9h tu rodriguez_quintana_irma

D D e e s s i i g g n n o o f f a a T T e e a a c c h h i i n n g g U U n n i i t t : : W W h h y y c c a a n n t t l l e e a a r r n n i i n n g g b b e e f f u u n n ? ? Irma Rodríguez Quintana

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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Page 1: 9h tu rodriguez_quintana_irma

DDeessiiggnn ooff aa TTeeaacchhiinngg UUnniitt::

WWhhyy ccaann’’tt lleeaarrnniinngg bbee ffuunn??

Irma Rodríguez Quintana

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This Teaching Unit focuses on gamification. It has been designed for a two week period with two

lessons per week being taught to EOI’s L5 students. But, why did I choose gamification as topic?

Some of the factors related to L2 learning 1are aptitude, motivation tolerance of ambiguity or risk-

taking, amongst others. Games entail some of these components, which make games a useful tool to

L2 learning.

A game is an entertaining and engaging activity, which is also often challenging and involves

interaction. All these elements appear in language learning processes, especially in L2 acquisition.

Learning is challenging, and reaching a command of L2 to the extent that you can make yourself

understood, is hard work; is time consuming; involves a large amount of language risk-taking,

requires a proactive attitude, and demands a high level of tolerance to ambiguity, since some

meanings and uses of L2 may differ from the ones in L1.

Moreover, language is the most important communicative tool, and communication cannot be

understood without interaction. Besides, since language learning represents a hard task, games may

help learners relax, while still sustaining their interest and work.

All this has been taken into account under the perspective of the so called “Communicative

Approach”, which is a L2 teaching and learning method which focuses on functions (use), not

structures (grammar); promotes the use of communicative strategies; generates opportunities to

use language creatively and to participate in task negotiations, while being based on authentic

(meaningful) materials.

Therefore, if teachers focus on the language input provided by the game, rather than considering it

as a way of passing the time, games can display intensive and meaningful language practice. This,

though, requires time to think and prepare the activities thoroughly. That is why many teachers

reject to use games in the classroom, because of the amount of work hidden behind activities that

not always work as expected.

What is more, another drawback teachers can find is that not all students like games. Games involve

cooperation, and provide many opportunities to work in groups dynamically, but some students,

especially adults, can be reluctant to work in groups, or, what is worst can understand games in the

classroom as a waste of time.

Nevertheless, I thought that the advantages of gamification were many, compared to its drawbacks.

I tried to choose meaningful materials that would provide students with opportunities to use the

language in real contexts (role-play), while most of the sessions were prepared to perform

communicative tasks, always giving especial value to working in groups (cooperative learning) and

oral practice. All this, embellished with the entertaining, engaging and challenging elements that

games provide.

1 Oxford and Ehrman, 1993.

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The Official Language School of Santa Coloma started its activities in 1999. It depends on the

Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalunya. It is, therefore, a public center specialized

in teaching modern languages to adults. There is a network of over hundred official schools of

languages all over Spain.

The main purpose of Official Language Schools is to train students to achieve effective use of

language as a vehicle of communication. In order to meet this objective (DOGC 1442 13-5-91),

language schools include studies of languages in three levels (LOE 2/2006): the basic level (first and

second courses), the intermediate (third course) and advanced level (fourth and fifth courses).

All certificates are issued by EOIs are official, that means that they are recognized at state level, and

can be compared to the levels described in the Common European Framework of Reference. The

Certificate of Advanced Level corresponds to B2 CEFR, which is considered within the definition of

independent user.

L5 EOI Santa Coloma de Gramanet enrolls students within a broad range of backgrounds, previous

educational experiences, interests, motivations and levels of prior knowledge and skills. In many

instances, this diversity is manageable and, if handled skillfully, can provide substantial benefits to

the educational context of the classroom.

Adult learners, such as the ones at EOI’s L5, are often guided by instrumental motivation, meaning

that they already know what they want to get out of their language learning. Due to this fact, adult

learners can be critical of teaching methods they are not familiar with (such as games). Despite this,

some teachers still prefer adult students to youngsters, since adults do not present many

management challenges and are more prepared to the struggle that language learning represents.

Nevertheless, adults tend to be less imaginative and creative than teenagers, which means that the

flow of the class can sometime less dynamic and much more theoretical.

Students at EOI Santa Coloma L5 are used to grammar focused sessions and therefore are not very

used to interacting with each other in large groups or doing communicative tasks. I thought games

could give them the sense of fun and challenge needed to enhance their motivation and, thus, their


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OOvveerraallll ddeessccrriippttiioonn ooff tthhee TTUU

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TU Topic: Why can’t learning be fun? Year: 2014-15 Area: English



L5/B2 Sessions: 4 Duration: 2h




To perform long speeches and

presentations, with different objectives

and tasks, structured coherently and comprehensively.

To engage in conversations,

discussions and debates on general topics, arguing their opinions and using

appropriate discursive strategies.

To communicate appropriately, in a

variety of situations, on a wide range of topics related to areas of their own


To write long , clear and well-

Structured Texts with different

objectives and functions over a wide range of topics, arguing and expressing

their opinions, and highlights with precision and mastery of different


To understand the overall message,

argumentative lines and relevant details of oral texts on concrete and

abstract topics in standard language, articulated at normal speed,

from various sources (media , movies,

lectures, speeches, recorded messages, telephone and face to face


To understand long texts of certain

complexity on concrete and abstract topics, without difficulty, identifying

main ideas and communicative

intention, and finding specific information.

To draw conclusions of clearly-

structured argumentative texts.


1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X


1. Ellipsis and substitution. 2. Vocabulary: The natural world 3. Weak and strong pronunciation of

auxiliaries and to.

1. Adding emphasis (cleft sentences). 2. Vocabulary: Immigration, your city,

school, etc.

How assessment is implemented

Assessment ASSE how when who %

Session 1: Socrative results 1 F SR1 S1 S 5

Session 2: Socrative results 2 F SR2 S2 S 5

Session 3: Socrative results 3 F SR3 S3 S 5

Session 4: Participation and interest F R3 S4 S 5

Tutorial: Rubric 5 on oral skills S R5 TU T 5

Rubric 1: General competences S TO ALL T 35

Rubric 2: Oral performance S TO ALL T 15

Rubric 3: Participation and interest in class S TO ALL T 25

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To use the language efficiently and fluently with a high level of accuracy, throughout a wide range of situations of everyday life and learning contexts, as a means of personal expression, showing certain command of formal and discursive aspects of the language, with a significant level of discourse adaptation to the communicative act, as well as showing a wide range of vocabulary.


2 To optimize knowledge of the values of other cultures, comparing them to their own, with the aim of promoting and enriching communication.


3 To use language and learning strategies developed to reflect and correct their own mistakes and shortcomings in expression and comprehension, both oral and written.


4 To show some command of uses and social conventions of language on different registers. Recognize and understand the different varieties of the language.


5 To continue learning the target language, and even other languages, in an autonomous way, once finished their study of the language on this level.


