a~ --~ ~-•-.. •-' ---•-...

J:he to Uleet here SPE('l j• l' OR Thia evenl1111 the Board of This evening the new and re- the present Ume a mtttlnc ' . ·_ .. ·. . . Trustcs ol Cenlnl Collele will nominated trustees will la II llCheduled with studenta to .._,aia1ie a decllion wtilcb will also the home ol Dr. J. Jack Mel- dllCWS student life and per-* elfect McPbenoll CoUece. born. president of the Co!le:e. . ldlvWes. 'l1le will •'- s 1 - 0 N 11 .. . ...._,...._ lor an orienlallon session whlcb elect ollice i- s and members ol Vol. 54 McPberson Collcse. Mc:PbttsoD. Ks., Mar. • •• o. ..... """""" .. •-' ---"•- .:..::::...:..::_:__:_;_ _ _ ..,_ tbtlt eucuti'-e wU1 outllDe tbe duties _. re- .... , ..... _ wor1c willl the !Int sponalbl1iUfS of a trustee. 'l1le truslees are encaeed ID C II . la proposal lo AD lnlllees are llOllliDaled lo nriety ol oc:cupallona. 'l1leJ . 0 ege P ns :-.-mi=.: are: 1.Yle Albrl&bt. exeeuthe Rall!On, 1be - ,roupl, bul they do not become recretary !tt . olllclol, Dallal live committee .ba alrulbr' ap. board members untD they are Olmter, la.; Quinter 9-man, proved c.W.C ID tbe !Mtalled or telejihoae eo:ec:utlve, Peace Val- youth ·Ineet1ng meetiD1 are M fallaiws: We;iDe llowmaD. electriclall. If Oenlral ............ ol tbls Clemlae D Bmta. medlca1 Pue111o, Colo. ; Em.ol. llnlllllMr. Western Beciaaal Youl.!a Qin. Morris, UL Theo he ... the ::* coi:!:e.-=.. "!:' dodGr, Ia.; H..id H. i.ence ..-eel -n; bJ Dftctar ol Cbrlstiee F.ducatloo eelTe" a cUllla8e sift o1..-, Crilt, former Scott CltJ· ........, ruou, ., ,_,,,.. .,._ CoDeee ... &lie Olur• at Ille Pint Method!lt Omrdt .tildl If l1lllt IMYe ll,250 Edward R. . F?aw, -- '/:w. Waterllle, ell or lbe aNtli.. llltlb acliool In m m 198Hll. still nt«led to dl!by tbe • · unclerwrit« W'ldlita· Delbert t ; Welle:r w. o.nvw. educ• Joutb ia a tiun- Ible -am graduated from Se- 1-alleo Blshee N D • tar, Hutcmi-1; Byroa E. Dell. -'U be L.U - ... ..... •• •• min- In auc·- In 19111, peMel per o o ., .-utlft 8t!Cfttary {ft officio), ,..., """" - -""" ........ _, -v .... _.,_, ...__ nat ...... Jack Koueb. educaUoo and ,.,, • .., na.o. _. 1 Sieve Tllttle, jr .. Qul!IU!r, ii AD collece 11.udenta are in- 11 """" .. ._,, .,_ COlllUll.ant Morpa ......-. ., ...... , tbe president of the 10lllb plaa- lo participate 1n lhl! coo- llf'llC10AI, McPbenon:. trull- WU. Ca1iL; Harold L • Mobler, R. trem!e. .Uorne 1 ' -•- __ ,.._ wrlllch baa 11een· ' fereooe If diey are liiterested will or...pgt to take iDllhDce eo:ecuti- warreu. Paaln. la.; s. G. u-. rarm- - ............. ,. on -Ole program - by ourselves ·- er l'lalUburl. Mo.· P R. Jaml- bul)' makial fJ:r 'I1le scbedule will includi a with an illcrease In tbe COit. burl. Mo.; tnclier, J. Paal &lie CDGfe.-.,"DUa commllSee" c-ral ColJece stu- Elmer B. Staats. Comptroller teacber, llta9aa CltJ: ai.. laCluile& Don C1imJ11. Ir .. dent music propm oa Pliday, .G--1 el the u. S., WMlilnc· Re9. BarYer c. millllt- 09ceola. Mo., Patricia Jt.ebe-. Matt.II lS ill Bron Alldltoliua \ toe, D.£ .; Ra, ..... R. let', Lillcoln. Mtb.: er .. .. and Jcmette 81 1 p.m. · 'Dill Pl'lll'Mn. WI<* Fdm. features ,..,. _..ow, 11. a.re' Jliller, CGllltnldlcm . M; fr •• haalia. · wW Include vocal' lllld 1nstru- "Ca Ball ' ,, L. Wl1-. medical doctor, Wldt- esecutin, Mcl'lleam; NlltO!I L. lbe theme . el tbe meotal . aumbera, will be follow· t I . Ua; &llert . W. Wile, ,lawy•, lloiri8m, . p1a euc:lltlTe, S.. the IN1 el tile eel bJ Che lint eeneral -11>11 .. .. . Royal ! oder, fann. • a..; ll:nelt A. ,..._ -u. ii to _help die ,.alh,. o1 tbe cooterenoe. Jams Tem. "Cat wlU be, ibeop la er, Ola?'l1· · w iMilic _..., Wldllta;. -.. IM"waves" io- will apcak ca the aject Browa Aililll«lmR an . I 'Ille tnlllee&- in t11eir _._ On11e P*. retiNd .. tapica.el-tlle - !II drop. . • ' at 1:00 p.m. 'l'be oa Ilardi •T in Ille JIJllucaion Cullliae, Okla.; *'9ce: ..... .. C8DI- 'Die ICDCfal •• .be .... Bulldillc ol tbe Olllrcb ol tbe Pam Rallloe, m-. SbeWca. , ,_-*. ... _. ,..., ..S a.m., Satarday, lbrch 14. will Cadoerime BaU.U. wl» Bndlla will ...... .ier.i la.; llenDle B. lladlmli, beak 85. · be oa · Ille topic ol race ..,. becoma tbe .... _, Cf" ...... llam. , - ol Is rftiled eRClllM. JollD & 'ftla ,_. lhllre _._ ,,.jer campul.1'"lt with Leon Neher ia pi.jell' bJ J- Fa.IL IM . .,,.Ian. ftwe will ...-.. 'l'llOmM. Sir .. secmiw dlrectc ,cllueee la speakine. 