7 methods to aggressively add muscle on any...

Overtime Athletes presents: 7 Methods to Aggressively Add Muscle on Any Frame

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Overtime Athletes presents:

7 Methods to AggressivelyAdd Muscle on Any Frame

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LEGAL © 2015 Overtime Athletes Inc.

All Rights Reserved. International Copyright.


This ebook is free to distribute on the Internet. The only restriction is that you cannot modify or change the ebook in any way.

Notice Consult your physician before undertaking this or any other exercise, dietary, and/or nutrition

supplementation program. This report was developed based upon findings from a variety of sources and different interpretations of the studies and applications of their findings, if any, are

possible. Individuals vary in their response or reaction to exercise, diet and/or nutrition supplementation. Overtime Athletes, Inc. and the developer and distributors of this manual will

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About the Author -

Chris Barnard is the head strength and conditioning coach at Strength Camp, a hardcore athlete training facility in St. Petersburg, Florida, as well as creator of multiple training programs dedicated to maximizing overall athleticism that he’s developed while working with many high school, collegiate, and pro athletes.

He earned his pre-med degree in Applied Kinesiology and Physiology at the University of Miami, where he initially went to play football before becoming ineligible. He has worked with athletes at all levels and from many different sports to produce the highest level of performance in each.

He currently resides between St Petersburg, Florida and continues to pursuit breakthroughs in athletic performance as he aspires to reach his own full potential through extreme performance goals.

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How do I build muscle?

If this isn’t the most common question in the fitness industry then I don’t know what is. I’d be rich

if I charged people every time I had to answer this question, but it isn’t about the money. It’s about

helping the fellow strength geek reach his/her goals or if they just want to learn.

So I decided to write this report so people can reference back to it anytime they need guidance in

building the most muscle in as little time as possible.

Now the 7 tips that you’ll read in this report aren’t new

They’re just not well known and much underestimated by the people who do know them.

The first thing I want to tell you before you start reading is to remember to always KEEP IT SIMPLE.

That’s not a tip; that’s a rule.

If you want to grow, you need to stop searching the web for the latest thing to help you build

muscle and focus on the simple rules and follow a program intensely.

Keep it old school. Train the main lifts (Squats, Deadlifts, Bench press, Over Head Press) and train


Now that we have that established, let’s get right into 7 of my best tips that will help you pack on muscle, on muscle, on muscle.

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1. The Perfect Rep Range

Everyone in the fitness industry has their own perfect rep range where they

feel it stimulates the most muscle growth.

I’m no different; after many years of training I came to realize that the rep

range of 12-20 has helped me pack on rock hard dense muscle. This usually

falls anywhere between 55-70% of your 1RM.

By lifting in the 12-20 rep range, you lift light enough to create micro trauma

to your muscles which will lead to muscle growth as the time under tension is


Also, since you aren’t going to failure, you won’t become fatigued and lactic

acid build up stays low, allowing you to finish your set with perfect form. This,

to me, is the most important part. If your form deteriorates during your set

you’re just wasting your valuable time, or worse, you can injure yourself.

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2. Increase Saturated Fats

100 years ago saturated fats used to be a staple in American diets. We would

use bacon grease and butter to cook with instead of that fake ass hydrogenated

vegetable based oils that we came to learn are “healthier” for us then animal

based fats. We would eat red meat every night without any thought of whether

this is healthy or not. We would load our plates with veggies and a spoon full

of grass fed butter on top for some amazing flavors.

This was our style of eating back in the day and heart disease was rare, obesity

was not common, and men were MEN.

An increase in saturated fats has shown to increase testosterone levels in males

who follow a strength training routine. It is also is shown to metabolize the

growth hormone you release in REM sleep.

There’s even evidence that proves that saturated fats increase HDL, which is

the good cholesterol that you want high in your body. And these aren’t the

only benefits of eating a diet high in fats.

You also get to eat AMAZING meals every day and, when I say amazing, I

mean it. Foods like Red Meats, Eggs, Butters, Milk, and Oils are great for

gaining muscle and create satiety among most people.

*Note - I typically change to lower fats for my athletes when we are peaking

and getting ready for competition. But there is no denying the effects of

increased fats when gaining muscle.

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3. Compound Movements

I know, I know, you’ve heard this before, but I’m here to tell you what actually

works and I did say these tips aren’t new.

So before you stop reading this tip because you think you’ve read everything

you need to know about compound movements.

Without a solid foundation, buildings wouldn’t be able to be built as big and

high as they are. Same thing goes for your body. Without a solid foundation,

you wouldn’t be able to get as big or go as high in your athletic career as you

would like.

This is where compound movements come in.

When you use compound movements, you build a foundation of strength, not

just in your muscles but also in your bones, joints and ligaments. Compound

movements are great when trying to pack on size.

You use more muscles at once so you teach your body to work in unison,

which has an anabolic effect.

More testosterone and growth hormones are released into your blood stream,

making you feel like a man.

And plus you just feel and look so much more badass when you are moving

heavy weight in the deadlift, bench and squat.

Some good compound movements that you should add to your routine are:

• Barbell Deadlift (all variations)

• Barbell Squat (all variations)

• Barbell Bench Press (all variations)

• Barbell Over Head Press (all variations)

• Barbell Rows

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4.Drop Sets

Whenever I have wanted to pack on muscle in as little time as possible, I’ve

always relied on the old school method of drop sets or strip sets.

This is where you perform your prescribed sets and, once you’re done, you

start decreasing weight and performing as many reps as possible. I usually just

perform up to 3 drop sets.


