84th congress


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    CALENDARS OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ----------------------------------------------AND----~--~------------------------~




    Calendars shtJll 6t print,d dai/,-] Ru/, XIII, daus, 6


    WILLIAM H. HICKSON, Assistant Tally Clerks

    IndlN to tire Calendar fIIill ", printed on Monday of ltUk fDeek tire House is in session otherfDisi first da, of slIJion thereafter


  • 2


    lJnfinished business ______________________________________________ -------------------------7---Special legisla"ve days _______________________________________________________________________ _ Morning hour call of committees ______________________________________________________________ _ Calendar Wednesday business ________________________________________________________________ -_ CGmmittee list with dates of calls _________________________________________________________ ----_ Bills in conference ___ -- -- -- ---- -- -- - - __ -- -- ---- -- -- - - ------ - - -- - _____ ---- ----- ---... ------------Bills through conference ____________________________________________________ - __________ -- - -----Calendars: lJniGn __________________________________________________________________________________ _

    lIouse _________________________________________________________________________________ _ Private. _______________________________________________________________________________ _ Consent ________________________________________________________________________________ _ Motione to discharge committees __________________________________________________________ _

    Laws and resolutions-numericallist ___________________________________________________________ _ Titles of biUs and resolutions which have become laws:

    1I0use bills: Publiclaws _________________________________________________________________________ _ Private laws ________________________________________________________________________ _

    1I0use joint resolutions: Publiclaws ________________________________________________________________ .------ __ _ Private laws ________________________________________________________________________ _

    Senate-bHls : Publiclaws _________________________________________________________________________ _ Private laws ________________________________________________________________________ _

    Senate joint resolutions: Publiclaws _________________________________________________________________________ _ Private laws ________________________________________________________________________ _

    Acts which failed to become law _______________________________________________________________ _ Acts which were vetoed but became laws _______________________________________________________ _ Acts which became laws without the approval of the PresidenL ___________________________________ _ Pocket vetoes ___________________ . ___________________________________________________________ _

    Numerical list of bills and resolutions which have passed either or both 1I0uses. and bills and resolutions pending on the calendars: 1I0use bills _____________________________________________________________________________ _

    Joint resolutions ____________________________________________________________________ _ Concurrent resolutions _______________________________________________________________ _ R6$Olutions _________________________ _______________________________________________ _

    Senate'b[Us _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Joint resolutions ____________________________________________________________________ _ Concurrent resolutions _______________________________________________________________ _ Resolutions (of interest to the 1I0use) __________________________________________________ _

    Index ~ubdict)-------------------------------------------------____________________________ _ Statistical recapitulation and comparison _______________________________________________________ _ Comparison of work in previous OOngresses _____________________________________________________ _ Calendar of the year 1955, 1956 _______________________________________________________________ _ Status of major bills _________________________________________________________________________ _


    Page 3 3 3 4 4 5 6

    24 38 40 41 44 45

    51 74

    72 85

    87 101

    99 106 108 110 107 109

    III 208 214 217 234 292 295 298 299 363 368 372 373

  • 1956 H. R. 4054

    July 13



    A bill to encourage the improvement and development of marketing facilities for handling perish-able agricultural commodities. (Pending in the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, July 13, 1956: Mr. Price, chairman.)

    SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE DAYS Calendar Wednesday ___________________ Wednesday of each week, except during the last 2 weeks of a session

    / (clause 7, rule XXIV). Consent Calendar ______________________ First and third Mondays of each month (clause 4, rule XIII). " Discharge Calendar _____________________ Second and fourth Mondays of each month, except during tpe last

    . 6 days of a session (clause 4, rule XXVII).:, District of Columbia business ____________ Second and fourth Mondays of each month (clause 8, rule XXIV). Private Calendar _______________________ First and third Tuesdays of each month (clause 6, rule XXIV). Suspension of rules _____________________ First and third Mondays of each month and during the last 6 days

    of a session (clause I, rule XXVII). "

    RESTRICTION OF POWER TO REPORT APPROPRIATIONS Clause 4, rule XXI: "4. No bill or joint resolution carrying appropriations shall be reported by any committee not having

    jurisdiction to report appropriations, nor shall an amendment proposing an appropria~ion be in order during the consideration of a bill or joint resolution re:ported by a committee not having that jurisdiction. A question of order on an appropriation in any such bill, Joint resolution, or amendment thereto may be raised at any time."

    THE MORNING HOUR FOR THE CALL OF COMMITTEES Clause 4, rule XXIV: "4. Af:ter the unfinished business has been disposed of, the Speaker shall call each standing committee in

    regular order, and then select committees, and each committee when named may call up for consideration any bill reported by it on a previous day and on the House Calendar, and if the Speaker shall not compietethe call of the committees before the House passes to other business, he shall resume the next call where he left off, giving preference to the last bill under consideration: Provided, That whenever any committee shall have occupied the morning hour on 2 days it shall not be in order to call up any other bill until the other committees have been called in their turn."

    NOTl!I.-See page 4 for committee list.


  • 4

    CALENDAR WEDNESDAY BUSINESS CmuSe ?~rule XXIV. "7. On Wedn~day of each week no business shall be in order except as provided by paragraph 4 of this

    r.ule unless the Hou!!e by a two-thirds vote on motion to dispense therewith shall otherwise determine. On such a motion there may be debate not to exceed 5 minutes for and against. On a call of committees under this rule, bills may be called up from either the House or the Union Calendar, excepting bills which are privileged under the rules, but bills called up from the Union Calendar shall be considered in Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union. This rule shall not apply during the last 2 weeks of the session. It shall not be in order for the Speaker to entertain a motion for a recess on a.ny Wednesday except during the last 2 weeks of the session:

    "ProlJided, That not more than 2 hours of general debate shall be permitted on any measure caHed up on Calendar Wednesday and all debate must be confined to the subject matter of the bill, the time to be equally divided between those for and against the bill: ProlJided further, That whenever any committee shall have occu-pied one Wednesday it shall not be in order, unless the House by a two-thirds vote shall otherwise determine, to consider any unfinished business previously called up by such committee, unless the previous question had been ordered thereon, upon any succeeding Wednesday until the other committees have been called in their turn under this rule: Provided That when, during anyone session of Congress all of the committees of the House are not called under the Calendar Wednesday rule, at the next session of Congress the call shall commence where it left off at the end of the preceding session."

    NOTE.-See committee list below.


    Clause 4-Morning


    1956 1956

    Cmu.se 7-Caiendar Wednesday

    1956 1956 1956 1956

    1 . CoIJUllittee on Agriculture__________ __________ __________ July 18 1 ____________________________ _ 2. Committee on Appropriations______ __________ __________ (*) ____________________________ _ $ . OoIJUllittee on Armed Services ________________________________________________________________ _ 4:., Committee on Bapkingand Cur-

    rencr. -------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------6. CommIttee on the District of Colum bia ______________________________________________________________________________________ _ 6. Committee on Education and Labor ___________________________________________________________ 7. Committee on Foreign Affairs ________________________________________________________________ _ 8. Committee on Government Opera-tioll8 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Committee on House Administra-tion _____________________________________________________________________________________ .

    10. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs ___________________________________________________________________________________ .

    11. Committee on Interstate and For-eign Commerce ___________________________________________________________________________ 12. Committee on the Judiciary _________________________________________________________________

    13. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries _________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Committee on Post Office and Civil Service __________________________________________________________________________________ _ 15. Committee on Public Works __________________________________________________________________ _ 16. Committee on Rules _________________________________________________________________________ _

    17. Committee on Un-American Activi-ties ________________________________________________________________________ _____________ _ 18. Committee on Veterall8' Affairs _______________________________________________________________ 19. Committee on Ways and Meall8 ______________________________________ .----- _____________ eo_eo.

    1 Answered the Call. *Call rests with Committee on Appropriatioll8.

  • 5


    Jefferson's Manual, sec. 555: "And in all cases of conference asked after a vote of disagreement, etc., the confereee of the House

    asking it are to leave the papers with the confereee of the other . " The House agreeing to the conference acts on the report before the House requesting a conference.


    Clause 2, rule XX: . "2. No amendment of the Senate to a general appropriation bill which would be in violation of the

    provisions of clause 2 of rule XXI, if said amendment had originated in the House, nor any amendment of the Senate providing for an appropriation upon any bill other than a general appropriation bill, shall be agreed to by the managers on the part of the House unless specific authority to agree to such amendment shall be tirst given by the House by a separate vote on every such amendment."

    Bill No. Conferees Re~ort Report agreed to ti ed in-Date Brief of title

    con-} Asked fer- Agreed House Senate R~ort House Senate ence to o.

    1956 1956 1956 1956 S. 2568 District of Colum- Messrs. Davis of Messrs. Bible, Frear, July 23 July 25 --------

    July 13 bis, bridges. Georgia, Williams and Beall. 2879 July 18 ,,' of Mississippi, (Senate asks.)

    and Broyhill. (House acts fir8t.)

    H.R. 10947 District of Colum- Messrs. Davis of Messrs. Beall, --------- ---------- --------July 18 bia, bridge near Georgia, Williams McNamara, and July 19 14th St., George of Mississippi, Allott.

    Mason Memo- and Broyhill. (Senate acts first.) rial. (House asks.)


  • Bill No.

    Date con-} Asked fer-_.. Agreed

    enca to

    1955 H.R. 2091

    Jan. 18 .

    H. R: 3828 Feb. 23

    Feb. 25 Feb. 28

    H. R. 2576 Feb. 3

    H.R. 4259 Mar. It> Mar. ,16

    H. R. 4908 Apr. 14 Apr. ~8

    H. R. 2225 Apr.2l1 Apr. 26

    S. 1 Apr. 25. Apr. ;16

    H. R. 5289 Apr. 26 May 2




    Brief of title

    House Senate

    Appropriationll, ------------------- Messrs. Hayden, urgent, 1955. RUIl8ell, Chavez, Bridges, and Sal-toniltall~

    (Senate ask )

    U.S. courts, judges' Messrs. Celler, 'Messrs. Kefauver, salaries, adjust. Walter,and Reed Kilgor~ East-

    of Illinois. landb atkins, (H OU8e acts fir8#..) and irksen. (Senata asks.)

    ________________________ do _________________ do ___________ _

    Reorganization Act, extend.

    Revenue Act of 1955.

    Appropriations, Second Supple-mental 1955.

    Civil Aeronauti~ Act. Certificates of public con-venIence.

    Postal service, sal-ary increase.

    Appropriations, Agriculture, ,1956.

    (HoUBe act, fir.t.) (Sentm asb jurther.)

    Messrs. Dawson of __________________ _ Illinois, Holifield, Hoffman of Mich-iganhand Brown of 0 io;

    (Hou8e asb.)

    Messrs. Cooper, Dingell, Mills, Reed of New York, and Jenkins.

    (HoUBs asks.)

    Messrs. Cannon, Rooney, Preston, Taber, and Clev-enger.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Priest, Harris, Williams of Mississippi, . Wolverton, and Hinshaw.

    (Hou86 aaka.)

    Messrs. Murray of Tennessee, Mor-rison, Davis of Georgia, Rees, and Corbett;

    (House aeff firat.)

    Messrs. Whitten, Marshall, Deane, Natcher Can-

    [':non, ii. Carl Andersen, Horan, VU18ell,and

    r:OTaber. (H OU86 acts jirBt.)

    Messrs. Byrd, George, Kerr l Millikin, ana Martin of Penn-sylvania.

    (Senate acta first.)

    Messrs. Hayden, Russen, Chavez, Ellender, Bridges, Saltonstall, and Young.