6 To integrate and combine all the skills , abilities , attitudes and strategies that form part of previous personal baggage or those skills acquired during the learning process or belonging to the knowledge of some other language that help develop a multilingual and multicultural competence.


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Icons description

Using the screen or board

Displaying Socrative

Using texts or sheets

Using mobile devices

Using Power Point

S taking notes

Using any game items

Communicative task



Peer assessment



O/C Open class

G/W Group work

I/W Individual work

P/W Peer Work

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DDeettaaiilleedd SSeessssiioonn PPllaannss


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2 See icon description at the end of the session.

Detailed Lesson Plan of the TU: “Why can’t learning be fun?

Session title: “Animal quiz”

Section 6B Session: 1/ PART 1 Date:

09/03/15 Duration: 1h

Previous Content Content of the whole session (Parts 1 and 2) Specific Learning Goals

Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation

Expressing future plans

Travel and tourism


Ellipsis and substitution

Vocabulary on the natural world, and

specifically on animals of a


Weak and strong

pronunciation of auxiliary


Oral comprehension

To understand the overall message, argumentative lines and relevant details of T explanation over the methodology and assessment criteria of the TU.

Oral expression and interaction

To elicit questions and opinions on T explanation.

To ccommunicate appropriatelyy the meaning of vocabulary related to the natural world, learnt throughout previous sessions.

Reading comprehension

To uunderstand the questions of a vocabulary quiz displayed on the board and choose the correct answer.

Procedure Methodology I Materials T How assessment is implemented in the



Since it is the first day T is teaching a whole class, T will explain S about the TU topic and purpose, methods and assessment criteria.

T will display a ppt titled “Gamification in the classroom, which will introduce the methodology of the classes and set the classroom teams.

The class will be split into 3 teams. Each team will have a logo and there will be a podium posted on the class wall where the

This is considered an introductory (and necessary) approach to what the classes will be. That is why T devotes so much time on it. T wants to be sure that S understand the procedure and therefore there will not be necessary to devote more time on such explanations.

T wants S get familiar with the concept of gamification, and wants them see it as a formal part of the instruction, therefore, it



Podiums, logos and stickers

15’ Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed

by T, based on Rubric 3 items)

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logos of each team will be placed regarding their performance.

may be a motivational tool integrated in the classroom.


S will be provided with stickers of their logos in order to be rapidly identified by T and peers and to provide a sense of belonging to their own team.

As it has been already explained, S are going to play a jeopardy game consisting of several questions on new vocabulary (animal idioms)

Firstly S will have to guess the meaning of the idioms in context (some sentences will be displayed on ppt)

Secondly S will watch some short videos on the same topic

Finally, in their teams, they will have to answer to some “fill in the gaps” questions displayed on the board. They will get points for their correct answers. S will have to make collaborative decisions on which answer to choose. The team with more points wins.

T wants this class to become a small rehearsal of what sessions are going to be. The aim here is to make S get used with the pedagogical procedures that are going to be introduced.

By introducing game format, T wants S get motivated and interested on what they are learning in a different way.

Competition is not introduced here as a negative component, since the competing factor remains impersonalized. S play as a team and decisions are made collaboratively.

As games will be played on every class, each team has the chance to win every now and then.

Besides, since S are adults, the competing factor will not be regarded as negative, but as a natural part of their lives.


Podiums, logos,

stickers and game points

25’ Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed

by T, based on Rubric 3 items)


A Socrative test will be performed. Since S are not familiar with the procedure, T will give them the instructions to perform the quiz. (How to sign in for the quiz and how to proceed)

Now S are going to perform an easy quiz also on vocabulary. (farm animals)

T will give the signal to start the quiz. S will have to make collaborative decisions on which answer to choose.

Once all the questions will have been answered, T will display a formative assessment test also on Socrative consisting of two questions. (What they have learnt,

The use of mobiles will introduce an innovative component here, which may enhance S motivation.

Mobiles are an important part of S lives. Since they are so familiar with this kind of technology, they may feel closer to what they are learning and therefore the sense of fun might become strengthened.

T has given Socrative a go during one of the previous classes and some S came to her to tell that they had enjoyed the session very much. This is the aim of teaching, here. We want S to learn by doing.

G/W and O/C

Board, Socrative report, phones


The results of the Socrative test will be used as formative assessment on this session. Socrative provides with results displayed on excel format

that can be a fantastic tool to use in assessment.

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what they liked or not)

Anticipated problems Attention to diversity and follow-up activities

T will check the internet connection before the starting of the class (during the break) If it does not work, an alternative plan must be performed. Therefore, the usual PPP methodology will be applied, meaning that S will be doing the exercises in the book.

Anyway, Socrative has been already used by the trainee and everything worked as expected.

T will make sure that all S understand the procedure of the class and will check S understanding on it.

Competition may become sort of a problem; therefore T will assure that the competing factor remains impersonalized. S play as a team and decisions are made collaboratively. As games will be played on every class, each team will have several chances to win.

Besides, as teams were created randomly by T, S’s Knowledge and skills are distributed and compensated within each team.


During the class T will help S repeating concepts, words or meanings, especially to slow learners. T will throw questions to motivate the class. T also will try to avoid extended speeches and will give opportunities to all S to express their opinions.

In one of the L5 classes we have a “troublesome”student who tends to contradict the teacher and his peers. He tends to catch T’s attention and distract the rest of his classmates. T will be aware of that fact and will try to avoid conflict and unease amongst students over all.

The ppt of the session will be available on the classroom moodle, as well as a pdf version of the Socrative quiz, for S revision and self-check.


Fast learners can use the GRAMMAR BUILDING BOX , which contains diverse grammar materials to sort out prepositional verbs and build words by matching verbs and nouns with prefixes and prefixes.

Anyone, but especially those students who need reinforcement, shall do NEFSB ex. C on page 99 to revise the same vocabulary given in class.

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Detailed Lesson Plan of the TU: “Why can’t learning be fun?”

Session title: “Babe split text”

Section 6B Session: 1/ PART 2 Date:

09/03/15 Duration: 1h

Previous Content Content of the whole session (Parts 1 and 2) Specific Learning Goals

Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation

Expressing future plans

Travel and tourism


Ellipsis and substitution

Vocabulary on the natural world, and

specifically on animals of a


Weak and strong

pronunciation of auxiliary


Oral expression and interaction

To perform a coherently structured and comprehensive speech or presentation on the topic of natural world.

To engage in conversations, discussions and debates on the topic of natural world, arguing their opinions and using appropriate discursive strategies.

Oral comprehension

To understand the overall message, argumentative lines and relevant details of an extract of a film on the natural world.

Written comprehension

To understand long texts of certain complexity on the given topic (natural world), without difficulty, identifying main ideas and communicative intention, and finding specific information.

Draw conclusions over a narrative text.

Procedure Methodology I Materials T How assessment is implemented in the



T will bring S attention to a split text that is on the walls of the class. S have to sort the text out collaboratively (in 3 groups)

T explains about the task.

