7 steps to clarity on yourlife purpose series

© Nicola Grace 2013 All Rights Reserved www.MissionBlueprintOnline.com Page 1 7 Steps To Clarity On Your Life Purpose Series Step One: Clarify Your Right Direction

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Most people look in the wrong place to find their life purpose. There is a tremendous amount of misunderstanding as to what a life purpose is, and therefore mis-information about your precise purpose and reason for being here. This has lead to much confusion. I see it all the time in my clients who have done life purpose work, yet are none the wiser as to what their actual purpose is.


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7 Steps To Clarity On Your

Life Purpose Series

Step One: Clarify Your Right Direction

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Formula to Find, Follow and Succeed in Living Your Higher Purpose and Personal

Mission… So You Can LIVE a Life of Meaning, Joy, Fulfilment, AND Prosperity

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Step #1 Clarify Your Right Direction

Most people look in the wrong place to find their life purpose. There is a tremendous amount of

misunderstanding as to what a life purpose is, and therefore mis-information about your precise purpose

and reason for being here. This has lead to much confusion. I see it all the time in my clients who have

done life purpose work, yet are none the wiser as to what their actual purpose is.

If you don’t understand what life purpose is, and know all the various elements that make up that purpose,

then you don’t know what you are looking for. Stands to reason right? You have to know what you are

looking for to find it; or to know you have found the right thing when you find something you think might be

your purpose.

The other problem for purpose seekers, is that they tend to look for their purpose in their outer mind. This is

the part of your mind that you are aware of, where you observe your thoughts and do most of your

conscious thinking. It is also the play ground of the ego who is seeking survival, by driving you towards

meeting its often selfish needs, or need for approval from society. And this can have you wandering off

down paths that will lead you no-where or to personal disasters.

It is our Soul, that carries the information about our reason for being here on this earth, and so it is to the

Soul that we need to be looking to find our purpose. And that requires dechiphering the code contained in

your Soul’s Mission Blueprint – this is the Soul’s Grand Plan for your life.

I have a DNA of Self Discovery formula that I’m about to walk you through in greater detail in just a few

pages. This DNA of Self Discovery is a 5 step process right out of my home study system,

Mission Blueprint.

I’ll walk you through these 5 Steps in just a moment. But first, I wanted to go over the terminology and

definitions I’m using so you can have greater clarity on what you’re looking for when you seek your life

purpose, higher purpose, soul purpose, personal mission and so on. This clarity will help you know

EXACTLY what you are looking for and how to recognize it once you think you’ve found your purpose.

Let’s start with the Soul - What Is The Soul?

Some people use Spirit and Soul as interchangeable ideas. A dictionary definition of Soul is, “The

animating and vital principle in humans, credited with the faculties of thought, action, and emotion and often

conceived as an immaterial entity”. So that life force within us comes from Spirit, which is different from the

Soul. The Soul is the animation in us of that life force. It’s expressing itself through your body. If its

expressing itself through your body it much therefore contain, energy, vibration and consciousness, which

are the three elements quantum scientists are now saying makes up everything in our universe.

The Soul then is sort of an intermediary between our conscious human being Self and Spirit. The Soul

begins to individuate experiences because it has thought and action as part of its attributes. The Soul is our

individuality and contains our individual thoughts, feelings, blueprint for life and life’s experiences – our

Mission Blueprint. Having all this data available to it, the Soul is the aspect of our Greater Self that

knows what would be the best way for us to express ourselves and live a life of contentment,

fulfilment, value and meaning. In other words, how to get the most out of this live we are living.

What Is Our Soul’s Purpose?

Our Soul has a purpose that is different from our actual Life Purpose and Higher Purpose. Many people

use the term Soul Purpose when they really mean Life Purpose. The Soul’s Purpose is the same

regardless of the individual. That is the purpose of expansion. Your Soul expresses itself by animating your

body, working through you for the purpose of expanding – expanding its awareness, consciousness,

energy, experiences, understanding, knowledge and abilities.

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In observing the history of humanity, we see there has been a great expansion in the experiences of the

individual. When you think what life was like for humans before exploration, to what it was like just two

centuries ago, even twenty years ago before the internet, you see this theme of expansion playing out. Our

Soul’s have been gathering up experiences of expansion. Each year that goes by it is the Soul’s Purpose,

through animating the human body, to expand. In that regard everyone has the same Soul Purpose.