    (Senate aab.)

    Messrs. Magnuson, Monroney, Bible, Bricker, and Payne.

    (Senata acta firs'.)

    Messrs. Johnston of South Carolina, Neely, Pastore, Carlson, and Langer.

    (Senate aska.)

    Messrs. Russell, Hayden, Hill, Robertson, Ellen-der Young McCarthy, and Mundt.

    (Senate asks.)

    R.eErt Repor~ agreed to fi ed In-

    Report , No. House Senate

    1955 1955 1955 (HoUBe .e" to Sentm

    amendmenta Jan. BO, 1956.) (Approlled Jan. B5, 1950;

    . . Public LaiD 8.)

    Feb. '24 Feb. 25 Rejected 79 Feb. 25

    Feb. 28 Mar. 1 Feb. 28 81

    (ApproHd Mar. B, 1956; Public Law 9.)

    I I (Senate further snais!a on ita amendments Mar. 18, 1966.) (Amendmenta in agreement

    Mar. BB, 1955.) (Approlled Mar. B5, 1956;

    Public Law 18.)

    Mar. 28 Mar. 30 Mar. 25 305

    (ApprOl1ed Mar. 80, 1956; Public Law 18.)

    Apr .. 19 Apr. 20 Apr. 20 426

    (Approlled Apr. BB, 1956; Public Law B4.)

    ~.IMaY .1 May (Approlled May 19. 1965;

    Public Law 88.)

    May 5 May 9 May 11 494 (Vetoed Ma1l19, 1966.)

    May 16 May 17 May 17 . 590

    (Appro"d May B8, 1965: Public Law 40.)

  • Bill No.

    Date Con-} ASked fer- Agreed enee' to

    1955 H. R.,,4876

    Apr. 13 Apr. 19

    H. R. '5085 May 5 May 9

    H.R. 1 May 4 May 5

    H. R. 103 May 31 June 6

    n. R. 2126 May 31 June 6

    H. R. 5240 Jun~ 6

    June 16

    s. ,67 June 20 June 20

    h H.R. j,1142 June 1

    June 10



    Brief of title

    Appropriations, Treasury ,and Post Office, 1956.

    Appropriations, Interior and re-lated agencies, 1956.

    Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1955.

    Reclamation proj-ects, construc-tion.

    Saline Water Act of 1952, research,

    Appropriations, Independent' Of-fices Appropria-tion Act, 1956.

    Federal employees' compensat.ion, increase.

    Rudy, Capt. M. M.

    Conferees Report Report agreed to filed in-


    Messrs. Gary; Pass-man, Sieminski, Murray ot .. ' Illi-nois, Cannon, Canfield, Wilson of Indiana, James, and Taber.

    (House acts firs'-)

    Messrs. Kirwan, Norrell, . Sie-minski, Maignu-son, CaIiJ\lon, Jensen, Fenton, Scrivner, 'and Taber.

    (House acts fir.'.)

    Messrs. Cooper, Dingell, Mills, Jenkins, and Simpson of Penn-sylvania.

    (Hou.e act. firat.)

    Messrs. Engle, Aspinall, O'Brien of New York, Miller of N e-braska, and Say-lor.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Engle, Aspinall, O'Brien of New York, Miller of N e-braska, and Say-lor.

    (Hou.a asks.)

    Messrs. Thomas, Yates, Ev.ins, Boland, Cannon, Phillips, Vursell, Ostertag. and Taber.

    (H ouae ace. firat.)

    Messrs. Murray of Tennessee, Davis of Georgia, and Rees of Kausas.

    (House ask )

    Messrs. Lane. For-rester, and, Reed

    o of Illinois. (Hou.e a.k )


    Messrs. Roberts~n, Kilgore. McClel-lan. Qhavez, Johnston of South Carolina. McCarthy Bridges. and Dirksen.

    (Senate a.ks.)

    Messrs. Hayden, Chavez, Kilgore. Magnuson, Hol-land, Clements. Russell, Mundt. Young, Know-land, Thy-e! Dworshak. ana Dirksen.

    (Senal/l aak )

    Messrs. Byrd, George. Kerr, Millikin, . and Martin of Penn-sylvania.

    (Senate ask )

    Messrs. Anderson. Jackson. O'Mahoney, Millikin. and

    . Watkins. (Senate acta first.)

    Messrs. Anderson, Jackson, 0' Mahoney, Millikin. and Watkins.

    (Senate ace. fir8l.)

    Messrs. Magnuson. Hill, Ellender. Robertson Rus-sell, McClellan, Dirksen. Salton-stall, Knowland. McCarthy. and. Potter.

    (Senate ask )

    Report No.

    1955 May 23


    HOu8e Senaw

    1955 May '23

    1955 Ma:y,20

    (Approlled June 1, 1955; Public Law 51.)

    June 6 June 8 June 18 731

    (Approlled June 18, 1956; Public Law 78.)

    June 9 June 14 June 15 745

    (Approlled June '1,1966;' Public Law 88.)

    June 20 June 21 June 16 862

    (Approlled July 4, 1966; Public L4to 180.)

    June 20 June 21 JUDe 23 861

    (ApprOlled June '9. 1966, Public Law 111.)

    June 21 June 22 June 23 871

    (Approved JURe 80, 1966; Public Law 11 )

    Messrs. Johnston of June 23 June 23 June 23 South Carolina. 910 Neely, Pastere. " Carlson, and Jen- (Approlled June '8. 1966, nero Public Law 94.)

    (Senatl! act. fir.t.)

    r.~Messnl. Kilgorer " McClellan, ana

    ..... Wiley. . , (Senate acll fi,,'.) I' .

    June 21, June 23 June 21 870

    (Approll/ld July t) 19661 P,i,ate Lu.wJl31.)

  • 8'


    .,BJn~o. Conferees ~ort ed Report agreed to

    in-Date Brief of title -

    con-} ASked fer-. Agreed House Senate Re/c0rt House Senate E'nce to' o.

    1955 1955 1955 1955 H.R. 6499 Appropriationll. Mesars. Andrews, Mesal'll. Magnuson, J.une 22 June 23 June 23

    June 21 general (}overn- Mabon, Shep- Hill, Ellender, 900 June 22 ment matters, li:rd, Gar y, Robertson, Dirk-

    (ApprOfl,tl June 89,1966; 1956. baut, Shelley, len, . Saltonstall, Cannon, Fenton, and Knowland. Public Law 110.) Coudert, Wilson (Smate uk ) of Indhnad Jamell, an Taber.

    (HOUle ada fir".)


    H.R. 6367 A'H:roprlationlll Melllllll. Prellton, Meslllll. Holland, June 28 June 29 June 29 June 16 epartment 0 Thomas, Rooney, Ellender, Kil8,0re, 994 June 27 Commeroe and Yates, Shelley, Magnuson, ten-

    r~ated agencies. Flood, Cannon, Die, Clemente, (Approll,tl June 80, 1966; CleVenge~ Bow, Ml'II. Smith 0 Public Law 181.)

    : Hora~ iller 0 Maine, Bridges, Mary and, and Knowland, Thye,

    i Taber. and Potter. (HoUl' acta fir".) (Smat. all:..)

    ,~ , .. , ,-

    H.R. t:5 U nivel'll&l Milltal')' MeslIllI. Vinllon, MeslIllI. Russel~ June 23 June 28 June 28 t ~De h C 'Training an,d Brooks of Loui-- Byrd, Johnson 902

    June 16 ... Berviee 'Act, ex- siana, Kilda Yd Texall, Salton- (Approllltl June 80, 1966; tend. Sh'or't, an lltall, and Bridges. Arends. (Smate ask ) Public Law 118.)

    r ' (HoUl' 'acta fir",) "

    H. R. 6042 A p:&ropriattons, Messlll. Mahon, MesslI. Chav6ll, June 29 June 30 June 3 f{' June 20,,, efense Depart-' Sheppar~kes, Hayden, Russell, 1030

    June 21 ment, 1956. Norrell,' 'tten, Hill, Byrd, Sal- . Andrews, Riley, tonstall, BridgesA (ApfJuOHtl Jul1l 18, 1966; "Dea,ne, Flood, Young, an blic Law 167.) Cannon, Wiggle,.. Fland6l'll. worth, Scrivner (Smat. ask ) Ford, Miller 01

    i Maryland, Oster-, tag, Davis of

    t " , WisooDsin, and [ Taber.

    (Ho"" acta ,.)


    l , H.&. d239 Ap&!oprfationa, MeslIll. Rabaut,. Messrs. Stennis, June 29 June 30 June 3

    June ~3 tnot of eo.: Paillman, MoClellan, HoI- 1031 June .7 lu~bia, 1956. Natcher,Cannon, land, Bible, ,

    Wilson of Indi- Gore, Dirksen, (APK:etl Jul1l6, 1966; , , . ana, James, and Young,and BeaU. lie Law 181.) ,

    ; Taber. (Senate ask ) (HoUl' acta fir".)


    S, :727 D~ct of Colum- M8IIIl'II. MoMlllan, Menu. Moue, May 25 Becom- . June 3 May 24 bia judges, ad- H a rr illS Aber- Bible, and 633 ",itletl , " 4\!t$' 25:,1 ,." ~u"t:ialariee, netby Impson Hrullka. June 27 Ma1l 88

    of . Illinois, and (Smate ask ) 920 June 29 O'Hara of Min-


    (Ap~OIIea July 11, 1966; , nesota. (8081e ada fir",) blle Law 189. )

  • 9


    Bill No. Conferees ~ort Report agreed to ed in-Date Brief of title -con-} Asked

    fer- agreed House Senate R~ort House Senate ence 'to o. _=-

    1955 1955 1955 1955 H.R. 5502 Appropriations, Messrs. Rooney, Messrs. Kilgore EI- June 30 July 1 July 1

    May 31 Stat~ Justice, Preston, Sikes, lende~ McChel- 1043 June 23 and udiciary, Magnuson, Can- lan, agnuson,

    1956. non, Coudert, Green, Bridges, (Ap-prolJ6d July 7.4 1966; Bow'r Clevenger, Saltonstall, ublie Law 1 S.) and aber. McCarthy, Hay-

    (House acts fir,'.) den, Holland, Clements, Mans-field, Mundt, Mrs. Smith of Maineh Dirksen, and icken-looper.

    (Smate OIIk,.)

    S. 2090 Mutual Security Messrs. Richards, Messrs. George, July 6 July 7 July 7 June 30 Act of 1954, Morgan, Zablocki, Green, Fulbright, 1071 July 1 amend. Vorys, and Judd. W~, and Smith

    (HOUle GlIb.) of ew Jersey. (APft'::bd July 88 1966; (Senate acts fir.t.) lic Law 1 8.) H.R. 6829 Armed Forces, mill- Messrs. Vinson, Messrs. Stennis, July 71 July 71 July 11

    July 1 tary installations, Brooks of Lou- Jackson, Byrd, 1083 July 5 construct. isiana, KildaYd Case of South Short, an Dakota, and Sal- (Ap~OfIed July 16, 1966;

    Arends. tonstall. blie Law 181.) (House acts firat.) (Senate OIIk,.)

    H. R. 5891 Materials Act of Messrs. Engle, Messrs. Anderson, July 11 July 12 July 11 June 29 1947, Secretary of Rogers of Texas, Jackson, 1096 July 5 Agriculture to Metcalf, Saylor, O'Mahoney

    have administra- and Dawson of Millikin, and (ApprolHld July SS, 1966; tive responsibill- Utah. Watkins. Public Law 187.) Ity. (Hou .. 0111:,.) . (SeMts acts firat.)

