality: By creating storage units so
that there is “A place for everything and everything in its place” allow to identify easily
what is missing, and incite to always putting back all the material at the end of the day.
Parallelly, it allows to keep the material in good state.
o More working time in added-value activities: The storage units allow to reduce the time
in searching the material, giving workers more time to work and to focus on essential.
o Reduction of accidents: direct impact on productivity
- Improvement of the construction site image: Construction sites are clean and tidy.
Customers have a better image of the company, and parallelly the image of the quality and
professionalism of CDCL grows.
3.4.4 Limitations of the results
Although the survey is a first step to measure the advantages perceived by the personnel,
there is still a lack of quantitative data to quantify the 5S benefits. The next step of the 5S team
will be to implement relevant KPI in order to measure improvements. For example, a KPI
implemented in order to measure the improvement of productivity, through an analysis of the
number of accidents before and after the implementation of 5S, would be relevant. Some other
analysis could be done, in the long term, in order to measure the quality and number of lost
materials on site. A larger analysis could also be performed, in the coming years, of the total
production time of 5S sites in comparison to sites where 5S was not implemented.
3.4.5 Factors of success
The implementation of 5S in CDCL has proven to be effective. In my opinion, its success
can be explained by four main reasons. First, a successful change management approach. The 5S is
not implemented from one day to another to every construction site, but rather steps by steps.
Workers are accompanied by the 5S Team in its implementation with a weekly visit and new tasks
to be done. It allows both employees in the construction site and members of the 5S team to learn
and improve the methodology. Then, the 5S team implements concrete and visible actions. In a few
weeks, workers can realize the benefits of the methodology with the improvement of safety and
cleanliness, which encourage workers to continue the efforts. The success can also be explained by
the valorization of employees, through the implementation of annual ceremony, the newspaper, and
the attention from the 5S team to every worker implicated in the 5S. Finally, without the support
and commitment of the top-management, the 5S implementation would not be as effective as it is.
In their communication and action, they bring their support to the 5S team and show to all workers
that 5S is essential in the future of the company.
P a g e 25 | 25
As part of my internship, I participated in the deployment of 5S on different construction
sites of the Luxembourgish company CDCL. This internship allowed me to familiarize with
various Lean Management tools, mainly the 5S tool. This tool has been implemented in 2019
and already shows concrete improvements in numerous sites by improving the organization
through the implementation of new standards: sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain.
These improvements contribute to improving the safety of the site and of the personnel,
improving the working conditions, and give a positive image of the company to customers and
stakeholders (residents, subcontractors, etc...).
If Lean and 5S have proven to be effective in the industry, the management of change
is a real challenge in the construction sites. Indeed, it challenges operational practices with
employees who are not always ready to change the habits they have for decades. Change
management is the most important challenge of the approach because without the support of all
it is difficult to deploy such a methodology. The 5S team manages this issue with regular visits,
by advancing step by step, and by implemented concrete actions so that everyone can realize
the benefits of the approach.
The team also valorize the approach through communication and valorization of
employees, with the implementation this year of an annual ceremony and the diffusion of a
company newspaper oriented towards 5S innovation, in order to sustain the approach.
The 5S is in its operational deployment and has proven to bring real positive outputs.
The following steps will be the implementation of other complementary Lean tools, such as
Kanban to improve inventory management system and the standardization of visual
management on all sites, which became in May my main mission.
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APPENDIX B : SIMPLIFIED ORGANIGRAM ................................................................................................................ III
APPENDIX C: LIST OF CONSTRUCTION SITES I PARTICIPATED IN..................................................................................... IV
APPENDIX D: FREQUENCY OF VISITS FOR EACH CONSTRUCTION SITE ............................................................................... V
APPENDIX E : MY MISSIONS ............................................................................................................................... VI
APPENDIX F : AUDIT REPORT; AN EXAMPLE ........................................................................................................... VII
APPENDIX G : GAZETTE DE L’INNOVATION – 1ST EDITION ........................................................................................... XI
APPENDIX H : SURVEY, QUESTION AND ANSWERS .................................................................................................... XV
P a g e II | XV
Appendix A: Lean tool box
Lean Management is implemented through various tools, the most common are listed below:
Retrieved from leanmanufacturingtools.com
Zoom on Ishikawa diagrams
Developed in 1962, the Ishikawa diagram, also called 5M, or fishbone diagram visually shows
causes leading to an effect. It can be used in order to find the causes of a problem or identify
and manage risks during the implementation of a project. The inventor of the model
recommends looking at events in five different aspects, the five “M”. Lately, a sixth M has been
added “Mother Nature”, which represent the environment.