What Is Your Life Purpose?

Your Life Purpose on the other hand is more precise and focused. Life Purpose is different from Soul

Purpose because it carries a greater differentiation. The Soul’s purpose is the same regardless of the

individual, and that is to expand in both consciousness and awareness through experience. We all have the

same Soul purpose - expansion.

How you expand, or the best way for you to expand as an individual, is what your Soul has chosen as your

Life Purpose, because it’s about your life here on earth, not out there in the spiritual realms. Does that

make sense?

Your Life Purpose is simply the big picture or umbrella, if you will, of your entire reason for being here –

your raison d’être. Your purpose is made up of a number of elements including:

1/ Your Soul’s Primary Expression Modalities, these are the ways your Soul has determined is best

for you to express yourself throughout your life. The way our Soul seeks to expand is through a variety of

experiences, plus a number of key expression modalities.

If you have ever had the privilege of watching babies transition to toddlers and then to children, you will

have observed the great differentiation of their interests, the way they express themselves, what they like to

eat or don’t like to eat and the different talents and skills they exhibit at an early age. One child seems to

have an aptitude for being active and may even develop walking skills faster than a child who is more

interested in sitting, playing quietly in the sandpit or mud puddle. This is because each child comes in with

a Soul that has a chosen set of modalities of expressions that are best for them to learn all their life

lessons, and carry out their purpose so they can expand.

You know this for yourself, when you express yourself through singing, for example. If signing was part of

your Life Purpose you’d love to sing and you could carry a tune. If expressing yourself through singing is

not part of your purpose, you may dislike it or simply not be interested in singing. There are finer

distinctions to learn about these Primary Soul Expression modalities though, it is not always a literal thing.

It’s super important to find your Soul’s Primary Expression Modalities because these are the clues to

where your greatest happiness and success in life can be found. These expression modalities are the

biggest clues to how you can monetize your purpose as well. And you’ll also have clues as to the niche you

are here to serve and work with. It is the area you would most feel fulfilled; and find the people you’ll most

likely resonate with and find connections with. It also gives you clues as to what industry or area in your

working world you’d most thrive and succeed in.

2/ Your life’s challenges and lessons. At the Soul blueprint level, each of us has coded into our life

path plan there, a set of primary lessons and challenges we’ve agreed to go through in order to experience

the greatest expansion in our lives. These challenges and lessons are also portals to access our higher

abilities or super powers if you prefer. These are the abilities we all have within us to do extraordinary

things – like play piano beautifully, or become a contortionist, develop accurate psychic abilities, heal

people by looking at them, predict the future, and the like.

When we rise up to our challenges and life lessons, we are called upon to dig deep within ourselves to find

our courage and expand our capabilities. We have the choice to step up, or stay stuck and struggle in life,

whenever a challenge comes up on our path.

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As we expand beyond our challenges and life lessons, we are progressing along the higher aspect of our

purpose, toward becoming our own super hero if you like. There are many people on the planet today doing

extraordinary things and accomplishing feats of magnificence that we previously did not think possible.

These are all people very connected to their Soul’s Mission Blueprint, whether they know it or not, rising to

the challenges and expanding beyond limitation to access higher abilities. You might already be one of

them; you certainly have the capability to become one of them. We all do.

3/ Your “Drivers”. These are things that motivate you and drive you from your Soul level, not at the level

of your ego or subconscious mind where the drivers are limiting beliefs. These drivers, at the Soul level are

found in your passion for certain activities, ideas or causes.

For example, I’m very passionate about world justice and equity. Whenever I see something unjust occur, I

get passionate in my speech about it, and I’m motivated to do something about it. This passion contains

that driver that literally drives me and motivates me to act in accordance with my personal mission (which

I’ll explain a little later is part of your higher purpose.) You will find the same is for you. When you are

passionate about something you will feel a compulsion or drive to act, even if that action is simply to

obsessively think about the issue or talk about it to your friends and family.

4/ Your “Gift” that makes a difference in the big scheme of things. This is the gift you have that is innate.

