7033t - tp2 - r1

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  • 7/24/2019 7033T - TP2 - R1


    Personal Assignment 2

    You have been asked to recommend a type of wiring for a manufacturing building. The size

    of the building is 200 meters by 600 meters (corre sponding to about 6!0 feet by 2000 feet"#

    and it houses large# heavy machinery. $ppro%imately!0 devices in this building must be

    connected to a computer system. &ach device transmits data at 2 'bps and sends a small

    packet of data every two to three seconds. ue to various buildingrelated factors# any cable

    used for this network has to be suspended high overhead in a hardtoreach location. )hat

    type of cable would you recommend* +se the media selection criteria introduced in this

    chapter to arrive at your answer.

    ,awaban -

    erdasarkan /enis bangunan manufaktur maka digunakan kabel hielded Twisted 1air (T1"

    karena didalamnya terdapat satu lapisan pelindung kabel internalsehingga melindungi data

    yang ditransmisikan dari interferensigangguan T1 (hielded Twisted 1air"# selain

    dililitkan# /uga punya proteksi terhadap induksi atau interferensi sinyal dari luar kabel

    berupa lapisan kertas alumunium foil# sebelum /aketpembungkus luar. ,enis kabel T1 tahan

    terhadap gangguan sehingga kecepatannya mencapai 300mbps. 4ebih mudah dipelihara

    karena kerusakan pada satu saluran tidak menganggu saluran lain

  • 7/24/2019 7033T - TP2 - R1