T explains about the author, the type of text and explores previous knowledge of S on some essential vocabulary about farms and farm animals contended in the text they are

To make S autonomous and self-responsible for their work and learning T has to make sure that teaching procedures, class rules and assessment criteria are clearly known by S.

Introducing the task clearly is essential to S to get their objective: gather the text in order. The class is split into 2 groups to add a motivational element to the task. As groups compete, there is a challenge that


Several sheets of paper with pieces of a text spread over the class walls

15’ Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed

by T, based on Rubric 3 items)

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going to sort out.

T uses the board to write down the vocabulary emerged.

The task starts.

surely fosters motivation.

I have chosen two groups because it is a high demanding task, but also because S are often split in pairs, but seldom in larger groups. I want to see how it works, as it might be a cohesional ingredient, as well as a much motivating experience. What’s more, interacting with a larger number of peers shall enhance S learning, as learning is an act of cooperation.


Task Planning

T has informed S that she will be sat at one of the corners and they may ask for help if needed, but one of the rules of the task is that they just can ask for teacher’s help 3 times during the planning period.

The two class groups have to move around the class and compile information in order to be able to sort out the different parts of the text. Afterwards, they have to give oral report to the other group about how and why they gathered the text in that precise way.

T has a passive role here, as I want to enhance autonomy. This “3-time” ask for help, presents another challenge, as they will have to decide whenever it is worth using teacher’s help. Otherwise they would run out of chances of being helped when it shall be really needed.

The text is split on the walls to add a kinesthetic component that may also be motivating for S, as they are not used to moving around the class.

The fact that S have to give an oral explanation of the task has different purposes:

a) S will have to reflect on the process

b) S will have to collaborate to come to decisions

c) S will have to use their speaking skills to build up an oral argumentative text

3 Class Groups

Several sheets of paper with pieces of a text spread over the class walls

20’ Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed

by T, based on Rubric 3 items)

Task Report

T gives a dice to one of the components of group A. They roll the dice. Then group B rolls the dice, and then group C. The group which gets the lowest number starts reporting.

Once the reports are through, groups are welcomed to exchange opinions.

The dice gives the task the sense of a game. It also eludes T from actively participating in the task.

This part will enhance the use of argumentative skills and S intercultural competence.



10’ T will assess S performance on an oral performance rubric (Rubric 2) provided at the end of the detailed Lesson Plan.

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Task Analysis

S watch a fragment of the film babe that corresponds to the split text.

S (in pairs) will try to answer to some questions on the extract they have read and seen.

S can get the feedback of their task through this video that will show the order of the text they sorted out.

This will lead to S deeper understanding and will help T see whether S have understood the task and content.



Once the task is over, the answers will be given to them on the screen as formative feedback.

Final Report

T will play a comprehensive quiz on the vocabulary of the text.

Team results are given to the class on the screen. The results will be shown to the class in a form of a space race.

This will enhance S oral comprehension and will help integrate the vocabulary they have learnt along the session.

The quiz will be played on “Socrative”, an ICT tool that compiles assessment data and lets T have report files on S results to be further analyzed if necessary.

As S will have to use their phones to answer the questions, we have here another motivational ingredient.

At the end, we have transformed the session into a game.



The results of the Socrative test will be used as formative assessment on this session. Socrative provides with results displayed on excel format

that can be a fantastic tool to use in assessment.

Anticipated problems Attention to diversity and follow-up activities

T will provide the class with the split text before S arrive. T will prepare the video and will check that it can be displayed beforehand.

T will make sure that all S understand the procedure of the class and will check S understanding on it.

Competition may become sort of a problem; therefore T will assure that the competing factor remains impersonalized. S play as a team and decisions are made collaboratively. As games will be played on every class, each team will have several chances to win.

Besides, as teams were created randomly by T, S’s Knowledge and skills are distributed and compensated within each team.


During the class T will help S repeating concepts, words or meanings, especially to slow learners. T will throw questions to motivate the class. T also will try to avoid extended speeches and will give opportunities to all S to express their opinions.

The ppt of the session will be available on the classroom moodle, as well as a pdf version of the Socrative quiz, for S revision and self-check.


Fast learners can use the GRAMMAR BUILDING BOX , which contains diverse grammar materials to sort out prepositional verbs and build words by matching verbs and nouns with prefixes and prefixes.

Anyone, but especially those students who need reinforcement, shall do NEFSB ex. A on page 99 to revise the same vocabulary given in class.

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DDeettaaiilleedd SSeessssiioonn PPllaannss


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Detailed Lesson Plan of the Teaching Unit Section 6B Session: 2/ PART 1 Date:

11/03/15 Duration: 1h

Previous Content Content of the whole session (Parts 1 and 2) Specific Learning Goals

Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation

Vocabulary on the natural world, and

specifically on animals of a


Animal idioms

Ellipsis and substitution

Vocabulary on the natural


Animal testing

Weak and strong

pronunciation of auxiliary verbs

Reading Comprehension

To understand a non-verbal video (written) on animal testing, without difficulty, identifying main ideas and communicative intention, and finding specific information. Draw conclusions of a non-verbal video (written) on animal testing.

Oral Comprehension

To understand the overall message, argumentative lines and relevant details of 2 videos on animal testing and the report of their peers.

Oral expression and interaction

To perform a report over animal testing, using the information given in the videos. To engage in a role-played debate arguing their opinions and using appropriate discursive strategies.

Written expression and interaction

To write a draft of the report arguing and

expressing their opinions, and highlights with precision and mastery of formal register.

To write a well- structured essay on animal testing, arguing and expressing their opinions and highlights with precision and mastery of formal register.

Procedure Methodology I Materials T How assessment is implemented in the



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T will explain the topic of the session and procedure. They are going to see 3 short videos that will provide them with information about animal testing.

S will have to perform a role-play related to the topic and content. They have to imagine they are members of a NGO which advocates against animal testing and have to talk about the issue in the EU Parliament. (+/- 5 min.)

T wants S to promote S communicative skills. By performing this task S will have to use oral and intercultural competences.

T has been approaching to some S and most of the commented that they wanted to devote more time to communicative tasks and not so much on grammar focused tasks.


Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed

by T, based on Rubric 4 items)

Task Planning

S (in their groups) watch the videos and take notes. The videos will not be displayed twice.

S in their teams write down some notes and ideas to perform the task.

S have to be attentive to what is said in the videos. T wants them to make an effort of comprehension, as if they were not in class, but in a natural language environment.

This effort may help S develop their oral comprehension and interaction, which are key in communication.


Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed

by T, based on Rubric 3 items)

Task Report

S in their groups perform the task. They have to take into account the specified timing and the required language code (formal)

The role-play will help S to get into different contexts where to use different language formats to different audiences. This will enrich S communication skills. The practice of oral expositions will make S get used to using the language orally.


T will assess S performance on an oral performance rubric (Rubric 2) provided at the end of the detailed Lesson Plan.