You naturally do this very thing and you’re gifted at it. When you give that gift it makes a big difference in

the lives of someone else, and in the world at large, either directly or through the ripple effect. It’s important

to find and know what this gift is because here we get even more clues as to ‘how’ you are going to carry

out your Life Purpose, and how you can monetize it accurately. You may even have several gifts that all

work synergistically to succeed in living a life of purpose.

In connecting to your gift, you find your natural confidence also and this is important to connect with. In

2012 alone I helped over 1,000 people find, follow and accurately monetize their purpose. That’s kinda

enough people to say I conducted a clinical trial. Lol. The number one thing I discovered that all too often

stopped people from both cogniting to what their purpose is; and from taking action; was a lack of

confidence in themselves.

When you connect with your special gift, you are also connecting with a natural wellspring of confidence.

You may still experience self doubt and hesitation, we all do, but you’ll have the building blocks or

foundations to strengthen your self confidence, that you can do the very thing you were born to do, or that

you’re thinking you would really love to do.

5/ Your Higher Purpose. Within your life purpose blueprint is also potentials of higher expressions of

that purpose. Your Higher Purpose. This is where you get to make a bigger difference in your life. Some

people come in to this world and step right on into their Higher Purpose as children. Kid President would be

one example. Look him up if you haven’t heard of him. Others step into their higher purpose in early adult

hood, while others won’t automatically step into that until later on in life. There are some people who won’t

ever step into the higher aspects of their reason for being here in this life.

If you’re like me, and you didn’t automatically come in to living your Higher Purpose in childhood or early

adulthood, your Soul’s call to step up into this higher expression comes to you through one of two

experiences, sometimes they dovetail and you could be experiencing both of these:

1. Intense dissatisfaction for your current life. Whenever you feel dissatisfied with your life - that is a

call to step up and expand and find and follow your higher purpose. That’s the purpose of

dissatisfaction. It’s there to call you into expansion so you can not only fulfil your Soul’s Purpose but

your higher reason for being here.

2. The other experience is when you are living your Life Purpose, doing what you love and knowing

you’re on track, but nothing seems to be going as well as you’d hope and you feel frustrated or

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dissatisfied about that. That’s also a call to step up to yet an even higher expression of your

purpose. Once again, the purpose of frustration and dissatisfaction is to make sure you expand,

hence fulfilling your Soul’s purpose for animating your body.

5a/ Within both your Higher Purpose is your Personal Mission. Sometimes they are the same

and sometimes your Personal Mission gives you greater distinctions as to the how you are to fulfil your

Higher Purpose. You know it’s time to step into finding and carrying out your personal mission when you

think and say statements like:

I feel like I’m supposed to be doing something else, but I don’t know what that is.

I know I’m here to do something, but I’m not sure what that is.

I wish I could just get on with doing what I’m here to do/supposed to be doing.

I want my life to have more meaning.

I want to make a difference - make a big difference -make a bigger difference.

These are all thoughts planted into your mind by your Soul, to stimulate you to go searching for what it is

you are here to do. It’s your Higher Purpose that will have you living a life of making a bigger difference. It

is your personal mission that will make the biggest difference and guarantee you eventual successful

outcomes. Hence your Mission Blueprint – What your life mission is, is your Soul’s Grand Plan for your life.

Not just a plan for your life, but the Grand Plan for your life, where you get to life a life of Grandeur.

If it is your Soul’s Grand Plan for you to perform a certain mission in life, then you cannot not but succeed,

as long as you follow the exact mission blueprint your Soul has set out for you by finding and follow those

clues in that blueprint.

There you have the main elements that make up your Life Purpose. Now you have some clarity of what you

are looking for when you go searching for your purpose – you are either looking for your Soul’s Primary

Expression Modalities, Gifts and Life Challenges if you simply want to live a life of purpose.

If you want your life to mean something and to make a bigger difference you need to be looking for your

Higher Purpose contained within your overall life purpose.

And if you want to make a BIG difference, live a life of grandeur where your success is guaranteed, then

you need to find your Personal Mission and learn about all the aspects to your Soul’s Grand Plan for your

life – your Mission Blueprint.

So now you know what to look for, let’s look at where you need to look to find what you’re looking for in

your purpose, so you don’t go looking in the wrong place and end up finding the wrong direction. Many

people teach that to discover yourself, all you need to do is meditate. While that’s part of it, it can take you

a long time, years, and sometimes lifetimes to connect to your self using this technique alone.

