6. essential medicines

7/21/2019 6. Essential Medicines http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/6-essential-medicines 1/14 Dr. AMIT M SHAH

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essential medicine


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Essential medicines are those medicinesthat satisfy the health care needs of themajority of the population. Therefore they

should be available at all times, inadequate amounts, in appropriate dosageforms and at aordable price

Essential medicines are those medicinesthat satisfy the health care needs of themajority of the population. Therefore they

should be available at all times, inadequate amounts, in appropriate dosageforms and at aordable price




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History of the WHOModel List of Essential


History of the WHOModel List of Essential

Medicines 1977 First Model list

published, ± 200 active

substances List is revised every two

years by WH !"pert#o$$ittee

Last revision %17th list,March 2011&

First WH Model List o'!ssential Medicines 'or

#hildren ( ctober 2007

1977 First Model listpublished, ± 200 activesubstances

List is revised every twoyears by WH !"pert#o$$ittee

Last revision %17th list,March 2011&

First WH Model List o'!ssential Medicines 'or

#hildren ( ctober 2007

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The Essential Medicines


The Essential Medicines


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Advantages of EMLAdvantages of EML

Wider availability o' $edicines to $oststrata o' the population

Helps in i$prove$ent in dru* dispensin*and patient co$pliance

Helps planner + policy $aers to allocatereasonable 'unds and resources

Wider availability o' $edicines to $oststrata o' the population

Helps in i$prove$ent in dru* dispensin*and patient co$pliance

Helps planner + policy $aers to allocatereasonable 'unds and resources

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Criteria for selection a

Essential Medicines

Criteria for selection a

Essential Medicines !-cacy + sa'ety

.nnecessary duplication o' $edicine and

dosa*e 'or$ should be avoidedMeet the standard /uality includin*

bioavailability and sel' li'e

 wo or $ore $edicine %1& horou*hly

investi*ated + %2& Favorable 3 data he cost o' total treat$ent

re'erably sin*le dru* co$pound

!-cacy + sa'ety

.nnecessary duplication o' $edicine and

dosa*e 'or$ should be avoidedMeet the standard /uality includin*

bioavailability and sel' li'e

 wo or $ore $edicine %1& horou*hly

investi*ated + %2& Favorable 3 data he cost o' total treat$ent

re'erably sin*le dru* co$pound

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ses of the WHOModel List of Essential


ses of the WHOModel List of Essential

Medicines 145 countries have a national list o'essential dru*s, o' which 61 have beenupdated in the last 4 years

Ma8or international a*encies %.:#!F,.H#;& base their catalo*ue on the WHModel List

<uide the procure$ent and supply o'

$edicines in the public sector, sche$esthat rei$burse $edicine costs, $edicinedonations and local $edicine production

:n'or$ation and education tools by health


145 countries have a national list o'essential dru*s, o' which 61 have beenupdated in the last 4 years

Ma8or international a*encies %.:#!F,.H#;& base their catalo*ue on the WHModel List

<uide the procure$ent and supply o'

$edicines in the public sector, sche$esthat rei$burse $edicine costs, $edicinedonations and local $edicine production

:n'or$ation and education tools by health


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Essential Medicines !India

Essential Medicines !India

First ational !ML = 1965 by >irectorate<eneral o' Health ?ervice, Ministry o'Health and Fa$ily Wel'are, ew >elhi

Latest !ML released in 2011 he @rst state level !ML = 199A by >elhi

<ovtBther state level !ML = <u8arat, a$il

adu, 3arnataa, rissa, Maharashtra,West Cen*al, Hi$achal radesh andMadhya radesh

ational !ML = 27 $a8or classes

First ational !ML = 1965 by >irectorate<eneral o' Health ?ervice, Ministry o'Health and Fa$ily Wel'are, ew >elhi

Latest !ML released in 2011 he @rst state level !ML = 199A by >elhi

<ovtBther state level !ML = <u8arat, a$il

adu, 3arnataa, rissa, Maharashtra,West Cen*al, Hi$achal radesh andMadhya radesh

ational !ML = 27 $a8or classes

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Essential Medicines "#$nda%ental H$%an