Task analysis

During the oral performance, S will be assessing their peers.

S are provided with assessing sheets and will have to assess other team’s performances. This will add the task a sense of seriousness (grades are always taken seriously by S) and S will have to be attentive on other’s performances, which will lead to a self-reflection on their own task reports.


S’s assessment sheets will be collected, analyzed and taken into account for the session grading.

Final Report

T will revise vocabulary and most common mistakes on the board.

T has provided S with some materials to

This will be used as general feedback on the task.

This will help S develop their writing skills.


T will correct the writings and give them back to S. Mistakes will only pointed out and sorted out by a code that has been already handed out and explained.

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finish the task at home. They will have to write down a "for and against" essay on animal testing. S have to hand in the writing plan and once their writings will be corrected, will have to use the self-correction writing grid also delivered and explained on a previous session.

The purpose of using a writing plan is to make S used to planning before writing.

The hand in of the writing is compulsory as to make sure that each student uses this, or at least this technique is familiar to them.

T is here enhancing S’s autonomy. They are “learning to learn”. In other words, they learn how to organize their learning, which makes it more effective.

S must correct their mistakes by using a correcting sheet hat has already been given out to them and explained.

Anticipated problems Attention to diversity and follow-up activities

T will check that the videos can be displayed without problems.

T will ensure that all S understand the procedure of the class and will check S understanding on it.

T will provide with an inclusive environment to ensure that are S feel comfortable during the task, especially during the reporting phase, where S have to speak in front of others. Since some S may feel embarrassed of talking in front of others, S may choose representative speakers, and not all of them are supposed to talk during the reporting phase, if they do not wish to.


During the class T will help S repeating concepts, words or meanings, especially to slow learners. T will throw questions to motivate the class. T also will try to avoid extended speeches and will give opportunities to all S to express their opinions.

The ppt of the session will be available on the classroom moodle, as well as a pdf version of the Socrative quiz, for S revision and self-check.


Fast learners can use the GRAMMAR BUILDING BOX , which contains diverse grammar materials to sort out prepositional verbs and build words by matching verbs and nouns with prefixes and prefixes.

Fast learners can do NEFSB p.166 Exercise 1 and to revise previous knowledge (Natural world)

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Detailed Lesson Plan of the Teaching Unit Section 6B Session: 2/ PART 2 Date:

11/03/15 Duration: 1h

Previous Content Content of the whole session (Parts 1 and 2) Specific Learning Goals

Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation

Vocabulary on the natural world, and

specifically on animals of a


Animal idioms

Ellipsis and substitution

Vocabulary on the natural


Animal testing

Weak and strong

pronunciation of auxiliary


Reading Comprehension

To understand the content of a power point containing grammar explanations.

Oral Comprehension

To understand the overall message of some grammar videos.

Oral expression and interaction

To communicate appropriately with their peers to fulfil a communicative task.

Procedure Methodology I Materials T How assessment is implemented in the



T will explain about the work to be done along the class.

S will get introduced to a new grammar concept and do will do an exercise on ellipsis and substitution.

T will display a ppt on the screen based on grammar explanation of pronunciation of auxiliaries.

T have to read a sentence out loud and find out the differences in pronunciation of different words within the sentence. They have to pronounce an example with their partner.

Then, they have to watch a video on “Forming the /ə/ sound”

They will have to read out loud in pairs a given short text, to practise what was explained in the video. Then, they will watch a short video that summarizes all the given theory.

It is essential that S understand what the procedure will be, only then will they be able to perform the task successfully.

Grammar is introduced by constant questioning (inductive method) It is S that have to find out the grammar answers, but always being guided by the teacher (scaffolding)

They read out loud, because it is only by practice that they will be able to notice themselves the differences in sound. By hearing their peers they will also be able to learn.


20’ Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed

by T, based on Rubric 3 items)

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Task planning

S have Split into their teams. Each of the 3 teams in the class is given the same 5 sentences.

They must practise the sentences given by reading them out loud and try to answer to the questions displayed on the board.

In the next stage they will have to answer to the questions with their phones in Socrative.

The aim here is to make them reflect on what they have learnt and check if they are able to apply it.

Collaborative work will make the task easier, as they will have the chance to consult with the team, since they just heard about this grammar point a while ago.

Given that, T will clarify general doubts if needed.


15’ Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed

by T, based on Rubric 3 items)

Task Report

S have to get with their phones to socrative.com/room number (displayed on the screen)

Some yes/no questions will be displayed in Socrative, so the previous exercise will be transformed into a quiz.

This is an opportunity for T to show S that grammar can also be learnt in another way. It can also be fun.

As S have answered the questions previously in their teams, this task will become faster and easier, and S will be able to relax and have fun for a while.



The results of the Socrative test will be used as formative assessment on this session. Socrative provides with results displayed on excel format

that can be a fantastic tool to use in assessment.

Task analysis

The answers will be displayed on the screen, and S will have to explain why they are right or wrong.

This is the part in which S have to reflect on what they have learnt. By asking questions about “WHY” is that answer right or wrong, they are interiorizing the grammar.


10’ Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed by T, based on Rubric 3 items)

Final Report

Individual results will be displayed on screen. T will answer to individual doubts this time.

This is the “metacognitive” part in which they reflect on their own learning answering questions such as “Why did I answered that?”, “Do I understand the procedure? etc.

T will help to answer to these questions individually.



Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed

by T, based on Rubric 3 items)

Page 22: 9h tu rodriguez_quintana_irma

Anticipated problems Attention to diversity and follow-up activities

T will check that the videos can be displayed without problems.

T will ensure that all S understand the procedure of the class and will check S understanding on it.

Some adults do not like games for learning. This will be taken into account by T and will try to make everybody comfortable during the session, meaning that if any student does not want to use their phones, they do not have to.

Competition may become sort of a problem; therefore T will assure that the competing factor remains impersonalized. S play as a team and decisions are made collaboratively. As games will be played on every class, each team will have several chances to win.

Besides, as teams were created randomly by T, S’s Knowledge and skills are distributed and compensated within each team.


During the class T will help S repeating concepts, words or meanings, especially to slow learners. T will throw questions to motivate the class. T also will try to avoid extended speeches and will give opportunities to all S to express their opinions.

The ppt of the session will be available on the classroom moodle, as well as a pdf version of the Socrative quiz, for S revision and self-check.


Fast learners can use the GRAMMAR BUILDING BOX , which contains diverse grammar materials to sort out prepositional verbs and build words by matching verbs and nouns with prefixes and prefixes.

Fast learners or those students who need it, can do NEFSB p.89 Exercise 2 and 3 to practise speaking and vocabulary by doing this exercise on the book.

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DDeettaaiilleedd SSeessssiioonn PPllaannss


Page 24: 9h tu rodriguez_quintana_irma

Detailed Lesson Plan of the Teaching Unit Section 6C Session: 3/ PART 1 Date:

16/03/15 Duration: 1h

Previous Content Content of the whole session (Parts 1 and 2) Specific Learning Goals

Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation

Ellipsis and substitution

Vocabulary on the natural


Animal testing

Weak and strong

pronunciation of auxiliary


Adding emphasis (cleft


Vocabulary: Immigration,

your city, school, etc.