    H.R. 62915 Travel Expense Act, Messrs. Dawson of Messrs. Johnston of July 11 July 12 July 13 June 22 per diem allow- Illinois, Fascell, South Carolina, 1088 June 27 ance increased. and Younger. Neely, and Carl-

    (House acts fir.t.) son. (ApprOfl6d July 18, 1966; (Senate 0111: ) Public Law 189.)

    H. R. 6766 Appropriations, Messrs. Cannon, Messrs. Ellender, July 71 July 13 1 July 13 July 5 Public Works. Rabaut, Kirwan, Hayden, Russell, 1085 July 6 1956. Fogarty Mar- McClellan, Rob-

    shall, Riley, ertsonM Hill, Kil- (Ap~OfIed July 16 1966; Evins, Boland, gore, agnuson, ublic Law 18S.) M~rralf of Illi- Kerr, Anderson, nom, agnusonj Knowlandt Sal-Davis of Wiscon- tonstall, oung, sin, Jensen, Phil- Thyej Mundt, lips, H. Carl Mrs. Smith of Andersen, Hand, Maine, and and Taber. Dworshak.

    (HOUle acts firat.) (Senate OIIk,.)

    S. 1464 Highways, right-of- Messrs. Engle, Messrs. Long, July 11 July 13 July 14 June 27 way and timber Rogers of Texas, Anderson, Neu- 1097 June 29 areas. Metcalf, Saylor, berger, Malone,

    and Dawson of and Dworshak. (Ap~olHld July S8, 1966; Utah. (Senate OIIb.) ublic Law 171.)

    (Hou .. acts fir.t.)

    H.R. 5559 Armed Forces gifts, Messrs. COMYer, Messrs. BIrrd, July 18 July 19 July 18 June 22 free importation. Dingell, ilIsd Georte, err 1191 July 11 Jenkins; an Milli in, and

    Simpson 01 Martin 01 Penn- (Approlled July 18, 1966; Pennsylvania. sylvania. Public Law 190.)

    (HoUl' ar ) (Senate ael. fir_I.) I

  • Bill No.

    Date con-} Asked fer- . Agreed

    ence to

    Brief of title




    House Senate

    Report filed

    Report No.

    Report agreed to in-

    House Senate


    H. R. 4904 June 27 June 27

    H. R. 5046 June 6 June 22

    H. R. 7000 July 14 July 18

    H. J. Res. 157

    July 20 July 21

    H. R. 3990 July 11 July 13

    B. R. 3822 July 25 July 26

    B. R. 2851 July 25 July 26

    H. R. 7224 July 22 July 25

    S 34 July 21 July 25

    Renegotiation Act of 1951, extend.

    Appropriations, Labor, and Health, Education, and Welfare, 1956.

    Reserve forces, strengthen.

    Commission on Government Se-curity, establish.

    Alaska, water re-sources.

    Agriculture, Agri-cultural Act of 1949, Mexican labor, extend.

    Agriculture, surplus farm commodi-ties for relief.

    Appropriations, mutual security, 1956.

    Indians, Arizona, leasing of lands.

    Messrs. Coop'er, Dingell, MIlls .. ,z Jenkins, ana Simpson of Pennsylvania.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Fogarty, Fernandez, Lan-ham, Denton, Cannon, Taber, Hand, and Jen-sen.

    (H OU8e acts fir st.)

    Messrs. Vinson, Brooks of Louisi-ana, Kilday, Short, and Arends.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Celler, Walter, and Keating.

    (H OU8e acts first.)

    Messrs. Engle, As-pinall, O'Brien of New York, Miller of Nebraska, and Saylor.

    (Hou8e a8ks.)

    Messrs. Cooley, Poage, Gathings, Grant, Hope, Andresen of Min-nesota, and Hill.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Cooley, Poage, Gran t, Jennings, HOJ?e, Andresen of Mm-nesota, and Hill.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Passman, Gary, Rooney, Cannon, Fernan-dez, Lanham, Natcher, Denton, Taber, Wiggles-worth, Fenton, Ford, and Hand.

    (Hou8e act8 first.)

    Messrs. Engle, Haley, Udallz Berry, ana Rhodes of Ari lona.

    (H ome act. fir.t.)

    Messrs. Byrd, George, Kerr, Millikin, and Martin of Penn sylvania.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Hill, Chavez, Russell, Kilgore, Magnu-son, Stennis, Thye, Mundt, Mrs. Smith of Maine, Dwor-shak, and Potter.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Russell, Byrd, . Stennis, Saltonstall, and Bridges.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Kennedy, Humphrey, Sy mington, Thur-mond, Mrs. Smith of Maine, Martin of Iowa, and Cot ton.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs.J se kson, Long, Bible, Ku-ehel, and Gold water.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Ellender, Johnston of South Carolina, Hol-land, ~iken, and Young.

    (Senate acts firBt.)

    Messrs. Ellender, Hoiland, Ander-son, Aiken, and Williams.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Hayden, Chavez{ Ellen-der, Hi I Clem-ents, Bridges, Sal-tonstall, Know-land, and Dirk sen.

    (Senate ask8.)

    Messrs.O'Mahoney, Anderson N eu-berger, WatkIns, and Goldwater.

    (Senate ash.)

    1955 July 14


    1955 July 21

    1955 July 18

    (Approved Aug. 8, 1966; Public Law stB.)

    July 19 July 2(} July 20 1272

    (Approved Aug. 1, 1965; Public Law t96.)

    July 21 July 25 July 26 1335

    (Approved Aug. 9, 1955; Public Law 806.) ,

    July 26 July 27 July 27 14(}7

    (Approved Aug. 9, li55; Public Law 804.)

    July 27 July 29 .Iuly 25 1447

    (Approved Aug. 9, 1955; Public Law 8SS.)

    July 27 July 29 July 27 1449

    (Approlled Aug. 9, 1956; Public Law 819.)

    July 27 July 29 July 27 1450

    (Approlled Aug. 9, t065; Public Law 811.)

    July 27 July 28 July 28 1501

    (Approlled Aug. B, 1956; Public Law B08.)

    July 29 July 29 July29 1562.

    (Approved Aug. 9, 1956; PubUc Law B56.)

  • Bill No.

    Date con-}' Asked fer- Agreed

    ence to

    1955 S. 1093

    July 26 July 26

    H. R. 7278 July 26 July 27

    t:l. 2168 July 20 July 21

    H. R. 5078 June 21 July 11



    Brief of title

    District of Colum-bia, teach ers, school employees, salaries.

    Appropriations, Supplemental 1956.

    Fair Labor Stand-ards Act, mini-mum wage, in-crease.


    Messrs. Abelinethy, Davis of Georgia, Jones of North Carolina, Miller of Nebraska, and Hyde.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Cannon and Taber and

    on ch. I, Messrs. Whitten, Mar-shall, and Ander-sen'

    on cb. II, Messrs. Preston, Thomas, and Bow;

    on ch. III, Messrs. Mahon, Shep-pard, Sikes, Wigglesworth, Serivner, and Ford;

    on ch. IV, Messrs. Passman, Gary, and Wiggles-worth;

    on ch. V, Messrs. Andrews, Mahon, and Fenton'

    on ch. VI, Messrs. Thomas, Yates, and Phillips;

    on ch. VII, Messrs. Kirwan, Norrell, and Jensen;

    on ch. VIII, Messrs. Fogarty, Fernan-dez, and Hand;

    on ch. IX, Messrs. Rabaut, Kirwan, and Davia of Wisconsinj.

    on ch. X, Messrs. Rooney. Preston, and Coudert;

    on ch. XI, Messrs. GarYe Passman, and anfield'

    on ch. XII, XIII, XIV, and XV, Messrs. Rabaut, N orrell, and Horan.

    (Hou86 act8 firs")

    Messrs. Barden, Kelley of Penn-sylvania, Powell, McConnell, and Gwinn.

    (House ask8.)

    Helfenbein, V ______ Messrs. Lane, Boyle, and Miller of New York.

    (H ouae aaka.)


    Messrs. Bible, Gore, and Beall.

    (Senate a8k8.)

    Messrs. Hayden, Russell, Chavez, Ellender Hill, Stennis, Bridges, Saltonstall, Young, Know-land, and Thye.

    (Senate aska.)

    Messrs. . Douglas, Neely, Kennedy, Smith of New Jersey, and Gold-water.

    (Senate acts first.)

    MeBsrs." Kilgore, Me Cle 11 a n, Daniel, Welker, and Butler.

    (Senate acta first.)

    Report filed

    Report No.

    1955 July 28


    Report agreed to in-

    House Senate

    1955 JulY;L29

    1955 July ,29

    (Approved Aug. 6, 1966; Public Law S43.)

    July 29 July 30 July 30 1586

    (Approved Aug. 4, 1966: Public Law S19)

    July 28 July 30 July 29 1561

    (Approved Aug. lB, 1966; Public Law:381.)

    july 29 July 30 July 29 1584

    (Approved Aug. 9, 19661 Private LawA3(J.)

  • Bill No.

    Date con-} Asked fer- Agreed

    encs to

    Brief of title




    House Senate

    Report Report agreed to filed in-

    Report No. House Senate


    H. R. 4249 June 23 July 11

    H. R. 4778 July 25 July 26

    H. R. 100 July 29 July 29

    H. R. 2907 June 16 July 11

    H. R. 1003 June 21 July 11

    H. R. 191 July 25 July 26

    H. R. 6382 July 25 July 26

    H.R. 7117 July 29 July 29

    S; 2126 July 29 July 29

    H. R. 4048 July 29 July 30

    Bishop, O. L______ Mellsrs. Lane, For-rester, and Miller of New York.

    (Hou8e asks.)

    Postal service, postal employees bonds.

    Mineral resources on public lands.

    Harvey Engineer-ing Co., relief.

    0' MaUey, Mrs. L'i et ale

    District of Colum-bia, delegates, election of.

    Foreign Claims Set-tlement Commis-sion.

    Appropriations, Legislative, 1956.

    Housing, extend and clarify.

    Federal Voting As-sistance Act of 1955.

    Messrs. Murray of Tennessee! Mor-rison, ana Rees of Kansas.

    (HOUB' asks.)

    Menu. En gl e, Aspinall, Rogera, of Texas, Saylor and Young.

    (Hou8e a811:8.)

    Messrs. Lane For-rester, and Miller of New York.

    (Hou8s aaks.)

    Messrl!. Lane Forrester, and Miller of New York.

    (Hou8e asks.)

    Messll!l. Harris, Abernethy, Davis of Georgia, Simpson of Illi-nois, O'Hara of Minnesota.

    (Hou8e asks.)

    Messrs. Richards, Zablocki, Dodd, Vorys, and Mrs. Francis P. Bolton.

    (HOUBS acts fir.t.)

    Messrs. Norrell, Kirwan, Rooney, Cannon, Horan, Bow, and Taber.

    (House acts firBt.)

    Mesl!lr8. Spence, Brown of Geor-gia, Patman, Rainl, Wolcott, Gamble, and Talle.

    (HouBe asks.)

    Messrl!l. Burleson, Ashmore, and Morano.

    (House aaks.)

    Mesl!ll8. Kilgore, McClellan, Daniel, Welker, and Butler.

    (Senate acts fiT8t.)

    Messrs. Johnston of South Carolina, Neely, and Carl-son.

    (Senate acts fir8t.)

    Messrs. Anderson, 0' Mahoney, Scott, Kuehel, and Goldwater.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Kilgore, McClellan, Daniel, Welker, and Butler.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Mellsrs. Kilgore, McClellan, Daniel, Welker, and Butler.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Morse, Bible, and Hruska.

