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Especialidades B-74 Specialty Items Brisket, Deckle-Off, Boneless Brisket Flat Brisket Point © 1999 U.S. Meat Export Federation.

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    Brisket, Deckle-Off, Boneless Brisket Flat

    Brisket Point

    ©1999 U.S

    . Meat E

    xport Federation.

  • B-75

    The deckle-off bone-less brisket is generat-ed from the sternumarea of the forequar-ter. All bones andassociated cartilageare removed from thiscut as well as thedeckle (the hard fatand intercostal meatthat lies on the inter-nal surface of thebrisket).Brisket, Deckle-Off,Boneless is similar toMBG 120, Australia2350 and Canada 120.

    Brisket FlatThe brisket flat isgenerated from theposterior section ofthe boneless brisket.This cut is trimmedpractically free of fat.Brisket, Flat is similarto MBG 120A andCanada 120A.

    Brisket PointThe brisket point isgenerated from theanterior portion ofthe boneless brisket.This cut is trimmedpractically free of fat.Brisket Point is similarto MBG 120B andCanada 120B.

    Brisket, Deckle-Off,Boneless

    Pecho, sin Grasa,Deshuesado


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    El pecho sin grasadeshuesado se pro-duce del área delesternón en el cuartodelantero. Se le qui-tan los huesos ycartílagos unidos, asícomo la grasa dura ycarne intecostal en lasuperficie interior delpecho.Pecho, sin Grasa,Deshuesado es similara MBG 120, Australia2350 y Canadá 120.

    Falda de PechoLa falda del pecho seproduce de la secciónposterior del pechodeshuesado. A estecorte se le recortaprácticamente toda lagrasa.Pecho, Faldilla es simi-lar a MBG 120A yCanadá 120A.

    Punta de PechoLa punta de pecho seproduce de la parteanterior del pechodeshuesado. A estecorte se le recortaprácticamente toda lagrasa.Punta de Pecho essimilar a MBG 120B yCanadá 120B.

  • B-76

    ©1999 U.S

    . Meat E

    xport Federation.

    Stew Meat Brochettes (Kabobs)

    Beef Bones

  • B-77

    Beef bones are gener-ated from the largeround bones of thecarcass (femur, tibiaand humerus). Thebones are cut toexpose the marrow ofat least one end ofthe bone. Purchasersmay discuss thelength of the boneswith the supplier.Bones are similar toMBG 134.

    Stew MeatStew meat may begenerated from anyboneless portion ofthe carcass (exceptthe shank and heelmeat) that has hadpractically all connec-tive tissue, cartilage,and exposed glandsremoved. Stew meatis prepared by handdicing or mechanicallydicing the beef intopieces of relativelyuniform size.Stew Meat is similarto MBG 135.

    Brochettes (Kabobs)Brochettes or beef forkabobs is generatedfrom any bonelessportion of the carcass(except the shank andthe heel meat) thathas had practically allcartilage, heavy con-nective tissue andlymph glandsremoved. Brochettesare diced beef piecesgenerated by hand ormechanically.Brochettes have prac-tically no surface fatpresent.Brochettes (Kabobs)are similar to MBG135A.

    Beef Bones Huesos de Res©19

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    Los huesos de res seproducen de los hue-sos redondos grandesde la canal (fémur,tibia, húmero). Loshuesos se cortan paraque quede expuestoel tuétano en por lomenos un extremo delhueso. Los com-pradores puedenespecificar proveedorla longitud de loshuesos.Huesos es similar aMBG 134.

    Carne para EstofadoLa carne para estofa-do se puede obtenerde cualquier partedeshuesada de lacanal (excluyendo elchambarete y la carnedel talón) a la que sela haya quitado prác-ticamente todo el teji-do conectivo y glán-dulas expuestas. Lacarne para estofadose prepara cortandola carne en cuadrosde tamaño uniforme,de forma manual omecánica.Carne para Estofadoes similar a MBG 135.

    Brochetas (Kabobs)Las brochetas okabobs de res se pro-ducen de cualquierparte deshuesada dela canal (excepto elchambarete y la carnede talón) a la que sele haya quitado prác-ticamente todo elcartílago, tejidoconectivo y glándulaslinfáticas. Las bro-chetas son pedazos decarne cortados encuadros sin práctica-mente nada de grasa.Brochetas (kabobs)son similares a MBG135A.