Reading Comprehension

To understand the contents of the power point presented in class.

Oral Comprehension

To understand the oral instructions of the teacher.

Oral expression and interaction

To report orally a presentation of their own work: a dialogue. To engage in conversations, discussions and debates on the topic of immigration. To communicate appropriately in class, given the topic of immigration.

Written expression and interaction

To write a clear and well- structured dialogue on The topic of immigration.

Procedure Methodology I Materials T How assessment is implemented in the



We project the 1st slide with the photo of Jimmy and the headline. Asks S to talk in pairs about the conditions Jimmy must live in.

This is a warm-up activity to introduce S to the topic. Any chance to improve their oral skills is welcomed.



Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed

by T, based on Rubric 3 items)

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T asks S to think of possible fake conditions Jimmy tells his family he is in. They have to list the actual conditions vs the fake conditions.

S write a short dialogue in pairs

S report their dialogues

We want to transform this activity into a grammar activity that will be performed in the second part of the class. As we are going to work on cleft sentences, we want S provide with contrast actions that will be used to produce cleft sentences.



25’ Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed by T, based on Rubric 3 items)


T lists real conditions and fake conditions S suggest from their previous work. (on the board) We leave this there on the board.

T introduces cleft sentences (slide 6) by asking S the difference in meaning of two sentences.

With this, S can improve their writing and oral skills. We leave the board ready for next class. T explains this is going to be used.

By eliciting this question T makes S think on the possible grammar point/cause. (emphasis) and lets the door open to introducing cleft sentences after the break.





Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed by T, based on Rubric 3 items)

Anticipated problems Attention to diversity and follow-up activities

T will check beforehand that the ICT items in the class are fully operative, so the power point can be projected.

T will have a list of possible topic vocabulary to have in mind before the class.

The timing might a bit rough. The activities might take longer than expected. T has to anticipate to timing problems by knowing that not all that activities can always be done; by dynamiting the class and be also prepared for if activities are shorter than expected, by having prepared additional materials. (e.g. exercises on the book)


During the class T will help S repeating concepts, words or meanings, especially to slow learners. T will throw questions to motivate the class. T also will try to avoid extended speeches and will give opportunities to all S to express their opinions.

The ppt of the session will be available on the classroom moodle.


Fast learners can use the GRAMMAR BUILDING BOX , which contains diverse grammar materials to sort out prepositional verbs and build words by matching verbs and nouns with prefixes and prefixes.

Fast learners in the introduction part can perform NEFSB ex.F.1 on page 92-

A worksheet will be delivered to all S as homework practice.

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Detailed Lesson Plan of the Teaching Unit Section 6C Session: 3/ PART 2 Date:

16/03/15 Duration: 1h

Previous Content Content of the whole session (Parts 1 and 2) Specific Learning Goals

Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation

Ellipsis and substitution

Vocabulary on the natural


Animal testing

Weak and strong

pronunciation of auxiliary


Adding emphasis (cleft


Vocabulary: Immigration,

your city, school, etc.

Reading Comprehension

To understand the contents of the power point presented in class.

Oral Comprehension

To understand the overall message of an oral extract on immigration.

Oral expression and interaction

To engage in conversations an discussions with their peers to perform a task (producing cleft sentences out of their own dialogue ideas)

Written expression and interaction

To produce written answers and notes from an oral text.

Procedure Methodology I Materials T How assessment is implemented in the



Grammar explanation on CLEFT SENTENCES

They have been working on emphasis before (inversions), so they will be able to understand the conveyed meaning of the grammar session.

O/C 15’ Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed

by T, based on Rubric 3 items)


S in pairs have to build cleft sentences based on the dialogue ideas on the board. They will be given points for each correct answer.

Practice will help them acquire the grammar. Working in pairs they can help each other. This makes learning more dynamic.



Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed by T, based on Rubric 3 items)

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Listening (O/C) Immigrant story. They read the questions first.

S will listen to an audio extract twice. T will hand out an answer sheet for the listening.

T asks S for the answers to the listening

The transcript is handed out and answers are posted on the screen. Homework: Try to create cleft sentences using Paul’s story.

Once we have finished with the grammar explanation and practice, we go back to the session topic: immigration. We listen to this real material from http://immigrantcolorado.blogspot.com.es/?view=snapshot. It will be a bit difficult, because they do not have to catch simple words, but they have to catch ideas. By doing this T wants S be exposed to real language materials. This can be a good practice for the exam.


30’ The listening will be assessed by a Socrative quiz.

Anticipated problems Attention to diversity and follow-up activities

T will make sure that all multimedia materials are fully operative. T will have sent to the mentor the audio clip to install it in the classroom computer. T will bring a copy of the Socrative test in pdf, ready to be printed if necessary.

T will make sure that all S understand the procedure of the class and will check S understanding on it.

Competition may become sort of a problem; therefore T will assure that the competing factor remains impersonalized. S play as a team and decisions are made collaboratively. As games will be played on every class, each team will have several chances to win.

Besides, as teams were created randomly by T, S’s Knowledge and skills are distributed and compensated within each team.


During the class T will help S repeating concepts, words or meanings, especially to slow learners. T will throw questions to motivate the class. T also will try to avoid extended speeches and will give opportunities to all S to express their opinions.

The ppt of the session and the Socrative pdf will be available on the classroom moodle.


Fast learners can use the GRAMMAR BUILDING BOX , which contains diverse grammar materials to sort out prepositional verbs and build words by matching verbs and nouns with prefixes and prefixes.

Anyone, but especially those students who need reinforcement, shall do NEFWB ex. 2 on page 55 to revise the same vocabulary given in class previously.

Homework: Cleft sentences on Paul’s story.

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DDeettaaiilleedd SSeessssiioonn PPllaannss


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Detailed Lesson Plan of the Teaching Unit Section 6C Session: 4/ PART 1 Date:

18/03/15 Duration: 1h

Previous Content Content of the whole session (Parts 1 and 2) Specific Learning Goals

Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation

Adding emphasis

(cleft sentences)

Vocabulary: Immigration,

your city, school, etc.

Vocabulary: Immigration,

your city, school, etc.

Cultural differences

Reading Comprehension

To understand the contents of the power point presented in class.

Oral Comprehension

To understand the overall message of an oral extract and a video.

Oral expression and interaction

To engage in conversations an discussions with their peers about a certain topic (cultural differences)

Written expression and interaction

To produce written to the exercises in the book.

Procedure Methodology I Materials T How assessment is implemented in the



T will explain about the work to be done throughout the class.

T will introduce some questions about living abroad and its advantages and disadvantages. S have to tell each other in pairs

T asks S to do exercises 1c, d and e on page 92. A listening will be displayed to perform the task (6.11/6.12) S will listen about some people’s experiences abroad. S have to fill in a chart with information from the listening. They do this exercise individually.