P a g e III | XV
Appendix B: Simplified Organigram
- My position as an intern in the Lean department
- The hierarchy of the production Department, department with who I interact highly in
construction sites with the implementation of 5S.
General Direction
P a g e IV | XV
Appendix C: List of Construction Sites I participated in
Name Type Type N° of
Teams Photos
Frequency of
Once per
Once per
Once per
Appendix D: Frequency of visits for each construction site
Week Number Melia Noah Luxite Stugalux Mathendahl Port de Mertert N° of visits
2 1 1
3 1 1
6 1 1 1 1 4
7 1 1 2
9 1 1 1 1 4
10 1 1 1 1 4
11 1 1 2
19 1 1 2
Number of visits 5 11 6 2 10 3 37
Frequency of visits Every 2 weeks Every week Every 2 weeks Every 4 weeks Every 1,3 weeks Every 2 weeks 2 per weeks
Appendix E: My Missions
5S missions represented half of my time from January to March, and are divided between the
visits on sites, the writing of the report, the sustainability and sustainability projects, and the
monthly reports. Apart from my 5S missions, I have other various projects:
- Security: The security manager audits everyday sites and use an Excel file in order to write
her audit after her visit. My mission is to digitalize the audit through a software in order to
have it on tablet computer so that the auditor can fill the audit directly during the visit.
- Warehouses missions: I accompany the warehouse in diverse missions. For example, I did
the inventory of editable tools and will implement the Kanban tool. I also write a guide to
explain to drivers how to load and unload dumpsters.
- Quality: I write internal procedures for various departments.
- Diverse Lean Missions: I automatized the feedback report, filled by supervisory teams at the
end of their projects, using Python in order to have a clean and accessible database, I improve
Excel files to represent better KPI, I accompany a site in the implementation of the Takt
Time tool and I participate in the follow-up of Kaizen.
P a g e VII | XV
Appendix F: Audit Report; An Example
P a g e VIII | XV
P a g e IX | XV
P a g e X | XV
P a g e XI | XV
Appendix G : Gazette de l’innovation – 1st Edition
P a g e XII | XV
P a g e XIII | XV
P a g e XIV | XV
P a g e XV | XV
Appendix H: Survey, question and answers
Totally Agree (=4), Agree (=3), Disagree (=2) or Totally Disagree (=1)
Working Site Category
areas Circulation axis Mean
Luxite Foreman of the works 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3,5
Noah Foreman of the works 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3,0
Noah Foreman of the works 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3,3
Stugalux Foreman of the works 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 3,6
Melia Site Foreman 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3,4
Mathendahl Project Responsible 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3,4
Bascharage Team Leader 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3,2
Bam Olm Team Leader 4 3 2 1 2 4 4 4 3 4 3,1
Luxite Worker 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3,0
Luxite Worker 4 4 3 1 4 3 3 4 3 3,2
Luxite Worker 3 3 3 3 3 3,0
Luxite Worker 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 2,5 4 2,9
Luxite Worker 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3,4
Luxite Worker 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 2,8
Noah Worker 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3,2
Noah Worker 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 2,8
Noah Worker 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 4 3,0
Noah Worker 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3,2
Noah Worker 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3,4
Noah Worker 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3,0
Noah Worker 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3,1
Noah Worker 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3,9
Noah Worker 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3,1
Noah Worker 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3,7
Stugalux / Mathendahl Worker 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 3,5
Stugalux / Mathendahl Worker 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3,2
Stugalux / Mathendahl Worker 2,5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3,0
Mathendahl Worker 3 3 3 2,5 3 3 2 3 2 3 2,8
Stugalux Team Leader 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3,6
3,07 3,09 3,35 3,20 3,17 3,09 3,50 3,00 3,33 3,33 3,83 3,17 3,25 3,24 3,12 3,33 3,21
0,3 0,2 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,4 0,5 0,0 0,4 0,4 0,3 0,3 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,4 0,2
0,09 0,08 0,15 0,16 0,16 0,13 0,14 0,00 0,13 0,13 0,07 0,09 0,16 0,13 0,10 0,13 0,07
Coefficient of variation