'Tiie 3:311 _.miy Marvia puta 111 a lcvf per1er. lnlift reparts pea.., J. Jade ol CROP. Dalla Oeatei-. la.; tbere will be l- clMilt .,.i.n, will include both speak.en and . wi.. _ Ille baa ,;allMl Mellon, president of tbe Col· R. GOl'doa Y •• Jlo- Leon Neber. crad· tbe topic wlll be draft aocl war : with blrntelf. Be plays .the roles tge, Dr. Merlin L. F?anU. dean Wilbur Yoder, Hilk ol 1117, IUld Jamel E. At the banquet Saturday even- ol good11UJ anc_I bad·llU1 CUD· ol academic affairs, Gerald J. executive, Mcl'hel'IOll; d. A. Tomloaloa, aaoclMe , .... inc. Mr. wlll speak about fichten . Holman,• director el advance- 7.ook, executive -retary <s elocMilll 8114 J'lllllll mlBiltrle9 sex The closlnc assembly at : After each aectloa of the mm. ment, Dr. Galen R. Snell. c1eao oftlclo>. NcPbermn. or the Olurda of Ille 9 .:m. Sunday will feature Mr. Nat Kine Cole and Stubby Kaye _ ol lluclcot aKairs, Jl. Gardea llrethree. . Neher speatinc about 'I1le Sue- coa>e oa witb U.UO. ..., Yoder, business man*'· and this cess!ul Surfer. The conference aDQ1ber dlerw of "cat Ballou", Larry Banks, Student Council reooa ?'ID be mviled · will - end olter the worship ser· and their · appearance cl•es a presldenl . · . . year, wbereu la the past vice al the Church of the Bre- kind or coherence to the Cbeec· - 'lbe Education CommiUce will die confereoce bas been orpn-. th ( ful madness or the film: lo the Board the bed to invite ball of the region ren. faculty salary faculty each :rear oa an altenlaline aalarlee, promotions, sabb:ill· basil .- . Cl d · di h coli. and leaves of absenco. The . •1-1 · Nebtt, who spent bis ass· pro uces . ra 0 s ow trwtees wni also act upon" the ·- jliD!or ,e.r as a lllucleDt in budget of the f11Cal Indll! . was. as a senior at Mac, COmmunication in McPbenoa exciting llep forward. the. c1aa 1'70-71, the collc:r:e costs. Regional YoUtb Adviser for the O?Uece plunges onwllld as the is losln# no time in buildinC and the almlmi cllations or me<"· Western · R.clion 8lld students in · Professor Stanlet toward the future. New equ1,.. It. closely with the planninc ol Price's Introduction lo Radio ment , such as an electroalc ferences. He went lo seminar)' and Television take to tbe air. "mixer ." is beinc plaaned wbicll BSU new officers Rec"""3' etflcers ti Ille BSU are Carl CMk, pred- *-': 8-l:J• JleW. ,...,., .... ..,.; Valerie ...... recordle MCftbry; lteyla Hair, _..... J_G._ 1-. er-e-;· .. Deabe R-. - w.. imist-1 lttllllftJ' . an<Y then was a proressor al • will aid in editing the radio Manchester College. Currently Don't miss lbe live\y new ra· progroma. be is living in Qulftter asalsling dio program on KNEX. "Mac A iow.powcr radio station is bis lather with the famil.Y ranch Action," 115 exciting also i n the oiling as Bob Smith and teachine at nearby Colby brine the news llnd CWTcllt opm· · is inquiring into 'the broadcast· Around Commuruly Junior College. ions on the McPherson campus. Ing rules or the FCC. The station · James Tomlonson craduated TbiS 5Prilli will 5l't? the pro- would be !inanc«I with commer- from Mallcbesltt in 19- ducilon al two TV programs, clal sponsors. 51. where he receiYcd a BS de- but dates and content ol the As lor "l>fac Action," drama' gree. DurinC. 196US be served programs Is still not determined. and some programs ill the bu- aa Director of Development al morous vein may begin lo re. Pine Crest Manor iii Mount Although " Moc Action" is an place some of the interviews. Hill. to irun for otfice ' Patrick Bill, sr., Coral Gab- . As stale membership cbair- Bub P<iwrs will soon be pro- ducing n show on Orson Welles's "War al the M· Club to host annual carnival les. Fla., and presklmt ·ot "the man, run bu organize 11cPbcn011 Y-c· Re- twenl.J new cbapt.en 111 coDeies &Dl!.OllJICed bis can-tbNuCboUt tbe didacJ :toc SbN (llalrman or. - Ia lhe,sprinc ot 19. mu re.. ne 111 , a• wm 11e ...... , 11s the Kansas CoUece, RepiibUcan ceived the coveldl Taft Awanl, part ta 1-Ject •me al Topeka OD Kao- an award elven lo ' the lala cam.- Die • It lleWa Ila - Jannary 30. Hill Is' iaC young _ Jletlul>Ucan of the. amal c:an1 .... 1 la oa ..-itJy erv.lnl as Vlce-cbalr- Midwest, n realon lncludint 16 s.uar.sa,, Marcla 7. man, 1n of membenh!P. ,siatcs. ' ll&artlllS at 'l:• . • mem. cl tbe orpnizalloo. · Ai. nmnms on bis slate are:. - w111 '-We s- _. . Jim DePriell. State prbes. wD lllcPllol9a ._ BID bas been M ad.I" _. Teacher 's ColJece, ' llembersblp - .... , lllclr ill 111 . ... ... el Ille x- Oolle9e- Be: CW- : Bernie ZiJldSrafl, tJa. ...... Ille ...... ,..,.. ......... 1111 Cllllell! ol s.aU.. Procrams a.me ., ... te.-.. -- - · As ..... a.au-· Ba • Fleehl!Dod. ..... Ille ab ...... ...... ... alb .............. Waslillara 0 UlllwnltJ, treaslnr: _,Ille,.._.... ...... _ ....... S h dlb ........... Richard Wallltr, W Collece. ltll&. Tiie II Q6 la ....... Dia .... Oialrman; ,LiDda .. . ,. ......... , .. ... .. eWt .. .... - Kelm; Collete. ............. .... ... lilr u elllMll a •I ' I' el. men'• CbalnnaD; amvenllon "llN M __.. - ....... . dlalrma - 81C1'11lm7'1111f1Jled. - .... ... la& ., .... THE LURE OF -COLORADO . · overcome three members of the McPherson community: Two McPherson students, Garold , Minns and Carol KJementsen, will acompllny Rev. James E. Tomlon- son on a skjing trip to Winter Park this Saturday and Sunday. Sponsored h.Y' the W eetem.Plains District o! ihe · Church of the Brethren !or college.age younir people, the group also includes eight other partici- pants ..