  • B-78

    Short Plate

    Short Plate, Boneless Short Plate, Boneless, Trimmed

    ©1999 U.S

    . Meat E

    xport Federation.

  • B-79

    The short plate is gen-erated from the fore-quarter of the carcassafter the removal ofthe chuck, rib, brisketand foreshank. Thereare seven ribs presentin the short plate andthe diaphragm mayor may not beattached.Short Plate is similarto MBG 121 andCanada 121.

    Short Plate, BonelessThe boneless shortplate, sometimesreferred to as thenavel, is generatedfrom the bone-inshort plate after theremoval of all bonesand associated carti-lage. Purchasers maydiscuss fat trim andweight ranges withsuppliers.Short Plate, Bonelessis similar to MBG121A and Canada121A.

    Short Plate, Boneless,Trimmed

    The trimmed bonelessshort plate is generat-ed from the bone-inshort plate. All bonesand associated carti-lage are removed.The fat layer that lieson the interior side ofthe carcass is trimmedexposing lean tissue.Purchasers may dis-cuss fat trim, weightranges and dimen-sions with suppliers.Short Plate, Boneless,Trimmed is similar toMBG 121B andCanada 121B.

    Short Plate Agujas Cortas©19

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    Las agujas cortas segeneran del cuartodelantero de la canaldespués de quitar laespaldilla, el costillar,el pecho y la patadelantera (cham-barete). Hay siete cos-tillas presentes en lasagujas cortas, pudien-do o no tener eldiafragma adherido.Agujas Cortas es simi-lar a MBG 121 yCanadá 121.

    Agujas Cortas,Deshuesadas

    Las agujas cortasdeshuesadas, se pro-ducen de las agujascortas después dequitar los huesos ycartílagos unidos. Loscompradores puedenespecificar a losproveedores elrecorte de la grasa ylos márgenes de peso.Agujas Cortas,Deshuesadas es simi-lar a MBG 121A yCanadá 121A.

    Agujas Cortas,Deshuesadas, Limpias

    Las agujas cortasdeshuesadas limpiasse producen de lasagujas cortas despuésde quitar los huesos ycartílagos unidos. Lacapa de grasa en ellado interior de lacanal se recorta hastala carne. Los com-pradores puedenespecificar al provee-dor el recorte de lagrasa, los porcentajesde peso y el tamaño.Agujas Cortas,Deshuesadas, Limpiases similar a MBG 121By Canadá 121B.

  • B-80

    Outside Skirt (Diaphragm)

    Inside Skirt

    Hanging Tender

    ©1999 U.S

    . Meat E

    xport Federation.

  • B-81

    The outside skirt ordiaphragm is a bone-less cut generatedfrom the short plate.This thin muscle cutmay be purchasedwith or without theskin or membraneattached. There ispractically no surfacefat covering associat-ed with this cut.Plate, Outside Skirt issimilar to MBG 121C,MBG 121E, Canada121C and Canada121E.

    Plate, Inside Skirt,Membrane-Off

    The inside skirt is gen-erated from the inte-rior wall of the shortplate and is typicallyoffered as a skin-offor membrane-off cut.This thin muscle cut ispractically free of fat.Plate, Inside Skirt,Membrane-Off is simi-lar to MBG 121D andCanada 121D.

    Hanging TenderThe hanging tender isthe pillar of thediaphragm thatcomes from the interi-or of the carcass. Thiscut has very littletrimmable fat.

    Plate, Outside Skirt,(Diaphragm)

    Arrachera, FaldaExterior, (Diafragma)


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    La falda exterior odiafragma es un cortedeshuesado que seproduce de las agujascortas. Este músculodelgado se puedecomprar con o sin elpellejo o membranaunidos. Este corte casino presenta grasa enla superficie.Agujas, Falda Exteriores similar a MBG121C, MBG 121E,Canadá 121C yCanadá 121E.

    Arrachera Interna,sin Membrana

    La Arrachera Internase produce de lapared interior de lasagujas cortas y por logeneral se ofrece sinel pellejo o la mem-brana. Este músculoprácticamente no con-tiene grasa.Agujas, Falda Interior,sin Membrana es simi-lar a MBG 121D yCanadá 121D.