    (Senate acts fiTst.)

    Messrs. Spark-man, Humphrey, Mansfield, Smith of New Jersey, and Hickenlooper.

    (Senate asks.)

    Mesllrs. Clements, Chave.l, Hayden, Bridges, Salton-stall, and Know-land.

    (Senate a8ka.)

    Messrs. Sparkman, Fulbright, Douglas, Leh-man, Capehart, Bricker; and Ives.

    (Senate acta fira,,>

    Messrl. Green, Gore, and Curtis.

    (Senate acts first.)

    1955 1955 1955 July 29 July 30 July 29


    (ApprolJed Aug. 9, 1955; Private Law 431.)

    July 281 July 30 1 July 29 1568

    (Approved Aug. 9, 1955; Public Law 323.)

    July 30 1 Aug. 1 1 July 30 1610

    (Approved Aug. 11, 195.5; Public Law 359.)

    Aug. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 2 1629

    (Approved Aug. 11, 1955; Prillate Law 451.)

    I July 29 Aug. 2 I' Aug. 2


    (Approlled Aug. 11, 1955; PrilJate Law 478.) ,

    Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Aug 1619

    (Approved Aug. lB, 1955; Public Law 378.)

    July 27 July 29 Aug 1475

    (ApprolJed Aug. 9, 1955; Public Law S85.)

    Aug. 2 Aug. 2 Aug 1627

    (Approved Aug. 5, 1965; Public Law 8411.)

    Aug. 2 Aug. 21 Aug 1622 I (ApprOlJed Aug. 11, 1955;

    Public Law 34$.)



    Aug. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 1 1625

    (ApprOfled Aug. 9,19561 Public Law S98.)

  • Bill No.

    Date con-} Asked fer- Agreed

    ence to

    1955 H. R. 6373

    July 29 July 30

    S. 2391 July 30 July 30

    B. 1077 July 30 July 30

    B. 2501 Aug. 1 Aug. 1

    S. 1041 Aug. 1 Aug. 1

    H. R. 7618 Aug. 2 Aug. 2



    2576 Aug. 2 Aug. 2

    2127 Aug. 2

    1956 H R. 7871

    Jan. 25 Jan. 25



    Brief of title

    Domestic Minerals Program Exten-sion Act, metals.

    Defense Production Act.

    Texas, Texas City, claims.

    Poliomyelitill Vac-cination Assist-ance Act of 1955.

    Federal employees annuity, comput-ing of.

    Civil Service Re-tirement Act, an-nuities.

    District of Colum-bia, street rail-way corporations.

    Small Business Ad-ministration, ex-tend 2 years.

    Small Business Act, . sec. 204 (b), in-

    crease amount.



    Messrs. Engle, Aspinall, Rogers of Texas, Saylor, and Young.

    (Hou8e acts jir8t.)

    Messrs. Spence, Brown of Geor-gia, Patman, Rains, W olcottt Gamble, ana TalIe.

    (Ho'U8e 118108.)

    Messrs. Celler, Lane, Forrester, Miller of New York, and Hyde.

    (Hou8e 1181:8.)

    M easrs. Priest, Carlyle, Robertst Wolverton, ana Heselton.

    (Hou8e 1181:8.)

    Messrs. Murray of Tennessee, Davis of Georgia, and Reel of Kansas.

    (Howe acla fiT8t.)

    Messrs. Murray_ of Tennessee, Mor-rison, and Rees of Kansas.

    (Hou,. aai: )

    Messrs. McMillan, Harrisl Smith of Virgima, Jones of North Carolina, O'Hara of Min-nesota, Broyhill,' and Hyde.

    (HO'UBI 1181: )

    Mesln. Spence, Brown of Geor-gia, Patman, Rains, W olcottt Gamble, ana TalIe.

    (Ho'U8e 1181: )

    Messrs. Spence, Brown of Geor. gia, Patman, Rains, Wolcott, Gamble, and TalIs.

    (H OU8e alA.)


    Messrs. Murray, Scott, and Malone.

    (Senate a8k )

    Messrs. Sparkman, Douglas, Morse, Capehart, and Ives.

    (Senate acts fir8t.)

    Messrs. Johnston of South Carolina, HenDings, Daniel, Watkins, and Butler.

    (Senate acte jJr8t.)

    Messrs. H~b Leh-man, MC.Namara, Smith of New Jersey, and Ives.

    (Senate act. firat.)

    Messrs. Johnston of South Carolina, Neely, and Carl. son.

    (Senate alA.)

    Messrs. Johnston of South Carolina, Scott, and Carl SOD.

    (Smate acte jJr.t.)

    Messrs. Neely, Mc-Namara, Morse, Beall, aDd Case of New Jersey.

    (Senate act8 jJr.t.)

    Messrs. Morse, Robertson, Sparkman, Leh manpIves. Beall, and ayne.

    (Senate aell jr.t.)

    Report Report agreed to filed in-

    R~port No. House Senate

    1955 1955 1955 July 30 Aug. 1 Aug. I

    1611 (Pock" veto Aug. 17, -1966.)

    Aug. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 2 1630 (Approved Aug. -9, 1966;

    Public Law B96.)

    Aug. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 1 1623 (Approved Aug. IS, 1966;

    Public Law 378.)

    Aug. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 2 1626 (Approlled Aug. 1S. 1966;

    Public Law 371.)

    Aug. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 1 1624

    (Poci:et fleto Aug. 17, 19S6.)

    Aug. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. :I 1631 (Approved Aug. 14, 1966;

    Public Law S69.)

    Aug. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 2 1632 (ApprOfled Aug. 11, 1966;

    Public Law S89.)

    (Senate agree. to Ho'U8s amendmente Aug. " 1966.)

    (ApprOfled Aug. g, 1966; Public Law '68.)

    1956 1956 1956

    Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Jan. 27 1685 (Approlled Feb. " 1966;

    Public Law 401.)

    I I

  • Bill No.

    Date con-} Asked fer- Agreed

    ence to

    1956 H. R. 9063

    Feb. 10

    H. R. 7588 Jan. 17 Feb. 7

    H. R. 8320 Feb. 16 Feb. 21

    H. R. 8780 Mar. 19 Mar. 20

    H. R. 9770 Mar. 27 Mar. 27

    8. 500 Mar. 2 Mar 7

    H. R. 9064 Mar. 7 Mar. 15

    H. R. 12

    S .


    Mar. 19 Mar. 26

    1287 Jan. 12 Jan. 16

    R. 10004 Apr. 12 Apr. 16


    Brief of title

    Appropriations, urgent deficiency, 1956.

    Thomas, J. E _____ _

    Agriculture, school milk and brucel-losis, funds for.

    Taxes, gasoline and special fuels.

    District of Colum-bia Revenue Act of 1956.

    Colorado River storage project authorize con-struction.

    Appropriations, Treasury and Post Office, 1957.

    Agriculture, supports.


    Foreign Service re-tirement annui-ties, increase.

    Appropriations, see-ond supplementa~ 1956.



    Messrs. Feighan, Chelf, and Miss Thompson of Michigan.

    (Houss asks.)

    Messrs. Cooley, Poage, Aber-nethy, Hope, and Andresen.

    (Hou86 asks.)

    Messrs. Cooper, Mills, Gregory, Reed of New York, and Jen-kins.

    (HoUIJ6 asks.)

    Messrs. Smith of Virginia, Harris, and O'Hara of Minnesota.

    (Hous6 asks.)

    Messrs. Engle, Aspinall, O'Brien of New York, Dawson of Utah, and Saylor.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Gary, Pass-man, Sieminski, Murray of lllinois, Cannon. Canfield, Wilson of Indiana, Jonas, and Taber.

    (Hous, acts firat.)

    Messrs. Cooley, Poage, Gathings, Hope, and An-dresen of Min-nesota.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Richards, Chatham, Selden, V orys, and Bent-ley.

    (Hous. acts first.)

    Messrs. Cannon, Kirwan, Whit-ten, Preston, Ra-baut, Taber, Wigglesworth, Jensen, and Clevenger.

    (H ouat acta firat.)


    Messrs. Hayden, Russell, Chavez, Bridges, and Sal-tonstall.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Kilgore, Eastland, and Watkin .

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Ellender, Johnston of South Carolina, Holland, Aiken, and Young.

    (Senate acts fiTst.)

    Messrs. Byrd, George, Kerr, Martin of Penn-sylvania, and Carlson.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Bible, Frear and Beall.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Anderson, Jackson, 0' Mahoney, Mil-likin, and Wat-kins.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Robertson, McClellan, Chavez, Clem-ents, Johnston of South Carolina, McCarthy, Bridges, and Dirksen.

    (S,nate asks.)

    Messrs. Ellender, Johnston of South Carolina, Hol-land, Aiken, and Young.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messra. Sparkman, Mansfield, and Knowland.

    (Senat. asks.)

    Messrs. Hayden, Russell, Chavez, Ellender, Bridges, Saltonstall, and Young.

    (Senate asks.)

    Report Report agreed to filed in-

    Report No.






    (House agrees to Senate amendments Feb. 14, 1958.) (Approved Feb. 14, 1958,

    Public Law 408.)

    Mar. 1 I Mar. 61 Feb. 27 1842 (Approved Mar. 18, 1958,

    Public Law 430.)

    Mar. 19/ Mar. 21 1 Mar. 15 1898 I Rejected

    (Hou8e agree8 to Senate amendments Mar. el, 1956.)

    (Approved Apr. e, 1956, Public Law 465.)

    Mar. 271 Mar. 281 Mar. 27 1957 (Approved Apr. e, 1956,

    Public Law .68.)

    Mar. 27 Mar. 28 j.,Iar. 27 1958 (Approved Mar. 31, 1956,

    Public Law .60.)

    Mar. 271 Mar. 281 Mar. 28 1950 (Approved Apr. 11, 1956,

    Public Law .85.)

    Mar. 27 Mar. 28 Mar. 28 1956 (Approved Apr. 2, 1958,

    Public Law .87.)

    Apr. 6 Aprilll Apr. 11 1986

    (Vetoed Apr. 18, 1958.)

    Mar. 12 Apr. 16 Apr. 18 1869

    (Approved May 1, 1958, Public Law No. 503.)

    May 11 I May 16 1 Ma, 16 2149 (Approved May 19, 1958,


  • Bill No.

    Date con-} Asked fEl~ Agreed

    elice to

    1956 S. 2286

    Mar. 19 Apr. 23

    H. ij.. 7030 Feb. 8

    Mar. 15

    H . R. 5862 . Apr. 16

    Apr. 25

    H. R. 10875 May 21 May 21

    H. R. 9429 May 16 May 18

    S. J. Res. 135 May 9 May 16

    H. R. 6268 Apr. 10 Apr. 23

    ji& PH. R. 11177

    May 22 May 23

    l I;. tyB.R. 3996 . Mar. 26

    Apr. 26

    R. 9390 ~pr. 23 May 29


    Brief of title

    Merchant Marine Act, transporta-tion of vehicles.

    Sugar Act of 1948, extend ana amend.

    Federal employees' claims.

    Agricultural Act of 1956.

    Armed Forces, medical care for dependents.

    Indians, Crow Tribe, payment for lands.

    Federal reclama-tion drainage workl, oonltruc-tion.

    Appropriations, Agriculture, 1957.

    Armed Forces Mill-tary Claims Act, remove limita-tion.

    Appropriations, In-terior, 1957.