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J:he Trus~ees to Uleet here

SPE('lj• l 'OR Thia evenl1111 the Board of This evening the new and re- A~ the present Ume a mtttlnc ' . ·_ .. ·. . . Trustcs ol Cenlnl Collele will nominated trustees will ~ la II llCheduled with studenta to

.._,aia1ie a decllion wtilcb will also the home ol Dr. J. Jack Mel- dllCWS student life and per-* elfect McPbenoll CoUece. born. president of the Co!le:e. . ldlvWes. 'l1le ~ will •'-

s 1- 0 N 11 ~ ... ·~- -~• ...._,...._ lor an orienlallon session whlcb elect ollicei-s and members ol Vol. 54 McPberson Collcse. Mc:PbttsoD. Ks., Mar. • •• o. ~.. ..~ ..... """""" --~ ~-•-.. •-' ---"•-.:..::::...:..::_:__:_;_ _ _ ~------------ ..,_ tbtlt eucuti'-e ~ee'a wU1 outllDe tbe duties _. re- .... ,....._ L..,.~.......,.. wor1c willl the !Int sponalbl1iUfS of a trustee. 'l1le truslees are encaeed ID

C II . la proposal lo AD lnlllees are llOllliDaled lo • nriety ol oc:cupallona. 'l1leJ

. 0 ege P ns ~Pi:: :-.-mi=.: theBONdof~bYvarl- are: 1.Yle Albrl&bt. exeeuthe Rall!On, 1be ~ - ,roupl, bul they do not become recretary !tt . olllclol, Dallal live committee .ba alrulbr ' ap. board members untD they are Olmter, la.; Quinter 9-man,

• • • proved c.W.C ID tbe ~ !Mtalled or ~-as .~. telejihoae eo:ec:utlve, Peace Val-

youth ·Ineet1ng ~'i:'1:al~-~el ~-=:n~i: !'·.!-~!=:.~. meetiD1 are M fallaiws: We;iDe llowmaD. electriclall.

If Oenlral ............ ol tbls Clemlae D Bmta. medlca1 Pue111o, Colo.; Em.ol. llnlllllMr. Western Beciaaal Youl.!a Qin. Morris, UL Theo he ... the ::* coi:!:e.-=.. "!:' ~ dodGr, ~ Ia.; H..id H. ~-~°'eoiov~-~ i.ence ..-eel -n; bJ Dftctar ol Cbrlstiee F.ducatloo eelTe" a cUllla8e sift o1..-, Crilt, former Scott CltJ· ........, ruou, ., ,_,,,.. .,._

~ ~ CoDeee ... &lie Olur• at Ille Pint Method!lt Omrdt .tildl If l1lllt ~ IMYe ll,250 Edward R. . F?aw, -- '/:w. ~· Waterllle, ell or lbe aNtli.. llltlb acliool In ~. m m 198Hll. still nt«led to dl!by tbe • · unclerwrit« W'ldlita· Delbert t ; Welle:r w. o.nvw. educ• Joutb ia a tiun- Ible -am H~ graduated from ~ Se- 1-alleo f~ Blshee N D • tar, Hutcmi-1; Byroa E. Dell. -'U be L.U - ... ..... •• •• min- In auc·- In 19111, peMel per ~'llllt&e. o o • • ., .-utlft 8t!Cfttary {ft officio), ,..., """" - -""" ........ _, -v ...._.,_, ...__ nat ...... Jack Koueb. educaUoo and ,.,, • .., na.o. _. • 1 Sieve Tllttle, jr .. Qul!IU!r, ii AD collece 11.udenta are in- 11 """" .. ._,, .,_ ~ ~ COlllUll.ant Morpa ......-. .,......, tbe president of the 10lllb plaa- ~ lo participate 1n lhl! coo- llf'llC10AI, McPbenon:. trull- WU. Ca1iL; Harold L • Mobler, ~ R. trem!e. .Uorne1' -•- __ ,.._ wrlllch baa 11een· ' fereooe If diey are liiterested will vole~ or...pgt to take iDllhDce eo:ecuti- warreu. Paaln. la.; s. G. u-. rarm-- .............,. on -Ole program - by ourselves ·- er l'lalUburl. Mo.· P R. Jaml-bul)' makial arr~ fJ:r 'I1le scbedule will includi a with an illcrease In tbe COit. burl. Mo.; ~ tnclier, ~~ J . Paal &lie CDGfe.-.,"DUa commllSee" c-ral Mc~ ColJece stu- Elmer B. Staats. Comptroller ~ teacber, llta9aa CltJ: ai.. laCluile& Don C1imJ11. Ir .. dent music propm oa Pliday, .G--1 el the u. S., WMlilnc· Re9. BarYer c. ~ millllt-09ceola. Mo., Patricia Jt.ebe-. Matt.II lS ill Bron Alldltoliua \ • toe, D.£ .; Ra,..... R. ~. let', Lillcoln. Mtb.: er .. ~:.ltlo .. and Jcmette 81 1 p.m. · 'Dill Pl'lll'Mn. WI<* Fdm. features ,..,. _..ow, ~: ~ 11. a.re' Jliller, CGllltnldlcm . M; fr •• haalia. · wW Include vocal' lllld 1nstru- "Ca Ball' ,, L. Wl1-. medical doctor, Wldt- esecutin, Mcl'lleam; NlltO!I L. • ~'Ji lbe theme .el tbe meotal.aumbera, will be follow· t I . Oµ Ua; &llert . W. Wile, ,lawy•, lloiri8m,. p1a euc:lltlTe, S..

