9 frame analysis

9 Frame Analysis Saw

Upload: alexhester

Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Page 1: 9 frame analysis

9 Frame Analysis


Page 2: 9 frame analysis

In this first frame we get a medium close up of the victim waking up and looking straight at the dull and ugly coloured beaker of liquid in front of her, which signals that it is going to play a key part in this scene, we can see restraints on her arms, shoulders and neck showing that she clearly doesn’t want to be here willingly. She has just awoken very slowly signaling that she has just recovered from some sort of intoxication. In this frame, we get a sense of how retrained and trapped the victim is.

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We then get a long shot revealing the entire device which is keeping the victim entrapped, we also get a dull, hopeless sense of distress for the victim due to the colouring of the background and the lighting focusing solely on the victim in the device. This shot is the exact image most people get when horror comes to mind, the abandoned and damp feel to the scene helps create a sense of devastation and abandonment. The feel of isolationism makes sure that no one wanders upon these trials set up by Jigsaw.

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In the next frame we get a medium shot of the victim, this time emphasising the horrific brace that is embedded into her chest and ribs. The victim is still looking around the room helplessly and shows us that she still has, to fully understand what situation she has awoken to. The sight of this device shows that it was carefully planned and well made showing that whoever did this was not your normal sadistic murderer/criminal. It also suggests that if this was carefully planned that there must be a reason for why she was picked to be in this predicament and not someone else. The green/yellow lighting shining through the beaker once again highlights its level of importance in this scene.

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In the fourth frame we get close up of the victims hand grasping one of the many chains which is keeping her in this horrific device, the lighting shines down from a window being the only source of light, no sign of electricity helps in aiding to signal out the medieval and barbaric themes in this scene. The grasping of the chain shows that she is realising what is going on and what is about to happen to her. Creating another element which makes the audience drawn in to the scene and start to experience some of the emotions that the victim is feeling such as desperation.

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In this close up we see that the victim is struggling however is looking at the ground hopelessly and knows that she isn’t going to get out of this pain free and maybe has realised just what is happening to her and that she is part of one of the notorious Jigsaw’s sick games for life. The beaker in front of the victim is also now showing motion as something starts to bubble and dissolve from within it signaling that there is an element to this scene which is timed and adds a new even greater sense of desperation towards the central character in this particular scene. The audiences focus is now fixed upon this beaker and what part it plays in this particular scene.

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An over the shoulder long shot of the T.V. shows Jigsaws psychological puppet signifying that the scene is about to hit its climax as the introduction of the murderer ensures the start of the game and the audience becomes a lot more interested in this particular part of the movie now. The camera still keeps the beaker and a chain aside the victim to ensure that the sense of utter encagement is kept alive and is always present in this scene. The T.V. is old and cheap showing that Jigsaw has no reason to return to this murder scene and again signifies the careful planning and actions to ensure this goes to plan. The burst of static on the T.V. ensures its sole focus and how it is the key thing of interest in this scene.

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A close up of the victims face with the green hints due to lighting creates a sense of sickness and hopelessness that was previously felt however now on a stronger level and the beaker in the top corner is reminding the audience that even though the video is playing and the game is being explained to the victim that the key to her salvation and freedom is still dissolving each second that it takes giving the scene a sense of urgency. We can clearly see her tear ridden eyes focusing solely on the screen showing that all her attention is fixed on that screen and getting out of this trap alive.

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This frame is particularly influential as it is a close up on the screen and Jigsaws iconic doll, it highlights the dark, black eyes with red irises showing that in no way is it meant to portray positive thoughts and feelings and highlights a sense of dread towards the Victim. The pale and washed face aids in portraying the emotionless aura in this frame. However the red comical face paint can be related to a sadistic feel that can show Jigsaw almost mocking the victim for ending up in this situation in the first place.

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In this final frame you get to see the expression of horror on the victims face due the the clear close up of the beaker with the victims face clearly readable in the background. Again the beaker is expressed primarily compared to everything else in the scene as now the bubbling is calming down, this shows that time must surely be running out for the victim here.