In my quest to step up to my Mission Blueprint, when I was recovering from cancer the first time in my early

thirties, I went through a period of deep soul searching and was guided to this DNA of Self Discovery

Process I’m about to go over with you. This process naturally unfolded without me having too much

understanding about it. Then again in my forties when I was diagnosed with final stages Melanoma Cancer,

this DNA of Self Discovery Process became clearer to me. Over the years I’ve been teaching it, I have

gained even greater clarity as I see it in action not just for my self, but for the thousand or more people I’ve

now taught it to.

So the DNA of Self Discovery is simply my term for the code to unlocking the clues to your Life’s Purpose,

and in the process gaining a greater understanding and connection to who you really are.

So here’s the DNA of Self Discovery Process in a netshell. I’m going to go into this process is much more

detail that I did in the initial video “7 Steps To Clarity Formula”. There’s actually an extra step here too.

© Nicola Grace 2013 – All Rights Reserved www.MissionBlueprintOnline.com Page 7

1. Look Within. You need to get past your outer mind and all its chatter, and go

within yourself, into the vortex of your Being, your essence and your Soul. I’m

going to give you a process for that in lesson 3 “Achieve A Great Connection

With Your Soul”, so watch out for that email in your inbox. If you’re not signed

up for my free 7 Steps To Clarity Formula training, don’t miss out on this very

simple but powerful technique to connect to your Soul, its wisdom and the

entirety of your Being – here’s the link to go get it at:


or simply scan the QR Code to right.

2. Look Without – Out. That is to say, look out to your life, what you are experiencing, what you are

doing, what you are thinking about what you are doing. In your life are all the clues as to what your

Mission Blueprint is, this is your Soul’s Grand Plan for your life that contains all the elements of your

Life Purpose, including how you are going to get there.

The activities that you do every day with repetition the most, even if you don’t want to be doing

them, at a deeper level they contain Soul Association that points the way to your higher purpose

and form of what it is that you are doing as part of your Soul’s Mission Blueprint. Soul Association

are words, I call them Soul Buzz Words that resonate with you as being important.

There are many things that you do, think and say that contain Soul Association. So you need to look

at your entire life and all thing things you’ve thought about doing, wanted to do, wanted to say,

places you’ve wanted to visit, things you’ve studied, jobs you’ve had or wanted to have. And when

you have that entire list before you, the next step takes us to step number 3 of the DNA of Self


3. Look Within again and dive deep into all those clues to find your Soul’s Association. Ask yourself

what’s the deeper meaning behind this clue? If you’ve read my book Discover What You Are Here

To Do you’ll have learned the beginning of this process of connecting to your Soul’s Association.

In my Mission Blueprint Home Study System I walk you through a comprehensive DNA of Self

Discovery Process to peel back the layers of clues to find your Soul’s Association. You discover

what meaning you place on certain activities, and words. What significance what you think, do and

say or would want to say has; and how this can lead you to your rightful Soul’s Grand Plan for your

life. Then you have a collection of Soul Buzz Words. These are the words that your Soul has

attached certain resonance to, that act like further clues to put together the pieces of your happy,

fulfilling life on purpose.

It sounds a little complicated at first when you write it all down, but the process is actually extremely

simply. Most of my clients say, “Why didn’t I think of that. That was really easy.”

4. Look Without – Join the dots. So now we look back outside of our selves again and we take all

the associations and clues (Soul Buzz Words) you have in front of you and you begin to piece them

together to find your life path, life purpose, your soul’s primary expression modalities, your gift, your

message for the world, the niche you’d be the most happiest and successful in, your higher purpose

and personal mission.

5. Look Within – Listen for Resonance. As you piece together all the clues you’re going to be taking

particular note of how you feel in your body. Are you sensing a resonance or feeling connected to

what you are looking at? It’s the pulsing of the electromagnetic field that makes up your Soul,

through your body that you experience resonance, chicken skin or some form of warmth through

your body (which is electrical current passing through at great speed).

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Remember, scientists have now discovered everything comes down to energy, vibration and

consciousness. Your Soul has energy, vibration and consciousness. And how it communicates

consciousness to you is through the feeling of a certain type of energy and vibration in your body.