    Messrs. Bonner, Garmatz Robe-son of Virginia/ Tollefson, ana Allen of Cali-fomia.

    (HouBe acts firBt.)

    Messrs. Cooley, Poage, Gathings, Abernethy, Hope, Andresen of Min-nesota, and Hill.

    (Home acts first.)

    Messrs. Frazier, Tuck, and Hill-ings.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Cooley, Poage, Grant, Hope, and An-dresen, August H.

    (House aBks.)

    Messrs. Vinson, Brooks of Louisi-ana, KildaYl Short, ana Arends.

    (House aBkB.)

    Messrs. Udall, Pfost, Metcalf,

    . Miller of N e-braska, and Saylor.

    (Home ace. first.)

    Messrs. Engle, As-pinall, Metcalf, Saylor, and Berry.

    (HouBe askB.)

    Messrs. Whitten, Marshall, Deane, Natcher, Cannon, Andersen, Horan, Vursell, and Taber.

    (Home acts first.)

    MeBBrs. Donohue/ Forrester, ana Miller of New York.

    (HouBe asks.)

    Messrs. Kirwan, Norrell, Siemin-ski, Magnuson, Cannon, Jensen, FentonbScrivner, and Ta er.

    (House acts fir.t.)


    Messrs. Magp.uson, Pastore, Daniel, Butler, and Duff.

    (Senate asks.) .

    Messrs. Byrd, George, Kerr, Millikin, and Bennett.

    (Senate askB.)

    Meurs. NeelYI Daniel, ana Watkins.

    (Senate acts firBt.)

    MeBBrs. Ellender, Johnston of South Carolina, Hol-land, Eastland, Aiken, Young, and Thye.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Russell, Byrd, Johnson of Texas, Salton-stall, and Bridges.

    (Senate acts firBt.)

    MeBBrB. Murray, 0' Mahoney, Biblel . Watkins, and Malone.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Murray/ Anderson, ana Watkins.

    (Senate acts firBt.)

    Messrs. Russell, Hayden, Hill, Robertson, El-lender, Young/ McCarthy, ana Mundt.

    (Senate asks.)

    Meslrl. Danielz McClellan ana Welker.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Hayden, Chavez, Magnu-son, Mundt, and Young. .

    (Senate asks.)

    Report Report agreed to filed in-

    R~port No. House Senate

    1956 1956 1956 May 16 May 16 May 16

    2167 (Approved May B8, 1956;

    Public Law 538.)

    May 16 May 17 May 17 2174 (ApprOfJed May B9, 1956;

    Public Law 545.)

    May 22 May 23 May 18 2196 (Approved June 4, 1956;

    Public Law No. 56S.)

    May 221 May 23/ May 22 2197 (Approved May 118, 1956;

    Public Law 540.)

    May 22 May 24 May 23 2195 (Approved June 7, 1956;

    Public Law No. 569.)

    May 23 May 24 May 24 2201

    (Vetoed June 7, 1956.)

    May 23 May 29 May 16 2199 (Approved June IS]. 1956;

    Public Law No. 075.)

    May 251 May 291 May 29 2214 (Ayproved June 4, 1956;

    Public Law No. 66 )

    May 28 May 31 May 23 2216 (Approlled June 7, 1966;

    Public Law No. 571.)

    May 31 June 4 June 5 2250 (Approved June 11'1, 1968;

    Public Law No. 671'1.)

    I \

  • Bill No.

    Date con-} Asked fer- Agreed ence to

    1956 H.R. 9536

    .Tune 6

    H. R. 10721 May 25 May 29

    B. R. 6143 May 14 May 17

    H.R. 7247 Apr. 16 Apr . 23

    H. R. 10899 May 31 June 4

    H. R. 11473 June 18

    B. R. 9739 June 6 JuneS



    Brief of title

    A~ropriations, eneral Govern-

    ment Operations, 1957. .

    Appropriations, State, Justice, and Judiciary, 1957.

    Tax patent rights, income tax treat-ment.

    Internal Revenue Code, railroad organization.

    Appropria tions, Commerce ana related agencies, 1957.

    Appropriations, Legislative, 1957.

    Appropn. 'ations, In dependent Of-tilleS, 1957.




    Messrs. Rooney, Preston, Sikes, Magnuson, Can-non, Coudert, Bow, Clevenger, and Taber.

    (Hou8e acts first.)

    Messrs. Cooper, Mill~ Gre~ry, Ree of ew York, and Jen-kins.

    (House a8k8.)

    Messrs. Coop'er, Mills, Gregory, Reed, and Jen-kins.

    (H1rU8e ask8.)

    Messrs. Preston, Thomas, Rooney, Yates, Shelley, Flood, Cannon, Cleveng~J BOWl Horan, Miller or Maryland, and Taber.

    (HlrUae acta firat.)

    Messrs. Thomas of Texas, Yates, Evins, Boland, Cannon, Philips, Vursell, Ostertag, and Taber.

    (House acts fir8t.)


    Messrs. Magnuson, Hill, Ellender, RobertsoI), Dirk-

    . sed Saltonstall, an Knowland.

    (Senattl asks.)

    Messrs. Johnson of Texas, Ellender, McClellajt: Mag-nuson, ayden, Clements, Green, Mansfield, :6ridges, Salton-stall, McCarthy, Mundt Mrs. Smith of Maind Dirksen, an Hickenlooper.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Byrd, Kerr, Frear, Millikin, and Martin of Pennsylvania.

    (Senate acts fir8t.)

    Messrs. Byrd, Kerr, Frear, Millikin, and Martin of Pennsylvania.

    (Senate act8 firat.)

    Messrs. Holland, Ellender, Magnu-son, Stennis, Smith of Maine, Bridges, ana Knowland.

    (Senate a8ks.),

    Messrs. Clements, Hayden, Chavez, Bridges i ana Saltonstal .

    (Senate aska.)

    Messrs. Magnuson, Hill, Ellender, Robertson Rus-sell, McClellan, Dirkse.,!!" Salton-stalk .Knowland! MCllarthy, ana Potter.

    (Senate aaka.)

    Report Report agreed to filed in-

    Report No. House Senate

    1956 1956 1956 (Hou8e agrees to Senate

    amendments June 7, 1966) (Approved June 13, 1966;

    Public Law No. 678.)

    June 8 June 11 June 11 2288 (Approved June SO, 1966;

    Public Law No. 603.)

    June 1 June 18 June 5 2253 (Approved June S9, 1966;

    Public Law No. 6S9.)

    June 1 June 18 June 14 2252 (Approved June S9, 1966;

    Public Law No. 6S8.)

    June 12 June 14 June 14 2344 (Approved June SO, 1966;

    Public Law No. 604.)

    (Hou,e agree, to Senate amend-ments June SO, 1966)

    (Approved June S7, 1966; Public Law No. 6S~.)

    4 $ i

    June 19 June 20 June 2! 2396 (Approved June S7, 1966;

    Public Law No. 6S3.)

  • Bill No.

    Date con-} Asked fer- Agreed

    ence to

    1956 H. R. 10660

    May 29 June 5

    H. R. 10003 June 5 June 7

    H. R. 11319 June 13 June 18

    B. 890 June 13 June 14

    H. R. 9720 June 5 June 6

    H. R. 9052 June 25 June 26

    H. R. 9852 June 22 June 25



    Brief of title

    Federal Highway Act of 1956.

    Appropriations, District of Co-lumbia, 1957.

    Appropriations, Public Works, 1957.

    Water Pollution Act, extend and strengthen.

    Appropriations, Labor, Healthz Education, ana Welfare, 1957.

    Export Control Act, extend.

    Defense Production Act, extend.



    Messrs. Buckley, Fallon, Davis of Tennessee, Blat-nic~ Donderol Mcuregor, ana Auchincloss, on title I; Cooper, Mills, Boggs, Reed of New York, and Jen-kins, on title II.

    (House acts first. I

    Messrs. Rabaut, Passman, Nat-cher, Cannon, Wilson of Indi-ana, James, and Taber.

    House acts firBt.)

    Messrs. Cannon, Rabaut, Kirwan, Fogarty, Riley, Evins, Boland, Murray of Illi-nois, Magnuson, Davis of Wiscon-sin, Jensen, An-dresen, August H., Phillipsz Hand,ana Taber.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Blatnik, Jones of Ala-bama, Dempsey, Dondero, and McGregor.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Fogarty, Fernandez, Lan-ham, Dellton, Cannon, Taber, Hand, and Jen-sen.

    (H OUS6 acts firBt.)

    Messrs. Spence, Brown of Geor-gia, Patman, Rains, Wolcott, Gamble, and Talle.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Spence, Brown of Georgia, Patman, Rains, Wolcott, Gamble, and Talle.

    (House asks.)


    Messrs. Chavez, Kerr, Gore, Martin of Penn-sylvania, Mc-Namara, and Bush on title I; Case of South Dakota, Byrd, George, Kerr l Millikin, ana Martin of Penn-sylvania on title II.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Stennis, McClellan..l. John-son of Texas, Bible, Frear, Dirksen, Young, and Beall.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Ellender, Hayden, Russell, McClellan, Rob-ertson, Hill, Magnuson, Hol-land, Knowland, Saltonstall, Young, Thye, Mundt, Mrs. Smith of Maine, Dworshak, and Kerr.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Chavez, Kerr, Gore, Mar-tin of PennRY 1-vania, and Case of South Dakota.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Hill, Chavez, Russell, Magnuson, Sten-nis, Clements, Thye, Mundt, Smith of Mainel Dworshak, ana Potter.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Fulbright, Robertson, Sparkman, Frear, Bricker, Bennett, and Bush.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Fulbright, Robertson, Sparkman, Frear, Bricker, Bennett, and Bush.

    (Senate acts first.)

    'l1038-84-House Business Cal-2

    Report filed

    Report No.

    Report agreed to in-

    House Senate

    1956 1956 1956 June 25 June 26 June 26


    (ApprOlJed Jun. e S9, 1956; Public Law No. 6S7.)

    June 26 June 27 June 27 2484

    (Approved June 29, 1956; Public Law No. 637.)

    June 25 June 27 June 27 2413

    (Approved July 2, 1956; Public Law No. 641.)

    June 26 June 27 June 27 2479

    (Approved Jucy 9, 1956 Public Law No. 660.)

    June 25 June 27 June 27 2414

    (Approved June 29, 1956; Publ';c Law No. 636.)

    June 26 June 28 June 27 2485

    (Approved June 29, 1956; Public Law No. 631.)

    June 26 June 28 June 27 2486

    (Approved June 29,1956; Public Law No. B3S.)

  • 'Bill No.

    , . .Date _.' con-} Asked fer- A,greed '

    ence 'to

    , Briel' o't titte



    House Senate

    Report '. Report agreed to filed in-

    Report No. House Senate

    ~"~'~~--I~'~'--~--~-----l---------------I'--------------I------I-------I-------1956 :

    ftSR. 10986 June 26 Ju.ne 27 ;, ~' ,. ~

    S. . ':"2!n2 May 15 ~ay 17

    H;' R'." '1135& June 29 J,u)y2,

    H. R. 11619 June 22 June 25

    H. R .. 9893 June 2!f June 29,'"

    H. It. ,2854 Apr. ,25 , '

    8..1622 " i J'une' 29 . .

    July 2 " , "

    H. R. 483 July: 6' 'Ju,i~0


    Ap'propriations, Defense: Depart-ment,1957.

    ~< ' '.,'

    Crimes and offenses, aircraft, damage, o,r destroy.

    Mutual Security Act of 1956.

    Narcotics Control AC.t of 1956.