.~ the IN1 el tile eel bJ Che lint eeneral -11>11 . . .. . Mc~; Royal ! oder, fann. • a..; ll:nelt A. ,..._ -u. ii to _help die ,.alh,. o1 tbe cooterenoe. Jams Tem. "Cat ~Doe wlU be,ibeop la er, Ola?'l1· · w iMilic _..., Wldllta;. -.. IM• "waves" io- will apcak ca the aject Browa Aililll«lmR an. ~ I 'Ille tnlllee&- in t11eir _._ • On11e P*. retiNd ~ ..

~ -· tapica.el-tlle - !II drop. . • ' at 1:00 p.m. 'l'be ~... oa Ilardi •T in Ille JIJllucaion Cullliae, Okla.; *'9ce: ..... ~ .. C8DI- 'Die ICDCfal ~IJ •• .be .... Bulldillc ol tbe Olllrcb ol tbe Pam Rallloe, m-. SbeWca. ,,_-*. ... _. ,..., ..S a.m., Satarday, lbrch 14. will Cadoerime BaU.U. wl» ·~ Bndlla will ...... .ier.i la.; llenDle B. lladlmli, beak 85. · be oa · Ille topic ol race ..,. becoma tbe ...._, Cf" ...... llam., - ol ~ Is rftiled eRClllM. lie~; JollD &

'ftla ,_. lhllre _._ ,,.jer campul.1'"lt with Leon Neher ia pi.jell' bJ J- Fa.IL IM . .,,.Ian. ftwe will ~ ...-.. 'l'llOmM. Sir .. secmiw dlrectc ,cllueee la ~ftlllcrence...'1nl. speakine. 'Tiie 3:311 _.miy Marvia puta 111 a lcvf per1er. lnlift reparts pea.., J. Jade ol CROP. Dalla Oeatei-. la.; tbere will be l- clMilt .,.i.n, will include both speak.en and ~ .wi.. _Ille baa,;• allMl ~ Mellon, president of tbe Col· R. GOl'doa Y •• ~· Jlo­Leon Neber. Ille~. crad· tbe topic wlll be draft aocl war: with blrntelf. Be plays .the roles tge, Dr. Merlin L. F?anU. dean ~; Wilbur Yoder, Hilk -~ ol 1117, IUld Jamel E. At the banquet Saturday even- ol good11UJ anc_I bad·llU1 CUD· ol academic affairs, Gerald J . executive, Mcl'hel'IOll; d. A. Tomloaloa, aaoclMe ,.... f« inc. Mr. N~ wlll speak about fichten. Holman,• director el advance- 7.ook, executive -retary <s elocMilll 8114 J'lllllll mlBiltrle9 sex The closlnc assembly at : After each aectloa of the mm. ment, Dr. Galen R. Snell. c1eao oftlclo>. NcPbermn. or the 'll~ Olurda of Ille 9 .:m. Sunday will feature Mr. Nat Kine Cole and Stubby Kaye _ ol lluclcot aKairs, Jl. Gardea llrethree. . Neher speatinc about 'I1le Sue- coa>e oa witb U.UO. • ..., Yoder, business man*'· and ~,,, ~arthtC this ~_the cess!ul Surfer. The conference aDQ1ber dlerw of "cat Ballou", Larry Banks, Student Council ~ reooa ?'ID be mviled · will -end olter the worship ser· and their · appearance cl•es a presldenl . · . . e~b year, wbereu la the past vice al the Church of the Bre- kind or coherence to the Cbeec· - 'lbe Education CommiUce will die confereoce bas been orpn-. th ( ful madness or the film: ~mrpend lo the Board the bed to invite ball of the region ren. faculty salary scbed~, faculty each :rear oa an altenlaline aalarlee, promotions, sabb:ill· basil.- . Cl d · di h coli. and leaves of absenco. The . •1-1· Nebtt, who spent bis ass· pro uces .ra 0 s ow trwtees wni also act upon" the

·-jliD!or ,e.r as a lllucleDt in ~ budget of the f11Cal Indll!. was. as a senior at Mac, COmmunication in McPbenoa exciting llep forward. the. c1aa ~ar 1'70-71, the collc:r:e costs. Regional YoUtb Adviser for the O?Uece plunges onwllld as the is losln# no time in buildinC and the almlmi cllations or me<"· Western · R.clion 8lld ~eel students in · Professor Stanlet toward the future. New equ1,.. It. closely with the planninc ol ~ Price's Introduction lo Radio ment, such as an electroalc ferences. He went lo seminar)' and Television take to tbe air. "mixer." is beinc plaaned wbicll

BSU selec~ new officers

Rec"""3' ~ etflcers ti Ille BSU are Carl CMk, pred­*-': 8-l:J• JleW. ,...,., .... ..,.; Valerie ...... recordle MCftbry; lteyla Hair, _..... ,......,~; J_G._ 1-. er-e-;· .. Deabe R-. -w.. imist-1 lttllllftJ'.