When it makes sense to you, you experience a resonance. You resonate with what you are thinking

or saying. You resonate with what others are thinking and saying. This is the Soul’s way of

communicating that there is something for you to pay attention to, or that you’re on the right track -

keep heading down this line of thought or activity or relationship etc.

Step by step by step, the process of looking within, without, within, without, paying attention to the

resonance, you will be allowing your life to be lead by the wisest, loving aspect of your self – your Soul. You

will either cognite in one big ah huh moment as to what direction you need to take your life in, or you’ll

stumble upon it, as if by accident like I did.

Now all you need is a few more distinctions on your Personal Mission, Gift and Message and you have

found your answers to what it is you are here to do and are supposed to be doing. And that is Step 2 of my

7 Steps To Clarity Formula “Locate Your Personal Mission, Gift and Message.

So there you have it – the first step in discovering your Mission Blueprint, your Soul’s Grand Plan for your

life – Clarify your right direction. Be sure to look in your email inbox tomorrow morning for Step 2 – which is

where you begin to unravel the clues as to how to recession proof your life, accurately monetize your

purpose and gain more clarity on your life path. I’ll see you there.

And if you’ve arrived at this ebook via a friend, link, podcast, video on social media, and did not get the

whole 7 Steps To Clarity Formula, you can simply visit this link here now:


…And you’ll not only be instantly transported to the video training outline all 7 Steps to Clarity on Your Life

Direction and Soul’s Grand Plan for Your Life – Your Mission Blueprint – I’ll also send you my 7 Day Free

e-course which goes into much greater depth on all 7 Steps so you can begin to experience the Clarity,

Confidence and Certainty you seek; to find, follow and monetize your Higher Purpose and Personal


About The Author, Nicola Grace – The Mission Mentor

Nicola Grace www.NicolaGrace.com / www.TheMissionMentor.com

Six time author, Two Time International best selling author, two time cancer survivor,

public speaker and educator, Nicola Grace – The Mission Mentor teaches purpose

driven people how to find, follow and accurately monetize their Higher Purpose and

Personal Mission. For the past twenty years, Nicola has captivated her audiences as an

inspirational speaker, visionary, educator and transformation leader bridging the gap

for her audiences, between bright ideas and successful implementation strategies.

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Mission Blueprint Online Home Study Program

Step into Certainty of your

Higher Purpose and

Personal Mission, with the

Confidence that comes from

knowing EXACTLY HOW to

get there.

For purpose driven people who want

a life of purpose, passion, prosperity

and pizzazz!

In this online training program you’ll learn

the 7 Steps To Life Clarity, Certainty and

Confidence Formula to:

1- Clarify Your Right Direction – Discover the 5 Step Formula that leads you to a deeper connection

to your Self and Mission Blueprint (Your Soul’s Grand Plan For Your Best Life), so you can have

clarity on the right direction to go in life.

2- Locate Your Personal Mission & Gift – Find the special elements that make up your life purpose,

higher purpose, special gift and personal mission - what it is you have come here to do, be and

have; so you can be happy, fulfilled and certain to succeed.

3- Achieve A Greater Connection With Your Soul – Learn how to connect to your Soul (also known

as your Higher Self) so you can have access to your own inner guidance system, and the

confidence you can rely on that system.

4- Realign Your Life To Your Best Path – Craft your Mission Blueprint Plan for your life. This is much

the same as a Business Plan only it maps out your path to your higher purpose and how you’re

going to get there.

5- Identify and Remove Resistance – Build a Matrix of Magnetic Beliefs you will need to successfully

live your higher purpose and get handsomely rewarded. Learn my ‘Block Buster Process’ to quickly

and easily identify and remove resistance, blocks & sabotage patterns, so you don’t fall short of

your goals.

6- Take Right Action – Create a ‘fail safe’ action plan that maps out the precise steps you need to

take to get you to your destination without getting stuck in fear or stopped by obstacles.

7- You! Making Steady Progress – Learn my method for making sure you move in the right direction,

taking the right steps that lead you to the accomplishment of your goals.

The Mission Blueprint Online Training program is designed specifically for people who want to make a

bigger difference, have deeper meaning in life and reduce effort while increasing results, all without getting

stuck with obstacles. Visit the link today and claim your rightful place in this Universe:
