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Plan-It By Rory Cogavin, Kunle Fadipe and Max Sinclair-Johnson

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Post on 22-Apr-2015




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Apps for Good Competition Entry


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Rory Cogavin, Kunle Fadipe and Max Sinclair-Johnson

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Our app is aimed at students attending secondary schools across the country. This

will be used throughout the day at school, so students can see what homework they have, and when it is due in for. This will be useful because students will be able to check their

homework, and can message teachers if they need help or are unable to complete the

work in the given time period.

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Our app targets the problem of students failing to hand in

homework on time, students who are confused about the work, and

often need help from teachers.

The big problem

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What do I do when I don’t know or understand the


The question that we are addressing

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This online planner is much easier than using your school planner, if your

school even has one, as you can see all of the options you need, all in one

place.The benefit of this app is that you can

access help on your homework wherever you are with the original

teacher messaging feature.

Why plan-it is the app you need

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Our team, SnappyAppy is developing a mobile app to help students who are having difficulties with organising their homework, because they don’t understand what to do or because they find typical methods of homework planning

difficult or confusing; what really benefits their development is the instant teacher messaging

which is just a few taps of a screen away.

The basic idea

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Who would use this?

Students who find organising their school work difficult and who often

end up getting in trouble due to their lack of organisational skills.

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Competitors who don’t fully solve the problem

Competitors, such as My Homework, do not have an option to message your teachers or ask for help. We have focused on that to make it one of our key assets

that put us above the rest of our competitors. Homework is not just about completing work, but is

about learning how to do work; with our teacher messaging option, it is easy to learn.

My Homework app logo

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What is the best feature of Plan-it?

Plan-it’s core feature is the teacher messaging option. This teacher messaging option puts Plan-

it above all the competitors as it helps the student improve his or her work. The teacher messaging option is beneficial to the student’s academic improvement as help is only a few

clicks away. We can use notifications to improve the messaging experience, therefore teachers

will know almost instantly if one of their students needs help with some of their important


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Teacher Messaging

The instant teacher messaging option is very similar to commonly used messaging applications such as Facebook

Messenger and iMessage; this makes it easy for the student or teacher to use.

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Main Menu New Assignments

Assignments Due

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Log-in Past Assignments

Teacher Messages

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With our app there is a potential problem with feasibility as some teachers would not want

students to be able to contact them; an idea to get around this is that all messages would be forwarded to the teachers through a central school messaging server. If that was to be put in place it may limit the

‘instant’ part of our instant teacher messaging.Other than that problem all of the technologies that we will be using are completely legal and are already used by various other companies and applications.

Technical Feasibility

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Our business model

People who would purchase this app would be students who have access to a smartphone. It is open to any type of student, whether they are disorganized or not, as the

app interface is completely simple and easy to use.Students would purchase this app because they find

organising their homework challenging, or because they would simply prefer to use an app rather than a paper planner. We asked 100 students whether they would

prefer an app like Plan-it over a paper planner, 85% said they would prefer Plan-it. This just shows how popular

this app is and how much potential it has.

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Marketing Strategy

o Advertise through schools (by using newsletters, posters etc.)

o Make a ‘Plan-it’ social network page on Facebook and/or Twitter as many teenagers our age are on this social network and will

view ito Put links to our apps on the schools social

networks (such as Moodle)

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What else did we do?

We met with professionals to make our app better than before.

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Thank you