Answers will be checked on the board (electronic book) T will drive S attention to some expressions that appeared in the listening and will ask students to guess what they mean from the context.

This is a warm-up activity that allows T introduce the topic and practice some vocabulary and speaking.

Here S have the opportunity to practice their listening skills individually, and at the same time, they can learn some new words and expressions.


10’ Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed by T, based on Rubric 3 items)

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Exercise 1e is done in open class.


Now T displays a video where S have to find cultural mistakes. It is about a Chinese girl who is introducing her fiancée to her parents. Rich, the fiancé, is American.

S will have to check their answers with their partner. Then, T will ask for the answers in O/C and finally, the answers will be shown on the board.

This activity will let S practice some oral comprehension. I chose it because I found the video really interesting. The cultural mistakes are very strange, but, as they are narrated, S can get them more easily. The language input is a bit higher than S level, but T thinks that S will be able to understand the overall message, as words are followed by images.

T displays the instructions on the board to give time to think about what they have to do for the task. T does the same with the following quiz questions.


20’ Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed by T, based on Rubric 3 items)


T puts a blank sticker in her forehead and asks one of the students to write down any nationality on it. As the sticker is on her forehead, she cannot see what is written on it. T has to make questions and guess where she is from (as it is written on the sticker)

Then, it is S turn to play the game in pairs.

As this is the last class, T wants to close it with a game, to give all the sequence a sense of fun.

This is a communicative task where S can practice speaking while learning some vocabulary… and have fun.


20’ Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed by T, based on Rubric 3 items)

Anticipated problems Attention to diversity and follow-up activities

T will make sure that all multimedia materials are fully operative. T will have sent to the mentor the audio clip to install it in the classroom computer. T will bring a copy of the Socrative test in pdf, ready to be printed if necessary.

T will make sure that all S understand the procedure of the class and will check S understanding on it.

Competition may become sort of a problem; therefore T will assure that the competing factor remains impersonalized. S play as a team and decisions are made collaboratively. As games will be played on every class, each team will have several chances to win.

Besides, as teams were created randomly by T, S’s Knowledge and skills are distributed and compensated within each team.

T has a Socrative quiz prepared, in case the closing activity does not work.


During the class T will help S repeating concepts, words or meanings, especially to slow learners. T will throw questions to motivate the class. T also will try to avoid extended speeches and will give opportunities to all S to express their opinions.

The ppt of the session will be available on the classroom moodle, as well as a pdf version of the Socrative quiz, for S revision and self-check.


Fast learners can use the GRAMMAR BUILDING BOX , which contains diverse grammar materials to sort out prepositional verbs and build words by matching verbs and nouns with prefixes and prefixes.

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Fast learners can do NEFWB p.60 Exercise 3 to practice reading on this topic.

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Detailed Lesson Plan of the Teaching Unit Section 6C Session: 4/ PART 2 Date:

18/03/15 Duration: 1h

Previous Content Content of the whole session (Parts 1 and 2) Specific Learning Goals

Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation

Adding emphasis

(cleft sentences)

Vocabulary: Immigration,

your city, school, etc.

Vocabulary: Immigration,

your city, school, etc.

Cultural differences

Words often confused

Reading Comprehension

To understand the contents of the power point presented in class.

Oral expression and interaction

To engage in conversations and discussions with their peers about a certain topic. (Words often confused) to perform a quiz.

Written expression and interaction

To produce written answers to the exercises in the book.

Procedure Methodology I Materials T How assessment is implemented in the



T will explain about the work to be done throughout the class. This class will be on vocabulary.

T displays a ppt with examples of words that are confused.

S have to think of similar examples that T writes down on the board.

Here T tries to explore S previous knowledge on this kind of words. This will also help S to think about the spelling and pronunciation of both words.

T will have to make descriptions of the words; therefore they will have to make use of their speaking skills and vocabulary to perform the task.


10’ S oral skills will be assessed here (Rubric 2)


T asks S to do exercise 5 on page 95.

The answers to the exercise will be displayed on the screen.

These words are meant to appear in the final exam, so T finds important to practice them by doing this exercise.


20’ Only S interest and attention to the instructions will be graded here. (Formative assessment performed by T, based on Rubric 2 items)


T displays an exercise on the screen (fill in the gaps on confusing words)

T wants to give S time to familiarize with the questions before the Socrative quiz is


25’ This part will be assessed by a Socrative quiz.

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T have to meet their teams and prepare their phones for the task.

The results of the test will be displayed on the screen and then, analyzed.


This is an opportunity to practice similar vocabulary in a different way. This is a chance for S to learn by doing, and a funny way to finish the TU. It started with a Socrative quiz, and it ends with another one.

Anticipated problems Attention to diversity and follow-up activities

T will make sure that all multimedia materials are fully operative. T will have sent to the mentor the audio clip to install it in the classroom computer. T will bring a copy of the Socrative test in pdf, ready to be printed if necessary.

T will make sure that all S understand the procedure of the class and will check S understanding on it.

Competition may become sort of a problem; therefore T will assure that the competing factor remains impersonalized. S play as a team and decisions are made collaboratively. As games will be played on every class, each team will have several chances to win.

Besides, as teams were created randomly by T, S’s Knowledge and skills are distributed and compensated within each team.


During the class T will help S repeating concepts, words or meanings, especially to slow learners. T will throw questions to motivate the class. T also will try to avoid extended speeches and will give opportunities to all S to express their opinions.


The ppt of the session will be available on the classroom moodle, as well as a pdf version of the Socrative quiz, for S revision and self-check.

Fast learners can use the GRAMMAR BUILDING BOX , which contains diverse grammar materials to sort out prepositional verbs and build words by matching verbs and nouns with prefixes and prefixes.

Those students, who want, can do NEFSB p.95 Exercise c, to practice vocabulary and speaking.

Anyone, but especially those students who need reinforcement, shall do NEFSB ex. an on page 90 to revise the same vocabulary given in class.

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TTuuttoorriinngg sseessssiioonn

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TUTORING SESSION Date: Duration: 1h

Oral comprehension

To understand the overall message, argumentative lines and relevant details of oral texts on concrete and abstract topics in standard language, performed at normal speed, from face to face conversations.

Oral expression and interaction

To perform long speeches and presentations, with different objectives and tasks, structured coherently and comprehensively.

To engage in conversations, discussions and debates on general topics, arguing their opinions and using appropriate discursive strategies.

To communicate appropriately, in a variety of situations, on a wide range of topics related to areas of their own interest.

Reading comprehension

To understand long texts of certain complexity on concrete and abstract topics, without difficulty, identifying main ideas and communicative intention, and finding specific information.

To draw conclusions of clearly-structured argumentative texts.

Procedure Methodology I Materials T How assessment is implemented in the session


T gives overall instructions. S have 5’ to read their texts.

This phase is essential to let S familiarize with the task procedure. This stage shall let S think and organize what they are going to say.