    Armed Forces, mil-\ ItarY' Installa-, tions,construct.

    Crime, conspiracy, increMe pena,lty.

    Mi.ssouri Riyer B8.flin 'project.

    Armed Forces. oste-,opathy, doctor of.

    l ' . .' ,-' :"':" . : \ . ,

    Messrs. Mahon, Sheppar

  • Bill No.

    Date con-} Asked fer- Agreed

    ence to

    Brief of title




    House Senate

    Report filed

    Report No.

    Report agreed to in

    House . Senate

    ___________ ---------------------------------~--------------I-----~-I-~~~"I~~~~-, 1956

    H. R. 11320 June 25 June 27

    H. R. 5566 July 9 July 9

    H. R. 7089 July 2 July 3

    H. R. 7380 June 25 July 5

    S. 3073 May 18 May 22

    District of Colum-bia narcotics control.

    Indians, Indian Claims Commis-sion, terminate.

    Servicemen's and Veterans' Survi-vors B enefi t s Act.

    District of Colum-bia Fire Depart-ment, compensa-tion.

    District of Colum-bia transportation system.

    a:. R. 5881 Federal reclama-July 28 tion laws. July 29

    S. 849 July 17 July 18

    2182 July 11

    ~~'? July 12 !:.,',(

    Diseases, crippling and killing, re-search.

    VVest Virginia, Elkins.

    Alaska, mentally ill, hospitalization of.

    Messrs. Abernethy, Jones of North Carolina, and Miller of N e-braska.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Haley, Shuford, Ed-mondson, VV est-land and Utt.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs, Hardy, Teague of Texas, Kilday, Bates, and Kean.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Davis of Georgia, VVilliams of Mississippi, and Broyhill.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Harris, VVilliams of Mis-sissippi, Mack of Illinois, Rogers of Texas, VVolver-ton, Hinshaw, and Dolliver of Iowa.

    (House acts firs!.)

    Messrs. Engle, Aspinall, O'Brien of New York, Miller of N e. braska. and Saylor.

    (H OWfl~ acts firat.)

    Messrs. Harris, Carlyle, Roberts, Dies, VV olverton, Hinshaw, and Heselton.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Forrester, Donohue, and Miller of New York.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. O'Brien of New York, Ed-mondson, Greene of Oregon, Miller of Nebraska, and Pillion.

    (House ask,.)

    Messrs. Morse, Bible, and Hruska.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs.O'Mahoney, Anderson, Neu-berger, VVatkins, and Goldwater.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Byrd, George, Kerr, Millikin, and Martin of Penn-sylvania.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Bible, Frear, and Beall.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. McNamara, Morse, Bible, Beall, and Case of New Jersey.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Anderson, Long, Bible, Millikin, and VVatkins.

    (Senat/! a.ka.)

    Messrs. Hill, M u r ray, Leh-man, Smith of N ew Jersey, and Purtell.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Daniel, O'Mahoney, and Dirksen.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Jackson, Bible, Laird. Kuchel, and Goldwater.

    (Senate acts first.)

    1956 July 13


    1956 July 17

    1956 July 16

    (Approved July 24, 1956; Public Law ~o. 764.)

    July 6 July 17 July 13 2719

    (Approved Jltiy 24, 1956; Public Law No. 767.)

    I July 161 July .17 July 17


    (Approved Aug. 1, 1956; Public Law No. 881.)

    July 13 July 18 July 13 2715

    (Approved July 24, 1956; Public Law No. 768.)

    July 17 July 19 July 20 2751

    (Approved July 24, 1956,' Public Law No. 757.)

    May 23 June 13 July 20. 2200

    (Approved AUQ. 6, 1956; Public Law No. 984.)

    July 18 JUly 19 July 20 2773

    (Approved July 30, 1956; Public Law No. 835.)

    Jllly 18 July 20 July 20 2759

    (Pocket veto Aug. 3, 1958.)

    Julv 17 July 20 July 16 2735

    (Approved July 28,1956; Public Law No. 830.)

    I I

  • BmNo.

    Pate con-} Asked fer.,. Agreec;l

    ence to

    1956 U. R. 9593

    June 29 July 11

    H. R. 11947 J~.y 19

    IJ'. R. 5~69 Apr. 16 Apr. 23

    S. 3149 June 22 June 27

    S. 497 Ju}y16 July 18

    H. R. 6243 June 25 June 2,

    H.R. 1774 July 13 July 17

    S. 3820 July 9 July 1~

    H. R. 5712 July 1$ July 18

    H. R.. 5299 july 16 . July 18

    H. R. 1637 .ran. 17 Feb. 24



    Brief of title

    Obligations, pay-ment of, simplify.

    Renegotiation Amendment Act of 1956.

    Tax~, transporta-tion of perso~.

    Air-carriers. minis-ters of religion.

    Washoe reclama-tion project, con-struct.

    Vessels. nuclear. au-thorize construc-tion.

    North Dakota: Verendrye Na-tional Monu-ment, abolish.

    Commodity Credit Corporation, in-crease borrowing power.

    Indifl.ns, Pueblos, land in trust.

    Virgin Islands Na-tional Park, au-thorize.

    Ray, Sam H ______ _



    Messrs. Dawson of Illinois, Jones of Alabama, Kil-gore, Brown of Ohio, and Jonas.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Cooper, Mills, Gregory, Reed, and Jen-kins.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Harris, Carlyle, Mack of Illinois, Wolver-ton, and Hin-shaw.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Engle l Aspinall, ana M iller of N e-braska.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Bonner, Robeson, Tumul-ty. Tollefson. and Allen of Califor-nia.

    (House asks.) , Messrs. Aspinall,

    Pfost, Udall, Berry, and Hos-mer.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Spence, Brown of Geor-gia, Patman, Rains, Wolcott, Gamble, and Talle. .

    (House .acts first.)

    Messrs. Haley, Sisk, and Rhodes of Arizona.,

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Engle, Aspinall, and Westland.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Donohue, Forrester, and Miller of New York.

    Houa. a8k,.


    Messrs. Kennedy, Wofford, and Cotton.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Byrd, George, Kerr, Williams, and Martin of Penn-sylvania.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Byrd, Kerr, Smathp.1'I', Milli-kin, and Flanders.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Monroney, Magnuson. Smathers, Schoeppel, and Payne.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Anderson, Bible, and Ma-lone.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Magnuson, Pastore, Daniel, Butler, and Duff.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Bible, Laird, Scott, Malone, and Barrett.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Ellender, Johnston of South Carolina, Holland, Aiken, and Young.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Anderson, Neuberger, and Goldwater.

    (Senate act8 first.)

    Messrs. Jacklilon, Bible, Laird, Kuchel, and Goldwater.

    (Senate asks.)

    MesS1'll.O'Mahoney. Johni!ton of So.uth Carolina, and Watkipe.

    Senatf ads firsl.

    Report Report agreed to filed . in-

    Report No.

    1956 JUly 16


    House Senate

    1956 1956 July 20 July 17

    (Approved July 25, 1958; Public Law No. 798.)

    (Hous! agrees to Jenate amendments July 21, 1958)

    I I (Approved Aug. 1, 1958;

    Public Law No. 870.)

    July 17 July 21 July 17 2749

    (Approved July 25, 1958; Public Law No. 798.)

    July 17 July 19 July 23 2750

    (Approved Aug. 1, 1958; Public Law No. 885.)

    July 20 July 21 July 23 2834

    (Approved Aug. 1, 1958; Public Law No. 858.)

    July 21 July 23 July 23 2870

    (Approved July 30, 1958; Public Law No. 848.)

    Julv 23 July 25 July 21 2886

    (Approved July_30, 1958; Public Law No. 848.)

    July 18 July 20 July 24 2772

    (Approved Aug. 1. 1958; Public Law No. 884.)

    July 25 July 25 July 24 2907 (Ayprot'ed Aug. S. 1956;

    Public Law No. 928.)

    July 23 July 23 July 24 2873

    (Approved Aug, e, 1958; Public Law No. 9te5.)

    July 21 July 25 July 20 2851

    (Approved July S7, 1958; Private Law No. 618.)

  • , Biil No.

    Date con-} Asked fer- Agreed

    enee to

    1956 S. 1637

    July 23 July 24

    S. 3897 July 17 July 18

    S. 3903 July 19 July 20

    H. R. 6040 July 18 July 20

    H. R. 8750 July 20 July 21

    H.R. 11124 July 16 July 17

    H. R.11544 July 12

    ~ July 13



    Brief of title

    Armed Forces, dec-orations. extend time limit.


    Budget and ac-counting meth-ods, improve.


    Agriculture, Agri-cultural Trade Development and Assistance Act.

    Customs Simplifi-cation Act of 1955.

    Watershed Protec-tion and Flood Prevention Act.

    Judges, Federal, widows and chil-dIen, annuities.

    Agriculture, Bank-head-Jones Farm Tenant Act.



    Messrs. Kilday, Durham, and Short.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Dawson of Illinois, Jones of Alabama, Kil-gore, Fascell, Harden, Brown of Ohio, and Lipscomb.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Cooley, Poage, Grant, Hope, and Andre-sen, August H.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Cooper, Mills, Gregory, Reed of New York, and Jen-kins.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Cooley, Poage, Grant, Hope,l and An-dresen, August H.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Celler, Ro-dino, Rogers of Colorado, Keat-ing, and McCul-loch.

    (HtJu8e asks.)

    Messrs. Cooley, Poage, Grant, Hope, and An-dresen, August H.

    (House acts first).


    Messrs. Stennis, Ervin, Salton-stall, Jackson, and Mrs. Smith of Maine.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Kennedy, Humphrey of Minnesota, Wof-ford, S~mingtonf Mrs. mith 0 Maine, Messrs. Cotton, and Mar-tin of Iowa.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Ellender, Johnston of South Carolina, Hol-land, Aiken, and Young.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Byrd, George, Kerr, Millikin, and Martin of Penn-sylvania.

    (~enate asks.)

    Messrs. Chavez, Kerr, Gore, Mc-N amara, Martin of Pennsylvania. Case of South Dakota, and Hruska.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Eastland, Johnston of South Carolina, O'M a h 0 n e y Watkins, and Welker.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Ellender Johnston of South Carolina. Hol-land, Aiken, and Young.

    (Senate ask8.)

    Report Report agreed to filed in-

    House Senate

    1956 1956 1956 July 25

    2906 July 25 July 25

    (Approved Au~ B. 1968; Public Law o. 917.)

    July 23 2872

    July 23 July 25

    (Approved AUKr 1, 1966; Public Law o. 868.)

    July 24 July 25 July 25 2903

    (ApprOlled Aug. 8, 1966; PUblic Law No. 98B.)

    July 21 July 21 July 25 2866

    (Approved Aug~ 2, 1968; Public Law No. 9~7.)

    July 24 July 25 July 25 2902

    (ApprOVed Aug. 7, 1958; Public Law No. 1018.)

    July 26 July 26 July 25 2934

    (Approved AUQ. 8, 1968; Public Law No. 978.)

    J~~6:1 July 25 July 25

    (Approved Aug. 1, 1968; Public Law No. 878.)

  • .:22




    *_ ,.Date " con-} .Asked fer- AWeed

    ence . : to i I

    ! :Brief of title

    , 19~': , dI.,R.t.l2138 ';~PiPT,Opl'jatioJ;rs,

    july!16 s'upple,mental, July; 18 1957.

    H. R. :7619 Julyj20 JulYL21

    , . ' , Federal Executives

    1l'ay Act 00955.