an<Y then was a proressor al • will aid in editing the radio Manchester College. Currently Don't miss lbe live\y new ra· progroma. be is living in Qulftter asalsling dio program on KNEX. "Mac A iow.powcr radio station is bis lather with the famil.Y ranch Action," 115 exciting inlervie~s also i n the oiling as Bob Smith and teachine at nearby Colby brine the news llnd CWTcllt opm· · is inquiring into 'the broadcast·

Around caff!pu~ Commuruly Junior College. ions on the McPherson campus. Ing rules or the FCC. The station · James Tomlonson craduated TbiS 5Prilli will 5l't? the pro- would be !inanc«I with commer-

from Mallcbesltt ~Ucce in 19- • ducilon al two TV programs, clal sponsors. 51. where he receiYcd a BS de- but ~ dates and content ol the As lor "l>fac Action," drama' gree. DurinC. 196US be served programs Is still not determined. and some programs ill the bu-aa Director of Development al morous vein may begin lo re. Pine Crest Manor iii Mount Although " Moc Action" is an place some of the interviews.

Hill. to irun for otfice ' Patrick Bill, sr., Coral Gab- . As stale membership cbair-

Bub P<iwrs will soon be pro­ducing n show on Orson Welles's "War al the Worlds~'

M· Club to host annual carnival

les. Fla., and presklmt ·ot "the man, run bu bet~ organize 11cPbcn011 ~ Y-c· Re- twenl.J new cbapt.en 111 coDeies ~. &Dl!.OllJICed bis can-• tbNuCboUt tbe ~-didacJ :toc SbN (llalrman or. -Ia lhe, sprinc ot 19. mu re.. ne 111 ,a• wm 11e ......, 11s the Kansas CoUece, RepiibUcan ceived the coveldl Taft Awanl, part ta 1-Ject •me ~ ~tloa al Topeka OD Kao- an award elven lo ' the ~nd- lala cam.- Die • It lleWa Ila - ~~ Jannary 30. Hill Is' iaC young_ Jletlul>Ucan of the. amal c:an1 .... 1 la • oa • ..-itJy erv.lnl as Vlce-cbalr- Midwest, n realon lncludint 16 s.uar.sa,, Marcla 7. man, 1n ~ of membenh!P. ,siatcs. ' ll&artlllS at 'l:•. • mem. cl tbe orpnizalloo. · Ai. nmnms on bis slate are:. - w111 '-We s- _.

• . Jim DePriell. ~ State prbes. wD lllcPllol9a ._ BID bas been M ad.I" _. Teacher's ColJece, ' llembersblp - ...., lllclr ill 111 . ...

... el Ille x- Oolle9e- Be: CW-: Bernie ZiJldSrafl, tJa. ...... Ille ...... ,..,.. ......... 1111 Cllllell! ~ ol s.aU.. Procrams a.me ., ... te.-.. --- · As ~·· ..... a.au-· Ba • Fleehl!Dod. ..... Ille ab ...... ...... ... alb .............. ~ Waslillara


UlllwnltJ, treaslnr: _,Ille,.._.... ...... _ .......S h dlb ........... Richard Wallltr, W Collece. ltll&. Tiie II Q6 la ~ ....... Dia .... ,_.~ ~ Oialrman; ,LiDda .. . ,. • ........., .. ... .. eWt .. ~ .... - Kelm; ~ Collete. ............. ~ .... ... lilr u elllMll a •I ' I' el. men'• CbalnnaD; amvenllon "llN • M __.. ~ • - ........ dlalrma - 81C1'11lm7'1111f1Jled.- .... ~ ... la& ., ....

THE LURE OF -COLORADO . ha.~ · overcome three members of the McPherson community: Two McPherson students, Garold , Minns and Carol KJementsen, will acompllny Rev. James E. Tomlon­son on a skjing trip to Winter Park this Saturday and Sunday.

Sponsored h.Y' the W eetem.Plains District o! ihe · Church of the Brethren !or college.age younir people, the group also includes eight other partici­pants . .

.--Many· misjudge· War critics

The wllllnpesa of many American cltizena to side with Vice President Spiro Apew'a characteri­sation of war protesters u "an effete corps of Im­pudent 8J\Obe" la a dlahoneet appra'illal of anti-war aentimentli and a aad commentary on the Silent Ka.­jonq.

Among "the proteateni are not onrY . the more liberal factions, such u at;udenta and educators, the rellgiablly concerned· 1a)lmen and '-clergy, .and the emotionally-involved fainlllee (Another Mother for Peace, for eX&mple), butt also the tradltlonally,con­iervatlve bualneaa and profe88lonal men. · '

:·' Bualnesa Executivea Move 1br Vietnam Peac& (BEK) la an organlza~oll .of bualneea owners and executives scattered arl*IDg 49 at.ates.

It believee that "The Vietnam War la contrary. to United States an'd worrd intei:-est.a" and, by open and lawful means;. "seeks to. encourage an end to "American participation in that war." ·

· In\ foll-pare ad In "The New York Times," BEK spoke out against Agiiew'a blanket ata~en~ and stated ' • • . we neit}ler bate barbers, our

:1!athert1, nor the eatabllahment." . .

. .''It is . our collective, pin-atrlped opinion that the· war·makea no moral, economic, dr legal sellll& . • • We _know how to make things run; how to. make money. Let ua see if we know how to make peace.'' '

•· "When· more tha; 2,600 buaineaa executives, . some of ;them holding war contracts, ·are war pr~·

testen, too, it seema that the ears of the Silent Ma.­jorjty wo~Jd open wider than they hrie for other an~-war mov~menta.