T takes notes on the assessment sheet (Rubric 4), which is based on EOI’s oral expression and

interaction assessment criteria.


S have to read a text and summarize it orally. After that they have to relate to a personal experience/opinion on the topic.

This stage is for S to show individual command of language.




S have to answer to some given questions on the topic and give their opinions in turn, trying to maintain a conversation on the topic.

Here S have to show their communicative skills, as well as their command of language.

S/S 10’

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GGeenneerraall aasssseessssmmeenntt ccrriitteerriiaa

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3 See Decree 4/2009 (2009/1/13) published at DOGC 5297 on 2009/1/ 15.


KEY COMPETENCES BY SKILLS Intermediate Level - L4 Advanced Level - L5 Advanced Level - C1



Present simple and prepared presentations on topics of their interest, explaining the important points with some accuracy. Initiate and participate in conversations and discussions in standard language, or general topics related to their interests, respecting social conventions. Communicate consistently and comprehensively in everyday and learning situations, being able to tell a story, share ideas and information and express feelings.

Perform long speeches and presentations, with different objectives and tasks, structured coherently and comprehensively. Engage in conversations, discussions and debates on general topics, arguing their opinions and using appropriate discursive strategies. Communicate appropriately, in a variety of situations, on a wide range of topics related to areas of their own interest.

Produce, with a high degree of grammatical correctness and a broad lexical repertoire and precision , well- structured, clear and detailed texts on different fields ( personal , social , professional and academic ), and on diverse subjects, with different functions , even on emotional, allusive or humorous uses , in interaction and directed to a single contact, small group or collective wide audience . Express themselves spontaneously, with flexibility and fluidity and almost without effort, in a variety of situations, using, where appropriate, the Information and Communications Technology to formulate ideas and opinions with precision and take and keep the word and easily relating their own contribution to the discourse of the other partners, using a wide repertoire of vocabulary and structures, and replacing shortcomings easily with the use of appropriate strategies. Summarize and synthesize information from texts of different types and complexity. Select the appropriate style and register according to the speaker or speakers.


Write short texts about facts and events that address to a variety of general topics, adapting vocabulary and structures to the topic and the communicative situation. Write personal informal and semi- formal letters, following the appropriate conventions and formats to each type of

Write long , clear and well- structured texts with different objectives and functions over a wide range of topics , arguing and expressing their opinions, and highlights with precision and mastery of different registers.

Produce, with a high degree of grammatical correctness and a broad and precise lexical repertoire, clear, detailed ,cohesive and well-structured texts of any length, for many purposes, different functions and different levels ( personal , social , professional and academic).

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text. Express themselves with flexibility, fluidity and almost effortlessly , using , where appropriate, the Information and Communications Technology to formulate ideas and opinions accurately and easily relating their own contribution to the discourse of the other partners , filling the gaps with the use of appropriate strategies. Summarize and synthesize information from texts of different types and complexity issues in different areas with a high degree of grammatical correctness and the use of a broad lexical repertoire and rich. Select the appropriate style and register depending on the reader.


Understand the overall message and easily identifiable main ideas and details in oral texts on general topics, in a clearly articulated standard language, at a normal speed, in face to face conversations. Understand the essentials of oral texts issued by the media on issues of everyday life and their own interests.

Understand the overall message , argumentative lines and relevant details of oral texts on concrete and abstract topics in standard language , articulated at normal speed , from various sources ( media , movies, lectures, speeches, recorded messages , telephone and face to face conversations )

Understand, in some detail , and without much effort even in acoustic non-favourable conditions-

,conceptually and linguistically complex oral texts on concrete and abstract topics , though not being on their specialty , articulated at normal speed or faster, if accent is not unfamiliar or there is time to get used to it. Recognize and use the implicit and connotative and allusive uses of the language when there is sufficient context, as well as identify the meaning of a wide range of idiomatic and colloquial expressions. Identify changes in register and recognize non-standard varieties of language and specific language of a social, generational or professional group.

WRITTEN COMPREHENSION Understand the main ideas and locate specific information in texts of varying length and type on general topics and identify their communicative intention.

Understand long texts of certain complexity on concrete

and abstract topics, without difficulty, identifying main ideas and communicative intention, and finding specific information.

Draw conclusions of clearly-structured argumentative texts.

Understand conceptually and linguistically rich and complex long texts in detail on concrete and abstract topics , whether related to their field of professional specialization , or not ; grasp the implicit connotative and allusive uses of the language and subtle nuances , as well as identifying the meaning of a wide range of idiomatic a colloquial expressions whenever they can re-read the sections that can be difficult.


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RUBRIC 2: ORAL EXPRESSION AND INTERACTION (To assess each task report during the TU)

Intermediate Level - L4 Advanced Level - L5 Advanced Level - C1

Present simple and prepared presentations on topics of their interest, explaining the important points with some


Perform long speeches and presentations, with different objectives and tasks, structured coherently and comprehensively.

Produce, with a high degree of grammatical correctness and a broad lexical repertoire and precision , well- structured, clear and detailed texts on different fields ( personal , social , professional and academic ), and on diverse subjects, with different functions , even on emotional, allusive or humorous uses , in interaction and directed to a single contact, small group or collective wide audience.

Initiate and participate in conversations and discussions in standard language, or general topics related to their

interests, respecting social conventions.

Engage in conversations, discussions and debates on general topics, arguing their opinions and using appropriate discursive strategies.

Express themselves spontaneously, with flexibility and fluidity and almost without effort, in a variety of situations, using, where appropriate, the Information and Communications Technology to formulate ideas and opinions with precision and take and keep the word and easily relating their own contribution to the discourse of the other partners, using a wide repertoire of vocabulary and structures, and replacing shortcomings easily with the use of appropriate strategies.

Communicate consistently and comprehensively in everyday and learning situations, being able to tell a

story, share ideas and information and express feelings.

Communicate appropriately, in a variety of situations, on a wide range of topics related to areas of their own interest.

Summarize and synthesize information from texts of different types and complexity.

Select the appropriate style and register according to the speaker or speakers.

MARK: C: (Under Average: 5-6) (Pass is 6,5) MARK: B:6-7 (Pass) MARK: A (OVER AVERAGE) = 8-10

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Approaching Expectations C RANGE: 5-6

Meets expectations B RANGE: 7-8

Exceeds expectations A RANGE: 9-10


Listens to others, but might not be always respectful or considerate.

Usually stays on task and listens to others Listens attentively

Attempts to stay on task, but may be sometimes distracted

Rarely talks while others are talking Does not talk while others are talking

Sometimes contributes with an interesting comment or question

Contributes with several comments and questions that are interesting for the class.

Contributes a steady flow of questions or comments that enhance classroom dynamics.

Non-verbal send mixed signals about interest and attention to tasks and people

Non-verbals indicate interest and attention to tasks and people most of the time.

Non-verbals indicate interest and attention to tasks and people.