    FaldaLa falda es el pilar deldiafragma en el inte-rior de la canal. Estecorte tiene muy pocagrasa que recortarle.

  • B-82

    Short Ribs

    3-Bone Short Ribs

    Short Ribs, Boneless

    Back RibsIntercostal Meat (Rib Fingers)

    ©1999 U.S

    . Meat E

    xport Federation.

  • B-83

    Short ribs are gener-ated from the primalrib or the short plateand will consist of 2to 5 ribs. Short ribsare relatively squarein shape. The purchas-er may discuss thedimensions of theshort ribs and the fattrim with suppliers.Short Ribs are similarto MBG 123, Australia1690 and Canada 123.

    3-Bone Short RibsThe 3-bone short ribsare generated fromthe primal rib or shortplate and consist ofthe 6th, 7th and 8thribs. The purchasermay discuss the dimen-sions and fat coverwith suppliers.

    Short Ribs, Boneless Boneless short ribsmay be derived fromany short rib itemthat has had all therib bones and inter-costal meat removed.Boneless Short Ribsare similar to MBG123D and Canada123D.

    Back RibsBack ribs are generat-ed from the oven-pre-pared beef rib andconsists of seven ribsand associated inter-costal meat.Back Ribs are similarto MBG 124 andCanada 124.

    Intercostal Meat(Rib Fingers)

    Intercostal meat (ribfingers), may be gen-erated from any por-tion of the carcassthat contains ribbones. Intercostalmeat consists of thelean tissues that liebetween the ribbones.Intercostal Meat issimilar to MBG 124A.

    Short Ribs Costillas Cortas©19

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    Las costillas cortas seobtienen de la plan-cha corta o el costillarprincipal y consiste de2 a 5 costillas. Laforma de las costillascortas son algocuadradas. El com-prador puede especi-ficar al proveedor eltamaño de las costi-llas y el recorte de lagrasa.Las Costillas Cortas essimilar a MBG 123,Australia 1690 yCanadá 123.

    Costillas Cortas de 3Huesos

    Las costillas cortas de3 huesos se obtienendel costillar principalo la plancha corta yconsisten de la sexta,séptima y octava cos-tillas. El compradorpuede especificar eltamaño de las costi-llas y la cubierta degrasa.

    Costillas Cortas,Deshuesadas

    Las costillas cortasdeshuesadas puedenobtenerse decualquier costillacorta que se le hayanquitado los huesos yla carne intercostal.Costillas CortasDeshuesadas son simi-lar a MBG 123D yCanadá 123D.

    Costillas del LomoLas costillas del lomose obtienen del costi-llar preparado parahornear y consistende siete costillas y lacarne intercostal.Costillas de Lomo essimilar a MBG 124 yCanadá 124.

  • B-84

    Flank Steak Shank Meat, Bone-in

    Shank Meat, Boneless

    ©1999 U.S

    . Meat E

    xport Federation.

  • B-85

    The flank steak isgenerated from theflank area in thehindquarter of thecarcass. This thin,boneless cut will bepractically free ofexternal fat andmembranous tissue.Flank Steak is similarto MBG 193, Australia2210, New Zealand25110 and Canada193.

    Shank Meat, Bone-inBone-in shank meat isgenerated from thehindshank or fore-shank and consists ofthe bone, associatedmuscles and connec-tive tissue.

    Shank Meat, BonelessBoneless shank meatis generated from abone-in shank thathas had the shankbone removed. Thiscut consists of leanmuscle and associatedconnective tissue.

    Flank Steak Carne Intercostal(Puntas de Costilla)


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    La carne intercostal(puntas de costilla)puede obtenerse decualquier parte de lacanal que contengahuesos de costilla. Lacarne intercostal con-siste de la carne entrelos huesos de las cos-tillas.Carne Intercostal essimilar a MBG 124A.

    FaldaLa falda se producedel área de la faldaen el cuarto traserode la canal. Consistede un músculo delga-do prácticamentelibre de grasa y tejidomembranoso. El filete de falda essimilar a MBG 193,Australia 2210, NuevaZelanda 25110 yCanadá 193.

    ChambareteEl chambanete sinhueso se produce dela pata trasera odelantera y consistedel hueso, músculosunidos y tejido conec-tivo.