Student . examines· real issues ...

b7 Michael J, Loveleol • · )

J°"! Inv~ rome ol the ~ts which have de­veloped ~ oa.certaln pro­posed c~ prc$0llled by tho> i.tuden~ . • ~ }l!lve, ofter general observation, come- to the. con­clusion Ilia( the issue is much more basic than first would np-pcar. •

The question Is not really. 4S

many think, wbethc.- pre-martini sexual Int~ Is righl or wrong tolthough U$ Is a qucs­UonJ'"or should wo hove smok· Ing in the domis or no dorm hours or whatever. · · •

'Ibesc ore mere!y liYJllploms of the real issue.

beading yet. Let's wail and aiee

what tho consultants sa.y. " On the surface, this means

that the adininistrauon ii un­willing, yet. to move. ~. It mc11111 that the students should have no voice In the decisions soon to be made. -

" Walt for the consull4nts" means wait and see if they ap­prove of our proJ)OSllls, other­wise forget them.

u tho administrotioo Is Jadt. ing direclloo, let them take it froin us. No mailer who JlllY& for McPherson College, we, the students, ore what It is all about. Let us not · lake a bock seat in dctermlniog its future.

Pq-e Z, Tbe Speelalor, March s, mt•

Meal to depict popuJation worry

ll there are DO '°1aateeiw, II &40,000, • or IU percent ol tM pool. wm baw to be *died. '!"-~. lie ~ --. 1M and m 111 tbe i. ler7.~. • . new- e and eo ..- o1

tlill:YNr'• .~ ma,~-­~~ mile. tlie:r ... ellllble far - kind of ~ meat. 8tadent deftlnWllll ~ apcJll~ aDd .._ -'- draft Blllllllen baYe belli ftecbed or palled bt their Jo: c'al draft boarck will be lllbjeci& to IDiluctloo a1inolt tmm•l'M .. ly.

Current llltlmlUI sndlct thlt ., aboul mlf of ~ "llnt priorll1

lelec:tlim ll'OllP~ ol tbe da.ei o1 wn, im, and im Will be talcm.

Uttle, Malcolm. "A~hY. o1 Malcolm X." .. Grier, W.H. & P.M. CObba. '~Black Rap." Cte.Yer, ~dridp. "Soul.'oia Ice." . Goldatont Robert. "The Nepo Re.olutioa." Griffin, J. H. "Blac;k Like Me." . Bro;wD, Claude. "MaDchlld In The Promiaed Land." Hinch, PhD, ed. "Uaten White Man, I'm BIMdins." Wnsht; Richard. "Black Bo)'." • · Mynial.· Gunnar. "The American Dilemma." 'Bald~,_Jamea. "The Fire Next Tame." Ja,..; Davicl, ed. "Growini Up Black."

Coed-_ questions Loveless s view

ID repbo to "Siudad IUPU •I Mae," (Sped8tor, Feb. ZS, 1'70) by Mlduld J. Lo'l'desl.

I thank you !or endeavoring to broaden my views os best you' were able. But I find It necessary to submit these views for your cBi-efuJ considcrDUon.

Ibo college os "the Gestapo?" What have you aecompllshed by employing this nrunc colling technique? <You are renting a dorm room, and as 111\Y other property owner, l'le college bas eyery ri8b1 to protect !ta pro. pcrty. By the way, Is IL neces· sary for any damages to even he Incurred?>

v Some meo with high draft. nlimbera wbo are dropping tbetr defermeata ID hopes ol e:rpallaa

~·- to lnductkm fee1iDI they, 'fo'.OO't be callecl may f-

- blddeo donfen. What aumbSs will be readied

ID a g1vea yeir caDDOt be aa!ely i-ucted. Moref1V.er, once ,;, man has pven »up a clelermm&,

~ la DO - tbiit be may &et It back.

Alllo, tboee wbo are DGt JD. ducted durlo& tbelr )'e8l' ol prime expolUre do DOl ~ entireb1 exempt from lbe di-aa; they drop to a lower priorlf;1

clMeeory ltlll witblll Clau 1-A. • where they remain until age JI!,

or, If they bavc ooce beld ' a deferment, · until 35. • '

• Questlona abolit the dfal\ ,nli, be OOl"ll\'ftCI by . dn!t : couD.o. Jors, such as James Tomlonsca, as&OCia~ pastor o! iJle Colfuge Church of the· Bretbem, draft la js-s, and ·local drall ,boan!L"

Pastor travels ·' to Yale

I, too, would like to 4SSume more responsiblllties here on Mac cnmpus. Bui. 1 will not ob­tain these rcspo'ISiblllUce by loucllY clllimlllll them . os my rigbta O?d calling the admlnis­trallon ''the Sadducees ol Mc· Pbcr$oo Collogo."

Everyono bas to get away from it all once In o while, and for Dr. Harold Z. Bomberger,

Lastly, neither you nor I know pastor o! the °f;lcl'berson Oiurcb what Jesus ll'ould look like If of the Brethren, thla meant a Ile were present tDdiiy on earth. trip to Yale. Neither do we know wllllt me-

Do you'Bhow your capacit,y of ~vcl·headed thinking <which, in­cldently, is necessary to assume respoosibilitl~l by rekrlng to

thods be. -..-ould employ to, eff.ect Attending a conference who&o change. Are )'OU truly being per. · theme was "Science and ReU. sccuted? I'm sorry. Let's work i:ior>-tho t l'\Jture Mon," Reve­

n!nd Bomberler wos'exposed•to a .lot ·harder using the brains the ideBSl 'Qt: blologlsta, ·.genet1-

That's revolutionary control and manlj>ulaUoo of

The real Issue concerns wheth­er there Is one ~ble WIVJ of life, known by the admlnia· tration a.nd preseo!Ald to the atu­c!Ent. or that there aie varloua possible Ille styles to be examin­ed by the student ond accepted or reJeCl.l.'d os best,. lit bis-her lile.

=::v~~~. ::v:1"• ?:=W-& "God Forbid \l"e abould ever er IAnd." . The Specta~or genes . by science, experimental

theater In worship; • ilrug ttba-be twealy years without o re- 31 "Many a bwn, show hos Vol. 5' lfudl 1, UJt N .. JI bllll4lion. 4nc1 bomosexualily.