Sometimes contributes with an interesting comment or question

Offers relevant and thoughtful comments during class discussion.

Offers relevant, insightful and thoughtful comments during class discussion.

Occasionally evidences ongoing interaction with peers Often evidences ongoing interaction with peers Frequently evidences ongoing interaction with peers

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4 3 2 1



The performance corresponds perfectly to the task. It is clear, consistent and fluid. The candidate structures their speech

logically and efficiently.



The candidate participates confidently and perfectly follows the thread of the conversation. Knows how to take and give the

word and how to develop ideas and argue expressing themselves appropriately to the situation. Contributes to the

maintenance of the conversation and their contributions give coherence to the whole conversation.


1/ 2

Pronunciation The pronunciation is correct. The accent, intonation and rhythm are specific to the target language, although some influence

by L2 is detected.


The candidate uses a wide range of syntactic and morphological elements correctly and without errors.

The vocabulary is rich, accurate and appropriate. It allows the candidate to express everything you want to say fluently and

with nuances.

Comments Teacher’s notes on the performance

TOTAL SCORED (Maximum 20 points)

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AAddddiittiioonnaall aasssseessssmmeenntt mmaatteerriiaallss

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WHO (Audience)

WHAT (letter, essay, etc.)

TOPIC (What are you going to talk about?)


(Organize your ideas throughout the text)


Body Closing


(Write down some of the words you might need)


(You must use at least 5 linking words and 3 linking expressions)


(The title must be original and engaging, so, give it a thought!)

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Was the pace of the speech, or flow of ideas, too fast or too slow?

Was the presenter making eye contact across the audience?

Was the presenter’s posture upright and confident?

Was timing accurate?


Were content and approach relevant, interesting and engaging?

Was the structure of the speech clearly outlined?

Was content appropriate to the audience and context? (EU)

Was the vocabulary appropriate for the topic and audience?

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Name: Date: Class: Writing Topic:


Circle the error type NEW PROPOSAL

^ # WO WW VF WF T P A ? Sp

^ # WO WW VF WF T P A ? Sp

^ # WO WW VF WF T P A ? Sp

^ # WO WW VF WF T P A ? Sp

^ # WO WW VF WF T P A ? Sp

^ # WO WW VF WF T P A ? Sp

^ # WO WW VF WF T P A ? Sp

^ # WO WW VF WF T P A ? Sp

^ # WO WW VF WF T P A ? Sp

^ # WO WW VF WF T P A ? Sp

^ # WO WW VF WF T P A ? Sp

^ # WO WW VF WF T P A ? Sp

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I can write straightforward connected text on topics, which are familiar, or

of personal interest

I can write clear, detailed texts on a wide range of subjects related to my

interests. I can write an essay or report, passing on information or giving

reasons in support of or against a particular point of view.

I can express myself in clear, well-structured text, expressing points of

view at some length. I can write detailed expositions of complex subjects in an essay or a report,

underlining what I consider to be the salient issues. I can write different kinds of texts in a style appropriate

to the reader in mind.








I can connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences

and events, my dreams, hopes & ambitions. I can briefly give

reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. I can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and

describe my reactions.

I can present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of

subjects related to my field of interest. I can explain a viewpoint on a topical

issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

I can present clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects

integrating sub-themes, developing particular points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion









I can write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.

I can write letters highlighting the personal significance of events and


I can express myself with clarity and precision, relating to the addressee

flexibly and effectively in an assured, personal, style.








I can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area

where the language is spoken. I can enter unprepared into conversation

on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life

(e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events).

I can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular

interaction with native speakers quite possible. I can take an active part in

discussion in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining my views.

I can express myself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. I can use language flexibly and effectively for social and professional purposes. I can formulate ideas and opinions

with precision and relate my contribution skilfully to those of

other speakers








I can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency every day or

job-related language. I can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters

I can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems

in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints. I can understand

contemporary literary prose.

I can understand long and complex factual and literary texts, appreciating distinctions of style. I can understand

specialized articles and longer technical instructions, even when they

do not relate to my field




I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar

matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.

I can understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of

argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar.

I can understand extended speech even when it is not clearly structured

and when relationships are only implied and not signalled explicitly. I

can understand television programmes and films without too much effort.

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Over the next few lines, I will try to evaluate my teaching during the practicum phase. I will

comment on different aspects that affect the teaching act, as the learning atmosphere in the

classroom, the motivational element, the teaching approach (teacher-centred/student-

centred), self-managing techniques on presentation, or the nature and quality of


I would like to underline that becoming a teacher is not an easy task, as becoming a good

teacher is even harder. It requires a lot of experience, motivation and resistance to failure.

As teachers, we often shall find that everything we programmed for a certain session could

have been implemented differently or simply did not work at all. Therefore, a teacher must

be resilient to frustration but proactive. I tried to meet both needs. Despite coping with

frustration at these early stages provokes a large amount of stress, I think I managed quite

well, simply because the fulfillness of teaching erased all the negative thoughts I could have


As for the learning atmosphere I have to say that I tried my best to encourage pupils to

express and examine their ideas and opinions. I attempted to develop empathy among

members of the class and encouraged students with constructive feedback.

Regarding the motivational environment required in a L5 language class, I have to say that I

approached my lessons with enthusiasm, though am conscious of the fact that I might need

some more practice over some presenting aspects, such as voice tone management or

giving information to students always in advance. Surprisingly enough, I feel I was quite

good at “drama”, and also think that I managed quite well at encouraging students’ work.

Moreover, I tried to maintain a judicious balance between “teacher-centred” and “student-

centred” activities, though I could experience that students sometimes needed some more

time to prepare and do the proposed tasks. Eventually, though, most of the task could be

finished at a reasonable time.

I would like to mention that I tried to provide writing and oral assignments that required

critical thinking4. I used assignment sheets and programmed learning materials of my own

confection5 ; I provided my own assessment materials and gave students the opportunity to

assess their peers6 or self-evaluate their own language proficiency. Finally, I would like to

add that Socrative proved to be a fantastic tool to help students assess their learning, by

displaying charts of results that could be either individual or by groups.

All in all, I tried to be respectful towards students, tried to build self-confidence in each

student, by giving them positive feedback and making them understand that failure forms

part of the learning process, trying to be approachable and with a sympathetic ear, when


4 E.g. Second session animal debate’s part.

5 See the “writing plan”, wich I am proud to say that shared with one of the teachers of the EOI (Ribamar, L4)

6 See session 2.

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DECRET 4/2009, de 13 de gener, pel qual s’estableix l’ordenació i el currículum dels

ensenyaments d’idiomes de règim especial.

Harmer, J. (1989) 3rd Edition. The practice of English Language teaching, Longman, London.

Lightbown, P.M. & Spada, N. (2013) 4th Edition. How languages are learnt. Oxford University

Press. Oxford.

Resolució de 20 de juny de 2014 per la qual s’aproven els documents per a l’organització i la

gestió dels centres per al curs 2014-2015.