Bench Press – 5x5 with 225 lbs

Drop set 1: 205x AMRAP

Drop set 2: 185x AMRAP

Drop set 3: 135x AMRAP

The trick is to not go light.

You want to create micro trauma to your muscles, this is what causes them to

grow. Breaking down the tissue will make the muscles grow.

But remember there’s a time and place for everything. So, that being said,

beginners definitely shouldn’t beat their muscles. This will either cause injury

or wasted time.

Another awesome thing that drop sets will do is create lactic acid build up in

your muscles. Your body reacts to this build up by signaling your pituitary

gland to release more growth hormones.

This increase in growth hormones will help you stay healthy; rebuild tissue,

including muscle; burn more body fat; enjoy better quality sleep and increase

your sex drive.

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5. Carb Up At Night

My favorite tip of them all; I know this is breaking all the rules…

…But come on, what’d you expect? Rules are meant to be broken and this is a

perfect example of one.

So, if you’ve been led to believe that, in order to stay healthy and lean, you

need to avoid carbs at night—let me flip the switch.

Carbing up at night has a lot of benefits that you probably aren’t aware of and

the only con with it is that you haven’t found out sooner.

Remember how, after Thanksgiving dinner, everyone in the house took a nap?

Well, that’s because after a big meal your body goes into parasympathetic

mode, which is an anabolic state, and all you want to do is pass out and go to


Waking up from this kind of slumber will have you feeling well rested, as

though you’ve been sleeping for days.

When your body goes into parasympathetic mode, a rush of anabolic

hormones is released including testosterone, growth hormones and insulin.

These are the most anabolic hormones in your body and will undoubtedly

rebuild you while you sleep.

Side note:

Just remember, insulin is the hormone you have to worry

about. This is the storage hormone so it will store nutrients

to build more muscle but it will also store fatty acids to

build more fat. So the secret is to have fast absorbing

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carbs with little fiber. The reason for this is that, since

carbs increase insulin, eating carbs with high fiber will

prolong the presence of insulin in your body, which we

don’t want. We want insulin to spike then decrease once

the job is done of storing nutrients into your muscles.

Not only are the benefits amazing in themselves, but the foods you are allowed to eat are even

better and it’s super easy to follow (avoid carbs during the day and carb up at night).

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6. Get Strong First

Like I mentioned in tip 3, you want to create a foundation that you can build

on. The only way to do this is by getting stronger.

When you get stronger, you teach your CNS (central nervous system) to fire

more efficiently and recruit more muscle fibers.

If you’re a beginner, stick with a solid strength training routine like the 5x5 for

about a year or a year and a half. During this time you will experience a shit

ton of muscle gain but also strength gain which is what we want to build a

good foundation.

After the initial year on a strength training program, that’s when you can start

repping it out at the gym.

Working solely on the pump as a weak and skinny athlete will keep you a

weak and skinny.

Do yourself a favor—get strong, then big.

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7. Time Under Tension AKA Tempo If you have no idea what Time Under Tension is, then you should be jumping

for joy you’re reading this right now. This is going to be the important attribute

to add into your routine; let me tell you why.

Time under tension basically means the amount of time your muscles are

under tension or the amount of time it takes you to perform a single rep.

When muscles are under tension for a period of time they get a greater

stimulus and create a better response for hypertrophy.

So you might be asking yourself, “What’s the best tempo?”

If you train alone its very inconvenient counting seconds in the eccentric and

concentric portion of the lift and then also counting the amount of reps you

have to do.

Don’t get me wrong, tempos do work, but a lot of people have been using it

wrong, and today I’m going to tell you exactly what I’ve used and have seen

the best results from.

So regular tempos are prescribed like this.

2|1|2 or 2|1|2|2

• The first number represents the eccentric phase, or the negative phase, of the lift. For

example, if you were performing the bench press, you would be lowering the bar slow

enough to last 2 seconds.

• The second number represents how many seconds you have to hold at the bottom position.

So, once you finish lowering the bar to your chest, you would keep it there for 1 second.

• Then you would push the bar back up slow enough to make it last 2 seconds. This is the

concentric phase of the lift.

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• Sometimes there will be 4 numbers and all it means is, on the last number, you would hold

the bar at the top position for 2 seconds. Then start the tempo over again by lowering it

slowly enough to last 2 seconds.

So, now that you understand how to read a regular tempo, let me tell you to

forget about it.

Don’t get mad at me yet…

I didn’t waste your time. If you understand tempos, you’ll understand what I’m

about to tell you.

There have been studies done (and I’ve done this myself so I know it works)

that prove that a slow concentric phase is a waste of time.

Your body responds better to an explosive, fast moving movement followed by

a slow eccentric or negative movement.

So let’s take the bench press and use it as an example again.

When performing this style of lifting, lower the bar slowly and, once it touches

your chest, explode up.

You can even go as far as progression with this.

Week 1: 3 seconds

Week 2: 4 seconds

Week 3: 5 seconds

Just remember to ALWAYS explode up.

Even though the bar doesn’t look like its moving fast, you’re trying your

hardest to move it as fast as possible.

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Chris’s Resources

Total Power Training My proven and tested athlete program that in a test yielded 18 collegiate scholarships out of 25 athletes.

Total Xplosive Training The exact program I followed before playing college ball. This program is not pretty and will challenge you but will also provide results.

Athletic Calisthenics The only body weight program designed specifically for power athletes. There is no need for weights with this program to excel your performance to the next level.

Gridiron Domination The leading football program on the internet guaranteed to develop football players in the offseason.

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