The llrst demands 0 bomogen­lous grouif which excludes any who don't accept the correct. The second allows o beterogen. cius group which can ex=lnc lind experiment wltb the various life styles ond perhaps create new ones while always keep~ on openness to the alternatives through' direct lntttactlon with Ju; ptoP<>neots <which I feel II a more reallstlc attitude con. lidl!rin& todv's world lltuatlonl •.

In ~~ the ~ Tlew I support our recent propouJs f0r a voice ID our OWi!' Uva.

LaleQo, an ._ prl'llOlali:-bne

~ met with tbe arca:neai. "We Ube admlniltntJoAl cloa't

.lmow which .wlQ' the ooUece II

bellloo." been saved by the !lag." 4 l Ottklal •"*"• PobllcaU.. of Kol · · · • rec1' Sound reYO~uUollllr)'? Indeed •'TbQ hlgbe~ virtue Is always :~~~ ~.,.1~~ ~..,; • ~ program was spooso

• u.. s .s.. ..n... by the Nevi Haven i>lsc;plea' ro, but It's all part of tbe BiDh_lst the law." Sl "The po. . ~-> .i..:\'-s ~ ~~ House, EcWneolcaJ OonUoulni American Way. n.ese words licunOll isn't there ea ~ .turlas ••II... ~"4 c1uo Education Ctoter at ·vale DI­

belong to our olten-quoted Iott>- • dl9order. "Be'• tbett to Pre- ~ '!t'~.-. uaio.~ v· ... , ... School. - ·.

father, Tbomas Jef!ef'ROn. ~ disorder." \ •:L btt _.,,

Recently publithed by Grove Would you believe: ll Helen , ... •;,_of lloif "-lated ~.. 'Ibis center bAs been conduct·.

Pr.-• "The ~lie· ~ -~• ~·~· 21 Mart 'l'Waln. 3l Geu- .:.o;;irz ··~•lion 1a U.8.A. . Ing a proaram .. for' cleriY aim!- '

alid Blue Boot: ·~liitiOtiary lie l4. ~ 4) , Jl.alpb W~ ·o- - la U.S.. lu' to tboee c0aducte5-by tDec1'­Quol8tlool by Great ~ Emerton, and 51 jhat. WnoUI A. - n .u. _ . cal scbooll wbldl brinl dOetori cw," edited, by-.!n"'::i! !Ap- , -..olutionary, ~yor JUchard .. ft.~u:,..= 1,!"1t,~,:_ •"'" back to ICbool IO brinl tbenl"

pleseedl RosB.: 1

Just J. Daley. - 11ta1r tqHo-dale oa the late.t develop.-what It ~I ulouib' no lllQ .bmliDe tho 1la"'9e Oonmt" ~tor--:=_ 8.!::. ~ menb ID medicine. , .

~ .urpr-iled · ·It lncliidea. ' tee OD Unamerlcan Acllvltles ?.:J:.:;:=---=."= . ~ - ol U- .CGDlimo . Tell ;your ~o~' ~· I file OD this one: NJn& of or- • ~ . mg experlencel may be . qabe

hlge OD ~ 1l ''I .cbl'~ '!ve polzatlon, :Rj11cilutlonaritl ~~I.. :; ~::. ~ '.'F,adlcal,'' lbe Initial tbrult of, a . damn abOGt Mmk~ll." ~; Founder 'Jbomm lolla'. lllllor • ,_ w..__ tbll Jll'acram II aimed 1111n It

2l "I• am a -~ I Jell~; · a-t.· Dedlntlo9 :.. -.=, _ "ttirmletq tbe !mectnetke ..S

-am OllP-' IO • llrflnl the ol IMepeedence: J>uaJNrd. ·~ ==....-!_~-"'.~ R11,L! awabalae•-,dMlre'.,.~. -aie pat It. talGill OD 1111 • pie.~ ' . •• , ~ ~~ -:-J::.r-.;; aJl!I leup. .. ~ . - . T

'I· . I

. 'Has the small college-a fature?~


... rllle ., ,__ ciellept, .... ....., i... u.e.....,.. ar sno&­................. adlMla. ... ....,., ... Ille emi9m ., -tr llUlft1llCe _. --ar ceulils•Jt'.

Lookiiig. aheed, Oommaeer fltat delbleate9 what be Ceela­tbe college aboald not do, that ii, CCllltlnue teaching elementary

--in obvloua aubjecta, CO& pcte with unlvenlties lllld pro­fsalonal ICboola. and provide lntroductlona or IRlr'W1• or al-molt eveiythbis. •

He glya .b tblnp tbe amaI1 eoDece lhould do. •• . , Mactikndar . Illtlllfandabould~"aman.

• • simple; and relatively unorcan-.

"· l .

Shriver w'ill select students

· Tb~y, March S ;_ Conv0catlon, Clinton T. beil." -Dufty, former warden of .San Quentin ,prieon, 9 Secaod, It &bould apeed up tbe a.lll,. Brown Auditorium. · . process or formal ed""8tion. A · · Frida.)', M~ 6 '-- "Cat Ballou," 9 p.m., 60c three-year degree Pl'.OllJ'UD was

admlaalon. . , . ~ · Saturda)', Much 7..;.. FSACCK meeting, Mac 'l'liw. It ....W ..,_ .,

Shack, l:80 p.m.; M Club Carnival, gym, 7:80 p.m. u.e Wea ., la .... ,.....

· Frt-S.t:, Mai-ch 6-7 - Annual Trustee Meet- Commaaier 11 dP.' la _...,..