    B. 3386 Roosevelt, Theo-. J:qlY,9 :., . ;dore, 'celebration

    ,J"WY 17:- . ,;' fqndJ;, .

    S. :3275 JUly 17 July 18

    H.' R. 3957 June. 11 July 11 ,

    H. R. 12350 . July 25 July 26

    Fisheries and Wild-life Act of 1956.

    Qorbettl Pauline H., relief.

    Appropriations, Second Supple-

    , mental, 1957.

    [,IJ.':I'~!".1~350 __ :. __ do ___________ _ July 26 July 27

    H. R. 12080 July 26

    " July 26

    Public works, river and harbor, and flood-control projects.



    Mess!-,s. Cannon; Mahon Shep-pard, Thomas, Kirwan, Norrell,. Wp.itten, An-drewlI, .Rooney, Gary, Fogarty, Sikes, PrestoL, Rabaut, 'liaber, Wigglesworth, Jensen, Andersen, Horl!Jl, Canfield, Fenton, Phillips, Scri,vner, Cou-dert, Jr., Cleven-ger, Wllson; and F()rd. :

    , Messrs. Murray of

    Tennesseet !Mor-rison, ana: Rees of Kansas. :

    (House act! !-T:.st.) ,. ; .

    l\1 essers. . Frazier , Tuck, and HiJ~ lings. '

    '(House acts first)

    Messrs. Bonner, Boykin, Kluczyn-ski, Tollefson, and Allll.Q. of Calif or-ma.

    (House acts first.)

    MessrS. Forresterj Donohue, ana Miller of New York.

    (House asks.)


    Messrs., Hayden, Russell, Chavez, Ellender Hill, Stennis, Bridges, Saltonstall, Young, E:now-land, and Thye.

    (Senate asks.) ;

    i "' Messrs. Johnston of

    South Carolina, Pastore, ~cottl Carlson, ' ana Jenner. :

    (Senate asks;)

    MeSsrs. O'Mahoney, Daniel, and Wa,t-kins.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Magnuson, Smathers, Bible, Duff, and Payne.

    (Senate asks~)

    Messrs. Kefauver, Johnston of South Carolina, and Langer.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Report Report agreed to filed in-

    Report No.

    , House Senate

    1956 1956 1956 July 21 July 23 July 25

    2864 . (Approved .ruly.S7, 195,6;

    Publw Law No. 814.)

    July 26 July 26 July 26 2935 (Approved July 31.1956;

    Public Law No. 854.)

    July 25 July 25 July 26 2930 (Approved Aug. 6, t956;

    Public Law No. 980.)

    July 261 Jul~ 261 July 27 2942 (Approved Aug. 8, 1956; Public Law No. 1024.)

    July 26 July 27 July 26 2943 (Approved Aug. 7, 1956; Private Law No. 891.)

    Messrs. Cannon, Thomas, Kirwan, Whitten, Rooney, Fogarty, Taber, Phillips, Hand, and Bow.

    Messrs. Hayden, July 26 Russell, Chavez, 2941

    July 26 Rejected July 26

    (House acts fir{Jt.)

    Ellender).. Hill, Bridges, ~alton-stall, Young j Knowland, ana Andersen.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Cannon, _____ do ___________ _ Kirwan, Gary, (Senate asks further.) Taber, and Phil-lips.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Fallon, Davis of Tennes-see, Blatnik, J ones of Ala-bama, Dondero, McGregor, and Mltck of Wash-ington.

    (l:lq'I#J~ at(ts /irsq

    Messrs. Chavez, Kerr. Gore. Case of South Dakota, and Hruska.

    (Senate asks.)

    July 27 July 27 July 27 2950 (Approved July_3t, 1956;

    Pub/z.c Law No. 855.)

    July 27 July 27 July 27 2955

    (Pocket veto Aug. 10, 1956.)

  • Bill No.

    Date con-} Asked fer- Agreed

    ence to

    1956 S. 3467

    July 26 July 27

    S. 3732 July 26 July 26

    H. R. 7225 July 17 July 19

    H. R. 12130 July 24 July 25

    H. R. 11742 July 25 July 27



    Brief of title

    Indians, Shoshone and Arapahoe Tribes, lands.

    Flood-damage in-surance.

    Social security amendments of 1955.

    Appropriations, Mutual Security, 1957.

    Housing Act of 1956.



    Messrs. Engle, Haley, and Mil-ler of Nebraska.

    (House acts fir8t.)

    Messrs. Spence, Brown of Geor-gia, Patman, Rains, Wolcott, Gamble, and Talle.

    (Hou8e acts first.)

    Messrs. Cooper, Mills, Gregory, Reed of New York, and Jen-kins.

    (House asks first.)

    Messrs. Passman, Gary, Rooney, Cannof!, Fernan-dez, Lanham, Natcher, Denton, Taber, Wiggles-worth, Fenton, Ford, and Hand.

    (H ouae acts first.)

    Messrs. Spence, Brown of Geor-gia, Patman, Rains1 Wolcott, Gam ole, .. and Talle.

    (Hou8e acts first.)


    Messrs. Anderson, O'M ahoney, Jackson, Wat-kins, and Barrett.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. . Lehman, Fulbright~ Mon-roney, LV10rse, Capehart Bricker, and Bush.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Byrd, George, Kerr, Frear, Millikin, Martin .of Penn-s~lvania, and Williams.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Hayden, Russell, Chavez, Ellender, Hill, Bridges, Salton-stall, Knowland, and Dirksen.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Fulbright, Sparkman, Douglas, Mon-roney, Capehart, Bricker, and Bennett.

    (Senate asks.)

    Report Report agreed to filed in-

    . Report No. House Senate

    1956 1956 1956 July 27 JUly 27 July 27

    2.9.56 .. _ '. ... .. ........ ... (Approved Aug. 3, 1956;

    Public Law No. 960.)'~

    July 27 July 27 July 27 2959 (Approved Aug. 7, 1956; Public Law No. 1016.)

    July 26 July 26 July 27 2936 (AP. proved Aug. 1, 1956;

    Public Law No. 880.) r

    July 25 July 26 July 27 ,- .2931 .. . :, ... -(Approved July 31, 1956;

    Public Law No. 853.)

    July 27 July 27 July 27 2958 (Approved Aug. 7, 1956; Public Law No. 1020.)

  • '24


    Clause 1 rule XIII: "First. A calendar of the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, to which shall

    4;le referred bills raising revenue, general appropriation bills, and bills of a public character directly or indirectly appropriating money or property.'

    1955 H. Rept. , "


    No. 1 Mr. Gamble ______ ------____ Fourth Annual Report of the Activities of the

    , Joint Committee on Defense Joint Committee on Defense Production. Production.

    H. Rept. 2 Mr. Gamble _______________ ,_ Report pertaining to United States Tin Corp. J6n. 5 Joint Committee on Defense loans


    Jan.' 6 _________ Referred to the Committee of Me88aKe of the President of the United States to the Congress on the subject of the state of the Union. (Ordered printed Jan. 6, 1966.)

    22 H.RlWt. Feb. 7

    the Whole House on the State of the Union.

    Mr. Morano________________ A report pursuant to rule XI of the House of Foreign Affairs. Representatives pertaining to a special study

    mission to Cuba.





    H. Rept. 57 Mr. Velde__________________ Annual report of the Committpe on Un-American 19 Feb 16 Un-American Activities. Activities for the year 1954 pursuant to H. Res.

    5, 84th Cong

    1l.Rept.80 Feb. 28

    -11. R. 3761 . Mar. 8

    'R. Rept. 295 Mar. 24

    fl R. 3092 Mar. 31

    Mr. Bonnet ________________ _ Merchant Marine and Fish-


    Mr. Durham _______________ _ Armed Services.


    Mr. Vorys _________________ _ Foreign Affairs.

    Mr. Lane __________________ _

    Rept.318 Judiciary.

    A report on the administration of Car$o Prefer-ence Act pursuant to sec. 136 of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946. Public Law 601. (79th Cong.)

    A bill to promote tbe national defense by authoriz-ing the construction of aeronautical research facilities by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. (By Mr. Durham.)

    Rej>ort pursuant to rule XI of the Rules 01 the Houlle pertainiIlg to a report of the survey mis-sion to the Far East, South Asia, and the Middle East. ,

    A bill to confer jurisdiction upon the United States Court of Claims with respect to claims all8inet the United States of cert.ain employees of the Bureau of Prisons. Department of Justice. (By Mr Cellar.) (Objsct.d 1o Apr. 18. 1956.) (Ob-jected to and ,tricken/rom Coment Calendar May ',1966.)




    H. Rept. 434 Mr. Murray of TenneBBee ____ , Report of the Committee on Post Office and Civil 94, Apr. 21 I Post Qjice and Civil Service.,' Service pertaining to the (1"neral ACllounting

    Office's report on leave practice In post offices.

  • 1955 H. Rept. 435

    Apr. 21

    H. Rept. 483 May 4

    H. Rept. 484 May 4

    H. R. 6057 May 10

    H. Rept. 592 May 16

    H. Rept. 683 May 26

    H. Rept. 737 June 8

    H. Rept. 843 June 15

    H. R. 5269 June 15

    H. R. 6679 June 16

    H. Rept. 867 June 20



    Mr. Murray of Tennessee_ _ _ _ Report of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Post Office and Civil Service. Service pertaining to the General Accounting

    Office's report on fiscal management of the Post Office Department.

    Mr. Dawson of Illinois_______ 1st intermediate report of the Committee on Gov-Government Operations. ernment Operations pertaining to Federal

    Catalog progress report.

    Mr. Durham ________________ A report on the proposed agreement with NATO Joint Committee on Atomic for cooperation regarding atomic information.


    Mr. Vinson ________________ _ Armed Services.


    Mr. Harris ________________ _ Interstate and Foreign Com-

    merce. '

    A bill to further extend the authority to require the special registration, classification, and induc-tion of certain medical, dental, and allied specialist categories; to provide for the continua-tion of special pay for physicians, dentists, and veterinarians, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Vinson.)

    Report on investigation of the development of the common system of air navigation and traffic control pursuant to sec. 136 of the Reorganiza-tion Aot of 1946.

    Mr. Klein __________________ Report pursuant to H. Res. 105, 84th Cong., per-Interstate and Foreign Com- taining to a newsprint study.


    Mr. Dawl!!on of Illinois _______ Seoond intermediate report of the Committee 011 Government Operations. Government Operations pertaining to military

    procurement of air navigation equipment.

    Mr. Bonner_________________ A report in accordance with H. Res. 118, relative Merchant Marine and Fish- to vessel replacement in the American merchant

    eriee. marine. (84th Cong.)

    Mr. Devereux ______________ _ Armed Services.


    Mr. Bonner ________________ _ Merchant Marine and Fish-

    eries. Rept.852

    Mr. Prioe __________________ _

    Joint Committee OD Atomic Energy.

    A bill to increase the number of cadets that the President may ):lel'sonally select for appoiIlt~ ment to the U. S. Military Aoademy and the U. S. Air Force Academy. (By Mr. Vinson.) (Objected to July 18, 1955.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar July 80, 1955.)

    A bill authorizing the cOlllltruction of 2 nuclear-powered merchant ships to promote the peace-time application of atomio energy, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Bonner.)

    Proposed agreements for cooperation between the Turkish RepUblic and the United States. the United States of Brazil and the United States, and the Republic of Columbia and the United States. (SeeS. Repl. 67tJ.)

    No. 95











  • ,26


    1955 No. H. R. 5222 Mr. Klein __________________ A bill to amend the Flammable Fabrics Act to 280

    June 28 Interstate and Foreign Com- exempt from its application scarves which do merce. not present an unusual hazard. (By Mr. Klein.)


