7 tips to stay calm @ work

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Helping people overcome adversities and become happy again.

Mindfulness @ Work

7  #ps  to  stay  focus  and  increase  your  produc#vity  

Page 2: 7 tips to stay Calm @ Work

Do you ever feel that your brain needs a

grease and oil change to keep it from overheating or


Sadly, the local servo doesn’t offer this type of service BUT practicing

Mindfulness DOES.

So sit back, breathe and enjoy.

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Instead of jumping right out of bed into your routine, take a few minutes to notice how you feel and consciously set your intentions for the day.

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Multitasking is the enemy of focus – it can often leave us more frazzled than accomplished. Concentrate on ONE thing at a time, finish it, take a break, then move on to the next task.

Forget  Mul#-­‐tasking  and  prac#ce  Uni-­‐tasking  

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You are not super-human so stop thinking you can fix everything. As they say, put on your oxygen mask before you help others. Reschedule or learn to say NO.

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#4  Set a time for every hour, STOP what you are doing and pause.

Stand up, stretch your body, take in a deep breath, slowing, deeply and let out any tensions when you breath out.

This makes your brain slow down and reduces stress and anxiety.

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Create your own quite space. GO OUTSIDE to collect your thoughts, breath in the air, take in the beauty of nature and enjoy the space of ‘nothing’.

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Every  now  and  then,  STOP  and  use  your  senses  to  be  present  with  the  moment  –  see  what  you  see,  feel  what  you  feel,  hear  what  you  hear.

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At the end of your workday, pause and reflect on your day. Just notice without judgement.


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We  can  oKen  feel  overwhelmed,  overworked,  irritated  with  pressures    and  never  seem  to  catch  up  on  our  sleep.  

The  prac#ce  of  Mindfulness  can  help  with  these  issues.  The  benefits  of  mindfulness  are  many  –  relieves  symptoms  of  depression,    allevia#on  of  pain,  rela#onship  issues,  help  with  sleep  problems,  ea#ng  disorders,  anxiety  and  overall  stress  management.  

Why  do  we  need  Mindfulness  @  Work?  

The  “magic”  of  mindfulness  is  that  it  rearranges  neural  networks.    CuTng  edge  science  con#nues  to  prove  this  in  powerful  ways.      And  the  truly  exci#ng  news  is  that  power  comes  from  us.  We  can  use  the  prac#ce  of  Mindfulness  to  change  our  behaviours  and  the  way  we  ‘react’  to  the  world.      

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Helping people people overcome adversities and become happy again. Julie  regularly  runs  Mindful  Medita#on  workshops  and  consults  with  business.  Em:    [email protected]  Ph:  0419  239  747  

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