    Chambarete sin huesoEl chambarete sinhueso se produce lapata después dequitarle el hueso. Estecorte incluye músculoy tejido conectivo.

  • B-86


    Ground Beef

    Lean Trimmings Regular Trimmings

    ©1999 U.S

    . Meat E

    xport Federation.

  • B-87

    Trimmings may beproduced from anyportion of the carcass.All bones areremoved and trim-mings are practicallyfree of cartilage,lymph glands andheavy connective tis-sue. Purchasers maydiscuss fat percentagewith the supplier.Trimmings are similarto Australia 2561.

    Ground Beef Ground beef may beproduced from anyportion of the carcassthat is free of bones,cartilage, lymphglands and heavy con-nective tissue. Groundbeef may include fine-ly textured beef.Purchasers may discussthe fat percentage,texture of the grind,and anatomical originwith the supplier.Ground Beef is similarto MBG 136 andAustralia 2590.

    Trimmings Recortes©19

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    Los recortes sepueden obtener decualquier parte de lacanal. Se les quitatodos los huesos y casino contienen cartíla-go, glándulas linfáti-cas o tejido conectivo.Los compradorespueden especificar alproveedor el por-centaje de grasa.Recortes similar aAustralia 2561.

    Carne MolidaLa carne molida sepuede obtener decualquier parte de lacanal que esté librede huesos, cartílago,glándulas linfáticas ytejido conectivo. Lacarne molida puedeincluir carne de textu-ra fina. Los com-pradores puedenespecificar a losproveedores el por-centaje de grasa, latextura del molido yel origen anatómicode la carne.Carne Molida es simi-lar a MBG 136 yAustralia 2590.

    International Meat Manual - BeefBeef - IntroductionEnglishChinese - MandarinKoreanJapaneseSpanish

    Marbling DescriptionsCarcassChuck FamilyChuck, Square CutChuck, Shoulder ClodChuck, Shoulder Clod, Denuded/TricepsChuck, Shoulder Clod, Top Blade

    Chuck, Square Cut, BonelessChuck, Square Cut, Clod Out, BonelessChuck TenderChuck Roll, BonelessChuck Flap TailChuck Eye Roll

    Chuck, Square Cut, DividedChuck Short RibsChuck Short Ribs, Boneless

    Rib FamilyRib, PrimalRib, Oven-PreparedRib, Blade MeatRib, Roast-readyRibeye, Lip-On, Bone-In (Export Rib)Ribeye, Lip-OnRibeye Roll, Lip-Off

    Round FamilyRound, PrimalRound, SteamshipKnuckleKnuckle, FullKnuckle, Peeled

    Top RoundTop Round, Cap-OffTop Round, Cap-Off, Fully DenudedTop Round, Trimmed, One Quarter Inch

    Bottom Round (Gooseneck)Heel MeatGooseneck, Heel-OutHeel Meat, Center of HeelEye of RoundOutside Round (Flat)

    Loin FamilyLoin, PrimalLoin, Short LoinFull TenderloinButt TenderloinButt Tenderloin, PeeledFull Tenderloin, Side Muscle-On, PeeledFull Tenderloin, Side Muscle-Off, PeeledFull Tenderloin, Side Muscle-Off, Skinned

    Loin, Primal, TrimmedStrip Loin, Boneless, Back Strap RemovedStrip Loin, Boneless, 1x1Strip Loin, Boneless, 3x2Strip Loin, Boneless, 0x0

    Top Sirloin Butt, BonelessTop Sirloin, Center Cut, Boneless, Cap-OffTop Sirloin, Cap Muscle (Coulotte)

    Bottom Sirloin Butt, BonelessBottom Sirloin Butt, Tri-TipBottom Sirloin Butt, Tri-Tip, PeeledBottom Sirloin Butt, Ball TipBottom Sirloin Butt, Flap

    Specialty ItemsBrisket, Deckle-Off, BonelessBrisket FlatBrisket PointBeef BonesStew MeatBrochettes (Kabobs)Short PlateShort Plate, BonelessShort Plate, Boneless, TrimmedOutside SkirtInside SkirtHanging TenderShort RibsShort Ribs, Boneless3-Bone Short RibsIntercostal Meat (Rib Fingers)Back RibsFlank SteakShank Meat, BonelessTrimmingsLeanRegular

    Ground Beef

    Portion ControlBeef Offal