    H: Rept. 1045 Mr. Patman ________________ A preliminary report on the Small Business 801 July 1 Select Committ~ on Small Administration and related activities pursuant

    Business. to H. Res. 114. (84th Cong.)

    H. J. Res. 303 Mr. Engle __________________ A. joint resolution to establish the Crazy Horse 810 July 6 Interior and Insular Affairs. Memorial Commission to provide for the con-

    Rept.1061 struction of a permanent national memorial to the North American Indians, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Berry.)

    H. Rapt. 1155 Mr. Carnahan ______________ Report rursuant to H. Ras. 91 pertaining to a 348 July 12 Foreign Affairs. specia studl mission to Central America on

    internationa organizations and movements.

    H. R. 7205 Mr. Cooper _________________ A bill to extend for 3 years the existing ~rivilege of 855 July 14 Ways and Means. free importation of gifts from mem ers' of the

    Rapt. 1175 Armed Forces of the United States on duty abroad. (By Mr. Cooper.)

    H. R. 6743 Mr. Bonner _________________ A bill to authorize the construction of 2 surveying 858 July 14 Merchant Marine and Fish- ships for the Coast and Geodetic Survey, De-

    eries. partment of Commerce, and for other purposes. Rept.1178 (By Mr. Bonner.) ,

    H. R. 5894 Mr. ZablockL ______________ A bill to amend the act providing for membership 361 July 14 Foreign Affairs. and participation by thf;! United States in the

    Rept.1181 United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization to provide for the accept-ance of ~ifts, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Zablockl.) (Pa88ed oller without prejudice Jan. 18, 1050.) (Objected to Feb. 0, 1058.) (Obgected to and stricken Irom Consent Calendar Fe 80, 1058.)

    H. R. 7416 Mr. Willis __________________ A bill to fix the fees payable to the Patent Office 877 July 18 Judiciary. and for other purposes. (By Mr. Celler.)

    Rept.1201 (Objected to Feb. 80, 1058.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar Mar. 5, 1050.)

    B.R. 7440 Mr. Burleson _______________ A bill to equalize and adjust certain salaries in the 390 July 19 House Administration. House of Representatives, and for other pur-

    Rept.1269 poses. (By Mr. Burleson.)

    BIR. 6815 Mr. Cooley _________________ A bill to ,provide for the orderl} disposition of 4:07 July 20 Agriculture. property ac~ired under title II of the Bank-

    Rept.1296 head-Jones arm Tenant Act, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Poage.) (Objected to May 7, 1950.) (Objected to and stricken from Con8ent Calenda~ May 81, 1958.)

    H.R. 4579 Mr. Holmes ________________ A bill to amend the Tariff Act of 1930 to repeal 4:12 July 21 Ways and Means.' the duty on crude silica. (By Mr. Pelly.)


  • 1955 H. R. : 6299

    JulY: 21

    H. R. i 7576 July 25

    H. Rept: 1423 July 26

    H. R. 6725 July 26

    H. Rept. 1456 July 27

    H. Rept. 1457 July 27

    H. Rept. 1458 July 27

    B. Rept. 1471 July 27

    fa. Rept. 1472 .Tuly 27

    Rept. 1570 July 28

    Rept. 1588 JUly 29

    It. 7433 July 29



    Mr. Karsten________________ A bill to amend the TBriff'Aot of 1930 as it relates Ways and Means. to unmanufaotured mioa and mioa films and

    Rept. 1304 splittings. (By Mr. Karsten.)

    Mr. Dempsey ______________ _ Joint Committee on Atomic

    Energy. Rept.1402

    Mr. Patman _______________ _ Select Committee on Small


    A bill to faoilitate the establishment of local self-government at the communities of Oak Ridge, Tenn.! and Richland, Wash., and to provide for the disposal of federally owned properties in suoh COq1munities. (By Mr. Dempsey.)'

    Interim report pursuant to H. Res. 114 on alleged ooercive' and discriminatory practioes against retail gasoline operations by oil company suppliers

    Mr. Brooks of Louisiana _____ A bill to provide a lump-sum readjustment pay-Armed Servioes. ment for Reserve offioers who are involuntarily

    Rept. 1436 released 'from aotive duty. (By Mr. Vinson.)

    Mr. Dawson of Illinois_______ 3d intermediate report on proposed disestablish-Government Operations. ment of Ban Pedro Naval Supply Depot.

    Mr. Dawson of Illinois ______ _ Government Operations.

    5th intermediate report on property inventory report of the U. S. Government realty- and personalty, located in .the oontinental United States, the Territories, and overseas, as of June 30, 1955.

    Mr. Dawson of Illinois_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6th intermediate report on praotices and pro-Government Operations. oedures of the Immigration and Naturalization

    Service in deportation prooeedings.

    Mr. Dawson of Illinois _______ 4th intermediate report on Navy procurement of Government Operations. beverage base for Military Sea Transportation


    Mr. Dawson of Illinois___ _ _ __ 7th intermediate report on operations of the Alaska Government Operations. Road Commission.

    Mr. Walter _________________ Report pursuant to H. Res. 22, pertafning to an In-Judiciary. tergovernmental Committee for European Mi-

    gration and Immigration to the United States.

    Mr. Patman________________ Report pursuant to H. Res 114 pertaining to Seleot Committee on Small Washington Square Southeast slum olearanoe

    Business. project ..

    Mr. Engle _________________ _ Interior and Insular Affairs.


    A bill to provide assistanr.e for certain landless Indians in the State of Montana. (By Mr. Metcalf.) (Objected to Jan. 16, 1956.) (Objected to and stricken from Con&ent Calendar Feb. 6, 1956.)

    No. 418











    7466 Mr. Cooper__________ _ __ __ __ A bill to amend par. 367 of the Tariff Act of 1930 5

  • 1955 H.ZJ. Res. 380

    July 30

    H. R. 4054 July 30

    H. R. 7038 July 30



    Mr. Bonner_________________ A joint resolution to authorize the Secretary of Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Commerce to sell the steamship Monterey. (By

    Rept. 1600 Mr. Miller of California.)

    Mr. Cooley ________________ _ Agriculture.


    Mr. Price __________________ _ Joint Committee on Atomic Energy.

    Rept. 1004

    A bill to encourage the improvement and develop-ment of marketing facilities for handling per-ishable agricultural commodities. (By Mr. Cooley.)

    A bHl to authorize appropriations for the Atomic Energy Commission and Maritime Administra-tion for the design, construction .. and installation of a nuclear propelled mercnant ship. (By Mr. Patterson.)

    Jan. 5 _________ Referred to the Committee of Message of the President of the United States to the Congress on the subject of the state of the Union. (Ordered printed Jan. 6, 1966.)

    the Whole House on the State of the Union.

    H. Rept. 1648 Mr. Walter_________________ The annual report for the year 1955 of the Com-Jan. 17 Un-American Activities. mittee on Un-American Activities pursuant to

    H. Res. 5. (84th Cong.)

    H. Rept. 1658 Mr. Bonner_________________ A report on Labor-Management Problems of the Jan. 19 Merchant Marine and. Fish- American Merchant Marine pursuant to H. Res.

    eries. 118 (84th Conl(.).

    No. 5'6






    H. Rept. 1662 Mr. Dawson of Illinois _______ 8th intermediate report of the Committee on 571 Jan. 23 Government Operations. Government Operations pertaining to a merger

    of Navy supply activities in the San Pedro-Long Beach area.

    H. Rept. 1663 Mr. Dawson of Dlinois.; ______ 9th intermediate repOrt of the Committee on 572 Jan. 23 Government Operations. Government Operations pertaining to Foreign

    Service promotions under the Wriston program.

    H. Rept. 1669 Mr. Brown of Georgia _______ 5th annual report of the activities of the Joint [575 Jan. 25 Joint Committee on Defense Committee on Defense Production.


    H. R. 2426 Mr. Kilday_________________ A bill to amend the Navy ration statute so as to 580 Jan. 25 Armed Services. provide for the serving of oleomargarine or

    H. Rept. 1681 Jan. 26

    Rept.1674 margarine. (By Mr. Rivers.)

    Mr. Priest _________________ _ Interstate and Foreign Com-


    A report on activity of the Committee on Inter-state and Foreign Commerce, 84th Cong., 1st sess., pursuant to sec. 136 of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, Public Law 601, 79th Cong., and H. Res. 105 (84th Cong.).


    H. Rept. '1682 Mr. Bonner _________________ A report relative to committee studies overseas, 587 Jan. 26 Merchant Marine and Fish- pursuant to sec. 136 of the Legislative Reorgani-

    eries. zation Act of 1946,":PublicLaw 601, 79th Con""

  • 1956 H. Rept. 1683

    Jan. 26

    H. Rept. 1740 Feb. 2

    II. Rept. 1741 Feb. 2

    H. Rapt. 1744 Feb 6

    H. R. 412 Feb 'I

    H. Rept. 1818 Feb. 27

    H Rapt. '1844 Mar. 1

    H.R. 9560 Mar. 7

    S. 2364 Mar. 13

    ;;~. Rapt. 1878 II!!I Mar. 13


    ~~. '89' " ar.15 ~~.~ "~ ar. 15



    Mrs. Kelly of New York_____ A report of the study mission to Europe, pursuant Foreign Affairs. to H. Res. 91 (84th Cong., 1st sess.).

    Mr. Murray of Tennessee ____ . A preliminary report on study of manpower man-Post Office and Civil Service. agement in the Federal Government pursuant

    to H. Res. 304, 84th Cong

    Mr. Murray of Tennessee ____ Post Office and Civil Service.

    A report on general and financial management, decentralization and reorganization of the Post Office Department.

    Mr. Murray of TenneBBee ____ Post Office and Civil Service

    Ra8eort of the Committee on Post Office and Civil rvice on leave administration in the depart-

    ments and agencies.

    Mr. Engle __________________ A bill to authorize the construction, 0feration, Interior and Insular Affairs. and maintenance by the Secretary 0 the In-

    Rept.1749 terior of the Fryingpan-Arkansas projeet, Colo-rado. (By Mr. Chenoweth.)

    Mr. Bonner ________________ A report on cargo preference and its relation to Merchant Marine and Fish- the farm surplus disposal program pursuant to

    eries. sec. 186 of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946. (Publio Law 601, 79th Cong.).

    Mr. Murray of Tennessee ____ Post Office and Civil Service.

    Report of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service on the U. S. Civil Service Commission.

    Mr. Murray of Tennessee ____ A bill to promote the interests of national defense Post Offi('e and Civil Service. through the advancement of the scientific and

    Rept.1857 professional research and development program of the f:)epartment of Defense, to improve the management and administration of the activi-ties of such department, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Murray of TenneBBee.)

    Mr. Dawson of Illinois _______ An act to amend the Federal Property and Ad-Government Operations. ministrative Services Act of 1949, as amended,

    &ct. 1874 and for other purposes. (Placed on onsent Calendar


    Mr. Bonner _________________ Interim report of the Committee on Merchant Merchant Marine and Fish- Marine and Fisheries on abandonment of Panama

    eries. Railroad.

    Mr. Dawson of Illinois _______ lOth intermediate report of the Committee on Government Operations. Government Operations pertaining to Navy

    jet aircraft procurement program.

    Mr. Dawson of Illin'lis _______ 11th Intermediate report of the Committee on Goveroment Operations. Government Operations pertaining to contracts

    for rental of automobiles by Bureau of Indian Affairs

    No. 1588