Ing; 'McPherson College campus; Ka118a8 Home lq llaat .. ..,... will•..., .. £conoblica Association Conference at K-State. lolenle ..mas- el lllelr

· · T-.da,., Mai-ch 10 - 'Chapel, 9 a.m., Bz:own .:.::!r ~ .. tlleir

Auditorfuni. . · · · . · Tburaclay', March 12 - Convocation, tum: ~ ·= d= :'!!: !! ''ISD-~ht or fnsani. ty," 9· a.m., Brown .Auditor- in ~L- _...._ _ __._.

f -~. -u--um. · • In< housing, dining, lllld IOCla1

- Frf..Sun., March -13·15 ...,. . Brethren Regional locllldes, libraries with long

Youth Conference. · . ,,. • hours, and Immunity Crom or-

• Saturday, Marcia lit - Spanish Teachers Meet- dlniiry# ~ ol·tbe law. Ing. ·. • . Oommanger sugges1a lhlt 'stu-

Two Kaua 4lh dlJtrlet eol- Unlfenlt, fa Wichita. 11 dlalr­lcce ltudeata wlJl be lelected to mu or the pane1. ·

r«elve lnWnlhlps in U.S. iteP. Appllcatloaa ror the Pl'Oll'uD G11n1er E. Shriver'a IR.Kan.> are atalbble Crom faca1tJ .P..,. W&lhlngtoo office ror a five e1 meaibera 00 eec11 e&lllPlll. ar week period beChmlng June 11, tbrouCb · ~ Sllriftr'• 1970. dlllriCt omc. fa Wlcblta mid

A f~Jcy ScreenJnc and ~ Butchinui.

coml'lleildaUolll panel, IDcJud. : Deadllne Cdr appUcatioa. II inC • faculty ~- .• fl'om each college and Junior March 31• .JJ'IO. • college In the 4th difltrlct w111· A ecbolastlc record and ~

·recelve applications and 'mate ~outlnll~~..' the ~~~ recommendations to him. ._.._ ""' procram •w. .,.

Prof PhlJlp Negley 11! Fr1eGc1s ttqUlred by the. CacullJ ~ • ' studeota who bfve com~

their IOPhomore year and are

- ~ resideota ol the T.-17

Talks -to explore intervention ~r;;::~ , :..?1

ooplllLicsc or°'the~~-"' .. :· -~ to Vietnam -in 19158 quallly him join Gonsales and Johnson al a Nuto will give cone!~ re- ~!,z~ In~~~ ~:' ~ .._ ~ ... "'"' - as a spokesman against the war. r .m. SalurdQY 10 discuss "Jn. rnma. _,,.....,.. """ ........ -M """"'

• nUa! Kansaa Institute· or Inter- "Does the U.S. Prnctloe Im- tervention, IsolaUonism, the u. Recent boob and pmnpblets It' started in 1~:· Shriver aald. -

national Relallona, lo bo Friday perlallsm Abroad and at N., Regional Association-What on International relations, raclal ''Through thil program, 1 am

• throl.fgh Sunday, Mardi N, at. Homet" is the topic or Rudlopb Are Our Options?" problems, and related subjects · try!nc lo provide N- ~pportunlty

' Alexander Audlloriiim, Friends "Corlcy" Gonzales hicture at u Dctly ·Richardson Nute, born wlll be on display on the book for co~ge ~ to ~ ' trnlvcrs'it)!, Wichita. a.m. Saturday. In England ond o naturalized tobles. Most will be ror sale · flnl-hand about ~. oporationa

~.! .Led~ and ~ by lotr G--·-• d'~- U S 'ti?A!11 ·"'-.. ed Ith and some wlll bo tree. and reapooalb~ ,of a con-. • . ' ........ es, U'-"<'Wr or tho Cru- . . CJ • ,...., serv w -ealoual oUl-. -"~ "'ve •L--.~oke<a will comprise tbe three- sade ror Justice ·in Denver, was the British· R«I Cross and was . ... - ..... "' ~

dQY progam. co-leader or the AFSC ~co- a Research • QD3}y~lnteroga. - Pare S. 'l1le Spedalor, a ~lo partjd'piite In the

Student tickets for each ses- Guatanato Trove! Seminar, tor with the Internal .MiUlllF)' lfareb 5, lt7t wort ol the le~ branch."

&Ion ore 50 cents, or $2 for all Februory, 1970 .. A successful 'frlbunal, Nuremberg, and the

sessions. Regular Ucketa are businessman, latge!y scU-<!d- U.S. Chief or Counsel for Wnr

$1.50 nod $5. ticated, and leader or the Chic- Crimes, .i3erlln. al5-48.

DOOglas Henderson, Deputy aoo OollllDUlllty in Denver, Goo- • Since l!IG6 with AFSC, 5he is

U.S. Represcntotive to the Or- zolcs ls also octh•e in polllics now Prc;:rom Associate or the

conlzotion or American SUltes, 1 and ls now' writing a book for Quaker United Nllllons Program

will gi\-e the opening lecture Hott. Rinehart and WlllSlt>n. with special respo:isiblilt.y for

Friday al a p.m. on "U.S. Latin At 2 p.m. Salurday, a panel of Latin Ameri.:a. ~has traveled

American Pollcy." Cocully and members or the widely, her most recent t.-lp be-

Douglas was U.S. Ambossodo~ Mexico • Guotemata Seminar or . Ing a visit to Cui>n In 1969.

to Bolivia, 1963-68, and has Fe~. '1970, will d iscuss "New Directions for U.S. For­

served other oss1gnment.s Abroad · "Mexico and Guatemala: Case eign Policy" will be lhe final

as 11 Caree!' U.S. Fl>reign Ser· Studies in DllCering American lecture by fiwsell Johnson at

vice Officer In ~ Chile Foreign Policies?" 3 p.m. SUndQY. Peril, and , S;.,ltzerllind. ; . ' '. Bctt.y Rlchal'dson Nute will Following tho lecture, • Mrs.

Russell Johnson, Peaoc Ed· ui:auon. Secretary or the New EaBIAnd Office or tbe Amcri~ ~ Service Commitloe, wll1 ipeak oii "Vietnam to dibo" Saturday at 9 a.m.: '

ii'.XOm· d.9GI~. Johnson was Director or Quaker .Conferences

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