Essential Medicines "#$nda%ental H$%an

&ights he en8oy$ent o' the hi*hest attainable standard

o' health is one o' the 'unda$ental ri*hts o'every hu$an bein* without distinction o' race,

reli*ion, political belie', econo$ic or socialcondition

<overn$ents and the international co$$unityhave an obli*ation to see the ri*ht to health

pro*ressively realiDed, which includes theresponsibility 'or prevention, treat$ent andcontrol o' diseaseE and the creation o' conditionsto ensure access to health 'acilities, *oods and


 he en8oy$ent o' the hi*hest attainable standardo' health is one o' the 'unda$ental ri*hts o'every hu$an bein* without distinction o' race,

reli*ion, political belie', econo$ic or socialcondition

<overn$ents and the international co$$unityhave an obli*ation to see the ri*ht to health

pro*ressively realiDed, which includes theresponsibility 'or prevention, treat$ent andcontrol o' diseaseE and the creation o' conditionsto ensure access to health 'acilities, *oods and


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I%'le%entation of anEML

I%'le%entation of anEML

!stablish a transparent process 'or creatin* andupdatin* the list o' essential $edicines, provide avoice 'or ey staeGholders, but ensure a scienti@c,evidenceGbased process

Lin the essential $edicines list to clinical*uidelines 'or dia*nosis and treat$ent, involvin*both specialists and pri$ary care providers

ctively en*a*e support 'ro$ $edical opinionleaders, senior clinicians, trainin* institutions,pro'essional or*aniDations, nonG*overn$entalor*aniDations and the public

Mae the list o' essential $edicines, 'or$ulary$anuals and clinical *uidelines widely available in

all health care 'acilities and to all health care

!stablish a transparent process 'or creatin* andupdatin* the list o' essential $edicines, provide avoice 'or ey staeGholders, but ensure a scienti@c,evidenceGbased process

Lin the essential $edicines list to clinical*uidelines 'or dia*nosis and treat$ent, involvin*both specialists and pri$ary care providers

ctively en*a*e support 'ro$ $edical opinionleaders, senior clinicians, trainin* institutions,pro'essional or*aniDations, nonG*overn$entalor*aniDations and the public

Mae the list o' essential $edicines, 'or$ulary$anuals and clinical *uidelines widely available in

all health care 'acilities and to all health care

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#onsider launchin* new or revised lists with theinvolve$ent o' *overn$ent o-cials, such as the$inister o' health or the president, and intensivepress covera*e

Mae clear the speci@c le*al or ad$inistrativeauthority o' the essential $edicines list 'ortrainin*, procure$ent, rei$burse$ent and publicin'or$ation

#onsider establishin* an ad$inistrative orbud*etary sa'ety valveI 'or the li$ited supplyand use o' nonGlisted $edicines, eB*B by certainspecialist units

;e*ularly update the list so that it reJectstherapeutic advances and chan*es in cost,

#onsider launchin* new or revised lists with theinvolve$ent o' *overn$ent o-cials, such as the$inister o' health or the president, and intensivepress covera*e

Mae clear the speci@c le*al or ad$inistrativeauthority o' the essential $edicines list 'ortrainin*, procure$ent, rei$burse$ent and publicin'or$ation

#onsider establishin* an ad$inistrative orbud*etary sa'ety valveI 'or the li$ited supplyand use o' nonGlisted $edicines, eB*B by certainspecialist units

;e*ularly update the list so that it reJectstherapeutic advances and chan*es in cost,

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&ational se ofMedicines

&ational se ofMedicines


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Concept of Essential Medicines and EMLaim to identify cost-eective medicines

for priority conditions, together withthe reasons for their inclusion, linkedto evidence-based clinical guidelinesand with special emphasis on public

health aspects and considerations ofvalue for money.

Concept of Essential Medicines and EMLaim to identify cost-eective medicines

for priority conditions, together withthe reasons for their inclusion, linkedto evidence-based clinical guidelinesand with special emphasis on public

health aspects and considerations ofvalue for money.

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